1 FAQs Finacle
1 FAQs Finacle
1 FAQs Finacle
Frequently Asked Questions – Financle 10
1. Process to know UTR number through Paysys id
E.g. Branch user informed that they wanted to know UTR number through Paysys id ___________.
Solution-Kindly go HPORDM>>Function Inquire>>Click on Payment Order ID Torch>>Next page will
be open on that page Click on UTR Torch>>Next page will be open on that page Click on Routed Ref
No enter Paysys ref no>>Click on submit on next page UTR no Reflected.
For inquiring Order ID you can also use IRTGS menu.
2. While verifying RTGS through HPORDM if branch is getting following error: “E4221-Invalid field format-
Sender/Receiver line 1”
Solution – We have to Right beneficiary name with starting from \ (i.e. if beneficiary if ABC Ltd then
Sender to receiver should be \ABC Ltd)
4. Branch is saying that not able to access IMGMNT menu in finacle 10.
Solution – Branch to check the signature or other details related to IMGMNT in SVS option which is
available below GBMPEN option. In SVS there is option for Inquire on Signature.
5. While assigning teller to any user id from HGECM menu branch is getting error as “The placeholder is
already assigned to an employee”.
Solution - Branch can check, how many tellers are assigned in branch from HTCPIAC menu and
modify the delete flag as Y in HGECM menu for the particular user id and then try to add the teller
account to respective user id.
6. If in HIRM menu branch is not able to verify/cancel/modify the record for any bill id and getting error as “SYS
Fatal error has occurred“
Solution - Informed the branches that this error is due to multiple records are lodged at a time and
then branch is going for verification the record from HIRM menu. Branch need to modify and verify the
record for single bill id and then do the same process for another bill id’s .When any bill lodged in
HIRM menu then it need to be verified immediately .Do not enter any second record without verifying
previous record .
8. While doing transaction posting it is showing message as "error occurred during interaction with server".
Solution -Kindly go in HTM > give function as P and give transaction details > then
Click on: "Expand"
Part Transaction Srl. No. From: "1"
Part Transaction Srl. No. To: "300"
Include Deleted Part Transaction: "Y"
Include Posted Part Transaction : "Y"
9. How to check whether any SB/CD/CC/OD account, which type of lien is exist.
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Solution -Menu option: HALM > Function: List Select > give account no and submit to check the lien
10. What is the menu to know the asset classification for any cust id
Solution - HASSET is the MENU to be used for Knowing the Asset Classification.
11. How to check collateral lien for deposit account.
Solution - Use HCLM menu >function Inquiry < select type as Deposits >then in collateral Id field
click on Search button > another window will be displayed to make it large by dragging your mouse so
that you can put Deposit account id .In Search collateral Id, enter Deposit A/c. ID and click on submit.
Branch will get collateral code.
12. How to delink/withdraw collateral lien from any deposit account for Error "Collateral exists for the A/c. Hence
the account cannot be closed"
Solution -To delete /delink the collateral id from any deposit account, use HCLM menu > function
Modify > Select type as Deposits > give the collateral id and click on go > check the details
accordingly and click on the status and then click on Particulars >select withdraw and give reason
code and submit the same and verify it and then go for closure of TDR/Deposit account.
For LATDR Account opened in Fin X we have to run menu HLACM and Modify. Put Account No. and
Tick mark Del Record Button.
13. HCRV Menu -To know the how many accounts are linked to customer id
Solution – In HCRV Menu, click on accounts and show all accounts
14. Kindly confirm whether branch can mentioned Loan account in HOCTM menu for clearing purpose.
Solution- Loan account is not allowed in HOCTM menu. Use may use the SOLIDSUNCR161
15. From which menu branch can check the office account ledger balance.
Solution- Branch can use HACLINQ menu to the office account ledger balance
Branches should not reversed the proxy into NRO type of accounts and if it is reversed then report
code is mandatory for NRO account as LW .But it will not allow branch to put the same in transaction at
branch end, which need to be updated from backend .After updation of report code branch need to run BTP
menu option to post the transaction.
18. How to Check Scheme Parameter for Term Deposit Scheme Code?
Solution -To check scheme parameter for Term deposit scheme code use HTDGSPI menu and
for loan scheme parameter use HLAGSPI menu from Finacle DR because it is having work class as
997 in Finacle dc.
19. If branch is getting runtime error occurred in Account Creation for Corporate Customer id then follow below
Solution -Kindly ask branch to Add Beneficiary Owner details and not beneficiary details
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(Branch is adding record in beneficiary details instead of Beneficiary Owner details)
Then verify the same in CRM and try to open Account.
