Reading Teks Kel 4
Reading Teks Kel 4
Reading Teks Kel 4
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A. Dealing With Banu Qainuqa
On the 7th of Ramadan, in the year 2 Hijriyah (13 March 624) there was a
war between the Muslims against the polytheists of Mecca at Badr; the war
where it became sira-ul-behaviour (a battle that affirms existence) for the
Muslims. The victory of the Muslims at Badr made the Arabs reckon with their
existence. However, the Jews belittled the victory.
One day a Muslim woman came carrying merchandise to the Qainuqa market.
There he met a goldsmith. Suddenly the people at the Bani Qainuqa market
persuaded the Muslim woman to take off her veil. The Muslim woman of course
defended herself and refused. Then the Jewish goldsmith acted idly by tying the
ends of the Muslimah's cloth so that when she stood up the cloth she was wearing
came off and the back of her nakedness was visible. The Muslim woman
screamed in embarrassment. A Muslim who saw what happened immediately
attacked the goldsmith to death, but he was then beaten by the Jews to death.
After that this news spread widely. Muslims are angry to hear this.
The majority of islamic scholars say that the Ahzab or khandaq war took place
in the month of Shawwal in the fifth year of Hijriyah. The cause of this war was
the jealousy of the Bani Nadhir Jews towards the Muslims. When the polytheists
wanted to launch an attack on the believers and attack Medina, they had to face
a moat. So they decided to surround the Muslims in Medina. Even though when
they left the house, they were not ready to make a siege. Because they did not
know the war strategy that was carried out by the Muslims at that time, and they
did not take it easy.
Eventually Ahzab's troops set up camp outside the moat. Several times
Ahzab's cavalry tried to cross the moat, but their efforts always failed after the
Muslim troops chased them away with a shower of arrows. At a time like that,
the Jews of Bani Quraidhah who lived in Medina tore up the contents of the
peace agreement with the Prophet. Not only that, they were also preparing to
commit treason and help Ahzab's troops to finish off the Muslims. As a result,
the Muslim Ummah faces a formidable enemy on the outside and an enemy on
the inside. Prophet Muhammed (Pbuh) ordered a friend who had just converted
to Islam from Ghothofan named Nu'aim bin Mas'ud to make a ruse among the
kufars. So immediately he went to the Bani Quroidhoh, who became his close
friends during the Jahiliyah era, and came to Ghohofan to divide them. This plan
was successful. Nu'aim was able to deceive both sides and create divisions in the
enemy ranks, so that their morale plummeted. While Muslims always pray to
Allah, and the Prophet sallallaahu 'alaihi wasallam also prays for the enemy's
misfortune: "O Allah, who sent down the Al-Kitab, who is quick to reckon with
Him, defeat the enemy troops. O Allah, defeat them and shake them.” Allah
heard the prayers of His Prophet(Pbuh) and the Muslims. After divisions
appeared in the ranks of Ahzab's army, and they were able to be deceived, Allah
ta'ala sent troops in the form of a typhoon against them so that their camp was
destroyed. Allah also sent an army of Angels that made them tremble and
confused, instilling fear in their hearts.
D. The Treaty of Al-Hudaybiyah
Hudaibiyah is the name of a well, wich is located southwest from the city of
Mecca with a distance about 22 km. Now this place is known as Asyamisiy.
Then Hudaibiyyah became known as the name of a war or agreement between
the Muslims and the Quraysh kuffar which took place in the 6th year of Hijriyah
in the month of Dzulqa'dah. The beginning of this incident was when the Prophet
(Pbuh) wanted to perform Umra, even though he understood that the Quraysh
people would not just let him carry out his wish (pbuh). Then it is will be make
a war, considering that the Quraysh kuffar were the biggest enemies of the
Muslims at that time.
1. The truce between Mecca and Medina for 10 years. There must be no
hostility and bad actions towards each side during this period.
2. Whoever comes from the polytheists to the Prophet, without the permission
of his family, must be returned to Mecca. But if there are Muslims come
to the polytheists, they will not be returned.
3. It is permissible for anyone among the Arabic tribes to enter into a peace
treaty and join one of the two side. At that time, the Khuza'ah tribe formed
a partnership and entered into a joint defense agreement with the Prophet
Muhammad. and Bani Bakr sided with the polytheists.
