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TY ETC Pat 2020 Curriculum

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s

Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48

Department Agarwal&Charitable
of Electronics
Bansilal Ramnath Trust’s Engineering
Vishwakarma Institute ofElectronics
Department of Information Technology,
& Telecommunication Pune-48

Curriculum for
S.Y. B. Tech.
Electronics & Telecommunication
Syllabus for
Electronics & Telecommunication
(Pattern 2020)

Department of
Electronics & Telecommunication
Department of
Electronics & Telecommunication
T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 1
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


 Excellence in Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering Education


 Provide excellent blend of theory and practical knowledge

 Establish centre of excellence in post graduate studies and research
 Prepare engineering professionals with highest ethical values and a sense of responsible

Program Educational Objectives (PEO):

1. Graduates of the program will become competent electronic engineers suitable for industry.
2. Graduates of the program will apply the mathematical and analytical abilities gained
through core courses of Electronics and Communication engineering.
3. Graduates of the program will apply problem solving skills to develop hardware and/or
4. Graduates of the program will become responsible citizen.

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 2

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Program Outcomes (PO):

A graduate of the program will have

1. Engineering knowledge: Apply the knowledge of mathematics, science, engineering fundamentals, and
an engineering specialization to the solution of complex engineering problems.
2. Problem analysis: Identify, formulate, review research literature, and analyze complex engineering
problems reaching substantiated conclusions using first principles of mathematics, natural sciences,
and engineering sciences.
3. Design/development of solutions: Design solutions for complex engineering problems and design
system components or processes that meet the specified needs with appropriate consideration for the
public health and safety, and the cultural, societal, and environmental considerations.
4. Conduct investigations of complex problems: Use research-based knowledge and research methods
including design of experiments, analysis and interpretation of data, and synthesis of the information
to provide valid conclusions.
5. Modern tool usage: Create, select, and apply appropriate techniques, resources, and modern
engineering and IT tools including prediction and modeling to complex engineering activities with an
understanding of the limitations.
6. The engineer and society: Apply reasoning informed by the contextual knowledge to assess societal,
health, safety, legal and cultural issues and the consequent responsibilities relevant to the professional
engineering practice.
7. Environment and sustainability: Understand the impact of the professional engineering solutions in
societal and environmental contexts, and demonstrate the knowledge of, and need for sustainable
8. Ethics: Apply ethical principles and commit to professional ethics and responsibilities and norms of the
engineering practice.
9. Individual and team work: Function effectively as an individual, and as a member or leader in diverse
teams, and in multidisciplinary settings.
10. Communication: Communicate effectively on complex engineering activities with the engineering
community and with society at large, such as, being able to comprehend and write effective reports
and design documentation, make effective presentations, and give and receive clear instructions.
11. Project management and finance: Demonstrate knowledge and understanding ofthe engineering and
management principles and apply these to one’s own work, as a member and leader in a team, to
manage projects and in multidisciplinary environments.
12. Life-long learning: Recognize the need for, and have the preparation and ability to engage in
independent and life-long learning in the broadest context of technological change.

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Program Specific Outcomes (PSO):

Graduates will be able to

1. Apply and demonstrate the usage of hardware and software platforms for variety of

2. Apply different mathematical and statistical methods for analysis and design of signal
processing and communication systems.

Graduate attributes:
1. Engineering knowledge
2. Problem Analysis
3. Design/Development of Solutions
4. Investigations of Complex Problems
5. Modern Tool Usage
6. The Engineer and Society
7. Environment and sustainability
8. Ethics
9. Individual and Teamwork
10. Communication

11. Project management and Finance

12. Life –long Learning

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Third Year B. Tech. Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering (TYBT) – Semester V
(Pattern 2020)

Course Code Course Course Teaching Examination Scheme Total Credits

Type Scheme


ES31201ET Design and Analysis of

TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
ETUA31202 Internet of Things TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
ETUA31203 Machine Learning TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
ETUA31204 Operating System TH 3 - - 20 30 20 30 - 100 3
ETUA31205 Professional Elective-I TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
ETUA31206 Project-I CE 1 - 2 - - - - 25 25 2

HET31201 Honors Course TH 4 - 2/- 20 30 20 30 25 125 5/4

M3 Mandatory Course AU - - - - - - - - - -
15 10/ 100 150 100/ 150/ 125/ 625/
Total - - 21/5/4
/4 2/- /20 /30 20 30 25 125
L: 1Hr. = 1 Credit, P: 2 Hrs. = 1 Credit, T: 1 hr. = 1 Credit, Audit Course: No Credits

List of Mandatory Courses [FYBT: Induction training, SYBT: Environmental Sciences, TYBT: Essence of Indian
Traditional Knowledge, and Final Year B.Tech.: Indian Constitution].

Professional Elective-I Honors Course

ETUA31205A: System Programming HET31201A: Inferential Statistics (Data Science)
ETUA31205B: System Design using Verilog HET31201B: Robotic System (Robotic Technologies)
ETUA31205C: Information Theory and Coding HET31201C: Introduction to Internet of Things (IOT)
ETUA31205D: Embedded Processors

BoS Chairman Dean Academics Director

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 5

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Third Year B. Tech. Electronics

Department&ofTelecommunication EngineeringEngineering
Electronics & Telecommunication (TYBT) - Semester VI
(Pattern 2020)
Course Code Course Cours Teaching Examination Scheme Tota Credits
e Scheme l
Computer Networks and
ETUA32201 TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
ETUA32202 Power Electronics and Drives TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
ETUA32203 TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
Wireless Networks
ETUA32204 TH 3 - 2 20 30 20 30 25 125 4
Professional Elective-II
Open Elective - I TH 3 - - 20 30 20 30 - 100 3

Project - II CE 1 - 2 - - - - 25 25 2

HET32201 Honors Course TH 4/3 - 2/4 20 30 20 30 25 125 5

M3 Mandatory Course AU - - - - - - - - -
16/ 10/ 100 150 100/ 150/ 125/ 625/
Total - - 21/5
4/3 2/4 /20 /30 20 30 25 125
L: 1Hr. = 1 Credit, P: 2 Hrs. = 1 Credit, T: 1 hr. = 1 Credit, Audit Course: No Credits
List of Mandatory Courses [FYBT: Induction training, SYBT: Environmental Sciences, TYBT:, Essence of Indian
Traditional Knowledge, and Final Year B.Tech.: Indian Constitution].

Professional Elective-II Honors Course

ETUA32204A: Software Engineering HET32201A: Big Data Analytics (Data Science)
ETUA32204B: CMOS IC Design HET32201B: Robotic Drives and Programming (Robotic Technologies)
ETUA32204C: Mobile Computing HET32201C: Communication Protocols and Devices in IOT
ETUA32204D: Biomedical Instrumentation (IOT)

Open Elective - I
IOEUA32205A: Social Science & Engineering Economics (IT)
IOEUA32205B: Engineering Economics and FinTech (Comp)
IOEUA32205C: Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Engineering Applications (AI&DS)
IOEUA32205D: Management Information System (E&TC)
IOEUA32205E: Professional Practice, Law and Ethics (Civil)
IOEUA32205F: Industrial Engineering (Mech)

BoS Chairman Dean Academics Director

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Semester V

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

ES31201ET: Design and Analysis of Algorithms

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week

Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:

1. Data Structures

Course Objectives:
 Analyze the asymptotic performance of algorithms.
 Demonstrate a familiarity with major algorithms and data structures.
 To apply algorithmic strategies while solving problems.
 Apply important algorithmic design paradigms and methods of analysis.
 To understand the limitations of Algorithmic power.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Analyze worst-case running times of algorithms based on asymptotic analysis.
2. Analyze a variety of divide and conquer algorithms.
3. To develop the greedy algorithms for a given problem.
4. To develop the dynamic programming algorithms for a given problem.
5. To solve problems on back tracking and branch & bound strategy.
6. To understand tractable and intractable problems.

Unit- I : Introduction
Characteristics of algorithm. Analysis of algorithm: Asymptotic analysis of complexity bounds – best,
average and worst-case behavior; Performance measurements of Algorithm, Time and space trade-offs,
Analysis of recursive algorithms through recurrence relations: Substitution method, Masters’ theorem.

Unit- II : Brute Force and Divide-and-Conquer

Brute Force: Computing an String Matching, Closest-Pair and Convex-Hull Problems, Exhaustive Search
– Travelling Salesman Problem,
Divide and Conquer : Binary Search, Merge sort, Quick sort, Heap Sort, Multiplication of Large Integers
, Closest-Pair and Convex, Hull Problems

Unit –III : GREEDY Technique

Greedy Method: General strategy, the principle of optimality, Knapsack problem, Prim’s Algorithm,
Kruskal’s algorithm, Huffman code generation algorithm.

Unit IV: Dynamic Programming

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 8

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

General Strategy, Principle of optimalityof–Electronics

Department Coin changing problem, Computing
& Telecommunication a Binomial Coefficient –
Floyd‘s algorithm, Multi stage graph, Optimal Binary Search Trees – Knapsack Problem and Memory
Concept, Array representation of queues, Linked representation of queue, Circular queue , Applications
of queue
Unit V: Backtracking, Branch and Bound
Backtracking: 8 Queen problem, Graphs Coloring,
Branch and Bound: 0/1 Knapsack. Backtracking and branch and bound general strategy,
Optimal BST , 0/1 Knapsack problem example of dynamic programming.

Unit VI : Tractable and Intractable Problems

Computability of Algorithms, Computability classes – P,
NP, NP-complete and NP-hard. Cook’s theorem, Standard NP-complete problems and
Reduction techniques, eg. Vertex cover problem, Travelling salesman prpblem,3SAT problem
Text Books :
1.Horowitz and Sahani, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms”, 2ND Edition. University Press
2. Gilles Brassard, Paul Bratley, ―Fundamentals of Algorithmics, PHI, ISBN 978-81-203-1131-2

Reference Books:
1. Algorithm Design, 1ST Edition, Jon Kleinberg and ÉvaTardos, Pearson.
2. “Introduction to Algorithms", 4TH Edition, Thomas H Cormen, Charles E Lieserson,
Ronald L Rivest and Clifford Stein, MIT Press/McGraw-Hill.
3. Algorithm Design: Foundations, Analysis, and Internet Examples, Second Edition,
Michael T Goodrich and Roberto Tamassia, Wiley.
4. Algorithms -- A Creative Approach, 3rd Edition, UdiManber, Addison-Wesley,
Reading, MA.
List of Experiments:
1. Program to implement Binary Search using Divide and Conquer
2. Program to implement minimum and maximum using Divide and Conquer
3. Program to implement Merge sort using Divide and Conquer
4. Program to implement Heap sort
5. Program to implement Prim’s algorithm using Greedy method
6. Program to implement Kruskal’s algorithm using Greedy method
7. Program to implement coin changing problem using Dynamic Programming
8. Program to implement Knapsack problem using Dynamic Programming
9. Program to implement Graph Traversal: Breadth First Traversal
10. Program to implement Graph Traversal: Depth First Traversal
11. Program to implement 8-Queen’s problem using Backtracking
12. Program to implement All Pairs Shortest Path Using Dynamic Programming

SCE: (Statement)

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 9

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics
ETUA31202: & Telecommunication
Internet of Things Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
2. Basic Electronics , Basic sensors and Actuators, Basics of Embedded systems etc.

Course Objectives:
 To study fundamental concepts of IoT
 To understand roles of sensors in IoT
 To Learn different protocols used for IoT design
 To be familiar with data handling and analytics tools in IoT
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will able to
1. Understand the various concepts, terminologies, and architecture of IoT systems.
2. Use sensors and actuators for design of IoT.
3. Understand and apply various protocols for design of IoT systems
4. Understand various IP based protocols for design of IoT systems
5. Use various techniques of Big data storage and analytics in IoT
6. Understand various Industrial and other applications of IoT.
Unit I : Introduction to IOT
Introduction, Definitions & Characteristics of IoT, History of IoT, IoT Architectures, Physical & Logical
Design of IoT, Enabling Technologies in IoT, About Things in IoT, The Identifiers in IoT, About the
Internet in IoT, IoT frameworks, IoT and M2M.

