Factors Affecting Students Perception Towards Faculty Evaluation of Teaching at Nowshera Medical College, Pakistan

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Student evaluation of teaching (SET) tool The Professional Medical Journal

https://doi.org/10.29309/TPMJ/2022.29.02.6407 www.theprofesional.com
2022, Volume, 29 Issue, 02

Factors Affecting Students Perception towards Faculty Evaluation of Teaching at
Nowshera Medical College, Pakistan.
Sobia Haris1, Brekhna Jamil2, Muhammad Haris3, Farah Deeba4, Muhammad Jehangir Khan5, Imran Zaman Khan6

Article Citation: Haris S, Jamil B, Haris M, Deeba F, Khan MJ, Khan IZ. Factors Affecting Students Perception towards Faculty Evaluation of
Teaching at Nowshera Medical College, Pakistan. Professional Med J 2022; 29(2):258-264. https://doi.org/10.29309/TPMJ/2022.29.02.6407

ABSTRACT… Objective: To find out factors which are affecting student’s perception towards teaching faculty evaluation.
Study Design: Quantitative Cross-sectional Research. Setting: Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera. Period: March 2020.
Material & Methods: A pre-validated questionnaire of Student’s evaluation of teaching instrument comprising 21 items,
were administered. A total number of 208 students from different classes were agreed for participation. All participants were
given equal preference. Data was entered in Excel sheet and analyzed through SPSS version 24. Results: It is evident that
majority of students’ i.e.51.27 % had a positive perception towards the factors related to teachers in the student’s evaluation
of teaching Tool. Similarly, it has been depicted that majority of students i.e. 79.46 % have shown highly positive significance
towards the factors related to them in the instrument where as 40.6 % has a positive perception towards the factors related
to coursework. Conclusion: It was concluded that the faculty age, sex, qualification and medium of teaching are the major
features which affect their evaluation by the students. Similarly, class size and students’ grades were found to be major
factors related to course and students in the tool. Thus, we conclude that overall perception of students towards Students
evaluation of teaching was positive and highly significant.

Key words: Faculty Evaluation, Factors, Nowshera Medical College, Ratings, SET Tool, Student’s Perception.

INTRODUCTION of growth in the instructive system. Besides, in

Perception is the method that takes place within those institutes that assessment is regularly done,
the individual which starts with the reception the eminence of teaching is enhanced.4 The
of excitatory stimulus till it is apprehended and assessment arrangement for faculty members in
understood by the person, so that the individual arena of medicine is of upheld significance for the
can distinguish oneself and the environment.1 reason that graduates are accountable for human
Likewise, Jalaluddin Rahmat said that “one’s well-being and life.5
insight on substances, proceedings or affairs is
attained by supposing evidence and governing Student’s evaluation of teaching tool (SET) is
the message”.1 Furthermore, assessment is a broadly utilized in both North America and the UK
practical analytical method for gathering and as a resource of supporting and refining teaching
making suggestion that ends in conclusions about eminence.6 SET is a current word that is utilized
the state of matters, worth, excellence, value, frequently with many preceding terms such as
implication, or eminence of a program, invention, Student Evaluation of Educational Quality (SEEQ)
individual, strategy, suggestion or idea.2 While, and student’s evaluation of teaching effectiveness
teaching faculty assessment identify the level of etc. SET is broadly utilized in the assessment
faculty member accomplishments in the value of of faculty and their teaching usefulness.7,8
teaching and primes to impartiality in theoretical Erstwhile study on SET can be summed up
backgrounds.3 Similarly, Adams accept as true in three groups: features of the course itself
that faculty assessment is one of the key gauges together with environmental aspects; features
1. BDS, MPH, MHPE (Scholar), Lecturer/Demonstrator, Department of Medical Education, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Correspondence Address:
Pakistan. Dr. Muhammad Haris
2. BDS, MPH, MHPE, PhD HPE (Scholar), Associate Professor, Institute of Health Professions Education & Research, Khyber Medical
University, Peshawar, Pakistan.
Department of Anatomy,
3. MBBS, MPhil, MPH, CHPE, CHR, PhD Anatomy (Scholar), Assistant Professor, Department of Anatomy, Nowshera Medical Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera,
College, Nowshera, Pakistan. Pakistan.
4. BDS, MHR (Scholar), Lecturer/Demonstrator, Department of Medical Education, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Pakistan. [email protected]
5. MBBS, FCPS (Pediatric Surgery), LLB, CHPE, Professor, Department of Pediatric Surgery, Makka Medical Center, Nowshera,
6. BDS, CHPE, MHPE (Scholar), Lecturer/Demonstrator, Department of Medical Education, Nowshera Medical College, Nowshera, Article received on: 06/02/2021
Pakistan. Accepted for publication: 11/06/2021

