The Ona Lineage
The Ona Lineage
The Ona Lineage
The Order of Nine Angles (ONA) formed in the decade of 1960 when three Dark Pagan covens merged in
the Shropshire area of England. The three dark pagan covens were Camlad, the Temple of the Sun, and
the Noctulians. Of these three Camlad is the one with the genuine ancient heritage. In the beginning a
Lady Master led the Order who is from the Camlad/Rounwytha Lineage. This Lady Master past the Order
down to David Myatt who would later use the nom de plume Anton Long. The Grand Master Anton Long
is the one who put the ancient Aural Tradition into writing. He also added many other new elements to the
In the decade of 1990 the Grand Master made Richard Moult the Outer ONA Representative. This office
is similar to the office or rank of Viceroy - Vicereine (fm) - which an Emperor or King appoints. The
Monarch doing the appointing in this example being Anton Long the "Witchking." Richard Moult was
known by his Sinister Nym Christos Beest. As the Outer Representative, Christos Beest added many new
elements to the Tradition of the Order. Such as new rites, ceremonies, the Sinister Tarot, BBS II & III, a
bunch of other manuscripts, and most importantly more of the esprit of the Order such as art and musick.
According to Christos Beest and Anton Long, the Aural Tradition and Rounwytha Tradition of the Order
is an ancient one which is native to the Island of Great Britain, once called Albion. The Aural Tradition is
traditionally said to be a 7000 year old primal pagan tradition native to Albion. It is through Camlad that
this ancient Aural Tradition passed to the Order of Nine Angles. The Order has always been small. In
ancient times according to our Tradition the Dark Tradition was passed orally from mouth to ear from one
Master or Mistress to one Initiate. In this way the Dark Tradition aurally passed down very slowly. During
the late 1990's the Order spread world wide and collected a small body of initiates and cells called temples
or nexions or Sinister Tribe.
It was in the decade of 2000 that the Order went through another significant stage of its development.
Entering what the Grand Master called Phase Three of Fayen, the Order discarded some old Aeon
elements from its structure. The first significant change was the old aeon leadership was removed. The old
office of Grand Master as the king and ruler of the Order was dissolved per David Myatt which he put into
writing as Anton Long. From then on all initiates of the Order who made it to the 6th Degree of the
Order's Sinister Way [Seven Fold Way] was a Grand Master or Grand Mistress or Grand Lady Master.
This Degree and title was purely a mark of personal achievement in the Order. Usually it takes over 25
years to reach the 6th Degree. The last Degree is attained after causal death.
The second change was related to David Myatt's age. During this period David Myatt was in his Elder
years and preparing to retire peacefully. The change made was that Anton Long would no longer be just a
pen name of David Myatt. The two "people" were separated like a siamese twin. David Myatt would
retire as the first and last ruling Grand Master. Anton Long was grafted into the living Tradition, Kulture,
and Mythos of the Order as the Perpetual Grand Master and First Immortal of the Order. From this period
on of Phase 3 of Fayen, Anton Long is the one and only ruling Grand Master forever. Anton Long is the
egreggore or Genius of the Order of Nine Angles. He is a living symbol of our Tradition, Lineage, and
Culture. He is also the symbol of the whole corpus of the Order. Both the written and unwritten elements
of our Order and Tradition.
The other change for Phase 3 of Fayen was that the office or post of Outer ONA Representative was to be
the only office or post in the Order. This office of Outer Rep became the office of Spokesperson of the
Order, one who represents the Order to the mundane public as an "ambassador" of sorts. David Myatt
appoints the Outer Reps until he retires, after which time each Outer Rep appoints their successor. This
office of Outer ONA Rep is not a leader of the Order. This simply cannot be due to how the ONA is
structured since 1972. It is cellular in structure. The ONA is composed of independent nexions which puts
ONA Kulture and Tradition into practice. It is also composed of individual Self Initiated associates who
belong to no nexion. Each nexion may have their own leaders. The Outer ONA Rep is just a person picked
by the Inner ONA - DM and his close friends we call the Old Guards - to simply represent the ONA to be
a mouth piece for the Sinister Kollective.
The most significant change to take place was that the Order as per David Myatt and the Inner ONA of
Old Guards brought Balance to the Order. The ONA, with the contributions of the White Star Acception,
became a balance of West and East. Thru the White Star Acception, ONA took on a very Oriental
Buddhism flavour which balanced its old Occidental Esoterica and Western Occultism.
During the decade of 2010 - specifically December 2011 - the Old Guards elected Christos Beest's
successor to the office of Outer ONA Representative. The new Outer Rep was informed by an Old Guard
in private nymmed Sinister Moon. David Myatt's personal confidant and friend named Julie R. Wright of
Oxford confirmed the appointment of the new Outer Rep in her article called "About David Myatt." This
article as of this writing can be found over at her website - and in PDF format in general
It must be carefully noted for future security that the Original and Genuine ONA - Order of Nine Angles -
was founded in Shropshire by the merger of Camlad, the Temples of the Sun, and the Noctulians. It was
first led by the Lady Master who later relocated with her daughter to Australia. David Myatt inherited the
Original and Genuine ONA from his Lady Master and he used the nym Anton Long during his rule of the
Order as the First and Last Grand Master. The Original and Genuine ONA was then led by Christos Beest
[Richard Moult] who served as the first Outer ONA Representative.
The Original and Genuine Order of Nine Angles has an Inner ONA made up of friends and associates of
David Myatt called the Old Guards or OG's who are at a specific high Grade in the ONA's Seven Fold
Way. The well known Old Guards of the Original and Genuine ONA are 1) DarkLogos [DL9], 2) Dark
Lianna, 3) Pointy Hat, 4) Sinister Moon, 5) Raffy, and also 6) Richard Stirling who is also the Outer
Representative of Reichsfolk. Richard Stirling is the one who owned the website which for
a while was the closest thing ONA has to an "official" site. Although it is our traditional policy to never
have an official site of any kind. All of these Old Guard were once active in cyberspace so they have left
footprints behind. They also have and still do communicate with their ONA cells they spawn. Emails exists
to prove these communications.
The Original and Genuine ONA thus also has two Private devices called Bealuwes Gast and
Myndsquilver. Bealuwes Gast is the private autobiography of Anton Long. The forward and introduction
was written by RM, RS, & C. Myndsquilver is the private autobiography of Richard Moult. These private
devices are passed down from DM & RM to the Old Guards who pass them down to their legitimate cells
and initiates. So besides Key People, one must also look for Key devices to tell the difference between the
Original and Genuine ONA, from any future pretenders. There will in time be pretenders, or those who
claim to be the "leader" of the ONA. The Inner ONA - Old Guard - actually democratically votes or elects
ONA Initiates to any office in ONA. So knowing Key People in ONA is important because if those Key
People have not elected these pretenders and self appointed leaders, or if such Key People do not confirm
the pretender's claims, then the pretender cannot be a "leader" of ONA.
The Original and Genuine ONA is also associated with several key Temples or Nexions. One is called the
Dark Daughters of Baphomet which is a sapphic nexion. Temple 88 and the Temple of THEM were or are
associated nexions of the Original and Genuine ONA. The WSA352 - White Star Acception - is also a key
nexion of the Original and Genuine ONA. Other known ONA nexion of the Original and Genuine ONA in
no particular order are Secuntra, Aerhaosh, and Volastus. There are a large number of ONA Initiates who
do not belong to an organized nexion. Most of these and some Key ONA People congregate or can be
found in two y-groups: 1) & 2)
/myattgroup/. There is no such thing as an "official" ONA site, but there are sites which are associated or
affiliated with Key People to look out for. Besides those two y-groups, there is also (a) (b) (c) which is now offline
but is archived at various ONA sites. O9A.ORG is a site given to the ONA by the American Nihilist
Underground Society ( It is not known how long this site will be online but 3
groups of people have access to this website. The first group is Chloe 352 and ONA Nexus 352
(WSA352). The second group with access to this site is the Fenrir team which includes the ONA
associates who not only publish ONA's Fenrir zine, but also owns The Heresy Press (
/spotlight/theheresypress). The third group with access to this site is the OG team, specifically Dark
Lianna and her OG peers. Besides these Key websites associated with ONA, there are websites affiliated
with the major personalities of ONA past and present. These are (a)
which is DM's personal blog, (b) which is RM/CB's personal site, & (c) which is Julie R. Wright's personal website. Julie (JRW) is a Key Person to
look out for as a means to tell the Original ONA from pretenders. Julie Write is a personal friend of David
Myatt. She usually collects private letters sent to her from DM and compiles them. JRW also posts articles
about DM. From time to time she will write about ONA and mention its key nexions and key people.
It doesn't matter what anybody says or claims regarding ONA. The fact is that ONA was founded and/or
started by David Myatt and his best friend Richard Moult. No person in and out of ONA knows more
about ONA than those two simply because they put ONA together. Once you understand this much, it
becomes easy to tell who is who and which ONA is the Genuine one. You simply follow the trail of
associates, the trail of websites, the trail of articles, the trail of pseudonyms, and the trail of key people
orbiting these two. The most identifiable group of Key People are the Usual Suspects or "OG's" which
have been named here already. Each of these Old Guards have left their fingerprints in cyberspace and
have sent emails and PM's to their cells. There will always be outsiders who are know it alls who will talk
like they know the ins and outs of what the ONA "truly" is. Nobody trumps DM & RM in knowing more
about ONA period because they founded the ONA. It's that simple.
The Original and Genuine ONA is also known to credible academics such as George Sieg and Jacob
Senholt who wrote academic papers about the ONA and interviews various ONA key people such as
DarkLogos and Chloe 352. Mr Sieg & Mr Senholt's academic papers can be found here:
( An academic with the initials C.M. of Morocco also knows the Original
and Genuine ONA as he has written a college text book about the ONA, has interviewed Anton Long, and
regularly communicates with Chloe 352. So this is another important point to keep in mind for those of
you in the future. The Original and Genuine ONA and its key people is actually known to credible
academics who have interviewed Anton Long, Christos Beest, DarkLogos, etc; and who have written
about the ONA's key nexions. An entire list of journalists and academics can be found in the reference
section of the ONA's wikipedia entry, which is often overlooked. A page over at JRW's site also gives you
a huge reference list: ( Another site to mention is Japer's
ONA Library: (
These small details are important for a future generation because it may be that several groups will
pretend to be the ONA. Those of you in the future must be cautious and must study your ONA history
very well. ONA is not just a meme like some will claim. It is not just a pile of manuscripts like other will
claim. It exists as an Order - or social order - composed of a small group of people who share a common
Dark Tradition they got from the Myattian Lineage. That Lineage is very important. One key way to tell
the Original and Genuine ONA from hoaxes and pretenders is that the Original ONA will always remain
faithful to the Sinister Dialectics, to the Sinister Way, and the Seven Fold Way. This means that the
Original and Genuine ONA will never try to be acceptable to mundane. It will always embrace and spread
heresies such as crime, Nazism, racialism, culling, etc. It will always be associated with David Myatt's
Reichsfolk. It will always be a balance between the Sinister and the Numinous. It will always be more
than just a Satanism. The Original and Genuine ONA is not any of the causal forms it uses. This includes
Satanism. The 7 degrees or grades of the Seven Fold Way - aka Sinister Way - will always be the
Foundation and fundamental praxis of the Original and Genuine ONA.
The ONA is organized on the basis of cells, basically for two reasons: (1) Security and (2) Effectiveness.
The structure means that each new Initiate/member has one (at most two) Order contacts who channel
information/teachings and so on, and who offer guidance/instruction. When this member reaches the stage
of External Adept, they usually form their own Temple for ceremonial magick and for teaching, recruiting
their own members, whose Order contact thus is that External Adept. Each Temple thus formed exists
independently. Hence, if it or any of its members are 'compromised', the chain cannot lead very far,
enabling other members in other Temples to remain secret and so continue with their own work, both
personal (following the path to Adeptship) and aeonic (aiding the sinister dialectic).
Further, such a structure is effective, because: it enables each member to progress at their own pace; it
enshrines a fundamental principle of genuine Satanism [individuality, and freedom from subservience to
authority] and it enables practical experience of a character-building type [e.g. by organizing and running
a Temple at an early stage].
Essentially, the Order is secret - and intends to remain so as far as most of its members and activities are
concerned. However, its teachings and traditions have been and will continue to be made progressively
more 'public', that is, available - thus enabling any individuals who may be interested to follow (if only in
part) the way of genuine Satanism, for those individuals by so doing (however slightly) will aid the sinister
dialectic, increasing the dark forces presenced on Earth. Some of these may progress to the Order.
This 'working secrecy' is necessary because Satanism cannot now be anything other than selective - it is
elitist, being a hard and dangerous path, and part of its effectiveness lies in work of an 'underground',
clandestine nature [e.g. some essential work is done by those involved in 'respectable' positions, which
positions would no longer be available if the Satanic beliefs/practices of those involved in such work was
generally known: i.e. they were discovered to be Satanists]. This secrecy will not change in the immediate
future [for c. 20-30 years, that is] due to the nature of the societies in which we are forced to work.
Satanism can never become (until the 'New Aeon' arrives at least) respectable: for to become so would
destroy its numen, its viability as a way to genuine Adeptship. It is dark, evil - for the few who
genuinely dare. This daring, as mentioned in other MSS, is practical, in real-life situations, involving
danger, requiring courage, and defiance of both one's own limits and those of others, including the society
of the moment. While society and other structures restrict and deny the promise of Satan, this dark
defiance is required - and, moreover, required as a working system which achieves results, both personally
and aeonically. What will change, is the number of individuals who can try this way to liberation - and
while this will increase, it will do so only slowly over a period of decades. This will be a cumulative
process which will aid (and indeed create) the next Aeon, the Satanic one when what is regarded now as
dark and sinister will hold sway.
Thus, it has been necessary to disseminate the teachings and traditions of the Order, and this dissemination
will continue and increase, as part of Sinister strategy. This part of sinister strategy was begun a decade
ago by the Grand Master representing traditional groups. It was carefully planned and (so far) has been
carefully executed.
The initial stage involved circulating some details about traditional Satanism (the Septenary system; dark
gods mythos) among some sections of the Occult fraternity. Thus, a few articles were published, and the
existence of the Order itself made known, for the first time outside traditionalist groupings, thus
confirming certain rumours about such a group existing, such rumours having been in circulation for some
time. Over a number of years, more information was made available - although still within the 'sub-culture'
of the Occult underground. This attracted some interest (and a few Initiates - incidental to the main intent)
and was followed by the establishment of, at first, a newsletter, and then a "zine", both of these being of
an 'underground' nature, both in terms of quality and the manner of distribution (i.e. selective, advertised
in similar underground publications). Furthermore, the number of copies distributed was kept low. The aim
was two-fold - to create a sense of exclusivity (thus making the Order at first difficult to locate/find) and
to pose no direct threat, that is, the zine and those associated with it would be seen as totally on the fringe,
without resources and probably without any support. Thus, the activities of its members, always secret,
would pose no threat and no investigation of any kind would be contemplated. Thus, both of the aims
mentioned above could be achieved - dissemination of the tradition, and preserving the secrecy necessary
for valuable work to continue.
After a few more years, the next step was taken - the distribution, again on a small scale, of works
containing in detail the whole tradition. The format of these works would be the same - of a kind to
intimate only a small scale enterprise. Thus were 'The Black Book of Satan', 'Naos', 'The Deofel Quartet'
and other works made more accessible for the first time. Furthermore, the scarcity of these works would
create an 'aura' about them - an aura which hinted at the darkness of the tradition. This would be
re-inforced by making available the most sinister aspects of the tradition - aspects which would also
contradict the meanderings of the armchair 'Satanists' who prattled on about Satanism being
mis-understood and not really being evil, and who had increasingly come to notice as the decade came
toward its end.
Naturally, this would provoke a reaction - both from those within the Occult and those without. The
reaction from those within the Occult (and particularly those who said they adhered to the Left Hand
Path) would establish their own position, and thus their total mis-understanding and lack of real insight. In
brief, they would continue their word-games and fantasy-roles when confronted by the reality of genuine
Satanism. But, equally as important, some would assimilate the tradition, or parts of it (perhaps
unconsciously, perhaps consciously by plagiarizing it) and thus not only be influenced by it but also aid the
sinister energies it re-presented because of that influence. [Thus, some of the meaning of the term 'sinister
dialectic' can be glimpsed.]
The next stage was to give form and substance to certain aspects of the sinister energies that the Order
and thus its tradition represented - among such forms being Satanic images (e.g. in the form of Tarot
images) and music. These, by their very creation, would presence such energies (unconsciously
influencing others - particularly 'the susceptible ones'). They also would be distributed in the manner used
hitherto, spreading that sinister influence, partly (as the other earlier dissemination had done) via the
Following this, there would be a gradual increase in both the quality and the number of items distributed -
without however the genuine darkness of the forms and tradition being diluted. In addition, more subtle
approaches would be used - gradually contaminating psychic energies with strands of the sinister and thus
overtly/covertly influencing/persuading others outside and within the occult, and drawing them into that
ever expanding circle of those touched by the powers of Darkness. [This paragraph explicates the current
stage of play.]
Thus, secrecy is preserved as and when necessary, while the tradition and thus the sinister is effectively
Traditional Satanism
This is a slight departure from my usual Buddhist ramblings. You know sometimes I wonder what a Buddhist is
doing in the ONA. Actually I know why, it just looks odd if I were a different person looking in. This essay was
inspired by an event yesterday which has nothing to do with the ONA. A nice elderly lady came over yesterday and
shared her Jehovah's Witness message with me. I invited her into the living room to have a seat and talk to me.
Being the properly raised person I am, I treated the lady kindly and tried not to disrespect her in any overt way.
But once I closed the door and securely had her in my living room, I spent 30 minutes interrogating the poor
thing. It wasn't even an argument of whose religion was better then the other. I told her from the very beginning
that I was a Theravada Buddhist and that because I was, I cannot accept anything at face value. The Buddha even
tells us to question what he teaches and that Dhamma must be observable, testable, and replicable for it to be
So after pointing those out I asked her to share her message with me. She did and I led our conversation into talks
about science and archaeology, and such. How in such fields we empirically observe things, hypothesize, test and
try, and come to a rational understanding of things, where that in the end, faith and belief are non-applicable. I
interrogated her by asking her to give me what she knows about how her Jehovah's Witness religion developed
historically, to give me secular proof that Jesus or any body in his ancestral line existed, and for carbon dating of
biblical scrolls etc to determine if such biblical books were written before or after so called prophecies. I also
asked her to bring me back ingredients used in the parchments that made up the ink used in the book of Isaiah, as
well as documents from a secular academic who shows in a research paper the dialect of Hebrew used and the
state of development of the Hebrew used in such books. I then gave the poor thing a long lecture on how I cannot
accept anything at face value when given to me outside of that thing's proper time and contextual matrix. The
elderly lady excused herself to me saying that she is only an old woman trying to spread the message of Jehovah's
paradise. But she was a sincere and sweet lady and told me that she would take my long list of questions and
demands and return with research work to give to me.
Contextual Matrix
In certain conditions I get obsessively over analytical about things. For my own good. So when it comes to things
like religions, philosophies, etc, I approach those things like a detective. For example with me and Buddhism,
what I do is take all that people tell me about it and throw it in the trash or set it aside to compare notes later.
