DMC 2008-05
DMC 2008-05
DMC 2008-05
2.1 To ensure that watershed management plans are consistent with the
Watershed and Ecosystem Management (WEM) framework;
Copyright 1994-2022 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Environment and Natural Resources 2022 First Release 1
2.2 To strengthen convergence and collaboration between and among
various agencies, and other stakeholders; TIaEDC
4.1. Forest — land with an area of more than 0.5 hectare and tree crown (or
equivalent stocking level) of more than 10 percent. The trees should be
able to reach minimum height of 5 meters of maturity in situ. It consists
either of closed forest formations where trees of various storeys and
undergrowth cover a high proportion of the ground cover or open forest
formations with a continuous vegetation cover in which tree crown
cover exceeds 10 percent. Young natural stands and all plantations
established for forestry purposes, which have yet to reach a crown
density of more than 10 percent or tree height of 5 meters are included
under forest.
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4.5 Watershed Management — the process of guiding and organizing land
and other resource uses in a watershed to provide desired goods and
services without adversely affecting soil, water and other natural
• Geographical location
• Vulnerability assessment
• Forest ecosystem
• Upland ecosystem
• Grassland ecosystem
• Lowland/Urban ecosystem
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• Coastal and marine ecosystem
a. SWOT Analysis
7.3 Gathering and analysis of all identified primary and secondary data,
including supporting maps.
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• Resolutions
When a particular watershed straddles two or more regions, the region which
covers the largest portion shall lead in the preparation of the plan.
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Watershed Management Plans.
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Output Requirements Office
A. Preparatory/Initiation
Activities (Cross-cutting)
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2. Primary Data Gathering
b. Writeshops
* would depend on area & accessibility, population, presence of development projects, number
of municipalities and barangays, lack of secondary data, insufficiency of funds of the other
sectors (needed in the characterization report), technical capability of WMPT, and adequacy
of watershed characterization report SDTcAH
Describe the importance of the watershed. Include watershed name, total area,
location in terms of provinces, municipalities, and barangays covered (as appropriate).
Include IWMP purpose of characterization.
The narrative report on the present condition of the watershed shall be consistent with
the thematic maps. Data shall as much as practicable be broken down by subwatersheds.
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Discuss the watershed area (in ha.), its administrative jurisdiction, relative
geographical location, and coordinates supported by base map and location maps. DIEACH
Describe the topography of the watershed (slope, elevation and land forms), exposure
and drainage patterns; Include the geo-morphological features of the watershed.
Discuss how geo-morphological features influence the amount and velocity of water
moving over land surfaces, their effects on soil erosion potential, suitability to various land
A. Watershed-shape Parameters:
1. Area
Discuss the effects of peak flow and time for flood flow to reach a
given station. cETDIA
Discuss the relationship of the basin form factor with intense rainfall.
3. Bifurcation ratio
Discuss the ratio of the number of streams (in the watershed) of any
given order to the number of the streams in the next lower order and
its influence on flood discharges.
4. Elongation ratio
Discuss the ratio between the diameter of a circle with the same area
as the watershed and the maximum length of the watershed (which is
the distance from the outlet to the farthest point in the watershed).
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the basin to the basin perimeter.
6. Basin length
Discuss the measure from the outlet of basin to its drainage divide.
B. Watershed-Relief Features
3. Elevation
4. Slope
Discuss the mean slope, slope maps, and maximum valley slope.
C. Channel Morphology.
Describe the drainage net of a watershed and correlate the hydrologic and
sediment characteristics within the watershed using Cross section and profile;
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Sinuosity index (SI); Stream ordering; and Stream length. DHTECc
1. Drainage density
DS = N = number of streams
–– –––––––––––––––
A area of watershed
Discuss the distance over which runoff will flow before concentrating
into permanent channels.
Fl = 1
2 Dd
Indicate and discuss the general geological composition, formation, age and lithology
relative to map of Geo-hazard areas/Seismicity of areas near fault lines. Relate watershed
geology to its hypsometry and its influence in the erosion cycle of the watershed.
Discuss the geological feature (textural and structural) of the watershed in relation to
soil and water. Support with a geologic map. Discuss also whether there are indications of
underground water, seepage, and filtration. Indicate the effects of the geological feature on
the watershed hydrology. Data may be accessed from the Mines and Geosciences unit of the
DENR or from other concerned Offices. cEAIHa
2.1.4 SOIL
Indicate and discuss major soil type condition and characteristics, and erosion
susceptibility based on soil map. Include the influence of soil characteristics and infiltration
capacity of watersheds and subsequent surface runoff, groundwater recharge and related
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processes. Assess soil characteristics relative to the suitability of an area for crop production.