4. This year the Prophet Muhammad SAW and his entourage have not been
allowed to enter Mecca. However, it must be postponed until next year
with the condition that they only live three days without carrying weapons
except for an unsheathed sword. The Quraysh will leave Mecca.
6. The Hudaibiyah agreement was witnessed by the Muslims and the Quraysh.
From the Muslim side, there are Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, Umar bin Khattab,
Abdurrahman bin Auf, Sa'ad bin Abi Waqqash, Muhammad bin Salamah, and
Abdurrahman bin Suhail. Ali bin Abi Talib served as secretary. Meanwhile, on
the side of the polytheists, there were Suhail bin Amr and Mikraz bin Hafzh.
Actually, several friends, including Umar and Ali objected to the contents of the
Hudaibiyah agreement (especially for the second and fourth points). But they
accepted it after receiving an explanation from the Prophet Muhammad SAW.
Khaibar was a fertile area surrounded by fortress of the Jews. The fort is the
last fortress on the Arabian Peninsula. Initially, the Jews of Khaibar showed no
hostility towards the Muslims, until the Bani Nadhir leaders joined them after
being expelled from Medina. After that, a new chapter of relations between them
and the Muslims began. Among the reputable Bani Nadhir leaders are joined the
Jews in Khaibar were Sallam bin Abi al-Huqaiq, Kinânah bin Abi al-Huqaiq and
Huyai bin Akhtâb.
They joined in Khaibar bringing hatred against the Muslims. Therefore when
there is an opportunity to attack the Muslims, they do not waste it. More than
that, they were not just waiting for an opportunity, they even actively provoked
the Quraysh to attack the Muslims and the tribes around Mecca. The Ahzab War
or the Khandaq War was the fruit of their provocation. In a panic condition, when
the Muslims faced the allied forces at that time, they again succeeded in
persuading the Bani Quraizhah to renege on the peace treaty with Rasûlullâh
(Pbuh). Therefore, the prophet (pbuh) gave severe punishment to the Bani
Quraizhah after the allied forces decided to return. The Hudaibiyyah Peace, the
truce agreement between the Muslims and the Quraysh that occurred after the
Qurayzhah war, became an opportunity for the Muslims to clean up seeds
(revenge of the Bani Khaibar) that could disturb the stability of the Muslims in
the future. Allâh Azza wa Jalla has promised a lot of booty, if the Muslims attack
and can beat the Jews of Khaibar.
F. Delegates of The Neighbouring Countries
After the conquest of Mecca, there was a big change in the condition of Arab
society, both in Makkah and outside it, so that the kabila began to send
delegations (messengers) to Rasulullah SAW to convey their Islam. This
delegation is known as al-Wufûd.
The arrival of the Arabic on 9 H, the effect of Islam was getting stronger until
it succeeded in uniting the Arabian Peninsula politically in one force for the first
time, even before it was known that the emergence of several countries and
political forces before Islam such as Ma'in, Saba', Himyar, Kindah , Ghassan,
and Munzir. But these forces were unable to unite the Arabs in their flag. Even
the above civilizations became extinct and destroyed because of Bedouin life
before Islam. Another thing that made it even more glorious because Rasulullah
(Pbuh) managed to unite the Arabs in one force, namely Islam, in less than 10
A. Insiden Dengan Bani Qainuqa
Sebagaimana telah kita ketahui pada 7 Ramadhan Tahun 2 Hijriyah (13 Maret
624) telah terjadi perang antara kaum muslimin melawan kaum musyrikin
Makkah di Badar; dimana perang tersebut menjadi sira-ul wujud (pertempuran
yang menegaskan eksistensi) bagi kaum muslimin. Kemenangan kaum muslimin
di Badar membuat bangsa Arab memperhitungkan keberadaan mereka. Namun,
kaum Yahudi meremehkan kemenangan tersebut.
