Maffeis 2015
Maffeis 2015
Maffeis 2015
Fluid intake and hydration status in obese vs normal weight
C Maffeis1, M Tommasi1, F Tomasselli1, J Spinelli1, E Fornari1, N Scattolo2, M Marigliano1 and A Morandi1
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: Little is known on the relationship between obesity and hydration levels in children. This study
assessed whether and by which mechanisms hydration status differs between obese and non-obese children.
SUBJECTS/METHODS: Hydration levels of 86 obese and 89 normal weight children (age: 7–11 years) were compared. Hydration
was measured as the average free water reserve (FWR = urine output/24 h minus the obligatory urine output [total 24 h excreted
solutes/97th percentile of urine osmolality of children with adequate water intake, that is, 830 mOsm/kg]) over 2 days. Three days of
weighed dietary and fluid intakes were recorded. Non-parametric tests were used to compare variables that were skewed and to
assess which variables correlated with hydration. Variables mediating the different hydration levels of obese and normal weight
children were assessed by co-variance analysis.
RESULTS: Obese children were less hydrated than normal weight peers [FWR = median (IQR): 0.80 (−0.80–2.80) hg/day vs 2.10
(0.10–4.45) hg/day, P o 0.02; 32% of obese children vs 20% of non-obese peers had negative FWR, P o 0.001]. Body mass index
(BMI) z-score (z-BMI) and water intake from fluids correlated with FWR (ρ = − 0.18 and 0.45, respectively, both Po 0.05). Water intake
from fluids completely explained the different hydration between obese and normal weight children [FWR adjusted for water from
fluids and z-BMI = 2.44 (0.44) hg vs 2.10 (0.50) hg, P = NS; B coefficient of co-variation between FWR (hg/day) and water intake from
fluids (hg/day) = 0.47, P o 0.001].
CONCLUSIONS: Obese children were less hydrated than normal weight ones because, taking into account their z-BMI, they drank
less. Future prospective studies are needed to explore possible causal relationships between hydration and obesity.
European Journal of Clinical Nutrition advance online publication, 14 October 2015; doi:10.1038/ejcn.2015.170
INTRODUCTION Therefore, the aim of this study was to assess whether fluid
Obesity is the most common nutritional disorder in children from intake and hydration status are associated with body size in a
western or westernized countries, with a relevant impact on public sample of obese and normal weight children.
health. Obese children have a high chance (40–80%) of becoming
obese adults, may suffer from several metabolic and non-metabolic
complications, have a higher risk of developing cardio-metabolic MATERIALS AND METHODS
diseases later in life and show lower life expectancy than individuals Subjects
who were not obese in childhood.1–3 Two hundred pre-pubertal subjects from all socio-economic strata were
Food intake together with inadequate physical activity is a crucial recruited from a single large primary school district in the main residential
factor that promotes excess fat mass gain in obesity prone area of Verona (Italy), with permission from the local school authorities.
individuals.4 Dietary food energy density is positively associated Sample size was decided on to ensure that at least 85 obese children and
with body weight in adults and children.5 Water content in food as 85 normal weight children would complete the study, in order to have 90%
well as fluid intake may have a role in body weight homeostasis by statistical power to detect a minimal difference of 150 g of free water
reserve (FWR) (see study protocol) between the two groups, assuming a
affecting overall diet energy density. Recent data have shown that
5% probability of alpha error and a standard deviation of 100 in both
hydration status was associated with both energy density of the diet groups.
and dietary profile: children with higher hydration levels were those Inclusion criteria were as follows: age range 7–11 years; Caucasian
with a dietary profile closer to the Recommended Dietary Intake.6 ethnicity; body mass index (BMI) higher than the age and sex BMI cutoff for
Several beverages contain macronutrients as well as minerals obesity (obese group); and BMI lower than the age and sex BMI cutoff for
and vitamins that contribute to total macro- and micro-nutrient overweight (normal weight group). International Obesity Task Force cutoff
intake. Therefore, type and quantity of liquid intake contribute to references were used.7 Exclusion criteria were as follows: congenital or
total energy and nutrient intake, as well as to the energy density chronic diseases, malformations, chronic use of drugs and puberty.
Children of parents who sent back a positive reply to our written invitation
of the diet. By implication, fluid intake may reasonably affect both
were given a physical examination and recruited if they qualified based on
body composition and hydration status. the inclusion/exclusion criteria.
To the best of our knowledge, no studies have explored the Both obese and normal weight children were recruited and participated
relationship between fluid intake, hydration status and body in the study lasting an entire year, with similar recruiting rates across the
composition in children. seasons.