B. Soil structure
Discuss the quality of soil that enables it to transmit water or air (very slow,
slow, moderately slow, moderate, moderately rapid, rapid, and very rapid).
D. Erosion Condition
Describe the area affected by various types of soil erosion prevailing in the
watershed area such as:
• Non-slight erosion
• Moderate erosion
• Severe erosion
Each degree or type of soil erosion should be presented by areas (in hectares)
and supported with maps.
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E. Soil Fertility
Discuss pH, plant nutrient and organic matter content, and origin of parent
material (e.g., limestone, volcanic, alluvial, etc.)
F. Soil Depth
Discuss the conduct of soil survey and analysis. Collect soil samples from the
upper, middle, and lower elevations. Bring collected soil samples to the
laboratory for analysis. Secondary data will suffice, if this information is
available in other concerned agencies.
Discuss the extent of Alienable and Disposable Lands (A&D) and forestlands in
terms of area coverage within watershed. Present the extent of area in tables and land
classification map.
The WMPT can use available system of land capability classification developed by
the USDA Soil Conservation Service, or adopt the Land Management Unit (LMU) approach
being employed by BSWM.
Make a survey of the land uses, either in the field or in the office using recently taken
aerial photographs or satellite imageries. Most land uses, especially those that involve human
interventions, affect soil properties of a watershed.
Discuss the prevailing and actual manner in the utilization of land, its allocation,
development, and management. Discuss further its existing land-use type per municipality
and extent (in ha.), supported by tables.
Obtain land-based maps from BSWM-DA and forest cover maps for the country from
NAMRIA. If resources are sufficient, gather also past and recent satellite imageries from
various concerned sources. AaITCS
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• Land Use Category:
• Built-up areas
• Barren Land
• Lahar
• Inland Water
• Fishpond
• Agriculture areas
• Forest
Discuss this portion based on existing land use, tenurial arrangements and
existing/proposed foreign-assisted and locally-funded projects in the watershed. Support
discussion with the Municipal/Provincial land use map.
Indicate the climate type where the area belongs. Include climatic data on actual
precipitation (rainfall distribution, pattern, intensity, amount, and extreme rainfall events, air
temperature, evaporation, relative humidity and wind direction or velocity, if available).
Where a weather station does not exist within the watershed, inferences may be drawn from
climatic data obtained from the nearest PAG-ASA weather station.
Include data on surface run-off, stream flow or discharge, soil erosion and sediment
load. cSEaTH
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Relate description with the drainage map. The following data are needed:
• Drainage pattern
• Sedimentation
Discuss the streamflow rate and quality by using a wide variety of methods and
instrumentations. Data can be generated through various means, such as rainfall-streamflow
relationship and modeling.
Discuss the vegetation analysis in determining the composition, type and structure of
plant communities, volume and density of trees, and percent ground and canopy cover in a
Use aerial photographs and remotely sensed imageries of vegetation distribution and
quality information, as available. AcDaEH
Present the existing forest cover, including species composition of the supported by
vegetative cover map. Results shall be presented in terms of volume, biodiversity indices,
and/or endangered/threatened status. Use FAO land/forest cover categories:
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Other Wooded Land
• Shrubs
• Wooded grassland
Other Lands
• Grassland
• Marshland
• Annual Crop
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• Perennial Crop
2.2.2 FAUNA
Describe and analyze the socio-economic features of the watershed. Discuss the roles
of the various stakeholders within the watershed that influence the watershed sustainability.
The WMPT can use the following primary data collection tools: informal survey,
direct observation, use of key informants, group or individual interviews, iterative
discussion/village-level participatory workshop, and formal verification survey. cDACST
Gather information on the number of population segregated by sex, age, and their
distribution in the watershed area, by barangay. Tabulate data by barangay and attach as
appendix. These data may be taken from the office of the Barangay Captain or Office of the
Mayor. Make appropriate graphs and tables. Relate discussion on the population map. cDSAEI
Indicate age range and dependency ratio of the present population within the locality
or affected areas. Classify according to age classes. Use this information to estimate the
number of potential workers or participants in the watershed.
Gather data from the municipal office or the Barangay Captains. These data should be
tabulated for presentation.
Present level of income of the occupants based on their present occupation. Discuss
Copyright 1994-2022 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Environment and Natural Resources 2022 First Release 19
the average annual household income per municipality and primary sources of livelihood in
the community. Validate these during the field visits.
Discuss the major source of livelihood in the community with respect to agriculture,
fishery, forestry, mining and quarrying trade and industry, financing network and other
industry type.
Discuss birth, mortality statistics, as well as the medical services in the community.
Generate statistics on the educational level of the people, and social services available in the
area. Tabulate the data.
