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Draculina 14

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December #14 USA/$3.




DRACULINA #12: David Friedman Film Festival, Horrifying But True, Kitten
'latividad interview, making of BACK STREET JANE, Spanish Splatter, Nick Zedc
nterview. Bit's n' Pieces $4.00

S-F- Brown-
ng of EVEN
at Mathilda
Bobbie Bre-
Ten Wel-
Cinema of

Pieces, Horrifying
3ut True $4-00

DRACULINA FEAR BOOK: The best from the sold out issues #1 -

I Bobble Bresee interview, Herechell Gordon Lewis Interview. Horrifying

: True, Hilary Lipton pictorial, Ingredient X. Playmates of Terror,
of nude anc

Imported from Eng-
land, contains: Tura
Satana interview.
Kenneth Anger. Jean
Roltin, Monster Mags
and more $5.00

John Saxon, Samuel
Z. Arkoff. Rick Sulli-
van, ICitten Nativldad,
a lookat Johnny Eck
and more $5.00

All prices include FIRST CLASS POSTAGE!

Drocullna 2

Number 14 Decemcef iw,^

Trrrfm.. rmnii CBQrju=o======<C!-
sasutM"!®' & [OMni HAROLD OLMINSKY
mmm HgMM fff iai tmm™-!]® DyO^LE PIERCE
loraiMia ®Fffi^^(S[^[nE!L- STE\/'E \^OCE

nrad scBEEinx]
SMKB (H? aasnmmniBS

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IT’t'esrr^Mm Tot

Sracuiifui - 3
ThIafI Wall, I'm not talking you ... or am t? Seems there bean a
lot of name calling and finger pointing the last year or so with all the

video pirates out there making Illegal dupes. think we're all guilty of

this crime ... I mean who hasnt said, ‘Til trade you a copy of
, . ,

Swapping dupes has been In practice since a person could afford

two VCR's. But, few of us will step over the boundary and actually try
to sell dupes on the open market.

Unfortunately, thievery and have seemed to go hand and

hand since the beginning, There's a long line of crooks and It starts
at the top and works all the way to the bottom let's examine: Rrst
. . .

off, the producer swindles some innocent people with

money Into
investing into their sure Are winner. After getting ample funds he
skims money off the top and spends only a small percentage on
making his big epic movie. Most ol the actors will be paid on a
percentage (which means not at all) and the director la looking for a whole ticket without ripping it in half and the customer, not giving a
big cut (a big cut of zero is still zero). keeps on walking. Soon, after the ticket taker gets a nice har>dful

of whole tickets, he simply returns them to the ticket seller who

The producer now makes his way to the distributor. The resells the tickets. This time the ticket taker ripe them in half and
distributor has big plans fw the film but it doesnl seem to matter
deposits them ... he then goes and splits the money with the ticket
how much the movie makes it just never seems to be erwugh to
saiMperson on the twice^ld tickets.
cover the distributors' costsi ITie distributor plays with his expenses
and doesnl report earnings correctly or at all! Walt, we're still not done. The customers are busy trying to sneak
into the drive-ins by hiding In the trunks of their cars. Or at the
But the theater is busy ripping off the distributor. Unless the
theaters they conveniently starKi by the side exits at the end of a
theater pays a flat rate for the film it's usually on a percemage scale
show to try and sneak in undetected. Hell, when was a kid, we'd go I
where their overhead comes Into play. They exaggerate thrtr
to the movie on Saturday afternoon and wouldnl leave until
overhead costs since this sliding scale percentage works around
Saturday night sometimes seeing the same movie four times! In
them meeting their costs . . naturally they don't take into account
those days, as long as you kept buying popcorn and soda, they
the concession money - which they usually make more money
never ran you out of the placel
selling popcorn than they do showing the picture. But the theater
owner will play with the figures, pocket money, and do whatever else I even mention bootleg prints
didn't (orte should read David
necessary to pay little to nothing to the distributor. Friedman's A YOUTTt IN BABYLON for tons of stories). realize that a

lot of these schemes and rip-offs aren't possibly tod^, since most B
At the theater the ticket salesperson and the ticket taker are
movies head straight to tape and only big budget studio flima are in
playing their little scheme. After a person buys a ticket ho gives It to
the theater (arid nobody fucks with the studiosi). But, it just simpfy
the ticket taker who will rip It In half, depositing one half Into a box
made ripping off the little guys that much easier. Now artyorre can
and gMng the other half to thecustomer. But, when the two are
looking to make some money, the ticket taker simply keeps the fconthued on page 50 }
Draeulliia - 4
Dear Hugh, In one day and the qualHy is pretty damn
good. The trick was to light the thirtg like a
I must admit, your 13th Issue is
movie instead of a home movie. Even to that
the best by farl Prlrtting aside, and
end we only had three little video lights.
It Is awful, the contents were thick

and extremely meaty. If had any I CINEMA OF TRANSGRESSION -

problem with the earlier issues It pretty weird. Interesting If only to acknowl-
would be the thlnnees of the cort* edge that there actually are people like this
tents, but not so with 13. Just floating around out there. Whether they are
excellent. true fim makers is probably questionable,
Savannah, on your first page. Is
probably the pom queen. Prior to DEATH SCAN - great column. As usual
that she was Shannon Wilsey and I It is probably more fun to read about
directed her In the tacked-on productions than to actually WATCH them.
sorority house sequence In MIL- But everybody's out there t^lng and you're
LENNIUM COUNTDOWN. She correct to encourage them and let others
correctly. Melissa know how to get their tapes. still take my
was, if 1 recall I

Moore's roommate. To be quite stance on the use of words "movies" and

honest, she vras barely able to walk "film" when referrirrg to a shot-on-video

and chew gum at the same time, production. H could be a "picture" or "pro-
but perhaps such a talent Is an gram” or "show", but video tape is not a
asset In the world of pornography. Movie or Film.

EVEN HITLER . . . article was PRISON PLANET - oddly enough Jim

extremely Interesting. Actually WynorakI announced a picture by this tHIe
makes you want to see the film • if years ago to star Sybil Denning and Linda
only to see how all this craziness Blair. I myseH made PRISON SHIP (later

equated onto the screen. can I retHled STAR SLAMMER by film v^d.
certainly sympathize with the direc- Jack H. Harris) on a very similar theme.
tor • It seems like I made THE Upton's new hap-
As for Hilary film, I

ALIEN DEAD under similar circum-

be when this no-thong
pened to In Floiida
stances - although I did have a
bathing suit went Into effect. It's pretty stupid
Nagra for the sound and something
but the bottom line is that girls were sailing
of a crew. Unfortunately the author
hot dogs on the side of the road wearing
failed to disclose his budget, which
these swimsuits and distracting motorlstsi
would be helpful to aspiring film
They were, in fact, still doing H when t was
there aruf the girls were fat and ugly. Oh
HORRACTION, again a very well, that's politics.

good piece and fun to read. It's

Much continued success •

Interesting to see how people are

forging ahead with Super 8mm • Fred Olen Ray - Hollywood, CA
still superior to ^rideo. The trick Is to
NEVER screen or lo^ at your film

prior to transferring on the Rank

Keep DRACULINA alive because It Is

Cintel. Take no chances at scratch- the best magazine available on the obscure
ing it don't even touch HI Take the and strange. especially like Issue #13 on

processed film directly to the lab the makirrg of EVEN HITlfR HAD A
and get the cleanest, scratch-free GIRLFRIEND. Will you be reprinting any
image possible. earlier issues ofDRACULINA magazine? I

already have the FEAR BOOK and five early

We (Jim WynorakI and myselQ
recently produced a sell-through
Issues but am trying to complete my

item called SCREAM

QUEEN HOT tUB PARTY starring Sincerely,
Monique Qabrielle. Brinks Stevens,
Kelli Maroney and Michelle Bauer. Brett A Mazzucco - Foster CKy, CA
Of Interest to your readers may be / wW probabfy be prkiting the FEAR
the fact that ft was actually shot with
a Hi-6 Video Camera laid down to a
^0(2 sometime kt S3 which wik cover
the eoki out issues 25 - *8. i don't hsve any
3/4 inch deck, edited on 3/4 inch
pians in reprktting any compiete issues,
and bumped up to one Inch. Shot It thou(2> / wR be reieasing a t?RACULINA

DreculLiM • 5
. .

It's Impoesibis to find
any vidoos on Math-
ilda betidos th« oar-
Her obvious one,
America,wake up)
Europe has her on
videotapes, cause
they know a good
thing when they see

Tom Stein • Norwalk.

No a^uments
hofo, but it's praity
hart/ to waka a
eoimtry l/iat^ of)ly
intaraatad in ffta top
40 Hot/ywood
rafaasaa. .