Unit of Pediatric Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Department of Life and Reproduction Sciences, University of Verona, Verona, Italy and 2Chemo-Clinical Analysis Laboratory,
Frà Castoro Hospital, San Bonifacio, Verona, Italy. Correspondence: Professor C Maffeis, Unit of Pediatric Diabetes and Metabolic Diseases, Department of Life and Reproduction
Sciences, University City Hospital, 1P.le Stefani, Verona 37126, Italy.
E-mail: [email protected]
Received 3 June 2015; revised 31 July 2015; accepted 12 August 2015
Obesity and hydration status in children
C Maffeis et al
Informed consent was obtained from children and their parents. calculated as the daily water intake from metabolism/overall water
The protocol was approved by the Institutional Ethics Committee of intake × 100.6 For each participant, we assessed whether the child was
Verona (Italy). very probably misreporting nutritional intakes, by verifying whether their
reported EI/estimated basal metabolic rate ratio (EI/BMR) fell outside the
95% confidence interval of EI/BMR identified by Goldberg’s equation,
Study protocol
which corresponds, at the individual level and using a 3-day food record
After physical examination, the children and parents were provided with and assuming a physical activity level of 1.55, to a 1–2.40 interval.16 No
two urine containers for urine collection and a digital scale for weighing participant fell outside this interval.
food. Moreover, they were instructed by a dietician to fill out a weighed
dietary record for 3 days, including one weekend day. During the second
Hydration status assessment. Twenty-four hour urine samples were
and third day of diet recording, 24-h urine was collected. At the end of
collected on two independent days. The children and their parents were
each day of urine collection, urine containers were delivered to the
carefully instructed on how to collect a 24-h urine sample, from about 0700
laboratory for volume measure, and samples were frozen and stored for
biochemical analysis. to 0700 h the next day. The timing of voiding was recorded. Urine samples
were considered acceptable if the urine creatinine excretion value related
Physical characteristics. At recruitment, physical examination was to body weight was above the fifth percentile for the corresponding age
performed for anthropometric measurements (height, weight, waist and sex groups.17 As a marker of hydration status, average urine osmolality
circumference), analysis of body composition and clinical assessment of was calculated as the average urine osmolality (2 × Na+[Urea]/2.8)/urine
puberty. Weight was measured to the nearest 0.5 kg on standard weight) over the two 24 h collections. Moreover, to estimate the ‘water
physician’s beam scales, with the child wearing only underwear and no reserve’, the FWR was used.17 FWR was calculated as measured urine
shoes. Height was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm on a portable amount (kg/24 h) minus the obligatory urine volume; the obligatory urine
stadiometer without shoes, with the child’s heels, buttocks, shoulders and volume (kg/24 h) results from the excreted 24- h solutes (mOsm/24 h)/the
head against the vertical wall with line of sight aligned horizontally. BMI 97th percentile of urine osmolality of healthy children with adequate water
was calculated as weight (in kilograms) divided by height (in meters) intake, that is, 830 mOsm/kg (physiologic criterion of the upper limit
squared. BMI values were standardized (BMI z-scores) using age (to the of euhydration adopted for children with a typical western diet).18–20 The
nearest 6th month) and sex-specific median, standard deviation and power mean of the FWR measured from the 2 days of urine samples was used.
of the Box-Cox transformation (least mean square method) based on Positive values of FWR indicate euhydration, and negative values indicate
national norms.8 Waist circumference was measured to the nearest 0.5 cm the risk of hypohydration.20
while the subjects were standing, after gently exhaling, as the minimal
circumference measurable on the horizontal plane between the lowest
portion of the rib cage and the iliac crest. The same investigator measured Statistical analysis
height, weight and waist circumference. Waist-to-height ratio was Data were shown as median and interquartile range. All analyses were
calculated and used as an index of body fat distribution, as previously performed in a pooled group of boys and girls because preliminary
described.9,10 Pubertal status was assessed using Tanner stages for pubic analyses showed that, both in normal weight and in obese children, FWR,
hair, breast configuration and genital status as references.11 Body fat mass as well as simple correlations between FWR and anthropometric and
and body fat-free mass were estimated by the BIA (bioelectrical impedance dietary variables, did not differ by gender. Proportions between obese
analysis) scale (Bioelectrical Impedance, BIA: Tanita BC 420 MA, Tanita and normal weight children were analyzed by the χ2 test. Physical
Corporation, Tokyo, Japan), using the manufacturer’s equations.12 characteristics, dietary data and hydration status of obese and normal
weight children were compared by the Mann–Whitney U-test, due to
Dietary intake of macronutrients and water. A 3-day weighed dietary non-normal distribution of variables. Spearman’s correlation data were
record of food and fluid and the amount consumed was kept by the used to assess correlations between hydration status, body composition
parents.13,14 The electronic scale provided by the study personnel at and dietary variables. On the basis of the correlation analysis results,
recruitment was used by the child’s parents, and in a few instances by the we built a co-variance analysis (ANCOVA) model with FWR as the
grandmothers, to weigh food. Parents reported the total food intake of dependent variable, obesity as the fixed factor (yes = 1, no = 0) and
their children, both at meals and between meals, and the children were BMI z-score, energy density of fluids and fluid intake as covariates, to
encouraged to report all the foods, including snacks, consumed outside search for variables explaining the different FWR between normal
the home. Kitchen supervisory staff recorded the food consumed at school. weight and obese children. Data were analyzed using SPSS version 20.0
Each family was provided with a logbook for recording foods and software (SPSS, Chicago, IL, USA). A P-value of o 0.05 was considered as
beverages consumed. Written instructions with examples of completed statistically significant.