20. Branch is unable to Modify CIF ID and getting an Error ' Entity is under verification cannot modify '
and is also not showing for verification CIF ID
New CIF ID is created but showing in Self tray only and user wants to deleted or sent for approval CIF ID
Select option Entity Queue > Tray type: self >
Action: Saved > Submit and then do right click on Cust id /CIF ID
Three Option will be shown/available, Options are mentioned below so need to select an entity for delete OR
sent for approval for verification of CIF ID.
22. In PSRS Menu while modifying the records ERROR code as "RUNTIME ERROR OCCURED"
Error is due to PREFERREDADDRESS as Y - two records for the mentioned custid.
Branch need to check the details in Edit Entity in CRM and Edit general details in Contact Column two
address is given for same address type so need to delete any one and add any different address type and
verify the cust id and then try to generate the Report
23. Menu option to check the loan a/c E option (i.e. Repayment details ) ,how much installment recovery is done
or outstanding
Solution- Kindly use HLPAYH or HLRPSI menu to check the loan a/c E option (i.e. Repayment
details ) i.e. how much installment recovery is done or outstanding. You may also check using
Solution- Closed account statement can be generated in HPSP menu if statement frequency is
properly available in Account level and also need to give Duplicate option if already statement is
printed and select a/c type as closed a/c and date range
It can be either generated in full size or half size depends upon the transaction particulars.
26. For CIF ID in CRM showing and error as “null has modified and it is in draft status".
Solution- Use menu option HMKCIF > give cust id (CIF ID)> branch will get assignee user id
and from old assignee Tray branch can transfer CIF id to new assignee Tray by putting new assignee user id .
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After this process branch can verify CIF ID from new assignee tray. Before doing this process kindly ask
branch to do fresh login in finacle dc.
28. Unable to close one saving a/c, while running HCAAC menu it shows as "Account Maintenance Period Is Not
Set for Scheme SB_" OR Account Maintenance Period Is Not Set For Scheme SB_"
Solution - Kindly make the collect charges field as No in HACM menu on the general tab details and
verify the same & then proceed with account closure. If any charges branch want to collect then need
to take it
34. From which menu branch can generate of partially/fully un-responded entries of Office Accounts Pointing
Solution – use menu MISRPT< OTHERS> Unadjusted Office A/C Transaction Details
37. While closure of Loan account getting message as “Linkages exist for the collateral ID”
Solution –First branch can check collateral id in which account link through HCLL menu.
Kindly modify account in HSCLM menu with collateral id and change nature as secondary and verify
the same after that again run HSCLM menu for same account and collateral id for unlink record and
verify.Then branch can withdraw (Destroy) collateral id through HCLM menu and try to close account
through HCAACTD menu.
(If collateral is Substitute status then branch need to make it Secondary and then unlink the same)
HSCLM Menu > Function : M > put A/c no : 000000000000000 >put Collateral id: 00000000000
(Exception message will show >click ok) then click on Accept. Next page will be open change nature
as secondary and submit .Record will successfully modify and verify the same.
39. While changing scheme code from HACXFRSC menu branch is getting error as “The direct selling agent
setup is unavailable at the scheme level for [Sb_], [INR]".
Solution- Kindly update the Sourcing Dealer ID as WALKIN in HACM >others details and verify the
same and then do HACXFRSC.
40. If for any Corporate CIF ID error is showing as “CIF under verification “ while modification.
Solution - then in corporate search put CIF ID and in entity type as Customer and then click on submit.
System will allow to modify the cust id in CRM.
41. Branch unable to execute HSCOD and the error displayed is “Unverified signature exist. Branch has verified
all the signatures and generate the ABH reports as well
Solution- While doing verification in SVS, branch need to select account type as Master account, since
account signature is scanned as master a/c and not normal. Record will be shown for verification
43. In CCPA menu if account number is not fetching in list what to do?
Solution – Branch need to check for CRM whether any CIFID is under verification or not ,if yes then first
verify the CRM and also check accounts which are coming under cust id should not having any special
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characters .If any special characters in account name then branch need to remove the same and if
branch is not allowed to remove it then need to lodged a call in BMC tool for backend updation.
44. Kindly confirm whether branch need to run HPAYOFF menu loan account closure
Solution -For Loan Account closure, there is no need to Run HPAYOFF For Account closure. Branches
to Direct run CAACLA menu for account closure. And If Loan Account is in Credit Balance then run
LNTM menu for debit the Loan Account and then Run CAACLA.
45. In ADCREQ menu , if branch is getting error as " customer's permanent and communication address both are
of outside India" even though customer is Indian residents
Solution: Kindly select preferred address as ‘Mailing’ in CRM Contacts>address Tab details and then try
to add the request in ADCREQ.
