P2 Basic Houserules
P2 Basic Houserules
P2 Basic Houserules
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The following house rules modify how you create a character or what options you have
available. This includes modifications to abilities that you gain or lose as you level up.
ANCESTRY RARITY Feats that say you add your level to your
Untrained skills, they instead remove the -2
Ultra Common: Human
penalty for being Untrained.
Common: Dwarf, Elf, Halfling, Kitsune,
Leshy, and Tengu
Uncommon: Azarketi, Goblin, Grippli, Iruxi,
Kholo, and Orc
Rare: Most everything else FREE ARCHETYPE FEATS
You gain a feat at every even level that you can
BANNED FEATS use for any archetype feat that you qualify for,
All skill feats that requires Legendary following all the normal rules for taking
proficiency, and any Pervasive Magic feats. You archetype feats.
also ignore the legendary effects of non-
legendary skill feats. RESOLVE
Each PC has a pool of Resolve Points,
SIMPLIFIED ANCESTRIES representing their intrinsic grit and luck. A
Characters never gain ancestry feats beyond 1st character’s maximum Resolve Points is equal to
level, but you can use General Feats to gain any their key ability modifier, and a character
Ancestry Feat you qualify for. regains all their Resolve Points with a full
night’s rest.
If you choose the Weapon Familiarity ancestry As an Action, you can spend 1 Resolve Point to
feat, the effects of the 13th level weapon feat are regain 1/4 your maximum Hit Points.
included in the 1st level feat. Additionally, when TAKE A BREATHER
you reach 5th level, you gain the effects of the
If you rest for 10 minutes, you can spend 1
5th level weapon feat.
Resolve Point and recover up to 1/2 your
maximum Hit Points.
You don’t gain any skill feats from leveling or AUTOMATIC BONUS
from your background. You can still take skill
feats when you could take a General feat. PROGRESSION
This removes the item bonus to rolls and DCs
ROGUES AND INVESTIGATORS usually provided by magic items and replaces it
Rogues and Investigators are exceptions to this with a new kind of bonus – potency – to reflect
rule. Rogues gain a skill feat at every even level the character’s innate ability instead.
and Investigators gain their Skillful Lessons This replaces all potency runes, striking runes,
class ability as normal. and resilient runes. Items that normally grant an
item bonus to statistics or damage dice no longer
PROFICIENCY BONUS do, other than the base item bonus to AC from
Your Proficiency Bonus for being Untrained is - armor. Apex items do not increase ability scores.
2 + your level. The rest of the proficiency levels
remain unchanged. ATTACK POTENCY
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Starting at 2nd level, you gain a +1 potency
bonus to attack rolls with all weapons and
unarmed attacks you are proficient with. This
increases to +2 at 10th level and +3 at 16th.
At 3rd level, choose a single skill. You gain a +1
potency bonus with that skill. At 6th level,
choose a second skill to gain a +1 potency
bonus. At 9th level, choose one of those skills
and increase its potency bonus to +2. At 13th
level, increase the potency bonus of your second
skill to +2 and choose a third skill to gain a +1
potency bonus. At 15th level, increase the third
skill’s potency bonus to
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At 17th level, choose one ability score to either
increase by 2 or increase to 18 (whichever grants
the higher score).
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The following house rules modify how interact with the rules of the game.
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The following house rules modify how monies could work if we go with this. Still needs some
heavy playtesting.
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When purchasing items, unless bundled
together, they are bought separately and each
transaction requires a separate Usage Roll.
There are exceptions to rolling a Usage Die.
For example, when paying a non-merchant NPC
for a job or service where a flat fee makes sense,
the GM may determine a pouch of coins must be
spent outright without rolling the Usage Die.
Some item’s might require the expenditure of
a pouch of coins AND the rolling of the Usage
Die of another pouch. I’m not sure about this,
but I figured I’d throw it in until playtested.
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You can craft an item as long as your level is
equal to or greater than the item’s level. The DC
to craft the item is based on the item’s level,
increased for rarity as normal.
It takes 3 days to craft anything and then you
There are several ways you can gain coinage
Critical Success: You roll the Usage Die of that don’t include adventuring and risking your
one step lower than what the item would life for some sweet, sweet loots. These include
normally cost. taking jobs, starting or investing in a business,
Success: You completely spend a pouch of becoming a tax collecting lord, or anything else
coins one step lower than what the item you can think of.
would normally cost.
Failure: You roll the Usage Die of what the WORKING FOR A LIVING
item would normally cost, but you still Every week spent performing a trade in a
craft it. settlement (assuming you can find work), grants
Critical Failure: You step the pouch of you a pouch of copper coins. A critical success
coins that the item would normally cost on your check to work increases your earned
down one step and fail to make the item. coinage by one step.
If you don’t roll a Critical Failure, you can craft OWNING OR INVESTING IN A
for a week instead of 3 days and treat your result
as one step higher than what you rolled. BUSINESS
When you become a business owner (assuming
you are not the only one working there (in which
case it’s treated as “working for a living”, but
you are always able to find work), you have a
passive income of copper coins every week.
Your staff’s upkeep and supplies are already
taken out of this equation.
Every source of income grants you an
additional pouch of copper coins.
If you become a landed lord and are responsible
for the collection of taxes, protection of the land,
and owe fealty to higher power, things get a bit
more complicated.
The amount of taxes you collect is MUCH
higher than what you’re going to be able to
pocket, but it is assumed that you are
responsible for many salaries, land upkeep, and
paying a large portion of those taxes to a higher
The quality of your domain determines the
type of coinage you get each month:
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