AMERICAN SOCIETY of INTERNATIONAL LAW - Comentaries On Private International Law Vol. 3 Issue 1 (2017)
AMERICAN SOCIETY of INTERNATIONAL LAW - Comentaries On Private International Law Vol. 3 Issue 1 (2017)
AMERICAN SOCIETY of INTERNATIONAL LAW - Comentaries On Private International Law Vol. 3 Issue 1 (2017)
3, Issue 1
Fall 2017
Notes from the Editor INSIDE THIS ISSUE
Notes from the Editor
e are pleased to present the third “public” or “private” nature of those 1
issue of Commentaries on Private conflicting regulations. Co-chairs Notes
International Law, the newsletter 4
of the American Society of International To achieve what is perhaps the first
Law (ASIL) Private International Law comprehensive global approach to PIL, 4
Interest Group (PILIG). As readers of the Commentaries includes five sections dealing
newsletter know, the name of our with regional issues, edited by specialists
newsletter, Commentaries, represents a on the field: Africa, edited by Richard
Frimpong Oppong and Justin Monsenepwo Americas
modest tribute to one of the founding 16
fathers of modern PIL, Joseph Story, by Joost; Asia, by Chi Chung, Yao-Ming Hsu
borrowing the name of his seminal book and Béligh Elbalti; the Americas by Cristian Europe
Giménez Corte and Jeannette Tramhel 27
“Commentaries on the Conflict of Laws,
foreign and domestic,” and only replacing (Central and South America), and Freddy Oceania
“Conflict of Laws” with “Private Sourgens and Mayra Cavazos Calvillo 34
International Law” to better reflect the (North America); Europe, by Massimo GLOBAL CONFLICT
broader object of our discipline today. Benedettelli, Marina Castellaneta, and OF LAWS
Antonio Leandro; and Oceania, by Jeanne 37
The primary purpose of our newsletter is to Huang. We would like to highlight the
communicate news on PIL. Accordingly, the efforts made by our global editorial team in
newsletter attempts to transmit translating, both linguistically and legally,
information on new developments on PIL into English and for a global audience Private International Law
rather than provide substantive analysis, information that was originally in Japanese, Interest Group
with a view to providing specific and Arabic, Portuguese, Spanish, Russian,
concise raw information that our readers Italian, French, German, Turkish, CO-CHAIRS
can then use in their daily work. These new Vietnamese, and Chinese. Freddy Sourgens
developments on PIL may include Kabir Duggal
information on new laws, rules and This third issue of Commentaries covers
regulations; new judicial and arbitral more countries and includes in greater
decisions; new treaties and conventions; detail recent developments in our field.
new scholarly work; new conferences; Each regional section includes a brief intro- Cristián Giménez Corte
proposed new pieces of legislation; and ductory note, and a special chapter
the like. devoted to new scholarly work, which is of
particular importance for those areas of
Commentaries aims to be a truly global the world where the dissemination of infor-
newsletter, by reporting news from all mation on PIL is more difficult. The main Commentaries on Private
major legal systems of the world, which developments covered by Commentaries International Law is the
newsletter of the ASIL
may have different conceptions of PIL. occurred during 2016, including only a few Private International Law
Thus, the PILIG newsletter is framed in a developments occurred in late 2015 and Interest Group. Any views
rather broad sense, comprising all types early 2017. expressed in this
publication are those of
of situations generating potential conflicts the authors and not those
of laws and/or jurisdictions, regardless of In this third issue, Commentaries continues of the American Society of
the “international” or “internal,” or to develop a section introduced last year. International Law.
—continued on page 2
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
e are very pleased to provide you with the third
edition of Commentaries on Private International Law, the Justin Monsenepwo Joost
newsletter of the American Society of International
Law’s Private International Law Interest Group.
Africa —continued from page 4 Djibouti deposited its instrument of accession to the 1907
Hague Convention for the Pacific Settlement of International
In addition, the Democratic Republic of the Congo, Ivory Disputes with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of The
Coast, Tunisia, and Rwanda have passed new laws and Netherlands, the depositary of the Convention, on 17
regulations encompassing provisions related to private February 2016. It thereby became a Member State of the
international law issues, such as international adoption, PCA, effective 17 April 2016. Djibouti is the 119th Member
international investment, and cross-border insolvency. Last State of the PCA.
but not least, there were many conferences and publications The full text of the announcement may be found here:
on the development of international arbitration in the
OHADA region on the need for harmonized conflict of laws
rules in the OHADA region. Ghana accedes to the 1993 Hague Convention on
Intercountry Adoption
In turn, the PIL scene in African English speaking On 16 September 2016, Ghana deposited its instrument of
countries remained relatively quiet in 2016. There were no accession to the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on
major pieces of legislation dedicated to private international Protection of Children and Co-operation in Respect of
law issues and only a few academic papers on African PIL Intercountry Adoption and became the 98th Contracting
were published. A few African countries enhanced their State to the Convention. The Convention entered into force
engagement with The Hague Conference on Private for Ghana on 1 January 2017. It is the first Hague
International Law by becoming parties to the Conference’s Convention that Ghana has joined.
conventions. There was a study stream of decided cases on The full text of the announcement may be found here:
the subject, but none decided any controversial points of
law. There were several significant cases decided or litigated details/?varevent=520.
in respect of gay rights. Although none of the cases raise a
private international law issue, the jurisprudence in these Hague Conference and Mauritius sign an agreement to
cases may ultimately prove persuasive in future cases with modernise intercountry adoption regime in line with the
conflict of laws dimensions. In the Botswana case of Attorney 1993 Hague Convention
General of Botswana v Thuto Rammoge, (Civil Appeal No CACGB- On 20 May 2016, the government of Mauritius and the
128-14, Court of Appeal of the Republic of Botswana, 2016) Permanent Bureau of the Hague Conference on Private
the refusal of the Minister to allow the registration of the International Law signed an agreement to assist Mauritius
organization, Lesbians, Gays and Bisexuals of Botswana, was with modernising its intercountry adoption regime in line
held to be unconstitutional as it infringed on the with the Hague Convention of 29 May 1993 on Protection of
respondent’s right to freedom of assembly and association. Children and Co-operation in Respect of Intercountry
Also, worth mentioning is a pending case in Kenya Adoption. Under the Agreement, an Expert will assist the
challenging the constitutionality of the country’s penal laws Attorney General’s Office with drafting a new intercountry
to the extent that they purport to criminalize private adoption law. They will also advise the Prime Minister’s
consensual sexual conduct between adult persons of the Office on an appropriate structure for a Central Authority,
same-sex. The court has certified the case as involving a and provide training on the 1993 Hague Convention to the
“substantial question of law” (Eric Gitari v Attorney General relevant authorities and bodies in Mauritius.
[2016] eKLR). A similar constitutional challenge is also The full text to the announcement may be found here:
pending in Malawi (The Republic v Mussa Chawisi, The Republic v
Mathew Bello, The Republic v Amon Champyuni, Malawi High details/?varevent=487.
Court, 2016). Finally, in June 2016, Seychelles repealed the
anti-homosexuality provision in its Penal Code; see Penal The Apostille Convention enters into force for Morocco
Code (Amendment) Act, 2016 On 14 August 2016, the Hague Convention of 5 October
1961 Abolishing the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign
Public Documents (Apostille Convention) entered into force
International Conventions for the Kingdom of Morocco. Morocco acceded to the
Apostille Convention on 27 November 2015, and became
Djibouti becomes a new Member of the Permanent Court of
—continued on page 6
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Fall 2017
—continued on page 7
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
—continued on page 9
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Africa —continued from page 8 High Court of Ghana Refuses Enforcement of a Judgment from
the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS)
SARL v. Mr. Alfred Domec, the CCJA held that it has no Court of Justice
jurisdiction to consider facts that are unrelated to the In the Matter of an Application to Enforce the Judgment of the
application of Uniform Acts or Regulations of OHADA. The Community Court of Justice of the ECOWAS against the Republic of
Société de Tuyauterie Industrielle et Opérations (SITO) SARL, Ghana and In the Matter of Chude Mba v The Republic of Ghana,
whose headquarter is located in Brazzaville (Republic of Suit No. HRCM/376/15 (High Court, Ghana, 2016) the High
Congo), filed an appeal with the CCJA against Judgment N° Court of Ghana rejected an application which sought an
002 folio 112 / C010 / 05 of 19 February 2013, claiming that order from the Court to enforce an $800,000 award (in
the Court of Appeal of Pointe-Noirehad violated Articles 132 damages) and 500,000 Naira (in costs) default judgment
and 134 of the Code of Civil Procedure and Articles 2044 obtained from the ECOWAS Court of Justice. The applicant
and 2015 of the Civil Code of the Republic of Congo. The had successfully sued the Government of Ghana for
CCJA held that such an appeal, made in breach of the violations of his fundamental human rights. The court
provisions of Article 28 of the Rules of Procedure of the rejected the application because, first, neither the Protocol
Common Court of Justice and Arbitration, was unrelated to of the ECOWAS Court nor the Treaty establishing ECOWAS
the application of the Uniform Acts and the Regulations. has been given the force of law in Ghana by the Parliament
Therefore, such an appeal fell outside the jurisdiction of the of Ghana exercising its powers under article 75(2) of the
CCJA. See in the matter Société de Tuyauterie Industrielle et Constitution of the Republic of Ghana, 1992. Second, the
Opérations dite S.T.I.O SARL v. Mr. Alfred Domec, Reference statutory regime for enforcing foreign judgments in Ghana
034/2016 of 29 February 2016 (Common Court of Justice operates on the bases of designation and reciprocity and
and Arbitration, 2016). The full text of the judgment can be the ECOWAS Court is not stated as one of the Courts to
found here: which the legislation applies. The court did not examine
php?explnum_id=1184. whether the judgment could be enforced at common law.