Unit II : Wireless Sensor Networks for IOT

Types of Wireless Sensors, Types of Actuators, Examples and Working, RFID Principles and
components, Wireless Sensor Networks: History and Context, The node, Connecting nodes, Networking
Nodes, WSN and IoT.

Unit III : IOT Protocols and Standards

WPAN Technologies for IoT: IEEE 802.15.4, Zigbee,
HART, NFC, Z-Wave, BLE, Bacnet, Modbus.

Unit IV: IP based Protocols for IOT

Authorization and Access Control in IOT

Unit V: BIG Data

Introduction, Bigdata, Types of data, Characteristics of Big data, Data Storage, Introduction to Hadoop.
Introduction to data Analytics, Types of Data analytics.
Statistical Models, Analysis of Variance, Data Dispersion, Contingence and Correlation, Regression
T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 10
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit VI: IOT Applications:Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Home Automation, Smart Cities, Energy, Retail Management, Logistics, Agriculture, Health and Lifestyle,
IoT in Environmental Protection.
Industrial Applications in IoT

Text Books:
1.Hakima Chaouchi, “ The Internet of Things Connecting Objects to the Web” ISBN : 978-1- 84821-140-
7, Wiley Publications
2. Olivier Hersent, David Boswarthick, and Omar Elloumi, “The Internet of Things: Key Applications and
Protocols”, WileyPublications
3. http://www.cse.wustl.edu/~jain/cse570-15/ftp/iot_prot/index.html

Reference Books:
1. Internet of Things, Arsheep Bahga and Vijay Madisetti
2. Daniel Minoli, “Building the Internet of Things with IPv6 and MIPv6: The Evolving World of
M2M Communications”, ISBN: 978-1-118-47347-4, Willy Publications
3. Pethuru Raj and Anupama C. Raman, "The Internet of Things: Enabling Technologies, Platforms,
and Use Cases", CRC Press
4. https://onlinecourses.nptel.ac.in/noc17_cs22/course
5. Parikshit N. Mahalle, Shashikant S. Bhong, Gitanjali R. Shinde, “Authorization and Access
Control Foundations, Frameworks, and Applications”, CRC Press.

Suggested List of the Experimental Projects (Minimum 6 are to be performed):

1. Study& Survey of various development boards for IoT.

2. Study & Survey of various IoT platforms.
3. Interfacing sensors and actuators with Arduino.
4. Build a cloud-ready temperature sensor with the Arduino Uno and the any IoT Platform: This project
shows the building of a temperature sensor.
5. Interfacing Sensors and actuators with Raspberry Pi 2.
6. IoT based Stepper Motor Control with Raspberry Pi: The combination of Raspberry Pi and IoT is
an exciting one. Raspberry Pi has many general purpose I/O pins and has ability to control different
actuators like stepper motors. In this project, an internet control of stepper motor using Raspberry
Pi computer is developed. The connectivity is divided into server-side software and client-side
7. IoT based Web Controlled Home Automation using Raspberry Pi.
8. A Simple IoT Project with the ESP8266 WiFi module: Here is a simple project with ESP8266 wi-fi
module. This project collects the temperature and is displayed on the network.
9. Implement a RFID Based IoT Project

Note: A Project based Learning approach will be followed for this course hence the experiments will
be small projects to be built by the students.

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

ETUA31203: Machine Learning
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): 0 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
1. Basics of Statistics and Probability
2. Linear Algebra
Course Objectives:
 Explore supervised and unsupervised learning paradigms of machine learning used for regression and
 To design and analyze various machine learning algorithms using neural networks.
 To explore Deep learning technique and various feature extraction strategies
Course Outcomes:
At the end of the course, students will be able to
1. Summarize the concepts of model learning.
2. Analyze mathematically the types of regression models and performance metrics.
3. Analyze mathematically the types of classification models and performance metrics.
4. Illustrate the unsupervised learning paradigms.
5. Analyze backpropagation algorithm and make use of artificial neural networks to solve
complex regression and classification problems.
6. To implement convolution neural networks in recognition applications.
Unit- I : Introduction to Machine Learning
Defining and understanding Machine Learning, Types of machine learning, Model definition, Parametric
and non-parametric modeling, Generalization: Concept of Training, Validation, Testing, Overfitting and
Under fitting as applied to models. Concept of Bias and Variance and its importance in machine learning.
Feature Engineering and Dimensionality reduction. Applications of Machine Learning
Unit –II : Supervised Learning -Regression
Linear models for regression: Linear Basis Function Models, Least squares and Polynomial regression,
Partial least squares, Bayesian Linear Regression, Effect of noise in regression.
Principal Component Regression (How this can be placed), Error function used in regression,
Regularization: Ridge and Lasso regression, Bayesian Regression, Multivariate Regression. Case Study -
Unit III : Supervised Learning -Classification
Linear Models for Classification, Logistic regression, Linear Discriminant Analysis, Bayesian
Classification, Support Vector Machines, Random forest classifiers, Decision Trees, Evaluation of
classification performance. Case Study: Classification

Unit IV : Unsupervised Learning

Principal Components Analysis (Incremental PCA, Sparse PCA, Kernel PCA), Linear Discriminant
Independent Component Analysis, Clustering: k-Means Clustering , Hierarchical Clustering, Density-based
T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 12
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Gaussian Mixture models, Maximum Likelihood

Department Estimation.
of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Unit V : Artificial Neural Networks
Biological neuron, Artificial neuron model, Concept of bias and threshold, Activation functions, Gradient
descent algorithm and application of linear neuron for linear regression and classification, Stochastic
Gradient Descent, RMS Prop and Adam optimization techniques. Multilayer perceptron (MLP) and back
propagation algorithm, Radial Basis Function networks, Applications of MLP in classification and
Unit VI : Deep Neural Networks
Challenges in Machine learning: Vanishing Gradient problems, Computational Load, Architecture of
ConvNet, Convolution Layer, Pooling Layer, and Applications of CNN’s in Computer Vision, Case study
using CNN based classification. Pretrained networks like Alex net and VGG.
Text Books :
1. Alpaydin, Ethem. Introduction to machine learning. MIT press, Third Edition.
2. Laurene Fausett , Fundamentals of Neural Networks: Architectures, Algorithms And Applications,
Pearson Education, Inc, 2008.
3. Phil Kim, ―MATLAB Deep Learning: With Machine Learning, Neural Networks and
Artificial Intelligence Press 2017.
Reference Books :
1. Christopher Bishop, “Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning”, Springer, 2007.
2. Goodfellow, Ian, Yoshua Bengio, Aaron Courville, and Yoshua Bengio. Deep learning. Vol. 1.
Cambridge: MIT press, 2016.

List of Experiments:

Prerequisite: Knowledge of Python programming with Scikit Learn, numpy, matplotlib, pandas, seaborn

1. Write a program for fitting a line for a given data.

2. Write a program for fitting a line for a given data with Machine learning.
3. Write a program to perform regression tasks over a given data using direct functions and evaluate
its performance.
4. Write a program to perform classification tasks over a given data using direct functions and
evaluate its performance.
5. Write a program to perform classification tasks over a given data using Support Vector Machine
and Random forest classifier and evaluate its performance.
6. Implement K means clustering algorithm for a given data.
7. Implement a simple linear regressor with a single neuron model.
8. Implement and test Multi-layer Perceptron (MLP) trained with back-propagation algorithm.
9. Implement and test Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) for digits recognition.
10. Write a program to perform classification tasks over a given data using Decision Trees and
Random forest classifier and evaluate its performance.

Mini Project.
Design and coding of regression/classification problem using ANN/Deep learning.

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 13

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

ETUA31204: Operating System
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Credits: 3 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 -- -- 100
Practical (P): -
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
1. Basic Computer Concepts
2. Basics of Data structures
3. Knowledge of Programming Language ( C++/Java/Python)
Course Objectives:
 To understand the services and support provided by operating system.
 To study process management and scheduling
 To understand various issues in Inter Process Communication (IPC) and the role of OS in IPC.
 To understand different approaches to memory management.
 To understand the working of an OS as a resource manager

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to:
1. Compare differing structures for operating system
2. Select appropriate the process scheduling algorithm.
3. Understand usage of OS API towards multi-core architecture.
4. Evaluate the requirement for process synchronization and coordination handled by
operating system.
5. Analyze the memory management and its allocation policies.
6. Describe the storage and disk management policies.
Unit- I: Introduction to Operating System & System Structure
Introduction: Concept of Operating Systems, Generations of Operating systems, Types of Operating
System Structure: OS Services, System Calls, Structure of an OS ,Concept of Virtual Machine, Case study
on UNIX and WINDOWS Operating System
Unit –II: Processes, Threads and Process Scheduling
Processes: Definition, Process Relationship, Different states of a Process, Process State transitions, Process
Control Block (PCB), Context switching.
Thread: Definition, Various states, Benefits of threads, Types of threads, Concept of multithreads.
Process Scheduling: Foundation and Scheduling objectives, Types of Schedulers, Scheduling criteria:
CPU utilization, Throughput, Turnaround Time, Waiting Time, Response Time; Scheduling algorithms:
Pre-emptive and Non pre-emptive, FCFS, SJF, RR

Unit III: OS support for multicore architecture

Scheduling for multicore architecture, spinlock, concept of hypervisor, concept and support for SMT and
SMP, Intel one API for multicore architecture: OS perspective, OS support for manycore architecture: A
case study of OS support for GPU programming.

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of&Electronics
Unit IV: Inter-process Communication Deadlocks & Telecommunication Engineering
IPC: Critical Section, Race Conditions, Mutual Exclusion, Hardware Solution, Strict Alternation,
Peterson’s Solution, The Producer Consumer Problem, Semaphores, Event Counters, Monitors, Message
Passing, Classical IPC Problems: Reader’s & Writer Problem, Dinning Philosopher Problem.
Deadlocks: Definition, Necessary and sufficient conditions for Deadlock, Deadlock Prevention, Deadlock
Avoidance: Banker’s algorithm, Deadlock detection and Recovery
Unit V: Memory Management & Virtual Memory:
Memory Management: Basic concept, Logical and Physical address map, Memory allocation: Contiguous
Memory allocation – Fixed and variable partition– Internal and External fragmentation and Compaction;
Paging: Principle of operation – Page allocation – Hardware support for paging, Protection and sharing,
Disadvantages of paging.
Virtual Memory: Basics of Virtual Memory –Page fault, Dirty page/Dirty bit – Demand paging, Page
Replacement algorithms: Optimal, First in First Out (FIFO), Second Chance (SC), Not recently used (NRU)
and Least Recently used (LRU).
Unit VI: Storage Management:
I/O Hardware: I/O devices, Device controllers, Direct memory access Principles of I/O software: Device
drivers, Device independent I/O software, Secondary-Storage Structure: Disk structure, Disk scheduling
File Management: Concept of File, Access methods, File types, File operation, Directory structure, File
System structure, Allocation methods, Free-space management.
Text Books:
1. Abraham Silberschatz, Peter B. Galvin, Greg Gagne, Operating System Concepts. Addison
2. Stallings W., Operating Systems, Prentice Hall
Reference Books:
1. Andrew Tanenbaum, Modern Operating Systems, Prentice Hall.
2. Harvey M. Deitel, an introduction to operating systems. Addison-Wesley.
3. Douglas Comer, Operating System Design - The XINU Approach. Prentice-Hall.
4. Embedded Multicore: An Introduction, Freescale Semiconductor

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics
ETUA31205A: & Telecommunication
System ProgrammingEngineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
Prerequisite: Students are expected to know the concepts studied in following courses: 1. Data Structures
2. Design and Analysis of Algorithms 3. Operating Systems

Course Objectives:
 To introduce language processing fundamentals and assemblers.
 To explain design of macro processors.
 To introduce loaders and Linkers.
 To introduce compiler design process.
 To explain working of syntax analyzer.
 To introduce different code optimization methods.
Course Outcomes:
At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Develop hypothetical assembler. (Apply)
2. Illustrate macro processors(Understand)
3. Illustrate linkers and loaders. (Understand)
4. Implement lexical analyzer using LEX tool (Apply)
5. Build parser using YACC tool (Apply)
6. Demonstrate code optimization and code generation concept (Understand)

Unit I: Introduction to Systems Programming And Assemblers

Introduction: Need of System Software, Components of System Software, Language Processing
Activities, Fundamentals of Language Processing.
Assemblers: Elements of Assembly Language Programming, A simple Assembly Scheme, Pass structure
of Assemblers, Design of Two Pass Assembler, Single pass assembler.

