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1 . Carcinoma breast with high incidence of involving opposite breast is A . Lobular carcinoma B.
Medullary carcinoma C. Scirrhous adenocarcinoma D. Atrophic scirrhous carcinoma . . . . . . . . . .
2 . Which ca breast is B/L A . Lobular B. Paget ' sds . C. Medullary D. None . . .
3 . Best diagnostic method for breast lump is A . USG B . Mammogram C . biopsy % D . FNAC
4 . On which of following does prognosis in male breast Ca depend A . Duration of disease B . Nipple
discharge C . Ulceration of nipple D . Lymph node status . . . . . . .
5 . For CA breast best chemotherapeutic regimen : A . Cyclophosphamide , methotrexate , 5 -
fluorouracil B . Methotrexate , cisplatin C . Cispltain , Adriamycin , steroid D . Methotrexate , Adriamycin
, steroid …………
6 . In case of CA breast most prognostic factor is : A. Size of tumour B. Lymph node status C. Presence of
estrogen receptor D. Age of menopause . . . . . . . . . .
7 . Large breast is Not seen in : A . Filariasis B . Giant fibroadenoma C . Cystosarcoma phylloides D .
Schirrhous carcinoma .
8 . Commonest type of ca breast is : A . Papillary ca B . Pagets disease C. Fibrasorcoma D. Infiltrative
ductal ca . .
9 . For Breast carcinoma which of the following is best indicator of prognosis : A . Estrogen receptor
status B . Lymph node status - C . Metastasis D . Size of tumour . . . .
10 . Breast ca which is multicentric and bilateral : A . Ductal B . Lobular C . Mucoid D . Colloid . . . . . . . . . .
11 . AU are TRUE about CA breast , EXCEPT A . Affected sibling is a risk factor B . Paget ' s disease of
nipple is intraductal type of CA C . Common in aged nulliparous D . Increased incidence with prolonged
breast feeding . . . .
12 . Peau d ' orange is due to A . Arterial obstruction B . Blockage of subdermal lymphatics C . Invasion
of skin with malignant cells D . Secondary infection . . . . . . . . . .
13 . Least amenable to screening is A . Breast B . Cervix C . Oral cavity D . Lung . . . . . . . . . . .
14 . Which of the following stage of Breast Ca corresponds with following feature - > Breast mass of 6 x 3
cm . size with hard mobile ipsilateral axillary lymph node and ipoilateral supraclavicular slymph node .
20 . N , M . A . T4 B . T3 C . N2 , Mo D . T , N2MO . .
15 . Malti , a 45 years female pt . with a family h / o breast carcinoma . Showed diffuse microcalcification
on mammmography . Indraductal carcinoma in situ was seen on biopsy . Most appropriate management
is : A . Quadrantectomy B . Radical mastectomy C . Simple mastectomy D . Chemotherapy . . . . . . .
16 . Use of tamoxifen in carcinoma of breast patients does not lead to the following side effects . A .
Thromboembolic events B . Endometrial Carcinoma C . Cataract D . Cancer in opposite breast . . . . . . . . . .
17 . All of the following are used for reconstruction of breast except : A . Transverse rectus abdominus
myocutaneous flap B . Latissimus dorsi myocutaneous flap C . pectoralis major myocutoneous flap D .
Transversus rectus abdominus free flap . . . .
18 . A female pt . present with a hard , mobile lump in her it . breast . Which investigation would be
most helpful in making on diagnosis : A . FNAC B . Needle biopsy C . Excision biopsy D . Mammography . .
19 . On mammogram all of the following are the features of a malignant tumor except : A . Spiculation B
. Microcalcification C . Macrocalcification D . Irregular mass . . . . . . . . . . .
20 . Breast conservation surgery for breast cancer is indicated in one of the following conditions : A . T1
breast tumor B . Multicentric mor C . Extensive in situ cancer D . T4b breast tumor . . .
21 . A 14 year old healthy girl of normal height and weight for age , complains that her right breast has
developed twice the size of her left breast since the onset of puberty at the age of 12 . Both breasts
have a similar consistency on palpation with normal nipples areolae . The most likely cause for these
findings is : A . Cystosarcoma phyllodes B . Virginal hypertrophy C . Fibrocystic disease D . Early state of
carcinoma . . . . . . . . . . .
22 . The most important prognostic factor in breast carcinoma is : A . Histological grade of the tumor B .
Stage of the tumor at the time of diagnosis C . Status of estrogen and progesterone receptors D . Over
expression of p - 53 tumour suppressor gene . . . . . . . . . . .
23 . In which of the following types of breast carcinoma would you consider biopsy of opposite breast ?
A . Adenocarci - noma poorly differentiated B . Medullary carcinoma C . Lobular carcinoma D . Comedo
carcinoma .
24 . The tumor , which may occur in the residual breast or overlying skin following wide local excision
and radiotherapy for mammary carcinoma , is : A . Leiomyosarcoma B . Squamous cell carcinoma C .
Basal cell carcinoma D . Angiosarcoma . . . . . . . . . . . .
25 . Which of the following carcinomas is familial : A . Breast B . Prostate C . Cervix D . Vaginal . . . . . . . . .
26 . A 45 year old woman presents with a hard and mobile lump in the breast . Next investigation is : A .
FNAC B . USG C . Mammography D . Excision biopsy . . . . . . . . .
27 . Sentinel lymph node biopsy is an important part of the management of which of the following
conditions ? A . Carcinoma prostate B . Carcinoma breast C . Carcinoma lung D . Carcinoma nasopharynx
28 . Which histological variant of breast carcinoma is multicentric and bilateral A . Ductal Ca B . Lobular
Ca C . MucoidCa D . Colloid CA
29 . In breast carcinoma metastasis , prognosis depends best upon : A . Estrogen receptor status B .
Axillary lymphnode status C . Size of tumor D . Site of tumor . . . . . . . . . . .
30 . The risk factor for increased incidence relapse in stage I , carcinoma breast includes all except : A . -
ve estrogne / progesterone receptor status B . High V phase C . Aneuploidy D . Decreased Her - 2 / neu
oncogene . . . . . . . . . .
31 . Best prognosis amongst the following histoligical variants of breast carcinoma is seen with : A .
Intraductal B . Colloid C . Lobuiar D . Ductal . . . . . . . . . . .
32 . Peaud ' orange is due to : A . Skin involvement B . Contraction of ligaments C . Lymphatic
permeation D . Bacterial infection . . .
33 . All are indicators of malignancy in mammography except : 135 A . Nodular calcification B . Speckled
margin C . Attenu ated architecture D . Irregular mass . . . . . . . . . .
34 . 4 cm breast tumour with 2 frpsilateral involved lymphonodes come under : A . TNB . T , NC . TNDT N
35 . Risks for carcinoma breast are : A . First degree relative B . Atypical hyperplasia C . Sclerosing
adenosis D . Increased fat intake . . . . . .
36 . Cancers assoicated with excess fat intake are / is : A . Breast B . Colon C . prostate D . Lung E .
Thyroid . . . . .
37 . Breast cancer is more common in . A . Those who avoid breast - feeding to the infant B . Multiparity
