SGBAU B.Pharm 1 SEM Human-Anatomy-n-Physiology-I 2018

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B. Pharm.

Firli1 Semestcr (New)

35301 : BP 101 T - Human Anatomy and Pbysiology - I
P. Pagcs : 2 AU - 0700
Time : Three Houa Jilililflr,iltil Max. Mark : 75

Notes : L lllustrate your aoswer nccessary with thc [elp of [eat sketches.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Use ofpcn Bluey'Black inl/refill oy for writing the answer book.
4. Solre a.ll questious.
l) Acc.rding to unit membrane structue, thg thickness ofplasna membrane is 20
a) 35"A b) 20"A
o) 75'A d) 10(PA

2) Smooth Eodoptasmic reticulurr is well developed in the crlls ufuich synthcsize.

a) Sleroids b)
c) Carbohydrates d) All ofthese
3) The clavicle articulates with ----- the scapula.
a) Acromionprocess b) Glenoid cavity
c) Acetabulum cavity d) Ball and socketjoint.

4) Elbowjoint is an example of
a) Hirye joint b) GlidiqjoiDt
c) Ball and socketjoirt d) Pivotjoirt
5) Ia human beings a q?ical rcrve c€ll is
a) Bipolar b) Apolar
c) Mu.ltipolar d) Pseudouuipolar

6) The membranous lablrinth is surrounded by a fluid catled.

a) Perilyraph b) Endolluph
c) Cerebrospilal fluid d) vitreous humor

7) Smallest crauial nerve at the body is

a) Trigeminal b) Abduc€ns
c) Ophtialmic d) Trochlca!

8) The number of spinal nerves io mao is

a) 3l b) 62
c) 12 d) 24

9) Overproduction at aqueous humour result in

a) Astimatism b) Fovea centalis
c) Macula lutea d) GlaucoEa

10) Craoium potects the braia is made up of

a) 9Borcs b) lE booes
c) 28 bones d) 8 Bones

1l) Blood platelets &leas€

a) Fibrinogso b) Prothrombin
c) Hemoglobin d) Thronboplastin

AU - 0700 I P.T.O
12) IIow many cardiac cycles are performed per minute in humans.
u) 72 b) 29
.) 76 d) 82

I l) Human Hean is dcri\ed fiom

a) Ectoderm b.) Mesoderm
c) Endoderm d) Both I and 3

14) Systemic circulation of oxygeaated blood starts Aom.

a) Right Atium b) Left Atrium
c) Left ventricle d) Right ventricle

15) Thc duration ofthe venhicular diastole is trormal cardiac cycle is

a) 0.3 seo. b) 0.5 sec.
c) 0.4 sec. d) 0.7 sec.

16) Erythropoiesis starts in

a) Red bone marrow b) Kidney
c) Liver d) Spleen

l7) Thejoint bet*eer thc ca4rel Bones are.

a) Glidiogjoints b) Hingc joints
c) Saddlcjoints d) Pivotjoints
l8) Optic Nerve is a
a) 2nr craoial nen'e b) 6'h crarLial nene
c) 12'h cranial nen'c d) 3d cranial nerve

19) Prctein present is plasma iovolved in coagulation is

a) Albumh b) Fibrinogen
c) Globulir d) Collagen
20) Smallest bone in Ear is
a) Malicus b) Incus
c) Steps d) Tassal

Answcr two out ofthnee.

l) Describe the origin and function ofcmnial newes OR Stmcture ofhuman eye 10
2) Dra*' the diagram of Heart? Describe in detail the structule of Heart. 10
3) Descibe the physiology ofmuscle contraction. 10

-3 Solve Seven out ofNine. 517=35

1) Utite t\e structure and function of Golgi bodies and mitochoDd.ia.
2) Explaifl thc structwe and finction of sweat gland.
3) Explain the physiology ofvision.
4) What is Blood pressure? How ir is regulated.
5) Differentiate between Anery and vein.
6) Wlite the mecharism ofco-agulation.
7) Explain the normal Electroca.diogam.
8) Write the significarce ofRh factor in traDsfusions ofBlood & blood group.
9) Explain the pulEonary circulatioo ofBlood.

AU - 0700 2

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