Unit II: Macroprocessors

Macro Definition and call, Macro expansion, Nested Macro Calls, Advanced Macro Facilities, Design of a
Unit III: Loaders And Linkers
Loaders: Loader Schemes, Compile and Go, General Loader Scheme, Absolute Loader Scheme,
Subroutine Linkages, Relocation and linking concepts, Self-relocating programs, Relocating Loaders,
Direct Linking Loaders, Overlay Structure.
Unit IV: Introduction to Compiler
Compilers and Interpreters: Structure of Compiler, Concepts of Pass, Phases, front-end and back-end,
Concepts of Bootstrap compiler. The Role of the Lexical Analyzer, Input Buffering. Specification of
Tokens, Recognition Tokens, Design of Lexical Analyzer using Uniform Symbol Table, Lexical Errors.
LEX: LEX Specification, Generation of Lexical Analyzer by LEX.
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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit V: Parsers Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Role of parsers, Classification of Parsers: Top down parsers- recursive descent parser and predictive parser
(LL parser), Bottom up Parsers – Shift Reduce parser, LR parser. YACC specification and Automatic
construction of Parser (YACC).
Unit VI: Code Generation and Optimization
Code Generation: Code generation Issues. Basic blocks and flow graphs, A Simple Code Generator. Code
Optimization: Machine Independent: Peephole optimizations: Common Sub-expression elimination,
Removing of loop invariants, Induction variables and Reduction in strengths, Use of machine idioms,
Dynamic Programming Code Generation. Machine dependent Issues: Assignment and use of registers.
Text Books:
1. D. M. Dhamdhere, Systems Programming and Operating Systems, Tata McGrawHill, ISBN
13:978-0-07-463579-7, Second Revised Edition
2. Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi, Jeffrey D. Ullman, Compilers Principles, Techniques and Tools,
Addison Wesley, ISBN:981–235–885 - 4, Low Price Edition
3. John R. Levine, Tony Mason & Doug Brown, “Lex & Yacc”, O’Reilly
Reference Book:
1. J. J. Donovan, Systems Programming, McGraw-Hill, ISBN 13:978-0-07-460482- 3, Indian
List of Experiments:
1. Write a program to implement Pass-I of Two-pass assembler for Symbols and Literal processing
2. Write a program to implement Pass-II of Two-pass assembler for output of Assignment 1
3. Design suitable data structures & implement first pass of a two-pass Macro processor
4. Design suitable data structures & implement second pass of a two-pass Macro processor
5. Write a program to implement a lexical analyzer
6. Write a program to implement a Recursive Descent Parser
SCE: Based on experiments performed.

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics
ETUA31205B: System&Design
Telecommunication Engineering
using Verilog

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
1. Digital System Design

Course Objectives:
 Get the knowledge of Verilog Hardware Description Language to design digital circuits.
 Explore features and architectures of various PLDs.
 Learn different modeling styles using Verilog.
 Learn to write test benches and analyze simulation results.
 Distinguish between good and bad coding practices.
 To implement digital designs on PLDs (CPLDs/FPGAs).

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
7. Comprehend the basic concepts in the Verilog language.
8. Write efficient Verilog codes using different modeling styles.
9. Cognize switch level modeling and user defined primitives.
10. Describe and differentiate the architectures and features of PLDs like CPLDs and FPGAs.
11. Comprehend the concept of synthesizable codes and write efficient synthesizable codes of
different digital circuits.
12. Design complex system like processor.

Unit I : Basic Verilog HDL

Introduction, HDL design flow, Design representation, Modules and Instances, Verilog features, Data
types, Operators, Identifiers, Keywords, Writing basic test bench, Modeling examples.
Unit II : Modeling Styles
Dataflow modeling: Continuous assignment, Behavioral modeling: Procedural assignment, Initial and
always block, Sequential statements, Loops, Blocking and non-blocking assignments, Generate block,
Modeling examples.

Unit III: Advanced Verilog topics

Verilog test benches and simulation, User defined primitives: UDP basics, combinational UDP‘s,
Sequential UDP‘s, guidelines for UDP design, Switch level modeling: Various switch primitives,

Unit IV : Programmable Logic Devices

Basic PLDs (PAL, PLA, and PROM), CPLDs (Features and architecture), Spartan-3E FPGA (Features,
IOB architecture, and CLB/Slice architecture), Overview of Artix-7 FPGA.

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit V: Logic Synthesis with Department

Verilog of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Synthesizable Verilog: Synthesis rules, Functions and tasks in Verilog, Non-synthesizable constructs,
Coding styles, Modeling finite state machines, Data path and controller design, Modeling memory and
register bank.
Unit VI : Case Study (Pipelined Processor design)
Basics of pipelining, Pipeline modeling, Pipeline implementation of a processor, Verilog modeling of a

Text Book :
1. Samir Palnitkar, “Verilog HDL: A Guide to Digital Design and Synthesis”, Pearson.

Reference Books and Material :

1. Jayaram Bhasker, “A Verilog HDL Primer”, Star Galaxy Publication.
2. Jayaram Bhasker, “Verilog HDL Synthesis: A Practical Primer”, Star Galaxy Publication.
3. Spartan-3E FPGA family data sheet.
4. Artix-7 FPGA data sheet.

List of Experiments: (Any 8)

To write Verilog design and testbench code to simulate, synthesize, and implement design on FPGA.
1. 3 bit full adder.
2. 4:1 Multiplexer.
3. 4-bit up/down counter with output displayed on 7-segment display.
4. Basic ALU (any two logical and any two arithmetic operations).
5. Traffic Signal controller.
6. 4 bit shift register.
7. Random Access Memory (RAM).
8. Sequence detector.
9. Parity checker.
10. Modeling using user defined primitive and switch level modeling to implement a given function
(Not synthesizable).

SCE: To write Verilog model for digital designs and verify it by simulation.

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

ETUA31205C: Information Theory and Coding Techniques
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 - 125
Practical (P): 2hrs/week
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
1. Basics of Probability
2. Basics of Digital Communication
3. Basics of signals and systems(only in a specific topic of convolution
Course Objectives:
 To equip students with the basic understanding of the fundamental concept of entropy and
information theory.
 To understand the theoretical framework upon which error-control codes are built
 To understand the implications and consequences of fundamental theories and laws of information
theory and coding theory with reference to the application in modern communication and computer
 To analyze performance of communication system with coding and modulation
Course Outcomes:
1. Apply appropriate source coding techniques for the given data
2. Calculate the channel capacity of simple noisy channels and interpret the result.
3. Design linear block codes using fundamentals of linear algebra.
4. Construct the encoder and decoder for systematic and nonsystematic cyclic codes for practical
5. Design BCH and RS codes for given specification.
6. Analyze the various representations of convolution encoder to encode the message and decode it
with Viterbi decoding.
Unit- I: Information Theory and Source Coding
Introduction to probability, law of total probability, Bayes theorem, information theory, Entropy and
its properties, Source coding theorem, Huffman coding, Shannon-Fano coding, The Lempel Ziv algorithm
(LZW, LZ77), Arithmetic coding ,Run Length Encoding, JPEG, MPEG (as case studies for compression)
Unit –II: Information Capacity and Channel Coding
Discrete memory less channel, Mutual information, Channel capacity, types of channels, Channel coding
theorem, Differential entropy and mutual Information for continuous ensembles, Information Capacity
theorem, Implications of information capacity theorem
Unit III: Linear Block Codes
Linear Block Codes : Generator matrix, parity check matrix, Syndrome and error detection, Error
detection and correction capability, Standard array and syndrome decoding, Encoding and decoding
circuit, Single parity check codes, Repetition codes and dual codes, Hamming code, Golay Code,
Interleaved code
Unit IV: Cyclic Codes

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Galois field, Primitive element & Primitive

Department polynomial,
of Electronics Minimal polynomial
& Telecommunication and generator polynomial,
Description of Cyclic Codes, Generator matrix for systematic cyclic code, Encoding for cyclic code,
Syndrome decoding of cyclic codes, Circuit implementation of cyclic code.
Unit V: BCH and RS Codes
Binary BCH code, Generator polynomial for BCH code, Decoding of BCH code, RS codes, generator
polynomial for RS code, Decoding of RS codes, Cyclic Hamming code and Golay code, CRC code, FEC
and ARQ systems
Unit VI: Convolutional Codes
Introduction of convolution code, State diagram, Polynomial description of convolution code, Generator
matrix of convolution code, Tree diagram, Trellis diagram, Sequential decoding and Viterbi decoding,
Known good convolution code, Introduction to LDPC and Turbo codes, Introduction and concept of Trellis
coded modulation (TCM)
Applications of coding in recent technologies (Infiniband, PCI express for clock recovery, maintain DC
balance), applications in block chain, stock market, Ethernet receiver

Text Books :
1. Ranjan Bose, “Information Theory coding and Cryptography”, McGraw-Hill Publication, 2nd
2. J C Moreira, P G Farrell, “Essentials of Error-Control Coding”, Wiley Student Edition.
Reference Books :
1. Bernad Sklar, “Digital Communication Fundamentals & applications”, Pearson Education.
Second Edition.
2. Simon Haykin, “Communication Systems”, John Wiley &Sons, Fourth Edition.
3. Shu Lin and Daniel J Cistellojr., “Error control Coding” Pearson, 2nd Edition.
4. Todd Moon, “Error Correction Coding : Mathematical Methods and Algorithms”, Wiley
5. Khalid Sayood, “Introduction to Data compression”, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers

Information Theory and Coding Techniques (List of Practical)

1. Write a program for determination of various entropies and mutual information of a given
channel. Test various types of channel such as a) Noise free channel. b) Error free
channel c) Binary symmetric channel d) Noisy channel Compare channel capacity of
above channels.
2. Write a program for generation and evaluation of variable length source (Huffman)
3. Write a Program for coding & decoding of linear block codes.
4. Write a Program for coding & decoding of cyclic codes.
5. Write a program for coding and decoding of convolutional codes
6. Write a program for coding and decoding of BCH and RS codes.
7. Write a program to study performance of a coded and uncoded communication system (Calculate
coding gain, error probability, Bit energy vs. error performance)
8. Write a simulation program to implement ARQ techniques
Note: Perform any 6 practical Assignments out of 8

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department Embedded
of Electronics ProcessorsEngineering
& Telecommunication
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
1. Digital Electronics,
2. Microntrollers
3. Fundamentals of programing language
Course Objectives:
 To study 32-bit architecture for an application design and implementation
 To impart philosophy of ARM core evolution
 To explore ARM7 and ARM CORTEX architecture and its impact on embedded solutions.
 To use tool chain for ARM based microcontroller software
 To design and implement software components for hardware initialization and programming.
 To impart knowledge of Multicore architecture in microcontroller

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Recognize ARM 7 architecture to provide optimal solution for embedded system.
2. Identify ARM 7 based controller features for application functionality.
3. Understand and experiment an embedded application with ARM-7 architecture.
4. Distinguish Cortex architecture philosophy and features from its predecessor
5. Develop an embedded application with Cortex M3 architecture.
6. Recognize fundamentals of Multicore Microcontrollers towards an application.