Dear Hugh.

have followed

your ongoing series

of articles on the
"NYC Underground"
with much interest,
and have found them
to be of great value
as reference material
comic and / hava two othar printing projaeta for an article (not so
p/annad (hat wffi ba 0/ graat kttarast to much an artide as a
ONACULINA raadars, butyouV hava to wait crusade) I am working on myself,
andsaa. . which is mutating out of my
control. Nick Zedd and Richard
Baylor, in particular, have been
Thanks for ORACULINA #13. Best ish very patient and cooperative with
heading Into my final year, hoping to finish
I've seen to date. Really good to see Info on my convoluted and unfocused
in a dorm of sex. violence and bizarro.
one of my faves - S. F. Brownrigg. I still think efforts.
Getting a bit of flack for not having ‘art’
FROM THE GUT is the best part of your
A new sensibility, but developing some smart argu-
entry for your Shock n' Rock
magazine. I really like the personal aspects
checklist should be multi-media perfor- ments - e.g. ‘Fuck off and get a life.' etc.
of Fandom. EVEN HFTLER was great. Love mance Enclosed snap shot is one of my drawings,
artist Kembra Pfahler's band "The
those behind the scenes articles. SOOOO
Voluptuous Horror of Karen Black'’, which charcoal on paper (plus security).
much more Interesting than simple film I

daresay propels the genre to uncharted

reviews. Although. did very much enjoy I Robbie Hayes - Edmburgh, Scotland
extremes. You will recognize Ms. Pfahier as
DEATH SCAN - mostly cause theee fllx
the naked (she's ALWAYS naked!) “Dolphin Dear Hugh,
were so obscure. Like said, best Ish yet.
Woman" In Nick Zedd's WAR IS MEN-
Pretty girls too. but how come no foot
STRUAL ENVY. Looking among the new mags in . . .

photos? I love pretty women's bare feetl hold on a sec. IVe written this letter before,
DRACUUNA continues to boldly croes in fact there H is In DRACUUNA 13. Who
Take care,
that line which separates rrtere bad taste said life was full of surprises and everyday is

Brian Johnson from the prurient and patently offensive. This different.
in itself is an admirable feat. My only
a small digest alee zkia,
Brian pubkshaa suggestion would ba for you to reprint back DRACULINA 13: while the Cinema of
TH£Y WONr STAY DEAD. Anyone inter- Issues. Other than that, keep up the good
Transgression suddenly seems subject to
sated shouk/ sand hkn a buck for the latest overexpoeure and Richard Baylor has been
issue or $6 for a year's subscrption to: 11 covered elsewhere (HEADPRESS) - K's sort
Warner fk/. Orae/wiia, PA 161SS. Vic Stanley - Lafayette. IN of ironic that Baylor's videos are unavailable
Dear Hugh. In the UK as he couldnl afford to have them
Hi Hugh,
classified by the Brit censors; what a coun-
DRACUUNA #13 ORACULINA goes beyond what You've once again come up with some
was my tst expo- tryl
language can express as praise. Good to typically idiosyncratic stuff that I've come to
sure to your nifty monster magazine. I loved
see human beirtgs in print, thank you. expect from you. Another and
the spread on my favorite Euro-actress, hilarious
Mathilda May. She was sexy beyond belief I'm at the art college in Galinburgh (eontfoued on page 3^
DracuUna - 6

Interview by STEVE VOCE

In tft9 last seven years Fret! Olen Ray DAVID DECOTEAU: Nol We're going to do

and David DeCoteau have each made mere this together, it's a real interesting dynamic
than 40 films a phee. rangmg fiem horror, when we’re together.
sei-fi, ecHor). comedy and erotic thrillers. Ray
FRED OLEN RAY: (laughing) I did an
has worked with some <d the bluest names interview like that with Jim Wynorski once,
in B-fUms (John Carradine. David Carradkie.
but you realty have to watch what you say
Sybil Danninff .
J artd DeCoteau has been
with a double interview.
associated with Lkmea Ouigl^, MicheHe
Bauer and producer Charles Barrd. Wren I DRACULINA: I'm a big fan of Jim
called David DeCoteau to set up an inter- Wynorski's.
view / told hkn that / had talked with Fred
den Ray about k^terviee^ him as well. DAVID DECOTEAU: Jim Wynorski ... I’m a
big fan of Jim Wynorski’s too.
David suggested that / interview both at the
same time. The fofiowing Mervlew was DRACULINA: I read a few yerra back, right
conducted at Fred den Ray's house In before he did NOT OF THIS EARTH that he
March of '92. .. was going to do several remakes of Roger
Corman's movies, like ATTACK OF THE
FRED OLEN RAY: (Looking at DeCoteau)
You want me to get loat while you do this
CRAB MONSTER. I've always wondered
what happened.
FRED OLEN RAY: He tried to talk Roger
Left: Fred O/en Ray. Into it. Apparently Roger owned the rights to

some of those pictures and. . . there's a lot

Below: Davfd DeCoteau and talk that goes on that never
of stuff
comes together. Also THE WASP WOMAN
that I push there for years to do it
tried to . .

but It never got made. And Jim couldn't

convince Roger that there was any money to
be made with remaking CRAB MONSTER.
I’m not sure that Roger Isn't right (laughing).
Actually we did make THE WASP WOMAN
with Bobbie Bresee and the problem was
how to make her look younger.


FRED OLEN RAY: Yeah, she did the older
woman role perfectly but when it came to
making her look younger, they just couldnl
do It.

DAVID DECOTEAU: I've always been

meaning to ask you why did you chartge the
original concept In post production of EVIL
SPAWN? I'm not sure If it was you. because
you weren't Irtvolved In the film other than

DroculliM - /
your magic check book, but what hap- CREEPSI FRED OLEN RAY: keep I hearing that a iot
pened? First it waa wasp enzymes and then
and can't believe
it became enzymes from outer space later DRACULINA: The Fred Dekker film. I

on. Why did you make that change? remember back in 1979 or 1960 read an I DRACULINA: saw I It on video on a double
article in FAMOUS MONSTERS OF FILM- bill with a film called THE SLAYER.
about IT
they were making a big deal about It at the FRED OLEN RAY: Well, that might of made
DAVID DECOTEAU: Yeah. It seem better. You know funny, people
time because Buster Crabbe. And then It's

FRED OLEN RAY: Why years later saw it on video as ALIEN say they liked that film and then start to
did I actually do It? I

Because was someone DEAD. judge them as people differently.

there who will
remain unnamed, who was mad at me at the DRACULINA: thought your was
who waa FRED OLEN RAY: Yeah, I tried to show it to
I first film
time, Roger (Gorman)trying to get CREEPZOIDS. wasn't until recently that
a a little while ago because she wanted
It I

to sue me. They were telling Roger that I

to see it and we couldn't finish it. It was so learned that your first film was OREA-
was stealing the storyline to THE WASP bad (he and David laugh). But you know MANIAC.
WOMAN, which is a public domain film
that obviously we had major problems.
anyway, and there was all this talk about DAVID DECOTEAU: It waa released by
Living In Florida and never went to film
Roger Gorman and law suit stuff, although I
WIZARD VIDEO and it only moved like
school and none of the people had working 5,500 units.
none of it came from them and later It turned I

out that Roger knew nothing about it. This

for me didn't know how to make a picture
either. We had zero idea what it took to FRED OLEN RAY: Onlyl
person was threatening me with this saying
make a movie. We wrote the script wrong
this Is what was going to happen, so I DAVID DECOTEAU: Well, in It's time ... In
therewas too much air in It and we bought a
quickly slapped some spaceship footage In 1986 what did THE TOMB move, 29.000 or
case offilm and we thought, okay, this is
there and called it PROBES OUTER FROM enough to shoot reel one and then we shot
SPACE and figured I'd cover myself. And it
turns out Roger never even heard of this
the whole script and we
had half a case still FRED OLEN RAY: Something like that.
of film left and we thought, you know there's
film, and didnl care what did, artd It was DAVID DECOTEAU:
That was the biggest
something funny going on here. So we
just some people that were envious and direct to video movie at the time. See waa
started making up stuff to shoot. None of it I

jealous and wanted to cause me some lucky with my first film, had $80,000. 1 had a
made any sense. We would get out In the I

crew. H wasnl out of focus. had ten days,

swamp to shoot and the guy had forgotten I I

DAVID DECOTEAU: the sound tapes for theNagra, so it was like

had a distributor who was a partner in the
Well, at least you had
picture, so wssn1 as unlucky as Fred.

killer spaceship scene in the beginning. an hour or so back and forth to town. So
when we sent this guy on a run, we would FRED OLEN RAY: You also had previous
go in his truck, take an Elvis 8 track tape, experience. You worked for Corman and
LEECHES. How do you make a movie for
bust it open, wind It up on the Nagra So we things like that. mean, you knew something
would record the first d^s sound over an about fllmmaklrtg. It shows.
FRED OLEN RAY: That's not something I
Elvis 8 track tape. mean that was the kind

really to talk about. of junk that was going on. DAVID DECOTEAU: Yeah, was just real I
like (David laughs) I

worked TV
lucky, but Ido not like that movie at all. I
in a station and they had just
DRACULINA: How did you get Buster thought It was sleazy. reaJ sleazy, like, you
retired an old Aricon camera that had sound
Crabbe? know.
on film and they had nine years outdated
black and white film with meg stripe In the FRED OLEN RAY: worked at the TV I DRACULINA: Sleazy, as In an erotic way?
refrigerator that they were willing to give me. station and was going to work as assistant

So they gave me the camera, they gave me cinematographer in some Olympic special DAVID DECOTEAU: No, it wasn't erotic. If it
the film, they gave me the lights and they were doing and he was the Grand had been erotic I wouldn't have minded, but
microphones and didn't pay anybody, I Marshall for the senior citizens golden age it was just sleazy. mean the women In ft

edited at the station. I transferred it to video Olympics, and met him. He was a cool guy
were real trampy sleazy women, $50 a day
there, I did the sound mixing there. All paid I and he wasn't doing anything. He had and they would take all their clothes off
for was the film processing and that was the friends in Orlando and sent him the script I
(laughing). remember when was making

budget. couldn't afford those white contact

I and made him an offer, and the guy said
It, thought It waa the most Incredible thing.

lenses so I'd get white tape and cut holes It's so tough to be objective when making a
okay. It wasn't like he had a lot of offers. I

out and put them over peoples eyes and mean a lot of old actors warn to be able to movie and then you look back at It two or
draw dark circles around their eyes and say that they just made a movie. Nobody three years later and go wow, what a piece
it worked pretty good.
actually wants to say, well what have you been doing of crap.

lately? Oh nothing, the phone hasn't rang in

DRACULINA: Was it that bad of a film?
FRED OLEN RAY; You ever go the other
twenty years. Nobody wants to say that. way. where you hated something you're
FRED OLEN RAY: It was terrible. Some- They'll take parts just to stay active.
doing and four years later you look back
times the sound recorder wasn't working and go, that's not so bad?
DRACULINA: Wasn't that his last film?
and would get the film back and it would

be silent, and then would have my brother i FRED OLEN RAY: No, he did SWIM TEAM DAVID DECOTEAU; CREEPIZOIDS.
come in and narrate what was happening, after that and that was his last film. For years
FRED OLEN RAY; That's the way I feel
so it was pretty dreadful. I've had the reputation of either making your
about COMMANDO SQUAD. At the time I

career or killing you. You work with me you said was only doing this for the paycheck
DRACULINA: It’s a cool title though, maybe I

die or go on to something better. and hated And said this was the low
you should think about remaking it.
I Itl I