C . Nulliparity D . High fat diet E . Family history of breast cancer .
38 . Breast cancer is epidemiologically commoner with : A . Smoking B . Nulliparity C . Oral
contraceptives D . Multiparity E . First pregnancy after 30 years . . . . . . . . . . . .
39 . Conservative surgery in breast cancer is not to be done in : A . Low socio - economic status B . Age >
40 years C . Mulitcentricity D . Lymph node involvement in axilla E . Family history of breast cancer . . .
40 . Lymphatic drainage of breast : A . Axillary . B . Supraclavicular C . Internal mammary D . Mediastinai
E . Celiac .
41 . True about adjuvent therapy in Breast ca : A . Prognosis better if given in young female . B . t
survival by 20 % C . Nodal status positive gives good result . D . Hormone receptor positive gives good
result . E . Not associated with t survival . . . . . . .
42 . Sentinel node mapping done in : A . Breast Ca B . Melanoma C . Colonic Ca . . . . . .
43 . Breast conservation surgery includes : A . Lumpectomy B . Radiotherapy C . Chemotherapy D .
Axillary clearance E . Hormonal therapy
44 . True about familial breast cancer : A . Associated with BRCA - 1 and BRCA - 2 B . Association of BRCA
- 1 in breast ca incidence is more than 50 % C . BRCA - 1 is alw ovarian cancer D . BRCA - 1 gene is located
in chromosome 20 . E . After BI L mastectomy the chances of cancer recurrence in lifetime is nil .
45 . Breast conservation surgery not indicated : A . Large pendular breast B . SLE C . Diffuse
microcalcification D . Bilateral carcinoma E . Family history . . . . . . . . . . .
46 . Which of the following indicate Ca breast : A . Serous discharge B . Recent retraction of nipple C .
Ulceration of nipple D . Cracked nipple E . Cellular atypia . . . . . . . . . . .
47 . Breast cancer more commonly seen in : A . Increased risk in relatives B . Early marriage < 20 yrs . C .
Nullipara D . High fat diet E . Wino avoided breast feeding . . . . . . . . . . .
48 . Ca Breast stage I and II managed by : A . Total mastectomy B . Modified radical mastectomy C .
Lumpectomy and axillary clearance D . Lumpectomy axillary clearance and radiotherapy .
49 . Which of the following is a / w - ed risk of breast cancer ? A . Sclerosing adenosis B . Atypical
hyperplasia C . Fibro adenoma D . Florid hyperplasia . . . . . . . . . . .
50 . Adjuvant therapy is done in A . Estrogen and progesterone receptors are positive B . Menopausal
status C . Her / neu over expression D . Fibro blast growth factor positive E . DNAploidy . . .
51 . Absolute contraindication of conservative breast cancer therapy is ? A . Large pendulous breast B .
History of previous radiation C . Axillary node involvement D . Subareolar tissues present E . 1st
trimester pregnancy . . . . . . . . .
52 . C . 1 . for redical mastectomy in Ca breast : A . Distant metastasis B . Fixity to chestwall C . Axillary L .
N . involvement D . Supraclavicular L . N . Involvement . . . . . . . . . .
53 . Breast Ca good prognosis markers : A . ER + ve ( receptors ) B . Progesterone ( receptors ) + ve : C .
HER - 2 / neu ( receptors ) + ve D . CD44 receptor + ve E . P53 gene + ve : .
54 . B / L Breast Ca : A . Lobular Ca B . Ductal Ca C . Comedo Ca D . Cystosarcoma phylloids E . Schirrous
Ca . . . . . . . . . . . .
55 . Breast lump is best diagnosed by A . FNAC B . Bilateral mammography C . USG D . CECT of breast E .
Chest X ray .
56 . True about screening mammography A . Indicated in 50 - 70 years of age B . Mortality reduced by
30 % C . Radiation due to mammography can cause carcinoma D . MRI is better than mammography E .
USG is better than mammography . . . . . . . . . .
57 . True about Sentinal Lymph node biopsy A . Special OT is required B . Blue dyes injected C .
Contraindicated if axillary LN is involved D . It is done to avoid inadvertent axillary LN biopsy E .
Radioactive dye is used . . . . . . . . . . . .
58 . True about lymphatic spread of Ca breast : A . Axillary nodes are most commonly involved . B .
Internal mammary nodes are also involved . C . If supraclavicular LN IS involved , then it is N3 D . Axillary
nodes are treated by surgical resection . . . . . . . . . . . .
59 . Breast cancer is conservatively treated by following methods : A . It is based on relative size of
breast tumor . B . Radiotherapy is given C . Chemotherapy is given D . Surgery is best modality of
treatment . . . . . . . . . . . .
60 . 4 cm breast nodule with ipsilatral mobile LN In axilla staging : A . T2N1MO B . T2 N2 MO C .
T1N1MO D . T3 N2M1 . . . . . . . . . . . .
61 . Breast carcinoma is seen in women who : A . Consume fatty food B . Have early menopause C .
Smoke D . Have nultiple sex - partners E . Did not breastfeed their children .
62 . 30 yrs female presented with unilateral breast cancer associated with axilary lymph node
enlargement . Modified radical mastectomy was done , further treatment plan will be A . Observation
and followup B . Adriamycin based chemo therapy followed by tamoxifen depending on estrogen /
progesterone receptor status C . Adriamycin based chemotherapy only D . Tamoxifen only . . . . . . . . . . .
63 . True about treatment of early breast carcinoma A . Aromatase inhibitors are replacing tamoxifen in
premenopausal women B . Postmastectomy radiation therapy is given when 4 or more lymph nodes are
positive . C . Tamoxifen is not useful in post - menopausal women D . In premenopausal women ,
multidrug chemotherapy isgiven in selected patients . . . . . . . .
64 . A 43 - year - old lady presents with a 5 cm lump in right breast with a 3 cm node in the
supraclavicular fossa . Which of the following TNM stage she belongs to as per the latest AJCC staging
system A . B . C . T2N3M0 D . T2N2Mo . . . . . . . . . . . .
65 . Features , which are evaluated for histological grading of breast carcinoma , include all of the
following except - A . Tumour necrosis B . Mitotic count C . Tubule formation D . Nuclear pleomorphism ,
66 . In Patients with breast cancer , chest wall involvement means involvement of any one of the
following structures except - A . Serratus anterior B . Pectoralis Major C . Intercostal Muscles D . Ribs . . .
67 . Least risk of CA breast is seen in - A . BRCA1 B . BRCA2 C . Li - Fraumeni syndrome D . Ataxia
telangiectasia ,
68 . Regarding cystic disease of breast which one is true : A . Common in 25 years of age B . Excision is
the treatment C . may turn into malignant D . Aspiration is the treatment . . . . . . . . . .
69 . Not true about CA breast in India A . Incidence is 20 / 1 , 00 , 000 B . Average age 42 yrs . C . Positive
family history is a risk factor D . More common in muslims . . . . . . .
70 . All are risk factors for Ca breast EXCEPT A . Ovarian malignancy B . Family h / o breast Ca C .
Fibroadenosis D . Multiparity . . . . . . . . . . .