Then I remove Buddhism out of the 21st centure, and as best as I can, stick it back into 500BC ancient India. Once
I get that Buddhism into its Native Time and Contextual Matrix, then I spend my time researching on the political,
sectarian, and social climate of that time, as well as the languages used, idiom, meanings of words back then, and
frame of mind or worldview-model people back then were using. Once I collect all that information I start to build
up a picture of how Buddhism may have been in that specific time and place to those people. Once I get a picture
of what Buddhism looked back then, I start to move forward to come to my own understandings of Buddhism
from that recreated point. The only time I ask anybody alive in the 21st century anything is when I am stuck on
something and can't figure things out on my own. Usually your Buddhist elder will respond to your questions with
questions and tell you to go away and figure things out on your own anyways.
This is something I just do naturally, which the friends I have in life don't seem to do. I try to explain to them that
it is like being a paleontologist or archaeologist. You don't remove artifacts completely disregarding the matrix
such artifacts came from. You will not be able to figure out anything about the dinosaur you dug up if you are just
staring at its bone. 90% of the data of its life, what it ate, how it lived, the climate it lived in is in the matrix - dirt -
it was found in. It's like being a detective at a crime scene. You're not gunna know shit about anythings if you
remove a gun from a scene and just study the gun in your office. You have to wholistically consider the entire
crime scene as a whole - Samma in Pali/Buddhism - together, in order to piece together a realistic
Buddhi/Understanding of what may have happened. This includes studying the character and psychology of your
suspects. If you are a Buddhist, do a total background check on the Buddha. If you are a Jesus freak, check Jesus's
background, records, etc. Profile the hell out of them, racial profiling, sexual profiling, everything. That's one thing
which bugs me about Jesus. He wants you to think like he "understands" humanity, he tried to incarnate as a
human in the flesh, and even dies for us so we can believe that he really does sympathizes with our human
condition and like he knows what it's like to be human. Yet the guy [Jesus] died a fucking virgin. He never had a
girlfriend. Never been in love. Never had his heart broken. Never masturbated perhaps. Never been a father or a
husband. Never seen his mother or father die of old age even. Isn't all that the actual stuffness of being human?
He's a freaking 30 year old suicidal virgin who thinks he is god, and his mom doesn't even really know who his
real daddy is. That's not a religion, that's a Jerry Springer show. But that's what I mean by profiling your prophets
and gods. It amazes me how much time and effort [and money] the generic American public puts in to
questioning presidential candidates, vet them, does all these background checks, but when it comes to gods and
religious figures running their lives, they just let in any Nazarene-nutter, pedo-priests, kid-caressing-cardinals,
and stuff.
As I was saying: contextual matrix. So personally when I approach the ONA to gain an actual objective
understanding of it, I treat the ONA as a crime scene. Most people approach the ONA out of context and time. I'm
not here saying that seeing ONA in context and time will reveal some truth. But it may help us gain a different
perspective of ONA. So I'll analyze ONA here objectively, and I may hurt a few people's feeling in ONA doing it.
But I'll keep in mind that we see what we want to see in things, so Robert Anton Wilson once said. Our Prime
Suspect is DM allegedly also known as "Anton Long." However the ONA was said by me or whoever to have come
about, what we know is that first came DM, and then out of him came the ONA. So those are our two biggest
clues. Our Prime Suspect DM leads us to the Native Time frame or era of any "crystallization" or influence that
may have affected him consciously or unconsciously. We know DM was born in 1950. Which means that he was
an impressionable and rebellious teen during the 1960's. So it's to the 60's and 70's when he was in his early 20's
that we must start looking for data. What does a rebellious teen boy in England get involved with or is exposed to
in 1960 England if he wanted to be counter culture to a dying post-Victorian frigid zeigeist? Besides National-
Socialism which we already know had a visible influence on him.
A man by the name of Gerald Gardner in the 1950's in England came out with something he originally called
"Wica," or "The Witch Cult," or "Witchcraft." Later Gardner's cult became known as "Traditional Wicca," during
the 1960's. Then later on, this Gardnerian Traditional Wicca with the spin offs it spawned collectively became
know "British Traditional Wicca." So now we can compare the descriptor "Traditional Wicca," with the descriptor
"Traditional Satanism," and ask ourselves if we see anything which may look similar. If we do then we go in
deeper to dig for more data. I see a potential similarity. Knowing that British Traditional Wicca was risque in the
1960's and appealing to the young counter culture generation, I'd have a closer look. So lets briefly see if we can
find any parallels between Traditional Wicca and Traditional Satanism [ONA]. We should keep in mind that ONA
first coined and used the term "Traditional Satanism" before it was usurped by theistic Satanists.
In Gardnerian and Alexandrian Traditional Wicca you have something called a Book of Shadows which contains
the Tradition's rites and ceremonies. In Traditional Satanism [ONA] you have something called the Black Book of
Satan which contains all of ONA's rites and ceremonies. The most important part about Traditional Wicca which
makes one a legit Traditional Witch/Wiccan are a set of 3 initiatory degrees. In Traditional Satanism [ONA] you
have a vital part of the Tradition which are the 7 initiatory degrees/grades called the Seven Fold Way. In
Traditional Wicca you have a "Duodeistic" centered pantheon which are the Triple Goddess and Horned God. In
Traditional Satanism you have the Dark Goddess Baphomet and the Dark God Satan. Gardner is the Grand Master
of his Tradition. Alex Sander is Grand Master of his Alexandrian Traditional Wicca. "Anton Long" is the
Grandmaster of his Tradition.
Those are the major parellels. There are minor parallels. Such as where in Traditional Wicca they usually - more
so in contemporary eclectic Wicca - have a private body of magickal and esoteric teachings. Usually these magickal
and esoteric teachings are similar to what you'd find in the Golden Dawn with its Kabbalah, mixed with eastern
inspired tantra, meditation on the chakras, and so on. Traditional Satanism [ONA] similarly has its own corpus of
magickal and esoteric practices expounded in Naos, except the stuff in Naos is unique in the sense that it's not a
word for word copy cat occult or some Jewish mysticism or some deluded Indic mysticism and pranayama.
Another minor parallel is Traditional Wicca will use special alphabets or cipher scripts to write their things in. We
see a similar concept in Naos with a couple or few special alphebets, and later we see the Dark Immortal Script
develop. Another minor - yet key - similarity is that in Traditional Wicca each Tradition spawns what are called
covens. Judging the fact that Gardner's 3 initiatory degrees and their oaths are 80-90% the same as the initiation
rituals of British Craft Freemasonry, I'd venture to say that a "coven" is based on the idea of a "lodge." Like a lodge
puts the culture of an OTO or Freemasonry into living practice, a Coven also puts the culture/Tradition of their
Wicca into practice. We see the same basic concept in Traditional Satanism [ONA] where in the early days a
"coven" or constituent cell of the Tradition was called a "Temple," which today is most often referred to as a
So based on those numerous parallels, I'd personally say that there was an influence that took place in the very
early days of the ONA. But this should not in any way make the ONA look "bad." To me personally, knowing that
Traditional Wicca may have directly or indirectly, consciously or unconsciously inspired or influenced the ONA
actually helps me gain a better grasp of what the term "Traditional Satanism" might mean. With the old skool
Traditional Wicca the word "Traditional" is interchangeable with the word "Lineage," "Custom," and "Culture,"
where we can say Gardnerian Traditional Wicca is Wicca according to the Gardnerian Tradition. This concept of
Tradition referring to Initiatic Lineage, Custom, and Culture will make more sense if you are savvy with the
Traditions and politics of Initiatic Orders such as the OTO, Golden Yawn, and Masonry. The key idea to keep in
mind is "Initiatic," meaning that you belong in a legitimate way to the Lineage, Custom of Rites, and Cultural
Praxis, of the Tradition you were duly initiated into. That word "Traditional" is most often mistaken as meaning
some sort of passing down from one generation to another from grandparent, to parent, to child. If there is a
passing of the Tradition - aka corpus of customs and rites - from one generation to another it is from one
generation of Initiates to a new set of Initiates. In this very context the word "Tradition" has the exact essence as
the Pali-Sanskrit word "Sasana" which is used most often only to describe Theravada Buddhism and Shaivism. A
Sasana being a body of instructions, observances, rites, rituals, ceremonies, customs, and culture of praxis or
cultivation of practice.
So for example we have with the OTO several actual rival bodies spawned from the original Academia Masonica of
Karl Kellner, which was later renamed Ordo Templi Orientis under Reuss. During which time all of its degrees
were word for word Masonic degrees. When after Crowley took over the OTO, in an attempt to gain favour from
the regular United Grand Lodge of England as an "regular" Masonic rite, Crowley removed the first degrees of
Masonry of the OTO and constructed his own to substitute them. The ass kissing didn't work since Crowley's
entire Masonic credentials were not of Mainstream Tradition. Here meaning that the United Grand Lodge of
England has a Tradition of their own rites, ceremonies, and rituals, rules, and regulations, and all lodges in their
jurisdiction which conforms to such established Traditions are deemed as "regular" or "recognized" lodges.
Whereas Mr. Crowley was initiated in a lodge not recognized by the Mainstream Grand Lodges and he got his 33rd
degree in an unknown lodge somewhere in Mexico. Meaning that because Crowley was not Initiated in a lodge of
the United Grand Lodge of England "Tradition" that he thus did not belong to such Tradition of established
Masonry. After Crowley's death a power battle arose and from that struggle was born the rival OTO bodies of
today. So that now you have distinct established OTO Traditions, where that if you get initiated into the SOTO you
are not tied to the Typhonian OTO or any other OTO but the one you were initiated into. In this regard that old
day Traditional Wicca worked in the same way. If you were initiated by a coven of Alexandrian Traditional Witches
you really have no ties to Blue Star Wicca since that species of Tradition of Wicca has their own unique set of
rites, ceremonies, rituals, practices, and pantheons. You belong to the "Tradition" you were initiated into. And that
word "Tradition" or "Traditional" tries to mean a specific established body of customs, observances, rites,
ceremonies, rituals, practices, beliefs, and pantheon, as well as lineage, and not something necessarily "passed
down by tradition." Lineage here simply meaning that if you were Initiated into Gardnerian Wicca, you are
connected thru your initiator, to their initiator, to their initiator back to Gardner, which linearly constitutes a
"Lineage," traced back to the originator of such established Tradition.
Traditional Satanism
And so, once we get a grasp of the "politics" and structuring or organization of such groups and understand that
the words "Tradition" and "Traditional" points to a group of organized people's peculiar customs, observances,
rites, ceremonies, rituals, beliefs, pantheon, culture of practice, etc, we can thus better understand - or at least
gain a different understanding of - what the term "Traditional Satanism" may mean in context and time to the
period and era the ONA coalesced into a codified institution.
Traditional Satanism would thus simply mean a school or species or vehicle of Satanism according to a certain
Tradition: customs, observances, rites, ceremonies, rituals, beliefs, pantheon, culture of practice, and lineage. So
in Traditional Satanism [ONA] you have books like the Black Book of Satan & Naos which teaches the rites,
ceremonies, initiatic degrees, magckal and esoteric cultural practices and observances of such Tradition. You have
a specifically established pantheon expressed primarily as the Dark Goddess Baphomet and the Dark God Satan,
plus the several other Dark Gods. Then of course you have the established system of initiation of such Tradition
which would be the Seven Fold Sinister Way. Here I should try to point out that the word "Sinister" is the Latin for
"Left" and most often when used by ONA means "Of The Left Hand" and not simply 'evil' and wicked as it is
generally assumed to mean. "Sinister Way" and "Left Hand Path/Way" should be fungible, if the word is
understood correctly. It's just easier to say "Sinister Praxis," or "Sinister Nature" as opposed to "Left Handish
Practice," or "Left Hand Pathish Nature." Traditional Satanism also ends up meaning the set of philosophical
teachings, beliefs, and paradigm specific to such Tradition. Then lastly Traditional Satanism [ONA] has its
"Lineage" which is traced back to the originator or founder of the actual Tradition in question, "Anton Long" being
the founder or originator or "presencer" of the Tradition.
When I break things down in this way to myself, it is easier for me to understand ONA as it was back then, as it
still should be today, and as it should continue to be in future. As I said, in my own culture we have a word which
has the same meaning as "Tradition" in this context which is Sasana. Our Sasana Preahput is not in any way the
same thing as the Buddhism which exists up in the North in China, Tibet, and Japan. Our word "Sasana" points to
a specific established Tradition or culture, customs, sangas, teachings, beliefs, rites, worldviews, folk-culture,
unique and different from Mahayana Buddhism. The word "Sasana" as a borrowed Pali word goes further and has
an even more specific meaning because the "root" word "Sas" means a Race, Breed, or People in Khmer. Or more
accurately the word "Sas" is an indigenous Khmer word, which just so happens to have an audible twin in the
word "Sasana," so after many centuries of "folk etymology" the borrowed Pali Sasana comes to gain the extra
meaning in Khmer as a Tradition specific to a Race or People. But Sasana does not mean "Religion." For example
when I eat with a fork at the dinner table and my elders are eating with spoons or chopstickes, they talk to
themselves and say: "That grand daughter has gone into the Sasana of the White People, she eats with a fork like
them." In this case, eating with a fork is not a religion or philosophy or ideology White People believe in. It is a
Traditional Practice, or custom, or cultivated [culture] observance or shared or established behaviour peculiar to a
group of people. But in this case the hybrid term "Sasana Satanism" ends up having no meaning, because then the
question arises: Sasana of Satanism according to what people? In our case the answer would be: according to the
ONA. So we'd have to call it: Sasana Satanism poohg ONA, which in English would be the Tradition of Satanism of
the ONA people. Like we say: Sasana Preahput Khmer [Buddha Tradition according to the Khmer], or Sasana
Phraputa Thai [Buddha Tradition according to the Thai], Sasana Preahput poohg Jen [Buddhism according to the
Chinese people].
If you understand this much, then each ONA person will understand that there is no ONA without the Traditional
Satanism, or without the established Tradition, lineage, customs, ceremonies, culture, observances, etc peculiar to
the ONA as it was established by a founder or the founder(s) when ONA was established. Traditional does not
necessarily suggest that such established customs and traditions have been past down AS IS from some ancient
past of ancient Traditional Satanist. Meaning that it's not likely that ONA as we know it since 1972 existed with a
BBS, Naos, 7FW, etc, since ancient times immemorial. Anton Long even goes through the trouble of stating quite
the opposite, where he states that he took the old Aural Tradition and Added new elements to it. There is thus a
specific date the Tradition was established. And to get specific there are criteria for what constitutes a "Tradition."
For instance in Traditional Wicca a practice is only "Tradition" if it has been initiated down thru 3 generations of
adherents, not necessarily meaning grandparent, parent, and offspring. In my own culture a "Tradition" is only a
Tradition if and when you ask a person: "Hey who started this cultural practice anyways?" And everybody around
how shrugs their shoulders and says: "I don't know. The old people before us." Or if your grandmother - who is
already old - answers: "My grandfather started it, or one of the old people started it when I was a child," that
means its official Tradition, since if your granny is old, the people she refers to as "old people" are long dead.
Another thing which makes something a "Tradition" especially inside the limits of a family/clan is if say someone
started a family reunion on your grandmother's birthday - which is what my family does - and it is observed
several times effortlessly by every one of your relatives and does not stop being observed, it is officially part of our
Sasana as a family. It doesn't matter who started it and why. As long as everybody just observes it together
Which means that my own cultural understanding of the word Sasana or Tradition has its implications in the ONA
since I identfy myself as being an ONA person. The implication is that rites and ceremonial observanced such as
the Self Immolation Rite and other stuff created by Beesty Boy [and other new stuff in future], because of the
years that have past and the continued observance of them by those who affiliate with the ONA's Traditional
Satanism, is to me a rightful living part of the ONA. It is how a Culture builds onto itself. Drinking tea was not
always a practice observed by English people. That cultural meme was introduced by somebody - whoever, it
doesn't matter - which was perhaps infected from China, and the English/British as a whole people just kept on
doing the tea sipping thing at "tea time," whenever that is. I'm Asian-American so I don't actually know when
British Tea time is. Tea time for those of us of spawn of Chinese people means in the morning at breakfast with
noodle soup, after lunch, in the evening, on cold days, and whenever other people are over. As long as everybody
continues to effortlessly observe it over time, it is a Tradition observed by a people plain and simple. Because what
does the word Culture mean? A Culture is essentially something which you and/or others do/CULTIVATE over
and over again. That is the most simplest definition of a Culture which actually works with most living cultures.
Tradition in Buddhism [Theravada] is important, at least per the Tipitaka cannons. There is a part of the Tipitaka
where a group of people had so many leaders in their town who established all sorts of traditional observances
that they lost their native traditions. So they went to the Buddha to tell him of their dukkha: the troublesome
problem of not having a native tradition like other people. The Buddha tells them to gather everyone in their town
together and collectively come to an agreement on which practices and observances everyone likes and make
those as their people's tradition to pass down. In another instance the Buddha was teaching his monks key words
and the meaning of each key word. One of those key words meant "Impression From Outside." And the Buddha
says: "Bhikkhus! [Beggars! Vagabonds!] what is the meaning of Impression From Outside? It means when a
people are ignorant and have no traditions of their own. Being so ignorant with no traditional observances of their
own Bhikkhus, such people are open to the influence of outsiders influencing them with their foreign traditions
and customs by impressing such on the ignorant people." That Dhamma is extrapolated in various ways to
sometimes mean or suggest that if you are Buddhist and in the business of controlling your own Mind, Emotions,
and Life, then not having a sure foundation such as a Tradition, you make yourself open to being controlled by
others, which in turn leads to dukkha. Buddha in a different place states that Dhamma must be observable,
testable, and replicable for it to be real Dhamma. So all we have to do is observe the Black People in America as an
example to prove and test that Dhamma. Black People had their entire way of life taken away from them. They
even lost their ancestral name. They went by the White man's name, believed in the white man's gods, saw the
world with the white man's paradigm which placed them in an unlucky servile position socially, etc. So we ask
ourselves: having lost their Traditions as a people and having been forced to adopt the foreign traditions of
another culture/people, were these Black people Free socially? No. Were they Free to believe their own beliefs?
No. Were they Free to be their own people? No. Where they Happy? No. Did the white man's ways and traditions
and gods make the Black People Free, sovereign, autonomous, self-determined? No. Does the white man love and
respect the Black people more because they have adopted the white man's traditions? No, they are still disliked.
Are they "Free" and happy today after 300 something years?
