H1000 Stay Cable System
H1000 Stay Cable System
H1000 Stay Cable System
The H1000 stay cable is a parallel strand system cable made up from a group of
individually anchored strands. The H1000 cables are light and can be prefabricated.
The simplified anchorage design and the prefabrication of the cables enable an easy
installation on the structure and make the H1000 system highly competitive while
retaining the fatigue resistance and corrosion protection performance of the
Freyssinet HD stay cable.
H1000 Technology
Freyssinet Monostrand
The H1000 range includes four cable sizes for 4, 7, 12 and 19 strands. Several H1000
anchorage configurations are available to cover the needs of the connection to the
Various options
Anchorage cap
Anchorage block
Bearing plate
Jaws Strand Flange Swage
Upper anchorage
Fork dia.
L min.* Pin
L min.*
Dimensions (mm)
4 570 133 6.3 139.7 6.3 40 210 115 230 124 63 5 70 200 108 119 108 250 140 60
7 490 146 6.3 159 6.3 40 220 115 260 143 75 5 70 200 108 119 127 255 175 75
12 770 193.7 6.3 193.7 6.3 45 280 143 300 176 100 6 70 200 152.4 119 152.4 276 245 105
19 900 193.7 6.3 229 6.3 50 340 178 350 208 125 6 70 200 177.8 119 177.8 286 285 125
* L min. = 0.016 x L stay + L («L» is the length of tube needed for the angular deviation of the strands
at the anchorage exit and «0.016» corresponds to the thermal movement of the stay pipe).
Lower anchorage
Outer pipe
An outer high density polyethylene pipe protects the bundle of strands improving the
cable aesthetics. The pipe is bi-extruded with an outer coloured layer and is specially
formulated for a high durability in sunlight.
white light grey pastel blue mediterranean yellow red green metallic grey black
1085 mm
2000 mm*
4 350 320
7 400 345
12 470 360
100 mm
19 470 360
Some references
Photos: D. R. - FREYSSINET / September 2006.