SAM Feed Wagons - From 2002 v3
SAM Feed Wagons - From 2002 v3
SAM Feed Wagons - From 2002 v3
This Instruction and Parts Manual covers all SAM Feed Wagons manufactured since XXXX.
For all other SAM Machinery Instruction Manuals please visit
All SAM Machinery products are identified with a unique serial number located on the front of the machine
(e.g. 14 SF 1234). Please include this number with all parts and servicing enquiries so we can provide you
with fast and accurate assistance.
14 SF 1234
Rugged, reliable and built to last. Coombridge & Alexander have developed SAM Feed Wagons from over 65
years’ experience manufacturing agricultural machinery for local conditions.
Coombridge & Alexander Ltd is a family-owned company located in Frankton, Hamilton. We have been
active in the agricultural machinery industry since 1945 designing, manufacturing and servicing machinery
including Fertiliser Spreaders, Feed Wagons and Hydraulic Trailers.
Coombridge & Alexander Ltd controls the complete manufacturing process of SAM Machinery, closely
monitoring and guaranteeing the quality of all our products. Customer satisfaction and brand reputation are
our primary principles, from gaining a deep understanding of customer and on-farm requirements, through to
manufacturing and product delivery.
For all parts, servicing or support enquiries please contact us on 07 847 8492.
For international parts and servicing please contact Coombridge & Alexander Ltd directly on 0064 7 847 8492.
SAM Machinery products are guaranteed against any defects in either material or manufacture for a period
of 12 months from delivery date provided that the equipment has not been subject to abuse or misuse, op-
erated incorrectly, over loaded or used for purposes other than for which the equipment is designed or is not
maintained correctly or if fitted with other than genuine parts.
Claims are only valid when approved by the manufacturer. No person or agent is authorised to assume
any liability.
As the use of the equipment is outside our control we can only guarantee quality. No liability for loss, direct
expenses incurred from the use of this equipment or from any other cause of in respect of performance etc.
can be accepted.
Defective parts must be returned freight paid to the manufacturer or available to be inspected as directed.
Should such parts prove to the manufacturers satisfaction to be faulty - repair of - replacement of defective
parts shall constitute fulfilment of guarantee obligations. Parts destroyed, lost or tampered with nullify guar-
SAM Machinery products as designed and supplied by Coombridge & Alexander Ltd are warranted against
faulty workmanship and defective materials for a period of 12 months from date of purchase. Such warranty
is subject to the following conditions:
1. This warranty covers the repair or replacement of parts or machinery sold by Coombridge &
Alexander Ltd and damaged as a result of faulty workmanship of materials in such part of machinery.
It does not extend to any other loss or damage including consequential loss or damage to other
property or persons.
2. No responsibility will be accepted for repairs made other than by Coombridge & Alexander Ltd or its
accredited agent and without prior authorisation by Coombridge & Alexander Ltd.
a. Without limiting the generality of paragraph 1. above, this warranty does not cover the following;
b. Losses sustained through delay in delivery
c. Travel expenses
d. Damage caused by accident, misuse or abuse
3. Damage to any goods which have been altered or modified by someone other than Coombridge &
Alexander Ltd or its authorised dealers.
4. Procedure for recovery under warranty;
1. No loss or damage will be covered under warranty unless the following procedure is followed by
the purchaser.
1. If the purchaser is an authorised dealer -
a. Coombridge & Alexander Ltd must first be advised of details of the goods
concerned, the loss or damage sustained and the circumstances in which the loss
or damage arose.
b. Coombridge & Alexander Ltd will then decide if such loss or damage is within the
terms of warranty and shall advise the dealer as to how the loss or damage is to be
2. If the purchase is not an authorised dealer -
a. The loss or damage should be reported directly to Coombridge & Alexander Ltd
who will advise whether it is covered by the warranty and direct the purchaser
accordingly as to what action is to be taken.
