Conversion of Hieronymus-KRT Rates To Copen-Base10 Rates
Conversion of Hieronymus-KRT Rates To Copen-Base10 Rates
Conversion of Hieronymus-KRT Rates To Copen-Base10 Rates
The 10's before the dot in the left- and right handed are kept in the Base10 conversion,
example: Hieronymus/KRT Copen/Base10
Gypsum 40.75 41.50 4075415
Iron Sulphate 60.75 47.25 60754725
All zero's after the dot in the left- and right handed are ommited in the Base10 conversion.
example: Hieronymus/KRT Copen/Base10
Potassium Sulphate 59.00 40.75 594075
Normal Superphosphate 39.00 73.50 39735