Unit I: ARM processor philosophy and evolution

Introduction to ARM processors and its versions, ARM7, ARM9& ARM11 features, advantages
&suitability in embedded application, ARM7 data flow model, programmer’s model, modes of operations,
Instruction set, programming in assembly language
Unit II: ARM based Microcontroller
ARM7 Based Microcontroller LPC22xx: Features, Architecture (Block Diagram and Its Description),
System Control Block (PLL and VPB divider), Memory Map, GPIO, Pin Connect Block, timer.
Unit III: Application development with ARM7 Based Microcontroller
Interfacing the peripherals to LPC22XX: LED, LCD, GLCD, KEYPAD, GSM and GPS using UART,
on-chip ADC using interrupt (VIC), EEPROM using I2C, SDCARD using SPI, on-chip DAC for waveform
Unit IV: ARM CORTEX Processor
Introduction to ARM CORTEX series, improvement over classical series and advantages for embedded
system design. CORTEX A, CORTEX M, CORTEX R processors series, versions, features, and
applications. Need of operating system in developing complex applications in embedded system, desired
features of operating system & hardware support from processor, Firmware development using CMSIS
standard for ARM Cortex. Survey of CORTEX M3 based controllers, its features and comparison.

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit V: ARM CORTEX M3 Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

based Microcontroller
ARM-CM3 Based Microcontroller LPC1768: Features, Architecture, System Control, Clock & Power
Control, GPIO, Pin Connect Block, interfacing with RGB LED, Seven Segment, TFT Display, MOTOR
control using PWM.

Unit VI: Multicore Microcontroller

Introduction to multicore microcontrollers, Selecting a multicore microcontroller development board,
Example architecture (STM 32H745), Application design method with multicore microcontroller

Text Books:
1. Andrew Sloss, Dominic Symes, Chris Wright, ―ARM System Developer‘s Guide –Designing
and Optimizing System Software‖, ELSEVIER
2. Joseph Yiu, ―The Definitive Guide to the ARM Cortex-M‖, Newness, ELSEVIER
3. https://www.st.com/en/microcontrollers-microprocessors/stm32h7

Reference Books:
5. 1. ARM architecture reference manual : - www.arm.com
2. Trevor Martin, An Engineer‘s Introduction to the LPC2100 series, Hitex (UK) Ltd.

List of Experiments:
I. LPC2148 ARM7 based programming
1. Interfacing LPC2148 to 16X2 LCD /128X64 dots GLCD
2. Interfacing LPC2148 UART module with GPS/ GSM
3. Interfacing LPC2148 in-built ADC for respective channel on interrupt basis.
II. LPC1768 Cortex based programming
4. Interfacing LPC1768 to seven segment/ RGB LED.
5. Interfacing LPC1768 to DC motor and control using PWM signal.
6. Interfacing LPC1768 to TFT display.Develop an application based on linear and non linear data

III .STM32H7545 based programming

7. Setting up Programming environment for STM32H7545
8. IoT application design and development using STM32H7545

SCE: (Statement):

Design and development of an application (IoT/Lightning/Control/Compute/Communication) using LPC

2148/LPC 1768/ STM32H7545 based microcontroller.

Note: Application must use at least 04 on chip facilities /devices.

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

of Electronics & Project-I
Telecommunication Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 2 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 1hr./week
Tutorial (T): - NA NA NA NA NA 25 25
Practical (P):2hrs/week
Prerequisite: Students are expected to know the concepts studied in following courses:
1. Engineering Circuit Analysis
2. Electronics Workshop
3. Microcontroller and Applications

Course Objectives:
 To interpret the Project Development Process including budgeting through Project.
 To utilized EDA tools for development of Project and write Technical documentation
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Planed Project according to Project development cycle.
2. Select EDA tools for designing, simulating the project and prepare technical documentation.
Unit- I: Project Development Cycle
Various domains, Project Selection, Project time line, Literature survey, Feasibility of project, Formulation
of project definition and objectives, Detailed specifications of project, Block diagram, Synopsis guidelines.
Various hardware platforms, Power Budget, Hardware design canvas, Module based design, Design
process, Component selection and validation using datasheet, Selection criteria, Circuit diagram.
Unit- II: EDA Tools and Documentation
Simulation, EDA Tools, Various software development Algorithm/Flowchart guidelines, PCB design
principles, PCB design rules, PCB specifications, PCB artwork, Layout of documentation, Manufacturing
documentation, project team visibility and accountability ,Bill of material, Project Report Format.
Text Books:
1.Kim Fowler,” Electronic Instrument Design” Oxford university press.
2.Thomas C Hayes, Paul Horowitz, “The Art of Electronics”, Newens Publication
Guidelines for Mini Project
Project group shall consist of not more than 3 students per group.
· Mini Project Work should be carried out in the Projects Laboratory.
· Project designs ideas can be referred from recent issues of electronic design magazines, or application
notes from well-known device manufacturers.
· Use of Hardware devices/components is mandatory.
· PCB Layout versus schematic verification is mandatory.
· Assembly of components and enclosure design is mandatory.
B: Following are the Domains for the mini projects but not limited to:
. Embedded Systems
. Power Electronics
. Biomedical Electronics
. Mechatronic System
· Instrumentation Systems

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

· Electronic CommunicationDepartment
Systems of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

C: Following Activities should be completed in Project Laboratory:

1: Formation of groups, Finalization of mini project & distribution of task.
2: Circuit Design, PCB design using an EDA tool, Simulation.
3: PCB manufacturing through PCB Manufacturer, Hardware assembly and soldering, programming (if
required), Testing, Enclosure Design, Fabrication etc
4: Testing of final project, Checking & Correcting of the Draft Copy of Project Report
5: Final Demonstration and Group presentations of Mini Project.

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Semester VI

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

ETUA32201: Computer Networks and Security

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week

Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts: (can be covered in Induction Programme)
3. Data Communications, Topology, Networking, Network categories
4. Protocol layering, layers in OSI reference model, TCP / IP protocol suite, and Addressing,
5. Guided and Unguided Transmission media,
6. Switching: Circuit switched networks, Packet Switching.
Course Objectives:
 To understand state-of-the-art in network protocols, architectures, and applications
 To provide with a theoretical and practical issues in computer networks
 To outline the basic network configurations
 To discuss the transmission methods underlying LAN and WAN technologies.
 To explain security issues involved in LAN and Internet.

Course Outcomes: On completion of the course, student will be able to

1. Understand fundamental principles of computer networking
2. Describe the hardware, software, components of a network and their interrelations.
3. Specify services and deficiencies in existing protocols, and use of new protocols.
4. Acquire the basic knowledge of the use of cryptography and network security.
5. Explain Virtual Private Network and Access Control Server Protocol
6.Idetify security threats and understand use of Intrusion Detection and prevention System (IDS/ IPS)

Unit-I: Network Layer Protocol and Addressing

Network Layer Protocol: ARP, RARP, IGMP, IPv4, IPv6, ICMPv4, ICMPv6
IP Addressing: Classful and Classless Addressing
Unit-II: Switching and Routing
Switching: Frame, Hub, Bridge, Collision Domain, Broadcast Domain, Spanning Tree Protocol

Unit-III: Protocol
Transport layer: UDP, TCP, SCTP (Connection Oriented and Connectionless Protocol)
Unit-IV: Services
Application layer: WWW, HTTP/ HTTPS, SMTP, DNS, DHCP, FTP/ TFTP
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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit-V: Virtual Private Network and Access Control Server Protocol
ACS Protocol: Radius, TACACS, AAA
Unit-VI: Security ,Threats and Intrusion Detection System (IDS/ IPS)
Security Basics - Confidentiality, Integrity, Availability Intrusion Alert: Interruption, Interception, Modification,
Fabrication, Access Control List (ACL) and NAT, Types of attack: Denial of service (DOS), backdoors and
trapdoors, sniffing, spoofing, man in the middle, replay, TCP/IP Hacking, Phishing attacks, Distributed DOS,
SQL Injection. Malware : Viruses, Logic bombs Intruders, Intrusion detection systems (IDS): host based IDS,
network based IDS, logical components of IDS, signature based IDS, anomaly based IDS, network IDS
components, advantages and disadvantages of NIDS, host based IDS components, advantages and
disadvantages of HIDS.
Text Books :
1. Behrouz A. Foruzan, “Data communication and Networking”, Tata McGraw-Hill,5th Edition
2. James F. Kurouse& W. Rouse, “Computer Networking: A Top down Approach”, 6th Edition, Pearson
Reference Books :
1. CCNA Security 200-300
2. Wayne Tomasi, “Introduction to Data Communication and Networking”, 1/e, Pearson Education
List of Experiments
1. Study of IP Addresses Subnetting and CIDR
2. Installation of Protocol/ Packet Analyzer Tool and analysis of Network Traffic
3. Assignment on LAN & WAN simulation using Network simulator Tool.
4. Installation and configuration of Web Server, FTP server Installation and configuration of Web Server,
FTP server
5. Lab assignment on Switching and Routing (based on Spanning Tree Protocol)
6. Lab assignment based on VPN
7. Case studies on Security Threats and Intrusion Detection System (IDS/ IPS)

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

ETUA32202: Power Electronics and Drives
Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
1. Semi-conductor Devices and Circuits
2. Basics of Electrical Engineering
Course Objectives:
 To study characterization of different power devices through its construction, operations and triggering /
driving circuits.
 To understand power conversion, its driving and control mechanism
 To analyze different power converters for variety of loads.
 To apply knowledge of devices, converters and load characteristics to select / configure applications

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will able to -

1. Explain the construction and working of power semiconductor devices like SCR, MOSFET, and IGBT
2. Analyze and compare the performance of different controlled AC-DC power converters for different types of
3. Analyze and compare the performance of DC-AC power converters for R and R-L loads.
4. Analyze and compare the performance of different DC-DC power converters for R and R-L loads
5. Apply the concept of power electronics for different applications such as different DC drives etc.
6. Apply the concept of power electronics for different applications such as different AC drives etc.

Unit- I: Introduction to Power Devices Objective and scope of subject.

Power Conversion Cycle, Construction, Steady state & Switching characteristics of SCR. SCR ratings: IL,
IH, VBO, VBR, dv/dt, di/dt, surge current & rated current. Gate characteristics, Gate drive requirements,
Construction, Steady state and switching characteristics and ratings of Power MOSFET & IGBT. Gate drive
requirements, gate drive circuits for Power MOSFET / IGBT.
Unit –II: Line Commutated Converters.
Concept of line & forced commutation (Class A-E), Single phase Semi & Full converters for R, R-L
loads, Performance parameters, Effect of freewheeling diode, Three phase Semi & Full converters for R
load. Simulation of converters using P-Sim software.
Unit III: DC-AC Converters
Single phase bridge inverter for R and R-L load using MOSFET / IGBT, performance parameters.
Different PWM techniques, single phase PWM inverters. Three phase Voltage Source Inverter (VSI) for
balanced star R load. 120 and 180-degree mode of operation. Concept of harmonics, reduction techniques.
Unit IV: DC-DC converters & AC Voltage Controller
Working principle of buck and boost converters, control strategies, working with R, RL, highly inductive
loads. Performance parameters, 2-quadrant & 4-quadrant (multi-phase) choppers,
SMPS: - Types i.e. half bridge, full bridge, fly-back convertors, comparison with LPS.
Single-phase full wave AC voltage controller with R and R-L load. Applications of Choppers and AC
voltage controllers

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit V: Power Electronics Department of Electronics

Applications& DC motor & drives
Telecommunication Engineering
On-line and OFF line UPS with battery.
DC motor drive: Single phase separately excited DC motor drive. Simulation of drive circuit using P-sim
Introduction, Basic Characteristics of DC Motors, Operating Modes.
Single phase drives. Single Phase Semi Converter Drives, Single Phase Full Converter Drives,
Single Phase Dual Converter Drives, DC-DC Converter Drives, Principle of Regenerative Break
Two & Four Quadrant DC-DC Converter Drives

Unit VI : Resonant Converters & AC Drives

Protection of Power Devices & Circuits Need for resonant converters, SLR half bridge DC/DC converter
in low frequency, Introduction of zero current switching (ZCS) and zero voltage switching (ZVS) resonant
converters. AC DRIVES: Introduction, Performance Characteristics, Rotor Voltage Control, Frequency
Control, Voltage and Frequency Control, Current Control, Voltage, Current and Frequency Control, Closed
Loop Control of Induction Motors. Synchronous Motor Drives

Text Books:
1. M. H. Rashid, “Power Electronics circuits devices and applications”, PHI 3rd edition, 2004 edition,
New Delhi.
2. R. W. Erickson, Fundamentals of Power Electronics, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
3. M.D. Singh, K.B. Khanchandani, “ Power Electronics”, 2nd edition, TMH, New Delhi.