71 . Metastasis in thyroid gland come most commonly from carcinoma of : A . Testis B . Prostate C .
Breast D . Lungs . . . .
72 . Most common cause of solitary thyroid nodule is A . Papillary carcinoma B . Adenomatous goiter C .
Follicular goiter D . Papillary adenoma . . .
73 . Occult thyroid malignancy with nodal metastasis is seen : A . Medullary carcinoma B . Follicular ca
C . papillary ca D . Anaplastic ca .
74 . For screening of Medullary ca which of the following is estimated : A . Serum HCG B . Serum AFP
C . Serum Calcium D . Serum calcitonin . . . . . . . . . . . .
75 . For solitary thyroid nodule T / t of choice is : A . Radical thyroidectomy B . Hemithyroidectomy C .
Total thyroidectomy D . Subtotal thyroidectomy . . . . . . . . . . .
76 . Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is not used in : A . CA thyroid B . CA breast C . CA Oesophagus D .
Calung . . .
77 . Carcinoma thyroid with blood borne metastasis is : A . Follicular B . Papillary C . Mixed D .
Medullary .
78 . In case of a long standing goitre . , ca most probable to occur is : A . Follicular B . Papillary C .
Anaplastic D . Medullary . . . . . . . . . .
79 . Most common solitary thyroid nodule is A . Follicular adenoma B . Hurthle cell carcinoma C .
Papillary carcinoma D . Solitary idiopahtic goiter . . . . .
80 . Medullary carcinoma thyroid arises from A . Parafollicular cells B . Cells lining the acini C . Capsule
of thyroid D . Stroma of the gland . . .
81 . Amyloid stroma is seen in which Ca thyroid A . Papillary Ca B . Medullary Ca C . Anaplastic Ca D .
FollicularCa . . . .
82 . In Postoperative room after thyroid surgery Pt . developed sudden respiratory distress , dressing was
removed and it was found to be slightly blood stained and wound was bulging . What will first thing to be
done . A . Tracheostomy B . Cricothyroidetomy C . Laryngoscopy and intubation D . Remove the stitch
and take the Pt . to O . T .
83 . A patient presented with headache and flushing . He has a family history of his relative having died
of a thyroid tumour . The investigation that would be required for this patient would be : - A . Chest X -
ray B . Measurement of 5 HIAA . C . Measure ment of catecholamine D . Intravenous pyelography . . . . .
84 . Lateral aberrant thyroid refers to A . Congenital thyroid abnormality B . Matestatic foci from primary
in thyroid C . Struma ovarii D . Lingual thyroid . . . . .
85 . In a patient presenting with a swelling of the thyroid , the radionuclide scan showed a cold nodule
and the ultrasound showed a non cystic solid mass . The management of this patient would be : - A .
Lobectomy B . Hemithyroidectomy C . Eltroxin D . Radio lodine therapy . . . . . . 86 . Bone Metastasis is
common in which thyroid tumor : A . Follicular B . Papillary C . Hurthle cell tumour D . Anaplastic . . . . .
87 . A 45 year old pt . presents with thyroid swelling and lymph node in neck , on aspiration amyloid
material was found , managemeni is : A . Total thyroidectomy with neck dissection B .
Hemithyroidectomy C . Hemithyroidectomy with neck dissection D . Total thyroidectomy with neck
irradiation . . . . . .
88 . A pt . has pituitary tumour and pheochromocytoma and a thyroid module . Which Ca is most likely to
occur : A . FollicularCa B . Medullary Ca C . Papillary Ca D . Anaplastic Ca . . .
89 . Which malignancy would occur in prolonged multinodular goitre : A . Papillary Ca B . Follicular Ca
C . Anaplastic Ca D . Medullary Ca .
90 . Treatment of choice for solitary thyroid nodule is : A . Removal of the nodule B .
Hemithyroidectomy C . Subtotal thy roidectomy D . Total thyroidectomy . . . . . . . .
91 . Least malignant thyroid cancer is : A . Papillary carcinoma B . Follicular carcinoma C . Medullary
carcinoma D . Anaplas - tic carcinoma . . . . . . .
92 . Which of the following is not a histological variant of thyroid neoplasm ? A . Follicular B .
Merkelcell C . Insular D . Anaplastic .
93 . All of the following are true about Lymphoma of the thyroid except : A . More common in females B
. Slow growing C . Clinically confused with undifferentiated tumours D . May present with respiratory
distress and dysphagia . .
94 . Most common histological type of the thyroid carcinoma is : A . Medullary type B . Follicular type C
. Papillary type D . Anaplastic type . . . . .
95 . The most common histologic type of thyroid cancer is : A . Medullary type B . Follicular type C .
Papillary type D . Anaplas - tic type . . . . . . . . . .
96 . A patient with long standing multinodular goitre develops hoarseness of voice ; also the swelling
undergoes sudden Increase in size . Likely diagnosis is A . Follicularca B . Papillary ca C . Medullary ca
D . Anaplastic ca . . .
97 . Needle biopsy of solitory thyroid nodule in a young woman with palpable cervical lymph nodes on
the same sides demonstrates amyloid in stroma of lesion . Likely diagnosis is A . Medullary carcinoma
thyroid B . Follicular carcinoma thyroid C . Thyroid adenoma D . Multi nodular goitre . . .
98 . A 26 year woman presents with a palpable thyroid nodule , and needle biopsy demonstrates amyloid
in the stroma of the lesion . A cervical lymph node is palpable on the same side as the lesion , the
preferred treatment should be A . Removal of the involved node , the isthmus , and the enlarged lymph
node . B . Removal of the involved lobe , the isthmus , a portion of the opposite lobe , and he enlarged
lymph node . C . Total thyroidectomy and modified neck dissection on the side of the enlarged lymph
node . D . Total thyroidectomy and irradiation of the cervical lymph nodes . . . . .
99 . Lymph node metastasis is least commonly seen with A . Papillary Ca Thyroid B . Medullary Ca
Thyroid C . FolUcular Ca Thyroid D . Anaplastic Ca Thyroid . . .
100 . FNAC is useful in all the following types of thyroid carcinoma except A . Papillary B . Follicular C
. Anaplastic D . Medullary . . . . . . . . . . . .
101 . Serum calcitonin is a marker for A . Anaplastic carcinoma B . Papillary carcinoma C . Medullary
carcinoma D . Follicular carcinoma .
102 . Thyroid carcinoma with pulsatile vascular skeletal metastasis is A . Papillary B . Follicular C .
Medullary D . Anaplastic . . . . . . . . . . . .
103 . Radiation exposure during infancy has been linked to which one of the follwing carcinoma A .
Breast B . Melanoma C . Thyroid D . Lung . . . . . . . .
104 . What is the most appropriate operation for a solitary nodule in one lobe of thyroid A . Lobectomy B
. Hemithyroidectomy C . Nodule removal D . Partial lobectectomy with 1 cm margin around nodule . .
105 . Which type of thyroid carcinoma has the best prognosis A . Papillary Ca B . Anaplastic Ca C .
Follicular Ca D . Medullary Ca . . . . . . . . . . . .
106 . Most probable malignancy that develops in a case of long - standing goiter is A . Follicular Ca B .
Anaplastic Ca C . Papillary Ca D . Medullary Ca . . . . . . .
107 . MEN - II is seen with the following type of thyroid carcinoma : A . Papillary B . Medullary C .
anaplastic D . Follicular . . . . . . . . . . .
108 . Screening method for medullary carcinoma thyroid is : A . Serum calcitonin B . S . calcium C . S .
alkaline phosphate D . S . acid phosphatase . . . . . . . . . . . .
109 . True about papillary carcinoma thyroid is : A . Comprises 10 - 15 % of all thyroid cancers B . Cells
have intranuclear vacuolation C . Amyloid deposition seen D . Encapsulated . . . .
110 . Which of the following is true regarding medulary carcinoma of the thyroid : A . Arises from
parafouicular cells B . Secretes calcitonin C . Occurs in families D . Amyloid in stroma E . Commonly
malignant . . . .
111 . Psammoma body found in : A . Papillary ca thyroid . B . Follicular ca thyroid . C . Medullary ca
thyroid . D . Anaplastic ca thyroid . E . Lymphoma thyroid . . .
112 . Papillary Ca of thyroid with bone metastasis treated by : A . Subtotal thyroidectomy + Radioiodine
B . Subtotal thyroidec - tomy + Radiotherapy C . Near total thyroidectomy + Radioiodine D . Near total
thyroidectomy + Radiotherapy E . Total thyroidectomy + chemotherapy . . . . . . . . . . . .
113 . MC tumor of thyroid A . Medullary Ca B . FollicularCa C . Papillary Ca D . Anaplastic Ca E .
Lymphoma .
114 . Thyroid Ca true about : A . Follicular Ca worst prognosis than Papillary B . Papillary Ca spreads by
hematogenous route frequently than Follicular C . Papillary Ca have increased mortality than Follicular D
. Follicular ca are bilateral than Papillary E . Follicular Ca have more male incidence than Papillary . .
115 . In solitary thyroid nodule true about : A . THR - Ab B . Lined by columnar epithelium C . - Diffuse
hyperplasia of thyroid D . Common in female E . Thyroidectomy done . . . . . . . . . . .
116 . Low risk in Ca thyroid : A . Men < 50 yrs B . Women < 40 yrs C . Papillary Ca < 5 cm D .
Metastasis E . Follicular Ca > 5 cm . .
117 . A patienet comes with single thyroid nodule initial investingation of choice is : A . FNAC B .
Thyroid function test C . Radio nuclide scan D . MRI . .
118 . Cervical lymph node involvement in papillary ca thyroid , best tratment is : A . Radio active iodine
B . Chemotherapy C . Radical neck dissection D . Steroid
119 . Treatment of papillary Ca of Thyroid with bony metastasis A . Radiotherapy . B . Radioiodine . C .
Near total thyroidec tomy with radiotherapy . D . Near total thyriodectomy with radioiodine . E . Near
total thyroidectomy with radioiodine & radiotherapy . . .
120 . True about anaplastic Ca of thyroid A . Common in eiderly . B . Surrounding neck tissues - are free .
C . Lymphatic infillration occurs . D . Radiotherapy cures . E . P53 mutation . . . .
121 . Indication of surgery in a case of Thyroid swelling is / are A . Cosmetic . B . Pressure symptoms . C
. Myxoedema . D . Pain . E . Swelling with symptoms . . . . . . . . . . .
122 . Treatment of Medullary Ca of thyroid with lymph node metastasis : A . Subtotal thyroidectomy +
Radiolodine B . Subtotal thyroidectomy + Radiotherapy C . Neartotal thyroidectomy + Radioiodine D .
Neartotal thyroidectomy + Radio therapy E . Total thyroidectomy + Radiotherapy . . . . .
123 . Compared to follicular Ca , papillary Ca of thyroid have : A . More male preponderance B . B / L C
. Local recurrence common D . Increased mortality . E . Increased lymph node metastasis .
124 . Which of the following is used in the treatment of thyroid malignancy : A . 1311 B . 1251 C . Tc D .
32P E . Strontium . . . . . . . . . . . .
125 . Treatment of choice for medullary carcinoma of thyroid to : A . Total thyroidectomy B . Partial
thyroidectomy C . 1131 ablation D . Hemithyroidectomy . . . . .
126 . RET proto oncogene mutation is a hallmark of which of the following tumors ? A . Medullary
carcinoma thyroid B . Astrocytoma C . Paraganglionoma D . Hurthle cell tumor thyroid .
127 . One of the following is not correct in papillary carcinoma of thyroid : A . Can be reliably diagnosed
using fine needle aspiration cytology B . Always unifocal C . Typically spreads to the cervical lymph
nodes D . Requires a a total thyroidectomy for large tumours . . . . . . . . . . .
128 . A 20 - year - old female patient presented with a thyroid swelling . Most probably , the fine needle
aspiration cytology will not diagnose - A . Papillary carcinoma of thyroid B . Medullary carcinoma of
thyroid C . Non - Hodgkin ' s lymphoma of thyroid D . Follicular carcinoma of thyroid . . .
129 . The treatment of choice for Anaplastic carcinoma of thyroid infiltrating trachea and sternum will be
- A . Radical excision B . Chemotherapy C . Radiotherapy D . Palliative / Symptomatic treatment .
130 . Which of the following is the commonest tumour of thyroid - A . Anaplastic carcinoma B .
Follicular carcinoma C . Papillary carcinoma D . Medullary carcinoma . . . . . . . . . .
131 . A 45 year old male presents with 4X 4 cm , mobile right solitary thyroid nodule of 5 months
duration . The patient is euthyroid . The following statements about his management are true except - A .
Cold nodule on thyroid scan is diagnostic of malignancy B . FNAC is the investigation of choice C . The
patient should undergo hemithyroidectomy if FNAC report is inconclusive D . Indirect laryngoscopoy
should be done in the preoperative period to assess mobility of vocal cords . . . . . . . . . . .
132 . A case of solitary thyroid nodule , Investigation of choice is : A . T3 , T4 estimation B . Thyroid
scan C . FNAC D . Excision biopsy . . .
133 . In Medullary _ Carcinoma thyroid Tumour marker is : A . TSH B . Calcitonin C . T3 , T4andTSH D
. Alpha Feto protein . . . .
134 . In case of Adenomatoid goitre which carcinoma is commonest to occur : A . Medullary Ca B .
FollicularCa - C . Papillary Ca D . Anaplastic Ca . . .