Even if we say they are free and happy in America, that freedom is superficial. Because when the Black man goes
to the white man's church to worship Jesus, you are bound to follow those rules of that religion which has nothing
to do with Africa or the ancient and ancestral Tradition of Africa. The minute you do something Their religion,
Their social rules, Their ideologies are against, you are shunned and treated like a criminal or evil doer. Whereas
for me I'll burn incense to a statue of a Buddha like my people's Tradition has it. I don't give a shit of some group
of White people or Mexican Catholics or fucking Somali Muslim called me an evil pagan idolator. Fuck you and
you whole Hubris breed too. Take your asses back to church and your mosque and mind your own fucking
business. The only White people I like and respect are mostly the Aryan kind who have it in their blood and breed
to be proud of their own people, be Traditionalists to their own ancient ancestral traditions, and conservatively
pass that pride and culture down to their well bred children. I don't care if you hate me because I'm not "Aryan,"
cuz we're still kinfolk Traditionalists, still on the same level of mind and heart where we each still have a love and
pride for our folk and culture. If we can be friends that's cool, if not than we'll stay out of each others way. If we
can be friends and retain and maintain our unique differences that would be awesomer. But I have no ounce of
respect for any white American punk who is ignorant of his own roots. You know the type. You ask them where
they come from and they say Alabama, fucking Ohio, California. That's not what I mean dummy. I mean your
roots, your seed your grandparents gave you, your culture your people gave you, your blood, your roots as a white
person, the ancient tradition your ancient ancestors gave you, where the fuck did that come from, where has your
blood been for the past 1000 years? What's really funny to me is when one of these White Hubris American
Mundanes [WHAM as opposed to WASPs] come up to me and try to sell me their Mormon shit or Jehovah's
Witness shit. Like I'm gunna fucking give up 1000 years of my own people's ancestral traditions, for a lunatic
religion founded merely in the 1800's by a couple nutcase white devils. So I can do what exactly? How do they
"practice" their religion? You sit your ass in a church and listen to some hubris white devil yap for an hour about a
Jew. Do I look like a Jew? Do I look I want to worship a Jew? I got my own pantheon of Chinese gods to worship,
shit. And they act like their mere 200 year old Joseph Smith shit is "better" than all other people's Tradition.
Whatever skin color you are, be proud of your folk and blood, Mind your culture and ancestry, and do your
children right and proper by somehow passing some sort of stable ground, roots, and identity for them.
You think it's just only one person when you are liberal and let your kids drift away from your roots. But there are
300 million people in America, and of those 300 million how many other parents and grandparents are mindless
and liberal like you. Those numbers add up and aeonically devastates you as coherent people. Like you pick a
hypothetical race for example. In the first generation you have the young people from this race practice a little
Chinese Kung Fu, some listen to rap and act Black. Next generation more of the new young people do the same
and instead of being rooted in their own Traditions and Culture they drift off like loose canon balls rolling a round
aimlessly on the deck of a ship. As each generation passes and more young people in this race goes into some
other people's Traditions, in Time where will your people be? And you think seriously about, if you have the brain
cells to think aeonically as a WHAM, you are being surrounded by other peoples that stay true to their own folk
culture, and the Black People you messed up are slowly developing their own folk culture. So while you WHAMs
drift further apart incoherently, every other people around you maintains their status, community, families,
extended families, traditions, and culture. Divide & Conquer. Your people started it and were good at it. There was
a time when you divided ethnic races and made them into incoherent groups fighting each other to control them.
Now its payback time, and the best part is, YOU yourselves are Dividing your own people into cultureless
individualized units. Half of you don't even have a real family anymore with two parents. I fear that as a hubris
and arrogant breed that you WHAMs are, you are too stupid to wake up and change your ways. If you are the few
to wake up and know something is wrong: DIG. Start digging deep in your blood and ancestry and find your roots
and dormant Tradition your people left for you and live them once again. Make a Tradition up if you have to, just
stabilize yourself with a Tradition for your progeny's sake, not yours. Reichsfolk. Not many in or out of ONA speak
of Reichsfolk now, but the simple lessons it teaches keeps your Blood and Roots flowing deep over Time. /Rant.
So this Traditional Satanism which is the ONA and a part of the ONA is a species or Tradition of Satanism. If we
don't try to see that Traditional Satanism grow into being inside its original native time and context, you can't fully
grasp the ONA and will be prone to assumptions, speculations, and misunderstandings of what may have been
intended. The ONA proper first started off with that Traditional Satanism soil. Everything else, such as the
philosophical writings "Anton Long" and others have written, grew out of that fertile Tradition, within the matrix
of that soil. You have to try to study what the ONA is today within that soil in a wholistic way. As you would study
a flowing river. Not in bits and pieces, but in consideration of the whole river, from the mountain spring it springs
from, to the rapids and gorges in the middle, all of the twists and turns, and ending at the great delta where it
flows into the ocean. To fully understand ONA you have to consider ONA of 1970, consider its decades long slow
twistings and turnings, and consider what it is today, as one Flowing. As one Tradition moving and growing slowly.
But that Flowing begins at the spring of Traditional Satanism. Which in itself is something to be proud of if you
recall your history. The ONA's Traditional Satanism was one of the first three "institutionalized" or codified
schools of Satanism that started this whole Satanism thing back in the 60's-70. CoS came out in 1966. ONA
cropped up in England in 1972ish. ToS was miraculously reborn when Set woke up from a 3000 year sleep and
gave birth to the Universe in 1975. If I were Set I would have picked an Egyptian in my "home country" to be my
prophet of a new aeon, rather than a Grandpa Munster of America; but that's just me, maybe Set has a sense of
humour? But ONA is one of three that started this whole Satanism thing off in the West. It's Tradition is still here,
still influencing contemporary Satanists' understandings of their Satanism. Sans the competitive BS, Satanism as a
single memeplex is a great thing with a lot of potential. You guys as Satanists have a good thing going, if we
consider Satanism all together as one newly emerged system in the West. Sans the rivalry BS, when each Satanist
adds their own thoughts and understandings to the common body of knowledge, it in turn ripples and helps evolve
all of Satanism as a single pool of ideas. But we can't get all egalitarian and liberal with this shit or we'll ruin a
good thing. Not every meme is equal, some will make this growing and very young pool of Satanism sick and
weak. A little capitalistic competition is good for the gene pool as it breeds and encourages innovation and
There is an old Greek philosophical concept mostly translated into English as "Justice," which is something worth
considering and applying if as Satanists "we" all wish to help it move forwards into the future, for the next
generation. Justice according to some of the olden schools of thought is the proper balance between One's own
self interests, and the Interests/needs of a collective/other. Justice is the balancing line between one's own duty to
Self, and Duty to Other [wife, husband, children, family, clan, kin, tribe]. Justice is the the Balance between One's
own needs and the needs of Other. Too much to one side or the other causes an imbalance. And being in a causal
system, such imbalance causes chain reactions of fruit. Too much leaning towards Self Interest/Need/Duty
destroys Community and Family. Which in turn disrupts the sensitive clockwork and causes it to be dysfunctional.
What is dysfunctional stops working, and what stops working dies in Time. Too much leaning to the other side
vanquishes the Individual as a slave to a mindless collective. There is a balance or Equilibrium where the Self and
Other Naturally comes to a Balance, which was once called Justice. Where there must be a Balance between the
collective Interest of those that "govern" and the Interests or Needs of those that are "governed." That was Justice.
Where there is a Balance between the needs of a corporation and the needs of its market. That Balance is Justice.
Where there is the Balance between the Needs and Interests of the individual Satanist and of Satanism as a whole-
Thing. That is Justice and Equilibrium. A little competition and self interest in Satanism is healthy. But without
that Justice, either way we lean, the clockwork stops. If this ancient notion of Justice is a living phenomenon in
Nature, then it must be observable, testable, and replicable. Thus, nobody should have to take my word for it. All
I'll say is that a Satanism with only one school of thought and one paradigm will be like a USSR with only one
party making all the products. Shit's gunna be cheap. In this regard, I will keep ONA going as long as I can, even if
I am the last ONA person alive. There is plenty of room in Satanism as a whole-Thing for the atheist, theist,
materialist, spiritualist, or whatever. There are retards and geniuses in all camps. We need all the genies and
thinkers, even if they don't like each other or get along. The retards, they can go, well actually, they should stay to
support the infrastructure. Just like there is room in Life or the Cosmos for every perspective and angle of
understanding. It's all of it added up that gives us the clearest picture of things. Satanism as a whole-Thing limits
itself, if it struggles to only have one "right" and one "acceptable" perspective and weltanschauung.
Narcissistic Paradigm
I was thinking of the mentality some people have for things such as weltanschauung, world-views, politics,
religions, philosophies, etc, and I noticed something which lacked a word but I gave it a term to refer to it.
Thinking about this mentality caused me to remember a weird Sufi story I once read a long time ago. The Sufi
story I read - as I later found out - is a twist or slant of a well known Greek myth, used as an esoteric jape with
Mainstream Islam. This esoteric jape runs along the same vein as the Sufi saying that goes something like: "The
only way to Know Allah is by riding the dragon's tail." Meaning here that it is from being familiar with Iblis or
Shaitan and his ways that you truly come to know Allah. So we read in the Holy Qur'an that when after Allah had
made Adam, he called the angels of heaven down to the earth to behold Adam and commanded all of the angels to
kneel and worship Adam. All did as they were commanded except Iblis who stood in defiance. The Qur'an does not
go any further into the details as to why Iblis did not worship Adam, but the Sufis continues that story saying that
Allah demanded Iblis why he did not worship Adam, and Iblis answered Allah: "Because I am better than him.
Because I am made of the Flame of Heaven, and he [Adam] is made from the soil of the ground." Allah now angry
ordered Iblis to do as the other angels and kneel before Adam to worship him. Iblis refused to do so. And so Allah
threatens to send Iblis into the lake of fire to punish him if he did not worship Adam. Iblis still refused and said
he'd rather burn in hell than worship a creature made of the lowly earth. So then Allah one last time threatens
Iblis with the punishment of eternally being outside of His Divine presence for ever and ever. When Iblis heard
this, he rushed to Allah's feet and said to Allah: "La ilaha illallah; There is no God but God, and only he is worthy
of worship." After hearing this Allah turns to the angels that fell and worshiped Adam and cursed them to forever
serve Mankind. But to Iblis, who genuinely loved Allah, that he would defy Allah's word to be True to his Love,
Allah gave him the Earth to rule. This little Sufi story has the esoteric teaching that God made a facsimile of his
own divine self out of something worthless [dirt] as a test to see if his angels loved Him of their own free will, or
because out of fear of being punished. Only Iblis refused to serve and fall before that false idol Adam. In other
words, in life we either Submit [Islam] to the Divine [numinous], or to man made idols. What or whom do you
serve in life? The Natural, or the Artificial? The esoteric jape hidden in this Sufi story is that mainstream Muslims
today worship and serve Adam, or the teachings and words of men, and not the Divine Essence of Allah.
So the other Sufi story I remembered is like the backstory to the one I just told, which took place just before the
creation of Adam. The story goes that one day Allah having found the earth walked around it and found the dark
water of the earth. He looked into it and for the first time in eternity saw Himself in the dark water. Seeing a
reflection of himself he fell in love with it and reached out to try and Behold it. But could not because his fingers
went thru the image disturbing the reflection with ripples. Out of a deep desire to Behold that image God took
mud and formed from that mud Adam and loved Adam above all other creation. The hidden esoteric jape is
directed at mainstream superficial Islam's God and Muslims. It is saying that their God is essentially narcissistic
and thus cannot be the Divine Artist of the Cosmos. It also is japing the mainstream Muslims in saying that they
are so captivated by their own facsimile of God that they reject the Divinity in all other things of Creation. Or, as
the saying goes in English: "Like Father, like son."
I notice this same mentality in people. It's not narcissism as the word is generally used. I'll try and explain what I
mean. For example you have these materialist who can't get themselves to See the world any other way beyond
their material world model. And so like this delusional God, these materialist fashion for themselves a memeplex
or weltanschauung that is merely a reflection of themselves: materialistic. Or you see them being drawn,
engrossed, enchanted, captivated, only by idea that are reflections of themselves: materialistic. You see them
being oblivious and out right rejecting and denying other possible models of reality. You see the same
engrossment of/for ego/self with theists and spiritualists who do the opposite. They are in love with ideas and
world views only which are reflections of themselves. They become enraptured and engrossed in ideas where only
the spiritual is real, only "our god" is real, only the god we can picture is real, everything else is fake. You see this
in politics. Conservatives are drawn only to that which is merely and simplistically a reflection of their inner self.
Libertines [modern usage] are drawn to and attached to only what ideologies are merely and simplistically
reflections of their inner egos. And the delusional aspect of this is that they are oblivious to and deny or reject
everything that is not a personification of their egos. Libertine in the olden days around the 1700's or so meant a
person or breed of people without culture or proper upbringing.
Just like their symbolical narcissistic God, you see these people also acting out their narcissism when they make
things, like ideologies. They make their cults and religions in a self-perspective narcissistic "utopian" manner.
When I say "utopian" I simply mean the artificial desire to create a system of some type which is "perfectly" a
reflection of their egos. Like when you see a group of peasants get together and watch them create a political
memeplex, you see them enter that narcissistic utopian mentality where the Bourgeois who hurt their egos are
evil and peasants should rule, where religion that was used to control them is bad, etc. You take a group of Jesus
nutters and watch them create their sectarian memeplexes. They relocate themselves to a paradise, name it
Jonestown, get all enraptured in only stuff which are a reflection of their own ego-perspective of reality. And the
same goes unfortunately with mainstream materialist science. Where you see these very intelligent scientists get
lost in the same delusional game of seeing reality only insofar as reality is a reflection of their ego/self, and every
other theory is fake or not worth considering. And of course Buddhists and Satanists do this too. Buddhist create
for themselves a narcissistic utopian world model based on their simple single ego-perspective. And Satanist will
do the same with their Satanism. Their Satanism has to be a utopian reflection of their ego-perspective and
narcissism. You can almost hear them say to themselves in their heads: "I can't fucking wrap my head around
anything else beyond my self and my puny grasp of reality, so any religion or type of Satanism that is beyond that
is fake." The funny part is we tell ourselves that we are "thinking outside" a box, when most of us never left that
box. Because that box is the self and the walls of the box are the person's limited grasp of things or his own
amorousness for their own beauty. So the question is: Can there be growth, if we remain within the confined
limits of our ego-perspectives of life and reality? Can a Self grow, evolve, or truly gain an understanding of things,
if all it sees is it Self?
Everything to such narcissistic people has to be a perfect utopian reflection of their egos. A materialist will reject
something like Buddhism because the Buddhism has elements such as "reincarnation," karma, spirits, etc which
are not paradigmatic elements in their ego-based world-model. Those things are not a reflection of their self, so
they reject it. It becomes so predictable that you can literally read a person's inner topography just by reviewing
their beliefs or analyzing what memplexes they are drawn to and which memeplexes they reject and deny. That's
how simplistic mundanes have become. The complexities and diversity of Life are non-existent to these people.
What is real - what can only be reality - must be a personification of their self/ego.
Beyond Ego
Such people never emotionally or intuitively realize that Life/Reality is so big, it is beyond our puny ego-based
paradigms. Life is so big it is uncomfortable. You can be a hardcore materialist and if you study reality too deep
you'll find quantum physics where reality is not as material as you wish it to be. You can be a hardcore moralist
and if you venture too far outside your ego, you will observe that life and Nature is oblivious to morals. You can be
a hardcore Darwinist and if you look too far outside your narcissistic utopian personification of self, you'll see that
ecosystems are called systems for an actual reason. You'll see that nature does not compete with itself, but is
symbiotic and co-evolutionary, which is scary and blasphemous to a Darwinist who is conditioned inside an urban
matrix to see life as a "survival of the fittest" game. Things like religions - cyberreligions - philosophies, and
ideologies, have today become mere vanity mirrors and security blankets to protect people from an uncomfortable
reality. A reality that is much bigger than us, much more beyond our graspings and assumptions and speculations
of it.
If you haven't picked up already, what I am trying to say and what the esoteric value of that second story is that
there can be no true growth or inner development when a person is trapped inside the limits of his/her own ego. I
should quickly define how I'm using the word ego and self. I mean to say the conscious mind and what it thinks it
knows or what it believes in. And so religions, philosophies, and ideologies today are are not a means to
self-development, but merely a means to perpetuate our already existent ego-based world-models. If you really
think about it and we say a materialist will be inside a materialist belief system for 50 years, during those 50 years
will that materialist ever be anything different outside what that materialist paradigm allots? If Life/Reality
behaved in such a remarkably simplistic manner, where reality is merely a comforting reflection of what we can
grasp, what we wish to believe is true, would anything even be here? You know how many Muslims have been
born and raised inside an Islamic paradigm for the past thousand years who have not ever thought outside or
developed beyond what their paradigm has allotted for them? There is even a word to explain this phenomenon:
Orthodoxy. And tellingly, there is even a word to describe the act of crossing that line of orthodoxy: Transgression.
How many theists have ever Transgressed their theistic worldview into uncharted territory? How many
materialists have ever Transgressed their materialistic paradigm for uncharted territory? The most powerful limits
are those that we ourselves set for our own selves, because of our life long conditioning. It's like domesticated
elephants in Thailand. You take a baby elephant and tie its feet with chains so it grows up conditioned mentally
and emotionally to Believe that it can't break that chain, and when it grows up all you have to do is tie a thin rope
to its feet and it will not even try to break the rope. Because it is trapped in the conditioned Belief that it cannot
break free. You have people who condition themselves - hypnotize themselves - into being "trancefixed" inside the
limits of their own narcissistic paradigm, and these same people believe they are free thinking, or free people. You
give these same people anything that is not a reflection of their egos and they will say: "Oh your ideology is
retarded. It looks nothing like me. Those aren't my opinions. I disagree with anything not a reflection of my
I'm bringing this Narcissistic Paradigm thing up because a lot of Satanists - and more nonsatanists - will not and
do not like ONA because it is not a reflection or personification of their egos. It is not a comfy and cozy box. It's
got weird chants, a pantheon of unproven entities, it looks nothing like the average mundane ego, it's just big and
bloated and ugly to them. That ain't shit though. You wanna know bloated, go read the Pali Canons. 40 volumes,
25000 pages of 2500 years of gibberish and nonsense. Nothing makes any sense. We're just good at faking sense.
Nobody knows what the hell Buddha was tripping on when he said: Anatta. Even more bloated than that is the
Universe. It's so big the universe doesn't even fit into a book. The greatest minds like Hawking have pondered on
it their whole lives and all they produce are black holes. We don't know if it is finite or infinite, if it's flat, round or
saddle shaped, if it's eternally expanding or if entropy will force all things back to Chaos [void, absolute
But the beauty about Life or the universe is that it is big, and in trying to understand ever nook and cranny of Life,
we actually grow in our understandings of reality and ourselves as a part of Life or the Cosmos. In essence it is
like we grow into Life, in the same way we grow into our hand-me-down our older siblings and cousins passes
onto us. They are uncomfortable in the beginning, but the extra room allows us to grow to fill them in.