46. While link Collateral through HSCLM menu ,branch is getting an error message "Kindly enter the Application
Detail through CGTMSE - A option”, even though branch has already added the record in CGTMSE menu
Solution: If any verification is pending in CGTMSE menu for the account under any one of the option
then branch will get above error message. Select every option in CGTMSE menu and try to verify the
record. Then, Link Collateral for the same through HSCLM menu.
47. At time of modification of CIF ID in CRM error is coming as: You need more privilege for
Solution: Kindly ask 700 work class user to try the same at branch end.
48. While adding Form60 for CIF ID system gives error as “No record Found”
Solution: For one customer only 1 transaction can be accepted by system for that amount , it will
not allow multiple transaction in a single day .
49. While checking account balance in HACCBAL menu system reserved amount is showing and as
checked in HFTI menu no entered level transaction is pending, Kindly guide.
Solution : Kindly check at branch end in HFTI menu for above account any System generated
Transaction id which is deleted for that much amount, If such transaction is showing then note
down and provide the transaction id, date and amount and lodge a call in BMC TOOL for
backend updation in account
50. In HTM menu if branch is getting error : GQ2 Exception Customer DR without CHQ
Solution: Kindly ask 550 and above workclass user to do the same in HTM menu.
51. While cancelling DD or Payorder in HDDC menu error is coming as : DD not issued / The record is not found.
Kindly Check the dd or Payorder issued Tran id in HTM menu in Additional Details Option DD or Payorder
number is blank due to which above error is coming. So kindly try to cancel the same through HDDC and -
Function C – – Tran ID ( ) /Part tran (enter the part tran number which consist the leg of account
DDCBS001/PSI001 )>DD issue date – Tran type – Create service charges tran as N/Y– in the Purchaser ID
the default A/c ID as SUNCR114 will appear .
52. Branch unable to withdraw amount for PPF account as while withdrawal error is coming as:
CBS account is DORMANT or Freeze.
Solution: Kindly check the operative account for above PPF account is showing as DORMANT or Freeze
or in Other Sol id. So system will show above error message.
53. Branch unable to modify post verify transaction id as in HTM menu error is coming as :
1. Cannot create/modify transactions to proxy account in part tran no-1.
2.Scheme validation failed/ Report code not entered / Additional Details not entered
Solution :
Step 1: Modify the transaction, one leg at a time, by entering Part Transaction Srl. No. From and
Part Transaction Srl. No. To column.
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Step 2: Enter the required details to correct error like
a. Entering additional details (as shown in screenshot below)
b. Updating Reference number
c. Entering report code
Step 3: Save the transactions .This will save only single leg which as modified.
Step 4: System will show success message and transaction will be still in entered state.
54. Branch unable to do Intersol Deposit for PPF account as while deposit error is coming as : Invalid
PPF account.
Solution: Kindly select the Inter sol id and then select the Torch for validating Operative account,
And proceed for PPF deposit.
55. Branch unable to add SI in EPAY menu for PPF account no as while adding Blank Page is coming.
Solution: Kindly check for above PPF account no deposit has been done. Due to which in EPAY
menu blank page is coming. Kindly do deposit in above PPF account and then add PPF SI. Further
in ACC no. we have to enter PPF in Capital letters
56. While unfreeze of account or Dormant to Active of account system shows error message as : "
Signature is not Updates for this customers".
Solution: Kindly add signature under SVS module for account or cust id level and then unfreeze
the same .
57. Account is freeze marked and unable to unfreeze the same in HAFSM menu and freeze code is
showing as 111
Solution: Account is freeze mark with freeze code 111 then it is for Non KYC compliance so branch
need to contact General Operation Department (GOD) HO in this regards. Use may use the CRM
option and make the CIF KYC compliant.
58. In CRM option error is showing for CIF ID as “ Serverside Validation Error-Entity Last Name and
CIF ID is not matching for given Relation-Field - Entity Last Name~Relation “
Solution: Kindly modify the CIF ID in CRM under Relationship column and give only First Name
and Last Name. If branch has mentioned as ( full name with middle name ) in Both First Name and
Last Name column then change the same for all other relationship type in CRM .
59. Unable to surrender the Locker and getting error: Run time error.
Solution : Branch have to check below details
1. Customer id should be SDV Locker
2. Cust Id should not be suspended
3. Check Special Characters in Name and address ,if any remove the same and check cust
id should be updated In CRM
4. Locker issue date should not be very old Like 01-02-1980
5. Kindly check mode Of Operation in LKCM should be correct, if not kindly select form
Available List.