DRACULINA: I saw SCALPS and it wasn1 point In my career. Little did I realize the low
FRED OLEN RAY: Well somebody did redo
bad. It was a fun film. part was still to come. But as I look back on
it, but It was called NIGHT OF THE It. and If you like that type of movie, It's rtot

Droeullna - 8
VEGIRLS because there was a hell of a lot $120,000.
more SLAVEQIRLS on the screen than
I t
CREEPZOIDS. We shot In a room about
last night. SLAVEQIRLS was more ambi-
thought that
the size of this living room, the entire movie.
tious from the standpoint of sets and things
DAVID DECOTEAU: (To Fred like that, but CREEPZOIDS was
laughing) Is that film erotic? more fun to watch.
FRED OLEN RAY: (laughing) I

haveni figured it out yet, I close

my eyes for those scenes.
DAVID DECOTEAU: Did you see gave up WIZARD VIDEO after he
the R rated version or the unrated ended his deal with VESTRON.
version? WIZARD was distributed by
DRACULINA: From what I saw It
LIGHTENING which was owned
had to have been the unrated. by VESTRON and when he left
Joseph Bjorns must have volun- that deal and went over to NEW
teered to do the film for nothing. WORLD VIDEO which then he
only released movie with one
Just to do those scenes with
Margaux Hemingway and Tanya them, he started a new label cal-
Roberts. led URBAN CLASSICS which he
would handle the physical distri-
FRED OLEN RAY: Almost all of bution eternally. He wouldn't do a
Margaux is actually Michelle label deal and the first released
Bauer. I'm rtot really supposed to was SLAVEQIRLS and that was
talkabout that movie since Tm doing pretty well and CREEP-
doing the next Tanya Roberts ZOIDS was doing pretty well. And
movie and the one after that. That they were doing okay and then
film whan it began made a lot of they started to make these movies
sense and it ended up making no back in Connecticut and they were
sense whatsoever. We wanted it making them cheaper in Connecti-
to be like the old Lon Chaney Jr. cut than they were here in LA.
Inner sanctum movies and it sort They even had a guy out in New
of starts like that. You hear the girl York, Tim IQncaid. who was mak-
thinks to herself, which is what ing movies and those weren't that
Chaney would do in his old bad. But there was a guy in
movies. Very quickly star rewrites Connecticut named Gorman
where they want script changes Bechard who guess was not only

to suit themselves and they have producing, writing, artd directing,

brilliant ideasi And because we he was the cameraman and he did
want It to get done, the producers lights. Ar>d he was making these
will allow the actors to alter the 35mm movies for only $30,000.
scripts. And of course, didn't it

make any sense at all. The ori- FRED OLEN RAY: What was Tim
ginal version would have made
Kincaid getting. Me wouldnl tell

sense, but you know the title If

hadnl been done, I was set to
take my name off of it,because I
ting $150,000 and Charlie would
was that unhappy about the post them.
whole thing. But In the long run of
course. It becomes the number FRED OLEN RAY: Ah. he was
one rented video in the country. ripping him off big time.
Becomes a big. big hit. It was on
the charts for twelve weeks, and
ting $75,000 to shoot in LA and
now Paul Hertzberg and Jim
post produced for $50,000.
Wynorski are scrambling to rip it
off. Rip off one of my movies FRED OLEN RAY; And it looked

when spent my whole life ripping

FfBdO/enft^'s PRISON SHIP great. It looked better than any of
off other people's films. the Tim Kincaid. Gorman Bechard
movies. Pardon me, liked BREE- I

DRACULINA: remember seeing

We same comer,
Just kept redressing the DERS okay, but beyond that, mean that I

CREEPZOIDS on a double bill with SLA-

one doorway. one door that went in and
Just ROBOT HOLOCAUST, would have slap- I


out of the room. And If you watch there's ped the guy who made me ROBOT HOLO-
horrible movie, but liked CREEPZOIDS. It
about Five or six doorways and there's just CAUST had put up the money for that.
It 1

was a fun movie. that one doorway we just kept redressing

around the door. mean the movie Is DAVID DECOTEAU: But anyway. Gorman
DAVID DECOTEAU; Well, It's usually the I

was making them for $30,000-$35.000 and

other way around. People really liked SLA- absolutely low budget, it was done for
Charlie was going wow, gck this great deal.

Dracullna - 9
And was saying, Charlie if you want to give
I the movie here and I brought In another shot for a movie and never made the I

me $30,000 I'll give you $30,000 but it’s Rosenberg, who at the time
director. Anita I movie. have a film with Aldo Ray that

going to look like $30,000. But give me didnl think she knew what she was doing. started and shot six minutes of that haveni I

$75,000 - $90,000 and you'll get better But it ended up being the best of the completed. I shot Cameron MHchell In my
movies. But anyway. Oorman did his first URBAN CLASSICS movies. living room for a film that was never made,
movie and what happened was this major but I eventually used it in DEMON COP.
BIMBOS. It was pre*sold with huge
to be your first real movie? DRACULINA: Tell me where did you corrte
amounts numbers and the URBAN up with the title SORORITY BABES IN THE
of FRED OLEN RAY: Well it was the time
CLASSICS films were presented to foreign SLIME BOWL-O-RAMA?
we used a 35mm camera and had anything
buyers as pictures made between $1-2 that resembled a crew or sets. It was the DAVID DECOTEAU: didn't come up with I

million, He was showing these films to closest thing to look like a movie up to that the was shot as THE IMP and Charlie
title. It

people overseas after he made them to time. I'm fairly happy with It. We even saw It Band came up with the title. He had a little

people who prebought them and they were playing In a theater in New York one time on contest he had over at EMPIRE. Come
chasing Charlie all over the market with 42nd street. swear to
I Qod went I across the up with a wild title and pay you five I'll

knives like ready to kill him. They were so street and bought a polorold camera to
I hundred dollars. A lot of people liked that
pissed off because these movies were not take pictures of the marquee so could I movie. directed the entire movie in 14 days,

$1-2 million dollar movies. They were furi- prove to people H actually played. 14 ten hour days. We shot at night at a
ous. And during all this they were making bowling alley In San Marcos.
which does double the numbers and they're saw, which is one of my favorites, Is THE DRACULINA: YouVe said that DR. ALIEN
making It with Oorman in Connecticut for TOMB. Which is a fun film to watch and It Is your favorite film that you've made.
has John Carradine for about five seconds.
$30,000 and they get the dallies back and DAVID DECOTEAU: Yeah. My favortte film
beyond horrendous, and apparerttly Oor-
Now you made five movies with John Carra-
thathave done Is DR. ALIEN for a number

man realized this and he was gonna skim a

dine.Which of these movies were made with
of reasons. had a greet time making it it

more money off the budget and what

unused footage?
plays, it works. had a script that worked, a

ended up happening was had to remake I

FRED OLEN RAY: Well, the footage I used I cast that worked, and it was funny end It was

firoeullna - JO
fun to watch. The experience was a lot of weak role was Ashly Farared, that should of walk over there, do this or dothat. You need

fun. Making movies is never really been that been Heather Locklear. So you had two to tell them what to do and you need to calm
much fun. The two best days of making a Heathers that would of been dynamite, them down. But you have to handle them
movie Is the day you get the financing and (laughing) Heathers in leather. the right way. And had a problem with one

the rap party. And everything between is a actor. I'll even mention his name. Richard
ORACUUNA: Was anybody dlfficuK to work
Lynch on PUPPETMASTER III. After the
pain In the fucking ass. You always have to
with, I mean everybody In that cast was big
compromise, you cant do exactly what you first day he was a sweetheart and after the
at one time.
second day he started getting tough on me.
want to do. Because the budgets are so low
the schedules are tight end you cant always FRED OLEN RAY: I'll let David answer that. And he started giving me a little attitude, the
get the actors you want and H you get the problem was he really required a lot of my
actor, you could only use him for a couple
DAVID DECOTEAU: Well, the thing is you time as a director. He had a lot of questione.
hear a lot of times • oh. this certain actor he whenever was talking to another actorhe
days and you cant use him for any over- I

was tough or she was tough. think would my and he would always
time.The process Is real tough. And think I
wartted time,
be tough under poor workirtg conditions, I

PUPPETMASTER III as being my best film would be a royal asshole if was treated bad I interrupt. And what did, there was finally a

in most people's ayes but just had a

I or if there was an ego maniac on the set or tough day end he got upset and said, I

horrendous time making that film. whatever. What I’m doing is directing a low 'Look, I'm not here to change the world with
budget rrtovies quickly and efficiently and this movie. All can tell you is I've respected

ORACUUNA: The one thing like about

making them look as good as possible Is your work. I've loved your work in the past.
your films Is the cast. You always have a basically your directing traffic and your a I'm more a fan than am a director. I'm glad

great cast in your films and the best so far is

good rnoderator and your a good psychiatr- you're a part of this picture. I'm a fan first
CYCLONE. ist because what you have to do Is get into and a director secortd.' I had him In the palm
FRED OLEN RAY: Yeah, we had Bob people's heads and get the best out of them of my hand for the rest of the movie.
Quarry, Martine Beswlck, Huntz Hall, for little money artd very quickly and If you Otherwise I didn't have another problem
Heather Thomas. Martin Landau. Jefferey go in there swinging your dick you know, actor. I was producing a movie PUPPET-
Combs. Michael Reagan, Michael Berryman, saying this Is my movie, this is my vision, MASTER II and have a
I really didn't

and Russ Tamblyn. Yeah, that was a fun film. this is how it's gcring to be and doni care if I director on PUPPETMASTER II, had a I

you feel that you should walk over here or guy who was an animator who is one of the
DAVID DECOTEAU: Unfortunately, the only

firacuUna - 1/
beat animators In town but commented zero FRED OLEN RAY: Oh, uh EVIL TOONS thing to do. But I do It. I'm committed to the
respect on the set. and I was just dumbfounded. And Just I project and I said I'd do It and said would I I

played it out because It was the second to put my name on It. But Ellen is Just a name
ORACUUNA: David Allen.
last day. However, did send her home for
I forme when I'm so disappointed with what
DAVID DECOTEAU: Yes. David Allen. And that and dressed up another actress to look has happened with the movie as a director.
he had absolutely no control with what was like her and had her play out the rest of the But as for Fred, he directed a movie with his
going on with the picture. And two days Into day. because I was so angry I just told her to name's on it (looking at Fred). Am I right?

