Busniss Plan

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Hedi Nouira Imm Mohamed Cherif 

8000 Nabeul Tunisia ****Téléphone : +216 50077185

[email protected]

BUSNISS PLAN TO M. Mohammed  Nabel Mahdy

Abrahem  Export And Import Office Owner  Addresse : Novorossiysk
The year 2023 will be marked by financial and geopolitical tensions, against a backdrop of a
more or less marked economic slowdown, depending on the region. economic slowdown
depending on the geographical area. As a result, forecasts a 10-20% increase in claims and
bankruptcies. Exporters must remain vigilant. the debate about relocating to "north africa"
or "dollar transaction" countries.our import-export collaboration will be realised in this
international eco-political context.

1- Pre-contractual steps.
1.1 Object of the contract.

Our company KARAM INTERNATIONAL TRADING (SKCI) has the honour to be in transaction
with your company in order to supply its needs of Tunisian dates with a great quality and

1-2 commitment and language of reference.

The effective date will be linked to the payment of the discount. the reference English
language is specified in the event of a dispute.

1-3 Action plan

Pre-contractual stages approval and signature discount payment production/export

Jully 2023 01/august 15/august 01/september

RNE : 1721926J - Code TVA : 1721926J  -- E-mail :[email protected]

IBAN  TN5908707000305900011955 -- SWIFT Code  BIATTNTTSFX

Avenue Hedi Nouira Imm Mohamed Cherif 

8000 Nabeul Tunisia ****Téléphone : +216 50077185

[email protected]

1-4 production/export diagram

operation sept/2023 Oct2023 NOV/2023 Dec/2023 janry/2024 Feb/2024 MAR/2024 TOTAL

purchase/storage 200 T 400 T ----- ------ ----- ----- ------ 600 T
of raw materials
production ------- 60 T 100 T 100 T 140 T 140T 60 T 600 T
Waste 20% ------- 12 T 20 T 20 T 28 T 28 T 12 T 120 T

Number of ----- 02 C 03 C 04 C 05 C 05 C 01 C 20 C

it must respect this production and export scheme our professional customer satisfaction process
and for must be a firm and implicit commitment.

2 -The commercial offer

Clauses Content
Designation of contractors your company and all identity informations

Object of the contract our company SKCI will export to your company a
quantity of 480 tons equivalent to 22 containers of
condensed dates of different variety s box 200g,
400g and 5 kg.
discount payment date Before 15 August 2023

Price validity prices will be confidential according to the pro forma

start of delivery month-end October 2023

Conditional offer this commercial offer is valid until 15 july 2023

to be professional with you we can assure that this quantity of 480 tons is equivalent to
20 to 22 contunaires this season. and to plan our production process it is necessary to respect
the deadlines indicated in the table above.

RNE : 1721926J - Code TVA : 1721926J  -- E-mail :[email protected]

IBAN  TN5908707000305900011955 -- SWIFT Code  BIATTNTTSFX

Avenue Hedi Nouira Imm Mohamed Cherif 

8000 Nabeul Tunisia ****Téléphone : +216 50077185

[email protected]

3-Terms of payment and financing.

❏ Cash terms :
30__ % at time of order .( before 15/august)
70__ % on delivery (for each delivery.)

❏ Terms and conditions :

by documentary credit and by bank transfer

❏ Guarantees required( copy of company identity)

❏ currency : (USD).

proforma invoice

Company name, form and trading name] [Address and telephone number of company

[Company address and telephone number]

description Quantity/ Qty/ Price total

kg contunaier /kg
Proccessed Styrofacam ravier 186000 8 2.50 USD 465 000 USD
dates 200g box
Styrofacam ravier 132000 06 2.4 USD 316 800 USD
400 g box
Styrofacam ravier 162000 06 2.2 USD 356 400 USD
5 kg box
TOTAL 480000 20 1 138200 USD
the prices was confirmed at %95. (may vary due to increased transport costs and labour

RNE : 1721926J - Code TVA : 1721926J  -- E-mail :[email protected]

IBAN  TN5908707000305900011955 -- SWIFT Code  BIATTNTTSFX

Avenue Hedi Nouira Imm Mohamed Cherif 

8000 Nabeul Tunisia ****Téléphone : +216 50077185

[email protected]

Awaiting your favorable response, please accept my most distinguished considerations.

RNE : 1721926J - Code TVA : 1721926J  -- E-mail :[email protected]

IBAN  TN5908707000305900011955 -- SWIFT Code  BIATTNTTSFX

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