SFA-EIG-SFDA Exporter and Importer Guidelines
SFA-EIG-SFDA Exporter and Importer Guidelines
SFA-EIG-SFDA Exporter and Importer Guidelines
Exporters/Importers trading in
Food Products to the Kingdom YOUR PRODUCT
of Saudi Arabia (KSA) need to
comply with the requirements
of the Saudi Food and Drug PRODUCT COMPLIANCE
Authority (SFDA) in order to
clear their Food Consignments
at the Saudi Customs.
Obtaining a Certificate of Conformity
(CoC) is mandatory for Food (Animal/
Vegetable origin) Consignments to KSA
from Egypt and Jordan which was
effective from 1st of March 2019 for
Egypt and from 1st of April 2019 for
Jordan. Effective from 29th October CERTIFICATION PROCESS
2019 SFDA mandated that Agricultural
product consignments including Spice
shipments from India would require test
reports for clearance of such
consignments at KSA Ports/Borders.
From 1st January 2020, SFDA extended
the requirement of CoC and test reports
for consignments of Sheep and Beef
meat, Rice, Processed Fruits &
Vegetables from India. SFDA has also
extended the mandatory issuance of CoC FEES
for Fresh Fruits and Fresh Vegetables,
Spices and Agricultural Crops exported
from Egypt, Jordan, and India for their
clearance at KSA Ports/Borders effective
from 15th September 2021.
Exporters are requested to contact local
Intertek Offices to understand and comply
with the requirements of SFDA to ensure
uninterrupted export of their products to
KSA, by virtue of this new mandate.
All Food Products from the following Countries of Supply
Saudi Requirements Marking and Labelling Requirements
All Food Products under the Saudi Food and • Marking and Labelling information shall be
in Arabic language. Other Languages may be
Drug Authority (SFDA) shall meet the following
used in addition to the Arabic Marking and
requirements of Saudi Food Law, Standards
Labeling provided that the information
and Regulations including:
written in these languages is equivalent to
Registration with Saudi Authorities the information written in Arabic text.
PRODUCT • Importers must have an account with the • Marking and Labelling must comply with
COMPLIANCE SFDA and the Food Product must be SFDA.FD/GSO 9 requirements that stresses on
registered. This also applies to Fresh Fruits both consumer information and respect of the
and Vegetables and their Importers. Saudi Customs and Islamic values (offensive
• Importers must have a valid Commercial imagery, contents shall be avoided).
Registration Certificate which includes Food • Nutritional Labelling must comply with
Trade as a registered commercial activity.
SFDA.FD 2233 which stipulates the guidelines
• Exporters must be registered with SFDA on mandatory nutrient declaration and
under Registration of Foreign Establishment supplementary nutrition information for
• Exporters of Fresh Fruits and Fresh certain prepackaged Food products.
Vegetables are currently not mandated to
be Registered with the Saudi Food and Additional Documentation
Drugs Authority (SFDA). • Original Invoice attested by Trade Authority
of the Country of Origin
Laws, Regulations and Standards
• Certificate of Origin legalised by Chamber of
• The Food Product must meet the Standards
Commerce of the Country of Origin
and other Requirements as stipulated by the
SFDA • All slaughtered animal products and meat
• Expiration Dates of Food Products shall products must be Halal certified and shall be
be in line with the SFDA.FD standards accompanied with original Halal Slaughter
(SFDA.FD 150-1, SFDA.FD/GSO 150-2) Certificates and Halal Certificates as applicable
specified for certain products and shall • Animal product consignments shall be
comply with the minimum shelf-life accompanied with Health Certificates
requirement for its export to Saudi Arabia. • All Vegetable and Fruit product (Processed,
• Food Products intended for the Saudi Frozen, etc.) consignments from Egypt shall be
market shall be in compliance to the Halal accompanied with Health Certificates.
requirements as per SFDA.FD/GSO 993 and • All consignments of Fresh Fruits, Fresh
SFDA.FD/GSO 2055-1 with respect to its Vegetables, Agricultural Crops, and Spices from
slaughtering & processing practices. Egypt shall be accompanied by a Test Report
• Shipping containers for Chilled and Frozen issued by an ISO/IEC 17025-accredited
laboratory stating that the consignment has
Food Products must comply with
been tested for the absence of Hepatitis A
The Food Product to be exported to the FOOD CONSIGNMENT CERTIFICATION STAGES
Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will undergo Exporter/Importer Contacts
conformity assessment by Intertek for its Intertek Office
Safety and Suitability requirements using
various conformity verification techniques
such as document evaluation, inspection, Application Review (RFC Form) of SFDA
testing, container sealing etc. Consignments Food Consignment Certification Request
meeting the SFDA requirements shall be
CERTIFICATION issued with a Certificate of Conformity (CoC)
PROCESS by Intertek which can be used to clear the
Consignment Inspection, Supervision of
Container Loading , Sampling and
consignments on a fast-track basis at the Container Sealing
Saudi Customs upon its arrival at Saudi
Testing of Samples of Food Products
Issuance of CoC
Inspection CoC
The Food consignment will be subject to Food Consignments that comply with
physical inspection including verification Inspection and Testing will be issued with a
of product label markings and other CoC which will help the Importer in clearing
physical requirements as per approved the shipment at the Saudi Customs.
SFDA.FD/SASO/GSO Standards and
Technical Regulations.
Container Sealing is done using Intertek’s
seal and the shipment must not be tampered
with after sealing.
The Fee details are as follows:
Overseeing the loading and sealing of the US$ 100 per 20’ (feet) container
US$ 125 per 40’ (feet) container
• Exporters applying for the CoC are responsible • The Certification Fees described above
for the fee payment for the Food does not include the fees for product
Consignment Certification services to testing. These fees will be separately
Intertek quoted as required to be performed by
Intertek for establishing compliance
Intertek Government
and Trade Services
Academy Place
1-9 Brook Street, Brentwood
Essex, CM14 5NQ UK
SFDA Saudi Food and Drug Authority
FCCP Food Consignment Certification Programme
RFC Request for Certificate of Conformity
COC Certificate of Conformity