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Be 動詞的現在時式

人稱 代名詞 Be 動詞 缩短型
單數 第一人稱 I am (I'm)
第二人稱 You are (You're)
第三人稱 He is (He's)
第三人稱 She is (She's)
第三人稱 It is (It's)
複數 第一人稱 We are (We're)
第二人稱 You are (You're)
第三人稱 They are (They're)

詞字尾要做變化(-s -es -ies) 或不規則。

o /x
/s /ch /sh 結尾+es

She watches a movie. ➩ 她看電影

字尾子音+y 去 y+ies

He studies hard. ➩ 他認真念書

這裡要注意 如果結尾是母音+y 就直接+ s 就好

例如: plays

 助動詞(can、must、do…)後面的動詞需接 原型動詞
 現在進行式 (BE 動詞 + V-ing) 表示正在進行的某件事、某個動作
例如: We are studying English grammar. 我們正在學文法

 祈使句(Please、Let’s…) 省略主詞 you 只用原型動詞

練習題 : 請依據提供的動詞做動詞變化 (每格答案不限一字)
1. I _____ (share) a bathroom with my sister.
2. The woman can ____ (play) basketball.
3. She ______ (help) them with their English.
4. The basketball game is _____ (come).
5. My sister doesn’t ____ (like) math.
6. Peter, our bedroom ____ (be) very dirty.
7. Jerry and Hank ____ (be) on the school team.
8. He ____ (go) to math class and English class after school.
9. Mike ____ (join) the school basketball team.
10. What does Mike ___ (do) on weekends?
11. He ____ (study) and ____ (prepare) for the test .
12. He ____ (have) a few minutes for TV.
13. Mr. Wang _____ (teach) Hank English on Sundays.
14. She ____ (worry) for her scores for tests.
15. Susan _____ (sleep) in class and her scores are not good.
16. She _____ (enjoy) the time with her sister at night.
17. Can you ____ (play) soccer?
18. On a game, every team ___ (have) one goalkeeper.
19. We can help you _____ (develop) the ideas into a good story.
20. Please make films with Peter, and ____ (upload) them to YouTube.
21. Susan ____ (get) up early and has breakfast with her family at home.
22. He ____(help) his brother with his math homework.
23. Ben and his sister ___ (go) to school at 7:10 every day.
24. His parents ____ (come) from Taiwan.
25. Lin’s story tells us that we must ___ (try) our best.
26. Lin’s father ____ (teach) him to play basketball.
27. He ____ (need) some water. He is thirsty.
28. Becky and her teammates ____ (prepare) playing soccer every day.
29. My dogs ___ (eat) a lot, but my cat doesn’t.
30. Please close your book. Let’s ______ (start) the test, and you have forty minutes.
31. My brother and I _________ (not play) tennis after school every day.
32. Look! Diana __________ (dance) with Tom in the living room.
33. Where can we _______ (see) elephants?
34. A: What is the young man doing? B: He _________ (read) a book in his room.
35. Dan ____ (jog) around the lake for an hour.

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