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Summative Test

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14. What will happen if one light bulb is removed from a series D.

D. The battery will become more durable.

circuit? 15. How do you prevent from experiencing electric shock at
A. The other bulbs will not work. home?
B. The other bulbs will get dimmer. A. Recycle blown up fuse.
C. The other bulbs will get brighter. B. Plug electrical appliances with wet hand.
D. The battery will become more durable. C. Regularly check household wirings.
15. How do you prevent from experiencing electric shock at D. Continue using worn-out extension wire.
home? 16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about
A. Recycle blown up fuse. safety devices used at home? Safety devices ___
B. Plug electrical appliances with wet hand. A. are used to prevent electric shock
C. Regularly check household wirings. B. cut the flow of current in case of overloading
D. Continue using worn-out extension wire. C. are used to provide alternative route for current in the
16. Which of the following statements is NOT TRUE about case of a grounded circuit
safety devices used at home? Safety devices ___ D. supply unsteady amount of voltage to protect appliances
A. are used to prevent electric shock against overloading
B. cut the flow of current in case of overloading 17. When do you consider repairing electrical wirings at home? It
C. are used to provide alternative route for current in the is when ___
case of a grounded circuit A. a newly bought extension cord is used.
D. supply unsteady amount of voltage to protect appliances B. electrical appliances are in good condition.
against overloading C. fuses blow out or circuit breakers trip off frequently.
17. When do you consider repairing electrical wirings at home? It D. lights do not flicker even if other appliances are turned
is when ___ on.
A. a newly bought extension cord is used. 18. What will happen if one light bulb is removed from a parallel
B. electrical appliances are in good condition. circuit?
C. fuses blow out or circuit breakers trip off frequently. A. The other bulbs will not work.
D. lights do not flicker even if other appliances are turned B. The other bulbs will get dimmer.
on. C. The other bulbs will continue to light.
18. What will happen if one light bulb is removed from a parallel D. Some bulbs will get dimmer and some will get brighter.
circuit? 19. Why is earthing used at home?
A. The other bulbs will not work. A. To prevent short circuit.
B. The other bulbs will get dimmer. B. To cut the circuit in case of overloading.
C. The other bulbs will continue to light. C. To reduce the resistance of the appliance.
D. Some bulbs will get dimmer and some will get brighter. D. To provide alternative route of upsurge current in case of
19. Why is earthing used at home? grounded circuit.
A. To prevent short circuit. 20. It is a device that maintains steady supply of voltage to your
B. To cut the circuit in case of overloading. appliances at home.
C. To reduce the resistance of the appliance. A. fuse C. circuit breaker
D. To provide alternative route of upsurge current in case of B. resistor D. voltage regulator
grounded circuit. 21. What is the SI unit of current?
20. It is a device that maintains steady supply of voltage to your A. ampere C. volt
appliances at home. B. ohm D. watt
A. fuse C. circuit breaker 22. It supplies energy in an electric circuit.
B. resistor D. voltage regulator A. Load C. Voltage Source
21. What is the SI unit of current? B. Switch D. Conducting wire
A. ampere C. volt 23. Which of the following electrical quantities in parallel circuit
B. ohm D. watt is constant?
22. It supplies energy in an electric circuit. A. voltage C. resistance
A. Load C. Voltage Source B. current D. total resistance
B. Switch D. Conducting wire 24. Calculate the voltage if the current passing through the wire
23. Which of the following electrical quantities in parallel circuit is 6 A, and has a resistance of 20 Ω.
is constant? A. 6 V C. 75 V
A. voltage C. resistance B. 30 V D. 150 V
B. current D. total resistance 25. Which of the following is NOT true?
24. Calculate the voltage if the current passing through the wire A. It is the current that kills and not the voltage.
is 6 A, and has a resistance of 20 Ω. B. The human body is a good conductor of electricity.
A. 6 V C. 75 V C. Wet skin offers more resistance to electricity than dry
B. 30 V D. 150 V skin.
25. Which of the following is NOT true? D. The parts of the body that are most sensitive to current
A. It is the current that kills and not the voltage. flow are the brain, chest muscles, and heart.
B. The human body is a good conductor of electricity.
C. Wet skin offers more resistance to electricity than dry
D. The parts of the body that are most sensitive to current
flow are the brain, chest muscles, and heart.

14. What will happen if one light bulb is removed from a series
A. The other bulbs will not work.
B. The other bulbs will get dimmer.
C. The other bulbs will get brighter.

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