Reference Books:
1. Dr. P. S. Bimbhra, “Power Electronics”, Khanna Publishers, Delhi.
2. Ned Mohan, T. Undeland & W. Robbins, “Power Electronics Converters applications and design” 2nd
edition, John Willey & Sons, Singapore.
3. M. S. Jamil Asghar, "Power Electronics", PHI, 2004, New Delhi
4. GE SCR MANUAL, 6th edition, General Electric, New York, USA.
5. P.C. Sen, “Modern Power Electronics”, S Chand & Co New Delhi.

List of Experiments:
List of Experiments – Perform any EIGHT of following
0. Introduction to different devices, understand ratings and interpretation of datasheets.
1. Characteristics of SCR
a. Plot V-I characteristics,
b. Observe the effect of gate current b. Measure IH & IL
2. V-I Characteristics of MOSFET / IGBT
a. Plot output characteristics
b. Plot transfer characteristics
3. Single phase Semi converter with R & R-L load
a. Observe load voltage waveform,
b. Measurement of firing angle, average o/p voltage across loads,
c. Verification of theoretical values with practically measured values.
4. Single phase Full Converter with R & R-L load

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

a. Observe load voltage waveform,

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
b. Measurement of firing angle, average o/p voltage across loads,
c. Verification of theoretical values with practically measured values.
5. Single-Phase PWM bridge inverter for R load
Observe output r.m.s. voltage waveforms,
Three phase inverter for R - load (120 and 180-degree mode of operation)
Observe the line voltage and phase voltage waveforms and harmonics.
6. Step down dc chopper using power MOSFET / IGBT. Measure duty cycle and observe effect
on average
load voltage for DC chopper.
7. Find load & line regulation of given SMPS.
8. Speed control of DC motor / stepper motor / ac motor ( Any One of following)
a. Speed control of DC motor using armature voltage control / field control method. Measure
RPM and
plot graph of speed versus armature voltage and field current
b. Study drive circuit for stepper motor- phase sequencing and micro stepping
c. Plot speed-torque characteristic of three phase induction motor.
9. To study over voltage / over current protection circuit.
10. Mini Project based on above syllabus (SCE-Any one of the following)
a. SCR/TRIAC based fan regulator,
b. Light dimmer
c. 12V to 5V step down converter
d. 5V to 48 V step up converter
e. SCR based battery charger
11. Simulation of converter circuits using P-Sim software.

SCE: Statement is expt. No-10

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department Wireless
of Electronics
ETUA32203: Networks Engineering
& Telecommunication

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P):2hrs/week
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
7. Basics of Computer network.
8. Basics of Mobile Communication.
Course Objectives:
 To study the evolving wireless technologies and standards
 To understand the architectures of various access technologies such as 3G, 4G, 5G and WiFi etc.
 To understand various protocols and services provided by next generation networks.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
7. To apply concepts of the transmission of voice and data through various networks
8. To apply wireless trends in communication field.
9. To apply latest wireless technologies.
10. To analyze different WiFi services in different generations.
11. To apply different Mobile services in different generations.
12. To apply knowledge of network security protocols and their counter measures.
Unit I : Introduction to Wireless Networks

Introduction, Technology and service trends of Emerging Wireless technologies, The Amazing Growth of
Mobile Communications, A Little History, Mobile Communications Fundamentals, Mobile Data, WiFi,
Bluetooth, Cable Systems, Wireless Migration Options, Harmonization Process.
Unit II: WiFi and Next Generation WLAN

WiFi (802.11), Family of Wireless LAN Standards and Details (IEEE 802.11; a,b,g,n,ac,ad,af,ad,ax and
introduction to 802.11be), WiFi Protocols, Frequency Allocation, Modulation and Coding Schemes,
Network Architecture, Typical WiFi Configurations, Security, 802.11 Services, Hot Spots, Virtual Private
Networks (VPNs), Mobile VPN, VPN Types, WiFi Integration with3G/4G, Benefits of Convergence of
WiFi and Wireless Mobile.
Unit III: Third Generation Mobile Services

Introduction, Universal Mobile Telecommunications Service (UMTS), UMTS Services, TheUMTS Air
Interface, Overview of the 3GPP Release 1999 Network Architecture, Overview ofthe 3GPP Release 4
Network Architecture, Overview of the 3GPP Release 5, All-IP NetworkArchitecture, Overview
CDMA2000, TD-CDMA, TD-SCDMA, Commonality among WCDMA,CDMA2000, TD-CDMA, and
Unit IV : LTE

LTE Ecosystem, Standards, Radio Spectrum, LTE Architecture, User Equipment (UE),Enhanced Node B
(eNodeB), Core Network (EPC), Radio Channel Components, TD-LTE, Multiple Input Multiple Output,
LTE Scheduler, Carrier Aggregation, Cell Search, Cell Reselection, Attach and Default Bearer Activation,
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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Handover (X2, S1, Inter-MME), Self-Organizing

Department Networks
of Electronics (SONs), Relay Cells,
& Telecommunication Heterogeneous Network
(Het NET), Remote Radio Heads (RRH), VoLTE, LTE Advanced
Unit V : Introduction to 5G Network

Introduction, Requirement of 5G, 5G overview of standardization and regulation, ITU-R activities from
3G to 5G, 5G and IMT-2020, 3GPP standardization,5G NR new Radio and its frequency bands
Unit VI : Wireless Network Security

Introduction, How Wi-Fi works, WEP, Technique of hacking wireless network, counter measure
Text Books :
1. Clint Smith, P.E., Daniel Collins, “Wireless Networks: Design and Integration for LTE,EVDO,
HSPA, and WiMAX”, McGrawHill Education, Third Edition
2. EldadPerahia, Robert Stacey, “Next Generation Wireless LANs”, Cambridge University Press,
Second Edition.
3. William Stallings, “Network Security Essentials Applications and Standards”, 5th Edition, Pearson
Reference Books :
1. Yi-Bang Lin, ImrichChlamtac, “Wireless and Mobile Network Architecture”, Wiley India Edition.
2. DipankarRaychaudhary, Maria Gerla, “Emerging Wireless Technologies and the Future Mobile
Internet”, Cambridge University Press.
3. Erik Dahlman Stefan Parkvall Johan Skold, “5G NR: The Next Generation Wireless Access
Technology” 1st Edition, Elsevier Publication
List of Experiments:
1. Study of different wireless network components and features (Details of any one feature used for Mobile
Security Apps).
2. Study the hidden node problem in WLAN (NetSim).
3. To create scenario and study the performance of CSMA / CD protocol through simulation.
4. Establish Wi-FI to bus (CSMA) connection (NS2/Lab-view/Matlab).
5. To Study Frequency Hopping Spread Spectrum (FHSS) Modulation and Demodulation Technique
6. Establish Wi-FI connection to LTE (4G) (NS2/Lab-view/Matlab).
7. To implement Data encryption and decryption (NS2).
8. Study and analyze the Buzzer/ Power Management Unit in 4G LTE Smart Phone.
9. Study and understand the Basic circuit of 4G LTE Mobile phone (Transmitter, Receiver and Base band
control Section).
10. Study and analyze and compare the in 3G, 4G and 5G Smart Phone system.

SCE: (Statement)

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Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics
ETUA32204A: & Telecommunication
Software EngineeringEngineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 - 125
Practical (P): 2hrs/week
Prerequisite: Students are expected to know the concepts studied in following courses:
1. Basics of Programming
2. Data Structure

Course Objectives:
 To study the stages in a software development cycle.
 To know fundamental concepts of software requirements and analysis.
 To understand the various software design methodologies
 To learn various testing of software development
 To understand project management through life cycle of the software project

1. Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
Compare and chose a process model for a software project development.
2. Identify unique features of various software application domains
3. Analyze requirements of a software development
4. Apply design and quality attributes in software development
5. Design test cases of a software system
6. Identify risk of the project, manage and configure software projects.

Unit- I: Introduction to Software Engineering

Software Engineering Fundamentals: Nature of Software, Software Engineering Principles, Software
Process, Software Myths. Process Models: A Generic Process Model, Prescriptive Process Models: The
Waterfall, Incremental Process , Evolutionary Process, Unified Process, Concurrent

Unit- II: Advanced Process Models & Tools

Agile software development: Agile methods, Plan-driven and agile development, Extreme programming
Practices, Testing in XP, Pair programming. Introduction to agile tools: JIRA, Kanban, Case Studies: An
information system (mental health-care system), wilderness weather system

Unit –III: Software Requirements Engineering& Analysis

Requirements Engineering: User and system requirements, Functional and non-functional requirements,
Types & Metrics, A spiral view of the requirements engineering process. Software Requirements
Specification (SRS): The software requirements Specification document, The structure of SRS, Ways of
writing a SRS, Case Studies: The information system case study - Mental health care patient management
system (MHC-PMS).
Unit IV : Design Engineering (
Design Process & quality, Design Concepts, The design Model, Pattern-based Software Design.
Architectural Design: Design Decisions, Views, Application Architectures, Modelling Component level
T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 34
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Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Design: component, Designing class based

Department of components,
Electronics & User Interface Design:
Telecommunication The golden rules, Interface
Design steps & Analysis. Case Study: Web App Interface Design

Unit V: Software Implementation & Testing

Structured Coding Techniques, Coding Styles, Coding Standards & Guidelines, Introduction to Software
Testing, Principles of Testing, Testing Life Cycle, Phases of Testing, Types of Testing, Verification &
Validation, Defect Management, Defect Life Cycle, Bug Reporting, GUI Testing

Unit VI: Project Management

Project Management Concepts: The Management Spectrum, People, Product, Process, Project, The W5HH
Principle, Project Scheduling: Scheduling with time-line charts, Schedule tracking Tools, Project Risk
Management: Risk Analysis & Management: Reactive versus Proactive Risk Strategies, Software Risks,
Risk Identification.

Text Books:
2. Roger Pressman, “Software Engineering: A Practitioner’s Approach”, Mcgraw Hill
3. Ian Sommerville, “Software Engineering”, Addision and Wesley
Reference Book :
1. Rajib Mall, “Fundamentals of Software Engineering, Prentice Hall India

List of Experiments:
1. Configure software requirements in JIRA or Kanban tool and monitor the progress of the project.
2. Write Software Requirement Specifications for Mental health care patient management system
3. Apply golden rules of web interface design on any web application
4. Prepare test cases for any software application
5. Prepare project schedule for any application using any project scheduling tool.
6. Identify the risks involved in your developed software application and prepare RMMM plan for
the same.

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Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of ElectronicsCMOS
ETUA32204B: & Telecommunication
IC Design Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
3. Digital System Design

Course Objectives:
 To get acquainted with CMOS IC fabrication technology.
 To nurture students with digital CMOS circuits and layout designs.
 To realize importance of delay and power dissipation in VLSI circuits.
 To build building blocks for a data path of a processor.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Model MOS transistor and understand static and dynamic behavior of the transistor.
2. Understand CMOS IC fabrication process.
3. Design combinational CMOS circuits for optimized area and speed.
4. Know the trade-off between delay and power dissipation.
5. Use techniques, skills, and modern engineering tools necessary for design and simulation of CMOS
circuits and layouts.
6. Build building blocks of the system with design trade-offs.

Unit I : MOS Transistor Theory

Introduction, The MOS Transistor under Static Conditions: The Threshold Voltage, Resistive Operation,
The Saturation Region, Channel-Length Modulation, Velocity Saturation, Subthreshold Conduction, MOS
Transistor Capacitances, CMOS Latchup, SPICE Models for the MOS Transistor

Unit II: Manufacturing CMOS Integrated Circuits

Silicon wafer processing, Photolithography, Oxidation, Diffusion and Ion implantation, Deposition and
Etching, Fabrication process flow

Unit III: Combinational Circuit Design

Static CMOS: CMOS inverter, DC transfer characteristic, CMOS NAND and NOR gates, Compound
gates, Transistor sizing, Layout design rules, Stick diagram and layout design, Pass transistor and
Transmission gate circuits.