Many agricultural machines have potentially dangerous moving parts, which can cause serious or fatal
injuries. Remember;
1. Read ALL warning labels on the machine and ensure you understand operating instructions
2. Turn off the tractor before removing any guards, blockages or servicing the machine
3. Never use your hands or fingers to check for hydraulic oil leaks
4. Keep a safe distance from the floor chain, elevator and conveyor when operating
5. Do not use the machine in steep areas where there is a high-risk of rollover occurring.
Before you start work with a machine there are a few basic checks that can be carried out. Ask yourself:
1. Is the machine you intend to use suitable for the job e.g. in good working order and safe to use?
2. Are all safety devices such as guards in place and working correctly?
3. Are there any known mechanical defects – pay particular attention to items such as wheels and tyres,
and moving parts?
4. Are you (or the operator) properly trained to do this job/use this machine?
5. Has the instruction manual for the machine been provided, read and understood?
6. Is the right personal protective equipment (PPE) available and worn?
7. Has a risk assessment been carried out?
8. Has the work been properly planned and communicated to those who may be at risk?
9. Is the machine operator competent to do the job safely?
10. Hitching and attachment points for trailed machinery, check that it has been safely attached to the tow-
ing vehicle such as a tractor. Pay attention to the condition of drawbar/pick-up hitch, and hitch rings,
pins, clips etc.
11. Carry out any pre-use checks as specified in the operator’s manual.
A hazard identification, assessment and control procedure has been conducted on a representative
SAM Feed Wagon and where necessary appropriate risk control measures have been outlined below;
To ensure your SAM Feed Wagon continues to operate in excellent working condition, please follow
these basic maintenance procedures;
Please oil or grease the following parts EACH DAY during operation;
Before starting work with your SAM Feed Wagon 4. Turn the stainless cap clockwise until the
please read the following set-up and feed out floor stops moving
instructions to ensure safe and productive operation. 5. Tighten the hose clamps.
All hydraulic hoses and motors are pre-loaded with Product should be loaded into the Feed Wagon
oil during pre-delivery testing by the manufactur- without exceeding the manufacturers maximum
er. The two hoses (live and return) on the front of capacities. The floor adjustment control should
the Feed Wagon must be coupled to the external be set to 75% speed - the floor and elevators will
hydraulic system on the tractor. The live hose (red) operate simultaneously to feed out.
must be coupled to either a double or single-acting
outlet point on the tractor, and the return oil hose REAR BULK UNLOADING
(yellow) must be connected to the second half of
the double-acting bank or back to a tank. If the hydraulics are coupled to a double-acting
system on the tractor, place the hydraulic lever
HYDRAULIC SENSOR VALVE on the tractor into the reverse position to which
you would feed out normally. The elevator will not
A hydraulic sensor valve is included within the turn and all hydraulic oil will circulate through the
hydraulic alloy block fixed to the Feed Wagon reversing floor motor pushing the load to the rear
drawbar. This sensor valve bypasses oil from the of the Feed Wagon. If the hydraulics are coupled
floor motor when there is excessive loading on to a single-acting system, reverse the two hoses at
the elevator. The bypass oil pressure is preset by the tractor end of the hose.
the manufacturer - before altering please contact
Coombridge & Alexander Ltd for instructions. Check the back door is latching correctly before
When the Feed Wagon elevator is under increased
loading, the floor will pause (and intermittently start SIDE-FEED DELIVERY CONVEYOR
and stop) to allow the elevator time (and power) to
clear and begin running smoothly. If the floor brings There are two options for the side-feed delivery
the load forward continuously without pausing, and conveyor depending on requirements;
the elevator begins to stall under increased loading
the sensor valve may need adjusting. 1. Belt Side-Feed Delivery
2. Chain Side-Feed Delivery
The Feed Wagon floor can be halted whilst the
elevator is rotating by simply turning the adjust- The belt side-feed conveyor is fitted as standard to
ment handle mounted to the hydraulic alloy block all SAM Feed Wagons, providing a steady contin-
fixed on the front of the machine. This adjustment uous stream of feed into troughs or along fence
handle can also be used to control the floor speed lines etc. Regular maintenance and servicing of the
(slow and fast) depending on feed volumes. The belt-delivery is recommended to ensure efficient
adjustment control sticker is preset by the manu- operation and tracking.
facturer during pre-delivery testing - the floor will
come to a complete stop when the adjustment The drive and tail rollers are manufactured with a
control is turned fully clockwise to the stop position. slight crown shape to encourage tracking to the
roller centre. If feed or foreign material works its
If the floor speed does not stop it can be reset way under the belt we recommend safely removing
following these steps; before the belt tracking is effected.