—continued on page 10
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Africa —continued from page 9 The minutes of the session are available here: http://
Court of Appeal ordering the judgment debtor to pay a Compte-rendu-du-Conseil-des-Ministres-de-lOHADA.pdf.
certain amount of money in a contractual dispute. The For more information, see
judgment debtor challenged the enforcement of the French actualite/3198/42e-session-du-conseil-des-ministres-de-l-
judgment on the ground that the French court lacked ohada.html.
international jurisdiction arguing that the dispute falls under
the exclusive jurisdiction of Tunisian courts. The court Cooperation Agreement Between OHADA and UNCITRAL
proceeded by examining the argument of the judgment On 26 October 2016, OHADA, the Organization for the
debtor. It held that cases over which Tunisian courts have Harmonization of Business Law in Africa, represented by its
exclusive jurisdiction according to Article 8 are limitative and Permanent Secretary, Professor Dorothé Cossi Sossa, and
that these cases do not include disputes in contractual UNCITRAL, the United Nations Commission on International
matters. It continued by explaining that disputes that do not Trade Law, represented by its Secretary General, Mr. Renaud
fall under the exclusive jurisdiction of Tunisian courts are Sorieul, signed a Cooperation Agreement in Brazzaville
cases subject to their concurrent jurisdiction according to (Republic of Congo). The ceremony was on the margins of
the ordinary rules of international jurisdiction. The court the 42nd session of the Council of Ministers of OHADA. The
concluded by stating that according to Article 11 PIL Code, Agreement aims to enhance cooperation on topics of
the exequatur shall not be granted to foreign judicial common interest and to promote the exchange of
decisions if inter alia the subject matter of the litigation falls information and carry out joint actions in view of stimulating
within the exclusive jurisdiction of Tunisian courts, which is international commercial transactions.
not the case of the action brought before it and considered For more information, see
that the lower court which admitted the exequatur petition actualite/3197/signature-d-un-accord-de-cooperation-entre-
correctly applied the law. l-ohada-et-l-onu.html.
For more information see Infosjuridiques No. 228/229
November 2016, p. 21 (in Arabic). ERSUMA: seminar on international secured transactions
within the OHADA region
On 5 December 2016, the Higher Regional School of
Associations and Events Magistracy (ERSUMA) of OHADA organized in Porto Novo a
seminar for judges, lawyers, notaries, court’s clerks and
41st Session of the Council of Ministers of OHADA bailiffs on the OHADA regulation in respect of international
From 16 to 17 June 2016, the Ministers of Justice and secured transactions. More specifically, the seminar
Finance of the seventeen OHADA Member States gathered examined the provisions of the revised Uniform Act on
in Brazzaville (Republic of Congo) for the 41st session of the Secured Transactions of 15 December 2010.
Council of Ministers of OHADA. The Council reviewed the For more information on the seminar, see:
normative work carried out during the previous year and com/actualite/3243/lancement-de-la-session-de-formation-
charted the course for future work. Some of the key sur-la-constitution-et-le-contentieux-des-suretes-dans-l-
decisions included the computerization of the management espace-ohada-ersuma-porto-novo-05-decembre-2016.html.
of the OHADA Trade and Personal Property Credit Register
(“Régistre du Commerce et du Crédit Mobilier”), the creation of Centre d'Arbitrage du GICAM (CAG)
national registers, and the continuation of the revision of On 1 December 2016, the Arbitration Center of GICAM
the following Uniform Acts: the Uniform Act on the (Centre d’Arbitrage du GICAM) organized a conference in
Organization and Harmonization of Companies Accounting Douala (Cameroun) on the subject: “International arbitration
in The States Parties to the Treaty on the Harmonization in and the jurisprudence of the OHADA Common Court of
Africa of Business Law, the Uniform Act on Arbitration law Arbitration and Justice”. The conference examined the case
and Commercial Mediation, and the Uniform Act On law of the Common Court of Justice and Arbitration in
Simplified Debt Collection Procedures And Enforcement respect of international arbitration in the OHADA region.
Proceedings. Further, the Permanent Secretary announced For more information see
the preparation of new Uniform Acts on Conflict of Laws, on actualite/3224/conference-sur-le-theme-la-jurisprudence-ccja-
the circulation of foreign public documents, on mediation, en-matiere-d-arbitrage-le-1er-decembre-2016-a-douala.html.
and on subcontracting agreements. —continued on page 11
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Asia —continued from page 13 The case concerned the enforcement of an American
Judgment rendered by a Texan court ordering the judgment
judgment debtor challenged the enforcement of the debtor the payment of certain amount of money including
Singaporean judgment arguing that there were no bilateral interests and other legal fees. With regard the power
treaty between China and Singapore on the matter. However, acknowledged to Philippine courts to review the merits of
the court ruled that even in the absence of a treaty, the the case, the court quoting one of its precedents, recalled
Republic of Singapore has recognized in 2014 a Chinese that “If every judgment of a foreign court were reviewable on
judgment, and therefore, a judgment rendered by a the merits, the plaintiff would be forced back on his/her
Singaporean court which satisfies the conditions laid down original cause of action, rendering immaterial the previously
by Chinese law can be recognized and enforced in China, concluded litigation.” It continued by stating that “the for-
based on the principle of reciprocity. It should be noted that eign judgment or final order enjoys the disputable presump-
even the Nanjing Intermediate People court represents a very tion of validity. It is the party attacking the foreign judgment
important and positive move towards the recognition and or final order that is tasked with the burden of overcoming
enforcement of foreign judgments in China on the basis of its presumptive validity. A foreign judgment or final order
reciprocity. Still, such recognition and enforcement are never- may only be repelled on grounds external to its merits, par-
theless subjected to the restrictive condition of the existence ticularly, want of jurisdiction, want of notice to the party, col-
of a prior foreign precedent that shows that a Chinese judg- lusion, fraud, or clear mistake of law or fact.” The court
ment had been given effect by the courts of the rendering continues refuting the argument according to which the
state. Accordingly, following a traditional interpretation of the court has to look into the merit of the foreign judgment
reciprocity requirement in China, it would not be sufficient to because the foreign court has committed a clear mistake of
prove that Chinese judgments are likely to be recognized and law and fact. According to the court a “ Philippine court will
enforced in the rendering state. not substitute its own interpretation of any provision of the
For a summary report of judgment is available at https:// law or rules of procedure of another country, nor review and pronounce its own judgment on the sufficiency of evidence
pore-judgment-based-principle-reciprocity. presented before a competent court of another jurisdic-
tion. Any purported mistake petitioner attributes to the U.S.
Philippine Supreme Court on the Recognition of Foreign District Court … would merely constitute an error of judg-
Judgments ment in the exercise of its legitimate jurisdiction, which
It is not always clear whether foreign judgments can be rec- could have been corrected by a timely appeal before the
ognized in the Philippines without being reviewed on the U.S. Court of Appeals.” It is true that it is not always clear
merit. According to SEC. 48, Rule 39 (b) a judgment against how can the presumptive validity of foreign judgment can be
a person is a presumptive evidence of a right between the challenged before the Philippine courts on the basis of a
parties and that that “the judgment or final order may be clear mistake of law or fact without being reviewed as to
repelled by evidence of a want of jurisdiction, want of notice their merits. But still the directive of the court is clear as it
to the party, collusion, fraud, or clear mistake of law or fact encourages the enforcing courts to limit their control to the
(emphasis added).” The last part of this provision is particu- external aspects of the foreign judgment.
larly alarming since it suggests that foreign judgments can Text of the judgment is available at
be recognized in the Philippines only after being reviewed com/cralaw/2015marchdecisions.php?id=259.
on the merits (see Philsec Investment Corporation v. Court of
Appeals, G.R. No. 103493, June 19, 1997, 274 SCRA 102, 110, Turkish Constitutional Court decided on international child
where the Court declared that “in this jurisdiction, with abduction case
respect to actions in personam, as distinguished from actions The Turkish Constitutional Court examined, for the very first
in rem, a foreign judgment merely constitutes prima facie evi- time, an allegation of violation of rights protected by the
dence of the fairness of the claim of a party and, as such, is Turkish Constitution in the proceedings before the Turkish
subject to proof to the contrary”). However, in a recent deci- courts in relation to the 1980 Hague International Child
sion rendered in 2015 (Bank of the Philippine Islands Securities Abduction Convention. The Court decided by majority that
Corporation v. Edgardo V. Guevara, G.R. No. 167052, March 11, the applicant’s right to respect for family life, which is guar-
2015), the Supreme Court confirm a trend in the Philippine anteed under Art 20 of the Constitution, was violated.
case law that does not allow Philippine courts to delve into
the merits of a foreign judgment. —continued on page 15
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Asia —continued from page 14 Conference and Japan took place at the University of Tokyo
during which the role of the Hague Conference and its
For more information see Conventions as well as the Hague Conference’s Asia Pacific
ish-constitutional-court-on-international-child-abduction/ Regional Office was discussed. Finally, on June 29-30, an
and Asia Pacific Symposium on the 1980 Hague Convention
Turkish-Constitutional-Court-on-international-parental-child- took place at Waseda University during which problems in
abduction-judgment-of-Marcus-Frank-Cerny#.V_LeAYjhCM9. the operation of the 1980 Convention was analyzed and
addressed. The Symposium was attended by over 200
Singapore Court finds that the Laos-China BIT extends to participants, including judges, government officials, legal
Macao practitioners, academics and other experts from the Asia-
On September 29, 2016, the Court of Appeal of Singapore Pacific Region and other States.
determined in re Sanum Investments Limited v. Lao People’s For more information see
Democratic Republic that the bilateral investment treaty (BIT) archive/details/?varevent=505.
between China and Laos applies also to Macau, ruling that
Sanum Investments could invoke the BIT against Laos for CAPPIL Meeting on the Asian Principal of Private
its claim of capital investment benefit losses through unfair International Law – Doshisha University, Japan
taxes. The BIT did “not expressly state whether it would or From 12 to 14 December 2016, the Commission on Asian
would not in due course apply to Macau” when the treaty Principles of Private International Law (CAPPIL) held its
was signed back in 1993, and Macao became a territory of second meeting under the Chairman of Professor Naoshi
China only in 1999. The Court main line of reasoning was Takasugi (Secretary of the CAPPIL). Representatives of
that “because a treaty is binding in respect of the entire different Asian jurisdictions were present and discussed
territory of a State, the [Moving Treaty Frontier] Rule different issues relating to private international law.
presumptively provides for the automatic extension of a Discussions of the Commission during this meeting focused
treaty to a new territory as and when it becomes a part of on issues relating to civil and commercial matters, including
that State.” judicial support of international commercial arbitration;
For more information see recognition and enforcement of foreign judgments in civil
singapore-court-reinstates-award-against-laos-finding-laos- and commercial matters; jurisdiction in civil and commercial
china-bit-extends-macao-september. matters; conflict of laws in tort; conflicts of laws in contract
For an analysis see and general rules of private international law.