210 . Ramu is 60 year old male with CA Descending colon presents with acute intestinal obstruction . In
emergency department t / t of choice is : A . Defunctioning colostomy B . Hartman ' s procedure C . Total
colectomy D . Lt hemicolectomy . . . . . . . .
211 . In which case Anterior resection is the method of t / t : A . Ca sigmoid colon B . ca rectum C . ca
colon D . ca anal canal . . .
212 . Which polyp has maximum malignant potential A . Sessile B . Pedunculated C . Superficial
spreading D . Any of the above . . . . . . . .
213 . Full bowel preparation is avoided hi all , except A . Carcinoma colon B . Hirschprung disease C .
Ulcerative colitis D . Irritable bowel syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . .
214 . In Emergency department , a 70 years old male presents with acute obstruction . He has Ca ,
descending colon , Mn of choice : A . Defunctioning colostomy B . Total Colectomy C . Hartmann ' s
procedure D . Abdominoperineal resection . . . . . . . . . . .
215 . Complete bowel prepration is done in a case of A . Colonic carcinoma B . Hirchsprung ' s disease C
. Irritable bowel disease D . Ulcerative colitis . . . . . . . . . . . .
216 . True regarding Ca colon is : A . Lesion on Lt side of the colon presents with features of anemia B .
Mucinous Ca . has a good prognosis C . Duke ' s A stage should receive adjuvant chemotherapy D .
Solitary liver metastasis is not a C / l for surgery . . . . . . . . . . .
217 . In which of the following disease , the overall survival is increased by screening procedure ? A .
Prostate cancer . B . Lung cancer . C . Colon cancer . D . Ovarian cancer . . . .
218 . All of the following are significant risk factors for colonic carcinoma in an adenomatous polyp
except : A . Peduncu lated polyp . B . Villous histology C . Size > 2cm D . Atypia . . . . . . . 219 . After
undergoing surgery , for Carcinoma of colon a patient developed single liver metastatis of 2Cm . What
you do next : A . Resection B . Chemo radiation C . Acetic acid injection D . Radio frequency ablation . .
220 . Strong correlation with colorectal cancer is seen in : A . Peutz - Jegher ' s polyp B . Familial
polyposis coli . C Juvenile polyposis D . Hyperplastic polyp . . . . . .
221 . A patient was operated for colonic carcinoma and later a solitary nodule was found in the liver .
Treatment of choice is : A . Surgery B . Radiation C . Chemotherapy D . Conservative treatment .
222 . Dietery factors associated with colon carcinoma : A . High fiber B . Low fiber C . Smoked fish D .
High fat intake E . Japanese are common to develop Ca colon . . . . . . . . . . .
223 . True about Ca colon : A . 73rd of cases shows liver metastasis B . Obstruction common in sigmoid
colon C . CEA is useful for prognostic importance D . King ' s staging in done E . Alternate bowel habit is
common in Ca left colon . . .
224 . Which of the following is true about colon carcinoma ? A . Rt sided colon Ca associated with young
individuals B . Me site sigmoid colon C . Rt sided colon ca present as Chronic anemia D . Not resectable
in case of metastasis E . Rt sided colon has better prognosis than Lt sided colon .
225 . Rt . sided colon Ca associated with : A . Anemia B . Bleeding P / R C . Mass P / A D . Alternate
constipation and diarrhoea E . Int . obstruction . .
226 . Regarding antibiotics true are : A . No prophylaxis for clean contaminated surgery B . No
prophylaxis for gastric ulcer surgery C . Prophylaxis for colorectal surgery D . Local irrigation with
antibiotic contraindicated when systemic antibiotics given . . . . . . . . . . . .
227 . Features of left side Ca colon are : A . Anemia B . Obstruction C . Altered bowel habit D . Melena E
. Feculent vomiting . .
228 . Carcinoma sigmoid colon with obstruction Management includes : A . Hartmann ' s procedure B .
Resectiort and end to end anastomosis with proximal colostomy C . Proximal colostomy with distal
ligation D . Sub - total colectomy . . . . . . . . . . .
ng . . . . . . . . . .
229 . True about dietary factors in colorectal carcinoma : A . Low fiber diet B . High fiber diet and high
fat intake _ C . Low fiber , high fat intake D . Smoked fish E . High fiber diet . . . . . . . . 230 . A 60 years
old man suffering from left colon Ca presented with acute Lt colonlc obstruction the treatment is : A .
Primary resection and Hartman ' s procedure B . Defunctioning colostomy C . Rt . Hemicolectomy D .
Resection of whole Lt . bowel and end to end anastomosis E . Conservative treatment . . . . . . . . . .
231 . In case of elective surgery of Ca sigmoid colon , which of the following should be done A .
Mechanical bowel wash B . Broad spectrum antibiotic given 48 hours before operation C . Broad
spectrum antibiotic at the time of op eration . . . . . . . . . .
232 . True about left sided colon carcinoma : A . Anemia B . Obstruction C . Melena D . Feculant E .
Sigmoid spared . . . . . . . . .
233 . Which of these are associated with increased risk of colorectal ca : A . More intake of animal rat B .
Aspirin C . Ulcerative colitis D . Amoebic colitis E . Polyps . . . . . . . . . . . .
234 . Abdomino - perineal resection is done in colorectal Ca on the basis of : A . Age of patient B .
Distance from anal - verge C . Fixity of tomor D . Hepatic metastasis E . Extent of tumor . . . 235 .
Carcinoma of right colon presents as : A . Anemia B . Mass in R1F C . BleddingPR D . Alternate
constipation and diarrhea E . Presents with obstruction . . . . . . . . . . . .
236 . Predisposing factors for colon , ca are : A . Animal fat consumption B . Familial adenomatous
polyposis C . Ulcerative colitis D . Crohn ' s disease E . TB . . . . . . . . . . . .
237 . CEA is associated wtih : A . Adenocarcinoma of colon B . Pancreatic ca C . Ncuroblastoma D .
Ovarian ca E . Prostatic
ca . . . . . . . . . .
238 . Adjuvant chemotherapy is of definite value in A . CA colon B . CA pancreas C . CA gall bladder D
. CA oesophagus . .
239 . In which case Immunoguided surgery is done A . CA colon B . CA pancreas C . CA jejunum D .
CA anal canal . . . . . . . . .
240 . Mr . C . P . Patel is having CA colon of left side , comes to emergency department with obstruction .
What will be the best T / t to be given : A . Hartman ' s procedure B . Defunctioning colostomy C .
lleotransverse anastomosis D . Transverse colostomy . . . . . . . . . .
241 . True regarding cancer colon : A . Obstructive features are more common with right colon B . 40 %
cases at presenta - tion show fiver metastasis C . Resection possible in 25 % cases D . More common in
AIDS patients . . . . . .
242 . Carcinoma right colon is most commonly of which type A . Stenosing B . Ulcerative C . Tubular D .
Fungating . . . . . . . .
243 . What is the most commonly involved in carcinoma colon A . Caecum B . Rectosigmoid colon C .
Transverse colon D . Ascending colon . . . . . . . . . . . .
244 . Obstructive symptoms are most common in lesions of A . Transverse colon B . Ascending colon C .
Descending colon D . Jejunum . . . . . . . .
245 . Vimal , a 70 years old male presents with a h / o lower GI bleed for last 6 months . Sigmoidoscopic
examination shows a mass , of 4 cms about 3 . 5 cms above the anal verge . The reatment of choice is : A
. Colostomy B . Anterior resection C . Abdominoperineal resection D . Defunctioning anastomosis . . . . . .