Unit IV: Delay Models and Power Dissipation

Delays: RC delay model, Linear delay model, Logical effort, Parasitic delay, Power Dissipation: Sources
of power dissipation, Dynamic power, Static power, The Power-Delay product, Energy-Delay Product,
Technology scaling

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit V: Sequential CircuitDepartment

Design of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Static versus Dynamic Memory, Latches versus Registers, Static Latches and Registers: The Bistability
Principle, SR Flip-Flops, Multiplexer-Based Latches, Master-Slave Edge-Triggered Register, Dynamic
Latches and Registers: Dynamic Transmission-Gate Edge-triggered Registers, True Single-Phase Clocked
Register (TSPCR)

Unit VI: Designing Arithmetic Building Blocks

Datapaths in Digital Processor Architectures, Static CMOS Full Adder, Transmission Gate Full Adder, The
Array Multiplier, Carry Save Multiplier, Wallace-Tree Multiplier Barrel Shifter, Logarithmic Shifter

Text Book :
1. Jan M. Rabaey, Anantha Chandrakasan, and Borivoje Nikolic, “Digital Integrated Circuits: A
design perspective,” 2nd Edition, Pearson.
2. Sung-Mo Kang and Yusuf Leblebici, “CMOS Digital Integrated Circuits: Analysis and Design,”

Reference Book :
1. Neil H. E. Weste, David Money Harris, “CMOS VLSI Design: A Circuit & System Perspective,”
4th Edition, Pearson.

List of Experiments:

(A) To do SPICE modeling of following circuits at selected technology node.

1. NMOS and PMOS transistor characterization.
2. CMOS inverter.
3. 2-input CMOS NAND and NOR gate.
4. D Flip-flop

(B) To prepare CMOS layout in selected technology, simulate with and without capacitive load.
1. CMOS inverter.
2. 2-input CMOS NAND and NOR gate.
3. 2:1 multiplexer using transmission gates.
4. D Flip-flop

SCE: Mini Project/Seminar

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

ETUA32204C: Mobile Computing

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme
Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs/week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week

Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:

Analogue and Digital Communication

Course Objectives:
• To learn about various wireless & cellular communication networks and various telephone and satellite
• To build knowledge on various adhoc and sensor networks routing protocol and energy efficient protocol.
• To build skills in working with Cognitive radio networks and recent telecommunication networks
• To design and development of various network protocol using simulation tools.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Understand the working principles of mobile networks and Contrast different types of telecommunication
2. Study on location, handoff management and wireless fundamentals.
3. Study on MANET and Sensor networks including architecture, routing and power optimization technique.
4. Study on cognitive ratio networks and its applications.
5. Assess the recent telecommunication networks, resource management
6. Study of various wireless network protocols using simulation tools

Unit I: Fundamentals Wireless communication

Introduction to narrow and wideband systems; Spread spectrum; Frequency hopping; Introduction to MIMO;
MIMO Channel Capacity and diversity gain; Introduction to OFDM; MIMO-OFDM system; Multiple access
control (FDMA, TDMA, CDMA, SDMA); Wireless local area network; Wireless personal area network (Bluetooth
and zigbee)
Unit II: Location and handoff management
concepts on cellular architecture; location management Mobility models characterizing individual node movement
Mobility models characterizing the movement of groups of nodes; and Dynamic location management schemes
Terminal; Location management and Mobile IP; Overview of handoff process and performance evaluation metrics

Unit III: Mobile Ad-hoc networks

Characteristics and applications; Coverage and connectivity problems; Routing in MANETs.

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit IV: Wireless sensor networks
Concepts, basic architecture, design objectives and applications; Sensing and communication range; Coverage and
connectivity; Sensor placement; Data relaying and aggregation; Energy consumption; Clustering of sensors; Energy
efficient Routing (LEACH).
Unit V: Cognitive radio networks
Fixed and dynamic spectrum access; Direct and indirect spectrum sensing; Spectrum sharing; Interoperability and
co-existence issues; Applications of cognitive radio networks.
Unit VI: D2D communications in 5G cellular networks
Introduction to D2D communications; High level requirements for 5G architecture; Introduction to the radio
resource management, power control and mode selection problems; Millimeter wave communication in 5G, Recent
Text Books:

1. Jochen Schiller, Mobile Communications. Pearson Education, 2009.

2. Andrea Goldsmith, Wireless Communications. Cambridge University Press, 2012.

Reference Books:
1. Ivan Stojmenovic, Handbook of Wireless Networking and Mobile Computing, Wiley, 2002.
2. Ezio Biglieri, Andrea J. Goldsmith, Larry J. Greenstein, Narayan Mandayam and H. Vincent Poor,
3. Principles of Cognitive Radio. Cambridge University Press, 2012.
Lab Experiments

Study of different wireless network protocols using network simulators such as NS2/NS-3 /OMNET++.

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Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics
ETUA32204D: & Telecommunication
Biomedical Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 4 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3 hrs/week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 25 -- 125
Practical (P): 2 hrs/week
Prerequisite : Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
Basic electronic systems, basics of biology

Course Objectives:
 To understand the basic theory of biomedical signals and study of different sensors used to acquire
these signals
 To understand various noise and artifacts in measurement of biomedical signals
 To study Human Physiological Systems from Engineering Perspectives
 To study major health care devices currently used in medical field
 To understand use of bio signals in diagnosis, patient monitoring and physiological investigation
 To apply basic engineering methods in designing and building of innovations in medical field.

Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Understand the basics of biomedical signals, resemble biological process in terms of
electronic process.
2. Understand physiology and anatomy of cardiovascular system and method of
acquisition and recording of ECG signal.
3. Apply knowledge of various EEG patterns for diagnosis of neural disorders.
4. Design a biomedical system for acquisition and processing of ECG signals.
5. Understand the principle and working of various medical devices
6. Understand the application of the electronic systems in biological and medical
Unit- I : Biomedical Signals
Bioelectric Signals and Electrodes: Bio-potentials and their origin: ECG, EEG, EMG, ENG, ERG, EOG,
MEG. Classification of biomedical signals, Biomedical Instrumentation System (man-machine interface),
biomedical transducers, electrodes and their characteristics. Sources and contamination of noise in bio-
signals, Motion artifacts and skin Impedance.
Unit –II : Cardio Vascular System
Cardiovascular system: Coronary and Peripheral Circulation, Electrical Activity of the heart, Lead
configurations , ECG data acquisition, ECG recorder, Heart Sounds and Murmurs
Unit III: Central Nervous System
Nervous System, Structure and functions of Neurons, Electrical activity of nerve cell, Synapse, Reflex
action and Receptors. Electroencephalogram – Structure of brain, EEG signal acquisition, 10-20 electrode
placement, EEG rhythms & waveform - categorization of EEG activity - recording techniques – EEG
applications- Epilepsy, sleep disorders, brain computer interface. Use of Fourier Transform in EEG Signal

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit IV: Biomedical Instrumentation:

Department of Basics of Instrumentation
Electronics Amplifier,
& Telecommunication Isolation amplifier, Right
leg drive mechanism, Design of ECG amplifier, Grounding and shielding techniques, filter design for
removal of noise and artifacts.
Unit V : Medical devices:
Blood Pressure measurement, Pulse Oximeter, Life saving Devices: Pacemakers and Defibrillators, Bedside
Monitors, heart lung machine, artificial kidney.

Unit VI : Biomedical innovations

Case studies: Prostheses (Jaipur Foot factory), Smart-cane for blind, Bempu wristlet designed for babies,
Innovations by young entrepreneurs in medical field.
Text Books :
1. Joseph J. Carr and John M. Brown, “Introduction to Biomedical Equipment Technology”, 4th
Edition, Prentice Hall, 2000.
2. R.S.Khandpur, “Handbook of Biomedical Instrumentation”, Tata McGraw Hill, New Delhi, 2003,
Reference Books :
1. J.G. Webster, ed., Medical Instrumentation, Houghton Mifflin, 1978.
6. A.M. Cook and J.G. Webster, eds., Therapeutic Medical Devices, Prentice-Hall, 1982.
Biomedical Electronics (Practical minimum 6 to be performed)

1. A study of biomedical transducers available commercially, exploring the detailed characteristics (can
use internet search engines for acquiring literature)
2. Design of an ECG amplifier for acquiring ECG signal
3. Study of ECG recorder and acquisition of ECG signals with various lead configurations
4. Study of digitized ECG signal (readily available at http://physionet.org), expected to observe
spectrum, and time domain characteristics like peak amplitudes, identify fiducial points (P,Q,R,S,T,U)
( usage of MATLAB expected)
5. Study of EEG recorder and acquisition of EEG signals using 10-20 electrode placement system
6. Study of BP measurement system using Sphygmomanometer /and automatic BP machine
7. Design and implementation of Pulse amplifier.
8. Study of a defibrillator/pacemaker as per given specifications.
9. Model a biomedical system for measurement of any bio-signal like body temperature/bio-
impedance/respiration/any other

Note: Use of Multisim/ORCAD PSpice/Proteus or any SPICE based simulation program can be made for
initial design and verification

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Open Elective of Electronics
-I (T.Y.B.Tech & Telecommunication
: Dept. of Information Engineering

IOEUA32205A (Social Science & Engineering Economics)

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Lecture’s/Week(L): 3 Hrs/week
20 30 20 30 100

Prerequisites: NIL

Course Objectives:
 Human and social development.
 Contemporary national and international affairs.
 Emergence of Indian society and Economics.
 Sectoral development and Economic development and related issues (such as international economics, WTO,
RBI, etc).
Course Outcomes:
After completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Understand various issues concerning human and society.
2. Realize social, cultural, economic and human issues, involved in social changes
3. Understand the nature of the individual and the relationship between the self and the community
4. Express their opinion about national health and education policies.
5. Understand major ideas, values, beliefs, and experiences that have shaped human history and cultures.
6. Understand the fundamental concepts in engineering economics
Unit I - Indian Society
Structure of Indian Society, Indian Social Demography– Social and Cultural, Differentiations: caste, class, gender and
tribe; Institutions of marriage, family and kinship- Secularization –Social Movements and Regionalism- Panchayatraj
Institutions; Affirmative Action Programme of the Government-various reservations and commissions.
Unit II - Social Development
Scientific approach to the study of human beings. Evolution of human kind, social change and evolution. Industrial
revolution. National policy on education, health and health care and human development.
Unit III – Sectoral Development
Agriculture: Technology changes, Green revolutions, Employment Rural and Urban, Government Schemes.
Industrial Development: Strategies, Public and Private Sectors, Categories, infrastructure, transport and communication,
Consumer Awareness.
Unit IV - Economic Development
Need for planned economic development – Law of demand and supply. Planning objective,
five years plan, priorities and problems. Population and development.
Indian Economics – basic features, natural resources population size and composition, national

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

income concepts, micro economics of India, inflation, GDP.

