1-Liver Function Test - PO3921596584-773 - 230517 - 125136
1-Liver Function Test - PO3921596584-773 - 230517 - 125136
1-Liver Function Test - PO3921596584-773 - 230517 - 125136
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method
LFTS are based upon measurements of substances released from damaged hepatic cells into the blood that gives idea of
the Existence, Extent and Type of Liver damage. - Acute Hepatocellular damage: ALT & AST levels are sensitive index of
hepatocellular damage - Obstruction to the biliary tract,Cholestasis and blockage of bile flow:1) Serum Total Bilirubin
concentration 2) Serum Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) activity 3) Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP) 4) 5`-
Nucleotidase - Chronic liver disease: Serum Albumin concentration
Bilirubin results from the enzymatic breakdown of heme. Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous
membranes caused by hyperbilirubinemia.
Pre-hepatic or hemolytic jaundice - Abnormal red cells, antibodies,drugs and toxins,Hemoglobinopathies, Gilbert’s
syndrome, Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Hepatic or Hepatocellular jaundice-Viral hepatitis,toxic hepatitis, intrahepatic cholestasis
Post-hepatic jaundice -Extrahepatic cholestasis, gallstones, tumors of the bile duct, carcinoma of pancreas
In viral hepatitis and other forms of liver disease associated with acute hepatic necrosis, serum AST and ALT
concentrations are elevated even before the clinical signs and symptoms of disease appear.
ALT is the more liver-specific enzyme and elevations of ALT activity persist longer than AST activity.
Peak values of aminotransferase activity occur between the seventh and twelfth days. Activities then gradually decrease,
reaching normal activities by the third to fifth week. Peak activities bear no relationship to prognosis and may fall with
worsening of the patient's condition.
Aminotransferase activities observed in cirrhosis vary with the status of the cirrhotic process and range from the upper
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PO No :PO3921596584-773
Test Name Result Unit Bio. Ref. Interval Method
reference limit to four to five times higher, with an AST/ALT ratio greater than 1. The ratio's elevation can reflect the grade
of fibrosis in these patients. Slight or moderate elevations of both AST and ALT activities have been observed after
administration of various medications and chronic hepatic injury such as (1) hemochromatosis, (2) Wilson disease, (3)
autoimmune hepatitis, (4) primary biliary cirrhosis, (5) sclerosing cholangitis, and (6) a1-antitrypsin deficiency.
AST activity also is increased in acute myocardial infarction, progressive muscular dystrophy and dermatomyositis, reaching
concentrations up to eight times the upper reference limit.Slight to moderate AST elevations are noted in hemolytic
GGT is a sensitive indicator of the presence of hepatobiliary disease, being elevated in most subjects with liver disease
regardless of cause. Increased concentrations of the enzyme are also found in serum of subjects receiving anticonvulsant
drugs, such as phenytoin and phenobarbital.
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