GMDSS Arya Pemalang
GMDSS Arya Pemalang
GMDSS Arya Pemalang
A Ship in distress which transmit a distress MMSI If your DSC-HF is transmiting a 6215 kHz The origanator on distess massage transmison
master on board
According to intern Training ship IMARSAT also provide a maritime safety information
EGC To change a direct curent Rectifier
According to imo maritime Global
In acoordance with STCW 1974 Certificat of To change a direct current (ower..) Inverter
According to SOLAS 1974 518 kHz competency
To change an alternating current Rectifier
According to SOLAS 1974 amanded .February 99 In acordance with the solas 74 requipmen GMDSS A
radar...with 3 cm wave length To discover what kind of EPIRB you have frequency
According to SOLAS 1974 Regulation 15 Every...2 of of the EPIRB
the 3 methods In addtiond to ITU Radio Pilot communication
Urgency call shall be. Pan pan spoken three
According to SOLAS 9.2-97 GHz In completion of a distress communication Silonce
feencee VHF Chanel 16 is Phase Modulation
According to the convention .VHF...Ch.16,MF-
DSC....frequency 2182 kHz In indonesia the institusion Harbour master VHF Radio is a kind line of sight comuni
Acording SOLAS 1974 requipment with spare 1 one In long time used of e baterry the poles baking When 2 or more batery parallel Ampere will increase
HOURS soda...water
When 2 or more batery serial voltage will increase
Acording sollas 1974 requipment a without a 6 six IN radiotelephony three are Single side band
hours When a person is over board Distrees
INMARSAT Epirb is Working on 1.6 GHz
Acording to SOLAS 1974 All sea...not including sea When a ship station is transmiting keep ..and answer
area A1.. INMARSAT provides free EGC
When an INMARSAT EPIRB is activated NCS
Acording to Solas 1974 An area..continuous INMARSAT ships terminal can IMN
When DSC EPIRB Is activated ,trasmision DSC VHF
International organization responsibel on chanel 70
Acording to SOLAS 1974 requipment for activaciont SPECTRUM ITU
Manual ,auto and remotaly
When you discover that Switch of the transmitter
International organization responsibel mobile satelit
Acording to the GMDSS .2182 KHz service is IMSO
When you have 4 baterry with same capci 12 V and
80 Ah
An IAMSAR manual 3 volumes Iternational organization the GMDSS radio operator
When you hear an annaouncement of false 8414.5
An information trasmited by Modulation KHz.
Lead batteries are mostly 2.0 volt
Base on IMO Model all answers are are When you read preamble of a navtex Meteorological
Lut in EPIRB transmision system local user terminal warning
Below are respective route EPIRB-SATELIT-LUT-MCC-
RCC.... Measuring capacity of a lead baterry.Volt meter or When you read table on a Coast Telex
Below equipment s are included BNWAS When you switch on sart ON stand by mode
Measuring capasity of NI-Cad batery Volt meter
Comunicatin charge in radiotelephony Coast ...,land When your EPIRB is transmitting Nearest coats Radio
line..,and land stasion charge MF Radio is a kind Sky wave prop
When your ship is POR and /or
Comunication charges in INMARSAT Service...,land MMSI for individual / personal 8 (Eight)
line AA Sucarger
Which is the appropriat frequency frequency 2182 kh
MMSI of a ship can be found ITU List V
Distress alerting using MF-DSC .2187.5 KhZ
Working Frequencies for 406 NHz 121.5 MHz.
Principle rearding ships radio Section A-VIII / 2 Part
Distress call by telephone Mayday spoken three 4-3
Distress call from a ship means in imminent ....need Relation ship between radio.. Constant...x
imediate asistence frequeency
Distress lelephony comuication Mayday SART can only introgated by X-Band radar
Working....freq 10 GHz
DSC Safety massage 2 massage
Ship station receving a Acknowledgemen by DSC
DSC Distress massage 4 four massage
SSAS is abbriviated Ship security Alarm
DSC that there were a call from station with coast
Station Telegram charge generally BASIC ..,coast line..and
land charge
Every GMDSS ship 300 gt 3 units of portable VHF
Telegram coast from ships special drawing righ
Every GMDSS ship SOLAS 1974 champater IV
The function of network Co ordinating
Every persons who .STCW Cod section A-IV Assigning ,control,and monitoring
Every ship of 300 gt.SOL 74 chap IV The GMDSS Radio .Obser.. of secrecy
Every SSR Shall be Uncertanity phase,alert phase The GMDSS requiretmen firstly February 92