SGBAU B.Pharm 1 SEM Human-Anatomy-n-Physiology-I 2018
SGBAU B.Pharm 1 SEM Human-Anatomy-n-Physiology-I 2018
SGBAU B.Pharm 1 SEM Human-Anatomy-n-Physiology-I 2018
Notes : L lllustrate your aoswer nccessary with thc [elp of [eat sketches.
2. All questions are compulsory.
3. Use ofpcn Bluey'Black inl/refill oy for writing the answer book.
4. Solre a.ll questious.
l) Acc.rding to unit membrane structue, thg thickness ofplasna membrane is 20
a) 35"A b) 20"A
o) 75'A d) 10(PA
4) Elbowjoint is an example of
a) Hirye joint b) GlidiqjoiDt
c) Ball and socketjoirt d) Pivotjoirt
5) Ia human beings a q?ical rcrve c€ll is
a) Bipolar b) Apolar
c) Mu.ltipolar d) Pseudouuipolar
AU - 0700 I P.T.O
12) IIow many cardiac cycles are performed per minute in humans.
u) 72 b) 29
.) 76 d) 82
AU - 0700 2