DLL - Science 6 - Q4 - W5

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School: Grade Level: VI

GRADES 1 to 12 Teacher: Credits to the Writer of this DLL Learning Area: SCIENCE
DAILY LESSON LOG Teaching Dates and
Time: MAY 29 – JUNE 2, 2023 (WEEK 5) Quarter: 4TH QUARTER



The learners demonstrate understanding of the earth’s rotation and revolution.

A. Content Standards

The learners should be able to design an emergency and prepared plan and kit.
B. Performance Standards

C. Learning Competencies/ Demonstrate rotation and revolution of the earth using a globe to explain day and night and the sequence of seasons
Objectives (S6ES-IVe-f-5)
Write the LC code for

Rotation and Revolution

 Describe the earth’s  Show through a model that Earth  Explain the cause of day and night
movement around the sun rotates in counter clockwise  Illustrate a model that shows day
 Appreciate the earth’s  Create a model that shows that Earth and night
movement around the sun rotates in counter clockwise  Work cooperatively with the
 Work harmoniously with others  Work cooperatively with the group group


A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide pages
2. Learner’s Materials pages
3. Textbook pages Sci-Tech Wonders 6, Clarisa C. Exploring & Protecting Our World IV, Cyber Science 6 Worktext, p. 307-
Avila,pp.282-285, pp. 309-310 308
Science A Field of Wonder, Noble
&Estolano, pp.317-337
4. Additional Materials from Globe, manila paper, activity, Craft wire, ball made of foam, Globe, worksheet, flashlight or lamp,
Learning Resource (LR) sheets color pen sticker
B. Other Learning

A. Reviewing previous The teacher presents an old How long does it take the earth Let the pupil watch the video clip Ask questions about the previous
lesson or presenting the calendar to spin on its axis? lesson.
new lesson https://www.youtube.com/
FEBRUARY 2016 watch?v=CQViTzK0AsA
1 2 3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 1 13
14 15 16 17 18 1 20
21 22 23 24 25 2 27
28 29

Do you know someone whose birthday

falls on February 29? If you do, that
person has a birthday celebration
every four years.
B. Establishing a purpose The teacher asks what makes some Where do you see the sun in Ask: what model was shown in the Group the pupils into four. Let each
for the lesson persons born every four years. the morning? In the late video clip? group answer the KWL chart about
afternoon? day/night rotation.
C. Presenting Do Activity: Modelling of the Earth and How the earth rotates? Do Activity 3 Let them watch a video explaining
examples/instances of Day and a. setting of standards (See attached activity sheets) the cause of day and night
the new lesson Night b. group activity https://m.youtube.com/watch?
Do Activity: Sunlight and the Tilting of (see attached activity sheets) v=hwkKSkl3gkU
the Earth c. reporting