Scholarly Work
Associations & Events Asian scholars have written excellent studies on PIL matters.
Among those, we would like to mention the following:
Hague Conference Asia Pacific Week 2016 in Tokyo-Japan Sai Ramani Garimella & Stenilla Jolly (ed.), Private
From 27 to 30 June 2016, the Hague Conference on Private International Law – South Asian States’ Practice, (Springer, 2017).
International Law organized with the assistance of the Guangjian Tu, Private International Law in China (Springer,
Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Japan, Waseda University, The 2016). Zheng Sophia Tang, Yongping Xiao & Zhengxin Huo,
University of Tokyo and Chuo University a number of Conflict of laws in the People’s Republic of China (Elgar Publishing,
conferences as part of the the HCCH Asia Pacific Week 2016). Alejandro Carballo Leyda (ed.), Asian Conflict of laws,
2016. On June 27, a Conference celebrating a decade of the East and South East Asia (Wolter Kluwer Law & Business,
2006 Hague Securities Convention took place at Chuo Law 2015). Cheng Minzhu, The Chinese Law on Conflict of Laws and
School. The conference, which commemorated the 10th Its Interpretation by the Supreme Court, in N. Nord, G. Cerqueira
anniversary of the convention’s promulgation, brought (eds.), International Sale of Goods - A Private International Law
together academics, lawyers, and stakeholders in the Comparative and Prospective Analysis of Sino- European Relations,
securities field to debate the pros and cons of accession to China-EU Law Series 5, Preface Claude Witz, Springer, 2017,
the Convention from international and Japanese pp. ix-xvi..
perspectives. On June, 28, a Seminar on the Hague
—continued on page 16
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
In turn, the Singapore International Commercial Court Interest in Private International Law (PIL) continues to grow
(SICC) was established, as was the case of the DIFC, in the region, as evidenced by a number of events that have
to place Singapore as an international dispute settle- been held by individual associations this past year,
ment hub. The SICC is a formal division within the participation by states in international conventions, and
structure of the Singapore Supreme Court, it “has the discussions by the Inter-American Juridical Committee of the
jurisdiction to hear and try any action that is interna- Organization of American States on the future of PIL in the
tional and commercial in nature” submitted by parties Americas. Particularly noteworthy is renewed interest in the
to the SICC. The SICC offers parties to avoid common Bustamante Code as a result of a Brazilian court case, the
international arbitration problems including the “over- question of required nationality to run for public office in
formalisation of, delay in, and rising costs of arbitra- Venezuela, and new Principles for Electronic Warehouse
tion; concerns about the legitimacy of and ethical Receipts emerging from the OAS.
issues in arbitration; the lack of consistency of deci-
sions and absence of developed jurisprudence; and
the absence of appeals.” The SICC is composed of International Conventions
national and international judges, including judges
from UK, USA, Austria, France, Hong Kong and Japan. Bahamas Accedes to Bustamante Code
Interestingly the SICC rules permit that a “party may On 20 July 2016, the Commonwealth of the Bahamas issued
be represented by a Registered Foreign Lawyer in an a verbal note that, pursuant to article 6 of the Convention on
offshore case.” Private International Law of 1928, after six months it would
For more information see deposit an instrument of accession. It did so on 23 January
Home.aspx 2017, albeit with reservations, and in accordance with
articles 4 and 6, the Convention came into force for The
Bahamas within 30 days.
—continued on page 17
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: Central, South America & the electronic Apostille Program (e-APP). Chile and Colombia
have implemented both an e-Apostille and e-Register; Brazil,
Mexico —continued from page 16 which had acceded to the Apostille Convention in 2015, is now
among those states that have implemented an e-Register,
For more information see:
which include Costa Rica, the Dominican Republic, Mexico,
Nicaragua, Paraguay, Peru and Uruguay).
This Convention was adopted by the sixth Pan-American UNASUR Centre for the Settlement of Investment
Congress held in Havana, Cuba in 1928. It is better known Disputes
as the “Bustamante Code”, in honor of the Cuban jurist
Antonio Sánchez de Bustamante y Sirven, a Judge of the The member states of the Union of South American
Permanent Court of International Justice (1922–1944), who Nations (UNASUR), an intergovernmental regional
was the lead negotiator and whose ideas directly influenced organization comprising all 12 South American coun-
the content of the Code, which unifies into a single corpus tries, are making progress towards establishment of a
the law ona wide range of PIL matters (including civil, Centre for the Settlement of Investment Disputes. The
commercial, criminal and proceduralmatters). Center would handle settlement of disputes between
For an extensive analysis of the Bustamante Code investors and UNASUR member states. Although this
see:Samtleben, Jurgen; Derecho Internacional Privado en could be seen to fragment the international standards
América Latina. Teoría y Practica del Código de Bustamante, set out under the ICSID Convention, it may enhance
vol. I, Parte General, translated from German by Carlos the legitimacy of these kinds of transnational arbitra-
Bueno-Guzman, Depalma, Buenos Aires, 1983. tion procedures, in particular in a region where three
countries (Venezuela, Ecuador and Bolivia) have with-
Bolivia Accedes to the Hague Convention on Child Abduction drawn from the ICSID Convention and Brazil has still
On 13 July 2016, Bolivia deposited an instrument of not ratified it.
accession to the Hague Convention of 25 October 1980 on the For more information see
Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The Convention itn/2016/08/10/unasur-centre-for-the-settlement-of-
entered into force for Bolivia on 1 October 2016. This investment-disputes-comments-on-the-draft-constitu-
multilateral instrument protects children from the harmful tive-agreement-katia-fach-gomez-catharine-titi/.
effects of abduction and retention across international
boundaries by providing a procedure to bring about their
prompt return.
For more information see: International Decisions
archive/details/?varevent=506. ICSID: Philip Morris vs Uruguay
In an 8 July 2016 decision, an ICSID Tribunal rejected allega-
Chile Accedes to Apostille Convention tions by Philip Morris that through several measures regulat-
On 16 December 2015, Chile deposited its instrument of ing the tobacco industry Uruguay had violated the bilateral
accession to the Hague Convention of 5 October 1961 Abolishing investment treaty (BIT) between Switzerland and Uruguay.
the Requirement of Legalisation for Foreign Public Documents (the The Tribunal found that the regulatory measures were based
"Apostille Convention"), which entered into force for Chile on on the Framework Tobacco Control Convention and on the
30 August 2016. human right to health. Moreover, to determine whether
For more information see: Uruguay regulatory powers constituted a kind of indirect
archive/details/?varevent=455. expropriation, “…the control measures must be taken bona
fide for the purpose of protecting the public welfare, must be
To avoid delays and costs associated with legalization of non-discriminatory and proportionate” and in the Tribunal’s
public documents for use abroad, under the Apostille view, the regulations satisfied these conditions’. For these
Convention Contracting States have reduced the reasons, not only was the claim dismissed, Philip Morris was
authentication process to a single formality, namely, issuance required to pay the Respondent’s costs.
of a certificate of authentication (apostille) by a competent
local authority. This process has been further advanced by
—continued on page 18
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: Central, South America & consumer – supplier case, as the case was internal, rather
than international in nature. Although at time of the claim
Mexico —continued from page 17
the consumer was domiciled in Brazil, at the moment the
contract had been concluded in Portugal, both parties were
For full text of thedecisionsee:
domiciled in Portugal. Thus, the Court concluded that “there
was no intention in the mind of neither the consumer nor
. the supplier to establish a relationship that goes beyond
National Case Law national boundaries.”
For more information see:
Brazil: Appellate Decision Revives Interest in Bustamante com/2016/06/29/brasil-la-desproteccion-internacional-del-
Code consumidor-comentarios-al-recurso-especial-no-1-571-616-
A decision by the Court of Appeals of São Paulo resulted in mt-5-abril-20161/.
priority for an unsecured creditor for a $27M claim over a For full text of the decision see: [include link]
$500M ship mortgage against a vessel registered in Liberia
but operating within the Brazilian Exclusive Economic Zone. Venezuela: Supreme Court decides questions of Venezuelan
The Court found that in order for a foreign ship mortgage to Nationality
be valid in the absence of registration in Brazil, there had to On 27 April 2016, the Constitutional Chamber of the
be an international treaty between Brazil and the foreign Supreme Court of Justice addressed a classical PIL problem
state, in which respect the Court made reference to: (1) the related to applicable law and jurisdiction over a person
International Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law holding multiple nationalities when it is precisely this very
Relating to Maritime Liens and Mortgages (Brussels, 1926) and (2) connecting factor, i.e. nationality, which is relevant for the
the Bustamante Code (Havana, 1928) (see above). As Liberia determination of the applicable law. The Court found that, in
was not party to either treaty, the principle could not be accordance with article 335 of the Constitution of
applied. As to the argument that under customary Venezuela, when a person holds multiple nationalities one of
international law a ship mortgage is governed by the law of which is Venezuelan, the Venezuelan nationality shall prevail.
the flag and deemed valid and enforceable wherever the For more information see:
vessel is located, the Court was not satisfied that such com/2016/05/30/venezuela-nacionalidad-multiple-la-
custom had been evidenced. As to choice of law arguments resolucion-los-conflictos-nacionalidades/.
