VCB-mech-CIRED Paper-2015
VCB-mech-CIRED Paper-2015
VCB-mech-CIRED Paper-2015
Paper 0777
Paper 0777
defined in IEC or ANSI/IEEE standards for mechanical VCB MECHANISM DESIGN CONSTRAINTS
operations, in terms of quantity of operations and
operating sequences reflect most of the needs found in Mechanisms for MV VCBs have specific requirements
the applications of circuit-breakers. that are related to the physical characteristics of vacuum
interrupters, which consist of a fixed and moving butt
IEC standard 62271-100 contacts kept under high vacuum inside a ceramic
This standard defines circuit-breaker mechanical envelope. The moving contact is attached to metallic
endurance ratings that impact mechanism designs. Two bellows that allow it to move to the open position,
types of mechanical endurance ratings are established : leaving a short gap of typically 1 to 2 cm. A typical MV
- Class M1 circuit-breakers require mechanical vacuum interrupter is illustrated in Figure 2.
endurance of 2,000 CO cycles; Butt contacts in closed position tend to be forced apart by
- Class M2 circuit-breaker have an extended the electromagnetic forces generated when the short-
mechanical endurance of 10,000 CO cycles. circuit current passes through them. This phenomenon,
Normal duty circuit-breakers require either O – 3 min – known as “contact popping” must be avoided as it leads
CO – 3 min CO or CO – 15 s – CO operating sequence. to arcing, which causes contact surfaces to melt and
Circuit-breakers intended for rapid auto-reclosing must subsequently to weld, making it impossible to separate
perform O – 0.3 s – CO – t’ – CO where t’ can be 3 min, them again.
1 min or 15 sec. To avoid “contact popping” the operating mechanism has
Mechanism designs used in normal duty and rapid auto- to provide a high compression force on the contacts in
reclosing duty MV circuit-breakers are quite different. closed position. In all cases this is provided by the “wipe
Meeting rapid auto-reclosing operating sequence is spring” located in the drive linkage, which is compressed
challenging as the mechanism must be capable to perform as the contacts close.
a closing operation 0.3 seconds after opening
ANSI/IEEE standards applicable to MV circuit-
ANSI/IEEE has three complementary standards that
impact the mechanism design.
- ANSI/IEEE standard C37.04 – Rating structure;
- ANSI/IEEE standard C37.06 – Preferred ratings;
- ANSI/IEEE standard C37.09 – Test procedures.
Manufacturers must choose the optimized ratings to
cover the target markets and carry out the circuit-breaker
type tests accordingly. Figure 2. Typical MV vacuum interrupter
The rated operating sequence defined for normal duty
circuit-breakers is O – 15 s– CO – 3 min CO while All MV circuit-breaker mechanisms must be able to
circuit-breakers intended for rapid auto-reclosing must achieve close-open operation on short-circuit. This means
perform O – 0.3 s – CO- 3min – CO. that when the circuit-breaker closes onto a fault, the
The rated interrupting times defined by ANSI/IEEE mechanism should have sufficient energy stored to be
C37.04 are expressed in terms of cycles of the power able to immediately open the interrupter and clear the
frequency: the most commonly used values are 3 cycles short-circuit current. The circuit-breaker must also be
(i.e. 50 ms at 60 Hz) and 5 cycles [1]. able to manage two simultaneous orders close and open
ANSI/IEEE C37.06 defines different values of operating (trip-free, as defined by IEV 441-16-31, and anti-
mechanical endurance capabilities from 1,500 to 10,000 pumping features).
operations depending on ratings. For a class M2 circuit-breaker (10,000 CO cycles), the
vacuum interrupter itself is generally designed to achieve
IEC 62271-111 and IEEE C37.60 standards for a mechanical endurance between 20,000 to 30,000 CO
automatic circuit-reclosers up to 38 kV cycles. The limit comes from the metallic bellows that
The preferred rated operating sequence for this special eventually break under fatigue.
type of circuit-breakers is: O – 0.5 s – CO – 2 s – CO –
5 s – CO. Longer time intervals between C-O operations MECHANISM OPERATING PRINCIPLES
may be used, depending on the application.
This standard requires a minimum of 2,000 CO Three types of operating mechanisms can be found in
operations to be done without maintenance, of which MV VCBs and auto-reclosers available in the global
1,800 have to be done using the automatic circuit recloser market today. These are classed by the type of technology
integral protection and control unit. The remaining 200 used to store the energy needed to close and open the
operations shall be done by using the manual opening and vacuum interrupters.
closing mechanisms (when provided). Solenoid mechanism
Solenoid mechanisms use a compressed spring to open
the interrupter and a solenoid to close it as well as
charging the opening spring. The energy required to
operate the solenoid is supplied by the DC or AC
Paper 0777
auxiliary supply. Solenoids take a high current surge and generates an opposing force in the other air gap.
when they are energized, which requires a stiff auxiliary Energy for open and close operations is derived from two
power source (DC battery or LV AC) or a large capacitor separate electrolytic capacitors that are discharged
di into
discharge, and high rating auxiliary contacts. They are the opening and closing coils. Manual trip in case of loss
also bulkier and heavier than spring operated mechanism. of DC supply is complex because it requires the
For this reason they are now rarely used in practice. application of a high force using a lever to “unstick” the
armature from the permanent magnet latch and to provide
Spring mechanism the opening energy.