246 . In which condition , medical t / t of gail stone is indicated : A . Stone is < 15 mm size B . Radio
opaque stone C . Calcium bilirubinate stone D . Non functioning gall bladder .
247 . All are component of saint ' s triad Except : A . Rena ! Stones B . Hiatus hernia C . Diverticulosis
coli D . Gall stones . . . . . . . . . . . .
248 . Which is not required for visualisation of gall bladder in oral cholecystography : A . Functioning
liver B . Motor mechanisms of gall bla ider C . Patency of cystic duct D . Ability to absorb water . . . . . . .
249 . Internal fistula is most common between gall bladder and A . Colon B . Duodenum Is1 part C .
Jejunum D . Transverse colon . . . . . . . . . . .
250 . Incidence of gall stone is high hi A . Partial hepatectomy B . Heal resection C . Jejunal resection D .
Subtotal gastrectomy . . .
251 . Ramu , presents with recurrent attacks of cholelithiasis , U / S examination shows a dilated CBD of
1 cm . The next line of management is : A . ERCP B . PTC C . Cholecystostomy D . Intravenous
cholangiogram . . . . . . . . . . .
252 . True statement about gall stones are All / EXCEPT : A . Lithogenic bile is required for stone
formation B . May be associated with carcinoma gall bladder C . Associated with diabetes mellitus D .
More common in males between 30 - 40 years of age . . . . . . . . . .
253 . A 40 year old patient has undergone an open chlecystectomy . The procedure was reported as
uneventful by thi operating surgeon . She has 100 ml of bile output from the drain kept in the gallbladder
bed on the first post operativ day . On examination she is afebrile and anicteric . The abdomen is soft and
bowel sounds are normally heard . As a attending physician . What should be your best possible advice ?
A . Order an urgent endoscopic retrograd cholangiography and biliary stenting B . Urgent laparotomy C .
Order an urgent hepatic iminodiacetic acid scintigraph ( HIDA ) D . Clinical observation . . . . . . . . .
254 . A 69 year old male patient having coronary artery disease was found to have gall bladder stones
while undergoing a routine ultrasound of the abdomen . There was no history of biliary colic or jaundice
at any time . What is the best treatment advice for such a patient for his gallbladder stones ? A . Open
cholecystectomy B . Laparoscopic cholecystec - tomy C . No surgery for gallbladder stones D . ERCP
and removal of gallbladder stones .
255 . The most common site of intestinal obstruction in gallstone ileus is : A . Jejunum B . lleum C .
Transverse colon D . Sigmoid colon . . .
256 . Most common site for impaction of gell stones in gall stone lieus is : A . 1st part of duodenum B .
lind part of duodenum C . Terminal ileum D . Colon . . . . .
257 . The commonest site of obstruction in Gall stone ileus is A . Proximal ileum B . Dislal ileum C .
lleocecal junction D . Transverse Colon . . . . . .
258 . A 70 year old male patient presented with history of chest pain and was diagnosed to have coronary
artery disease . During routine evaluation , an ultrasound of the abdomen showed presence of gallbladder
stones . There was no past history of biliary colic or jaundice . What is the best treatment advice for such
a patient for his gallbladder stones : A . Open cholecystectomy B . Laparoscopic cholecystectomy C . No
surgery for ' gallbladder stones D . ERCP and removal of gall bladder stones . . . . . . . . . . .
259 . Lithogenic bile has the following properties A . - Bile and Cholesterol ratio B . Bile and cholesterol
ratio C . Equal bile and cholesterol ratio D . Cholesterol only . . . . . . .
260 . Stone formation in Gall bladder is enhanced by all expect A . Clofibrate therapy B . Ilial resection C
. Choleslyramine therapy D . Vagal stimulation . . . . . . . . .
261 . All of the following are required for Visualization of gall bladder in an oral cholecystogram except :
A . Motor mecha - nism of gall bladder B . Patency of cystic duct C . Ability to absorb water D .
Functioning hepatocytes . .
262 . Most common site of gall stone impactation is A . Duedenojejunal junction B . Proximal to
iliocaecal junction C . Distal to iliocaecal unction D . Colon . . . . . . . . . . . .
263 . The treatment of choice for silent stones in Gall bladder is : A . Observation B .
Chenodeoxycholicacid C . Cholecytectomy D . Lithorripsy . . .
264 . Medical treatment for gall bladder stone is amenable for : A . Stones less than 15 mm in size B .
Radioopaque stone C . Calcium bilirubinate oxalate stone D . Nonfunctioning stones associated with gall
bladder . . . . . .
265 . Gall blader stone formation in influenced by AJE A . Clofibrate therapy B . Hyperalimentation C .
Primary biliary ! cirrhosis D . Hypercholesterolemia . . .
266 . Features of healthy gallbladder on laprotomy are : A . Typical " sea - green " colored B . Wall is
thin & elastic C . Cannot be emptied D . Not easily visible . . . . . . . . . . .
267 . Gallstones may be complicated by which among the following : A . Pancreatitis B .
Choledocholithiasis C . Acute cholecystitis D . Carcinoma stomach E . Carcinoma pancreas . . . . 268 . On
7th postoperative day after laparoscopic cholecystectomy , pt developed it . Upper abdominal pain and 10
cm X 8cm collection . Treatment consists of : A . Immediate Laparotomy B . Percutaneous drainage C .
Laparotomy & surgical exploration of bile duct and T tube insertion . D . Laparoscopic cystic duct
ligation and percutaneous drain , E . Roux - en - Y loop hepatojejtinostorny . . . . . . . . . . . .
269 . True about gall stones : A . More common in female B . Gall stones , haitus hernia , CBD stones
form Saints triad C . Limely bile precipitated D . Lithotripsy always done . . .
270 . Cholecystectomy done in : A . Symptomatic gallstones B . Asymptomatic gallstones C . G . B .
Polyp D . Strawberry GB . E . Mucocele . . . . . . .
271 . On 5th postoperative day after laparoscopic cholecystectomy , a 50 years old lady presented with it .
upper quadrant pain with fever and 12 cm subhepatic collection on CT and ERCP shows cystic duct leak .
The best management is A . Immediate laparotomy B . Percutaneous drainage of fluid C . Leparatomy
and surgical exploration of bile duct and T - tube insertion D . Laparoscopic cystic duct ligation &
percutaneous drain E . Roux en loop hepatojejunostomy . . . . . . . . .
272 . The treatment of gall stone ileus A . Cholecystectomy alone B . Removal of obstruction C .
Cholecystectomy , closure of fisiula and removal of stone by enterotomy D . Cholecystectomy with
closure of fistula . . . . . . . . . . . .
273 . which among the following does not lead to pigment gallstones : A . TPN B . Clonorchis sinensis C
. Hemolytic anemia D Alcoholic cirrhosis . . . . . . . . . . . .
274 . The most common site of intestinal obstruction in gallstone ileus is : A . Duodenum B . Jejunum C .
lleum D . Sigmoid colon . . . . . . . . . . . .
275 . Which one of the following statements is incorrect in regard to stones in the gallbladder ? A .
Pigment stones are due to incrased excretion of conjugated bilirubin B . Are considered a risk factor for
the development of gallbladder carcinoma C . 10 % of gallstones are radio - opaque D . A mucocele of
the gallbladder is caused by a stone impacted in Hartmann ' s pouch .

