Chemical Resistance and Physical Properties of Carbon Brick: Standard Test Methods For
Chemical Resistance and Physical Properties of Carbon Brick: Standard Test Methods For
Chemical Resistance and Physical Properties of Carbon Brick: Standard Test Methods For
Copyright © ASTM, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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faces normal to each other, the surfaces may be sanded, 8. Water Absorption
ground, or machined to specification. Exercise care that the 8.1 Test Specimens—A minimum of four quarter-brick
frictional heat developed during such operations does not specimens shall be prepared in accordance with Section 6 of
damage the specimens. this standard. The four quarter-brick specimens shall be ob-
6.1.2 Specimens with scores, trademark indentations, chips, tained by taking a representative carbon brick and first halving
cracks, or other imperfections must be discarded. the brick shape lengthwise and then taking these two halves
6.1.3 The number of test specimens required is set forth in and cutting each of them lengthwise. Of the four respective test
the respective test method. specimens prepared, each will have four original faces from the
7. Compressive Strength Test Method full brick shape before it was cut up and two faces will have
7.1 Test Specimens—A minimum of six, 2 in. (50 mm) cube been created by sawing the original brick into the four pieces.
specimens shall be prepared in accordance with Section 6 of 8.2 Preparing the Specimens—Rinse the four specimens
this standard. with a fine spray of distilled water. Place the test specimens in
a constant-temperature oven set at 216 6 4°F (102 6 2°C)
NOTE 1—When cutting the full brick, the original depth orientation until they reach a constant weight. Allow the specimens to cool
shall be noted on the cube specimens. in a dessicator to 73 6 4°F.
7.2 Measurement of Specimens—Measure to the nearest 8.2.1 The constant dry weight of the respective test speci-
0.001 in. (0.025 mm), the cross-section dimensions of those mens shall be determined to the nearest 0.01 g after the
two opposite faces of the specimen that will be in contact with specimens have cooled to 73 6 4°F. Record the dry weight
the upper and lower bearing blocks of the testing machine and (WD) of each specimen.
thus perpendicular to the load axis. Record the dimensions for 8.3 Test Procedure:
each respective specimen. 8.3.1 Place the test specimens in distilled water and boil for
7.3 Temperature of Test—Compression tests shall be per- 2 h. During the boiling period, keep the specimens entirely
formed at 73 6 4°F (23 6 2°C). covered with water and allow no contact with the heated sides
7.4 Placing the Specimen: or bottom of the container.
7.4.1 Orient the test cube under the load plate of the 8.3.2 After the boiling period, remove the heat source and
compression testing machine such that when the load is applied allow the specimens to cool to room temperature, 73 6 4°F (23
it will be in the direction of the original depth of the brick. 6 2°C). Be sure to keep the test specimens completely covered
7.4.2 Center the test cube under the load plate of the with water during this cooling down stage.
compression testing machine to within 1⁄16 in. (2 mm) in any 8.3.3 After cooling, remove and blot each specimen with a
direction of true center such that the load is applied to the top damp cotton cloth to remove all liquid droplets from the
or bottom face of the test specimen. surface. Excessive blotting will introduce error by withdrawing
7.5 Rate of Loading: liquid from the pores of the specimen.
7.5.1 Apply the load continuously and without shock. Test 8.3.4 Determine the saturated weight (WS) of each specimen
at a uniform rate of 3000 psi (20.7 MPa)/min. by weighing each to the nearest 0.01 g.
7.5.2 Load the test specimen to failure and record the 8.4 Calculation:
maximum load (W) indicated by the testing machine. 8.4.1 The water absorption is expressed as a percentage of
7.6 Calculations: the dry weight (WD) of the specimen compared to the saturated
7.6.1 From the dimensions measured in 7.2 for each respec- weight (WS) of the specimen calculated as follows:
tive specimen, calculate the areas of the two specimen faces
~ WS – W D !
that were perpendicular to the load axis, and then calculate the Water Absorption, % 5 WD 3 100 (2)
average area (A) of the two.
7.6.2 Calculate the individual compressive strength (C) of where:
each specimen as follows: WS = saturated weight of specimen, and
C5W/A (1) WD = dry weight of specimen.
8.4.2 Calculate the average water absorption in accordance
where: with Section 12.
C = compressive strength of the specimen, psi (MPa), 8.5 Report:
W = maximum load, lb (N), and 8.5.1 Name of brick manufacturer.