Most of Buddhism doesn't even make sense to me, but I don't bitch about it and look for something comfy to fit my ego. Many
things about ONA and its Traditional Satanism hardly make any complete sense to me. I still don't know what an acausal is. But I
let things be and slowly work my way to filling in the nooks and crannies. Which takes time. So the whole point to this in regard
to ONA is don't be so self absorbed where you reject things left and right because your religion, or philosophy, or whatever does
not fit you perfect like a glove. That perfect fit is not something you really want long term wise. Have you ever heard of Chinese
Feet Binding? Back in the old days men use to think girls with tiny feet were beautiful so girls feet were tightly bounded with silk
or cloth from a small age. So that as they grew older, the binding kept their feet from growing their proper size. It was actually
disfiguring and rendered them crippled and unable to walk. Don't Spellbind your own self with your own words and beliefs. Let
Traditional Satanism and the rest of the ONA be big. If we disagree with certain things in ONA fine, but just leave it and instead
nurture it so it can grow bigger in time. The more room in ONA, the more space we have to grow in perspective and
Chloe 352
Order of Nine Angles
123 yfayen
An Interview
[I met Mr Beest, at his request, on a glorious day in 1994, in the beautiful Shropshire hills on the Welsh border that
he believes are the heart of his personal Satanic Tradition. After a bracing walk to the crest of a bracken-topped
hill (which did no favours to a person's hangover), we paused and talked. Beest was not at all how I´d imagined
him. He was a serious, personable, well-spoken man in his mid-to-late twenties who seemed closer to a mature
sociology student then the bloodthirsty fanatic I´d anticipated.]
Its a tradition which goes back 7000 years – that’s according to the legend. It was born when there was a civilisation
around here called Albion which had various rites associated with a Dark Goddess who we know as Baphomet.
Baphomet´s been handed down through the ages as a composite figure. The famous goat-head symbol was actually
a distortion, a lie which took away from the real power of the goddess, who was actually a dark, menstruating
woman. It was very much a code of honor centered around war and the brutal realities of life, and actually the
original paganism for thousands of year before Christianity arrived. Its basically an oral tradition I received from my
predecessor, Anton Long. He received it from a Mistress of the Order and she had it passed on from someone
before her.
Very small, around ten people with a few hangers-on. We are small because it is a genuine Magical way and it
requires people to live in a certain lifestyle. The archetypal ONA member is a lone sorcerer, somebody who defies
their own limits, defies themselves. They found out their true potential, usually thorough ordeals. There’s one ordeal,
for example, which requires living alone for three months, completely alone, bereft of any possessions whatsoever.
The actual aim is, on an individual level, finding your God within yourself. What it aims to produce is a unique
individual who doesn’t need anything. There’s a lot of strands from a lot of esoteric groups, but the ONA is essentially
a Western tradition.
Because its part of the tradition. There was an issue of Fenrir, our magazine, which centered around human
sacrifice. A lot of things are not what they seem. All manuscripts that are written serve a certain purpose – they
illustrate a certain point. A lot of people at the Temple of Set or Church of Satan are trying to re-establish Satanism
as a moral religion. Something which is sanitised, something which is misunderstood, and really quite nice. What the
ONA is doing is countering that by saying; “No it isn’t.” Its regaining the original Darkness of what Satanism is,
because if Satanism isn’t evil, then what is?”
Maybe human sacrifice doesn’t go on. That’s part of the point. The Manuscripts are illustrating an ethic.
So what you’re saying is that the effect the manuscripts has is more important then anything it actually says or
Yes. The manuscripts are collected to illustrate points. Here it says that people should stop allowing laws to treat
them like children.
There’s more women involved in the group then men, which is quite interesting. There is the man I inherited the
tradition from, Anton Long, and he’s fought in wars as a mercenary. That was a form of sacrifice. To outline the
theory behind human sacrifice again: ultimately it could be anything, that’s just the most extreme form. It also aids the
sinister dialectic, it regains a certain darkness that has been taken away from Satanism. It gives back to an individual
their own judgement over things. Saying that you actually do this – you can go out and kill somebody if you feel its
important to do it – but you take the consequences for it. In other words, anybody who gets involved in “the sinister”
can do anything they want, or anything they judge useful. There’s nothing in the Order which says you can’t do this or
you cant do that – that would be contradictory to what we are aiming for. All its saying is – find yourself and use your
own ethics and judgements. You could go ahead with a sacrifice, but you could get caught and spend the rest of
your days in gaol – is it worth doing that?
An understanding of how energies flow through civilisations. What moves people. What creates certain kinds of
individual. All civilisations start off as a creative minority; a small group of people in a certain area who did certain
things which drew the masses. People are putty, basically, and its always going to be a small number of people who
can effect changes; the artists or whatsoever, the people who dare to break out of the constraints of society.
I regard ONA as the only true anarchist group. A group which can use extreme right-wing politics and extreme
left-wing politics. We´re not seduced by either side, we don’t regard them as “true” in any sense, they´re just a
means to an end. So far its been judged that its the energies which imbue right-wing organisations that are useful
and will flower, say within 100 years, and certain things will follow on. This is the essence of aeonics. It is a cold,
rational, almost scientific judgement of certain means to achieve further ends. The archetypal ONA member
considers any form to be suitable means to an end. Thats part of the point of the ordeal of spending three months
alone. You actully go through a withdrawal where you´re not swayed by anything, any abstract ideas, you are just
yourself. An ONA member doesn’t “become” a Nazi or a communist, he just uses those movements. Obviously, in
order to use them you have to enter into a role in a very demonic sense, you also have to know where it ends.
Why does so much ONA material seem to have such a negative, destructive approach? Could you not, for
example, write something about the beauty of walking these hills?
There are actually four novels, The Deofel Quartet, which deal exactly with that. It deals with love andlife in a very
real sense. It deals with all those feelings which would make an archetypal Satanist confused, because the
archetypal image is of a dark master who could kill just at the drop of a hat. That image is very important because it
allows people to play a role which people are swayed by. What some of the ONA manuscripts do is allow people to
play that role. But it has to end at some point, and if it doesn’t end they become possessed by that role, and their
whole Satanic quest is finished. They’ve lost insight. If they do derive insight from it, then they know there´s
something beyond that. It may be something that’s the opposite, something quite beautiful perhaps, but they have to
go through a role to find its true opposite in a real sense.
If you say that people can explore their limits by contemplating human sacrifice, could they not, by that philosophy,
feel they ought to abuse a child?
No, not all. The background of sacrifice is that its about culling, accepting that there is certain dross in society. A
right-wing concept perhaps, but that’s just labelling it. Its something which is not right- or leftwing, its a concept that
goes back to the Vikings, or before that. The Vikings weren’t right-wing. We imposing modern political views on
things to raise emotive responses. People have to see beyond that, to see the essence beyond the appearance,
which is what a lot of the manuscripts are about. People are swayed by things – what is racism but a word often
used to make people feel guilty about feeling certain things?
There’s a suggestion that the ONA has something to do with neo-nazi groups, is that true?
Its rather the other way around. Someone in the ONA felt that involvement in the British National Party would be
useful to them. There is somebody who is involved in the ONA who is involved in right-wing politics, but he used it as
a form to achieve something, then go out of it and went to do something else. We have something of a reputation for
dressing in Nazi uniforms and invoking the spirit of Hitler. It stems from the deeds of the past which people haven’t
seen from a Magical perspective. There’s very little that dangerous about becoming a radical anarchist or a
communist. But there are people right now being executed for their involvement in right-wing organisations. There
was a certain individual found dumped in Holland who was a leading light in the political Right of Germany. You
mustn´t confuse “right-wing” with conservatism or anything like that. The political format that’s gripped this society
has nothing to do with right-wing politics and actually leans more towards the left in essence. The Hard Right is a
very dangerous thing to get involved with. Particularly for Satanists – the ONA has received threats from certain
National Socialist groups who don’t like the idea of Satanism being linked with them. Unlike left-wing groups, when
stirred right-wing activists will do things others wouldn’t consider. That’s why it’s a good thing to get involved with, in
one respect: because it offers genuine danger on all sorts of levels and offers a moral dilemma as well. The whole
point of insight roles is that you undertake a role for around a year which is the complete opposite of your own
The real secret of Satanism is that a Satanist restores balance within society, acting as a counterbalance. For
example: If we were in a right-wing situation at this time, there would certainly be a communist Satanic organisation.
This may all seem rather frivolous and aimless, but what Satanism represents is basically an energy for change.
Evolution. An energy which provokes insight and adversity. Satan represents movement. Something which moves and
isn’t tied down by moral abstracts or ideas.
Yes, you could remove someone you feel is detrimental to your cause, but you could be wrong in that. It could turn
out to be the opposite. War is the perfect example of culling in that it is removing a massive number of people, and
when you do that you effect certain changes. What those changes will be, how you can control that, is all part of it.
It’s like moving pieces on a chessboard. People are removed who you judge to be detrimental to certain things. It
could be a large number of people, it could be an individual. Not everyone will cull, not everyone should.
It’s suggested in your literature that its something which is expected of ONA members.
Well then, we have already established an insight upon yourself, albeit in a second. This is actually the secret of the
manuscripts. They are designed to attract people who can think and judge for themselves. That includes when a
Satanic Master comes along and tells you to dispatch someone – you are faced with a choice: if you do it you will
please the master, but do you want a master like that? As the master, do you want somebody serving you who is
weak, or do you want somebody who will turn round and refuse to obey? We’re looking for the latter.
How would you like people to look on the ONA, do you want to scare people?
The work is very extreme, it has to be that way. The manuscripts are designed to produce certain changes in
society, to create certain preconceptions and destroy others. We are very elitist, because very few people ever stay
the course. It involves real hardship, a certain way of living which few people are willing to follow.
Given below are extracts from answers to questions submitted to Anton Long in July 2011 CE by HML
(an academic named Hannah L.) as part of her research into modern Satanism, and which research she
intended to present at the academic conference on Satanism in Stockholm, September 2011 CE.
Can you tell me how and why you first became interested in Satanism? Were any of the reasons that you
joined to do with an aspect of life in the UK in particular?
I became interested in my teenage years – three years before the publication of LaVey’s Satanic Bible –
while living in [...], where I learnt a Martial Art, studied Taoism, and witnessed events such as the festival
of Thaipusam.
This Martial Art, Taoism, and such events, inspired me to read the works of Carl Jung. I also at the time
practised and studied classical Yoga according to the Hatha-Yoga Pradipika of Patanjali and so had some
knowledge of Hinduism.
So, in summary, my reasons had nothing to do with life in the UK – I was not living in the UK at the time –
but rather my interest stemmed from my practical experience and study of Taoism, a Taoist based Martial
Art, and the diversity of religions I encountered in [...], which all inspired me to ask questions, which
questions led me to read Jung and thence led me to Western Alchemy and Western Occultism. Satan was
understood then, by me in those early years of my interest and involvement, as the archetype of exeatic
living. [Footnote 1]
Given my youthful arrogance, my desire for exeatic experiences, and a generally rebellious nature, I felt
an affinity with this particular archetype.
Perhaps I should add that the Taoism I encountered in [...] was more a practical religion than the rather
rarefied mystical philosophy many people in the West associate with the term Taoism, just as the Martial
Art I learnt had (at least to me then) a certain Occult mystique about it.
Did you join a Satanic organization initially (e.g. the Church of Satan)? If so, why did you leave the
organization to start the ONA?
As far as I know, no one at the time in [...] had ever heard of LaVey or the CoS. So my initial
understanding of Satanism derived from my own studies, which included the works of Jung.
So, no – I did not initially join an existing organization, not even when, a few years later, I came to live in
England, and came across the writings of Crowley, heard about LaVey and read the Satanic Bible.
I did briefly in the first year of living in England (the late 1960′s) try to find a Satanic or Left Hand Path
group, having found a useful contact in London [...] and did find, through that lady, one small
‘underground’ group who practised ceremonial ritual based on the Golden Dawn. However, I did not join
this group, but arrogantly dismissed them, just as I then dismissed both Crowley and LaVey, regarding
them as self-indulgent charlatans who never ventured to experience the dark side of life in a practical way,
who never dared for instance to indulge in crime, violence, terror, culling. As far I was concerned, they
were all talk and ‘ritual’, and while they may have had some limited skill in people manipulation, they
never aspired to do evil, to destroy society and exult in the attempt.
In contrast to Crowley and LaVey, for instance, I even in those youthful years sought and enjoyed
violence, and tested and challenged myself by certain ‘criminal’ activities. For me, it was experience of
the dark side of life, and testing myself by practical deeds – and exulting in such things – which was the
essence of the archetype of Satan, so that I considered myself in those youthful times far more of a
Satanist, a manifestation of Satanic living, than such individuals.
For several years I sought to find someone I could respect and learn from – someone of true inner
darkness. I never did find such a person until I met, in my early twenties, a lady who claimed to represent
a primal type of Satanism that did not depend upon Jewish-Nazarene tradition and theology, and which
had no connection to Crowley, LaVey or what was then (and still is) mistakenly regarded as the Western
Occult tradition.
It was this lady who inspired me to form the ONA, based as the ONA was on her rather vague traditions
and on my own practical sinister experience [...]
A summary of the Order of Nine Angles would be – we are evil, an evil slowly spreading over the Earth. A
means to inspire practical Satanic, diabolic, deeds, and new, more sinister, ways of living.
1) The way of practical personal sinister experience and learning from that experience. This experience is
both esoteric and exoteric, and thus the individual must live a practical sinister life. This is and must be
dangerous and difficult. It is sinister deeds which matter, not words or rituals. Rituals are but one useful
Thus, those who have the right sinister/Satanic spirit, the best sinister/Satanic character, succeed; those
who do not fail. Our standards are high because we are unashamedly elitist, and do not care about
quantity, about numbers of members or adherents.
2) The way of the clan/tribe/gang/nexion as opposed to both (a) the way of The State, and (b) the
deification of the individual that lies at the core of other LHP/Satanic groups.
This means that we aim to live in certain ways, for instance as part of a nexion which is or which becomes
like a family (or an extended family) to us, and that our first loyalty and duty is to our own ONA kind.
Thus we have and rely on our own laws and our own justice – our own way of doing things – and these
are more important to us than the laws and the so-called justice of The State and even more important
than our individual desires.
This also means that each clan/tribe/gang/nexion can choose or develope their own identity or be part of
an already existing living tradition/culture. Thus, we have ONA ‘families’ who are Hispanic and who
identify with Latino cultures; we have ONA ‘families’ who are Asian and who identify with, for example,
Thai or Chinese culture (and who may thus be Buddhists or Taoist); as we have ONA ‘families’ who are
Caucasian and who identify with their native European cultures (and some of which families are
orientated toward National-Socialism). In addition, we have ONA families who overtly identify with
Satanism (or at least our variety of it, manifest in our Seven Fold Way).
This means two essential things. (a) That our perspective is Aeonic – of decades and centuries – rather
than just our own short, finite, lives as individuals. (b) That the ONA is analogous to an open-source
software operating system (OS) for human beings, where our developers co-operate to de-bug, revise and
develope the OS, and generally make it better and more useful. In the same way as the Debian
GNU/Linux computer OS has guidelines adherence to which are essential for someone to become a
Debian developer, so we have our Five Core ONA principles [Footnote 2] which our developers must be
in sympathy with in order to be ONA.
Thus, we do not have a traditional hierarchy nor any dogma/theology which has to be rigidly believed in
or adhered to. Instead, we are akin to a sinister ethos and a sinister praxis – a flexible but sinister (‘evil’)
way of life which can assume
many forms and guises but whose intent, purpose, is always diabolic.
It depends on whether they want to follow the practical way of the gang, the tribe, or follow our
traditional, Occult, Seven Fold Way.
Gangs and tribes have their own initiations – a blooding-in or a hazing – which generally involve the
candidate in doing a sinister practical deed or two.
Those following the Seven Fold Way have to successfully undertake several physical tasks [both exoteric
and esoteric], like walking thirty-two miles, in hilly terrain, in under seven hours while carrying a pack
weighing at least 30 lbs.
The answer depends on the definition of ‘member’. It is rather like asking how many people use the
Debian GNU/Linux flavour of the *nix computer operating system. It depends on how you collect the
stats which in turn depends on people telling someone they are users.
Technically, we do not have a central membership where someone collects people’s names and contact
details – in fact, for operational reasons we encourage anonymity and encourage people to form their own
independent groups/nexions/gangs/tribes, or work alone if they want. Many of our gangs/tribes do not
have an Internet presence and do not directly use the ONA name – instead, they have their own tag.
Can you tell me some of the reasons why members of the ONA are drawn to the movement?
(1) Because of our sinister charisma – how we are viewed among the Occult and the Satanic community
(which these days often means by those who frequent Internet forums and the like).
(2) Because we expect our people to do practical sinister deeds in the real world, and espouse individual
amorality. Like it says somewhere in one of our texts – ‘we accept there is no law, no authority, no justice
except our own individual one, and accept that culling is a necessary act of Life’.
(3) Because we are flexible, non-dogmatic and non-hierarchical and allow people the sinister freedom to
use whatever outward (causal) practical form they want, from gangs, to tribes, to the Seven Fold Way, and
so on.
Could you tell me a bit more about the relationship between Taoism, Martial Arts and the ONA?
There is no direct relationship per se (exoterically) – but there is an underlying (esoteric) commonality of
ethos and understanding deriving from pathei-mathos and from the acausal knowing that empathy inclines
us toward.
Or, expressed in more simplistic and less esoteric terms, the insight and understanding that is the essence
of what is often called Taoism (and by extension a Martial Art based upon this Taoist apprehension) is
similar to (some would say identical to) the insight and understanding of someone who has followed the
Seven Fold Way of the ONA to the stages beyond The Abyss. Which stages, conventionally, are termed
Master/Lady Master and, beyond that, Magus.
This is the insight and understanding of The Unity, the natural (or cosmic) balance that exists beyond
causal apprehensions (and causal abstractions) and even beyond the division into causal and acausal
continuums. For individuals, this is the realization of: (1) the illusion of all opposites (including good and
evil); (2) the illusion of the self (and thus of the ego); and (3) the knowing of wyrd (‘tao’) beyond the
illusion of personal or ideated destiny, and thus our emphasis on the way of the warrior, and undertaking
practical warrior deeds which aid what we term the Sinister Dialectic (and thus which presence Chaos/the
dark forces on Earth).
I have endeavoured to explain some of this in terms of the relation between the sinister way and the
numinous way in the first section of the following article:
In essence, therefore, one might write that a person who follows our Way, to beyond the Abyss, arrives at
a certain understanding – a type of knowing – which is akin to the knowing that formed the basis for what
we may describe by the term Taoism, but (and the but is important) with a perspective that inclines them
toward participation in wyrd (using a Martial Art in attack and defence) rather than toward passivity. In
practice, this understanding, this knowing – born from pathei-mathos (from a learning from practical
experience) – makes a different type of human being, a more evolved human being.
Thus, all this perhaps hints at just why the ONA is so very different from other LHP and Satanic groups
and individuals. They are for the most part all about macho posturing, ego, and the vulgarity of ‘might is
right’, whereas we are about manufacturing a new type of human being.
In respect of the stupidity of ‘might is right’ you might be interested in the following article:
You mentioned how each nexion identified with a different tradition/culture, could you tell me which
tradition you identify with?
I am just me, so perhaps I am my own tradition. Or more pretentiously and arrogantly, perhaps I am the
phenotype of that essence which currently goes by the name the ONA.
Thus, in one perhaps pretentious sense, my life might be considered to be a practical manifestation of The
Seven Fold Way.
If it is the Seven Fold Way, could you specify what exactly this is?
A practical and an esoteric means to seek both inner and outer wisdom and to manufacture a new type of
This Way involves undertaking certain esoteric and practical tasks, many of which are difficult and
dangerous, some of which are amoral, and which tasks take one beyond good and evil.