applicable to a moveable asset, the Court found that as the
vessel had been installed as a platform intended to be Later, in October 2016, the same Chamber addressed a
operational for 20 years, application of lex situs would be related issue regarding the nationality of President Nicolas
more appropriate. The case is under appeal and is worth Maduro; it established that the President is exclusively
following for its implications for PIL and secured lending inVenezuelan, does not have any other nationality, and
the international shipping industry. therefore completely fulfills the requirements of article e 277
of the Constitution. However, the Chamber also found that
See “The FPSO OSX-3 Case”; Nordic Trustee ASA v. Banco BTG in a hypothetical case, if a person holding two nationalities
Pactual S/A, São Paulo State Appellate Court, 1 June 2016. were to run for public office, that person must withdraw the
For full text of the decisions see: non-Venezuelan nationality to meet those requirements.;jsessionid=EBD0B48 For more information see:
CC9DC7FABBFFB7F9E95BC4148.cposg10?conversationId=& com/2016/05/30/venezuela-nacionalidad-multiple-la-
paginaConsulta=1&localPesquisa.cdLocal=-1&cbPesquisa= resolucion-los-conflictos-nacionalidades, For full text of the
NUMPROC&tipoNuProcesso=UNIFICADO&numeroDigitoAn decision see:
&dePesquisaNuUnificado=2153991-40.2015.8.26.0000&deP Argentina: Appeals Court finds ICSID Award does not
esquisa=&uuidCaptcha. require exequatur proceedings
On 18 August 2015, an Appeals Court found that an ICSID
Brazil: Superior Court finds - not an ‘international’ arbitral award issued in favor of a foreign nation state (in the
Consumer Case instant case, Peru) against an Argentinean investor, does not
On 5 April 2016, the Superior Court of Justice determined
that a lower Brazilian court lacked jurisdiction to decide a —continued on page 19
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: Central, South America & Products, which recognize warehouse receipt financing as a
way to address the lack of access to credit in the agricultural
Mexico —continued from page 18
sector. In this form of asset-based lending, the stored
(“warehoused”) products are used as collateral, which
require exequatur proceedings established by the national law
increases lender confidence in loan recovery and gives
of the place where execution of the award is sought; the
producers greater flexibility to delay sale until prices are
ICSID award need only have met the requirements set out in
more favorable, rather than immediately upon harvest.
the ICSID Convention.
For the full text of the report and principles see:
For full text of the decision see:
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Scholarly Work
Several Latin-American scholars have published insightful
studies on PIL during 2016, only a few of which can be
mentioned here:
Soto, A., Temas Estructurales del Derecho Internacional Private International Law developments in North America
Privado, 3era ed., Editorial Estudio. hang under a cloud of uncertainty. With the election and
OEA-ASADIP: Contratos Internacionales. Ed. Diego P. inauguration of Donald J. Trump as President of the United
Fernández Arroyo and José Antonio Moreno Rodríguez States, United States foreign policy and treaty practice may
(2016). be at a turning point. Most centrally to this development,
the Trump administration at one point worked on a leaked
Filartiga, Ivan, El Principio Competence-Competence; Análisis executive order requiring a moratorium on multilateral
Comparativo y su Aplicación en la Legislación de Arbitraje treaties and a further review of multilateral treaties to which
Paraguaya, (August 29, 2016). SSRN: the U.S. currently is a party. Although this multilateral treaty
abstract=2831780 or executive order would have exempted a review of trade
ssrn.2831780. treaties, many treaties within private international law would
have been included within its purview. At the time of this
Landero, C., Recepción de las resoluciones de los tribunales writing, the executive order in question appears to have
arbitrales ad hoc del artículo 1904 del TLCAN en la práctica been withdrawn. Further, after approximately 100 days of
jurídica interna de México (segunda parte), Boletín Mexicano de the Trump presidency, it appears that the U.S. has resumed
Derecho Comparado nueva serie, año XLIX, núm. 146, a more orthodox course regarding private international law.
mayo-agosto de 2016, pp. 85-118. Nevertheless, there is great uncertainty as to future
legislative and treaty developments in North America as a
result of the current political situation in the United States.
For the leaked executive order on treaties, see:
For statement of US private international law treaties
awaiting ratification, see:
—continued on page 22
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: North America —continued from page 20 rules for certain rights in respect of intermediary-held
investment securities. In light of growing cross-border
transactions in such securities, questions regarding
International Conventions applicable law had significant practical importance. By
United States withdraws from Transpacific Partnership harmonizing conflicts of law rules, the Convention aspires to
The United States on January 23, 2017 has withdrawn from address areas of potential practical uncertainty.
the Transpacific Partnership (TPP). TPP is of significance for For the full text of the Convention, see:
the entire North American region, as the United States, net/en/instruments/conventions/full-text/?cid=72.
Mexico, and Canada were all original members. The For US announcement of ratification and discussion, see:
withdrawal of the United States has serious repercussions
for the future viability of TPP. Deprived of its previously
leading international proponent, it is likely that further Hague Child Support Convention (US)
negotiations will be necessary to achieve similar results. The The U.S. deposited its instrument of ratification of the
United States will of necessity be one of the leading states Hague Child Support Convention on August 30, 2016. In
needing to incorporate TPP goals by other means. Other light of this date of ratification by the U.S., the Convention
states will need to determine whether or not existing entered into force for the U.S. on January 1, 2017. The
commitments made in TPP will continue to be viable without Convention supplements existing law established by the
US participation. Convention on International Recovery of Child Support and
As noted in volume 2, issue 2, page 27 of the Commentaries Other Forms of Family Maintenance with procedures to
there are a number provisions in the TPP that directly streamline international child support disputes.
address PIL issues including: investor-state dispute For the full text of the Convention, see:
settlement, arbitration, and choice of laws.
For the notice of withdrawal, see: text/?cid=131.
gov/the-press-office/2017/01/23/presidential-memorandum- For the US announcement of ratification and discussion,
regarding-withdrawal-united-states-trans-pacific. see:
The Potential Renegotiation of NAFTA Canada ratified the United Nations Convention on
During his presidential campaign, President Trump Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration
announced his intent to renegotiate NAFTA. The stated On 12 December 2016, Canada ratified the United Nations
purpose of renegotiation was to limit imports into the Convention on Transparency in Treaty-based Investor-State
United States from Mexico, particularly in the manufacturing Arbitration. Canada is the second State to ratify the
sector. The stated intent to renegotiate NAFTA led to Convention, following the ratification by Mauritius on 5
significant uncertainty in the North American economy. At June 2015.
the time of this writing, it is unclear what position the United For further information see:
States, Mexico, and Canada respectively will take in archive/2015/03/canada-signs-united-nations-convention-
negotiations and what provisions of NAFTA will be affected. transparency-investor-state-arbitration.html
This, too, leads to an uncertain outlook for the development
of private international law in North America.
For the most recent statement of President Trump on
National Legislation
NAFTA, see: U.S. Congress passed the Justice Against Sponsors of
politics/2017/04/18/donald-trump-nafta/100614752/. Terrorism Act narrowing the scope of foreign sovereign
Hague Securities Convention (US) On September 28, 2016, Congress voted to override
The U.S. deposited its instrument of ratification of the 2006 Obama’s veto of the Justice Against Sponsors of Terrorism
Convention on the Law Applicable to Certain Rights in Act (JASTA). JASTA amends the federal judicial code to
Respect of Securities held with an Intermediary on narrow the scope of foreign sovereign immunity. JASTA
December 15, 2016. In light of this date of ratification by authorizes federal courts to exercise personal jurisdiction
the U.S., the Convention entered into force for the U.S. on over any foreign state’s support for acts of international
April 1, 2017. The Convention harmonizes conflict of laws
—continued on page 23
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: North America —continued from page 22 Canada: Court of Appeals for Ontario establishes foreign
service under Rules of Civil Procedure for Non-Hague
terrorism against a U.S national or property. JASTA gives Convention service
federal courts jurisdiction over a civil claim against a foreign On June 3, 2016, the Court of Appeals for Ontario ruled that
state for physical injury, property or death, occurring outside service of process consistent with Canadian Rules of Civil
the U.S. territory, either as a result of an international act of Procedure on a Guatemalan defendant was proper. The
terrorism or by a tort committed by an agent of a foreign party resisting service of process submitted that following
state within the scope of their employment. Canadian service rules for service of process in Guatemala
The full text of the bill may be found here: violated Guatamalan sovereignty and therefore should not be given effect in Canadian courts. The Court of Appeals for
Ontario rejected the argument, noting that “The Rules do
not purport to legalize service that would be illegal in
National Case Law Guatemala, nor do they purport to declare Ontario is the
proper forum for an action. They provide an option as to
Canadian Supreme Court allows courts to sit
how service may be effected in a non-Convention state for
purposes of an Ontario action. They establish a means of
On October 20, 2016, in the case Endean v British Columbia,
satisfying an Ontario court that foreign defendants have
the Canadian Supreme Court held that: “In pan-national
received notice of an Ontario action. As the motion judge
[Canadian] class action proceedings over which the superior
noted, the appellants retain their right to challenge the
court has subject-matter and personal jurisdiction, a judge
jurisdiction of Ontario’s courts over the subject-matter of
of that court has the discretion to hold a hearing outside his
the action.” The Supreme Court of Canada did not permit
or her territory in conjunction with other judges managing
further appeal on February 23, 2017.
related class actions, provided that the judge will not have
For the full text of the decisions, see:
to resort to the court’s coercive powers in order to convene
en/on/onca/doc/2016/2016onca437/2016onca437.pdf (Court
or conduct the hearing and the hearing is not contrary to
of Appeals)
the law of the place in which it will be held”.