6. Check operative Ac should be active status.
60. Unable to Deposit / Withdraw / Closure for PPF account and showing an error: Account is frozen.
Solution : Kindly go to GBM >PPF>Account maintenance > modify>click on pan applied as NO
then put pan card no manually>pan applied as YES > Account Holder a Minor as NO> Major
Certificate produced as yes and then submit
61. What is the process for adding QR for account in HMCQR menu
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Solution: Branch can refer the Branch Circular No.115/154 dated 18-08-2021 for the process for
adding QR for account in HMCQR menu.
65. While adding record in STCON menu getting error as customer type is null.
Solution -Kindly note that the customer type field in CRM is blank. Kindly select the appropriate
value in CRM > General > basic info > customer type> verify the same and then add record in
66. While going for deposit account closure getting error as Common Group: Report code for closure has
to be entered in Closure Remarks field. Valid values are PA - Principal Remitted Abroad, PL - Principal
Remitted Locally, IA - Inter.
Solution-Kindly use menu HCAACTD > function Z > give account no > go > go to closure
information tab enter the operative account no > validate > go to Closure Exceptions tab > in
Closure Remarks field enter PA / PL / IA /TR > Submit.
67. Branch has opened a BC account by execution of menu HOAACFI but unable to perform any
operations on the account getting error: 257 - The account creation is not yet authorized.
Solution-Kindly verify the CIF Id in HCCFM menu first and then verify the account in HOAACVSB
68. What is the menu to know the account number is linked to which a particular Cheque.
Solution-Kindly use menu HINQACHQ > give Cheque no > give Sol id > go > the related account
number details will be shown.
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71. While going for deposit account closure getting error as Common group : Credit interest slabs are not
set for tbl code [TDSRC], crncy code [INR], ver num [00357].
Solution -Kindly note that the accounts ROI incorrect version shown in system and it's already in
deleted status kindly modify ROI in HINTTM menu and select correct ROI and Version then verify
the same.And contact to your concern department (GOD) in Zonal Office only ZO authorizer is
allowed to change ROI in HINTTM.
Follow the below procedure for change ROI in HINTTM and guide the same to Zonal user.
Function: M / Select: Account
Entity id: Entered A/c no then, GO
Interest table code: entered Table code and click on torch and select correct ( First Record ) and start date
and a/c value date and Submit, then verify the same.
After that proceed to account closure.
72. While doing modification in HACM getting error as Common group error field must be entered, record
has been deleted, invalid title code.
Solution-Kindly use menu HACM > go in scheme tab > select a/c status as active > go in
Nomination tab > fill the State, Country and Postal Code > go in Related Party tab > go on 2nd
record and remove the ( .) from title field and select valid value from searcher > go in MIS Codes tab
> remove the 999 from Free Code 3 and NRML from free code 10 > submit and verify the HACM.
*Note : If in HACM > general details the Charge Level Code is given as 102 which is not valid. Then Kindly
select valid values from the searcher.
73. While doing modification in OGM menu getting error as “error details.”
Solution- Kindly modify OGM and check every field where searcher is available select valid values
from the searcher and check. Also note that in fields like Name, Address line 1, address line 2 etc.
there should not be any special characters and the character length should not be more than 35
74. While going for account opening getting error as user id entered is a virtual user.
Solution-Kindly check in HUPM menu the user id mentioned in the A/c. Manager is CDCI /
SYSTEM which is virtual user. Kindly modify the same
75. Unable to modify the expiry date in OGM menu to extend the BG.
Solution - Kindly note that in OGM menu select function as U Amendment and then system will
allow to modify the expiry date. Also note that in fields like Name, Address line 1, address line 2 etc
there should not be any special characters and the character length should not be more than 35
characters. Kindly check the same.
77. User unable to post teller transactions even when teller is allotted to the user getting error as no access
to system cash account.
Solution- Kindly modify HEFM for the use and make the Employee to Post Teller Transactions as
Yes and then proceed for transaction posting.
78. From which menu TDS operative account number can be entered for deposit accounts.
Solution- Kindly use menu HACMTD > go to Interest & Tax Tab > give the required account no in Tax
Deducted at Source Operative A/c. ID field.
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79. User unable to do normal receipt or normal payment transaction to other sol accounts getting error as only inquiry
allowed on other sol accounts.
Solution- Kindly modify HUPM for the user and make the user tenure from captive to free and then do
80. Branch has destroyed a few inventory a few days back but did not verify the same now they are unable to find the
IMC no for the same for verification.
Solution-Kindly use menu HIMI > give the start date > give inventory status as E > GO. The record will be
83. Unable to View Signature of account as error is shown while viewing the same " A pop-up is reflected
showing 'Application blocked by Java Security' "
Solution : Branch Need to add the URL in JAVA Security tab -edit site list .URL's are already
available in finacle 10 configuration document
84. Branch is facing error in related party details while opening an savings account in HOAACSB menu.
The error message is displaying as "Enter a value in the field".