D. Discussing new concepts (using a wall clock) How does Each group will present their After watching the video, review
and practicing new skills The teacher gives initial instructions the clock rotate? How do you output questions on the KWL chart and ask
#1 about the activities. indicate counter clockwise through simulation if anyone can answer some of the
direction? questions.
(Teacher should give additional
information about the topic.)
E. Discussing new concepts Pupils present their output on the Let them do the Activity : Observing
and practicing new skills activity. Day and Night
#2 The teacher will give feedback about (Pls. refer to Cyber Science 6
the result Worktext, p. 307-308 or see attached
activity sheet below.)
F. Developing mastery Answer the guide questions At what point does the globe Let them answer the worksheet
(leads to Formative rotate? provided. (Pls. see attached
Assessment 3) worksheet below)
Note: Choose a worksheet based on
the ability of your learners.
G. Finding practical https://www.youtube.com/watch? https://www.youtube.com/ Ask all pupils to stand in a circle
applications of concepts v=EXasopxAFoM watch?v=zyJmkBe7TKg around the “Sun” lamp/flashlight.
and skills in daily living Ask pupils to move apart slightly to
Video to be shown and discussed class discussion about the allow them to rotate easily. Explain
video clip (Student that each of them will represent the
demonstration of earth’s rotating Earth. Begin the rotation
rotation using a model made of with pupils facing away from the
cardboard) Sun. Explain that it is the Earth’s own
shadow that makes the night side of
the Earth dark. Ask them to slowly
rotate counter clockwise and keep
looking straight ahead. As they turn,
each pupil will be able to experience
night, sunset, day, noon and return
to night. As they turn, ask pupils
what part of the day/night cycle they
are experiencing.
Ask: What do you think will happen
if there is no Sun?
H. Making generalizations Teacher asks about the video In what direction does the Ask them to answer what they have
and abstractions about earth rotates? learned in KWL chart.
the lesson Ask: What causes day and night?
I. Evaluating learning Choose the correct answer. Write only Rubrics are used for evaluation. Rubrics are used for evaluation. Write the letter of the correct
the letters: (See attached Rubrics) (See attached Rubrics) answer.
1. Rotation of the Earth causes ______ 1. During daytime we can see the
I. Day and night A. Sun C. Stars
II. Wind deflection B. Moon
III. Climate changes 2. The movement of a body about its
IV. Differences of time in different axis.
places A. Revolution C. Equinox
A. I only C. I,II, III B. Rotation
B. I and II D. I, II, IV 3. A day is made up of _______
2. Which of the following is NOT true? A. 12 hours C. 24 hours
A. Rotation of the Earth causes day B. 30 days
and night. 4. Earth rotate on its ________
B. Revolution of the Earth causes day A. Axis C. Orbit
and night B. Equator
C. Revolution of the Earth causes 5. The places on Earth that is at the
differences in length of daytime and opposite side of the light source
night time in experiences __________.
different places. A. Night C. Sun
D. Revolution of the Earth causes exercise
different B. Day
climate in different regions 6. What causes day and night?
3. Which of the following is true? A. The revolution of the Earth
A. Earth rotates on its axis as it around the Sun
revolves around the sun. B. The rotation of the Earth
B. The sun revolves around the Earth around its axis.
while Earth is rotating. C. The rotation of the Earth
C. Earth rotates once a month as it around the Sun.
revolves around the sun. 7. When the Earth rotates on its axis,
D. Earth completes one rotation in it is ________on the lighted portion.
365 days. A. Day C. Day and
4. What causes the deflection of the night
wind from the poles to the equator and B. Night
vice-versa. 8. What makes the day and night
A. rotation of the Earth unequal?
B. Revolution of the Earth A. Orbit of the Earth’s axis
C. Tilting of the Earth’s axis B. Tilt of the Earth’s axis
D. Vertical rays of the sun C. Rotation of the Earth
5. The time between today’s sunrise 9. The side that is away from the Sun
and Tomorrow’s sunrise is about or do not receive light from the sun
______. has ______
A. 12 hours C. 36 hours A. Daytime
B. 24 hours D. 48 hours B. Night time
6. In a leap year, the number of days is C. Noon time
_____. 10. Where does the Earth make a
A. 366 C. 365 ¼ complete turn to make a day?
B. 365 D. 365 A. Axis C. Globe
7. Earth makes a complete revolution B. Pole
around the Sun once every _______.
A. day C. season
B. year D. minute

8. Which of these is strongly

responsible for the changes of the
season on Earth?
A. position of the moon
B. tilt of Earth on its axis
C. temperature of the sun
D. distance to Mars
9. What is the season in the Northern
Hemisphere when Earth’s axis is tilted
toward the sun?
A. summer C. spring
B. autumn D. winter
10. The set of 24 regions which
determines the time of different places
of the planet.
A. Prime Meridian C. Axis
B. Time Zones D. Rotation

J. Additional activities for What do you think would

application or happen if the earth did not
remediation rotate?


A. No. of learners who earned
80% in the evaluation
B. No. of learners who require
additional activities for
C. Did the remedial lessons
work? No. of learners who
have caught up with the
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies worked well?
Why did these work?
F. What difficulties did I
encounter which my
principal or supervisor can
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I
use/discover which I wish to
share with other teachers?

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