To follow this Way toward and into and beyond The Abyss – where wisdom begins – takes the individual
around a quarter of a century. So it is not easy, and few individuals get that far.
Perhaps I should add that the final stage – that of Immortal – occurs only after one’s causal death, when
one acquires (by our internal alchemy) an existence in the acausal continuum.
Which perhaps neatly returns us to Martial Arts and the way of the warrior, our scorn of death, our
emphasis on both kindred-honour and on clans/tribes/gangs, and which clans/tribes/gangs by their nature
are martial and territorial.
Anton Long
122 Year of Fayen
To go beyond and transgress the limits imposed and prescribed by mundanes, and by the systems
which reflect or which manifest the ethos of mundanes – for example, governments, and the laws of
what has been termed “society”. Source: A Glossary of ONA Terms (version 3.03)
As you probably know the term derives from exeat (as in the British an ‘exeat weekend’).
[2] These core principles are (1) the way of practical deeds; (2) the way of culling; (3) the way of kindred
honour; (4) the way of defiance of and practical opposition to Magian abstractions; (5) the way of the
Rounwytha tradition.
352: We're more interested in how you think: how you are in your head. What you have become since the
past 30 years. If you see the world differently. What important things you have learned on your personal
journey in life.
AL: Since I first became involved in "the Occult" - over forty years ago now - my fundamental aims, my
perception of the causal, have remained basically the same, although the decades of my esoteric and
sinister quest have enabled me to give causal forms, to assign names and terms or invent new ones, to
what in the beginning was mostly personal intuition and empathy. In addition, I have learnt a lot about
myself, about human beings, about esoteric matters, and our world, from having made quite a few
mistakes, with these mistakes - or perhaps more correctly, these learning opportunities - mostly if not
always arising because my innate curiosity, arrogance and impetuosity lead me to directly experience,
experiment with, and try things and situations, rather than just study or read about them in a boring,
detached, impersonal, academic way.
Hence, I do not - in most ways - view the world, or human beings, differently now from when I began.
Rather, I just have given conscious form - achieved a conscious, and a mature esoteric, understanding - of
what was hitherto mostly instinctive, or based on my own intuition (esoteric and otherwise), on my own
empathy with and concerning people, Nature and the Cosmos. Basically, this is always how it should be,
for our evolution, as human beings: a growth based on the synthesis of empathy (esoteric and otherwise),
and intuition, with a genuine conscious apprehension, and then a move upward to that new type of being,
that new type of apprehension, that allows us to fully know, experience, understand and appreciate the
acausal, sans the limited, restricting, causal forms which we humans have manufactured over millennia in
a rather vain attempt to "understand".
What I have learnt are three important things. First, how magickal, esoteric, changes actually occur, or are
presenced, or are or can be brought-into-being, in the causal. Second, how many causal changes, wrought
through sinister acts, take a lot longer to cause noticeable effects among humans (and human constructs -
such as "society") than I originally presumed. Third, that the system of the Magian is even more
tyrannical, more de-evolutionary, than I considered it to be, and that the Magian themselves, and those
allied to them or influenced by them, are even more despicable, more sub-human, than I presumed them
to be.
Essentially, the essence of my life, the foundation of my own individual being, has been and still is my
esoteric quest: my journeyings among and exploration and experience of, the sinister way; my dark desire
to find and go beyond my own limits and to not accept nor be content with the answers, the limits, set and
manufactured by others, of and in whatever causal time and place.
My fundamental aims have always been to change myself, others, and our world - to presence, to revel-in,
to become, to experience, the very quintessence of life itself. For I have always intuitively felt since a
very early age that we human beings have immense potential; that we are and can be far more than we
realize; that we need to experience and be inspired; that we need to dream great dreams; that we need to
see restrictions for the impersonal tyranny they are; and that we living, human, beings are somehow and in
some way a connexion to other life, to the very living beings that are Nature and the Cosmos beyond.
That is, I have always felt that we, as individuals, can participate in and somehow create our own
evolution; that we have the potential to consciously bring about changes within ourselves, within others,
within the world, and within the Cosmos itself - to participate in the mystery and the joy of creation,
exploration and evolution.
Initially, I assumed in youthful naivety that conventional "Black Magick" - the Left Hand Path and
conventional Satanism - were or could and should be, a means to bring such evolution and such change,
and such experiencing and transcendence of causal restrictions and limits. Then, I understood very early
on that I would have to create my own Way - that the essence of magick, of the LHP, of Satanism, had
been lost over the decades and centuries. However, I was fortunate to be found by a lady who had kept
alive, in a wordless mostly empathic, unstructured and always directly personal way, some aspects of this
almost lost esoteric and sinister essence: more a mythos and a few esoteric techniques than a working,
spreading, Way, and it was these almost forgotten aspects that I combined with sinister things of my own
devising in order to bring-into-being the ONA.
352: Has this difference in worldview changed your understandings of the ONA?
For a while, I was the Order of Nine Angles, although I expect few, outside of our sinister kindred, will
understand what I mean here. Most - and certainly all the mundanes - will assume I mean I was the only
person "involved with" some-thing called the ONA, but this is a fallacious assumption, since even from
the early days there were always around a dozen or so people "involved".
What I mean is that the ONA lived in me, or more correctly, was presenced through me; through what I
said, did, wrote and by what I inspired, directly - from person to person - or esoterically, through my
personae as a shapeshifting player of many and varied rôles.
Now, things have changed because the ONA has become detached from me, and is now presenced as a
type of acausal, living, entity in our causal world. Again, I expect few, outside of our sinister kindred, to
understand - intuitively or consciously - what is meant here.
Initially, the acausal (sinister) energies which are and which always have been the ONA - even before they
and we were described by the term The Order of Nine Angles - were constrained and limited; more like
just kept rather weakly presenced, in the causal, in a very limited causal area (mostly rural South
Shropshire, in England). Then, a specific causal form was constructed to temporarily contain and store
and presence the more powerful acausal energies which were unleashed through various esoteric workings
- through various bringings-into-being which a certain individual undertook. Later, and as planned, some
of these energies were released and spread around the world as some were stored or presenced in newly
created causal forms in order to affect changes in the causal, esoterically and otherwise. Later still -
around three decades after the initial esoteric workings - there was sufficient energy presenced (living as
the ONA) for the burgeoning sinister entity itself to "leave its causal home" and to "shed its temporary
causal forms".
352: What you think about how the ONA has become today, and where it is headed in the very near
future? What do you honestly think of all of these new millennial Nexions such as THEM, and WSA.
What the ONA is becoming is a natural and necessary evolution of what I presenced decades ago, and
what I, and a few others, have nurtured since then. Thus, the ONA is now a three-fold being, although of
course each of these individual aspects represent just one aspect of the triad itself - or rather, are
perceived as being somehow different and distinct, when they are just different "angles" of a certain
causal presencing.
One of these three aspects is manifest, now, in WSA352 - in the emerging and often urban sinister tribes
that are beginning to live the essence of the sinister ethos itself, without the restrictions of older causal
forms. That is, the esoteric work - the magick - of such sinister tribes is their own unique being; their own
way of living; the deeds, the work, that they do, inspired by the still emerging culture of their own tribe,
their own "group". Hence, traditional magick is mostly irrelevant for them; for their own individual and
shared tribal life is itself a new type of magick, a genuine and powerful presencing of sinister, acausal,
The second of these aspects is manifest, now, in traditional nexions such as The Temple of Them, in
Australia, and in those reclusive individuals who work either alone, or with a magickal and sinister partner.
In these nexions, traditional Internal and Aeonic sinister magick - as manifest in the various esoteric MSS
of the ONA - is often still undertaken as a means of presencing acausal energies. Sometimes, these more
traditional nexions are the esoteric (hidden) foundation of an exoteric causal form, as, for example,
Falcifer is to Vindex.
The third of these aspects is still esoteric and thus currently rather unknown, but is manifest in a new way
of living by an emerging new type of human being: the sinister empath who sometimes esoterically works,
and who sometimes lives, alone, but who more often than not lives in a symbiotic relationship with either
other empathic humans, or with some acausal-entity that has emerged into, or been manufactured in, our
own causal Space and our own causal Time. By their very nature, these still changing, still evolving,
human beings, these symbiotic sinister empaths - and thus their work - are intentionally hidden, for the
mundanes, and especially the Magian and their allies, would consider them extremely dangerous, given
their still developing and still emerging abilities.
However, to be precise, the ONA is now a nine-fold being, with there being three aspects to its three-fold
being (that is, three "angles" to each of the three aspects). In the exoteric sense, these three "angles" of
the three aspects (or three causal presencings) of its three-fold living nature - of its sinister character - can
be re-presented by (1) the ONA itself [what it is causally perceived to be and what it now causally
inspires]; by (2) by the ethos of personal honour (the Law of the New Aeon) and that of cultural and
individual excellence and evolutionary elitism [of which one outer form has recently been termed - by
Chloe of WSA - as "Reichsfolk culture" and which in general is the exoteric Way of honour and individual
excellence which lies behind Reichsfolk and kindred organizations]; and by (3) the emerging Sinister
Numinous Way, where the faculty of empathy and the ethic of personal honour are combined with a
sinister understanding in an entirely new Way guaranteed to befuddle and confuse the mundanes even
What should be understood - and what is now becoming understood - is that all three of these aspects
are of the ONA. That is, the sinister tribes - of which the WSA352 is or could be one potential becoming -
and the traditional nexions such as the Australian Temple of Them, as well as the symbiotic empaths, are
all part of the living, the acausal, matrix that is the now living evolving changing ONA, presenced in the
causal. They are all causing causal changes, each in their own and necessary ways. They are all an
evolving; a coming-into-being of the sinister, of our human kind. They are all part of the extended and
now world-wide sinister ONA family. They all share the same fundamental sinister ethos; all presence
aspects of acausal energy; and all are bringing-into-being, or will or can bring-into-being, the causal
changes needed for us to evolve and leave this planet which still is our childhood home. They are all
inspiring others, in their own unique ways, and they are all to be admired and aided, just as each aspect of
this triad - and the triad of the triad - is but one aspect, one living function, of the living sinister being
which is now the ONA.
Thus, perhaps more than a few individuals will understand and appreciate one reason why the Order of
Nine Angles was and is called what it is: for it is, in essence, a living ordered (acausal) being - a causal
order or biological "hierarchy"; an organic order(ing) - which has nine distinct aspects, or "angles" or
"perspectives" or "causal lives/functions", to it when such a being is manifest (presenced, and perceived)
through our causal Space and in our causal Time, and according to our rather limited causal perspective
and causal way of thinking.
Anton Long
Order of Nine Angles
120 Year of Fayen
Over the past decade several mundanes – suffering from what we call The Charlatan-Ego Syndrome [1] –
have spread the rumor, by means of the Internet, that they have “taken over the ONA”/are the new leader
of the ONA/”own the ONA”/”are the real ONA”/have purged the ONA of undesirable elements (or
doctrines)/ and so on ad nauseam.
These charlatans, these frauds, are very easily exposed, for several reasons:
(1) They cannot answer any of the ten questions [2] designed to test the esoteric knowledge of
genuine ONA Adepts, and which answers to such questions ONA Adepts know by virtue of aural
transmission. That is, ONA Adepts – those who have reached the stage of Internal Adept (or beyond)
on the Seven-Fold Way – have acquired this knowledge personally from another ONA Adept.
Quite often, the charlatans, the frauds – unable to answer such questions – then stupidly claim that
“the questions are meaningless” in a vain attempt to hide their ignorance.
(2) Academic researchers in fields such as Esotericism know the identity of the person who does
lead, or those who (more appropriately these days) do have the most influence within, the ONA and
so know such claims to be bogus.
(3) The majority of ONA nexions do not have, and do not desire, an Internet presence, and form
extended families known to each personally and who generally live in the same locality. All of the
Drecc/Niner nexions (or groups/gangs) are fiercely territorial and trust only their pledged brothers
and sisters or the other kindred Dreccs/Niners they know personally, face to face. Thus these
nexions are impervious to and dismissive of such fraudulent claims.
Most of the more traditional nexions (those following the Seven Fold Way) are in personal contact
with either the founder of the ONA or with someone from the Inner ONA [3] – the OG – and thus
are also impervious to and dismissive of such fraudulent claims.
(4) These charlatans, these frauds, have no documented sinister history – of practical sinister deeds
done, in real life. All they have is them boasting about themselves via the medium of the Internet,
usually on blogs, websites, or forums they have set up themselves, or on other forums which they
(5) These charlatans, these frauds, are almost always far less than fifty years in age. Given that it
takes at least twenty-five years for someone (an adult) following the living tradition, the sinister
way, of the ONA to achieve the grade of GrandMaster/LadyMaster/Magus, their claim is obviously as
ridiculous as they themselves are.
(6) These charlatans, these frauds, have not undertaken the three basic ONA tasks [4] the successful
completion of which would mark then as ONA Adepts. Had they done so, they would already be
known to an existing traditional ONA nexion and thus to the ONA OG. Without exception, these
frauds are unknown to us.
(7) These pretenders are invariably male, and – by virtue of suffering from The Charlatan Syndrome
– not only posturing egotists but also almost always ill-mannered and misogynist, blissfully unaware
in their ignorance that (a) a large number of ONA nexions are run by women; (b) the ONA has
always had many Sapphic nexions; (c) of all LHP/Satanic groups, the ONA has the largest percentage
of women; (d) there is a muliebral thread which binds traditional ONA nexions together, and which
muliebral presencing forms one of the foundations of the living ONA tradition.
Thus, by their very attitudes, their behavior, their appearance (such as, in one instance, being grossly
overweight), their macho posturing (such as, in another instance, a shaved head and goatee beard in
imitation of LaVey the Magian), their lack of knowledge of this muliebral presencing and its importance,
the fact they are unknown to our Sapphic groups and do not possess the faculty of empathy (let alone
manners), they reveal themselves as utter frauds.
Hence, given all the above, it is easy to spot such fakes, such charlatans, such pretenders.
Furthermore, one fatal mistake made by these charlatans, these frauds, is that they also suffer from the
‘Mister Wise Internet Syndrome’ and thus delude themselves about the importance and relevance of the
However, for genuine esoteric seekers – either of what is known as the LHP or the RHP – the Internet is
irrelevant, even as a source of genuine, reliable, esoteric knowledge. A genuine esoteric tradition is still
taught aurally, person to person.
Also, as Anton Long has said: “Genuine esoteric wisdom arises from a reflexion born from personal,
direct, practical experience: from an alchemical symbiosis; from that acausal growth that arises slowly
over causal time.”
That is, it is personal practical experience over many years which brings esoteric knowledge – a learning
from our own pathei-mathos. This learning cannot be rushed.
Thus, it does not even matter if these frauds set up fake websites or blogs or forums using the ONA name.
For they do not realize in their mundaneness that if anyone is fooled by such Order of Nine Angles name
scams, then it just shows those people for the fools, the mundanes, they are, and that by setting up such
fake sites, blogs, or forums, they are only attracting mundanes, boosting their own delusions, and doing us
a favor; as they also are if they manage to attract a few sycophantic followers by their use of the ONA
For the hard reality is that such frauds and their scams are irrelevant. Ephemeral. We are, we have been,
we shall be – through the centuries. A growing extended family, teaching as we have taught, person to
person. While they, with their few sycophantic followers (if any), and their fraud and their Internet scams,
will fade away into obscurity after a few months or a few years. Or they will continue to preen and
posture in front of their mirrors, deluding themselves about their ‘powers’ and their importance, while the
genuine esoteric seekers get on with the slow hard business of learning from direct, practical, experience –
sans boasting about it and themselves via a medium such as the Internet.
Sinister Moon
Order of Nine Angles
122 Year of Fayen
[1] This mundane affliction is similar in pathology to The Charlatan Syndrome (see below), save for the
fact that the mundane suffering from The Charlatan-Ego Syndrome makes the additional claim – and/or
has the additional deluded belief – that they are the leader of the ONA or have taken it over or have
‘reformed’ it or ‘are the real ONA’ or now ‘own the ONA’, and/or are influencing the ONA and ONA
people by their ‘magic(k)’.
They also have an urge, which they cannot control, to make these grandiose egotistical claims public –
almost always via the medium of the Internet.
The Charlatan Syndrome is when a person, a mundane, confers on themselves some grand-sounding title
in a silly attempt to “prove” their credentials and their esoteric knowledge. Such spurious, publicly
claimed titles, have included, in the past, Magister, Grand Magister, Ipsissimus, Adept, and claims such as
being High Priest (of the Wibbly-Wobbly People, or High Priest of DarkLord Butt-Face, ancient deity of
the ancient people of the Amorous Empire, or whatever, and so on.)
Sometimes, the pathology is so advanced that an individual claims to be the “true representative of Satan
(or The Prince of Darkness)” duly appointed after some ritual or some mumbo-jumbo where Satan/The
Prince of Darkness appeared to them and/or spoke to them and gave them a “mandate”.
[ The above descriptions are taken from an article by PointyHat - Some Common Fallacies and Mundane
Syndromes About or Concerning The ONA. ]
1) What is the meaning and the correct uses [plural] of the term Fayen?
3) What is the reason that Petriochor is used in the Rite of Afsana, and what is this Rite?
5) How do the Nine Angles relate to Azal, Dhar and Zamal, and what Earth-bound (causal) form
(structure/construct) is used to symbolize this?
6) What symbolic structure/construct is beyond the (advanced) form that is The Star Game?
7) How does the causal phenomena perceived in the causal as “gravity” relate to a specific type of
acausal energy, and what has this to do with the Dark Gods mythos and the nexion that is the planet
8.) What is the esoteric name of the acausal entity that has the common exoteric name Satan?
9) What manuscript, other than Al-Kitab Al-Alfak, is a source for the nine emanations?
10) Where and when was Al-Kitab Al-Alfak written and what name appears on the title page?
As has been pointed out in several ONA texts: ” These answers (with one partial japed/boobytrapped
exception) cannot be found by searching the Internet or in published books and MSS, and are revealed
aurally on an individual basis, and when required and/or when necessary, by the ONA Adept/Master
/LadyMaster guiding the genuine LHP seeker/Dark Sorcerer/Sorceress.”
[3] The Inner ONA consists of ONA people recruited from traditional nexions who have achieved the
Grade of Internal Adept and also accomplished some specialized tasks.
1) Undertaking the basic minimum physical challenges – which for men are (a) walking thirty-two miles,
in hilly terrain, in under seven hours while carrying a pack weighing at least 30 lbs; (b) running twenty-six
miles in four hours; (c) cycling two hundred or more miles in twelve hours. For women, the minimum
acceptable standards are: (a) walking twenty-seven miles in under seven hours while carrying a pack
weighing at least 15 lbs. (b) running twenty-six miles in four and a half hours; (c) cycling one hundred and
seventy miles in twelve hours.
2) Undertaking the Grade Ritual of External Adept, and then the basic Grade Ritual of Internal Adept (at
least three months living in the wilderness alone).
3) Performing, with a congregation and with cantors trained in esoteric Chant, The Ceremony of Recalling
with opfer ending.