258 Professional Med J 2022;29(02):258-264.

Student evaluation of teaching (SET) tool 2

of the students themselves and their partialities Furthermore, teaching faculty evaluation was
in awareness and outlooks; and features of the started in the month of October, 2019 in Nowshera
teacher.9 Respondents are offered with evaluation Medical College. In this year, first 4 batches were
proformas that enquire and score their insights enrolled in our Medical College. However, after
of teachers and courses frequently on a 5-point analyzing student’s evaluation proformas, the
Likert scale that ranges from strongly disagree to Department of Medical Education came across
strongly agree.10 decision that there are some factors which are
affecting the evaluation. So, it was decided to
A study was done in Saudi Arabia in 2017 which conduct this study in Nowshera Medical College
also emphasized on identifying the reasons by using SET questionnaire to identify those
affecting student’s thinking to SET. They found factors which affect student’s perception towards
personality of the teacher as a biasing factor in faculty teaching evaluation, as to our knowledge,
evaluation of teachers.11 Educationists use SET to literature related to such study in Pakistan has
identify for faculty teaching activity and working. been deficient.
Moreover, a research in France (2017) presented
that gender disturb the student’s assessment of MATERIAL & METHODS
instruction. Female instructors get less SET score, A quantitative cross-sectional study was utilized
regardless of indication that female instructor’s in the month of March, 2020 to find the substantial
areas competent instructors as their male association on students’ perception and other
counterparts.12 However, some of researchers demographic aspects. A total number of 208
have identified that it does not work properly students from different classes were agreed for
about assessment of teacher’s activity.13 But there participation. All participants were given equal
are certain researches which have publicized preference. A pre-validated questionnaire was
that it is effective and dependable instrument.14,15 used. Moreover, ethical endorsement was attained
Annan et al. appraisal of the study showed that from the Ethical Board vide letter No: 143-47/NMC/
the greater the class proportions, the lesser the ERB dated: 06/03/2020. However, the sample was
respondent scores.16 According to a research chosen randomly, the students’ readiness to take
done in 2011, top graduate educational institutes part in the study was also kept in consideration
did the assessment system by means of the in demand to achieve more precise outcomes. In
student and administrator grading methodology the meantime, the sample was carefully chosen
by both students and administrators.17 through approachability, the instrument was
directed self-sufficiently. Prior informed consent
Moreover, Pakistan is also among those nations, was attained from all the contestants and they
which identified the necessity to assess and were assured of confidentiality. For this, students
develop the teaching faculty of all teaching were demanded to drop the filled-up forms in a
institutions. One of research done in Multan in sealed case in order to ensure anonymity. The
2017 is grounded on ideas that include cognitive demographic data of the sample is shown in
dissonance theory, together with students’ the following table, which was analyzed through
assessment of faculty and courses they teach. SPSS version 24.
Likewise, it was also found that students ratings
of teachers differ with respect to their grades.18 A pre-validated questionnaire of SET instrument
Another study was done in Peshawar showed comprising 21 items, were administered. Each
vital differences between students and teachers item in SET was rated on Likert scale (1-5). Social
in relation of several facets of SET development. and demographic particulars of the students i.e.
Generally, teaching faculty seems to be bearing in year of medical school, gender and age were
mind that the students are non-serious about SET also mentioned.
method. Results recommended that students are
more anxious about the deficiency of SET ideas
in decision making.19
Professional Med J 2022;29(02):258-264. 259
Student evaluation of teaching (SET) tool 3

Figure-1. Conceptual framework of SET tool.