the picture he put the picture In a crisis leave. If it's a star like Lee VanCleef or David
Carradine or someone like that, and If you
FRED OLEN RAY: Generally yes. But it's
situation. Only two days Into the film we had
funny, I pitched a story a years ago to Jeff
crisis meeting with the executive producer, have to take a little grief to get the job done,
Houge and they used it for this movie
we had a runaway production, had a guy then you do it because your real job there Is
SOLDIERS FORTUNE, so IVe got a co-
who was providing puppets on a movie it not to be king of the hill. It's to get the job
story writing credit. IVe never even seen the
was taking hours and hours do very little to done. The producers don't care about what
happens on the set. What they care about Is
movie. I got some money, so VIDEO
work. said we should let him go. mean
REVIEW magazine reviews SOLDIERS
day two was time for me to go In and tap just getting the job dorte. So you can take a

abuse off of a star who might be

FORTUNE " more grade b action from Fred
him on the shoulder and say I'm here, I'm little
Olen Ray and Jeff Houge. The director of the
taking over myself. That was the deal had slummln' to make a few bucks, well that's
filmsname is not mentioned and thought I

with Charlie Band if there was a problem one thing. But to take shit from a nobody,
That's funny, had nothing to do with it. I I

with David Allen would take over as I

someone who has no clout to be throwing
had never went to the set.' never saw a foot I

director. hated the script,

I des^Msed the I
around but Just has you over a barrel.
of donT know anything about it. yet I'm
It. I

script • thought It was horrendous. hated


DAVID DECOTEAU: think it's sort of a 1 getting all the heat for it. Same thing with
the choices In the casting. And what hap-
professional hostage thing. Where they BULLET PROOF. Years ago got the heat I

pened was as we got deeper into the picture know they're in a position where you cant for that. I had nothing to do with BULLET
we couldn't fire the director because he PROOF. wr^e the original story period.
fire them. I

would take the puppets with him and Charlie And then the one time doni take any credit I

warrted to maintain that relationship with him FRED OLEN RAY: I went up to Heather
Imake up some bogus name for MACON
because he was going to use him again in Thomas once and I said, 'If you don't do
COUNTY WAR. and it's not a bad little film.
the future to get special effects cheap. And exactly what tell you, I'm goirtg to put on
And used a pseudonym on ALIEN WITHIN

so we just deit wi^ it and ended up the widest fish eye lens on the camera for
and on EVIL SPAWN dIdnT take any credH
I all

bringing the show in with a lot of grief and your close ups and you're going to look like whatsoever on the original picture.
anger from the crew. We went five days over a monkey looking Into the Christmas tree
schedule and with sixty three Incomplete bulb. You're never going to know when It's DAVID DECOTEAU: Did you direct some
scenes. There was one other time had a I happening. You're never going to know of that picture?
problem with an actor by the name of Bill what's going on.' So whenever she would
Butler who was in LADY AVENGER who act up, I would just lean over to Larry and
FRED OLEN RAY: Yes. did. directed the I I

John Carradine stuff. And directed about I

single handedly the most difficult actor I ever whisper and she would straighten up.
thirtyminutes of the film. And George
worked with. And I recommend to every There's a lot of ways you can gel 'em if they
Edwards and wrote about half the script. I

director meet not to work with him. He had

I act up.
But we didnT want any credit. You know. It's
a problem with me and don't krtow what it I

was. Everybody else seemed to love me. It

DRACULINA: Tell me why you use the funny because you get to a certain point in
name Ellen Cabot? your career, at that point It • It was some-
was the only time I've been called an
where around COMMANDO SQUAD - and
asshole on the set in front of the errtire cast DAVID DECOTEAU: That's actually Fred
you say, 'you know. worked this hard to I

and crew. wanted to know what the

Olen Ray's pseudonym (lauo^)' 1'^ just
come all this way and all of a sudden you
problem was and wrote him out of the I
feel like you're in your back yard again
picture and changed his billing and I've
FRED OLEN RAY: No. She's a bitch. making ALIEN DEAD'. And after the first
proceeded to ruin his name since then. I

wouldnl have her In my office. day or two of EVIL SPAWN Just saw it was I

DRACULINA: Did you find It difficult to work too amateurish for where Iwas right then
with him? DAVID DECOTEAU: (laughing) She Is.
and counIdnT deal with it.
I And had to get I

she'll work for anybody. Ellen Cabot Is an

out of my obligation on the film so I hired a
FRED OLEN RAY: Well no. He only worked old girifriend from high school who I had a person knew would do a good job of

forme for day on INNER SANCTUM. He real bad break up with my senior year. She directing Where would have done a half
it. I

was pleasant enough. was a screaming bitch 80 used her name And
hearted job about think for that it. I

as a pseudonym on a really bad movie that reason, the picture wasn't too bad. H's a fun
DAVID DECOTEAU: Amazing how humble I

directed. pretty much put my name on

1950'8 type of movie. It had monsters and
actors get when it's rent time.
every movie In some fashion. mean want I I
plenty of naked girls in It.

FRED OLEN RAY: IVe had a lot of difficult to take responsibility for everything I've

actors but most of them are still active and dons. DRACULINA: You Just co-wrote the film with
you never know who you're going to run into George Edwards. Was that the George
again in this town. So you cant be too vocal
FRED OLEN RAY: It does back firel
Edwards who produced FROGS and direc-
about things like that. had a problem with I
DAVID DECOTEAU: It does back fire a lot.
an actress who went off on me and she was It'sa bad thing. I'm making PUPPETMAS- FRED OLEN RAY: Yeah. He just passed
a nobody but It was the second to last day TER III for Paramount one day and I've got When started out
ttvay recently. I in this
of the show so just stood there and just J.R. Bookwater with his super VHS camera business and first went independent, my

went on. In Ohio making a no budget movie one day office was George's front reception area,
and my name Is on both films. think I
so anyone who wanted to see George had
professionally that might not be the best to walk through my space because was at I

Bracullna - 12
the front door. We would sit around on the picture would really promote ttw hell out of
I outside of your flesh, you're so beat up that
floor,twelve people were pre*produclng a it. would send photos out to all the
I you need to heal. And let me tell you that
movie with one telephone with call waiting magazines and stuff and now it's like hardly I PUPPETMASTER III I said, 'Is it worth It? Is

on K. That was our one telephone line artd even call VARIETY and tell them I'm making the talent worth It?'

two chairs we made EVIL SPAWN, PHAN- a picture. It's like when you first start every
TOM EMPIRE, and HOLLYWOOD CHAIN- picture you get done Is like an achievement.
FRED OLEN RAY; We did what Dave had
been doing for years after that, went right
SAW HOOKERS out of that one room In But I mean it's just a triumph just to get it

in and did LITTLE DEVILS but It was only a

Raliegh Studios. That was truly the days done because it's so hard to get the ball
six day show. So It was In and out in one
when we had no money, truly low budget. rolling. So every film in the early going is
weeks time. Plus It was fun and It was one of
very important. It's very exciting and then
DRACUUNA: I've noticed that you have
after a while it becomes a Job, which is what
the ways liked to work. But even that

done a lot of work recently with Charles looked at It and said, shouldn't do any-
It truly is, a job and a lot of the thrill and
Band. more of these
short schedule
because have I

exhausted whate-
ver it was I had to
stay In this kind of
short schedule
and this kind of
horror comedy.' It

wasn't anything
DAVID DECO- new. I felt like I

TEAU; Yeah. does It

was doing the
seem like a lot more. same picture over
PUPPETMASTER and over again.
III was a tough But I've always
experience. It sort of wanted to own a
sours what little love erotic thriller, and I

I had left for the In- saw that INNER

dustry. It just takes a SANCTUM hadn't
while to rejuvenate been released in
again, to get my the US yet but it

juices flowing again. was sailing big

And I haven't worked overseas and It

since June. Once was a big hit, and

you leave a tough I've wanted to own
filmexperience you something Ilka
really think. 'I've that. But the idea
done about thirty of making a pic-
four films that direc-
ture, I just couldnl
ted or produced. do It. So we put
The fun and charm the morrey up and
is gone.' It just Gary Graver made
becomes a job like ANGEL EYES for
you would almost us. They filmed In
rather pay someone this house over at
else to do and it
Richard Harrison's
that'swhen said. I
house; with Erick
J.R. go make six Estrada and John
movies and that Phillip Law and
would take care of Monique Qabrielle.
my rent for the next We put up the
six to eight months money for that
because don't plan I
show arrd that was
on working. used to take every job that was what's usually left Is the cast. Sometimes
we did and that was April of
the last thing
offered to me. I've actually turned down two you get to work with an actor you've been
That was the last picture we've
last year.
or three movies where you read the script, dying to work with. I did a Robert
film with
made. We've done some sell through video
you're looking at the money, and you're Vaughn last year, And that's the only reason
type projects since then. After INNER
did the picture. came
It to after INNER
thinkirtg. 'well the fee Is pretty bad. the I

SANCTUM broke my spirit. Because was

^NCTUM I've just sat on my butt and now
script's horrendous. But Charlie asked me to I