546 . Hypoparathyroidism following thyroid surgery occurs within - A . 24 hours B . 2 - 5 days C . 7 - 14

days D . 2 - 3 weeks . . . . . . . . . . .
547 . A 50 year old male is suffering from severe dyspnea after thyroid surgery - t / t of choice is : A .
Tracheostomy B . Open the operative site C . Wait and watch D . Cricothyroidotomy . . . . . .
548 . Which of the following will not lead to respiratory distress after Thyroid Surgery A . Laryngomalacia
B . Bilateral recurrent laryngeal nerve injury C . Hypocalcemia D . Hematoma at local site
549 . A patient operated for thyroid surgery for a thyroid swelling later in the evening developed
difficulty in breathing . There was swelling in the neck . The immediate management would be : A .
Epinephrine inj B . Tracheostomy C . IV calcium glucanate D . Open the wound sutures in the ward . . . .
550 . Most dangerous complication in a pt . who had undergone thyroid surgery and develop hematoma
at the operative site : A . Respiratory obstruction B . Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy C . Dysphagia D .
Shock . . . . . . . . . . .
551 . Pt . after thyroid surgery presents with perioral paresthesia , serum Ca level is 7 mg / dl . What will
be the best m / n ( management ) : A . Oral vit D3 B . Oral vit D3 with Ca C . LV . Ca , gluconate D . Oral
calcium . .
552 . A 40 year old lady after subtotal thyroidectomy developed stridor in post op recovery room . There
was some staining of the wound with blood . Least likely cause is : A . Tracheomalacia B . Hematoma
formation C . Hypocalcemia D . Bilateral recurrent nerve palsy . . . . . . . . . . . .
553 . In post operative ward a patient developed respiratory distress due to wound hematoma after
thyroidectomy . T / t of choice is : A . Insertion of an orotracheal tube B . Determination of serum Ca
cone . C . Immediate opening of the wound D . Administration of O2 by nasal canula . . . . . . . . .
554 . After thyroidectomy , pt . developed stridor within 2 hrs . All are likely cause of stridor except : A .
Hypocalcemia B . Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy C . Larynogomalacia D . Wound hematoma . . . . . . . .
555 . Recurrent laryngeal nerve is in close association with : A . Superior thyroid artery B . Inferior
thyroid artery C . Middle thyroid vein D . Superior thyroid vein . . . .
556 . Hypoparathyroidism following thyroid surgery commonly occurs within : A . 24 hours B . 2 - 5 days
C . 7 - 10 days D . 2 - 3 weeks . . . . . . . . . . . .
557 . Complications of Hemithyroidectomy include all of the following Except ? A . Hypocalcemia B .
Wound hematoma C . Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy D . External branch of superior laryngeal nerve
palsy . . . . . . . . . . . .
558 . Thoracic extension of cervical goiter is usually approached through : A . Neck B . Chest C .
Combined cervico - thoracic route D . Thoracoscopic . . . . . . . . . . . .
559 . A Post - Thyroidectomy patient develops signs ai symptoms of Tetany . The management is : A .
Calcium gluconate B . Bicarbonate C . Calcitonin D . Vitamin D . . . . . . . .
560 . A pt . presents with swelling in the neck following a thyroidectomy ; what is the most likely
resulting complication : A . Resp . obstruction B . Recurrent laryngeal nerve palsy C . Hypo volumia D .
Hypocalcemia . . . . . . . . . . . .
561 . A patient on the same evening following thyroidectomy presents with a swelling in the neck and
difficult breathing . Next management would be ; A . Open immediately B . Intubate oro - tracheally C .
Wait and watch D . Administer oxygen by mask . . . . . . . . . . . . .
562 . Patient presents with neck swelling and respiratory distress few hours after a thyroideftomy
surgery . Next manage ment would be : A . Open immediately B . Trecheostomy C . Wait and watch D .
Oxygen by mask . . . . . . . . . .
563 . A patient undergoes thyroid surgery , following which he develops perioral tingling . Blood Ca is 8 .
9 meq ; Next step is : A . VitD orally B . Oral Ca and vit D C . Intravenous calcium gluconate and serial
monitoring D . Wait for Ca to decrease to 7 . 0 before taking further action . . . . . . . . . .
564 . Near total thyroidectomy means : A . Rt . lobectomy with isthmusectomy B . Lt . lobectomy with
isthusectomy C . Bilateral lobectomy with isthmusectomy D . Rt . Lobectomy + isthmusectomy + Lt . Half
lobectomy E . Rt . And Lt . Lobectomy .
565 . Complications of total thyroidectomy include all except : A . Hoarseness B . Airway obstruction C . '
Hemorrhage D . Hypercalcaemia . . . . . . . . . . .

566 . Ca oesophagus is characterized by following except : A . Adenocarcinoma B . Middle 1 / 3 affected

C . Dysphagia is characteristic D Cornea D . Pernicious anemia often present . .
567 . Site for Adenocarcinoma is A . Upper oesophagus B . Middle oesophagus C . Barret ' s oesophagus
D . None of the above . . . . . . . . . . . .
568 . After oesophagectomy , best substitute of oesophagus is : A . Stomach B . Jejunum C . Left colon D
. Rt colon .
569 . In oesophageal ca which Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is used : A . Cisplatin B . Cyclophosphamide C
. Doxorubicin D . Methotrexate .
570 . M . C - site of CA oesophagus is : A . Middle 1 / 3rd B . Upper 1 / 3rd C . Lower 1 / 3rd D . Lower end
of esophagus . . . . . . . . .
571 . Adenocarcinonia in oesophagous occurs in A . middle esophagus B . upper esophagus C . Barret ' s
ulcer D . None of the above . . .
572 . The commonest site of carcinoma esophagus in India is : A . Upper 1 / 3 " 1 B . Middle 1 / 3 " 1 C .
Lower 1 / 3 " 1 D . GE junction . . . . . . .
573 . Most common site for squamous cell ca . esophagus A . Upper third B . Middle third C . Lower third
D . Gastro esophageal junction .
574 . Which neo - adjuvant chemotherapy is used in Esophageal carcinoma A . Cisplatin B .
Cyclophosphamide C . Doxorubicin D . Methotrexate . . . . . . . . . . . .
575 . Best substitute of esophagus after esophagectomy is A . Stomach B . Jejunum C . Left colon D .
576 . Adenocarcinoma of esophagus is commonly found in : A . Achlasia acardia B . Barret ' s oesophagus
C . Plummer vinson syndrome D . Chronic smoking . . . . . . . . .
577 . Predisposing factors for carcinoma oesophagus : A . Tylosis B . Plummer vinson syndrome C . Reflux
esophagitis D . Lye stricture . . . . . . . . . . . .
578 . True about ca esophagus : A . MC in middle 1 / 3rd . B . Adenocarcinoma is common variety . C .
Carcinoma develops at the achalasia segment . D . Smoking is a risk factor . E . Endoscopy is the
investigation of choice . . . . . . . . . . . . .
579 . A 60 yrs old pt presenting with dysphagia of 6 wks duration with solid foods now can swallow only
liquids . Investiga tions done to diagnose here : A . CxR . B . Ba Swallow . C . Endoscopy D . USG . E . CT
Scan . . . . .
580 . In ca esophagus predisposing factors : A . Tylosis B . Smoking C . Lye stricture D . Reflux erophagitis
E . Plummer vihson syndrome .
581 . True about esophageal Ca ? A . Adenocarcinoma is on the rise B . Surgery is best treatment C .
Hoarseness of voice occur in late cases D . Presentation is early E . Prognosis is good because of its site . .
582 . Predisposing factors of Ca esophagus : A . Tylosis B . Achalasia C . Barrett ' s esophagus D . Hiatus
hernia E . Corrosive ingestion .
583 . Esophageal carcinoma is not predisposed by : A . Achalasia B . Scleroderma C . Corrosive intake D .
Barret ' s esophagus .
584 . Transhiatal esophagectomy was planned for adenocarcinoma of lower end of esophagus .
Theapproach would be in the following order : A . Abdomen - Neck B . Abdomen - Thorax - Neck C . Neck
- Thorax - Abdomen D . Abdomen - Thorax . . . .
585 . By mucosal resection which carcinoma can be diagnosed early : A . Oesophageal CarcinomA ) B .
Anal Carcinoma C . Colon CarcinomA ) D . Pancreatic Carcinoma . . . . . . . . .
586 . Communest cause for mortality in Iver levis operations A . Pulmonary atelectasis B . Anastomotic
leak C . Thoracic duct fistula D . Subdiaphragmatic collection . . . TOPIC 20 : INTESTINAL OBSTRUCTION
587 . True about Ogilive ' s syndrome are all except : A . It is caused by mechanical obstruction of the
colon B . It involves entire / part of the large colon C . It occurs after previous surgery D . It occurs
commonly after narcotic use ( ogilive syndrome ) . . . . . . . .
588 . Prolonged Post - op ileus is best treated by : A . Long tube insertion B . Calcium pentothenate C .
Laporotomy and exploration D . Peristaltic stimulants ( paralytic ileus ) . . . .
589 . Spastic ileus is seen in : A . Porphyria B . Retroperitoneal abscess C . Hypokalemia D . MI ( paralytic
ileus ) . . . .
590 . Paralytic ileus is seen in : A . Spinal cord injury B . Hypocalcemia C . Hypermagnesemia D . Uremia (
paralytic ileus ) . . . . . . . .
591 . Regarding adhesive intestinal obstruction , TRUE is A . Avoid surgery for initial 48 - 72 hours B .
Never operate C . Operate after minimum 10 days of conservative treatment D . Immediate operation . .
592 . In case of new born the commonest cause of intestinal obstruction is : A . Annular pancreas B .
Duodenal Atresia C . Jejuna ! Atresia D . Oesophageal atresia . . . . .
593 . Colonic Pseudo - obstruction occurs in all , except A . Diabetes mellitus B . Dermatomyositis C .
Scleroderma D . Hyperthyroidism . . . . . .
594 . A women of 35 - year old comes to emergency department with symptoms of pain in abdomen
and bilious vomitting but no distension of bowel . Abdominal x - ray showed no air fluid level . Diagnosis
is : A . CA rectum B . Duodenal obstruction C . Adynamic ileus D . Pseudoobstruction . . . .
595 . Bowel can get strangulated in all of the following space except : A . Rectouterine pouch B . lleocolic
recess C . Paraduodenal recess D . Omental bursa . . . . .
596 . Multiple strictures in intenstine are found in : A . Radiation enteritis B . Duodenal ulcer C .
Ulcerative colitis D . Gastric erosion . . . . . . . . .
597 . A 56 year old woman has not passedstools for the last 14 days . Xray shows no air fluid levels .
Probable diagnosis is : A . Paralytic ileus B . Aganglionosis of the colon C . Intestinal pseudo - obstruction
D . Duodenal obstruction . .
598 . Distended abdomen in intestinal obstruction is mainly due to A . Diffusion of gas from blood B .
Fermentation of residual food C . Bacterial action D . Swallowed air . . . . . . . . .
599 . Which of the following is most suggestive of neonatal small bowel obstruction : A . Generalized
abdominal distension B . Failure to pass meconeum in the first 24 hours . C . Bilious vomiting D . Refusal
of feeds . . .
600 . The most common cause of small intestinal obstruction is A . Intussusception B . latrogemc
adhesions C . Trauma D . Carcinoma .
601 . Major causes of distension in intestinal obstruction : A . Gas produced by coliform organism B . -
Swallowed air C . Diffuse from arterial surface D . Not known . . . . . . . .
602 . Recurrent pain abdomen with intestinal obstruction and mass passes per rectum goes in favour of
: A . Internal herniation B . Stricutre C . Strangulated hernia D . Intussusception . . . . . . .
603 . What are the features of colonic obstruction : A . No passage of gas absolutely ( obstipation ) B .
No passage of stools absolutely C . Distention of abdomen D . Mild fever initially E . Fecal vomitus . . . . . .
604 . In intestinal obstruction , investigations needed are : A . Barium swallow B . Intestinal barium meal
C . Stomach barium meal D . Erect X - ray abdomen E . Supine X - ray abdomen . . .
605 . Acute intestinal obstruction is characterized by : A . Vomiting is common in duodenal obstruction .
B . Pain after each attack of vomiting is characteristic of ileal obstruction . C . In colonic obstruction
distension is common than vomiting . D . X ray erect posture is diagnostic . E . Colicky pain to steady pain
indicates strangulation . . . . . . . . . . .
606 . What is the investigation for small intestine abnormalities except A . Enteroclisis B . Radionucleide
C . MRI enteroclisis L . CT enteroclisis E . USG enterocolisis . . . . . . . . . . . .
607 . Most common cause of acute intestinal obstruction : A . Adhesions B . Carcinoma C . Int . hernia D .
608 . Features of intestinal obstruction : clinically / investigation by : A . Abdominal distension B .
Vomiting C . Fluid level in X ray > 4 D . Localized tenderness E . Diarrhea . . .
609 . 30 years old lady presented with acute pain abdomen , constipation and vomiting suspecting acute
Intestinal obstruction . The Investigation of choice for the patient Is A . X - ray abdomen erect posture B .
Ba enema C . USG D . CT scan . . . . . . . . . . . .