Discuss the accessibility of the project area and the means of transportation available.
Data on this may be taken from the roadmap of the municipality. Indicate also the frequency
of trips per day. Gather data during field visits.
Indicate the existing and potential eco-tourism and recreational spots in the locality
and the number of visitors in the area's tourist spots.
Discuss accredited or non-accredited NGOs within the area and the services
rendered and extended to people in community development projects. Indicate
dialects spoken by the people. DETcAH Religion
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Indicate the religious affiliation of the various households in the community. Political
Discuss the activities and cultural patterns, motivation, reaction, perception, and
folkways of the indigenous peoples and other occupants in the watershed. Include their
positive and negative responses and attitudes, along with their reasons, towards projects and
Identify the Hazard and Critical Factor Analysis for the following: Landslide and Soil
Erosion, Flood, Fire, Deforestation and Biodiversity Loss, Water Pollution, and others.
Determine the hazards in terms of their impact to communities and present coping-up
mechanisms, and gender sensitivity.
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Discuss both the identified and potential environmental issues and problems and
opportunities for each ecosystem in the watershed, based on the analysis of the data
presented earlier. TaDAHE
• Forest Ecosystem
• Upland Ecosystem
• Grassland Ecosystem
• Lowland/Urban Ecosystem
The following maps (with the scale of 1:50,000) shall be submitted and be correlated
along with the narrative discussion. The maps should be properly dated and referenced.
Mapping conventions in terms of legends and colors, positioning as legends, etc. should be
observed and followed.
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Level to gently sloping 0-8%
Moderate 8-18%
Steep 18-30%
Very steep 30-50%
Severely steep above 50%
Map showing the soil physiological properties and location of soil sampling
• Build-up area
• Forest
• Production
• Protection
• Agriculture
• Ricefield
• Cornland
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• Plantation
• Other fruits
• Livestock Farm
• Fishponds
• Prawn Farms
• Saltbeds
• Others
• Memorial Park
• Development projects
• Foreshore leases
• Private lands
• NIPAS areas
• IFMA/SIFMA areas
• Military reservation
• Watershed Reservations
• Communal forest
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• Others
Non-slight erosion
Moderate erosion
Severe erosion
Very severe erosion
Map indicating the size of the population per settlement group within the
watershed. IEcDCa
The WMPT shall analyze data gathered based on the integrated and participatory
management, development, and rehabilitation requirements of the watershed in relation to
the interrelationships of problems and issues existing from the forests down to the coastal
areas. As such, the nature and extent of best watershed uses shall be based on the quantity
and quality of stream flow, rate of sedimentation, level of biodiversity, and economic
activities to be maintained by stakeholders under sustainable watershed management. STaCcA
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The WMPT could use any analysis tool depending on the availability of information,
the peculiarity of the watershed, and the capacity of the team.
1. SWOT Analysis
• SWOT analysis should distinguish between what is the condition of the area
today, and what it could be in the future.
• Keep your SWOT short and simple. Avoid complexity and over analysis.
• SWOT is subjective.
a) The problem can be broken down into manageable and definable categories.
This enables a clearer prioritization of factors and helps focus objectives;
b) There is more understanding of the problem and its often interconnected and
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even contradictory causes. This is often the first step in finding win-win
c) It identifies the constituent issues and arguments, and can help establish who
and what the political actors and processes are at each stage; IESTcD
e) Present issues — rather than apparent, future or past issues — are dealt with
and identified;
a. Does this represent the reality? Are the economic, political and socio-cultural
dimensions to the problem considered?
b. Which causes and consequences are getting better, which are getting worse
and which are staying the same?
c. What are the most serious consequences? Which are of most concern? What
criteria are important to us in thinking about a way forward?
a. List all the problems that come to mind. Problems need to be carefully
identified: they should be existing problems, not possible, imagined or future
ones. The problem is an existing negative situation, it is not the absence of a
b. Identify a core problem (this may involve considerable trial and error before
settling on one).
d. Arrange in hierarchy both Causes and Effects, i.e., how do the causes relate to
Copyright 1994-2022 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Environment and Natural Resources 2022 First Release 27
each other — which leads to the other.
For the DENR field offices to perform GIS tasks, the following components are
needed: (i) People — with background and/or interested to work in GIS; (ii) Data —
availability and accuracy of the data can affect the integrity of the produced thematic maps;
(iii) Hardware — hardware capabilities can affect processing speed, ease of use, and the type
output available; (iv) Software — different GIS softwares available could be used; this
include not only actual GIS software but also various database, drawing, statistical, imaging,
and other softwares; and (v) Procedure — analysis requires well-defined, consistent methods
to produce accurate, reproducible results.