I'm back and I'm makirtg pictures. Unfor-

come back. told him would. just needed so depressed and bummed after words for a
tunately, I'm making them with the same
some time. am supposed to be doing a film yearl It's hard to believe that someone
people from INNER SANCTUM and the
would be depressed for a year over one film,
In the fall him but directing being the only
for same actress who drove me to want to quit
job. won't be producing for him anymore. but was.
this business. And I'm right back there
FRED OLEN RAY: Well, you know it's DAVID DECOTEAU; It's a two week or again. However, for much bigger dollars
funny, when I started out and would do a
three week hell. Your nerves are the now and I've calmed down a little bit.

firocuUna - fS
DAVID OECOTEAU: Sometimes money little features early on so we sank a lot of DRESSED FOR DARK and maybe a family
motivates. It didn't before, i was never really money in it. As we started to distribute Ihem HOME FOR THE HOLIDAYS. But
motivated by It. But now It definitely does the market started to peter out and we that'e really all I got planned.
and I'm doing this vampire movie this started making films cheaper and then we
summer and I'm really sticking It to them. did a whole string of these shot on video FRED OLEN RAY: (laughing) Yeah. YouVe
only done eight to ten pictures this year.
features which we're not going to be doing
DRACULINA: Tell be about THE COVEN anymore. The company making a
is actually DRACULINA: And what about you Fred?
with John CarradIne. now
profit. Before it was only breaking even,
FRED OLEN RAY: That's the final Carra* It’s showing a profit. But I'm sick of these FRED OLEN RAY: Well LITTLE DEVILS
dine footage. We actually went to New movies, they're so bad I cant even look at
still hasn't come out. DEMON SWORD I

guessIs coming out. SCREAM QUEEN

England, to Salem in October. We filmed them.
16mm stuff in some graveyards and forest
HOT TUB PARTY we just finished. STEP-
DRACULINA: You've said that HOL- MONSTER over at Roger Corman'e CON-
and things like that up there for flashback
LYWOOD CHAINSAW HOOKERS was a CORD, Jim WynorskI is suppose to direct
dream sequences. But the problem right
now Is these films are not making any
terrible mistake. that. I acted in MUNCHIES with Loni Ander-

money and regardless what people seem to FRED OLEN RAY: Well was financial
son for Jim WynorskI. And I'm in NAKED

like or don't like or whatever, they’re not mistake. It was financially not profitable,
OBSESSION with William Katt, another
Roger Corman picture. I'm trying to get a
really selling well and I'm not going to put even at its low budget. It made a profit but it
role inone of Dave’s movies, but he's not
money into something that have to wait I didn't make the kind of profit It should've
convinced can do it. I

years to get It back. So literally stopped I made. No foreign because it was too bioody.
independertt in house production almost The combination of sex and blood, even DAVID DECOTEAU: No. no. no. IVe been
completely because I'm tired of the hassle. though it's a comedy, really hurt it. We sold working on it. I think gave a part in

a lot to go out and risk $125,000. You

It's it to major territories but a lot of the littie DRESSED FOR DARK for you.
know people laugh, they go “you made a countries just couldnl handle it. I made a
movie for $125,0001’ Let me tell you. let the deal with CAMP VIDEO to distribute it here FRED OLEN RAY: But I'm suppose to be in
average guy try to come up with $125,000 before I made the film. Another bad mistake Wynorski's next film as a reporter called
and spend it within three or four months, because I didn't know what It would be like
most people have a hard time coming up when I made it. When made the
with $^.000 for a down payment on their course, the picture came out they weren't TIONS and I'm bringing Gordon Scott back.
house but we come up with $125,000 • able to do as good a job with it as MEDIA After twenty years his first picture will me

$140,000 cash and we spend It In three HOME ENTERTAINMENT or VESTRON or MIND TWISTER. I'm doing INNER SANC-
months and it's hard cash It's not credit. somebody else would have taken it, had it TUM II after thatand then we're doing the
When turn a film over It’s paid for. There
I been available, would have moved a lot of UNLIVING and PERVERSED THRILL.
They're erotic thrillers. You know my
are no debts. Our films are debt free. It's not them, but CAMP just weren't at that point.

a money, but when you consider we’re

lot of CAMP be big and this was their
wanted to
career goes In phases. First was that horror I

not a studio. We doni have backing of our chance to get behind and promote the hell guy, then was that action guy, then it was

distributors behind us at all times, and so I out of somethirtg. They got behind it with that teenage comedy guy. now I'm the erotic
got EVIL TOONS and ANGEL EYES out thriller guy. You know it's funny because
everything they had, it just wasn't enough.
there pulling in little checks here and there. when I first started in the business I thought I

But I've already spent about $400,000 on a

DRACULINA: DIdnl you work on SHOCK would do nothing but horror films because
few pictures that are already out there, and
WAVES back in 1976? that's all I liked. And after that didn't seem to

I'm getting It back $2,000 - $3,000 at a time. be such a great business to be in thought,
FRED OLEN RAY: Yeah. It’s the first picture

let’s do action pictures, so then all of a

And so I'm just not prepared to do that I ever worked on. It was the only picture I

anymore so the company will properly sit sudden do nothing but action pictures and
ever worked on like that where was a I

until such a time could find somebody else,

people go, "Fred Ray ha does those action
gopher and still photographer. It was a great
like Bret McCormick who will take $%.000
pictures, now he doesn't do horror films he's
experience. They had two horror stars in the
and finish the picture. I’m not going to be an action director." The started doing I

film that was crazy about and rtobody knew


able to do myself. comedies like MOB BOSS and stuff like that
who there were. The director knew they were
and people say. "Fred Ray. yeah he's a
DRACULINA: Isn’t David CarradIne horror stars, but they knew nothing of their
in EVIL comedy director." And now. "Fred Ray. yeah
careers. They were just using them for name
TOONS, and is that out now? he's got that hot erotic thriller." You get in
value only end most of the kids that worked
the film business because you want to do
FRED OLEN RAY: Yes. That’s out in the on the film were students and the producer
one particular thing, wanted to do horror I

stores now. It was filmed In 7-8 days for was a film teacher and these were his
films only. But then of course, when you
about $140,CX)0. It stars David CarradIne and students and none of them knew who John
actually find you can make a living at this,
Dick Miller, Art Johnson, Monique Gabrielis, CarradIne or Peter Cushing was. None of
and Michelle Bauer. you kind of go with the flow.
It's a fun film. them wanted to talk to them all day. And I

would sit back and jaw with them ell day. DAVID DECOTEAU: You know if can't do
DRACULINA: Tell us about your CINEMA I

And Alan Ormsby was on that too and Alan this, cani do errything else, because don't
HOME VIDEO Productions. was a fan so together we son of monopol-
I 1

know how to do anything else. Ihave no

DAVID DECOTEAU: pays for itself.
It sort of ized these two guys. It turned out to be a training in any other craft.
The reason why because had
I started it, I
good little film.

such a tough time trying to find a US home

FRED OLEN RAY: You see. I'm diversifying.
DRACULINA: In the last several months Circus side shows. I have two side shows
video distributor for my films and so started I
you've produced eight low budget films. going out on the carnival circuit this sum-
my own label and hired a sales manager. I I
What’s the next film that you direct? mer.
sunk $250,000 irHo getting the label up and
running. And also we produced a bunch of DAVID DECOTEAU: A vampire film called DAViD DECOTEAU: (laughing) Well, there

DroculliM - //
you go. right Steve?) some of these so automatically Some- . . .

times I even wonder if the people have seen

FRED OLEN RAY: Mutant animals and FRED OLEN RAY: Well, they get everything
the movie or If they just look at my name,
Terrors of the Amazon. My mummified alli- wrong. know more off the top of my head
read the synopsis, and start writing the
gator man. they're all going out this sum- and you feel compelled to write them and review because a lot of times there are
mer. them where they screwed up.
errors in the reviews about things in the film

DRACUUNA: You know, have three Idols

i DAVID DECOTEAU: My favorite magazine that don't exist, that areni in there and I am
of low budget films: Roger Gorman, Charles is PSYCHOTRONIC. really convirtced that they just read them
Band and Fred Olen Ray. No offence David. and they condemn them before seeing
FRED OLEN RAY: Yeah, IVa taken a few them.
DAVID DECOTEAU: Oh. none taken. I knocks from them, but it would be foolish for
agree. Believe me I'm with you. I'm not as us to sit here and think that everything that DAVID DECOTEAU: Or they Just fast for-
old as Fred, but those are my three Idols as we do is the greatest, it isn't. As we said. It's ward them.
well. a job sometimes. Sometimes you make a
FRED OLEN RAY: That I don't like
FRED OLEN RAY: Now we all know and I'm not too crazy about CINEMA-
better. FANTASTIQUE because they're just
too dry and they tend to hype just the
DAVID DECOTEAU: (to Fred) I saw multimillion dollar films. It used to be
your article in FANGORIA on great megabuck
but now it's Just
SCALPS. coverage. like FILM FAX and I

FRED OLEN RAY: You know, I like

FANGORIA had a complete set up to I

a certain issue and if they didnt have a

that.That was the article that kind of
busted me with FANGORIA because i
mean spirit, FANGORIA has a mean,
snotty,little 14 year old attitude about it
accused them of changing the ques-
today that they never had In the early
tions afterI'd given them the answers
and it was true too. They asked me
one question and answered it and I
then they changed the question and FANGORIA anymore either.
made me look stupid in the interview
and wentI after them about and ever it
FRED OLEN RAY: You know, I saw
since that day I've had this problem some book recently that listed me In

with that magazine. hopeless directors section and

their I

is funny.' This guy.