Sample Selection Out of 208 students, more than half (56.7%) were
Inclusion Criteria male students, and only 43.3% were female.
Those students of the Nowshera Medical College Similarly, 43.8% were in the age group of 18-20
who are enrolled in it and want to participate. years while 46.6% were in 21-23 years and 9.6%
were in 24-26-year age group.
Exclusion Criteria
Those students who do not want to participate due Data Analysis and Findings
to unknown reasons. Similarly, all those students Statistical method i.e., frequency was checked for
who did not fill the questionnaire completely were each factor and percentages were checked for
excluded from the study. Moreover, migrated each statement which are as follows;
students from other colleges to Nowshera
Medical College during their medical education It is evident from the Table-II that almost 15.98%
were also excluded. of the students strongly disagreed whereas
Gender Frequency Percent 14.98% disagreed to the SET tool. In total,
Male 118 56.7 30.96% of students disagreed and thus had a
Female 90 43.3 negative perception towards the factors related
Age Group to teachers in SET tool. Similarly, 26.04% agreed
18-20 91 43.8 and 25.23% strongly agreed to the factors related
21-23 97 46.6 in SET tool and thus in toting, 51.27% had a
24-26 20 9.6 positive perception towards the factors related
Medical School Year to teachers in SET tool. However, 17.8% had a
First Year 51 24.5 neutral approach towards the factors related to
Second Year 53 25.5 teachers in SET tool.
Third Year 53 25.5
Fourth Year 51 24.5
It has been depicted in the Table-III that almost
Table-I. Percentage distribution of the sample 4.65% of the students strongly disagreed and
according to gender, age, year of study.
5.21% agreed to the factors related to themselves
260 Professional Med J 2022;29(02):258-264.
Student evaluation of teaching (SET) tool 4

in SET tool. In total, 9.86% of students had a 16.35% strongly disagreed whereas 20.45%
negative perception towards the factors related disagreed to the factors related to course and
to them in SET tool. Similarly, 43.33% strongly thus almost 36.8% of students had a negative
agreed and 36.13% agreed to the factors related perception towards the factors related to
to the students in SET tool. Thus in totaling, coursework in SET tool. Similarly, 14.65%
79.46% had a positive perception towards strongly agreed and 25.95% agreed to the factors
themselves in SET tool. However, 10.65 % had related to course and thus in total almost 40.6 %
a neutral approach towards the factors related to had a positive perception towards the factors
them in SET tool. related to coursework. However, 22.6% had a
neutral approach towards the factors related to
In the same way, Table-IV shows that almost coursework in SET tool.
S. No Statement SD % D% NS % A% SA %
By evaluating my teachers/faculty, I am actually helping them
1 6.3 4.8 14.4 38.5 36.1
improve their teaching effectiveness
Teachers/faculty change their teaching methods as a result of
2 11.5 15.4 31.3 29.3 12.5
student evaluations
3 I am comfortable taking courses with female teachers/faculty 6.3 12.5 13.9 23.6 43.8
4 I am comfortable taking courses with male teachers/faculty 7.2 3.4 13.5 35.6 40.4
5 I am more comfortable with English-speaking teachers/faculty 9.1 9.1 24.0 28.4 29.3
I am more comfortable with Non-English-speaking teachers/
6 12.5 11.1 22.1 29.8 24.5
When evaluating my Teachers/faculty, I usually pay more
7 attention to their personality (i.e., friendless, leniency, looks, 23.6 20.2 15.9 19.7 20.7
dress, etc.)
If I have a good relationship with my teachers/faculty, I will rank
8 28.4 27.4 15.9 18.8 9.6
him/her high on teaching effectiveness
I prefer taking courses with young and enthusiastic teachers/
9 3.4 5.8 13.5 31.3 46.2
I prefer taking courses with older and experienced teachers/
10 11.5 7.7 25.5 29.3 26.0
If I ask my Teachers/faculty a question that is related to the
subject being taught and my teachers responds by saying “I am
11 29.8 31.7 14.4 12.0 12.0
not really sure, but I will check on that and get back to you,” I
will still not consider him or her knowledgeable
If I have a spoiled relationship with my teachers/faculty, I will
12 44.7 26.0 11.1 7.7 10.6
rank him or her low on teaching effectiveness
The qualification of my teachers/faculty affects my evaluation
13 13.5 19.7 15.9 34.6 16.3
rating on my teachers
Net Frequency: 15.98 14.98 17.8 26.04 25.23
Table-II. Factors related to the teachers.
S. No Statements SD % D% NS % A% SA %
1 NMC students should take faculty evaluations seriously 4.3 2.9 9.1 37.0 46.6
I fill out all the questions including recommendations and
2 4.8 3.4 7.7 47.6 36.5
3 I read and understand each statement before I rate it 2.9 1.0 5.8 37.5 52.9
My rating of my teachers/faculty is affected by my expected
4 13.5 20.2 23.1 27.4 15.9
grade in the course
My responses are always honest while evaluating my
5 1.0 1.9 3.8 29.3 63.9
I always understand the seriousness of the students
6 1.4 1.9 14.4 38.0 44.2
Evaluation of teaching process
Net Frequency: 4.65 5.21 10.65 36.13 43.33
Table-III. Factors related to the students.