668 . Following are premalignant except : A . Tubulo villous adenoma B . Hyperplastic polyp * C . Familial
adenomatosis D . Villous adenoma . . . . .
669 . Incidence of malignancy is maximum in : A . Villous adenoma B . Juvenile polyps C . Hyperplastic
polyps D . Tubular adenoma . . . . . . . . .
670 . Not true about Familial polyposis coli is : A . loss of APC gene B . Results from defect in colonic
mucosa leading to abnormal proliferative pattern C . Associated with abnormal mucins D . Decreased
expression of c - myc gene . . .
671 . All the following statements regarding malignant potential of colorectal polyps are true except : A .
Polyps of the familial polyposis coli could invariably undergo malignant change . B . Pseudopolyps of
ulcerative colitis has high risk of malignancy . C . Villous adenoma is associated with high risk of
malignancy . D . Juvenile polyps have little or no risk . . . .
672 . All the following polyps are premalignant except A . Juvenile polyposis syndrome B . Famillial
polyposis syndrome C . Juvenile polyp D . Peutzjeger syndrome . . . . . . . . . . . .
673 . Which of the following has least malignant potential A . Juvenile polyps in Juvenile Polyposis
Syndrome B . Hamar tomatous Polyps in Peutz Jaghers Syndrome C . Adenomatous Polyps in Familial
colonic Polyposis D . Adenomatous polyps in FfNPCC .
674 . Gardener ' s syndrome is a rare hereditary disorder involving the colon . It is characterized by : A .
Polyposis colon , cancer thyroid , skin tumours . B . Polyposis in jejunum , pituitary adenoma and skin
tumours . C . Polyposis colon , osteo mas , epidermal inclusion cysts and fibrous tumours in the skin . D .
Polyposis of gastrointestinal tract , Cholangiocarcinoma and skin tumours . .
675 . In children MC type of polyp is : A . Juvenile poly B . Solitary polyp C . Familial polyposis D . Multiple
adenomatous polyp . . .
676 . All are premalignant except : A . Adenomatous polyps B . Juvenile polyps C . Familial polyposis coli .
D . Peutz - jegher synd . . . .
677 . True about adenomatous polyp of large intestine : A . A symptomatic polyp don ' t require any
treatment B . Treated with colonoscopic surgery C . Villous adenomas are more malignant D .
Adenomatous polyposis have 100 % chance of malignancy
678 . Commonly undergoing malignant transformation is / are : A . FAP B . Crohn ' s disease C .
Ulcerative colitis D . Enteric colitis E . Juvenile polyposis . . . . . . . . . . .
679 . Which of the following polyps is not premalignant A . Juvenile polyposis syndrome B . Peutz jegher
' s syndrome C . Ulcerative colitis D . Familial polyposis coli E . Cronkite Canade syndrome
680 . True about neoplastic colorectal polyps : A . Sessile polyps > 1 cm is malignant B . MC site is colon
and rectum C . Adenomatous polyp is premalignant D . Tubular adenoma is malignant E . Pseudpolyps
are premalignant . . . . . . . . . . .
681 . Which is most malignant : A . Villous adenoma B . Tubulovillous adenoma C . Tubular adenoma D .
polyposis . . . . . . . . . . .
682 . Turcot ' s syndrome is associated with A . Duodenal polyps B . Familial adenomatous polyposis C .
Brain tumors D . Villous adenoma E . Hyperplastic polyps . . . . . . . . . . . .
683 . Which of the following colonic polyps is not premalignant - A . Juvenile polyps B . Hamartomatous
polyps associated with Peutz - Jegher ' s syndrome C . Villous adenoma D . Tubular adenomas . . . . . . . . .
684 . Metabolic abnormality seen in large colorectal villous adenoma A . Hypokalemic metabolic
alkalosis B . Hypokalemic metabolic acidosis C . Chlorine sensitive metabolic acidosis D . Chlorine
resistant metabolic alkalosis .
685 . The most common facial abnormality seen in Gardener ' s syndrome is - A . Ectodermal dysplasia B
. Odontomes C . Multile osteomas D . Dental cysts . . . . . . . . .
686 . Which of the following colonic polyps is not premalignant - A . Juvenile polyps B . Hamartomatous
polyps associated with Peutz - Jegher ' s syndrome C . Villous adenomas D . Tubular adenomas . .
687 . Following genetic counselling in a family for Familial polyposis coli ( FPC ) next screening test is A .
Flexible sigmoi doscopy B . Colonoscopy C . Occult blood in stools D . APCgene . . . . . . . . .

873 . Heller ' s operation is done for A . Achlasia cardia B . Pyloric stenosis C . Peptic ulcer D . CA
Esophagus . . . . . . . . . . .
874 . A young patient presents with history of dysphagia more to liquid than solids . The first
investigation you will do is : A . Barium Swallow B . Esophagoscopy C . Ultrasound of the chest D . C . T .
Scan of the chest . . . . . . .
875 . Corkscrew esophagus is seen in which of the following conditions ? A . Carcinoma esophagus B .
Scleroderma C . Achalasia cardia D . Diffuse esophagus spasm . . . . . . . . . . . .
876 . Treatment for achlasia associated with high rate of recurrence : A . Pneumatic dilatation B .
Laproscopic myotomy C . Open surgical myotomy D . Botullin toxin . . . .
877 . Cork screw oesophagus is seen in : A . Diffuse oesophageal spasm B . Achalasia cardia C . Ca .
oesophagus D . Pulsion diverticulum . . . .
878 . Investigation of choice for dysphagia for solids : A . Barrium swallow B . Endoscopy C . X - ray chest
D . C . T . scan . . . . . . . . . . .
879 . LES sphincter is relaxed by : A . Nitrates B . HL blockers C . Morphine D . Atropine E . Calcium
channel blockers . . . . . . . . . .
880 . Lower oesophageal sphinter is relaxed by A . Alcohol B . Coffeine / Tea C . Diazepam D . Antacid . . .
881 . In achalasia cardia , true is : A . Pressure at distal end t with no peristalsis B . Low pr . at LES with no
periotalins C . Pressure > 50 mm Hg with peristalsis
882 . A patient presents with dysphagia of 4 weeks duration . Now he is able to swallow liquid food only
. Which of the following is the one investigation to be done : A . Barium studies are the best in this case
B . Upper Gl endoscopy is to betdone C . CT scan is needed D . Esophageal manometry . . . . . . . . . .
883 . True about achalasia cardia is : A . Dysphagia is a presenting symptom B . The cause is the absence
of Auerbach ' s plexus C . Esophagectomy is the treatment D . Motility - improving agents are used in
treatment E . Barium swallow shows irregular filling - defect in lower esophagus . . . . . . . . . . . . .
884 . A 40 - year - old female patient presented with dysphagia to both liquids and solids and
regurgitation for 3 months . The dysphagia was non - progressive . What is the most likely diagnosis ? A .
Caricnoma of the esophagus B . Lower oesoph - ageal mucosal ring C . Achalasia cardia D . Reflux
esophagitis with esophageal stricture . . . . . . . . .