forms were provided. A complete description of how the food was
prepared and recipes for composite dishes were also requested. A dietician
checked logbooks with each family for completeness and accuracy. As an
aid in determining the amount of food and drinks consumed outside the
home, pictures of different items were shown, along with cups, glasses, Twenty-five subjects, eleven males and fourteen females, did not
spoons and food shapes of different portion sizes. Food and drink energy complete dietary recording and/or urine collection or had a urine
values, as well as their water content, were calculated from tables of food creatinine excretion value related to body weight below the fifth
composition set out by the National Institute of Nutrition, with the use percentile for the corresponding age and sex groups and were
of a computerized database and analysis program (Metadieta, Meteda,
therefore excluded from data analysis. The results reported refer
S.Benedetto del Tronto, Italy).15 Diet energy density was calculated as a
ratio between energy intake (EI) (kcal/day) and weight of foods and fluids to 175 children (89 males and 86 females). Age and BMI of the
consumed (g/day). excluded children were not significantly different from those
The post absorption hydration index (PAI) was used to describe the included in the data analysis.
amount of water available after consuming 100 g of food and beverages.6
As the amount of water available to prevent dehydration immediately after
Physical characteristics
consumption is not equivalent to the amount of water consumed, the PAI
considers the amount of carbohydrates and sodium of foods and Age and gender distribution were not significantly different in the
beverages affecting the availability of water. The formula of the PAI obese and normal weight children (Table 1). Physical character-
(g functional water/100 g food or beverage) is as follows: x g water/100 g – istics (height, weight, BMI, BMI z-score, waist circumference, waist/
(y g carbohydrates/100 g × 3) – (z mg sodium/100 g × 0.3). Correspond- height ratio) as well as fat mass and fat-free mass were
ingly, the percent water-supplying of foods refers to the amount of significantly higher in obese than in normal weight children.
functionally available water per 100 g of food intake (g/day) in foods such
as fruits and vegetables, butter, cheese and oil, classified according to the
When expressed in kilograms, total body water was significantly
PAI40 g. The water intake from food metabolism was calculated as fat higher in obese than in normal weight children, whereas it was
intake (g/day) × 1.07 + carbohydrate intake (g/day) × 0.55 + protein intake significantly lower when expressed as a percentage of body
(g/day) × 0.41, and the percent water intake from metabolism was weight.
Table 2. Energy and nutrient intake and diet energy density of obese and normal weight children
Table 4. Hydration of obese and normal weight children
Hydration has been scarcely explored in children, especially obese
Obese Normal weight P children. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first study
(n = 86) (n = 89) designed to assess the hydration status in obese children. Our
results show that median urine osmolality is high in both normal
Urine osmolality (mOsm/kg) 741 (589–908) 645 (491–836) o0.05 weight and obese children (75th percentile above the theoretical
FWR (hg/day) 0.8 (0.8–2.8) 2.1 (0.1–4.4) o0.02 upper limit of euhydration in both groups), similar to that
Ratio of children with 29/86 (34) 18/89 (20) o0.05 previously observed in a German population-based cohort of
negative FWR (%) healthy children from the DONALD study, which points to an
Abbreviation: FWR, free water reserve. inadequately low water intake.20 However, the study provides first
evidence of significantly higher osmolality in obese than in normal
weight children, with about one in three obese children vs one in
five normal weight children having a negative FWR. The mean
FWR was associated with total water intake (ρ = 0.46, P o 0.001) level of FWR was 38% lower in obese than in normal weight
and water intake from fluids (ρ = 0.45, P o 0.001) but not with children (Table 4). Consistently, a significant relationship between
water intake from food (ρ = 0.10, P = NS) or metabolic processes adiposity expressed as fat mass (% of body weight) as well as
(ρ = 0.09, P = NS). adiposity indexes (BMI z-score and waist/height ratio) and