Solution: Kindly click on the error message and check in which column the cursor is highlighting
and proceed for account opening.
85. Branch unable to generate interest certificate in HINTCERT menu record not found in HPR.
Solution: Kindly follow below process to generate the same.
Menu option: HINTCERT
Report to: M
From date & To Date
in MRT file name : kindly select 2nd record from search bar >> valid date the same & Submit.
86. Loan account number is not getting generated for newly created CIF ID in Finacle 10
Solution: Informed branch user that because once the CIF ID is created in CRM, the same is not
being linked with Finacle CORE using the HCCFM menu.
87. Branch unable to verify loan recovery transaction through HTM getting an error "cannot modify/cancel"
and account in NPA.
Solution: Ask 700 workclass user to use HBTP menu for posting the transaction.
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90. Branch unable to close account getting an error “Account is mentioned as charge account for a
customer. Closure cannot proceed."
Solution: If any account is having mentioned error then ask branch to check the CIF id of account in
HCCFM menu and in HCCFM menu > use Modify function > put cust id and check account is linked
or not and if account is mentioned then remove the account and go for closure of account.
If Any different cust id is linked to the account via HCCFM menu then system will auto populated the
cust id then branch need to remove the charge account id from HCCFM menu by the display cust id
and then go for closure of account .
92. In newly promoted and recruited clerks, HPR menu does not work properly. They are unable to print
statements, FD’s etc. Also, in many clerk ID’s, entering of ANWTM is not allowing
Solution – The Folder for each of the user get created in the system while enabling the users or
during user creation. The files can be fetched from the user path by Using the HPR menu option. In
case of issue, please raise a ticket in BMC tool with User id which is not working as expected.
For ANWTM if the user is a free user only the system allows the option.
93. Statement of accounts do not have full details of transaction. Remitter beneficiary names are not
mentioned. Even passbook printing is not proper as complete details are not mentioned
Solution – Whatever is captured in the Particulars Field only those will be displayed in Statement of
accounts or passbook printing. In case of any passbook alignment issues you need to contact your
local IT support for the resolution of alignment of printer.
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Solution - As per Finacle product functionality the system demands the Overdue amount only from
Loan Recovery Batch. Branch may Utilize the Overflow amount in Principle amount through
HLAUPAY. However ECS Can be credited at any time..
96. Instant generation of internet banking passwords should be allowed especially for current account
Solution - As per present practice, request for password regeneration for corporate customer is
submitted by branch user through STCON menu and same is processed by IB operations team at
HO-DBD on next working day after which passwords are sent to user on registered
address. Required facility for instant generation of Internet Banking passwords is not feasible to be
provided in existing version of Internet Banking due to EOL of product and there is no support from
OEM for this legacy application.
97. Remarks for any cash, RTGS,NEFT transactions is not printing in account statement in all accounts ,
so it becomes difficult for the customers to find out the source of funds
Solution - The narration mentioned in "Particulars field" will be printed in the account statement.
98. System Deduct TDS despite form 15G/H entered and verified in system.
Solution - This issue is due to modification of TDS table code done in CRM by branches after
entering 15G/H. This is resulting in mismatch in TDS table codes thereby allowing the system to
deducting TDS. Erroneous TDS cust id is seen in few cases which is also causing the system to
deduct TDS.
99. Even after entering appropriate code in ACM (V) still system recover full PPC and other charges for
loan scheme like welcome Offer for advance accounts
Solution - The Logic for the PPC is existing. The same can be changed as per the requirement if
any provided by the functional department.
102. SFMS message for bill lodged in not delivered to the destination Branch/ Bank
Solution - Status of SFMS message can be checked through HSMI menu
103. The lifting of Lien in HALM module does not work properly.
Solution - If the Details for LOANS type lien is Entered and value is selected from searcher system
then it will work. In case of any data issue the same can be referred to Data Center by logging a call
in BMC tool.
104. Direct Credit in Loan account not being done, we route after parking in Office account, which also stop
Solution - Direct Credit in Loan AC allowed through HLASPAY/HLAUPAY menu.
105. Intimation not given to customers through SMS before freezing their accounts due to non-KYC, which
effects trust of the customers on the Bank
Solution - No such requirements received from Functional Department.
106. The customer (customer ID- 004520711) is not getting senior citizen ROI benefit for extension of
various TDR in accounts
Solution – Data Center is not modifying interest rate table code. This is taken care by GOD-ZO
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107. On due date, while delinking/crystallization of the Bill Under Letter of credit, we are not getting an
option to grant TOD if the operative account doesn’t have enough balance. Due to this we are not able to
delink the bill in the regular way. How to resolve the issue.