A = average of the areas of the upper and lower bearing 8.5.2 Brand name of brick.
surfaces of the test specimen, in.2 (mm2). 8.5.3 Manufacturer’s lot number.
7.6.3 Calculate the average compressive strength in accor- 8.5.4 Full brick dimensions.
dance with Section 12. 8.5.5 Any defects in the specimens.
7.7 Report: 8.5.6 Percent water absorption for each specimen.
7.7.1 Name of brick manufacturer. 8.5.7 Average percent water absorption.
7.7.2 Brand name of brick.
7.7.3 Manufacturer’s lot number. 9. Flexural Strength
7.7.4 Full brick dimensions. 9.1 Test Specimens—A minimum of five test specimens
7.7.5 Any defects in the specimens. shall be prepared by taking a minimum of three full, rectan-
7.7.6 Individual and average compressive strength values. gular, straight brick which measure either 9 by 41⁄2 by 3 in.
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(229 by 114 by 76 mm) or 9 by 41⁄2 by 21⁄2 in. (229 by 114 by 9.5 Report:
64 mm) and cutting them in half lengthwise to produce 9.5.1 Name of brick manufacturer.
specimens measuring 9 by 21⁄4 by 3 in. (229 by 57 by 76 mm) 9.5.2 Brand name of brick.
or 9 by 21⁄4 by 21⁄2in. (229 by 57 by 64 mm), respectively. 9.5.3 Manufacturer’s lot number.
9.2 Test Procedure: 9.5.4 Full brick dimensions.
9.2.1 Measure the respective depth of all specimens to the 9.5.5 Any defects in the specimens.
nearest 0.001 in. (0.025 mm) using a micrometer or a vernier 9.5.6 Load rate used.
caliper. Make two measurements near the middle of the 9.5.7 Flexural strength of each test specimen.
specimen’s length and average them. This average depth (d) 9.5.8 Average flexural strength.
will be used in the calculations. Measure the respective width of all of the test 10. Chemical Resistance
specimens to the nearest 0.001 in. using a micrometer or a 10.1 Test Specimens:
vernier caliper. Make two measurements near the middle of 10.1.1 Test specimens shall be 2 in. (50 mm) cube speci-
specimen’s length and average them. This average width (b) mens prepared in accordance with Section 6 of this standard.
will be used in the calculations. 10.2 The number of specimens required is dependent upon
9.2.2 The testing machine shall be set up to test the the number of test media to be employed, the number of
specimens in simple bending with two supports and the load different temperatures at which testing is performed, and the
being applied by means of a loading nose midway between the frequency of test intervals. The test specimens shall consist of
supports. sets of a minimum of three, 2 in. cubes for one medium at a The loading nose and the supports shall have cylin- single temperature and for each test interval. In addition,
drical surfaces. The radius of the nose and the supports shall be prepare other sets of at least three cubes, equivalent to the
at least 1⁄4 in. (6.4 mm). number of test temperatures, for the total test period. Calculate The length of the loading nose and the supports shall the total number of specimens required as follows:
be at least equal to the width of the test specimen.
N 5 n ~M 3 T 3 I! 1 6 (4) The span between the supports shall be 1 6 0.1 in.
(25 6 0.2 mm) less than the nominal length of the test where:
specimens. The actual span between the supports (I) shall be N = number of specimens,
measured and recorded for use in the calculations. n = number of specimens for a single test, Ensure that the supports for the test specimen are M = number of media,
free to rotate in the longitudinal and transverse directions of the T = number of test temperatures, and
test specimens, and adjust them so that they will exert no force I = number of test intervals.
in these directions. 10.3 Conditioning—Rinse the test specimens with distilled
9.2.3 Center the test specimen flatwise over the supports water. Place the test specimens in a constant temperature oven
unless specified and reported otherwise (that is, apply the load set at 216 6 4°F (102 6 2°C) until they reach constant weight.
in the direction of the depth of the unit) such that the load is Allow the specimens to cool in a desiccator to 73 6 4°F.
applied to the top or bottom face of the test specimen. 10.3.1 After the conditioning period, the constant dry
9.2.4 Load the test specimens to failure, and record the weight (WC) of the respective test specimens shall be deter-
maximum load (W). mined to the nearest 0.01 g. Record the dry weights.