For the full text of the decision see:
017canlii8581.pdf (Supreme Court)
en/ca/scc/doc/2016/2016scc42/2016scc42.html or Endean v
For further analysis of the decisions, see:
British Columbia, 2016 SCC 42
Ontario Court Enforces American Judgments Against Iran
Under the Canadian State Immunity Act, foreign states
Canada: Federal Court of Appeal establishes default conflicts
enjoyed immunity of jurisdiction. This privilege includes
rules in transnational copyright litigation
being sued on a foreign judgment. Nevertheless, in 2012
On March 2, 2016, the Federal Court of Appeal remitted a
Canada passed new legislation in order to give victims of
claim alleging copyright infringement and passing off to the
terrorism the ability to sue a foreign state that sponsored
Federal Court for re-determination. The claims involve an
the terrorism. It also made it easier for foreign judgments
Indian Punjabi-language newspaper published since 1955,
against such a state to be enforced in Canada. In the case
“Ajit Daily”. The newspaper began online publication in
Tracy v The Iranian Ministry of Information and Security, the
2002. Few subscriptions were sold in Canada. The
Superior Court of Ontario considered these new rules and
defendants in the matter for appeal in Sadhu Singh
how they applied to a series of American decisions issued
Hamdard Trust publish a Canadian Punjabi-language
against Iran in favour of American victims of terrorist acts
newspaper, “Ajiit Weekly” since 1993. The Ajit Weekly began
which Iran was found to have sponsored. The court found
online publication in 1998. After litigation in the United
that Iran was not immune from the enforcement
States, the parties entered into a partial settlement
proceedings and that the American decisions were
agreement providing for the terms of logo licensing. The
enforceable against certain assets of Iran located in Ontario.
settlement maintains the parties respective trademark rights
For detailed information see
and does not release any prior claims. The parties provided
—continued on page 24
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: North America —continued from page 23 spying by a foreign government. The plaintiff, a U.S. citizen
and previously an asylee from Ethiopia, alleged that he was
insufficient evidence on U.S. law in order to interpret the tricked into downloading a computer program infecting his
partial settlement agreement as it related to the claims computer with a virus. The virus allegedly permitted the
asserted in the Canadian litigation. The Federal Court of Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to spy on the
Appeal ruled that under such circumstances, Canadian plaintiff remotely. The plaintiff thereupon commenced tort
courts must apply domestic law to the extent it has “no proceedings against the Federal Democratic Republic of
evidence as to the content of foreign law”. Ethiopia in U.S. courts, alleging that Ethiopia violated
For the full text of the decisions see: Maryland law. The action was dismissed. On appeal, the
en/ca/fca/doc/2016/2016fca69/2016fca69. court clarified that the non-commercial tort exception
html?resultIndex=1. “abrogates sovereign immunity for a tort occurring entirely
For further analysis of the decision see: in the United States” and that the tort alleged constituted “a transnational tort”. Specifically, the court discussed the
court-of-appeal-set-aside-dismissal-in-passing-off-and- jurisdictional exception to foreign sovereign immunity
copyright-case/ created for non-commercial torts under the FSIA. Given the
prevalence of state-related cyber-surveillance, the case is
U.S. Supreme Court delivers opinion on the presumption likely to be significant in framing future litigation arising out
against extraterritoriality doctrine of similar underlying conduct.
In 2016, the U.S. Supreme Court was confronted with the For the full text of the decision, see:
question of whether Congress had affirmatively and
unmistakably instructed a statute to apply to foreign 80E3004EE648/$file/16-7081-1665840.pdf.
conduct. On June 20, 2016, the Court decided that in order
for a statute to have extraterritorial applicability, there has United States: United States District Court for the District
to be clear indication that Congress intended to do so and, of Columbia rules that Foreign Sovereign Immunities Act
where there is none, the issue is whether the case involves a permits enforcement of arbitral award even when arbitration
domestic application of the statute by looking at the claimant fails to abide by procedural steps prior to
statute’s “focus”. The Supreme Court held that the arbitration including in consent to arbitration
Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act (“RICO”) On August 5, 2016, the United States District Court for the
applies to specific international activity. For example, RICO District of Columbia ruled that a state consent to arbitration
applies to the prohibition against engaging in monetary in a multilateral treaty satisfies the arbitration exception to
transactions in criminally derived property when the sovereign immunity under the Foreign Sovereign Immunities
defendant is a U.S. person, assassinations of Government Act. The case is significant, as the state, Kazakhstan,
officials, hostage taking if either the hostage or the offender alleged that the arbitration claimant had failed to follow the
is a U.S. national, and the killing of a U.S. citizen. Here, the procedural steps required under the consent to arbitration
Court reasoned that Congress gave a clear, affirmative to commence arbitration. Specifically, Kazakhstan asserted
indication that RICO applied to foreign racketeering only to that the claimant had failed to seek an amicable resolution
such extent. to the dispute for the period of time required by the
The full text of the ruling may be found here: consent to arbitration. The District Court rejected the as well argument. It noted that the consent to arbitration itself was
as RJR Nabisco, Inc. v. European Cmty., 136 S. Ct. 2090 not conditional upon the earlier negotiation period.
Consequently, the failure to abide by procedural
United States: United States Court of Appeals for the requirements did not place the suit outside of the consent
District of Columbia Circuit rules that Foreign Sovereign to arbitration and the arbitration exception to sovereign
Immunities Act non-commercial tort exception did not apply immunity was deemed applicable by the court.
to cyber-spying For the full text of the decision, see:
On March 14, 2017, the United States Court of Appeals for case/stati-v-republic-kazakhstan.
the District of Columbia Circuit determined that the non-
commercial tort exception did not apply to alleged cyber-
—continued on page 25
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: North America —continued from page 24 Datacarrier filed a complaint in Ecuadorian Courts which
found some similarities between both softwares. The District
United States: United States Court of Appeals for the Tenth Court adjudicated the case acknowledging jurisdiction
Circuit rules that serving untranslated Chinese-language pursuant to 28 U.S.C. §§ 1331 and 1338.Datacarrier claimed
notice of arbitration on U.S. company may be grounds for that WOCCU authorized from the U.S. acts of direct
non-enforcement of award infringement that took place in foreign states, giving rise a
On July 16, 2016, the United States Court of Appeals for the claim under the Copyright Act. On the other hand, WOCCU
Tenth Circuit ruled that Chinese award would not be contended that it could not be liable for conduct that
enforced under the New York Convention because the occurred outside the U.S. even though such illegal conduct
original notice of arbitration was in Chinese and thus not was directed and authorized from the U.S. The Court
reasonably calculated to give notice of claim to the followed the reasoning of the Ninth Circuit Court in
arbitration respondent. The underlying contract involved Subafilms, Ltd. v. MGM-Pathe Communications Co., when it was
the sale of solar energy products between a Chinese seller confronted with a similar question. In Subafilms, the Court
and a U.S. buyer. The contract formed part of a larger set of held that wholly extraterritorial acts are not recognized
transactions, some of which expressly stipulated that under the Copyright Act.
correspondence and proceedings would take place in For the full text of the decision see:
English. Correspondence between the parties under the case/datacarrier-sa-v-woccu-servs-grp-inc or Datacarrier S.A.
contract at issue in fact took place in English. The contract’s v. WOCCU Servs. Grp., 2016 U.S. Dist. LEXIS 161698
arbitration provision, however, was silent on the language of
the proceedings, stipulating merely that the Chinese CIETAC Section 1782 of Title 28 of the United States Code gives
arbitration rules would govern proceedings. After ongoing power to District Courts to subpoena records located outside
correspondence seeking to settle the dispute, buyer the United States
received a Chinese language document, which turned out to On August 23, 2016, the United States Court of Appeals
be a notice for arbitration. The buyer did not respond for the Eleventh Circuit affirmed the District Court’s
promptly.In fact, the buyer failed to act within the window to decision holding that “the location of responsive
appoint an arbitrator under the CIETAC arbitration rules and documents and electronically stored information” (to the
therefore was unable to do so. The court looked to other extent that a physical location can be located) does not
agreements between the parties as well as their course of establish a bar to discovery under § 1782. This Section
performance and course of dealing to determine that use of allows a federal district court to order any person that
Chinese language documents under the circumstances failed resides in such district to give her testimony or to produce
to provide adequate notice to the buyer of ongoing documents to use in a proceeding before a foreign or
arbitration proceedings. The court therefore refused to international tribunal. The decision follows a marital
enforce the subsequent award pursuant to New York dispute taking place in Russia in which the Northern
Convention article V(1)(b) & (d). District of Georgia had issued an order compelling a
For the full text of the decisions, see: company that was involved with the ex-husband of the complainant to produce some documents located outside
the United States.
The U.S. District Court for the Western District of For the full text of the decisions, see:
Wisconsin decided that the Copyright Act does not cover cases/federal/appellate-courts/ca11/15-13008/15-13008-
domestic authorization of foreign infringement 2016-08-23.html or Sergeeva v. Tripleton Int'l Ltd., 834 F.3d
On November 22, 2016, the District Court for the Western 1194.
District of Wisconsin held that the Copyright Act does not
apply to illicitforeign conduct directed from the U.S. The In a dispute between a Hong Kong plaintiff and a Canadian
plaintiff, Datacarrier, S.A., (“Datacarrier”) an Ecuadorian defendant, the U.S. Federal District Court dismissed the
software company, provided software to the defendant, claim based on forum non-conveniens. The Federal Circuit
WOCCU Services Group, Inc. (“WOCCU”), a Wisconsin Court reversed
corporation that provides financial products and services to On March 14, 2016, the U.S. Court of Appeals for the
credit unions outside of the U.S. Eventually, WOCCU began Federal Circuit reversed a Federal District Court decision
developing its own software replacing Datacarrier’s software.
—continued on page 26
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: North America —continued from page 25 For further details see
that dismissed a Hong Kong corporation’s claim based on jurisdiction-august-31-2016.
forum non-conveniens. Appellant, Halo Creative & Design,
Ltd. (“Halo”) is a Hong Kong corporation that designs and
sells furniture throughout the United States. Appellee,
Associations and Events
Comptoir Des Indes, Inc., a Canadian Corporation AJIL Unbound Symposium on the Third Restatement of
(“Comptoir”), also designs and sells furniture in the U.S., Conflict of Laws
including Illinois. Halo claimed infringement of some of its The American Law Institute (ALI) has recently initiated the
U.S. design patents, copyrights and trademark and filed suit project of elaborating a new Restatement of Conflict of
before the Northern District of Illinois. Comptoir contained Laws. In this regard, AJIL Unbound organized in 2016 a
that the Canadian Federal Court was a more adequate forum Symposium to discuss the directions the Third Restatement
to resolve the dispute since it had jurisdiction to adjudicate of Conflict of Laws might take.
intellectual property rights. The District Court granted For the valuable contributions to the discussion see https://
Comptoir´s motion to dismiss based on the doctrine of
forum non-conveniens reasoning that Halo could seek relief restatement-conflict-laws.
in Canada because (1) Hong Kong, the U.S. and Canada are For the current status of the restatement process see
signatories of the Berne Convention and (2) Canada could
also apply U.S. laws since the U.S. in some occasions has
applied foreign copyright laws. The Federal Circuit reversed ASIL Annual Meeting
and found that Canada was not a proper forum to safeguard The Annual Meeting of the American Society of
U.S. copyright, patent, and trademark laws. The Court based International Law was held in Washington, D.C, from 12 to
its decision on the fact that there was a lack of evidence 15 April 2017, on the theme “What International Law
showing that there was any action taking place in Canada Values.” For more information see:
and that Comptoir failed to show that Canada would event/asil-2017-annual-meeting.
provide adequate mechanisms for legal redress.