Solution - In earlier version of Finacle 7X, branch was able to do the transaction of LC ,BG ,BILLS
(I/F) and remittances though the customer balance doesn’t have sufficient balance . System was
restricting the transaction in verification stage . Sometimes branches were verifying the transaction
by marking flag as proxy . To avoid the same and enabling the better control mechanism , Finacle
10 has enhanced features to restrict transactions in case of insufficient balance. As of now , Finacle
10x is blocking such transactions. We are enabling the parameter (COMT) only in case of
Invocation of BG and devolvement of LC based on branch request. Matter has been referred to
business department while implementation.
109. Cheques books are not being delivered at the address of the customer and most of the cards are
being sent on branch address
Solution - If the branch has marked in Finacle as hold , then the cheque book will be delivered at
branch only. For all other cases it will be delivered at the registered address of the customer.
111. GST invoice details are not being uploaded in GARUDA in time ( even after 2 months of deduction of
Solution - Due to space issue in Garuda file movement is delayed and now invoices are available
in GARUDA. Also we are working on moving the invoices in DMS
112. 100% PPC charges are being debited to PLCR016 for CC accounts under Welcome offer scheme with
50% concession even after MIS code entered correctly
Solution - The Logic for the PPC is existing. The same can be changed as per the requirement if
any provided by the functional department. Further branch has to enter % of concession in MIS Text
2 by expanding the MIS Code tab at bottom. System will waive the % entered in mis text 2.
Suppose PPC is 5000/- and concession entered in Free Text 2 is 30% then system will deduct the
PPC of 3500/-
113. Annual review/processing charges are being charged to GECL accounts with PPC waiver
Solution - The Logic for the PPC is existing. The same can be changed as per the requirement if
any provided by the functional department. Further branch can enter % of concession in MIS Text 2
by expanding the MIS Code tab at bottom. System will waive the % entered in mis text 2. Suppose
PPC is 5000/- and concession entered in Free Text 2 is 30% then system will deduct the PPC of
114. PPC Charged for Smart Home loan Scheme with PPC waiver
Solution - The Logic for the PPC is existing. The same can be changed as per the requirement if
any provided by the functional department. Further branch can enter % of concession in MIS Text 2
by expanding the MIS Code tab at bottom. System will waive the % entered in mis text 2. Suppose
PPC is 5000/- and concession entered in Free Text 2 is 30% then system will deduct the PPC of
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Solution - In HALM for Loans if branch select value from searcher system will not give any error if
no data anomaly is there. For LNTM sample require to analyse. (HALM Menu still faces error
should remove this point until sorted out).
117. In MIIB menu “only Inquiry allowed in other sol” appearing randomly during operation and have to be
tried multiple times before submitting
Solution - No such restriction in CBS. Request you kindly sample bill id so that we can analyse and
revert. Please log a call in BMC.
118. Customers hot listing cards are being charged AMC charges even after hot listing. On hot listing, card
should automatically get deleted from system
Solution - This issue has been resolved on 30th Nov 2022. Any hot listing done post Nov 2022 , the
cards are getting deleted automatically.
119. We are unable to find account no. through card no. which was earlier possible in Finacle 7. Thus, a lot
of cards go to waste which are left behind by customers
Solution - KNCUSTId menu option can be used to find account no using the card no.
120. ATM and POS reversal turn-around time is too long
Solution - Bank is following RBI circular on harmonisation of TAT (RBI/2019-20/67
DPSS.CO.PD No.629/02.01.014/2019-20 dated 20.09.2019) for reversal of ATM and POS transactions
121. ATM cards not being delivered to customers even after several months. On mailing to ATM cell, no
response received. Undelivered ATM’s going back to Manipal instead of being delivered to home branch.
For many accounts especially current accounts, ATM cards not working. Error comes 'invalid account type’
Solution- 1. In early January 2022, due to global shortage in supply of CHIP, our existing vendors
(M/s MCT & M/s Idemia) had expressed their inability to maintain the TAT for total requirement of
personalized cards as well as ready kits. Although, card printing by both the vendors continued till
18.07.2022 (expiry of previous contract) but, a total backlog of 11,04,990 personalized cards
remained till we resumed printing on 14.09.2022 after issuance of new Purchase Order with M/s
MCT(who again qualified in the new RFP)
From the total backlog, printing of NCMC cards were taken up on priority due to availability of base
card with M/s MCT as on 14.09.2022. We could clear the backlog for the period from 20.05.2022 to
17.07.2022 with the available stock and dispatched 1.38 lakh cards till 26.09.2022. Strategically
backlog printing of September 2022 prioritized and dispatch by card printing vendor was completed
in first week of October 2022. The remaining backlog for the period 18.07.2022 to 31.08.2022 was
printed subsequently along with regular NCMC card requests made by branches.