Known scams & pretenders: Tom Raspotnik aka Grand Magister Blackwood & Derrick Dashaw aka
Venger Satanis. Both claim to be the "leader" of the ONA. Both have been ridiculed and laughed at by the
Since at least 2005 a fat fuck named Tom Raspotnik aka Grand Tummy Blackwood has been prancing
online claiming to have gone to New York to meet with the inner circle of the Order of Nine Angles to be
given leadership of it. Or the other story - several of many - goes that he [Bitchwood] helped create the
ONA. Whatever the make believe back story goes, the dumbfuck since 2005 claimed to be its leader
In a written statement he made today, Tummy Tom admitted in writing that his claims were all lies, as the
snap shot shows:
The source of the snapshot can be read in full over at his site: which he did not give
a title to. The semi-literate work in question opens up with the statement: "Welcome To The End." I got all
excited thinking Blackwood was leaving and calling it quits lol. Guess not. Or you can click on the
following picture and enlarge it to read the whole semi-literate rant: (note in the PDF the picture will not
enlarge. Go to:
Basically what the fatass said is that because he assumed the ONA was "defunct," - as in AL/DM left it
according to his past statements - he simply "took it over" pretending to be its new leader. But just as soon
as he made public claims to be the founder or leader of the Order of Nine Angles, ONA people started
coming out and attacking him for such claims. One such ONA person is an Old Guard directly associated
with DM nymmed DarkLogos. Another Old Guard associated with DM who denounced Bitchwood for his
claims was Pointy Hat.
My first Question is: In what way was the ONA "defunct" if people like DarkLogos, Pointy, THEM, a
whole host of ONA initiates came out to make fun of the fat bitch [Blubberwood]? I mean even Kori
Houghton [yay!] got on his case for making these stupid claims.
My second Question is: In what way was the ONA "defunct?" Because it is ASSUMED that DM left it for
Islam? Even if he left it, did all of his members, associates, and such leave also? No. And besides
assumption and speculation on the part of people with no contact, connection, or knowledge of David
Myatt's personal life: where is the PROOF that he left it? I dare any of you dumbfucks out in cyberspace
to present to me fucking PROOF that DM left ONA. That it wasn't him switching strategy. That it wasn't
in line with the ONA's Sinister Dialectic. Fucking PROOF. Or shut the fuck up.
My third Question is: In what way was ONA "defunct" if it's initiates were all still "there" practicing the
Sinister Way? Anybody who says that ONA is defunct because one man [DM] left it does not understand
ONA's Sinister Way as it was stipulated in plain fucking English in the Black Book of Satan and Naos. It
comes with a Self Initiation ceremony. It comes with every degree/grade of the Seven Fold Way. It states
in plain fucking English that ONA is an individualistic personal endeavour, not a Church to join, with
membership fees. You learn the shit, apply the shit on your own, and slowly work up to Adeptship in
Naos. Do some fucking history on ONA and how it is actually structured.
An associate of ONA said to me a couple years back that for as long as he has been involved with the
ONA he has always noticed that 2 core people are always at the "helm" of the ONA. I came into the ONA
too early to fully understand what he was saying back then. But it's true. In the beginning you had DM
and CB [RM]. Then you had AL and CB. Then Thornian come out of nowhere for a time, running the
show. Which one of you smartasses in cyberland knows who was behind V. Thornian? Then you had Ryan
of the Temple of THEM and DarkLogos run the show for a while. And then now, your have WSA as one
of two "people" running the show. Which one of you cyberfucks can name me the mysterious Other
person? At no time was the ONA started and founded by David Myatt without its "helmsmen." Even if the
"Boss" took a break, he's still behind the scene. How do you dumbfucks with NO fucking real personal
connection in anyway to the Man [DM] act like your speculations and assumptions which you get from
reading shit online is infallible fact? And yet - and yet - none of you mundane fucks have ever provided
proof of your assertions.
All you have are assertions. Emotionalized assertions. "He's left for Islam," you assert. Yeah he did.
Which school of Islam smartass? Do some fucking research. The school of Islam he was running with has
virtually the same goals as NS, C18, and ONA: destroy Nation-States and set up a Caliphate, Reich,
Imperium. Plus he was supporting the Jihadist subculture of Islam, which shares the SAME god damn
enemies as the other groups he ran with or founded. For fuck's sake.
And what was DM actually doing besides run with Islam? he was trying to create a hybrid school of Islam
mixed with his Numinous Way philosophy. After his break into Islam, you see Anton Long start writing
new ONA MSS mixed with The Numinous Way philosophy. The funny thing is that a year or two before
DM publicly stated that he left Islam, DarkLogos had already told some of us in private conversations that
he had quietly gone back to his Numinous Way. I have the emails to prove it. So when in private he had
already made the move back to his own Numinous Way and many of us knew about this return, you
dumbfuck cyberdummies kept on asserting in your forum posts and youtube videos that he was a Muslim
as if you had any real personal knowledge of the Man beyond cyber chatter. And fucking tell me how
fucking long it took your mundane asses to learn that he left Islam and returned to his Numinous Way?
YEARS! I counted the time it takes data to travel from a close association of people somehow connected
to the Man to reach the dumbfuck general cyberpublic. It took 3 fucking years, and not all of you are up
to date even yet! That's how fucking stupid you people are. You read shit online, and go off on these
speculations and you force and assert your speculations as fact. When you got shit.
The ONA was only "defunct" to you dumbfucks because of your own speculations based on cyberchatter.
Read that line twice dummies. You never during your infallible speculations bothered to ask any initiate of
the ONA if ONA was defunct or if the "Boss" was actually gone.
ONA does not work like the church of satan or temple of set. It's not a structured organization recognized
by some IRS with membership, a membership list and stuff. You get a hold of the foundation of the ONA:
its core books. You yourself initiate yourself. You yourself work on going up the degrees or grades of the
Seven Fold Sinister Way. You yourself puts together your own temple, nexion, group, clan, sinister tribe.
You yourself seek out other ONA initiates and nexions to ally yourself with and share information. That's
what the ONA was in 1972 and that is what it is right now. The only difference is that back in 1972 you
had a small group of close friends numbering around 12 isolated in Camlad and Shropshire practicing the
Sinister Tradition. And now that Tradition had gradually spread via snail around the world mail during the
80-90's & digital media during the 2000-2010.
There is no head quarters for you to go to to get a fucking memberlist. What exist are the groups of people
who have been into ONA longer than others. Some like the Old Guards have been into it since the 70's
and 80's. There are people in ONA who got into ONA during the 90's and 2000's and they have the
original spiral bound ONA books and MSS to prove it which they got via snail mail. Have you dumbfucks
ever once bothered to ask any of those people if their ONA was defunct? No. And you still don't bother
asking. You simply go on making unfounded empty assumptions and you have nothing to prove those
assumptions but your own speculative assertions. And you dumbfuck know very well you huff and puff up
a storm when it comes to asserting that ONA is defunct and dead. You want ONA dead bad don't you. You
stupids beg for it to go away. It never went anywhere. It's been here for 40 years. It's survived the test of
time, and it's jumped the generation gap.
Although you stupids beg, bitch, and wish it to go away, ONA is important to you dumbfucks. It gives you
meaning in your cyberreality, to be able to talk about it, hate it, speculate about it, steal from it, attack it,
dismiss it, troll it, etc. It's like a capitalist in America during the Cold War saying: "Oh those Commies
don't effect or influence us no bit," but yet you and your whole country was consumed by it, preoccupied
with it, obsessed over it; just like you dumbfuck mundanes satanists and luciferians are with ONA. Yet
who do you come to for your new insights? ONA. I know, I have read everyone of your forum posts for
the past 3 fucking years. I can point out specific people and groups who have read this blog and have pick
up memes from here and graphed memes from here into your Luciferianism, into your own spin and twist
of modern Satanism. You wish ONA was dead, just like Blackwood did. And you talk about it. You beef
over it. You make assertions about it. Some of the more successful among you put ONA affiliation in your
"resume" as a something you were associated with in the past. Others of you claim to be its leader, owner,
grandmaster. What is telling is I don't hear any of you dumb bitches do the same with the many other dead
satanic organizations out there huh. Don't tell me you can't name 3 dead satanic organizations. You know
there are quite a few of them. But you only leg hump ONA.
You're all bitches riding ONA dick. Remember that shit next time you come here reading or read another
ONA MSS. You ain't just bitches either. The whole lot of you are fucking skanky hoes. You come here
riding and sucking ONA, take what memes you like and talk shit about ONA after, only to come back for
more. Cuz you skank bitches lack something called creativity, originality, insight, and wits. You need ONA
to give that shit to you. Remember that shit next time you come digging thru my blog. Cuz you know ONA
gives it to your skanky ass like no other institution can. You don't dry hump the Church of Satan, Temple
of Set, whatever shit else is out there. You come right here and to other ONA sites for your fix and
insights. You're inspired and influenced by ONA and DM, yet you talk shit about ONA and The Man, like
you don't need either. And you come back for more. Fuck you. You wish you owned ONA. You wish you
were its leader. As long as ONA is in your mind like that where you think of it, fake it, pretend to be its
leader, take from it, do third party talk about it: ONA is in your Minds inspiring and influencing you. And
as long as ONA is in your Mind influencing you, and not no other institution, I wouldn't have it any other
way. Trust me. You skanks make my job easier. But fuck you very much nonetheless. Here's a topical song
I dedicate to all of you mundane satanists [/rant]:
Chloe 352
123 yfayen
This bitch Vaginer Satanis says he has the support of many ONA people. He doesn't even know any except
the ones that troll his site. This guy is a joke. Another victim of ONA MindFuck. There are many these
days. he knows next to nothing about ONA. The idea that he can just make a decree on a website to be
"leader" without ever going thru the Sevenfold Way, or having actual connection to Anton Long or any
known OG is pathetic. Blackwood did this for 5 years. Many have. All have failed. ONA still belongs to
Anton Long because there is no ONA. AL is the ONA.
Dummies Galore
Shugz here. I must have gotten banned like 12 times for trolling three sites in 2 days. You're not a Troo
Troll unless you are trolling at least 2 sites at the same time lol.
The first site was this new network for Satanists where their motto was "A placed for the circumcised." It
was bizarrely a purple and pink colored site. I thought that was fun. I had two troll profiles there. All these
teletubbies, Scooby do, one Care Bear, a Gremlin ((Mogwai), was there to, with several Stantons.
I think the Satanic Populous deemed that site to be the worsted Satanic site ever to find its way online. It
will go down in a month since it was a ning one month freebee site.
So for the rest of the month the Cult of Cthulhu can raise their green heads up high and be proud for once
in knowing that for one month, they won't be the laughing stock of Satanism haha. Fuckin Venger &
Cora'Sahn aka Sara Palin lol.
Here's a picture of the fucking nut case... actually the picture reveals a lack of nuts:
What a fucking weird dynamic-duo. You have this bald guy with the charisma of a kitchen mop who poses
in his superman undies, and a cubby grown lady who really hoola hoops for satan. She tells us she has
hoola hooped naked. And these two clowns run a religion called their "Quantum Religion," which is
actually just a website. What the hell is a "Quantum Religion?"
The funny thing about these cocfags - what a member of the COC is actually called - are hella stupid. I've
been trolling them under nyms like "Prime Suspeck," "Octocunt," "Perris Hilton," and "Zzygzzag." By the
way I use Perris Hilton almost exclusively to troll Yahoo News comment threads. This is funny, let me side
step for a moment.
I read Yahoo News everyday, and I have this running troll joke where I make comments about the new
article but always beginning with a "My Pastor Said..." and then I try to comment on the thread in a way
that I think the most insane Christian Tea Bagger would say. The game is to try and get as many red
thumbs down as possible. This one time I said something as Perris Hilton so bad I got 122 red thumbs
down haha. But the amusing part is reading all of the comments random people leave behind. Often the
response is "fuck you and your pastor." Or "OMG what church do you go to, your pastor sounds insane."
They'll be these people in the comments who will really bite the bait and and attack "Perris Hilton" and
her Pastor. And then there would others who tell the fanatics, "Wait guys, look at her name Perris Hilton, I
think she's a troll! Stop commenting!"
I was thinking about making a Tumblr to post my photocopied "My Pastor Said..." troll comments to share
the humour, but nah, maybe others aren't interested. This one time on Yahoo News I read something that
actually interested me and unknowingly came out of character to write a real comment as Perris Hilton.
Then all of a sudden there were 10-12 people who commented back: "OMG what the fuck happened to
Perris Hilton, she's not stupid." Just had to bee there I guess. Cuz that's how we trolls roll bitch.
So I was trolling the Cult of Cthulhu fags under various nyms mildly at first teaching about memehooks.
When the leader of the Cult of Cthulhu, who has the Cthulian name of "Venger Dumb'Ass Satanis," for
some odd reason decided to give me ((SugaCubez)) an honourary title in the COC as "Knight/ess of the
Chatroulette," not knowing that this very same person he was honouring was actually trolling his site. My
proud title:
Funny thing is with full honours and titles, I was busy trolling and getting banned and trolling Venger and
his dumb COC site for a good 3 months haha.
But then the bizarre side of Venger's cocfags starts to reveal itself. Because when everybody in that
retarded site trashes me for being a troll, I openly tell everybody that I am Shugz, and that Venger
honoured a troll and not them.
The bizarre thing is to the common cocfags there this doesn't register in their minds. They just don't get
how that they suck Venger's dick and not get recognized, but that a troll can.
What's more bizarre is that Venger's chubby side kick Sin Jones thinks she knows me and says that my
troll profile is not the real Shugz. As if the bitch knew me. I have never interacted with her to the extent
where she would even know me to believe who I was or wasn't. With her I just made a few posts for the
bitch to read and deleted my profile to come back as a troll. She even spells my primary nym wrong.
Even more bizarre is that I told Venger Dumb'Ass Satanis who I was and he didn''t believe me. He insisted
that he knew the real "SugarCubz" ((who the fuck is that?)) so I went and wrote something over at our
Tumblr to show him that the troll trolling his site and the person he honoured with special titles were
indeed the same person. And he still refused to believe. So I even go so far as to email the dumb bitch
with the my actual SugaCubez gmail - which I used in the past to email him BEFORE as me ((Shugz)) -
and this fucking snot for brains lunatic tells me that he doesn't believe that I am me. As if he knew who I
was to begin with.
How can I be a friend when I not only spend most of my time trolling you Vagina Satanis, but when I also
wrote about you in a negative way over at our Tumblr???
This guy is a fucking moron and a half. He prophesied that Satanism will Unite under his COC, and for a
while he was pushing his idea of LHP Unification. Instaed of doing that he managed to get most of the
LHP intelligent Satanists to distance themselves away from him and treat him like a leprous clown. Right
now Derrick Dashaw aka Venger Dumb'Ass Satanis is an even bigger joke in the Satanic Subculture than
Grand Magister Blackwood. For reals.
Fucking retard. His whole religion is a short-bus load of special olympics athletes. His number two side
kick Cora'Sahn is fraking dumb. She's got one of those fat ass personalities where she'll contradict herself
and twist words around to always cover her big hoola hooping ass. She's also the type that tries really hard
to be the class know-it-all. She knows everything.
And Dummy Venger knows nothing. This guy has to plagiarize Wikipedia entirely verbitim to write his
CoCBible. And this guy wants to infiltrate the ONA and be ONA's new leader. As if an ONA exists in a
coherent structure for him to take over and be leader of in the first place. My god.
Anyways, Venger, your a dumb fuck. Cora'Sahn, step away from the computer girl and do some jogging.
Get some exercise. Hoola hooping isn't going to take that weight off.
You know she was saying in the cocfag network how she had spent 2 years "building" bridges. And I
commented, back saying, well I think those two years of bridge building were in your head because those
2 years didn't help your physique. And she says back, proof its! Shit bitch, just look at your video? Your
fat. I told her too, "Go look at your video for proof." And this crazy lady says to me, "And?" AND... I
thought we were communicating, I said those two years did not help your physique. You said prove it. I
said look at your videos, cuz you're fat. That is the proof?
If you are a troll and you want to be respected and even honoured by the messiah of Satanism, go troll the
cocfag network.
Not only is Venger a self proclaimed messiah and ipissimus; but he is also a wannabe David Myatt. He's
starting to use the term "Sinister Way," and "Dark Gods," and a month ago he even declared a "Jihad" on
Modern Satanism. he denies this, but being that I have been in his old forum for over 2 years, I know he
leg humps the hell out of the ONA.
He needs to fool himself into thinking that there are people "out there" who are friends of his Cult of
Cthulhu to feel as thoe his religion is significant. Which is why he name drops and tried to associate his
COC with other groups. Dude, get your COC off of the ONA, go rub that shit else where, like
Blackwood's organization.
This retard is impotent and has no real handle on his own power of his own Cult. he tries to make all these
decrees and official religious doctrines. And then his dumb side kick Sarah Palin ends up saying that
nothing Venger says is standard and that they are his personal opinions. It's completely incoherent.
And plus he's got the marketing skills of a 7th grader. He's been pushing his COC for 7 years and all that
he has to show for it is a freebee site with 5 active user! And he admits that he only has 5 active users.
Sure he's got books on lulu, but his ideas and memes don't jump the pages and influences anybody. I've
never run into anybody outside of his forum who is a Cthulhu Cultist with his ideas in their head? If he
stopped pushing and selling his crap, his venue would die.
I've met people randomly in the Satanic Subculture who now describe themselves as Postmodern
Satanists, after Jason King's opus of the same name. Which I recommend. JK is doesn't have to do shit.
His ideas and memeplex sells itself and proves itself to his receptive market... those few that actually
understand the register of English he uses in the book.
But this guy Venger is a fool. I even tried to share a few things with him about marketing and meme, and
the guy doesn't understand shit. When I say memes, the fool and his chubby side kick thinks 4chan.
That's not what I mean you dumb retard. I hate people not on the level with me. I hate repeating myself,
and I hate babytalking to dumb fucks. Grow a fucking brain. Get an extra frontal lobe. Go to school. Read
a real book instead of a necronomicon bitch.
I'm not the smartest and most educated bitch on the block, but if you don't understand what I'm trying to
say and share than damn, you stupid.
I hate stupid people. Worse, I hate people who don't have the ability to learn, from others and from their
own casual fruits. Venger has been incompetently pushing his cult for 7 years, and he still has not come to
realize that he just might be doing something wrong.
This guy has got to be the dumbest fool I have ever met in my entire life. he gives me a honourary title; I
troll the shit out of him and tell him who I am, and he refuses to believe who. All the while his cocfags
treat me like a troll in their smart ass ways. I've got more brain under in my bellybutton then you cocfag.
And I tell them that Venger gave me a title and not them, and their like, "Derrr what?"
By the way, my nym is not SugarCubz. It's SugaCubez. As in acid laced sugarcubes, because when I put
my mind to it, I can at times fuck your mind up... sometime. Which is where the nym comes from.
Those two COC-Duet wanna think and act like they know the "real" me, when they can't even get my
nym right haha. And the funny part is miss Piggy Jones thinks she's smart like she knows who the real
Shugz is and like I'm dumb and don't know myself haha. Fucking dummies. Drrr.
I feel like Jesus. You know how Jesus has all these people who believe in him on the earth who are waiting
for him to come back. When Jesus comes back, nobody is going to believe he is Jesus. Like how I have
two fools believe in me that when I troll their site, they can't get themselves to unbelieve.