For the full text of the decisions, see
cases/federal/appellate-courts/cafc/15-1375/15-1375-2016- Recent Scholarly Work
03-14.html or Halo Creative & Design, Ltd. v. Comptoir Des
Scholars in USA and Canada have published extensively on
Indes, Inc., 816 F.3d 1366
PIL issues. We would like to mention in particular the
following: Pedro J. Martinez Fraga& C. Ryan Reetz, Public
U.S. Appellate Court Voids Judgment against Palestine for
Purpose in International Law: Rethinking Regulatory Sovereignty in
Lack of Jurisdiction
the Global Era, Cambridge University Press: 2015, Lea
On August 31, 2016, the Second Circuit Court of Appeals
Brilmayer, A General Look at Specific Jurisdiction, 42 Yale
overruled a $650 million verdict against the Palestinian
Journal of International Law 1 (2017),
Authority and the Palestine Liberation Organization for harm
suffered by Americans through terrorist attacks in Israel. The
Second Circuit found that the District Court had erred in
JURISDICTION-FINAL_Final-Draft-1a7ptmb.pdf, Stacie I.
exercising jurisdiction, noting that the attacks had occurred
Strong, Realizing Rationality: An Empirical Assessment of
“entirely outside the territorial jurisdiction of the United
International Commercial Mediation, 73 Washington and Lee Law
States”. It further found that “the federal courts cannot
Review 1973 (2016)
exercise jurisdiction in a civil case beyond the limits
cfm?abstract_id=2737462, Symeonides, Symeon C., Choice
prescribed by the due process clause of the Constitution, no
of Law in the American Courts in 2016: Thirtieth Annual Survey
matter how horrendous the underlying attacks or morally
(February 16, 2017). American Journal of Comparative Law,
compelling the plaintiffs’ claims. The district court could not
Vol. 65, No. 2, 2017. Available at SSRN:
constitutionally exercise either general or specific personal
abstract=2919145, New Canadian Textbook on Conflict of Laws,
jurisdiction over the defendants in this case. Accordingly,
by Stephen G.A. Pitel and Nicholas S. Rafferty, Irwin Law
this case must be dismissed.”
—continued on page 27
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
AMERICAS: North America —continued from page 26 account the Brexit iter. In the wake of the referendum of 23
June 2016 the UK Government triggered the process to
Ed., 2016, and Zamora Cabot, Francisco Javier, Access of withdraw from the EU according to Article 50 of the Treaty
Victims to Justice and Foreign Conducts: The U.S.S.C. Gives on European Union (TEU). The Brexit process is purportedly
Another Turning of the Screw in the Obb Personenverkeher V. Sachs to end in 2019, when the United Kingdom will no longer be
Case, on Sovereign Immunity) (June 23, 2016). Revista bound by the EU Law. As a result, all the PIL Regulations will
Electrónica de Estudios Internacionales, DOI: 10.17103/ no apply to UK, be the Brexit “hard” or “soft” depending on
reei.31.07. Available at SSRN: the final agreement that the UK and the EU will reach in
abstract=2800997or compliance with Article 50 TEU. In addition to the EU PIL,
ssrn.2800997. the ongoing sensitivity of the European Court of Human
Rights on the interplay between PIL and human rights, the
revision of several arbitration rules to make the proceedings
EUROPE under arbitral institutions more expeditious, the updating of
some national legal systems designed to face challenges
—Editors: Massimo Benedettelli, Marina coming from social developments, and, finally, the activated
Castellaneta, and Antonio Leandro competence of the EU in negotiating and entering into
treaties in investment matters, deserve not less attention.
European Union
EU and International Conventions
European Union Trade Agreement with Canada
The EU and Canada trade agreement, known as the
Comprehensive Economic and Trade Agreement (CETA), has
been published on the EU Official Journal of 14 January 2017,
L 11. The Agreement includes provisions on market access
for goods, services, investment and government
procurement, as well as on intellectual property rights,
sanitary and phytosanitary measures, sustainable
development, regulatory cooperation, mutual recognition,
trade facilitation, cooperation on raw materials, dispute
settlement and technical barriers to trade. CETA ensures
protection for investments while enshrining the right of
The bulk of Private International Law (PIL) developments for governments to regulate in the public interest, including when
the EU Member States relied on the EU activity in the field of such regulations affect a foreign investment. The traditional
the cooperation in civil, commercial and family matters. form of investor-state dispute settlement that exists in many
Regulations concerning matrimonial property regimes, trade agreements negotiated by Member States (known as
property consequences of registered partnership, cross- ISDS) has been replaced with a new and improved Investment
border insolvency, freezing order on bank accounts, and Court System (ICS). This Agreement shall enter into force on
simplification in public documents delivery will be the first day of the second month following the date the
implemented between 2017 and 2019. In parallel, the Court Parties exchange written notifications. On 15 February, the
of Justice of the European Union keeps addressing requests European Parliament voted in favour of the provisional
for preliminary rulings in the same matters so as to application, excluding some Chapters, between the European
strengthen the uniform interpretation of EU PIL and Union and its Member States and Canada.
contributing to achieve the effet utile of each regulation. Other The full text of the Agreement and the Annexes may be
EU institutions keep their agenda up to date for preparatory found here:
works and studies. Future steps obviously need to take into TXT/?uri=OJ:L:2017:011:TOC.
—continued on page 28
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
EUROPE —continued from page 27 issues of private international law concerning the status of
children and on the recognition of parenthood. The authors
of the document, Amalia Rigon and Céline Chateaus,
EU Regulations analyze the European Human Rights Court jurisprudence
Enhanced Cooperation on Property Regime of International and the legal issues raised by the surrogacy arrangements.
Couples One of the main problems is the refusal of the authorities of
On 9 June 2016, with Decision (EU) 2016/954, the EU Members States to recognize the child’s birth certificate.
Council authorized 18 Member States (Austria, Belgium, The adoption of a private international law instrument could
Bulgaria, Croatia, Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Finland, be a solution to this problem and so the EU could adopt
France, Germany, Greece, Italy, Luxembourg, Malta, the conflicts of law rules concerning civil statutes and rules on
Netherlands, Portugal, Slovenia, Spain and Sweden) to start mutual recognition of family statutes.
an enhanced cooperation in the area of jurisdiction, The full text of the report may be found here:
applicable law and recognition of decisions in matters of
matrimonial property regimes and property consequences of BRI(2016)571368_EN.pdf.
registered partnership. The enhanced cooperation has been
implemented by the Regulations (EU) 2016/1103 Towards a Good-bye to the Apostille
(matrimonial property regimes) and 2016/1104 (property The Apostille – the long-established method relying on a
consequences of registered partnerships) of 24 June 2016. certificate of legalization of public documents to be
Both Regulations are currently into force, but will be presented before foreign jurisdictions – gets obsolete after
applicable from 29 January 2019. the adoption of Regulation (EU) 2016/1191 of 6 July 2016,
The full text of the Regulation 2016/1103 may be found which establishes, for certain public documents, a
here: multilingual form designed to simplify the entire legalization
ri=CELEX:32016R1103&qid=1486579258863&from=EN. process, thereby facilitating the free movement of EU
The full text of the Regulation 2016/1104 may be found citizens. Put in a nutshell, the new form needs no
here: legalization (or any other similar formality), translation or
i=CELEX:32016R1104&qid=1486579007414&from=EN. certification as evidence of a document’s authenticity when
the relevant public document (such as administrative
Enhanced Cooperation on the Law Applicable to Divorce and documents or notarial acts) is issued by the authorities of a
Legal Separation Member State to be presented to the authorities of another
Estonia has joined the Regulation (EU) No. 1259/2010 of 20 Member State. The form is applicable to documents stating
December 2010 implementing enhanced cooperation in the births, deaths, names, marriages, divorces, legal separations,
area of the law applicable to divorce and legal separation marriage annulments, registered partnership and dissolution,
(called Rome III Regulation). The Rome III legal separation or annulment, parenthood, adoption,
Regulation will apply to Estonia as of 11 February 2018. As a domicile, residency, nationality, absence of a criminal record
result, the number of participating Member States will and right to vote. The bulk of the provisions will apply from
amounts to seventeen. The European Commission 16 February 2019.
confirmed the Estonia participation by Decision (EU) The full text of the Regulation 2016/1191 may be found
2016/1366 of 10 August 2016. here:
The full text of the Rome III Regulation may be found here: ri=CELEX:32016R1191&qid=1486629765612&from=EN.
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
EUROPE —continued from page 29 Court of Justice European Union: Overriding Mandatory
Provisions in Employment Contracts
proceedings. The Court held that such effects are governed On 18 October 2016, in Case C-135/15, the CJEU ruled
by the lex concursus (i.e. the law of the State of the under the Rome I Regulation – Regulation (EC) No 593/2008
insolvency proceedings) irrespective of whether the claim of 17 June 2008 on the law applicable to contractual
be public or private. Moreover, the Court clarified which law obligations – on whether overriding mandatory provisions
governs the effects of the insolvency proceedings on other than those of the lex fori or of the State where the
enforcement actions brought outside the State of the obligations arising out of the employment contract have
insolvency proceedings: while the effects on ‘lawsuits been, or are to be, performed may be applied. In the Court’s
pending’ are put by Article 15 under the law of the State in view, national courts are precluded from applying such
which the lawsuit is pending, the effects on all other provisions as legal rules, but are permitted to take them into
proceedings brought by individual creditors are in any event account when assessing the facts of the case which are
governed by the lex concursus. relevant in the light of the law governing the contract.