Spring mechanisms use separate charged springs to store stable PMA is often preferred to bi-stable for the
energy for opening and closing the interrupters. The following reasons :
closing spring has sufficient energy to charge the opening - Eliminates risk of incomplete
inco opening (tripping
spring and is recharged either manually or by a small energy is stored by charging the opening spring).
motor supplied by the auxiliary supply.
supply There are two - Simpler manual and electrical tripping (only
basic types of VCB spring mechanisms: requires cancelling the permanent magnet flux to
- Mechanisms for VCBs that do not require fast open the VCB)
reclosing duty (e.g. O – 3 min – CO rated
operating sequence);
- Mechanisms for VCBs able to perform fast
reclosing duty (e.g. O – 0.3s – CO – 15 s – CO
rated operating sequence), as shown in Figure 3.
Paper 0777
Paper 0777
Although spring and PMA mechanisms are based on
Figure 5. Basic reliability model of spring and PMA different technologies, both of them are suitable for
mechanisms used for MTBF estimation. most of MV VCB applications.
VCB reliability is not linked to the maximum number of
A quantitative comparison between both systems was operations that a new device can perform in a laboratory.
made using the following assumptions: The real parameter to consider is operational MTBF.
echanical parts (trip
1. Failure rate of the mechanical ( coil, Spring mechanism reliability is determined by
motorized spring and PMA) is low at the beginning mechanical system failure rates only while PMA
but increases with the number of operations due to mechanism reliability is determined by the combination
wear. Periodic maintenance can partially restore the of mechanical and electronic failure rates.
condition of the mechanism; Although spring mechanisms have a risk of performing a
2. Failure rate of the electronic parts (control board and “slow open” operation after long periods of inactivity, the
electrolytic capacitors) is constant throughout the risk can be reduced by carrying out periodical
expected service life fe of the operating mechanism but operation test.
considerably higher than that of the mechanical parts
at early life stages; In summary, the author’ss logical arguments
argument challenge the
3. Typical operational MTBF for mechanical systems idea that VCBs with PMA mechanism with wi higher
was assumed to be > 1,000 years. Typical mechanical endurance are more reliable than VCBs with
operational MTBF for the trip coil was assumed to motorized spring operation.
be > 1,000 years. These are based on field failure
data of spring-operated
operated LV and MV CB C in operation This qualitative analysis highlights just some aspects of
for over 15 years; the impact of operating mechanism on VCB reliability,
4. Typical operational MTBF for PMA control board thus opening debate among the MV switchgear experts.
and electrolytic capacitor was assumed to be < 350 Further
er work is required to achieve accurate VCB
years. This is based on operational reliability of reliability models.
Schneider Electric IEDs,, which is considered to
contain similar technology. Actual reliability could REFERENCES
be even worse (< 100 years) [5]; [1] R. Catlett, J. Anderson, L. Chassereau, 2005, “Three-
5. Life expectancy of the electrolytic capacitor can Cycle Breaker Applications”,
Applications IEEE Industry
decrease dramatically at high operating temperatures.
Applications, Sep2005, 33-43
6. Life expectancy for electromechanical systems
(spring mechanism and PMA) is > 30 years and does [2] A. Greenwood, 1994, Vacuum Switchgear, IEE,
not significantly depend on operating temperature. London, UK, 152-162.
[3] R.D. Garzon, 1997, High Voltage Circuit-breakers –
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Applications Marcel Dekker, Inc.,
result of a Failure Mode, Effects and Criticality
riticality Analysis NewYork, USA, 214-219.219.
(FMECA) of each mechanism design.. A summary of the [4] B.A.R. Mckean, C. Reuber, 1998, “Magnets &
main differences observed is provided in Table 2. Vacuum – The Perfect Match”, Match Trends in
VCB failure mode and estimated risk Distribution Switchgear,, IEE Conference No. 459
Inability to Incomplete Slow open on
VCB mechanism type open open operation trip order after [5] E. Dullni, H. Fink, C. Reuber, 1999, “A Vacuum
manually long inactivity
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Table 2. VCB failure mode estimated risk Schoonenberg,, 1998, “MV “M Vacuum Switchgear
Based on Magnetic Actuators”, Trends in
The bi-stable
stable PMA has a non negligible risk of ending up Distribution Switchgear,, IEE Conference No. 459,
in an intermediate position between open and close as [7] C. Cereda, C. Gemme, C. Reuber, 1999,
there is a natural position provided by the contact “Synchronous Medium Voltage Circuit-breakers:
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ABB Solution Based on Magnetic Drive and
final magnetic latch position.
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mono-stable PMA mechanisms have a risk of opening Mechanisms of Circuit-breakers”,
Circuit Proceedings
with lower VI contact separation speedeed than required to CIRED conference
interrupt the fault current. This mis-operation
operation can be due
to increased friction between moving parts resulting from
ageing. This undesirable condition will disappear after