1. Keep the hydraulics operating We also suggest regularly inspecting the side-
2. Turn the adjustment control clockwise to the feed skirt rubbers to ensure these are sealing
is manufactured with a food-grade cover, the side- back towards the rollers centre.
feed skirt rubbers may wear through this cover 6. Check both ends of the belt for correct
- this will not effect the integrity or performance of tracking. Once the belt appears to be
the belt. tracking correctly on both the drive and
tai-end rollers, test the belt again at higher
Depending on usage, we recommend removing the speed.
belt at least once a year to inspect the floor and
rollers, and to clean out any feed build-up. CHAIN SIDE-FEED DELIVERY
Belt speed can also have an influence of tracking A chain side-feed conveyor can be fitted as an
- most tractors have external oil flows in excess of optional alternative to the belt side-feed. The chain
80-100 litres of oil per minute. SAM Feed Wagons side-feed uses heavy-duty agricultural roller chain,
only require 40-60 litres of oil per minute to operate with 25mm bars attached to carry feed off the
efficiently - if the operators tractor exceeds these conveyor.
guidelines please lower the oil flow to help with belt
tracking. The benefit of the chain side-feed is a significant
reduction in maintenance - the chain and sprocket
Instructions on how to install and adjust the belt system does not require tracking and there are no
are included below. Alteration to the tension side-feed skirt rubbers fitted to the conveyor.
adjuster nuts should only be made in small incre-
ments allowing time for the belt to settle before Monthly application of clean oil to the chain is
further alteration. recommended, this is particularly important if the
machine is likely to be stored for long periods
BELT SIDE-FEED between use.
* Wheel & Tyre, Tow Hitch and Hub & Stub set-up varies depending on machine model, size and year of manufacture. Please
include the machine serial number with all parts and servicing enquiries.
1 2 3
4 5 6 7 8 9
* Chain Elevator, Shafts, and Floor Chains vary depending on machine model, size and year of manufacture. Please include the
machine serial number with all parts and servicing enquiries.
6 11
7 12
8 13
9 14
10 15
* Shafts and Motors vary depending on machine model, size and year of manufacture. Please include the machine serial
number with all parts and servicing enquiries.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
8 9 10 11 12 13
SW1A 2.6m 3.526m R17-08 S15-0808 M S01-0808 F SCN-08
SW1B 2.6m 3.526m R17-08 S15-0808 M S01-0808 F SCN-08
SW2 2.53m 2.46m R17-08 S01-0808 F S01-0808 F SCN-08
SW3 4.85m 4.776m R17-08 S01-0808 F S15-0808 M SCN-08
SW4 2.95m 2.88m R17-08 S01-0808 F S01-0808 F SCN-08
SW5 2.45m 2.376m R17-08 S01-0808 F S01-0808 F SCN-08
SW6 2.56m 2.488m R17-08 S01-0808 F S01-0808 F SCN-08
B-N-0814 (x11)
1 7
2 8
3 9
4 10
If you are experiencing a problem or have a question that is not listed in this chart below, please contact
Coombridge & Alexander directly or see your local dealership for parts and service.
1. Check the tractors hydraulic flow using a flow meter. No flow would indicate
faulty QR couplings or tractor hydraulics.
If the floor does not move forward but will go in reverse, this typically indicates
a problem in the hydraulic valve block, as the oil is bypassing the hydraulic
valve block when the floor is in reverse.
2. Check that the drive chains from the motor (under the side cover) are all
connected, well greased and moving freely. Any seized links in the chain will
require significant pressure to drive this chain.
3. Check the NFCD LFN Cartridge (or older equivalent) - the connection
between the cartridge and the stainless cap that connects to the control rod
can become loose - turning the control rod may not be adjusting the cartridge.