The full text of the judgment may be found here: The full text of the judgment may be found here:
22&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first 41&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first
&part=1&cid=824154. &part=1&cid=819317.
Court of Justice European Union: Transfer of Case and Child Court of Justice European Union: Cross-border Crimes and
Protection Victim Compensation
On 27 October 2016, in Case C-428/15, the CJEU ruled On 11 October 2016, in Case C-601/14, the CJEU (Grand
under Article 15 of Regulation (EC) No 2201/2003 of Chamber) declared that Italian Republic has failed to fulfill
27 November 2003 -concerning jurisdiction and the its obligations under Article 12(2) of Directive 2004/80/EC of
recognition and enforcement of judgments in matrimonial 29 April 2004 relating to compensation to crime victims for
matters and the matters of parental responsibility- on the failing to adopt all the measures necessary to guarantee the
transfer of a case from one court to another in the best existence, in cross-border situations, of a compensation
interest of the child. The Court held that, in order for the scheme for victims of all violent intentional crimes
court having jurisdiction in a Member State to assess committed on its territory.
whether a court of another Member State with which the The full text of the judgment may be found here:
child has a particular connection is better placed, the first
court must be satisfied that the transfer of the case is such 25&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=req&dir=&occ=firs
as to provide genuine and specific added value to the t&part=1&cid=439371.
examination of that case, taking into account, inter alia, the
rules of procedure applicable in the other State. Besides, Court of Justice European Union: Cosmetics Products and
the transfer may not be detrimental to the situation of the Offshore Animal Testing
child. In this regard, the court having jurisdiction must not On 21 September 2016, in Case C-592/14, the CJEU ruled
assess either the effect of the transfer on the right of under Article 18 of Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 -on
freedom of movement of persons other than the child, or cosmetic products- that the placing on the European Union
the reasons why the parent has exercised the right of market of cosmetic products containing some ingredients
freedom of movement prior to the court being seized, that have been tested on animals outside the European
unless those considerations reveal adversely repercussions Union, in order to market cosmetic products in third
on the child. countries, may be prohibited if the resulting data is used to
The full text of the judgment may be found here: prove the safety of those products for the purposes of placing them on the EU market.
96&pageIndex=0&doclang=EN&mode=lst&dir=&occ=first The full text of the judgment may be found here:
—continued on page 31
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
EUROPE —continued from page 31 Germany: Sunni Child Marriage and Public Policy
On 12 May 2016, the Oberlandesgericht Bamberg (Higher
provisions on jurisdiction and applicable law in matters of Regional Court, Bavaria) ruled on a divorce claim concerning
same-sex couples and registered partnership which come a 14-year old girl married to a 21-year old man. Despite the
along with certain overriding mandatory provisions expressly marriage being valid under Syrian law, the youth welfare
called by that Law. Moreover, same-sex registered Bavarian local authorities asserted that is was not so under
partnerships which Italian citizens habitually resident in Italy German public policy due to the brides’ too low age. On the
enter into shall be treated as registered partnerships contrary, the Court deemed the marriage valid, thereby
governed by Italian law. Finally, the law governing the recognizing the effect of the Syrian law and rituals.
maintenance obligations arising from family relationships in The full text of the judgment may be found here:
any case is the law designated by the conflict-of-laws rules
of the Regulation (EC) No 4/2009 of 18 December 2008 on S(y4k5weyebkealaooeuyibuub))/Content/
jurisdiction, applicable law, recognition and enforcement of Document/Y-300-Z-BECKRS-B-2016-N-09621?hl=true&Aspx
decisions and cooperation in matters relating to AutoDetectCookieSupport=1.
maintenance obligations.
The new provisions may be found here: Russia: Investor-to-State Dispute before Russian Courts On 5 August 2016, the Moscow Commercial Court was
dataPubblicazioneGazzetta=2017-01-27&atto. seized of a dispute between a Russian businessman and the
codiceRedazionale=17G00013&atto.articolo. Republic of Lithuania concerning losses arising out of the
numero=1&atto.articolo.tipoArticolo=0. nationalization of a private bank. The preliminary issue at
stake was the Russian jurisdiction over a claim brought
Switzerland: Foreign Illicit Assets against a sovereign State in a matter purportedly falling
On 1st July 2017, the Foreign Illicit Assets Act of 18 under the ISDS methods provided by the Russian-Lithuanian
December 2015 and related ordinances entered into force, BIT. The claimant relies on the Federal Law No. 297-FZ on
thereby making it easier to freeze, confiscate and return the jurisdictional immunities of foreign states and the
illicit assets stashed in Swiss banks by foreign dictators property of a foreign state in the Russian Federation, which
where there is reason to assume that those assets have came into force on 16 January 2016 and in the claimant’s
been acquired through acts of corruption, criminal views accords jurisdiction should the foreign State activity,
mismanagement or by other felonies. such as those disputed in the instant case, occur in Russian
The full text of the Act may be found here: territory. The Commercial Court dismissed this assertion on 28 October. The claimant filed an appeal, still pending.
workinggroup2/2016-August-25-26/V1605154e.pdf. Link: The decisions of the Russian Commercial Courts may
be found here:
—continued on page 33
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
EUROPE —continued from page 32 database freely available for public consultation.
Info may be found here:
United Kingdom: High Court of Justice on Environmental Conferences: 2016 Noteworthy Conferences Addressing PIL
Tort Claims Issues
On 27 May 2016, the High Court of Justice ruled on the UK On 10 November 2016, the Academy of European Law
Courts competence over an environment pollution claim (ERA), in co-operation with the European Circuit, the Bar
brought by some Zambian citizens against Vedanta Council and the Hamburgischer Anwaltverein, hosted a
Resources Plc and its Zambian subsidiary. While the conference in London on “The Impact of Brexit on
pollution occurred in Zambia, the UK Courts retain Commercial Dispute Litigation in London”; on 23 September
competence due to the so-called “foreign direct liability” 2016, the Société de législation comparée organised a conference
that UK companies bear under English law when causing on “The application of foreign law under constitutional and
damages abroad. treaty-based review”; on 15 September 2016, the University
The full text of the judgment may be found here: of Milan hosted a seminar on “New Trends in EU Private International Law”; on 16-17 June 2016, the Centre for
EWHC/TCC/2016/975.html&query=(vedanta). Business Law and Practice, University of Leeds, and the
Centre for Private International Law, the University of
Arbitration Institutions Aberdeen organized a conference on “Cross-Border
Litigation in Europe”; on 9-10 June 2016, the Spanish
Sweden: New SCC Arbitration Rules. Association of Professors of International Law and
On 1st January 2017, the new arbitration rules and the rules International Relations (AEPDIRI) organized the international
of expedited arbitration of the Stockholm Chamber of conference “Challenges for the European Union External
Commerce entered into force. Provisions on summary Action” in the framework of the Jean Monnet Project “EU
procedure, efficiency and expeditiousness, multi-party/claim, Law between Universalism and Fragmentation: Exploring the
and investment arbitration account for the main novelties. Challenge of Promoting EU Values Beyond its Borders”.
The full text of the SCC Arbitration Rules may be found here:
Scholarly Work
The full text of the SCC Expedited Arbitration Rules may be Literature: 2016 Noteworthy Scholarly Works
found here: M.E. Ancel, P. Deumier, M. Laazouzi, Droit des contrats
draft_expedited-rules-23112016.pdf. internationaux, Sirey, 2016; P. Blanco-Morales Limones, F. F.
Garau Sobrino, Mª L. Lorenzo Guillén, F. J. Montero Muriel
Associations and Events (eds), Comentario al Reglamento (UE) nº 1215/2012 relativo a la
competencia judicial, el reconocimiento y la ejecución de resoluciones
Hague Academy of International Law judiciales en materia civil y mercantil, Thomson Reuters-Aranzadi,
The Hague Academy of International Law will hold its 2017 2016; M.B Benedettelli, Five Lay Commandments for the EU
Summer Courses between July and August. The Private Private International Law of Companies, Yearbook of Private
International Law courses are scheduled from 31 July to 18 International Law, XVII - 2015/2016, 209; M. Hook, The Choice
August. Closing date for application: 1st March 2017. of Law Contract, Hart Publishing, 2016; A. Leandro, A First
The full text of the programme may be found here: Critical Appraisal of The New European Insolvency Regulation, Il Diritto dell’Unione Europea, 2016, 215; Leible (ed. by),
PROGRAMME-2017.pdf. General Principle of European Private International Law, Wolters
Kluwer, 2016; P. Mankowski, M. F. Müller, J. Schmidt, EuInsVO
EUFam’s Project Launched 2015. Europäische Insolvenzverordnung 2015. Kommentar, Beck,
In 2016 the Project ‘Planning the future of cross-border 2016; E. Márton, Violations of Personality Rights through the
families: a path through coordination’ (EUFam’s) has been Internet – Jurisdictional Issues under European Law, Nomos / Hart
launched with the aim to research European Union Private Publishing, 2016; G. Moss, I. Fletcher, S. Isaacs (eds), Moss,
International Law topics of family and successions, as well Fletcher and Isaacs on the EU Regulation on Insolvency Proceedings,
as disseminate project findings, news, and general 3rd edn, OUP, 2016.
information on this matter. The Project hosts a case-law
—continued on page 34
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
OCEANIA —Editor: Jeanne Huang The TPP was signed by New Zealand in February 2016. The
Trans-Pacific Partnership Agreement Amendment Bill was
introduced to the House of Representative in May 2016. The
Bill was passed on 15 November and received Royal Assent
on 21 November. In March 2017, New Zealand agreed with
other remaining TPP members that their senior trade
officials would consider next steps for the TPP in the coming
New Zealand’s policy of the TPP can be found here: https://
International Tribunals
Australia won Philip Morris v Australia on the jurisdiction
Philip Morris Asia Limited, a company incorporated in Hong
Kong, brought an arbitration against Australia alleging that
Australia’s enactment and enforcement of the Tobacco Plain
The year of 2016 has witnessed significant interplay between
Packaging Act 2011 and the implementing regulations known
private international law in Oceania and that in foreign
as Tobacco Plain Packaging Regulations 2011 expropriated
jurisdictions. The US withdrawal from the TPP has caused
its ability to use certain intellectual property. The arbitration
Australia and New Zealand to suspend the relevant
was commenced pursuant to the Australia-Hong Kong
domestic implementation legislation. The bankruptcy of
Bilateral Investment Treaty (BIT). In December 2015, a PCA
Hanjin, the world’s ninth-largest container shipping
ad hoc investment tribunal issued its Interim Award on
company, in Seoul has called the Federal Court of Australia
Jurisdiction and Admissibility. The tribunal held that the
to resolve the difficult intersections between international
claims were inadmissible because Philip Morris abused its
insolvency law, Australian Corporations Act and Admiralty
right by changing its corporate structure mainly to gain the
Act. Courts, arbitration institutions and legislators in
protection of the BIT when it foresaw its dispute with
Oceania have considered whether and how to catch up with
the development of arbitration laws in foreign jurisdictions.