thought, 'well this
DAVID DECOTEAU: Fuck Dennis Fieche, has been on my case
you can print that. for about seven years now, think he's I

local kid around here. But wrote a

DRACUUNA: I've been discouraged

book McFarland and It's out and I

as a fan with FANGORIA.
know what you get paid to write for
DAVID DECOTEAU: FANGORIA is a McFarland and let me tell you, make a I

color press kit for NEW LINE lot more money directing movies than

CINEMA, somebody is getting paid he does writing for McFarland and get I

good money. asked to direct more films than he

does to write more books. And think I I

FRED OLEN RAY: But I am getting a

can live with that, anytime somebody
great review on my book In there. got I

wants to say something, that’s fine. I'm

the pre-run review of my book. But you
writing something for FILM FAX
know have told them am not the
because feel like K. My poem came

only filmmaker who thinks that there is

out in WEIRD TALES and know what

a personal vendetta against them in

these things pay. They pay zip
your pages. There are other people
(laughs). couldn't buy a bottle of Jack

out there who believe the same thing

movie and a lot of the films that I make if
Daniels to celebrate the poem with the
and they said, ‘why would they think that?'
somebody else had made them, I would check I got for it. These people have some
And said, ‘because (laughing) think one of

never see them. I'd never rent these films. other type of job during the day. They're
your editors told them so.' And you know
But at the time summarize that the market computer programmers or, as say. bag I

Tony Timpone calls me and says 'Fred, we


is right for this kind of project, know can groceries . . . that's my favorite. get up I

love your stuff. Why would you think this?'


make this kind of money and a lot of these when I feel like it because have staff at my I

And said. You know all these years you've


films aremore fun to make them then it office from 10 am to 5:30 pm. go in when I 1

been trashing me and now you're saying

might be to watch them if some other guy feel like it, 1 leave when I feel like it. I do
your feelings are hurt.'
had made them and there Is some kind of exactly what I want every single day. I can
DRACULINA: The three best magazines out If somebody doesnl
business aspect to it. take any amount of criticlam anybody wants
there are FILM FAX. CINEFANTAST1QUE mean nobody has to
like the film that's fine. I
to layon me because the one thing they
and one magazine that you write a lot of like everything. There's big-budget movies cant say is that we're not successful. If we
tetters to. Is PSYCHOTRONIC . .
. (editor's that I don't like, some people dont like werent. because the market is far more
. .

note: Steve did this Interview before he was certain pictures and I don't mind It. It's an demanding now than ever was. Al Adam- It

aware of DRACULINA, now we're sure that honest criticism that I would appreciate. Not son,Ted Mikels couldnt cut it today. Ray
DRACULINA is one of his three favorites, Just the fact that my name shows up on Stockier cant cut Herschell Gordon Lewis It.

BracuUna - IS
cant cut K, they couldn't cut H other movie for nothing. They doni say from
when they were cutting It. But the director of PUPPET MASTER III for
they were their own theatrical nothing, ll's because these thirtgs have
dietributore and who'* going to some clout and can take any amount of

say no. Lany Buchanan and criticism as long as I'm making $200,00 -
those guys are rtot filmmakers, $300,000 a year. I'll be happy. When get I

and the fact Is, if they hadnl down to their level again, then I'll feel bad.
finartced their own picture . . . But Icant feel bad right now because I'm
Dave and I are hired by the doing what want to do every single day.

people vrho know what the hell

they're doing ar>d given the

rehash press releasee that you can read in

money to make picturee, and It'a
any video or Industry trade magazine, H'a
not like Ted Mlkels and Al
the same old crap and there's the mean
Adamson. They had to get their
spirited Or. Cyclop. People want to com-
own money together because
plain about me being Elen Cabot, who the
nobody would give them a pay-
fuck Is Dr. Cyclops? demarKi that he step I
ing job. They had to make their
own movie, because if they stop-
ped their careers would stop DRACULINA: Tell me about your book THE
and that's not the case here. The NEW POVERTY ROW. I tried ordering a
case here Is making quality low copy but they were on back order.
budget pictures that turn a prcM
and the only reason why they FF^D OLEN RAY: It's a company history

turn a profit, because don'tI

on companies that rtobody has ever written
care if there's one kid In about. gets down into the distribution and

FANQORIA that writes the It turrted out very well. Ar>d also had access I

review artd doesn't like n. there to banking racords ar>d statements artd the
real dollar amount for the films and how
must be thousands and thou-
sands out there that do like much they really made and there's fllmogre-
them because they keep selling. phiee on ail the companies In there the . . .

They don't go from the director only reason wrote the book is because r>o

of INNER SANCTUM or orte wrote it before me, would

I or rather just

ARMED RESPONSE on the bought it and read It myseH . .

FrvdOhnftty't THETOMB back of the video box for some

Chase ^hdaii (RlfBiiiock. RB/agoE
OFlHaR/lNGZOfl^ieSjls cxithftral
teiLSifllf killer'MCSatjnela, E^Y
f^PERS.and fWKXTcenterlbidrW&'S
dekvettig the UIiMrMl
*1 M m
(saficM/iili i’i

PO BOX 969 -CEmiAJl- 62801

SracuUiM - iS
films on Videocassette

Pre-THELMA & LOUISE film noir chronicles the
lives of two gorgeous female criminals and their
tamv world of drugs, extortion, robbery and murder.
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Hilarious black comedy concerning a lonely ^^aafoKior
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doesn't help). After a string of disas-

trous dates, he turns to call girls for
companionship and the results aren't
much better. He soon loses his money, PRODUCTIONS

his self-respect and what's left of his



A 11 films recorded on quality VHS tape

trom lop grade masters (SP mode) and 1991

snipped in pro(ecf(ve vinyl cases. (C)

SCORCHED EARTH PRODUCTIONS 2201 South Clayton Denver, CO 80210
BnuuUna - 17

On o dtWy aihumn evenli
and Danny - sit In wooded c

boys allow Ralpn to sit


When Jason ventures Int )1hewoocb to gather firewood, he

is approached by Rolph


three boys-Jason,
by their campfire,

eavy-set derelict. The

As payment for the
warmth. Ralph off^ to tell the beys' o series of horror

'The Hook* begins with wo young jvers, Susan and Jim, I

parked on o deserted rc od. Therad oannouncesthotThe

Hooto a notortous mass nurdererw tiarustyhooklnstead
of 0 hand, has escaped roman asylum. Susan insi^ that
they return to her houy ButTheHe^jqk is hiding In Suson's
house, andhehosagrisly fate in stor^thecouple.

In'Overtoke.'two desperate drug addicts, Chris and Larry,

ore token to a drug den full of sore-lnfe^ pot smokers.
pAJIer pufchosing ond-smoMng s(^j)fJhe.abnonTiaL
marl|uona, Chris and Larybecome lopefesslyoddictedto
the weed and begin to d' icompose.

The Fright Before Xmc s* begins \ /hen Steve, a greedy

yuppie, murders hk momer on Christmas Eve.
Unfortunately for Steve he 1$ visitf that night by Satan
Claus, on evil apparittor
•n Mho punish sbodbo^. I

*Skull & Crossbones* Ir^volves c

li ;rderous 18th century
pirate who is shipwreck onodr rted island. The pirate
discovers that he is not c lone
I when els stalked byabond
ofsword-wtekJIngzomt modeu>'ofthevartousmenhe

Back at the campfire, R( Iph flnishec the final story and the
threeboystoliosleep. 8 itRalphhos oneflnal shock in store

CAMPFIRE TALES took three and a instructor. She was a good trooper when it Over the next few years, we shot the rest
half years to make. My partner William came to running, screaming, falling, and of the stories' one by one. Bill and financed

Cooke (Bill) and have always been lifelong

I taking bucketfuls of fake blood in the face, the film by earning money as crew members
honor tans and aspiring film makers. We The Hook was played by Chip York, who on commercials and industrials, and by
met when were students at tha University of was the biggest guy knew. The Hook's
I working day jobs- We also got a few grant
South Carolina's Media Arts Department. makeup was done by Bill and the gore awards from two National Endowment for
Outing our final year, we made our firat effects were by Michael R. Smith who did the Arts organizations. Most people, Includ-
16mm short. THE HOOK. We had made a most of the FX for the rest of CAMPFIRE ing us, were shocked that we got govern-
number of Super 8 films and videos, but we TALES. ment grants to maka an exploitation gore
had never worked with 16mm equipment film, but there are very few film makers In
After the short was edited, local com-
before. Since our technical experience was our area, so our competition was limited.
poser Kevin Qreen wrote electronic music
limited and there was only one other person
in our crew, lighting and sound man Rate
for the short. The heavy-metal music was Each segment was more ambitious than
written by musician Steve Borders. the last. The technical proficiency of Bill and
McKinney, we decided to go with a very
myself increased with each sagment, as did
basic horror story and make it was gory as When THE HOOK was completed. Bill
the size of our crew. Bill and sen/ed as
possible. and decided
I to make It the first segment of
photographer and producer respectively,
We an anthology feature called CAMPFIRE
shot the segment on weekends at and alternated as writers and directors. Eric
my parent's house. The lead actress was
TALES. We wrote three more stories and LItra became our lighting dlractor/asslstant
tied them all together with framing segments
Lora Podell, a local model and aerobics cameraman for the rest of the segments and
set around a campfire.

Drenkllna - 18
tunataly, the Steenbeck editor wee old and
frequently broke down, causing us head-
aches and delays. We didn't have access to
a foley studio. We'd dub our sound effects
by toting a VCR and portable TV back to our
locations and match the sound effects to a
video workprint.

The next segment, THE FRIGHT

BEFORE XMAS, was shot in April, so we
had unpack our Christmas decorations to
dress the sets. We used laundry detergent
as enow for the exterior scenes. The Satan
Claus makeup was designed and applied by
Bill. Belinda James based her costume
design on pictures from the Victorian period.
The mutant reindeer seen on the rooftop
was created by Bill who covered a wire
armature with clay and latex.

