Advanced Menu Ordering System in Restaurants
Advanced Menu Ordering System in Restaurants
Advanced Menu Ordering System in Restaurants
Abstract - Smart Restaurant is a concept of automation of friendly way to the service staff and customers. And it is also
menu ordering system in hotels and restaurants. Instead of a hard to motivate every day people because customer service in
person has to attend manually and enter the order placed in most of the restaurants will be very stressful. Most of this kind
each table, the proposed system brings an ordering system of stress occurs in conditions when one customer service
with electronic menu. With this type of restaurant, the member has to take care of too many customers at the same
kitchen people can obtain orders from each table wirelessly. time. Thus this article aims to support the technology needed
This system comprises of a transmitter section at customer for a restaurant staff which can allow them to focus on the
table and receiver section at kitchen table. In this design an important and friendly customer service. By adapting this
electronic system collects orders from each table with methodology in a restaurant will definitely improve the
electronic menu card and transmits through wireless overall experience of the customer in appositive way and
communication. Using a matrix keypad the items to be support to return for the next trip. Providing kitchen
ordered can be selected. These ordered details are received organization, business process of invoice management and
by a wireless receiver in the restaurant kitchen and items list processing of order is the main focus of this article. Also this
is displayed in a display unit so that the people in the kitchen system provides as digital means of management for every
can supply those ordered items after preparing them. Thus process in a restaurant.
the time delay experienced by the customer usually during
arrival of bearer to collect the order and pass to the kitchen II. LITERATURE REVIEW
is reduced drastically. The system is built using PIC16F877
microcontroller, Liquid crystal display and 2.4 GHz open Jingjing Wang [1] presented the design and achievement of
band wireless transceiver modules for communication. The wireless ordering system for foods. This system presents an
whole system can be operated within a range of 30m indoor. in-depth technical operation of 4*4 matrix keyboard to realize
data input from the electronic menu ordering.
Keywords: Touch screen, RF transceivers, Smart N. M. Z. Hashim et-al [2] proposed Bluetooth device based
Restaurant, PIC16F877, Menu Ordering. smart ordering system which utilizes a small keyboard to
choose orders and Bluetooth module for data transmission.
Prof. Sagar Soitkar et-a l [3] presented a touch screen based
digital menu ordering system with AVR microcontroller. This
paper describes the method of low cost, efficient and easy to
access the system for digital ordering system for food menu in
a) Background restaurants.
Asan, N. Badariah et-al [4] developed a smart ordering
The restaurant industry has lived through many years with system based on zigbee. This method of ordering system
many changes. But still anyway this area of customer support proposed here uses hand tools and notepad to make an order
and interaction method has not improved so much since in restaurant.
several decades of years. The way we do everything has Bhanu Siramshetti et-al [5] took one step ahead later on
changed almost but still most of them are untouched although and further extended the service with E-menu ordering system
most of them have various disadvantages, which can be based on zigbee. The electronic menu order platform is
significantly improved by this digital approach. The proposed designed and developed with a ARM7 based mother board .
digital based menu ordering systems for restaurants which can The broad spectrum radio communication system based on
aim to improve this situation. Today‟s consumers are all zigbee technology is implemented.
adapted to interact with technology and computer system in
many other day to day life aspects. Most of the times
technology is preferred than traditional systems because they III. PROPOSED SYSTEM
help to provide a convenient and fast service especially.
When used for few minutes of time a kind of stress can take
b) Motivation place on human finger. Touch screens can also suffer from the
problem of fingerprints to be imprinted on the display.
Customer service and satisfaction is obviously the most Additionally the user has to be in close to the screen compared
import areas of restaurant industry. The most challenging task to an external keyboard for accessing the menu function. In
for the majority of restaurant managers is to engage in a highly illuminated areas the user has to cover the screen by Page 24