The full award can be found here:
Philip Morris v Australia helps the further development of
global tobacco control legal regime.
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
OCEANIA —continued from page 34 Australian court applies Australian Consumer Law (ACL) to
a contract even if its proper law is a foreign law
Australia considers amending the International Arbitration March 2016 in Australian Competition and Consumer Commission v
Act 1974 (the IAA) Valve Corporation, FCA applied ACL to Valve, an online
In March 2017, the Civil Law and Justice Legislation business incorporated in the US that had no staff and real
Amendment Bill was introduced into Australian Senate. This estate in Australia and hosted its website outside of
is an omnibus bill that proposes to amend the IAA as well Australia. The FCA held that the proper law of the contracts
as other Australian legislation. It intends to define between Valve and its Australian consumers was the law of
“competent court” in the IAA, clarify the evidence Washington State in the US, but Subsection 67 (b) of the ACL
requirements for enforcement of an arbitral award, was extended to the contracts regardless of the proper law.
modernize arbitrator’s powers to award costs, and clarify Moreover, the Court distinguished the common-law cause of
the application of the UNCITRAL Rules on Transparency in action approach and the application of ACL statutory test for
Treaty-based Investor-State Arbitration in Australia. where the conduct took place, and found that Valve was
The Civil Law and Justice Legislation Amendment Bill can be either conducting or carrying on business in Australia.
found here: The full judgment can be found here:
Bills_Legislation/Bills_Search_Results/Result?bId=s1057. io/j/?a=outline&id=459877.
New Zealand considers amending the Arbitration Act 1996 Fiji Court determines the conditions for application for leave
(the Act) to appeal to the Supreme Court to be consistent with English
In March 2017, the Arbitration Amendment Bill was case law-
introduced to the New Zealand Parliament to amend the Rugby is the most popular sport in Fiji. In 2016, the
Act. The Bill intends to recognize the binding effect of Supreme Court of Fiji handed down a judgment about the
arbitration clauses in trust deeds, to extend the sole and exclusive sponsorship of the Fijian provincial rugby
presumption of confidentiality in arbitration to a rebuttable tournament and the Fiji 7´s Team, which won the Gold
presumption of confidentiality in related court proceedings Medal for men´s sevens rugby at the 2016 Olympic Games.
under the Act, to clarify the grounds for setting aside an The Court found that this case is of great interest to the
arbitral award, and to specify the consequence of failing to public but is not a matter of great public importance
raise a timely objection to an arbitral tribunal’s jurisdiction. according to English case law. But it allowed the application
The Arbitration Amendment Bill can be found here: http:// for leave to appeal because this case raises “far-reaching questions of law”.
The full judgment can be found here:
National Case Law
Australian courts determine indemnity costs of unsuccessful
Australian court recognizes and a UAE DIFC monetary
challenges to enforcement of a foreign arbitral award
In two separate cases decided in 2016, FCA consider
In March 2016, the Supreme Court of New South Wales
whether to follow the Hong Kong approach, where a party is
recognized and enforced a judgment issued by the Dubai
entitled to its costs of responding to the challenge on an
International Financial Center Court (DIFC). It is the first time
indemnity basis by default if the other party unsuccessfully
that an Australian court recognized and enforced a UAE
challenges the enforcement of a foreign arbitral award in the
monetary judgment. The DIFC signed a Memorandum of
absence of special circumstances. The first case, Ye v Zheng
Guidance with the Supreme Court of New South Wales in
(No 5), was handed down in July. The Court found that the
2013 and with the Federal Court of Australia in 2014. The
respondent had never made an attempt to agitate any
full judgment can be found here.
legitimate ground to resist enforcement, so awarded the
applicant its costs on a full and complete indemnity basis.
Although that “powerful considerations” might support the
For the special nature of the DIFC court see the Asia Section
Hong Kong approach, the Court stated that it was both
—continued on page 36
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
OCEANIA —continued from page 35 The new rules can be found here:
unnecessary and inappropriate to decide this question in
this case. The second case is Sino Dragon Trading Ltd v Noble
Resources International Pte Ltd (No 2) decided in September. The
Associations and Events
Court applied the law of the forum, Australian law, to Australian and New Zealand Society of International Law
determine whether the indemnity costs should be awarded. organized its 24th Conference in Canberra in June 2016. The
The Court held that an order for indemnity costs would be theme of the conference is “International Law of the
justified where an unsuccessful challenge was found not to Everyday: Fieldwork, Friction and Fairness.”
have reasonable prospects of success, whether or not the More information of the conference can be found here:
unsuccessful party knew or ought to have known this at the
outset. This should be determined case by case rather than
setting up a default rule. Essentially the Court rejected the
Hong Kong approach. Recent Scholarly Work
The full judgments can be found here:
Scholars in Oceania have published extensively on the topic
io/j/?a=outline&id=485995 and
of private international law in 2016. Typical examples include
Thomas Schultz & Jason Mitchenson, Navigating Sovereignty
and Transnational Commercial Law: the Use of Comity by Australian
Courts, 12 Journal of Private International Law 344-378
Australian court recognizes foreign rehabilitation proceedings
(2016); and KJ Keith, New Zealand Family Law and International
In November 2016, the FCA recognized the rehabilitation
Law - A Comment with Some Questions, 47 Victoria University of
proceedings of the Seoul Central District Court for Hanjin
Wellington Law Review 5–18 (2016), and Miranda Forsyth,
Shipping Co., Ltd in Tai-Soo Suk v Hanjin Shipping Co Ltd. This
The Challenges of Legal Pluralism in the Cook Island and Beyond:
judgment is made according to the UNCITRAL Model Law on
An Insight from Hunt and Tupou & Ors v Miguel, Cook Island Court
Cross-Border Insolvency, which is given force in Australia by
of Appeal, 19 February 2016, 2 Journal of South Pacific Law
the Cross-Border Insolvency Act (CBIA). The FCA recognized
27-43 (2016). ■
the Seoul proceedings as “foreign main proceedings” and
the custodian of Hanjin appointed by the Korean Court as a
“foreign representative” for the purposes of the CBIA.
Accordingly, the Court stays any enforcement of recovery
action against the Hanjin’s properties in Australia except
with the written consent of Hanjin or until further order of
the Court.
The full judgment can be found here:
Arbitration Institutions
The Australian Centre for International Commercial
Arbitration (ACICA) revises its arbitration rules
ACICA is the major arbitration institution in Australia. The
new ACICA Arbitration Rules incorporating the Emergency
Arbitrator Provisions and the Expedited Arbitration Rules came
into effect in January 2016. As the first revision since 2011,
the new rules contain innovations in the areas of expedited
procedure, conduct of legal representation, consolidation
and joinder, law of arbitration agreement and overriding
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
—continued on page 38
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
Private International Law Interest Group Newsletter
Fall 2017
GLOBAL CONFLICT OF LAWS —continued from page 38 For more information about this multifaceted activity, visit:
(EC) No 1223/2009 of the European Parliament and of the uncitral-and-arbitration-15414.
Council of 30 November 2009 on cosmetic products must
be interpreted as meaning that it may prohibit the placing
on the European Union market of cosmetic products contai- Scholarly Work
ning some ingredients that have been tested on animals out-
We would like to mention the following studies that
side the European Union, in order to market cosmetic
approach PIL from a global perspective:
products in third countries, if the resulting data is used to
Van Loon, J. H. A., “The Global Horizon of Private International
prove the safety of those products for the purposes of pla-
Law (Volume 380)”, in: Collected Courses of the Hague
cing them on the EU market.”
Academy of International Law, The Hague Academy of
For the full decision see
International Law.
Encyclopedia of Private International Law, Edward Elgar,
Gilles Cuniberti, Conflict of Laws: A Comparative Approach.
Text and Cases, Edward Elgar, 2017.
United Nations: U.S. Court Upholds United Nations’
Gimenez-Corte, Cristián, La Función Del Derecho Internacional
Immunity in Cholera Suit
Privado En La Era De La Globalización: Un Manifiesto Jurídico (The
On August 18, 2016, the US Second Circuit Court of Appeals
Function of Private International Law in the Era of
in New York upheld the United Nations' immunity from a
Globalization: A Legal Manifesto) (December 3, 2016).
damage claim filed on behalf of 5,000 cholera victims who
Papeles del Centro de Investigaciones, FCJyS, UNL, 2016.
asserted that the UN was responsible for an epidemic of the
Available at SSRN:
cholera disease in Haiti. The Appeals Court affirmed a lower
Horatia Muir Watt, Conflicts of laws unbounded: the case for a
court's January 2015 dismissal of a lawsuit brought in the
legal-pluralist revival, Transnational Legal Theory Vol. 7 , Iss. 3,
worst outbreak of cholera in recent history. The UN, as
defendant, successfully alleged that it enjoyed immunity
Whytock, Christopher A. (2016) "Conflict of Laws, Global
under a 1946 Convention on the Privileges and Immunities
Governance, and Transnational Legal Order," UC Irvine
of the UN, and therefore could not be brought before natio-
Journal of International, Transnational and Comparative Law: Vol.
nal judges.
1, 117. Available at:
This decision came shortly after the UN deputy spokesman
vol1/iss1/6. ■
referred to the United Nations' "own involvement" in the
introduction of cholera to Haiti.
For the full text see