These cocfags say that belief is reality. It is the other way around. Reality or what we assume to be real
gives rise to our beliefs. Before you can believe in a god, you must first allow for the existence of a god to
be in your reality.
Therefore, belief is not reality... Belief is a Reflection, of what you think is Real. Thus, if your beliefs are
delusional, you exist in or interpret the world in a delusional manner.
Venger and Ms. Piggy Jone having a delusional belief in me to the point where they don't even believe I
am me when they are "in font" of me reveals their delusional state of mind and hints at what kind of
reality they think they live in... this plus the actual delusional crap Cocfagism believes in.
The ONA also has 5 Landmarks or Five Pillars which defines the psychological territory of ONA Proper.
These are called the Core ONA Traditions. The Original and Genuine Order of Nine Angles is founded on
these 5 Core Principles:
The core ONA traditions are also known as The Five Core ONA Principles, and these are basic
principles/traditions on which the Order of Nine Angles is based and which may thus serve to distinguish
us, exoterically, from all other esoteric/LHP/Satanic/sinister groups.
These basic ONA traditions are: (1) the way of practical deeds; (2) the way of culling; (3) the way of
kindred honour; (4) the way of defiance of and practical opposition to Magian abstractions; (5) the way of
the Rounwytha tradition.
Practical Deeds
The principle that it is practical deeds which breed our kind, and which thus are necessary and required.
Practical deeds undertaken in real life and which deeds express our sinister ethos: that is, they are exeatic,
they challenge, they test, they are hard and difficult, they are amoral, they are heretical, and they are
dangerous. One such practical deed undertaken by our kind – or by those desirous of becoming one of us
– is culling.
For us, such deeds come before words and before any theory – even before our own kind of esoteric
The principle that culling – of mundanes – is natural, and also necessary for our kind, both in personal and
in Aeonic terms. To cull is to test one’s self and to gain some necessary sinister pathei-mathos.
Exoterically, culling is our esoteric badge of sinister-honour, and marks us – internally, to ourselves, and
externally, to those of our kindred whom we personally know and trust. Thus, such a blooding-in is a
condition of joining us – as Drecc, or as a Niner, or as a pledged member of a traditional nexion.
One either culls or one reveals an inner weakness, a cowardice: a refusal to be sinister in real life. If one
culls and succeeds, then one has shown the cunning, the skills, the character, that make and mark our
kind. If one culls and fails – and so, for example, gets caught by some mundane ‘authority’ and so
becomes confined – then one has failed, and one can either accept that failure (and forever remain
mundane), or use that failure as a learning experience and thus as another opportunity, for instance to
make a name for one’s self in some place of mundane confinement and/or recruit there and blood-in
others there and so establish there a nexion of our sinister kind, to the detriment of mundane ‘authority’,
and as a new presencing of our Sinister Code.
As mentioned elsewhere, culling is of two kinds – the individual and the collective.
The individual is when a specific individual is removed because of specific deed or deeds done, with
their rotten character so revealed. The collective is when a specific method – such as combat,
insurrection, revolution – is being used either by one of us as a causal form or within a rôle, or by a
nexion (or collocation of nexions) as a means or tactic to implement Aeonic strategy, and which
collective type of culling does not target specific, named, individuals, but rather ‘the sworn enemy’
any of whom are deemed acceptable targets.
Thus, individual culling involves giving the potential opfer a sporting chance by testing them according to
our well-established guidelines for the testing of opfers; while collective culling does not require such
guidelines, only that the target(s) belong to or are part of the group designated as sworn enemies, it being
for individual nexions, or a gang of Dreccs/Niners, to decide for themselves as to who and what are their
sworn enemies, it being understood that such nexions, such Dreccs and Niners, are by their very nature at
war with mundanes and with the Magian System, exemplified as this System is by the modern nation-State
with its laws, its so-called Courts of Law and its Police and armed forces.
Kindred Honour
The principle that our kind are distinguished by their behaviour toward each other and by their behaviour
toward mundanes.
Our behaviour toward our own kind is guided by our Law of Kindred Honour (aka The Law of the
Sinister-Numen aka The Dreccian Code aka The Sinister Code). Our behaviour toward mundanes is
guided by our understanding of them (and their wealth and property) as a useful resource and as useful
subjects for whatever causal form(s) we may employ to achieve our esoteric, Aeonic, aims and goals.
Thus, we have respect for our own kind, and only our own kind – with such trust being earned, and with
our kind known to us by their practical deeds, by their behaviour, not by their words, written or spoken.
Thus, we regard mundanes as useful and often necessary since they are the ones who make our chosen
causal forms work when we undertake works of Aeonic sorcery or when we desire, by means of some
causal form or forms, to exeatically enhance our own causal existence and/or learn from sinister pathei-
mathos. In this sense, mundanes are or can be useful nexions whose (acausal) energies (life-force) we
direct and use for our own purposes and/or to achieve our aims and goals and/or those of the ONA.
Hence, if we use a political form or some religious causal form – for whatever reason – then mundanes are
required, necessary, to presence that form in the real world: to achieve the goals set/defined by such a
form with such mundanes adhering to or believing in such a causal form and of course being expendable.
The principle that our kind not only know Magian abstractions for tyranny that they are, but also are
pledged by practical means to subvert, undermine, overthrow, and destroy The System based on these
abstractions and replace it with our own ways of living based on our tribes and our Law of Kindred
The System (and thus the Magian ethos) is manifest in a practical way – exoterically – in the tyranny of
the modern nation-State, with its abstract laws, its politics, its consumer-capitalism, its dishonourable
impersonal so-called ‘justice’; in the vulgar mass ‘culture’ that has replaced living ancestral traditions
based on aural pathei-mathos, and in subservience to dogma, ideas, ideology, ‘qualifications’ and spiel,
over and above practical experience and a learning from such individual experience.
The System (and thus the Magian ethos) in manifest in terms of psyche and archetypes in the religions of
Nasrany, Islam, and Judaism, in the Magian Occultism propagated by the likes of Crowley, the CoS, the
ToS, and others, and in modern myths such as that of ‘democracy’ and that of holocaustianity, both of
which myths have now become akin to official religions for Homo Hubris sponsored by all modern
Western nation-States.
Among our practical means to subvert, undermine, overthrow, and destroy The System are our Dreccs,
our Niners, our Balobians, and our gangs. Among our esoteric means are our traditional nexions and their
Aeonic sorcery, and which sorcery includes the use/manipulation of specific causal forms, including some
forms which may seem to be, exoterically and by mundanes, a part of The System.
Thus, our kind (1) are known by their practical ways of living (based on tribes and our Dreccian law and
justice) and which ways are harbingers of our New Aeon and which ways by their very nature oppose the
Magian and The System (even though this opposition may never be overtly stated); and/or (2) are known
by their overt practical esoteric and exoteric opposition to all causal abstractions and thus by their
emphasis on the five core ONA traditions.
Rounwytha Tradition
The Rounwytha tradition is also known as The Way of the Rounwytha. This is the muliebral tradition or
principle which forms the basis for the inner (esoteric) Way of the ONA and which thus is one of the core
principles on which the ONA is based.
In practical terms, and exoterically, this principle means: (1) a recognition of the need to extend one’s
faculties by cultivating, developing and using esoteric empathy (aka Dark-Empathy), and (2) the
understanding that our Dreccian Code applies without fear or favour – equally, without distinction – to
men and women of our kind, and that our kind are judged solely by their deeds and by how well they
uphold kindred honour, and not by gender, sexual preference, or by any other Old Aeon categorization or
prejudice. Thus this principle means, for instance, that the Vindex of ONA tradition can be either a male
or a female warrior.
Esoterically, this tradition/principle is expressed in the archetype of The Lady Master and in the acausal
form (the acausal entity) Baphomet, The Dark Goddess of ONA esoteric tradition to whom human
sacrifices were and are offered.
Furthermore, to cultivate, develope, and use the faculty of esoteric empathy is a Dark Art – and this
particular Dark Art can be cultivated and developed in two ways, one exoteric, and one esoteric.
Exoterically, by those of our kind who seek to or who have the character (the wyrd) to live a practical
sinister life as, for instance, a Drecc, a Niner and who thus express the Rounwytha tradition by their very
practical way of tribal living in accord with our Sinister Code. That is, it is this style or way of living
which, over years, develops this faculty as a successful response to the challenges inherent in such a tribal
living and inherent in such a practical, years-long, implementation of Kindred Honour.
Esoterically, as part of the life-long commitment of those of our kind who have chosen to follow (who
have the character, the wyrd to follow) the inner (the esoteric) way of individual training to Adept and
beyond, and who thus undertake at the very least the basic Grade Ritual of Internal Adept.
As a Dark Art, the skills so developed enhance our character and our living in practical ways and in a
manner consistent with our unique and individual wyrd, as well as, for example, giving us advantages over
mundanes and the ability if and when required to use/manipulate mundanes.
Anton Long
Order of Nine Angles
122 Year of Fayen
The Original & Genuine ONA was, is, and will always be founded upon the work and principles of the
Sinister Dialectic which is explained and quoted in full in the following article:
I actually just wanted to write Anything before the holiday season rolls in. I'll be out in the real world with
my family duties and celebrating well into the new years from here. It might be a month or two before I
get a chance or wave of inspiration to write again. I just wanted to restate a few things in different ways,
so I can put the cool new date of 123 yf on something. Think about it for a moment: the next time in
ONA's history those numbers will be in that order again is 1123 yf and 1230 yf. Makes me wonder what
everything “out there” will be like 1000 years from now? Wyrd.
The Order of Nine Angles was founded in 1972 which was the date the first ONA 'Manuscript' was written
by DM, who later adopted the pen name “Anton Long.” The pen name has its origins in the name of a
river named Anton, which was actually a short one, if I remember the story right. DM publicly denies
being ever associated with the ONA for his own reasons. But If you look around hard enough, you'll find
certain items of “interest.” For example the Temple of THEM sometimes puts old [pre-internet] ONA
booklets up on eBay which is signed [an actual signature] off "David Myatt," and not “Anton Long.”
Then there are the several old photo copies of ONA ads placed in certain zines and magazines concerning
ONA booklets which have the name David Myatt on them and not “Anton Long.”
Whenever an associate of the ONA passes these items to me, I help the glamour by kindly asking them to
not make these items of interest too available to the public. Personally it is my desire to gradually separate
the actual person of David Myatt from “Anton Long.” I've spoken about this idea with a few other
associates. The idea is based on the factor of Time and what inevitably comes to us all in Time. Whatever
people will think of the idea, I'll probably just do it myself over time.
DM is a real person, and so given enough Time, he will pass on to his 7th Degree in the Seven Fold Way. If
an ONA is too heavily dependent on a single mind – such as DM – for all of its input, memes, and insights,
DM's inevitable passing may threaten the longevity of the ONA. Not many personality cults survives the
death of its personality. Let's watch North Korea and see what happens! I heard from Yahoo news that
what's his name passed away.
I propose two methods for circumventing this possible threat. The first is to continue to encourage the
Open Source nature of the ONA: it being a Peer Group meta-organism. The Scientific Community is my
personal model. Science has no “leaders,” or central commanding meme-maker. It is a group of equals –
Peers – working a certain basic Methodology [the scientific method]. Yet science has a way of evolving
over time where new theories replaces out dated theories, and so forth.
The other method I get from studying my own culture. The second method is to slowly over Time, make
“Anton Long” a Cultural meme of the ONA Kulture itself. Meaning that “Anton Long,” over Time,
becomes a 'character' indivisible from the ONA's overall Mythos. Characters of mythos don't die. So a
basic example of a character forever fixed in a living culture would be the Yellow Emperor of China. The
actual person is long dead, but as a character of a people's culture, the Yellow Emperor is a fixture and
aspect of that culture. King Arthur and his knights of the Round Table would be an example of characters
that are fixture of a cultural mythos. Or more closer to the occult industry, Christian Rosencreutz, who is
the mythic founder of the Rosicrucian Order, is a living aspect of that Rosicrucian “occulture*.” [*Note: I
give credit to Kori Houghton for coining that cool term].
This in itself does not “fix” the “threat.” There are other minor issue regarding ONA, that can contribute
to this “threat” due to misunderstandings of just what a “member” of the ONA is exactly. Ultimately as a
person interested in the ONA you have two sources to get your information: 1) The Yapping of know-it-all
The most basic “definition” of what a member of the ONA is was stated by the ONA way back in 1994
ever before the internet was publicly used en masse. So I will quote it here:
[Begin Quote]
Membership of the ONA basically means an individual following the Seven-Fold Way as explicated in the various Order
MSS. Members should understand that they are thus part of an Order which has long-term aims -of centuries and more. By
actively following and using the methods and rites of the Order they are actively aiding those aims.
The rites of the ONA -and the Seven-Fold Way itself -create and/or maintain those sinister energies which the ONA represents
and has accessed. In effect, an Individual, undertaking, for example, a rite from The Black Book of Satan', is aiding those
sinister energies and thus the sinister dialectic. Such rites and the Way itself have been created to do this - that is, they
directly presence the acausal.
Each member of the ONA is thus a nexion to the acausal -they are participating in, by their following of the Way and by the
rites they undertake, the work of evolution: they are making their lives instruments for acausal change. Expressed simply,
they are fulfilling the potential latent within them. They are positively contributing to evolution· they are using their lives to
some purpose.
[End Quote]
It's concise and precise. It's easier to use that Traditional 1994 statement as the foundation of what “membership” in the ONA
means. Sacramentum Sinistrum by the way is [today] a PDF of a xeroxed copy of typed documents written during the early and
late 90's.
Membership in the ONA is basically anybody who somehow chances upon the ONA or ONA material, and of their choice, free
will and accord, chooses to Live the ONA Way. Fundamentally, this Way begins with the Seven-Fold Way.
So, besides the 7 Degrees or Grades of the Seven Fold Way, there are fundamental “MSS” that teaches the new member the
“Kulture” or Way of the ONA. Such old pre-internet booklets are: the Black Book of Satan; Naos; the Hostias; Otonen;
Sacramentum Sinistrum; & the Deofel Quintet. All of the named booklets state in different ways – over and over again – just what
exactly membership in the ONA means. It virtually means anybody interested in the Sinister Tradition of the ONA enough to apply
that Way in their life.
Once you have carefully read each of those named books – especially the Black Book of Satan – you will get or understand
exactly How the ONA was originally constructed or put together. The BBS in plain English will tell the new member/initiate that
the ONA's existence is virtually up to him or her to express and manifest. The BBS give the member a basic outline for how to go
about creating the ONA from scratch. The Traditional Rites are given; the way a Temple/Group – subsidiary of the “ONA” - is
created, recruitment, meetings is also outlined in plain English.
If you have carefully read the BBS, then you should understand that the ONA cannot “die” out as a memplex. It was constructed
from the very beginning to recreate itself via what DM calls “nexions” which means the individual member or initiate and also
the group such individual member may establish.
Besides those Core booklets, the ONA member has a huge corpus of documents and “manuscripts” to learn more about the ONA
from. Anton Long over the 40 years or so has continuously produced about 5000 pages worth of philosophically inclined
“extracurricular” material to give blood to the meat and bone of the ONA. The most important of these documents – from my
point of understanding at least – is the Sinister Dialectic, which is another classic pre-internet ONA document. It is worth quoting
in full since not many insiders or outsiders seem to pay much careful attention to what the document actually says, suggests, and
[Begin Quote]
The sinister dialectic (often called the sinister dialectic of history) is the name given to Satanlc strategy - that is, (a) the use of
Black Magick to change individuals/events on a significant scale; (b) to gain control and influence; and (c) the use of Satanic
forms (individuals/influence etc.) to produce/provoke changes.
This strategy, and the tactics involved to achieve it, is esoteric - and its learning forms an important part of noviciate training.
Satanic strategy has its ground or foundation in Aeonics - Aeonics providing a means of rationally studying the patterns,
processes and energies, both causal and acausal, which do and have shaped individuals and their groupings from societies to
civilizations. Further, Aeonics provides a means of interpreting recent events/trends and can predict (within certain limits) future
[A basic introduction to Aeonics is given by the Order MSS dealing with the subject. A more advanced study involves becoming
proficient in the advanced Star Game.]
I. On a basic level, the dialectic is concerned with simple opposition - with defiance of what is accepted or conventional at
particular times. This is heresy - the Adversarial role, a challenge against both conscious and unconscious norms. This
opposition works on two levels - the individual, and society. 1) individual: The strategy is to provide opportunities for
individuals to discover the hidden/forbidden within their own psyche, or lead them/influence them toward this. This means
catharsis on an individual level. 2) Society: The strategy means Satanic individuals/organizations disseminate (often with no
direct Satanic connotations) heretical ideas or otherwise encourage them. The aim of both (1) and (2) is to challenge and thus
provoke change, reaction.
At the present time, (1) means rites such as The Black Mass [qv. the Order MS 'Satanism, Blasphemy and the Black Mass'], and
other means of inner liberation. (2) means an aiding of what actually is heretical, now - this means upholding (a) inequality
(particularly racially), (b) the concept of war, and (c) aiding discussion/spread of information/exchange of ideas/triumphing the
cause of those things which actually are heretical, in Law and mostly ignored by the majority such is their supine nature - such as
certain views regarding events in World War Two the propagation of which are illegal and which render the person spreading
them to imprisonment (i.e. denying 'the Holocaust' ever took place). Further, (2) at this time also involves countering the
unhealthy and anti-natural morality of suppression of the Nazarene.
All these are, however, tactics. to achieve broader strategic goals - they are means, only. These means can and often do change as
the times changes - as societies change. For instance, regarding (2)(a) above - in a society which was tyrannically
anti-egalitarian, the tactic would probably be to aid egalitarian tendencies.
II. On a higher level, the dialectic is concerned with long-term evolution - with the creation and change of civilizations and
ultimately with the creation of a new type of individual, a new species. This means altering our evolution, this alteration being
toward the `Satanic'.
This means two things - or rather two tactical approaches. (1) Enabling individuals to change themselves, to evolve, consciously,
and so become part of that evolutionary change. (2) Changing/influencing the structures (such as societies) to make them
instruments for such change or at least not detrimental to it.
(1) involves such things as External and Internal Magick - a following of the Seven Fold Sinister Way. (2) involves Aeonic
magick - e.g. the creation of new archetypal forms or images and the infection in the psyche of others which results from
introducing them - and gaining/using influence.
It should be understood that while the tactics of I above can and do change, the tactics used to attain II remain essentially the same
because the goal is precise. Further, I in many ways aids II - that is, the opposition to some fixed idea or dogma, accepted at a
particular moment in history, provokes a change and leads to a new synthesis and thus an evolution of conscious understanding in
individuals, thus aiding the sinister dialectic on a higher level.
Essentially, I is exoteric, and II esoteric Satanism - and it is necessary to make this distinction because the means of I vary with
time (over centuries) while II remains relatively fixed, and all too often novices (and others) confuse a tactic used in I (such as
politics) as something Satanic when it is only a tactic, a means, a form.