9.3 Rate of Loading: 10.3.2 After the conditioning period, measure to the nearest
9.3.1 Load Rate I—Apply the load continuously and with- 0.001 in. (0.025 mm), the cross-sectional dimensions of those
out shock. The rate of loading shall not exceed 2000 lbf (8896 two opposite faces of the specimen that will be in contact with
N)/min. the upper and lower bearing blocks of the testing machine and
9.3.2 Load Rate II—Set the crosshead speed of the machine thus perpendicular to the load axis. Record the dimensions for
not to exceed 0.05 in. (1.3 mm)/min when the machine is each respective specimen.
running without load. 10.4 Test Procedure:
9.4 Calculations: 10.4.1 Following the conditioning period, weigh all of the
9.4.1 The flexural strength (S) of each test specimen is specimens to the nearest 0.01 g, and record the values. Prior to
calculated as follows: immersion, record a brief description of the color and surface
appearance of the specimens and the color and clarity of the
S 5 3WI / 2bd2 (3) test medium. Place the weighed specimens to be immersed in
where: a suitable container or containers taking care to prevent the
S = stress in specimen at midspan, lb/in.2 (kg/cm2), faces from coming in contact with each other. The total number
W = maximum load at failure indicated by the testing of specimens per container is not limited except by the ability
machine, lbf (N), of the container to hold the specimens, plus the required
I = Distance between the supports, in. (mm), amount of test medium per specimen. Add approximately 150
b = average width of the test specimen, in. (mm), and mL of the test medium for each specimen, and place the closed
d = average depth of the test specimen, in. (mm). container in a constant-temperature oven adjusted to the
9.4.2 Calculate the average flexural strength in accordance required temperature or in a suitably adjusted liquid bath.
with Section 12. Examine the specimens after 1, 7, 14, 28, 56, and 84 days of
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immersion to determine the rate of attack. S1 = average compressive strength, psi (MPa), of a set of
specimens following the conditioning period. The
NOTE 2—Other inspection periods may be employed, and the test may
be terminated prior to or extended beyond 84 days if desired. compressive strength of each specimen in the set shall
be the maximum applied load per cross-sectional area
10.4.2 Clean the specimens by three quick rinses in running of the specimen, and
cold tap water and quick dry by blotting with a paper towel S2 = average compressive strength, psi (MPa), of a set of
between each rinse. After the final blotting, allow the specimen specimens following the test period. The compressive
to dry for 1⁄2 h at 73 6 4°F and weigh to the nearest 0.01 g. strength of each specimen in the set shall be the
These weights shall be the weights of the specimens after maximum applied load per cross-sectional area of the
immersion (WI). specimen.
10.4.3 Note any indication of surface attack on the speci- NOTE 4—A result showing a plus (+) sign will indicate a gain in
men, any discoloration of the test medium or specimen, the compressive strength and a minus (–) sign will indicate a loss in strength.
formation of any sediment in the container, and any change in Construct a graph employing the percentage
pH of the test medium. change in the average compressive strength of the specimens
10.4.4 Changing of Test Medium—Discard and replace the broken at a given examination period after immersion in a
test medium with fresh material after each inspection period. particular test medium at a given temperature, plotting the
Replace media that are known to be unstable, for example, percentage of change in compressive strength as the ordinate
aqueous sodium hypochlorite, as often as necessary in order to and the test period, in days, as the abscissa.
maintain the original composition and concentration. The compressive strength in pounds-force per
10.5 Compressive Strength Determination of Specimens af- square inch (or pascals) should be shown for the initial
ter Chemical Exposure: specimen (100 % value) and for the final specimen. These
10.5.1 In accordance with subsections 7.2-7.6 of this stan- values should be noted parenthetically near the plot of each
dard, determine the compressive strength for six control value.
specimens immediately following the conditioning period; for 10.6.3 Volume Change of Tested Specimens:
one set of specimens after each inspection period; and for each Calculate to the nearest 0.01 % the percentage loss
medium and each test temperature. The elapsed time between or gain in volume of the specimens during immersion for each
the removal of the specimens from the test medium and the examination period taking the volume after conditioning as
compressive tests should be uniform for all specimens. 100 %.