Printing of RuPay Platinum cards resumed from last week of October 2022 and 1.09 Lakh cards
printed including regular requests received from the branches.
Printing of Visa Classic resumed from November and printing of current requests along with the
backlog are undertaken. There is no backlog printing remaining as on date and cards are printed
and dispatched on regular basis.
As there was a backlog from 20th May the overall TAT was high mainly due to:
a. PO issued to new vendors on 05.09.2022 and printing started by only one vendor – MCT
with the available Card Base of RuPay NCMC,
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FAQ for Finacle 10
b. Base card preparation lead time is 4-6 weeks and the work was started by MCT only after
PO issuance,
c. MCT was able to print 15,000 cards per day initially which was stretched upto 25, 000 per
day after several round of discussion with their Top Management and personal visits to the bureau
in last week of November,
d. The process of certification, key injection, white plastic testing, pilot card testing etc. for M/s
G & D and M/s CMS, are the key requirement for on boarding card personalization vendor and took
45-60 days,
e. MCT was certified for specific variants of the cards and printing of other variants were only
possible after on boarding of new vendors. The variants being printed by M/s MCT were RuPay
NCMC, RuPay Platinum and Visa Classic.
f. The backlog for RuPay NCMC, RuPay Platinum & Visa Classic were cleared during the first
week of November however, due to DCMS migration from 19.11.2022 current card request data
was put on hold for RuPay NCMC and Visa Classic,
g. M/s G & D emerged as L1 vendor and as per RFP terms to maintain the printing ratio, we
had issued PO for RuPay Platinum to G & D on 16.09.2022 in anticipation that the vendor will be on
boarded by 2nd week of November 2022. But, due to technical challenges, CISO clearance, DCMS
migration etc., their on boarding was delayed and onboarding could only be completed on
14.12.2022. In the meantime card base available with M/s MCT was exhausted. Although we had
issued a PO to M/s MCT on 07.11.2022 for RuPay Platinum card, M/s MCT couldn’t expedite
manufacturing of Base Card and a backlog of 1.3 lakh (approx.) and could be cleared only recently.
At present, all the three vendors are on boarded and real time data flow is happening through new
DCMS. Personalized cards are being dispatched by the Card Personalized vendors in T+3 days.
2. Dispatch and RTO details are listed below.
Total Dispatch as on 31.12.2022 15,83,554
RTO as on 30.12.2022. 32,304
Percentage of Return to Origin is approximately 2% since printing has restarted from 19.09.2022
which we have found out to be the industry average
We have done a sample check on addresses in RTO of card and have found that in many cases
addresses are insufficient. We are further analysing the RTO reasons in consultation with the Zonal
IT & Post Office.
3. The invalid account no. error occurred after migration of DCMS during the month of
December 2022. The issue was patched in the first week of January 2023.
122. Debit cards showing in CARDSTAT but not showing in ADCREQ and DCSER and as result account
holder is unable to use the debit card which they have received after waiting for 4 months
Solution – The DBD department have written to Zones to share the account numbers to address
the issue
123. For NRE account ,we can’t provide them NCMC cards and all other cards like rupay select/rupay
platinum are not getting delivered to the customer
Solution - Rupay Platinum, Rupay NCMC, Rupay Select, Visa Classic are being dispatched on T+3
basis since December after clearance of backlog.
Visa Business card and Visa Platinum regular dispatch will begin from 30.01.2023 at the latest.
124. Internet banking passwords shows “printing under process” in IBSTATUS even after applying for
passwords in 15-20 days
Solution - Printing of password process is taken care by IB operations team at HO- DBD therefore,
for further action please take it up HO DBD Department.
125. New internet banking password account holder has received but still user status is showing as expired
Solution - Action is required by IB operations team at HO-DBD end to enable the expired users
through admin portal. Hence, matter to be taken up with DBD for further action in the matter.
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127. BOI mobile app related issue such as “facing technical problem, try again later continuous for one
month, OTP doesn’t come in Vodafone SIM, Generic failure in sending SMS, this types of error coming IN
BOI mobile app
Solution - The issue related to OTP doesn’t come in Vodafone SIM, Generic failure in sending
SMS, there is no generic issue observed and for any specific user issue, matter needs to be
referred to SMS team for checking the delivery status and troubleshooting in case of any issue.
Further, we are extending facility of online trouble shooting with these specific customers also.