The reason 'why' there is (in genuine Satanism, anyway) a sinister strategy - a dimension beyond the personal - is simple: it is in
the nature of Satanism (genuine Satanism, anyway) itself. Satanism at its highest level is concerned with 'cosmic change' - that is,
it is an expression of the evolution of conscious existence. Evolution is something we, as conscious beings, can participate in and
indeed create - by so doing, we are extending the range of our being, fulfilling (and going beyond) the potential we possess;
affirming our existence in the most intense way possible. Viewed another way (in terms developed recently to explicate such
things - i.e. make them more conscious and thus controllable) Satanism accesses the acausal, via nexions, and so increases the
amount of the acausal presenced in the causal. These nexions are psychic (within the psyche of individuals), physical (places on
Earth where the causal and acausal intersect or are close) or created via magickal rites.
Aeonics, and the sinister dialectic, are means which enhance our existence as Individuals - which offer us the opportunity not
only to increase our consciousness and our abilities, but to use that consciousness and those abilities.
Thus, Satanism, correctly understood, is more than a glorification of the ego, or an indulgence in pleasures, or some kind of
intellectual, 'esoteric' knowledge. It is also more than just living 'on the edge' and garnishing dark and other experiences [that is
only a stage - qv. the MS 'The Practice of Evil, In Context'].
In essence, the sinister dialectic is Satanism and Satanists in action - it is Satanists playing at god: altering themselves, others,
societies, civilization and evolution itself. This is its purpose, and the justification of sinister strategy.
[End Quote]
The Key Points to seriously think about are: “ 2) Society: The strategy means Satanic individuals/organizations
disseminate (often with no direct Satanic connotations) heretical ideas or otherwise encourage them.” & “(2) involves
Aeonic magick - e.g. the creation of new archetypal forms or images and the infection in the psyche of others which results
from introducing them - and gaining/using influence.”
The first statement gives a general outline of why some ONA people do what they do, say what they say, and associate or support
what they are associated with and support. This can be anything from racialism, National-Socialism, Holocaust denial, Radical
Islam, Radical Anything, Crime, Terrorism, whatever. If that Magian World Order “out there” fears it, hates it, insulates itself
from it, condemn it, then as an ONA person you somehow spread those ideas. There is always a receptive social group that is
counter-culture willing to accept any of these ideas. The trick is to learn from pros like the KGB or CIA and to not force such
propaganda down the general public's throats, but to spread those memes in subcultures Already primed to like or accept such
memes. The fruits of such “subversive” measures take a while to see. It takes a generation or so [circa 30 years] to actually see
results. This is because you have to wait for one generation to age out and the new generation to come to their Minds. With the
succession of generations there is always a “tension” where one generation as a collective zeitgeist will try to somehow break
itself free from the social order established by the older one. For example the people of the generation during the Cold War
would have never dared to entertain Communist ideology in their heads. Yet today it is very common to come across a person of
our current generation to entertain anti-Capitalist sentiments. The USSR as a political entity may be defunct, but the work their
covert operatives did inside receptive subcultures back then, still infects.
The second statement brings us to the doorstep of the Causal Forms and iteration and things of that sort. The basic idea is that if
we desire to aeonically – in the span of hundreds of years – change social order because we dislike this Western Magian Order,
then we create memetic vehicles [forms] to spread new seed ideas, so that in time those forms will influence and infect receptive
subgroups in this West.
There are plenty of other instances in the 5000 pages of ONA stuff where it is stated in plain ordinary English that the creation of
new rites, ceremonies, and causal forms is a pass time of ONA initiates, or something they should try to do to either help develop
and evolve the ONA or society aeonically, but we'll just stick with this basic quoted statement and the idea of aeonics.
Basically what the essence of that statement says is that the individual ONA person should not just be fixated on a Satanism.
Satanism is only one tool or archetypal form or causal form to get a job done. It is effective in countering Magian memes and
ethos in its dwindling receptive market. But society in general is huge and goes beyond Satanism and the “fringe occult.”
If we say that we dislike this Western Magian Ethos that influences and sickens the West, then, anything not Western and Magian
is a useful tool and form to be used to introduce new idea, memes, ideologies, philosophical gibberish, into this Western Magian
Order. The trick is to learn to dismantle these non-Western Magian forms into their basic functioning memes and then graft those
memes into a memetic vehicle of some type which has a receptive audience. In Buddhism we call this same basic idea “Upaya.”
Three years ago I wrote a long essay for the ONA on ideas and how to manufacture new ideas and so on, but I trashed that essay
thinking that other people would find an essay on ideas boring.
I learned about engineering ideas actually from a little book I found in the bookstore. I can't remember the title of the book, but it
was something like the “Science of Ideas.” It was written in the 1930's and was in the New Thought section of the bookstore.
Basically the author of the book was hired by a very rich business tycoon of that time to study what ideas are and how new ideas
are manufactured. This tycoon was afraid that patents would run out, meaning that he believed that it might be possible that there
is a limit to what we can make or come up with. The tycoon wanted to know if ideas can be created so as to keep his own
business one step a head of competition.
So to make the long story short the author of the book took up the challenge and figured out what he termed the “Science of
Ideas.” Science here – for the author – meaning that he conducted experiments, came up with a methodology of making new ideas,
and if you followed his methodology, you can come up with similar results.
Essentially the author comes to learn that things like inventions or religions or beliefs are composed of “units of ideas.” This was
way before the word and idea of a “meme” was coined, so the author just used the word “unit” and tried to explain these units as
like atoms to matter. So just like elements in the periodic table, idea-units have sources which you “mine.” Then you can take
those units and construct what the author called “idea-clusters,” out of. I took that term and morphed it into “meme-cluster.”
One of the examples the author gives is Mr. Ford and his automobile. The idea-cluster of an automobile is actually composed of a
number of idea-units. Each unit if looked at closely can be traced back to older sources: steam engines, carriage wheels, cranks,
coal burning or combustion, the steering wheel thing on ships and boats, etc.
The fascinating thing about the book was that the author states that new ideas, concepts, models, inventions, religions,
philosophies, ideologies, can be manufactured endlessly, but that it requires a person with the right Mind to do this.
The author goes to then describe two essential kinds of people. The first kind is one who lacks the ability to see things clearly.
This type usually has to be told what to believe, how to live, he is in essence a Consumer of other peoples ideas, because he
simply lacks the capability to manufacture his own ideas.
The second type of person the author describes is the kind that has the mental ability to take an idea or thing and systematically
deconstruct that thing or see that thing in as many different ways as possible. This second type has the ability to remove, extract,
or take bits and pieces of many things, and in his or her mind is able to put idea-units together into a new combination. The
second type is essentially a Producer rather than a consumer of ideas-constructs. He is the type with the nature to tinker with
things to alter them to his liking. Whereas the other type is has the nature of religiously supporting a pre-constructed thing or idea.
The author goes to say that a company which desires to stay ahead of competition and remain in business long term wise must
invest in acquiring a large number of the second type and not the idea consumer type.
The point to all this is that it requires a certain type of person to be able to mentally mine “idea-units” from the thousands and so
religions, philosophies, and ideologies, or whatever out there and manufacture new models of idea-cluster for a receptive
In context to ONA and aspects of the Sinister Dialectics, it may not be enough to take a non-Western memeplex and just give it to
Magianized Westerners to adopt hoping that they will in time give up their dependence on Magian Ethos/Culture. It may require
the ability to deconstruct such non-western things into their constituent memes and to take those memes and either graft them into
Forms or to manufacture entire new idea-constructs.
This goes well with the idea of further developing the ONA. I would describe DM as the second type of person, and his past M.O
in the many forms he associated with shows it. In all of the things DM got involved with, he seemed to not be satisfied as a mere
consumer of an idea product. Instead you can see him tinker with what he got involved with by adding new ideas or morphing it
altogether. A good example to see this is in with DM and National-Socialism. He starts off in his early days as a normal NS
person, but gradually he tinkers with NS until he and his friends came up with Reichsfolk, and Folk Culture. Or you can even see
it with him and Islam. You can actually see him grafting his own “non-Islamic” ideas into his past Islamic writings.
DarkLogos once shared with me how in the olden days DM even tried to create a hybrid Islam-Numinous Way form which did
not germinate sadly. But interestingly, if you read around DM's writings enough, you'll catch the glitches, where sometimes you
will read DM equate Allah with the Acausal, which I would actually agree with. Or at least I like the idea of Allah being the
Acausal, and Creation being the Causal. It would lead to a more deeper mystical understanding of reality in general. My only
“argumentive point” would be that the concept of Allah implies or infers a being that is conscious or at least alive enough to care
what people do. And at the moment I don't have the understanding that the Acausal is something aware or conscious. I tend to
agree with DM's latter concept of the Cosmic Being. Now, if we could take DM and his M.O. And clone him, so that the ONA is
populated with such creative tinkering types and not the mere consumer of ideas.
Which brings us to the last topic I'd like to talk about: that of the ONA Fayen Three. In this Third Phase of Fayen the ONA is a
collective of peers. Each peer to me seems to nicely express the core concept of the Sinister Dialectic in their own unique and
creative ways. Each introduces new ideas either into the ONA to help further develop it, or they introduce new memes into the
larger Satanic Subculture, to slowly help evolve it. Anything that will chip away at the old structure and introduce new
invigorating, inspiring, ideas-stuff helps evolve what is being worked with, whether it is ONA, Satanism at large, or society.
ONA or its ideas are now so successful that we have people claiming now to own it, or be its leader, and we hear now ONA
people wining about how it has become too popular. I'm personally indifferent to the whole matter. It is what it is and personally I
have to stay on course and take one step at a time. Things had to be evolved or changed in the ONA. And such changes have
obviously produced the side effect of the ONA seemingly being “too popular” for comfort for some. At such a moment when
ONA is in the midst of a transitioning phase or metamorphic phase, it will not be stable. Meaning that if ONA were a line graph
we'd see the line drastically move up and down all crazy. It will in time find it's own stasis or equilibrium. Some nexions are
already going dark and leaving the internet. Private oral traditions and privately circulated MSS are now coming into play. I think
the “problem” and growing pains we are experiencing are healthy for a meta-organism like ONA. At least ONA is alive enough
to have problems and growing pains. Personally it is too early to judge how the ONA will actually be when it stabilizes. I'd give
it at least another 3 years, before I make a judgment based on what results materializes. I doubt the ONA will ever be “that” in
vogue with the mundane Satanic gentry. But I also know that with numbers can come dilution of essence and quality. But even the
realization of this is good, cuz it helps us understand that ONA just might need a big body of only privately circulated stuff for
those “on the inside.”
There is a draw back to being on the radar which I find cumbersome. Like Biggy & Friends once said: “The more money we
come across, the more problems we see.” But in our case, it might be the more on the radar ONA is, the more drama we get, ain't
that right. Such drama comes with the turf. At least they are talking about ONA. Meaning that of all the institutions, people, birds,
tree, celebs, politicians, religions, Stuff in the world, ONA is what those people talk about, hate on, occupy their mental time
with. Like our old WSA friend from Puerto Rico once said: “Worry when they stop talking about you.” Cuz that's when you know
you're out of business and irrelevant to anybody.
This short overview was just a re-iteration of what has been iterated and obliterated over and over again for the past 40 years
now. They are just the same basic ideas people have a mis-understanding of, due to a few loud mouths that are either pretentious
or just think their assumptions about ONA is divine fact. Where they go off stating – as many have done before them – that ONA is
dead, defunct, and so on. A basic reading of old ONA booklets will actually show you otherwise. That it can't die because it was
made to be self replicating and self manifesting. As long as there is one person interested and devoted to giving life to the
Sinister Way and Tradition of the ONA, the Order of Nine Angles will always have a nexion or portal to materialize thru.
And should ONA die out in any ways: this WSA352, myself especially, and my friends will always be here to revive it, recreate
it, redevelop it, remanifest it, over and over again. At least for the next 27 years. If people in and out of ONA don't like that, then
tough. Deal with it or leave. It ain't like porn, where you just have to look at it. If you don't like what you see, either leave, or kill
me. Cuz as long as I have some sort of medium to write on, I will keep doing what I have been doing.
A couple of years ago in a private conversation I made a small promise to DM care-of DarkLogos which was that I will duplicate
DM's time he spent on the ONA by spending the next 30 years writing for the ONA. I am a patient person. Writing and sharing my
ideas and life doesn't take much effort or calories. It's just something I do anyways in my diaries and private wordpresses. I might
as well devote that skill or talent to something I truly love: ONA. And don't doubt for one moment that I can't actualize what I set
out to do with ONA. I know myself, and I know ONA as it was 4 years ago and what it is now today. Granted I am only a small
domino in a row of causally falling dominoes. But should that causal and wyrdful cascade of dominoes falling stops and ONA –
whatever iteration – were to die: I'll be right here patiently doing what I have been doing for three years. Writing my ideas,
talking about my culture and family to the ether. Like attracts like. In time my ideas will call out the next set of dominoes which
will fall in a beautiful pattern.
It's like I'm an artist. But I paint with memes. This ONA like Buddhism is my paint brush. It doesn't matter who I am. What should
matter is how each painting I make captivates or inspires you in some way. In the same way that the mysterious etchings and
painting along a cave inspires and captivates some people, even today when the cave person that once etch the drawing is long
gone and forgotten. If I should be known and remembered at all, it is my desire to only be known for my ideas and insights I
share. It's best this way, so that when the time is right, I can just slip back into the dark and be a simple ONA member – one of
many - “out there” somewhere unmolested and at peace.
2012 will be a busy year though, so I won't be writing as much. Others should write and have a go at the ONA thing. At any rate,
in conclusion, I will be “here” for the next 27 years. Same person, same blog. Or hopefully the same blog. I don't know how long
wordpress lets you keep a blog, or if wordpress will be alive even 20 years from now. But, whatever. I'll be here, doing what I
do for a very long time. Same WSA352 nexion, same me, same writing style. The cool thing for me is to watch myself grow over
the years. Which is one reason why I love wordpress. You have all of your writings dated. I tried looking back at my own
writings from just 3 years back and they were lame and embarrassing. I can't imagine what I'll be writing about or be like 20
years from now. Culturally I was born and raised to be honourable and to keep my word, especially to an elder. I'll honour my
word/wyrd I gave to DM c/o DarkLogos and keep writing for ONA for 30 years. Even if I am the last Niner alive. Regardless of
who likes me or hates me. People come and go in life as friends and companions. But once in a blue moon you'll meet a loyal
companion who for whatever reason will stick by you through thick and thin till the end. Such loyal and honourable type of
people are rare in the West. I think that's what it all boils down to for me? Loyalty. Maybe it's a cultural thing?
In my culture we have two type of “marriage” ceremonies. The first is the normal kind, where a man and woman who love each
other get married. The second type of “marriage” ceremony is between loyal friends. This second type grew out of ancient
military rites of comradeship where in the ancient time during the Khmer Empire before soldiers set out to war, two best friend
soldiers would take themselves to the temple. At the temple before a shaman [Isa] or Monk, the two make a sacred vow before
Shiva or the Buddha or Brahma that they will love each other as blood brothers [or blood sisters] till death. That they will care
for each other and their families as natural blood siblings. And that out in the battlefield they will lay their lives down for the
other, and if one of them does not make it back alive, that the living one will care for his fallen brother's children, wife, and
This concept of loyalty is not exclusive to my culture. One reason why I like Islam is because I read once that in old Islamic
cultures [very old times] when you are out and about and you come upon a person who is bleeding for some reason in front of
you, you and that person, by the will of Allah are at that moment Blood siblings and must promise to care for each other and each
others family. My favourite blood brothering story of this type is the story of Genghis Khan and his best friend who performed a
similar blood rite of loyalty. Then of course the olden Japanese empire express loyalty superbly during world war two with their
Kamikaze pilots.
It's as if concepts that are ancient and living is Greater Asia such as Honour, Loyalty, and Duty are so simple to grasp and live or
express in life for us. But here in the West such concepts that makes an Ariya and Ariya is dead or forgotten, or silly, or too hard
to intuitively understand. Or worse such concepts and ways of life and living for others or for a body of teachings, kung fu style,
guru, etc, are useless.
I do have a natural – or culturally instilled – sense of Honour, Loyalty, and Duty for my big family, my kinfolk, for my culture, for
my people's ancestral Traditions, for our Theravada Buddhism, for friends and associates of family. Which means that for the rest
of my life, I will be devoted to such things, bound to such things like a fish in a net, bound to care for them until one of us dies.
And that's that. And so I unconsciously bring that same Ariya way of life into things like the ONA. You are just simply bound to it
forever, or until you die. Regardless of what other will think of ONA, what shit talking they will do about it or you. You simply
just know where your loyalties are, what your duty is, and honour the ways of things. In the streets we say you're a “Lifer.” You're
in it for life. Even if nobody likes your crew, or set, or family, or culture, or traditions. If you know what Honour is as an Ariya,
then you simply know to devote yourself to what you are bound to by loyalty till the end.
I'm thinking of things like honour, duty, and culture because of my granny and her aging years. It's easy to desire to walk away.
Sometimes I do think about it. But in the end, you just can't. It's just impossible after so many years of cultural conditioning to turn
your back on what you know to be duty and those you know you are loyal to. It's hard to stay and perform your duties. I'll be here
doing what I do for the next 27 years at least. Like I said elsewhere a few times, it's not the actual tool or martial arts style but the
person wielding the tool [sword] or style that actually makes the tool and style do the skilled things they seem to do. And from my
experience, its the same way with thing like memeplexes. There is no “perfect” style or form. You just stick with one and master
it, then refine it. Become Master of it, and not be mastered by it. Don't let your memeplex master you, master your memeplex. If
there is something you don't like about it, and you know of a better way, refine it accordingly. People will shit talk and hate on
you. They can only yap off for so long before they tire and their interests changes. I'm very patient. It's a test of endurance and
will. As a Buddhist I am indifferent [unattached] to most real life situations, and especially to chitter chatter in cyberspace. It's
expected. I'll be here helping to create the ONA and develop it further for a long time. Even if I'm the last Drecc standing. I have
the skills to make more in Time. Peace & Happy Holidays.
Chloe 352
123 yfayen
This PDF has been compiled by the Order of Nine Angles for the next generation to come so that you in
our near future will be able to find the ONA. There will always be pretenders and scams, and quite frankly
those simpletons that get conned by such scams and pretenders are too common, average minded, and
uneducated for the ONA. All it takes is an actual genuine interest in ONA and some serious research into
its history, key people involved, to figure out who and what the ONA is.
The ONA Tradition is founded on its rites, mythos, teachings, kulture, as well as its Founder Anton Long.
That Sinister Tradition as a Social Order and memeplex is passed down from person to person and the
Lineage is inherited via Anton Long thru the Outer ONA Representatives. This Lineage was passed down
to Christos Beest and from there to and thru his legitimate successor, and so on and so forth. The Genuine
ONA must have roots traced back to Shropshire England and to one key person, Anton Long whose
causal shell was known as David Myatt. The Tradition and Lineage which traces historically back to this
nexus or point of convergence is the life and spirit of the Genuine Order of Nine Angles. This Dark
Tradition, Sinister Kulture, and Lineage of the ONA must be Conserved and Preserved by all Initiates of
the ONA Proper so that the generations of our future may inherit this Order, Culture, Living Tradition of
ours intact for their benefit. This must be so if the ONA is to Aeonically continue its Magum Opus.