10.6 Calculations: @V2 – V1# 3 100
Volume Change, % 5 V1 (7)
10.6.1 Weight Change of Tested Specimens: Calculate in accordance with the following equa- where:
tion to the nearest 0.01 %, the percentage loss or gain in weight V1 = cubic volume, in.3(cm3), of a set of specimens fol-
of the specimens during immersion for each examination lowing the conditioning period. The volume of each
period, taking the conditioned weight as 100 %. specimen in the set shall be determined by taking two
@ WI – W C # measurements in height, width, and depth of each
Weight Change, % 5 WC 3 100 (5) specimen, averaging the two values and using the
average to calculate the volume, and
where: V2 = average volume, in.3(cm3), of a set of specimens
WC = conditioned weight of the specimen, g, and, following the test period. The volume of each speci-
WI = weight of specimen after immersion, g. men in the set shall be determined by taking two
measurements in height, width, and depth of each
NOTE 3—A result showing a plus (+) sign shall indicate a gain in weight
and a minus (–) sign shall indicate a loss in weight. specimen, averaging the two values and using the
average to calculate the volume. Construct a graph employing the average percent-
age of weight change of all the specimens at a given exami- NOTE 5—A positive sign (+) will indicate an increase in volume and a
negative sign (–) will indicate a loss in volume.
nation period after immersion in a particular test medium at a
given temperature, plotting the percentage of weight change as Construct a graph employing the percentage
the ordinate and the test period, in days, as the abscissa. change in the average volume of the specimens at a given
examination period after immersion in a particular test medium
10.6.2 Compressive Strength Change of Tested Specimens:
at a given temperature, plotting the percentage change in Calculate to the nearest 0.01 %, the percentage loss volume as the ordinate and the elapsed time, in days, as the
or gain in compressive strength of the specimens during abscissa.
immersion for each examination period, taking the compres- 10.7 Report:
sive strength after conditioning as 100 %. 10.7.1 Name of brick manufacturer.
@ S2 – S 1 # 10.7.2 Brand name of brick.
Compressive Strength Change, % 5 S1 3 100 (6)
10.7.3 Manufacturer’s lot number.
10.7.4 Full brick dimensions.
10.7.5 Any defects in the specimens.
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10.7.6 Test conditions—test medium, frequency of change An initial discoloration, coupled with a high weight loss, may
of test medium, temperature, etc. indicate extraction of soluble components. Continuation of the
10.7.7 Color and surface appearance of specimens before test with fresh medium will indicate whether or not the attack
testing. is progressive.
10.7.8 Total duration of the test and the examination peri- 11.4 Change in Compressive Strength—The same consider-
ods, in days. For each examination period the following data ations hold true as mentioned in 11.1 and therefore, the rate of
are required: change in compressive strength is the important characteristic Average percentage of weight change of the speci- to be determined.
mens, 11.5 Percent Volume Change—The rate of change in vol- Appearance of the specimens before, during, and ume is of more significance than the actual value at a particular
after immersion testing (surface cracks, delaminations, etching, time. However, if expansion becomes severe, the brick may
pitting, softening, etc.), swell sufficiently to reach a “critical volume” at which point Appearance of the test medium (discoloration, stress relief will occur and appear as cracking. Conversely, too
sediment, etc.), much volume loss may leave a specimen too severely eroded/ Average percent change in the compressive corroded to allow for meaningful measurements. If either event
strength of the specimens, occurs, it must be recorded and graphed. A regression analysis Graph showing percent weight change plotted of the test results will indicate whether a particular brick will
against the test periods, approach constant volume in time, or whether it will continue Graph showing percent change in compressive to change in volume. Constructing an overlay of the volume
strength plotted against the test period, and change curve, strength change curve, and weight change curve Percent volume change of the specimens. will reveal information about mass loss/gain and the effect on
physical properties. Comparison of the volume change and
11. Interpretation of Results absorption curves is also often revealing.
11.1 Weight Change— Because of the nature of certain
brick, the rate of weight change with time is of more signifi- 12. Precision and Bias
cance than the actual value at any time. A plot of the test results 12.1 If any value(s) differs from the mean by more than
will indicate whether a particular brick will approach constant 15 %, the value farthest from the mean shall be rejected and the
weight in time or will continue to change in weight as the test mean recalculated. If any value(s) still differs from the new
progresses. mean by more than 15 %, the farthest value should again be
11.2 Appearance of Specimen—Visual inspection of the rejected and the mean recalculated. If any value(s) remains
exposed specimen for surface cracks, delaminations, etching, 15 % from the mean, the test should be rerun.
pitting, softening, etc. is very important in cases where initial
weight changes are high. 13. Keywords
11.3 Appearance of Test Medium—Discoloration of the test 13.1 alkali resistant; block; brick; carbon brick; chemical-
medium and the formation of sediment are significant factors. resistant; conductive; fluoride resistant; tile
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