Professional Med J 2022;29(02):258-264. 261

Student evaluation of teaching (SET) tool 5

S. No Statements SD % D% NS % A% SA %
1 The class timings of our lecturer affect my evaluation ratings 11.1 17.8 22.6 29.3 19.2
The class capacity (more or less number of students in the
2 21.6 23.1 22.6 22.6 10.1
class) affects my evaluation rating on teachers/faculty
Net Frequency 16.35 20.45 22.6 25.95 14.65

teachers done by them actually positively affects

the teaching methodology of their teachers.7,8
Out of the evaluation, 76% of the students were
easy with their male teachers where as they were
less easy with their female teachers which shows
similar trend with the studies done.12,23

Moreover, participants of the present study

were also in favor with item no 5 showing high
significance with English language (57.7%).
Similar study was done in American University
Figure-2. Graph showing overall perception of the of Sharjah (UAE), which also determine the
students towards the SET tool. degree to which SET is influenced by language
factor.24 Likewise, another biasing factor pointed
The overall perception of the students regarding out from results was age of the teaching faculty,
the SET tool was positive (58.3%) as shown in as 77.5% of students were agreed to the extent
Figure-2 However, 14.72% (Figure-2) had a that they prefer to take courses from young
neutral response towards it. While, the negative teachers as compared to old faculty which
perception was 25.51%. showed a trend towards positive perception
by the students. However, they rated the old
DISCUSSION faculty less as compared to the young faculty for
Assessment of instruction processes emphasizes teaching which 55.3% was. Furthermore, age of
on several perspectives of schooling, casing the teachers was also found as a biasing factor
arenas such as forecasting and training of in a study conducted which also depicted that
the class, information of the topic, the tutorial young teachers receive high ranking than older
surroundings, and teaching of ideas. These add teachers.25 Similarly, qualification of teachers
up to the precise set of courses. On the contrary was also a biasing factor in factors pertaining to
hand, sides such as significance to central part teachers as Table-II shows, that 50.9% of students
standards, emotional response of the instructors agreed that the qualification of their teachers
to pupils, and activities headed for scholars influence their evaluation. Factors related to
comprise the implicit syllabus. The most important the course evaluation of class timings are an
rationale of SET is to assist the teaching staff to influencing factor. Here results show that 48.5% of
recognize the pros and cons of their instruction the students concluded that class timings affect
and assessment ways.20-22 It was observed in their teaching evaluation rating which coincide
the present study that in the factors pertaining with findings of another study done in 1986.15,26
to teachers, students show highly significant
response towards teaching effectiveness. As Moreover, students related factors include grade
shown in table 2, 74.6% of students were in favor as a prompting factor. Almost 43.4% of the students
of the factor that they are helping their teachers showed a positive trend and agreed to the fact
to improve their teaching effectiveness through that the evaluation of their teacher’s teaching is
SET evaluation which is in line with the study affected by their expected grades. Similar trend
conducted in Belgium (2017). Similarly, 41.8% of was also showed in study conducted in Abu
students were of the opinion that the evaluation of Dhabi and Multan.15,18 Significant findings from
262 Professional Med J 2022;29(02):258-264.
Student evaluation of teaching (SET) tool 6

students’ feedback were also noted from another limitations, we would recommend that future
study which depicted that 80% of faculty had a studies of the same nature should be conducted
median score of >4 in unequivocal program of in multiple centers with bigger sample size and
study, representing that a good number of the involvement of other professions students.
students approved that the faculty instruct their Copyright© 11 June, 2021.
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No. Author(s) Full Name Contribution to the paper Author(s) Signature
1 Sobia Haris Overall conduction of research
and analysis of results.
2 Brekhna Jamil Data Analysis.

3 Muhammad Haris Overall designing of the study,

critical appraisal and data analysis.
4 Farah Deeba Introduction Writing.

5 Muhammad Jehangir Khan Referencing and complication

of the whole draft.
6 Imran Zaman Khan Discussion Writing.

264 Professional Med J 2022;29(02):258-264.

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