Berita tersebut sampai kepada Nabi Muhammad SAW yang seketika itu juga
ia mengumumkan peperangan dengan bani Qainuwa dengan memerintahkan
kaum muslimin mengepung benteng Bani Qainuqa. Setelah pengepungan
berlangsung 15 hari, akhirnya mereka menyerah. Kaum Yahudi itu pasrah untuk
menerima hukuman yang akan diputuskan Rasulullah shallallahu ‘alaihi wa
sallam. Yahudi Bani Qainuqa adalah sekutu kabilah Khazraj dimana Abdullah
bin Ubay ada di dalamnya. Maka ia berupaya mengadvokasi orang-orang
Yahudi itu. Rasulullah kemudian berkata kepada Abdullah bin Ubay: “Mereka
itu kuserahkan padamu dengan syarat mereka harus keluar meninggalkan
Madinah dan tidak boleh hidup berdekatan dengan kota ini.” Sementara itu
Ubadah bin Shamit yang juga merupakan pemuka Khazraj bersikap tegas
memutuskan persekutuan dengan Yahudi. Akhirnya Bani Qainuqa pergi
meninggalkan Madinah menuju pedusunan bernama Adzra’at di daerah Syam.
Kemudian banyak diantara mereka mati tertimpa musibah penyakit.
C. Perang Al-Ahzab
Mayoritas ulama mengatakan bahwa perang Ahzab atau khandaq terjadi pada
bulan Syawal tahun ke lima Hijriyah. Adapun penyebab berlangsungnya
peperangan ini adalah kedengkian Yahudi Bani Nadhir terhadap kaum Muslimin
Ketika orang orang musyrik hendak melancarkan serbuan ke arah orang orang
Mu’min dan menyerang Madinah, ternyata mereka harus berhadapan dengan
parit. Karena itu mereka memutuskan untuk mengepung orang orang Muslim di
Madinah. Padahal tatkala keluar dari rumah, mereka tidak siap untuk melakukan
pengepungan. Karena mereka sama sekali tidak mengenal siasat perang yang
dilakukan oleh kaum Muslimin pada saat itu, dan mereka sama sekali tidak
D. Perjanjian Hudaibiyah
Hudaibiyah adalah nama sebuah sumur arah barat daya dari kota Mekah
dengan jarak sekitar 22 km. Sekarang tempat ini dikenal dengan nama
Asyamisiy. Kemudian Hudaibiyyah dikenal sebagai nama sebuah peperangan
atau perjanjian antara kaum Muslimin dan kuffar Quraisy yang terjadi pada
tahun ke-6 hijriyah pada bulan Dzulqa’dah. Permulaan peristiwa ini adalah
ketika Rasûlullâh Shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam ingin melaksanakan umrah,
meski beliau paham betul orang-orang Quraisy tidak akan membiarkan begitu
saja beliau melaksakan keinginan beliau. Dan besar kemungkinan akan terjadi
kontak senjata, mengingat kuffar Quraiys adalah musuh terbesar kaum Muslimin
saat itu.
Dari pihak muslim, ada Abu Bakar as-Siddiq, Umar bin Khattab,
Abdurrahman bin Auf, Sa’ad bin Abi Waqqash, Muhammad bin Salamah, dan
Abdurrahman bin Suhail. Ali bin Abi Thalib bertugas sebagai sekretaris.
Sementara di pihak kaum musyrik ada Suhail bin Amr dan Mikraz bin Hafzh.
Sebenarnya beberapa sahabat, termasuk Umar dan Ali merasa keberatan dengan
isi perjanjian Hudaibiyah (khususnya untuk butir kedua dan keempat). Namun
mereka menerimanya setelah mendapat penjelasan dari Nabi Muhammad SAW.
E. Perang Khaibar
Khaibar adalah suatu daerah yang subur yang dikelilingi oleh benteng-
benteng kaum Yahudi. Benteng tersebut merupakan benteng terakhir di Jazirah
Arabiah. Awalnya, orang-orang yahudi Khaibar tidak memperlihatkan
permusuhan terhadap kaum Muslimin, sampai pemuka Bani Nadhir bergabung
dengan mereka setelah terusir dari Madinah. Setelah itu, babak baru hubungan
antara mereka dengan kaum Muslimin dimulai. Diantara pemuka Bani Nadhir
yang menonjol yang bergabung dengan yahudi di Khaibar adalah Sallâm bin Abi
al-Huqaiq, Kinânah bin Abi al-Huqaiq dan Huyai bin Akhtâb.