909 . For ca Anal canal t / t of choice is : A . Surgery B . Surgery + Radiotherapy C . Chemoradiation D .

Chemotherapy . . . .
910 . Commonest type of Anal canal Ca is : A . Sq . cell Ca B . Adeno Ca C . Adenoacanthoma D . Papillary
type . . . . .
911 . Treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of anal canal is A . Cisplastin based chemotherapy followed
by radical radiotherapy B . Abdomino perineal resection C . Radical radiotherapy D . Radical radiotherapy
followed by mitomycinc based chemotherapy . . . .
912 . The treatment of choice for the management of carcinoma of the anal canal is : A
Abdominoperineal resection B . Primary radiotherapy C . Combined radio - and chemotherapy D .
Neoadjuvant chemotherapy and local excision . . . .
913 . The treatment of choice for squamous cell anal cancer is : A . Abdominoperennial resection B .
Laser fulgaration C . Chemoradiotherapy D . Platinum - based chemotherapy . . . . . . . .
914 . Which of the following statements is true for Nigro ' s regimen : A . It is a regimen for anal canal
neoplasm B . It incorporates chemotherapy with radiation as an alternative to surgery C . Has the
advantage of preserving continence D . All of the above . . . . . . . . . . . . .
915 . A 50 - year old male , working as a hotel cook , has four dependent family members . He has been
diagnosed with an early stage squamous cell cancer of anal canal . He has more than 60 % chances of
cure . The best treatment option is : A . Abdomino - perineal resection B . Combined surgery and
radiotherapy C . Combined chemotherapy and radiotherapy D . Chemotherapy alone . . . . .
916 . Anal carconoma is most commonly carconoma of type A . Adeno carcinoma B . Epidermoid C .
Mixed D . None of the above . . . . . . . . . . .
917 . Which type of malignancy is found in anorectal fistula : A . Sq . cell Ca B . Transitional cell Ca C .
Adeno Ca ^ D . Collumnar Ca . . . . . .
918 . For Ca of Anal canal which one is t / t of choice : A . Radiotherapy + APR B . Only radiotherapy C .
Chemoradiation D . Radiotherapy + chemotherapy . . . . . .
919 . CA

942 . A new born baby presents with absent anal orifice and meconuriA ) What is the most appropriate
management ? A . Transverse colostomy B . Conservative C . Posterior Saggital Anorectoplasty D .
Perenial V - Y plasty ( rectal agenisis ) .
943 . The following are importanl in maintenance of norm ; fecal continence except A . Anorectal
angulation B . Rectal innervation C . Internal sphincter D . Haustral valve ( rectal agenisis ) . . . . . .
944 . Rectal incontinence is due to involvement of : A . External anal sphincter B . Internal anal sphincter
C . Ischiococcygeus D . Pubococcygeus - part of grasor one ( rectal agenisis ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
945 . Fecal soiling in children is most commonly due to : A . Hirschsprung ' s disease B . Chronic
constipation C . Rectal atresia D . None of the above ( rectal agenisis ) . . . . . . . . .
946 . A pt . comes with rectal carcinoma situated 6 cm above dentate line with no nodal metastasis T / t
of choice will be : A . Ant resection B . APR C . Radiotherapy D . Hartman ' s procedure ( rectal carcinoma
947 . Sphincter saving surgery for rectal malignancy is not done in : A . Age over 50 years B . Lymph node
involvement C . Infiltration of lamina propria D . More than 4 cm from anal verge E . High grade tumor (
rectal carcinoma ) . . . . . . . . . . . .
948 . True about rectal Ca : A . MC type adenocarcinoma B . Surgery is the treatment of choice . C .
Surgical treatment indicated inspite of hepatic metastasis D . APR done in lesions of upper zone ( rectal
carcinoma ) . . . . .
949 . Which of the following is the investigation of choice for assessment of depth of penetration and
perirectal nodes in rectal cancer - A . Trans rectal ultrasound B . CT Scan pelvis C . MRI Scan D . Double
contrast Barium enema ( rectal carcinoma ) . . . . . .
950 . Most common cause of fresh bleeding per rectum hi a 5 year old child Is A . Volvulus B . Trauma , C
. Worm infestation D . Rectal polyp ( rectal polyp ) . . . . . . . . . . .
951 . Treatment of rectal prolapse in childhood is A . Lahaut ' s operation B . Incision of prolapsed
mucosa C . Thiersch wiring D . Ripstein operation ( rectal prolapse ) . . . . .
952 . True about solitary rectal ulcer syndrome is all / except A . Increased muscle layer proliferation B .
Crypt distortion C . Lamina propria infiltration with lymphocyte D . Subepithelial fibrosis ( rectal ulcer ) . .
953 . Not true regarding solitary rectal ulcet . t - iuA - A . 20 % are multiple B . Recurrent rectal prolapse
is a cause C . Involve Posterior wall . D . Managed by digital reposition ( solitary rectal ulcer ) . . . . . . . . . .

1069 . Most common cause of cholangitis ' A . Viral infection B . CBD stone C . Surgery D . Amoebic
infection . . . . . . . . . . . .
1070 . Charcot ' s triad ' is A . Fever , pain , vomiting B . Fever , stone , jaundice C . Fever , pain , jaundice
D . Gall stone , vomiting , jaundice
1071 . Charcot ' s triad includes all of the following excep A . Pain B . Fever C . Jaundice D . Vomiting . . . .
1072 . Not included in charcot ' s triad is : A . Fever with chills B . Pain abdomen C . Shock D . Jaundice . .
1073 . Which of the following occurs in Charcot ' s triad : A . Pain abdomen B . Fever and chills C .
Jaundice D . Shock E . Pruritus . .
1074 . Which of the following statements is true regarding cholangitis : A . Increased leucocyte count B .
Increased tran saminases C . Increased bilirubin D . Increased alkaline phosphatase E . Association with
fever and chills . . . .
1075 . Charcot ' s triad consists of : A . Biliary colic . B . Jaundice C . Fever with rigor D . Hypotension E .
Pancreatitis . . .
1076 . Round worm causes following except : A . Gall stone B . Cholangitis C . Hemobilia D . Pancreatitis .


1232 . Reflux esophagitis is prevented by : A . Long intraabdominal esophagus B . Increased

intraabdominal pressure C . Right cms of diaphragm D . Increased intrathoracic pressure . . . . . . . . . . .
1233 . What will be your advice to a 60 yr moderately obese patient with h / O 4 - 6 cup of coffee per
day , 4 - 6 glass of winel day with 20 cigarettes per day . He is engaged as a salesman in a computer
company A . Urgent wt . Reduction . B . Strict vegetarian diet . C . Stop alcohol D . Stop coffee E . Stop
cigarette smoking . . . .
1234 . Increased intra abdominal " pressure is / are associated with A . T pul capillary wedge pressure B .
t venous return C . T pul inspiratory pressure D . T renal blood flow E . t cardiac output . . . . . . . . . . . .
1235 . Intermittent dysphagia is caused by A . Stricture B . Reflux esophagitis C . Achalasia cardia D .
Pharyngeal diverticu lum E . Diffuse esophageal spasm . . . . . . . . . . .
1236 . Gold standard for reflux esophagitts is : A . Manometry B . Barium swallow C . 24 hours pH study
D . X - ray abdomen . . . . . . . . . .
1237 . Which of the following mechanism can not prevent Gastroesophageal reflux : A . Looping fibres of
rt cms of diaphragm B . Mucosal folds at gastroesophageal junction C . Circular muscle fibres of GE
sphincter D . Angle made by the oesophagus with stomach . . .

1244 . A young patient has a midline , tender swelling In neck occurring after an attack of sore throat
The diagnosis is A . Acute thyroiditis B . Thyroglossal cyst C . Sub acute thyroiditis D . Toxic goiter . . . . . . .
1245 . Most common cause of Thyroiditis is : A . Reidi ' s Thyroiditis B . Subacute Thyroditis C .
Hashimoto ' s Thyroidilis D . Viral thyroiditis . .
1246 . A patient presents with B / L proptosis , heat intolerance and palpitations ; most unlikely
diagnosis here would be A . Hoshimoto ' s thyroiditis B . Thyroid adenoma C . Diffuse thyroid goitre D .
Reidel ' s thyroiditis . . . . .
1247 . Not a feature of dequervan ' s disease : A . Autoimmune in etiology B . TESR C . Tends to regress
spontaneously D . Painful & associated with enlargements of thyroid . . . . . . . . . . . .
1248 . " HurthJe cells 1 are seen in A . Agranulomatous Thyroiditis B . Hashimoto ' s Thyroiditis C .
Papillary carcinoma of the thyroid D . Thyroglossal cyst . . . . .
1249 . All the following are true of DeQuervan ' s Thyroiditis except A . Pain B . Increased ESR C .
Increased radioactive iodine uptake D . Fever . . . . . . . .

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