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit V - Banking and Trades

Financial Analysis, Ratios, Cost Analysis, financial Institutions, Finance Commissions, Budget Analysis. Indian
Banking, Role of Reserve bank of India International Economy, WTO, International aid for economic growth.
Unit VI - Understanding Cash Flow and Taxes
Accounting for Depreciation and Income Taxes, Project Cash-Flow Analysis, Understanding Financial Statements,
Case Studies - cash flow analysis done in start-up companies.
Textbooks: 1. Krugman, International Economics, Pearson Education.
2. Prakash, The Indian Economy, Pearson Education.
3. Thursen Gerald, Engineering Economics, Prentice Hall.
4. C.S. Rao, Environmental Pollution Control Engineering, New Age International Pvt. Ltd.
1. Rangarajan, Environmental Issues in India, Pearson Education.
Reference Books: 2. University of Delhi, The Individual & Society, Pearson Education.
3. Wikipedia.org / wiki /social studies.
4. M. N. Srinivas, Social change in modern India, 1991, Orient Longman.
5. David Mandelbaum, Society in India, 1990, Popular

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Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Open Elective -I (T.Y.B.Tech : Dept. of Computer Engineering)

IOEUA32205B : Engineering Economics and FinTech

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits : 3 Continuous Evaluation(CE): 20 Marks

Lectures : 3 Hrs/week In-Semester Examination(ISE): 30 Marks
Skills & Competency Exam(SCE): 20 Marks
End Semester Examination(ESE): 30 Marks
Prerequisites :
 NA

Course Objectives :
 Economic development and related issues
 To explain the Indian banking structure and terms like GDP, inflation
 To introduce Cash Flow analysis and Taxes
 To introduce FinTech and it’s sub sectors
 To explain the classification of various models of FinTech.
 To describe the innovation in FinTech

Course Outcomes :
After completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Understand the fundamental concepts in engineering economics
2. Illustrate the terms like GDP, inflation, and Indian banking structure
3. Analyze and Calculate cash flow analysis.
4. Understand what FinTech is and the sub sectors that comprise it.
5. Classify various models of the Fintech
6. Illustrate various innovations done using latest technology trends in FinTech
Unit I: Introduction to Economics
Introduction to Economics- Flow in an economy, Law of supply and demand, Concept of Engineering
Economics – Engineering efficiency, Economic efficiency, Scope of engineering economics –
Element of costs, Marginal cost, Marginal Revenue, Sunk cost, Opportunity cost.

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Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit II: Banking and Trades Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering
Indian Economics – basic features, natural resources, population size and composition, national
income concepts, microeconomics of India, Indian Banking, Role of Reserve bank of India,
International Economy, inflation, GDP,Financial Analysis, Ratios,financial Institutions, Finance
Unit-III: Understanding Cash Flow analysis
Budget Analysis, Break-even analysis, Elementary economic Analysis – Material selection for
product, Accounting for Depreciation, Project Cash-Flow Analysis, Understanding Financial

Unit-IV:Introduction to FinTech
Introduction, Financial Services and Fintech: Introduction, Changing Environment, Customer
Centricity, Digital Transformation, Definition of Fintech, History of Fintech, Fintech stages, An
Overview of Fintech Initiatives Around the World, Ecosystems, Downsides of Disruptive Fintech
Unit-V: Model and Classifications
Introduction, Classification, Five Ws and one H : 1. Why a fintech initiative was born? 2. For whom
was it born? 3. Which are the services it aims to provide? 4. Where does it aim to perform its business?
5. When does it aim to operate, within the framework of the financial cycle? 6. How is fintech
working? The organization and its elements, The V4 business model framework, A Business Model,
A Business Model for Fintech. Business Model Canvas (BMC) for FinTech.
Unit VI: FinTech Innovation
Innovation and Fintech, Digital Transformation and Fintech, A model for an integrated innovation
strategy, Types of Innovation: Product (or services), Process, Organization, Examples of Innovation,
Process Innovation : Big Data Analytics, Value Creation from Big Data Analytics, Kreditech’s self-
learning algorithm, Internet of Things, Blockchain Technology, Organizational Innovation: Social

Text Books :
1 B. Nicoletti, The Future of FinTech, 1st ed. Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
2 Krugman, International Economics, Pearson Education.
3 Thursen Gerald, Engineering Economics, Prentice Hall.

Reference Books
Accenture. (2015). The future of Fintech and banking: Digitally disrupted or
1 reimagined? Accenture Research, 1–12
Dietz M., Khanna S., Olanrewaju T., and Rajgopal K. (2015). Cutting through the
2 fintech noise: Markers of success, imperatives for banks. Practice, G. B. (Ed.), 1–18.
McKinsey and Company. Retrieved from http://www.mckinsey.com/
industries/financial-services/our-insights/cutting-through-the-noise round financial -
"What is FinTech and why does it matter to all entrepreneurs?". Hot Topics. July
3 2014.retrieved December 9, 2014

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 45

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Open Elective -I Department of Electronics

(T.Y.B.Tech : Dept. of& Telecommunication
AIDS) Engineering

IOEUA32205C : Explainable Artificial Intelligence (XAI) for Engineering Applications

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 3 Continuous Internal Evaluation (CIE): 20 Marks

Lectures: 3 Hrs/week In-Semester Examination (ISE): 30 Marks

Practical: - Skills & Competency Exam (SCE): 20 Marks

End Semester Examination (ESE): 30 Marks


• Fundamentals of Probability & statistics

• Machine Learning and Deep Learning basics

• Python for Data Science

Course Objectives:

• Making students familiarize with the need of XAI for engineering applications and its central concepts
• Making students understand with the mathematical concepts like ensemble models and non- linear models to
analyse the problems
• Providing tools and techniques of XAI for design and building solutions

Course Outcomes:

After completion of the course, student will be able to

1. Learn the fundamental concepts of XAI and its use to build various use cases in engineering domain

2. Compare merits and demerits of linear and non-linear model in problem analysis

3. Provide knowledge about using ensemble learning and contrastive explanations and LRP for machine learning

4. Performs parametric evaluation of AI-based and XAI-based solutions

5. Apply the knowledge for drafting clear requirements to build end-to-end XAI solution

6. Learn and apply knowledge of XAI and tools for application and protocol development in

engineering applications

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 46

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit I: Introduction to Explainable Artificial

Department of Intelligence
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Artificial Intelligence, Need for XAI, Explainabillty vs. Interpretability.

Explainability Types: Intrinsic explanation, Post-hoc explanation, Model specific, Model agnostic, Local interpretation,
Global interpretation, Sublocal interpretation, Textual explanations, Visual explanations.

Tools for Model Explainability: SHAP, LIME, ELI5, Skater, Skope_rules.

Evolution of XAI, Biasness, and Reliability, Challenges to achieve explainable AI and design issues Case Studies: Fraud
Detection, Online Recommendations, Credit and Loan Decision Making.

Unit II: Explainability for Linear Models

Linear Models, Linear Regression

VIF and the Problems It Can Generate : Final Model, Model Explainability

Trust in ML Model: SHAP - Local Explanation and Individual Predictions in a ML Model, Global Explanation and
Overall Predictions in ML Model, LIME Explanation and ML Model, Skater

Explanation and ML Model, ELI5 Explanation and ML Model, Logistic Regression: Interpretation, LIME Inference.

Case Studies: Linear Regression

Unit III: Explainability for Non Linear Models

Non-Linear Models Decision Tree Explanation, Data Preparation for the Decision Tree Model Creating the Model ,
Decision Tree — SHAP, Partial Dependency Plot, PDP Using Scikit-Learn, Non- Linear Model Explanation — LIME,
Non-Linear Explanation — Skope-Rules

Case Studies: Comparison of Husky Dog and Wolf

Unit IV: Explainability for Ensemble Models

Ensemble Models: Types of Ensemble Models

Why Ensemble Models?, Using SHAP for Ensemble Models, Using the Interpret Explaining, Boosting Model,
Ensemble Classification Model: SHAP, Using SHAP to Explain Categorical Boosting Models, Using SHAP Multiclass
Categorical Boosting Model, Using SHAP for Light GBM Model Explanation

Case Studies: Model Interpretability

Unit V: Counterfactual Explanations for XA I Models

AI Model Fairness Using a What-If Scenario: What Is the WIT (Google Tool)?, Evaluation Metric. Counterfactual
Explanations for XAI Models: What Are CFEs?, Implementation of CFEs, CFEs Using Alibi, Counterfactual for
Regression Tasks.

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 47

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Case Studies: Causability Algorithms and Applications

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit VI: Contrastive Explanations and LRP for Machine Learning

What Is CE for ML?, CEM Using Alibi, Comparison of an Original Image vs. an Autoencoder

Generated Image, CEM for Tabular Data Explanations.

Layer wise relevance propagation (LRP): Introduction, Working Principle, Mathematical Modeling. Case Studies:
Pertinent Negatives, Explanation based on missing

Text Books:

1. Practical Explainable AI Using Python: Artificial Intelligence Model Explanations Using Python- based
Libraries, Extensions, and Frameworks Pradeepta Mishra

Reference Book:

1. Hands-On Explainable AI (XAI) with Python: Interpret, visualize, explain, and integrate
reliable AI for fair, secure, and trustworthy AI apps by Denis Rothman

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 48

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Open Elective -I of(T.Y.B.Tech

Department : Dept. of E & TC)
Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

IOEUA32205D: Management Information System

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 3 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 3hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 - - 100
Practical (P): - -
Prerequisite: Readers/students are expected to know the following concepts:
Basics terminology of Information Technology / Internet / MS Excel,

Course Objectives:
 To understand types of MIS applications in organizations
 To understand information system and its components, its association in big picture
 To analyze the requirement of users and draft specifications of system
 To study databases and its importance in system and business process
 To develop broad understanding of ethics and code of conduct
 To study process of decision making and its phases
Course Outcomes:

After completion of this course student should be able to

1. Appreciate what a supply chain is and what it does
2. Understand the role of IT in Engineering and business process
3. Describe a business process and link it to information system
4. Apply MIS concepts to reach to decision in the tasks he/she undertake
5. Apply ethical practices in day-to-day life
Unit- I: Information Technology and its Impact
Information Technology - Definition, Data, Information, Knowledge, Dataflow, system, Apps.IT
Capabilities and their impact on Industrial, Educational, Business and Profession.
Telecommunication and Networks – Need, Basics of networking and internet, Concept of cloud and data
centers, Video Conferencing and virtual meetings
IT enabled services such as Call Centres, Geographical Information Systems, E Commerce, etc.
Unit- II: Information System Analysis and Design
User requirement analysis, Feasibility study, Software Development / Product development life cycle,
systems study and systems design, Resource utilization, implementation, audit, operation, maintenance
and modification.
Unit –III: Database Management System
Introduction, Types, Advantages using database models, Basics of data models, Queries, generating a
report, Excel as a database for trend analysis.

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 49

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit IV Functional MIS: MIS within functional areas

Department such as Human
of Electronics Resources, Marketing
& Telecommunication & Sales,Production,
Accounting & Finance, Customer Relationships Management (CRM), Product Supply Chain
Management systems, Logistic Management, Learning Management System
Unit V: Decision Support System and strategic management:
Decisions support systems, expert systems, office automation systems and knowledge-based systems,
Structured decision making, unstructured decision making and semi structured decision making, Setting
up Strategy for the organization / situation
Unit VI: Ethical and Social Issues in Information Systems:
Moral dimensions of Information Age, Concept of responsibility, accountability and liability, Professional
code of conduct, Information rights: Privacy and freedom, Ethical Dilemma
Text Books :
1. Kenneth C. Laudon & Jane P. Laudon, Essentials of Management Information Systems, 16th
Edition, Pearson Prentice-Hall, 2012. ISBN 978-0132668552
2. Analysis and Design of Information Systems, Rajaraman, Prentice Hall
Reference Books :
1. Management Information Systems, Laudon and Laudon, 7th Edition, Pearson Education
2. Management Information Systems, Davis and Olson, Tata McGraw Hill
3. Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems, Turban and Aronson, Pearson Education Asia

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 50

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Open Elective-I (T.Y.B.Tech

Department of Electronics :&Dept. of Civil Engineering)
Telecommunication Engineering

(IOEUA32205E) : Professional Practice, Law and Ethics

T Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 3
Lecture (L): 3 hrs./week
Tutorial (T): 0 hr./week
Practical (P): 0 hrs./week 20 30 20 30 - - 100

Course Objectives:
1. To make the students aware of types of roles they would play in the society as
professionals/ practitioners of the Civil Engineering profession.
2. To introduce some legal and practical aspects of Civil Engineering profession
Course Outcomes: Upon completion of the course, students will be able to:
1. Explain the terms related to civil engineering profession and various professional
bodies including their roles and responsibilities
2. Summarize necessity and all aspects related to professional ethics
3. Identify all details of Civil Engineering contracts and tenders
4. Use Arbitration for disputes in Civil Engineering projects
5. Explain the legal provisions with reference to labor in construction works
6. Understand concepts of Copyright, Trademark, Intellectual Property Right , Patents
Unit I – Introduction to Professional Practice
Concepts of Profession, Professionalism, and Professional Responsibility. Roles of various
Government (Statutory/ regulatory bodies and organizations),
Standardization Bodies such as BIS, IRC (formulating standards of practice);
Professional bodies such as Institution of Engineers (India),
Local Bodies/ Planning Authorities (certifying professionals); Clients/ owners (role governed by
Developers (role governed by regulations such as RERA);
Consultants (role governed by bodies such as CEAI)
Contractors (role governed by contracts and regulatory Acts and Standards);
Manufacturers/ Vendors/ Service agencies (role governed by contracts and regulatory Acts and
Unit II– Introduction to Professional Ethics
Definition/ meaning of Ethics and its necessity/ importance.
Types of ethics – Personal, Engineering, Professional, Business, and Corporate.
Code of Ethics as defined by Institution of Engineers (India). Conflict of Interests, Gift Vs Bribery,
Environmental breaches, Negligence, Deficiencies in state-of- the-art; Vigil Mechanism,
Whistle blowing protected disclosures.