If the cartridge is in the closed position the floor will not move. The cartridge
can become seized which requires removing the stainless cap, lubricating with
CRC and loosening the thread with an allen key. This cartridge can also be
The floor does not move blocked, jammed or wound open too far. If wound too far anti-clockwise, the
forwards. cartridge will prevent oil going to the elevator/side-feed conveyor and send it
all to the floor motor.
4. The DPBB LAN Sensor Cartridge is designed to stop the floor if the
loading on the elevator exceeds 1800psi. This can cause a problem if the
side-feed belt has tracked off to one side or it has a large build up of ma-
terial underneath it, causing an increase in pressure to drive the side-feed.
The sensor cartridge will stop the floor and not let it move until the pressure
drops, which won’t happen if there is a mechanical impediment. The easiest
way to check if the side-feed is causing the problem is to isolate the side-feed
by disconnecting the hoses off the motor and screwing them together. Other
mechanical problems, such as damaged bearings on the elevator, will cause
the same issue.
Reseting DPBB LAN Sensor Cartridge. This cartridge should be set by loos-
ening the lock nut and winding the thread all the way out using an allen key.
The thread should then be wound in 3.75 turns and the locking nut tightened.
This cartridge sets the pressure that can be applied to the elevator or side-
feed. If this pressure is exceeded then the floor will stop until the pressure is
If there is a flow, but the floor, elevator and side-feed are not working, check
the three cartridges in the end of the block. These cartridges have
spring-loaded discs or pistons in the cartridge - if any of these have dirt or
The floor does not move debris caught under the plate they can cause the oil to go directly to dump.
forwards (cont’d). The LHDA XEN cartridge has a piston which moves inside the stem, if this is
jammed open the floor will not operate ( x1 LHDA XEN, x2 CXDA XAN).
The elevator and side-feed motors run in series - if there is a problem prevent-
ing one motor from turning the other motor will most likely also be affected.
If one motor is turning (and the other not) there is likely to be a problem with
the mechanical connection between the motor and the shaft it is driving.
If the elevator is not moving, check that the chain between the 11 & 30 tooth
sprockets is connected, well greased and moving freely. Check that the keys,
The elevator and
between the sprockets, motor and elevator shafts are still working and that the
side-feed are not moving.
sprocket is not free wheeling on each shaft.
If the side-feed is not moving, check that the key is still working inside the
90mm coupling and that neither of the shafts are free wheeling inside this
Check the three cartridges in the end of the hydraulic valve (1 x LHDA XEN, 2
x CXDA XAN), as described above.
The Iconix FX15 Monitor is powered by a 12V external battery pack. Supplied with the Iconix FX15 Monitor is
two 12V batteries together with a battery charger (AC adaptor).
Battery life and charging frequency will depend on usage and battery care. We recommend always charging
the battery (with the supplied charger) for 6-8 hours.
The Iconix FX15 Monitor can also be powered from the round pin connection (7-pin) designed to fit the
tractors auxiliary ply. This connection will power the display while the tractor is running but will not charge the
1. To turn on the Iconix FX15 Monitor, press the ‘ON’ button - the display should read ‘0.0’ with the ‘^’
symbol underneath the ‘ZERO’ label.
3. If the Iconix FX15 Monitor is left ‘ON’, it will hold the load weight/display until the load starts to
discharge. As the load is discharged, the display will provide an accurate reading of the current load
throughout the discharge process (subtracting from the initial weight).
4. If the Iconix FX15 Monitor is turned ‘OFF’ before load discharge begins, there are two methods for
Option 1 - push the ‘ON’ button - this will retrieve the stored load weight. Discharge or further loading
can begin. Please note pushing the ‘ZERO’ button will clear the stored weight if required.
Option 2 (‘Negative’ mode) - push the ‘ON’ button followed by the ‘ZERO’ button - this will zero the
load. As discharge begins the display will show a negative symbol as it counts the kilograms
Only loads greater than 100kgs can be stored when the Iconix FX15 Monitor is turned ‘OFF’. When loads
exceed 1,000kgs in ‘Negative’ mode, the dimply will alternately flash the load weight discharged and a
negative symbol (as only four digits can be displayed).