To prepare GIS-based thematic maps of the watershed, any of the following data
sources could be used depending on what is available: hardcopy maps (sometimes referred to
as analogue maps); aerial photographs; remotely sensed imagery; point data samples from
surveys (e.g., GPS readings); and existing digital data files. However, it is important to use
the Topographic Map of NAMRIA (with scale of 1:50,000) as reference in preparing the
base map of the watershed.
There are several techniques for inputting spatial data into a GIS: manual digitizing;
automatic scanning; entry of coordinates using coordinate geometry; and conversion of
existing digital data.
The GIS output could be used as inputs for watershed planning purposes and bases
for decision-making. Areas need immediate interventions could be identified through
watershed modeling (e.g., hydrological, sedimentation or erosion modeling).
The analyses of the data gathered during the characterization phase shall be based on
the development and rehabilitation requirements of the watershed in relation to the problems
on deforestation and the general loss of the soil fertility due to soil erosion or the rapid
destruction of soil organic matter. These are as follows:
Copyright 1994-2022 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Environment and Natural Resources 2022 First Release 28
a) For Open, cogonal, and degraded areas = Reforestation;
Should there be other appropriate tools made available, these would provide
additional analysis and determine several options for development interventions in a
Copyright 1994-2022 CD Technologies Asia, Inc. Environment and Natural Resources 2022 First Release 29
State the vision and mission statements for long term (25 years), medium-term (5 to
10 years) and annual-term period.
State the goals and objectives (general and specific) and expected outputs of the
Discuss the scope and limitation in the preparation of the development plan in
relation to existing situation and capacities.
Discuss the processes and methodologies involved in the formulation of the IWMP.
A. Preparatory activities
B. Watershed Characterization
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a. Consultation and coordination meetings
d. Transect walks
e. Community mapping
a. GIS analysis
i. Soil erodibility/susceptibility
iv Others
e. Financial analysis
f. Others
Describe the importance and show relationships among different activities and
processes undertaken to justify decisions and recommendations.
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The formulation of IWMP should conform with the annotated outline.
A more detailed description of the methodology used in coming up with the IWMP
may be written and could be included as an annex.
5. Main Strategies
This section shall present the extent of the remaining forest cover, types and forest
categories. It should also reflect how the forest will be managed and protected, potential in
restoring forest cover in denuded forestlands as well as the roles and responsibilities of
stakeholders in the management of forests and forestlands.
The presentation of any or combination of, but not limited to the following
management interventions and strategies be made per sub-watershed basis and in the order of
Discuss the potential for maximizing water yield, quality and security (i.e., for the
benefit of the downstream users).
Discuss conflicts of interest over water use between upstream and downstream users
within the watershed areas. How can such conflicts be resolved?
• Adherence to water code, clean water act and other related legislation and
issuances. aHTDAc
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• Adoption of water conservation measures
• Erodible areas
a. Tenured Areas
Discuss the areas under existing tenure instruments. State whether all tenure
instrument holders subscribe to the sustainable management of the forestlands and resources
under their stewardship.
State all areas to be placed under protection as mandated under existing rules
and regulations, such as areas 1000 meters above sea level, areas 50% in slope
and above, wilderness areas, mangrove areas, 20 meters both sides of the
river, established buffer zones, identified watershed areas which are initial
components of NIPAS, geologically hazardous and vulnerable areas.
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• Forest Control and Fire management
• Infrastructure Development
2. Enrichment Planting
3. Agroforestry
b. Untenured Areas
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1. Community Based Forest Management Agreement
4. Co-Management Agreement
7. Memorandum of Agreement
8. Adopt-a-Mountain
9. Grazing Management/Pasture
Discuss the management interventions in the coastal areas to address issues and
6. Support Activities
• Consultations;
• Workshop;
• Training;
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• Broadcast media; and
• Cross-watershed visits.
Discuss the capacity building strategies for the IWMPT and various
stakeholders within the watersheds such as trainings, cross visits and study
Indicate the M&E system to be adopted. The M&E system to be used shall
show the progress of project (performance) with regard to the development
and management activities and impacts.
Discuss the main development strategies that will gauge the success and
failure of the project. Indicate the level of coordination, cooperation and
involvement of the different stakeholders in the project implementation. HaIESC
g. Reporting
Discuss how the reporting system will be undertaken taking into consideration
the analysis on the performance in managing the watershed vis-a-vis the
approved integrated management interventions and activities, resources and
time frame.
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h. Administration and supervision
The Regional Office shall approve the plan. However, this shall be subject to review
and affirmation by a Watershed Multisectoral Technical Evaluation Committee (WMTEC) in
the Central Office.
• Resolutions
B. Institutional Arrangements
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future planning and management activities.
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