For resolution of issue “facing technical problem, try again later” related to silent SMS two separate
services providers were incorporated in the application to overcome the issues encountered.
128. Housing loan interest certificate can’t be generated, most of the time it shows no record generated
Solution – This can be generated in the HINTCRT menu. This menu generates the reports for the
period defined. We can also generate the same in DR-: MISRPT-: LETTERS
129. Repayment in Loan a/cs is only allowed from the operative a/c not from any other accounts
Solution - Repayment allowed in HLASPAY / HLAUPAY from any type of operative ac. For Office
AC 902-33 ac of Sol is allowed.
130. During Vehicle loan disbursement it asks to update security in HCLM. But in HCLM it asks about
vehicle’s registration number, engine numbers, chasis number
Solution – Since this is a Vehicle loan, the relevant details are required to be captured and this is
as per the Bank Requirement the same was implemented by DC IT.
131. While closing Loan accounts in which primary security is stock and book debts, we are not able to
close the accounts directly. We have to first, make all the primary collaterals( which were already
substituted in the system) to secondary through HSCLM and then unlink all the collaterals (Which were
already substituted) in the system through HSCLM and then close the account which is taking a lot of time.
Solution - As per Finacle functionality for Loans the Primary security cannot be substituted. The
stock book debts are used as security in mentioned cases and substituted. The account having the
same issue to be handled at Data Center
132. In Loan against TDR/ OD against TDR, the ROI applicable in the Loan/ OD account should be fetched
from the AVTDR of the account. As of now, if the customer is updating his TDR for better rate of interest,
the ROI in the loan/OD against those TDR is not getting updated as per the Average ROI in TDRs Lien
Marked. As INTTM is blocked for branch users, every time we have to prepare an IOM for change in ROI
for the account.
Solution - For Account Opened Post Migration the system take care of the Change in ROI/Multiple
TDR. The previous scheme LA611/OD271 are discontinued for new ac. For Existing Account the
functionality to handle the ROI change in System was not there in FIN 7 so need to be handled at
branch level.
133. In Integreat Application, there is no option of retired employee to select, for the processing of Loan
against Pension and Personal loan against pension. Kindly resolve this issue
Solution - We already have a product named “Pensioner loan” – branch live. The requirement
seems on simplified flavourist BRE engine that offers more loan to a pensioner.
Express PL Web – currently in UAT is having the functionality of “picking loan against pension”.
Similarly the equivalent branch journey “SSEPL” - upcoming in UAT, would take care of the branch.
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FAQ for Finacle 10
134. In Smart Home Loan, if the customer is maintaining savings account with our branch, only the interest
portion is getting debited from the operative account but the total EMI is not getting fetched. But the
drawing power is getting reduced every month, but still the EMI amount is not fetched by the system.
Solution - In Smart Home Loan AC the DP to be reduced monthly in Account to cater the Principle
Demand. In mentioned issue the account may have the issue in uploaded DP which can be rectified
by the branch using DPEMIUPL.
135. After submitting 15H of many senior citizen tax has been deducted not above Rs 50000 interest
Solution - This issue is due to modification of TDS table code done in CRM by branches after
entering 15G/H. This is resulting in mismatch in TDS table codes thereby allowing the system to
deducting TDS. Erroneous TDS cust id is seen in few cases which is also causing the system to
deduct TDS.
137 . Sukanya deposit showing penalty in multiple of Rs 150 but the customer has deposited already in the
present financial year
Solution - System is charging penalty for default accounts only. Branch can check last 3 yrs
Deposit and lodge request in BMC if wrong penalty charged System is charging penalty for default
accounts only. Branch can check last 3 yrs Deposit and lodge request in BMC if wrong penalty
138. For making NRE account active, system prompts Customer induced transaction, but account holder
has only one NRE account and in NRE account rupees can’t be deposited as a result we are unable to
make account active/unfreeze
Solution - As per the instructions from HO GOD the checks have been implemented. For any new
change in approach if required has to be provided by Functional Department.
139. Relaxation of parameter of PL account not allowed, so branch unable to reverse charges to customer
through CCXLGST
Solution - FINANCE Dept had put restriction on PL Account for debit. CCXLGST menu is used to
reverse PL Transaction only where GST transaction is involved. Other than GST Transaction
approval required from HO-Finance to relax parameter.
140. VNDRINVC menu; Deletion of old invoices entered in Finacle could not be deleted. Error says only
user Id who have created the entry can modify/delete. As the payment of invoices is now centralised at ZO
GOD, we need old invoice entry in VNDRINVC to be deleted
Solution- The menu has been devised as per GST Cell requirement however Branch can delete the
old unverified entries by lodging request in BMC tool.
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