The lead actor was Paul Kaugmann, who

had done plays and commercials. His twin
bother, Walter, played his brother in the film.
The two children were Josh and Sara Craig,
Bill's nephew and niece. When casting
minors In our movies, we always have to be
certain that their parents doni object to
occasional profanity and constant gore. This
segment was the easiest and quickest to
Gunnar Hansen /Teatheffy^'^ TEXAS CHAINSAW UASSACRE) portrays the dreartged
storyfefferJn CAAtPFfftE TALES The final story, SKULL AND CROSS-
BONES. was an absolute nightmare to
Dan Rogers handles sound. LItra has wor- the basement of a shop whose owner we shoot. Making movies Is rarely fun, but this
ked on a number of projects including the knew. Since this was a very low-budget film, segment was a miserable ordeal. Bill got the
Disney feature WILD HEARTS CAN'T BE the pounds of marijuana seen In the movie story idea while vacationing at Hunting
BROKEN. Rogers Is on the staff of the were actually parsley and tobacco. We Island, a beach along the South Carolina
South Carolina Film Office and has been couldnl shoot In the basement until the coast that has an abundance of palm trees
involved with numerous movies Including shop closed for the day, so the shooting of artd has remained unspoiled by civilization.
PRINCE OF TIDES. Belinda James, who the decomposing scene lasted until early in

did the costumes and and

sets, is Bill's wife the morning. The set was a mess and the Setting the story in the 1700's seems
has worked on theater productions and actors and crew was miserable. The pus on such a low-budget film,
overly ambitious for

training videos. Kevin Green continued to the actors was a mixture of pea soup, food but everything was carefully designed to
write the music, sometimes In collaboration coloring, and com syrup. The slime that the show a bare minimum of sets and costumes.
wtth Stan Lollls, another local musician. cat licks up
Every scene In the movie was meticulously was a raw
story boarded, planned, and rehearsed egg mixed
before filming. with food
TheOVERTOKE segment, which seems
to be the most popular, is based on a true When we
story. met two losers who spent their lives
I finished
drivingaround looking for marijuana. They shooting
frequentlywere scammed into buying ore- each seg-
gano and lived virtually the same llfestyie as ment, we'd
the characters in the film. The potheads post (edit,
were played by David Avin and Jeff Jordan sound mix,
who have each performed In dozens of answer print)

theater productions. Avin didnl know how to entirely on

drive, so all the shots of him driving were film. Since
filmed with the car parked. We shook the car nobody else
and flashed tights across the windshield to in town edi-
make it seem like the vehicle was moving. ted on film,
Avin also appeared In the Robby Bensen we were able
fiasco MODERN LOVE. FX artist Michael to use the
Smith played Frank, the drug dealer in this local editing
segment. facilities at a
very low
The potheads' apartment was actually
price. Unfor-

Dracutlfw - 19
trying to find pissed and discouraged, but the cast and
him, but we crew stood by us and we scheduled a
never heard re-shoot for December. The actors playing
from him the zombies weren't too thrilled to have to
again. We submerge themselves in the Icy water, so we
had to use a rented wet suits to wear under the cos-
stand-in for tumes.
the rest of his
This time the footage came out fine, but
the nightmares corrtinued into poet produc-
which les-
tion. During the sound mix, the interlock
sened the
machine kept getting out of sync causing
film’s Impact.
delays and ulcers.
To shoot
Finally we were ready to shoot the
the scenes
framing segments around the campfire. The
on the beach,
three boys were played by Tree Holton,
we rented a
Courtney Ballard, and Robin Roberts who
cabin at
had all done local theater. Holton plays the
bag boy who insults Kathy Bates in FRIED
Island for a
weekend of
filming. We To play Ralph, the storyteller. Billand I

shot a num- wanted to cast a somebody with a "name"

ber of scenes in the horror genre to help give the ftim a
on Friday. On boost In the marketplace. We thought of
Saturday, we Ounnar Harteen, who played "Leatherface"
woke at five In Tobe Hooper's legendary TEXAS
a.m., applied CHAINSAW MASSACRE and also
zombie mak- appeared in THE DEMON LOVER and
eup to the Fred Olen Ray’s HOLLYWOOD CHAIN-
crew (who SAW HOOKERS with LInnea Quigley. I

were dou- contacted Hansen at his home In Maine and

bling as he agreed to ai^ar In our film for a
actors), and reasonable fee.
went to the
beach for a Hansen on Friday night. We

grueling day rehearsed Saturday afternoon and shot his

LawrwKeE. Campbaffplays an 18rh cantu/y pirata who baltlas a band of
of shooting a scertes Saturday night. We had two cameras
sword fight. on the set that night In case one of them
All ofthe costumes were made by hand by Although the broke down. Hansen did a great job and
Belinda James who had extensively resear- fight was seemed to enjoy himself on the set.
ched the period with Bill. We hoped that a choreographed and rehearsed, there were
The evening was not without Its share of
period piece would do two positive things still times when the actors were poked and

for our anthology • a) add production value jabbed. I was

and b) make the movie stand out from other afraid that
modem horor movies since period horror is somebody
rare In contemporary shockere. was going to
get an eye
The hut In this segment was also built
poked out
from scratch. The hut scenes were shot in
and that the
Blythewood. a rural area in South Carolina,
resulting law-
while the beach scenes were shot at Hunting
would put
an end to the
Our problems began with casting. We film.

approached a number of local actors to play

A few
the pirate, but they were aii more interested
days after we
in starring in obscure local theater than in
got back, I

appearing in a feature film. We finally found

got a call
Larry Campbell, an actor, writer, and jazz
from the lab.
musician who had the stamina to play what
The camera
turned out to be an extremely physically
that we used
demanding role. The black pirate was to film had a
played by Harold Odom, a local dancer who light leakand
had no film experience, but was the only
the entire
person we could find. On hie second, and day’s footage
final day, of shooting, Odom never showed was useless.
up. I frantically made a number of calls
We were
Dnadtmm - 20
problems. The assistant soundman showed to a whopping S25,000. We then put CAMPFIRE TALES is finally reaching a
up late and drunk with an even drunker together a marketing package and began demented audience and we're currently in

companion in tow. The makeup man artd the looking for a home ^deo distributor. After production on our second horror feature.
still photographer had to record the even* several long, discouraging months, our pro-
CAMPFIRE TALES is available In video
ing's sound even though they had never ducer's representative was able to secure
stores or you can buy a copy for $20
worked a Nagra before. domestic and foreign home video distribu-
tors for the fitm and we're currently shopping
(postage Ir^uded) from: CRIMEN PRO-
When the framing segments were edi-
the cable TV market.
ted, the entire film was transferred to video. UMBIA. SC - 29250.
The total cost of the feature ultimately came After years of hard, frustrating work,

Orocullna - 21
DrocuUna 22
Aftar 0 n«ar panic anjf^ad ovar har and her rasiHenca for soma time S was a epecifica get the impression that you have

njmofBd ratiramant Si baan ln^>Sing to aaa dream coma true to mtarview her! For this a large supportive famiiy. am right? I

tha mtum of bronzad and baaut^t Mtchafia good fortune i extend my fodabted thanks to
MICHELLE BAUER; Yes. I am a native. My
Bauar to tha workf of film and vidao. Ahaaya Fred Oian Bay and tha most humble editor
famiiy support is SO/SO. Older sieters are
captivation with har abundant physical of DBACULiNA for focHSating dtis fine
never much fun. My mother and father love
charms and misehiavous ways • Just watch moment!
har eyas sparkle - she has built up gufie an
DRACULINA: First off I'd like to ssk a little
array of acting credits an equally powarfij! 0: 1 also wanted to congratulate you, though
about your background • are you a native
sensual riTystiqua. Ha^ng admired >li\c\\a\\a a bit late, on the birth of your beby girl
Californian? Though I've never read any

firacuUfia - 2S
Whitney. How has family life and raising a floorl loved your part in
I but feel there
it knows exactly what he wants and gets it.
child aHered or changed your views on the should have been much more of you in the There isnl any confusion and there ie lots of
film business or life in general for that film. fun to be had. wish more sets were this way

matter? to work wi.

MB: I was so excited to have a leading role
MB: It hasn't changed at all. I still have the and to work with Cammeron Mitchell that I D: In a older interview I was very impreeeed
"seed of excitement" with some com-
for movie making. I ments you made
hope to enlighten about the fact that
her. She will be four you just enjoyed
soon, she likes to actirtg whether it
see ''mommy" on was a small or
T.V. large role and that
ego didn't really
D: Do you thinK that figure Into H. In ref-
you'd Ilka to have
erence to this I just
more children? wanted to say that
your enthusiasm
really brings a lot
D: know that 1991
to whatever it is
was an extremely you're Involved In
busy year for you and it comes
with film after film
across on the
(CHICKBOXER, screen! Have you
BIMBO PENITEN- had extensive for-
TIARY. and mal acting training
DEMENTED) can or have you lear-
you bring us up to ned your craft
date on your most more from other
recent profects? actors and actual

MB: THE DWEL- experierwe?

LING. LITTLE MB: “Experience
DEVILS.SCREAM is the best tea-
QUEEN HOT TUB cher”. I have
PARTY. always agreed
D: In these recent
with this. You can
learn technicalitiee
films you've worked
from a book but to
with a variety of
interesting people. I
use them In your
wanted to ask you own way Is com-
pletely different.
for instance what it
was like working with O: You mentioned
Angela Bowie in once that you get
DEMENTED? cast a lot for love
Anyone else that scenes either
you've worked with “because I know
recently that has vrhat I'm doing or
been a really plea- because like H." I

sant surprise? You do really have

a flair for bringing
MB: Angela Bowie
was very down to an element of

earth. Not too stuck

strong brooding
sensuality to a
on herself. She had
her daughter on the
character, how do
set, I liked that. I just
you manage that?

worked with Burt MB: I let myself

Ward (BATMAN). go. I guess I

He was also very became uninhibi-

couldnt have asked for anything more.
to. Robert Vaughn in LITTLE
nice to talk when am sexy. In real
ted I actirtg life It

DEVILS, he was so kind to give me a D: In reference to THE TOMB can you give would be difficuit to "come on" to a man in a
moment. us some observations on what H's like to be bar or a situation similar. In the movies to
on a Fred Olen Ray set? He must work very "turn him on" comes easy.
D: How do you feel the final version of THE
quickly and efficiently to create as many
TOMB that came out? I've always felt that it
films as he doesi D: You have a gorgeous body to compli-
was a film that served as a teaser for what ment your acting, how do you manage to
you knew had ended up on the cutting room MB: Yes, he does work very efficiently. He stay In such great shape?