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 51

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Unit III – Legal Aspects Part-I

Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

General Principles of Contracts & Management: Indian Contract Act 1972 and
amendments covering general principles of contracting,
Contract Formation & Law,
Privacy of contract. Various types of contract and their features.
Valid & Voidable Contracts. Prime and sub-contracts.
Joint Ventures & Consortium. Tenders, its types & tender Notice, Bids & Proposals.
Bid Evaluation. Contract Conditions & Specifications.
Variations & Changes in Contracts, Differing site conditions, Cost escalation, Delays,
Suspensions & Termination. Liquidated damages & Penalties.
Unit IV – Legal Aspects Part-II
Definition/ meaning of Arbitration & Arbitrator, necessity, scope, and types.
Conciliation and ADR (Alternative Dispute Resolution) system.
Extent of judicial intervention; International commercial arbitration.
Award including Form and content, Grounds for setting aside an award, Enforcement, Appeal and
Enforcement of foreign awards – New York and Geneva Convention Awards.
Distinction between conciliation, negotiation, mediation, and arbitration.
Unit V– Legal Aspects Part-III
Labour & other construction-related Acts/ Laws. Role of Labour in Civil Engineering.
Methods of engaging labour: on-roll (Muster), labour sub-contract, piece rate work.
Industrial Disputes Act, 1947. Industrial Employment (Standing Orders) Act, 1946;
Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1923;
Building & Other Construction Workers (regulation of employment and conditions of service) Act
and Rules (1998);
Real Estate Regulatory Authority( RERA) Act 2017,
National Building Code (NBC) 2017.
Unit VI – Introduction to Copyright, IPR and related aspects.
Law relating to Intellectual Property: Introduction – meaning of Intellectual Property and IPR,
main forms of IP, Copyright, Trademarks, Patents and Designs, Secrets;
Meaning of copyright – computer programs, etc. Ownership of copyrights and assignment.
Piracy & Remedies. Meaning and process for Patents. Law relating to Patents under Patents Act,

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 52

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Textbooks: Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

1. B.S. Patil, “Legal Aspects of Building and Engineering Contracts”, 1974.
2. National Building Code, Latest
3. RERA Act, 2017
4. Meena Rao (2006), “Fundamental concepts in Law of Contract”, 3rd Edn. Professional
5. Avtarsingh (2002), “Law of Contract”, Eastern Book Co.
6. Dutt (1994), “Indian Contract Act”, Eastern Law House
7. Kwatra G.K. (2005), “The Arbitration & Conciliation of Law in India with case law on
UNCITRAL MODEL LAW on Arbitration”, Indian Council of Arbitration
8. T. Ramappa (2010), “Intellectual Property Rights Law in India”, Asia Law House
9. O.P. Malhotra, “Law of Industrial Disputes”, N.M. Tripathi Publishers
10. Rustamji R.F., “ Introduction to the Law of Industrial Disputes “, Asia Publishing House
11. ASCE Code of Ethics (2011) – Principles Study and Application
12. www.ieindia.org

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 53

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Open Elective-I (T.Y.B.Tech

Department : Dept.&ofTelecommunication
of Electronics Mechanical Engineering)

IOEUA32205F: Industrial Engineering

Teaching scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 3 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total

Lectures (L): 3 Hrs./week
Tutorial (T): - 20 30 20 30 - 100
Practical (P): - -

Prerequisite(s): Manufacturing Processes, Engineering Mathematics, Computer Fundamentals

Course Objectives:
 To introduce the concepts, principles and framework of contents of Industrial Engineering.
 To acquaint the students with various productivity enhancement techniques.
 To acquaint the students with different aspects of Production Planning and Control and Facility
 To introduce the concepts of various cost accounting practices as applied in industries
 To acquaint students with different aspect of simulation modeling for various industrial
engineering applications.
Course Outcomes: After successful completion of the course, student will be able to
1. Compute the partial productivity and total productivity indexes considering different
influencing factors
2. Analyse each operation with a view to eliminate unnecessary operations, avoidable delays
and other forms of waste.
3. Compute the standard time for a qualified worker to carry out a specified job at a defined
level of performance.
4. Design a physical arrangement of facilities most economically at optimum plant location.
5. Design the production system considering an estimate of future event through past data.
6. Calculate optimum inventory level by establishing the relationship among the factors
affecting profit.
Unit I: Introduction to Industrial Engineering and Productivity
Definition, Industrial engineering approach, Objectives of Industrial Engineering Role of Industrial
Engineer, Techniques of industrial Engineering, Industrial engineering in service sector,
Measurement of productivity: Factors affecting the productivity, Productivity Models and Index,
Productivity improvement techniques. Some case studies on applications of industrial engineering
to different service sectors

Unit II: Method Study

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 54

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

Work Study: Definition, Objectives, Procedure,

Department Concept&ofTelecommunication
of Electronics work content, Method Study: Definition,
Objectives, Scope and Steps involved in method study, Recording techniques, Micro-motion study,
Cycle graph and chronocycle graph, Critical examination, Principles of motion economy, Concepts
of value engineering and value analysis. Some case studies on method study referring to research

Unit III: Work Measurements

Work Measurements: Definition, Objectives and techniques of work measurement, Steps in making
time study, Types of elements, Time study equipment’s, Performance rating, Allowances,
Computation of standard time, Comparison of various techniques, Introduction to PMTS, MTM and
MOST. Some case studies on work measurements referring to research papers.

Unit IV: Plant Location and Plant Layout

Need for selecting a suitable plant location, Factors influencing plant location, Comparison between
urban and rural locations, Quantitative method for evaluation of plant location, Plant Layout:
Objectives, Principles, Types, Factors affecting plant layout, Types of manufacturing systems, Tools
and techniques of plant layout, Computer packages for layout analysis. Some case studies on plant
layout based on actual industry visit and referring to research papers.

Unit V: Production Planning and Control – I (PPC - I)

Production Planning and Control (PPC): Need, Objectives, Functions, Production procedure,
Measures of capacity, Capacity planning, Factors influencing effective capacity, Aggregate planning:
Methods, advantages and limitations, Demand forecasting: Need and classification (Least square
method, moving average, weighted moving average, exponential smoothing method and Casual
forecasting method. Some case studies on production planning and control referring to research
papers and visit to industry.

Unit VI: Production Planning and Control – II (PPC - II)

Inventory types, Inventory control: Objectives and benefits, Inventory cost relationships, Inventory
models: Basic inventory models, (with and without shortage and discount), Selective control of
inventory: ABC and VED analysis, Production cost concepts and break-even analysis, Cost-volume-
profit analysis. Some case studies on production planning and control referring to research papers
and visit to industry.

1. M Mahajan, Industrial Engineering and Production Management, Dhanpat Rai and Co.
2. O. P. Khanna, Industrial engineering and management, Dhanpat Rai publication
3. Martend Telsang, Industrial Engineering, S. Chand Publication.
4. Banga and Sharma, Industrial Organization& Engineering Economics, Khanna publication
Reference Books:
1. Askin, Design and Analysis of Lean Production System, Wiley, India
2. Barnes, Motion and time Study design and Measurement of Work, Wiley India
T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 55
Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

3. Introduction to Work Department

Study by ILO, ISBN 978-81-204-1718-2,
of Electronics Oxford
& Telecommunication & IBH Publishing
Company, New Delhi, Second Indian Adaptation, 2008.
4. H. B. Maynard, K Jell, Maynard ‘s Industrial Engineering Hand Book, McGraw Hill

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 56

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

of Electronics &Project-II
Telecommunication Engineering

Teaching Scheme Examination Scheme

Credits: 2 CIE ISE SCE ESE PR/OR TW Total
Lecture (L): 1hr./week
Tutorial (T): - NA NA NA NA NA 25 25
Practical (P): 2hrs/week
Prerequisite: Students are expected to know the concepts studied in following courses:

1. Microcontroller and Applications

2. Employability Skills – I Innovation Design Project-I
3. Data Communication

Course Objectives:
 To interpret the Project Management Process using tools and platforms
 To utilized Firmware and technologies for development of Project.
Course Outcomes: At the end of this course, students will demonstrate the ability to
1. Select tools and platforms for Project development.
2. Select Firmware and technologies for developing the project.
Unit- I: Project Management
Introduction Industry 4.0, technology involvement, Introduction to Embedded Security, Need of security over
different platform such as IoT, Real-time system design concepts and decomposition of functions and
identification of key services, Design and construct a solution for a OS native integrated with an embedded
system to verify and demonstrate system synchronization using real world application, Introduction to project
management Tools and Platforms
Unit-II: Embedded Application Development
Developing application using recent technologies, Firmware selection and design for the real world application,
architectural inclusion of IoT in the applications. Understanding the design consideration for Web Server and
Cloud architecture with secure communication for embedded application development.
Text Books:
1. Project Management A Systems Approach To Planning Scheduling And Controlling 12Th Edition by
Harold R Kerzner , John Wiley

2. Gary Stringham, Hardware/Firmware Interface Design: Best Practices for Improving Embedded Systems
Development, Newnes publisher, ISBN-10 -1856176053

3. Pascal Formann, Real-Time Systems: Design and Applications , Clanrye International, ISBN:
9781632404398, 9781632404398

4. Raj Kamal, Embedded Systems - SoC, IoT, AI and Real-Time Systems, 4th Edition, McGraw Hill
Publication, ISSN-10- 9353168023

5. Web Server Farm in the Cloud: Performance Evaluation and Dynamic Architecture, Huan Liu & Sewook
Wee , Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNCCN,volume 5931)

Guidelines for Mini Project

A: Project group shall consist of not more than 3 students per group.
· Mini Project Work should be carried out in the Projects Laboratory.

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 57

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering

· Project designs ideas can be referred from recent

Department issues of&electronic
of Electronics design magazines,
Telecommunication or application notes from
well-known device manufacturers.
· Use of Hardware devices/components is mandatory.
· PCB Layout versus schematic verification is mandatory.
· Assembly of components and enclosure design is mandatory.
B: Following are the Domains for Mini projects but not limited to:
. Embedded Systems
. Power Electronics
. Biomedical Electronics
. Mechatronic System
· Instrumentation Systems
· Electronic Communication Systems

C: Following Activities should be completed in Project Laboratory:

1: Formation of groups, Finalization of Mini project & Distribution of task.
2: Circuit Design, PCB design using an EDA tool, Simulation.
3: PCB manufacturing through PCB Manufacturer, Hardware assembly and soldering, programming (if
required), Testing, Enclosure Design, Fabrication etc
4: Testing of final project, Checking & Correcting of the Draft Copy of Project Report
5: Final Demonstration and Group presentations of Mini Project.

T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 58

Bansilal Ramnath Agarwal Charitable Trust’s
Vishwakarma Institute of Information Technology, Pune-48
Department of Electronics & Telecommunication Engineering


T.Y.B.Tech (Pattern 2020) E & TC Engineering 0

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