Drocullna • 24
MB; have a
I lot of incentive. I exercise a iot, 0: In a recent article Unnea sort of abdi- heart?
not oniy to keep fit hut to release tension. If I cates her throne as a reigning Scream
MB: They all make me feel warm and
gave up having to look good I would Queen and wanted to ask you if you felt the

glowing inside. Each orre makes me feel

exercise anyway. Scream Queen label has more helped or
good In a different way. I cani say any one
hindered your respective careers in the long
D: Speaking of exercise I thought of Unnea
film Is my favorite.

Quigley's workout video • you've known

D: For a time there seemed to be some
each other awhile, when did you first meet? MB: "Scream Queen" has died, no pun
confusion over the alternating last names
Intended. It was a highlight for all the girls. I

MB: Many years ago. woni say how lor^,

don't feel that it has hindered anyone but it's
McClellan and Bauer, did that hinge on the
that would give me away. We were doing time to move on.
type of film you were working on at the time?
extra work In the rrwvle THE MAN WHO
WASNT THERE, we seemed to out last the D: Of ail your films is there one in particular
MB: No, unfortunately my “X" husband Mr.

others. that Is especially near and dear to your

Bauer, threatened to sue me for using

OracuUM - 25

up claying
luer I tried to
with Bauer
rnake the change I ended
I) What kind ot role can you envision that
BAUER (McClellan):
would reveal the most about who Michelle ROLL YWOOD CHA/N
uer really is and how she (eels'*

Thai a very Maybe
a smartass


likes to
gel physical A
omedy of course THE TOMB (note: edi
Whal do you find to be the most fulfilling
ted Bauer nude scene
when you re not working on a film and have ended up m BEVERL >
ime to relax and en|oy yoursetP
^eo Robles
Quality time with
the mountains
family camping in
One final question that has bothered me

some time with your even increasing


ive always

wondered why there ri;: TOM


uer fan club’’
of one com-

• a friend
I have





'.Tchelle for taking ^

e of yoursell and
Take •

^ f||l - CHICK-
It be looking lor-
vard to your future
4 eD
of respect for Michelle
efratned from asking questions that delved
Bauer s wishes I


'O her past relating to her adult film
career as

a nude model
g filmography only accounts for her
(after TOMBi which
Hence the

IS unfortunate because a tot o! her early

indeed of merit CAFE FLESH being
personally 1

W . the
a case m point All told think that the l
D WE L -

reasoned and genuine zeal Michelle Bauer ^ / tNG

an Teale in a role has its foundation m
parts in erotic scenarios be

I R or X it
L / T TL E
•aled DEVILS
jOns interested in the early erotic work ot
Bauer are mvited to contaci me

ire of DRACUIINA for further information

Droeullna -
In 1988 Kam movad to San Francisco two girls he was living with proceeded to rob also.
and ambarttad on a campaign to gat off a bank and in a wild car chase, smashed
In the spring of 1989 Zedd presented a
dopa by smoking large quantities of pot and Kern's car Into a showroom window before
retrospective of his films at the Museum of
taking massK/a amount of psychedelics. An getting caught. Two rrtore of Kern's dope
dealer pals got busted with a large amount
Modem Art. an event that marked a turning
article in the San Francisco &amlnar detai-
point in the Cirwma of Transgression.
led Kern's eviction from a two bedroom flat a ofamphetamines on them, tho the evidence
was depleted by when the
Tommy Turner showed up and jumped
year later "the stench was so severe that
. . . 2/3 local police
onstage in front of two hundred people to
sheriffa deputies who posted an eviction fenced the narcotics. Terrified of getting
deliver a blistering tirade denouncing Zedd
notice on the door asked the owner of the busted, Kem returned to New York.
for selling a tape of WHERE EVIL DWELLS
flat to stay outside while they checked for
Meanwhile, Nick Zedd was running a which Turner had actually given him permis-
bodies. To call it a pig sty,' the landlord
film club called The Invisible Cinema on sion to do. His mind crazed by a $100 a day
said. would be insulting to a pig.’
' When . . .

Sundays in the basement of a bar on First drug habit. Tommy, now a satanic skeleton
Getzen entered the Broderick Street apart-
Avenue next door to the East Village's only suffering from temporary amnesia, accused
ment in March she found up to ten 'punkers'
graveyard. For six weeks Zedd showcased Zedd of loeirtg one when in fact
of his films
living there, two cats, one dog and a filthy
underground films like John Moritsugu's the movie was sitting somewhere in Turner's
two-bedroom flat. She decided on eviction. It
took her nearly four months and $4,000 to
SLEAZY RIDER. Turner's WHERE EVIL apartment, misplaced in the rubble of used

them ...Oetzen said her soft

DWELLS trailer, Michael Wolfe's demented needles and baby bottles. Heckled off the
get out. In
home movies reenacting biblical tales, and stage. Turner demanded $15 from an
Southern drawl, 'I couldn't even believe that
Scott 8. movies LAST RIGHTS, the
like amused Zedd who blankly complied with, “I
people would live this way. They said didn't I

story of Velma Barfield, a woman who used was going to give to you when saw you,
It I

understand their philosophy.'

rat poison to slowly kill her husband so no Tommy." The two no longer speak to each
Facing eviction by sheriffs deputies, the one else could have him. other. Zedd rtow refers to his former com-
tenants fled Tuesday night, leaving this rade as "Tommy Traitor." Turners apartment
The Invisible Cinema, despite a press
scene for Oetzen to survey Wednesday; burned down two years later, destroying
blackout. buiK up a large, enthusiastic fol-
Quart beer bottles strewn throughout, most of his films. He barely escaped with his
lowing before being abruptly closed by the
broken stereo speakers, broken TV sets, son Talon in his arms.
management of the club up^alrs in order to
broken clock radios, pornographic pictures
make room for dart games. The Invisible In 1990, Zedd toured Germany, showing
and magazines, empty food cans, cigarettes
Cinema was. In fact, the only continuing his movies to capacity crowds In Berlin,
sopped in beer, graffiti on one wall, a hole in
cutting edge avant garde film showcase In Hamburgh. Bremen and Nurnberg where
another and a sink full of dishes with caked
New York in the 1960's. radical feminists of the Rote Zora broke Into
on food. The brown bathroom tub. caked
the theater. Wearing ski masks and blowing
with soap, had a white foam over An old it. After the yearly New York Film Festival
whistles, they threw manifestoes throughout
litter box filled with cat feces created a Downtown folded. It wasn't until the fall of
the theater denouncing the fllme, then emp-
nearly intolerable odor. ..."They were so 1990 that Tessa Hughes Freeland and Ela
tied bags of garbage and cat shit on the
anogant . . . like they knew it was goirtg to Troyano were able to resurrect a similar
audience before throwing acid on the screen
go on and on, so they just settled in." monthly platform for transgressive movies at
and running out. Posters of Zedd were
a place called Webo which soon closed
Kern had outdone himself this time. The defaced by jealous filmmakers to look tike

firacuUna - 27
Hitler and the errtire spectacle made the Jack Daniels and atavans. While Francis lay Pryor used ceremonial salts and pow-
front pages of the daily papers the next day. In St. Vincents hospital. Pryor proceeded to ders to spiritually close off the Civic Audi-
liquidate her estate. He sold her piano, torium where Lea's group met Halloween
En route to Sweden, Zedd was removed
paintings, and books for hundreds of dol- night. 'We want to seal off their evil energy,"
by police from the train as It sat in a station
lars, most of which he spent on beer then he stated. "It's a grand case for showing
in Denmark at 3:00 in the morning. He was
held a trash party and invited a pack of witches won't stand for being treated like
informed that "We don't want you in Den-
mark" and deported from the country for
drunken bums into the apartment to destroy this. We doni want their condescending
the place. He then fled to Salem. Massachu- condemnirrg prayer." "Satan is a mouse, a
being a "non-Nordic alien" at his own
setts where he briefly headed a coven of toothless lion that roars. He's holding the
expense, ending the tour.
witches dealing cocaine to preschoolers. Bay area under his evil thumb, but Chris-
At the Berlin Film Festival, Kern faced the tianity will win," replied Dick Bernal, a Lea
Moving to San Francisco, Pryor became
wrath of screaming feminists when he follower and pastor of San Jose’s Jubilee
the high priest of a pagan temple called New
attempted to show FINGERED to a hostile Christian Center.
Earth and became embroiled in a holy war
crowd of hecklers. Saying
"Fuck you," and flipping them Angry homosexuals cal-

the bird, he walked off the ling themselves GHOST -

stage while the theater mana- Grand Homosexual Outrage
at Sickening Televangelists,
ger debated with audience
members whether to pull the organized a march and
film. Facing a similarly hostile
demonstration outside the
Civic Auditorium on Hal-
crowd the next nigM, Kathy
loween night, which, with the
Acker was enlisted to defend
help of Pryor's pagans tur-
the film to no avail. A couple
nights later, radical feminists
ned into a near riot. 3,000
drag queens and Satanists
broke Into another theater
and poured blue circled the huge building
paint on the
attempting to seal off entry
projectors showing
FINGERED, then looted the to the thousands of Chris-

box office.
tians planning to do spiritual
warfare Inside. Police held
Meanwhile, Rick Strange back the angry crowds pelt-
aka Eric Pryor, was having his ing eggs at each other.
own problems back in New
York. Having impregnated a
On a talk show that
morning, Pryor, bearing an
married woman named
amulet with a pentagram, his
Nichole, he returned to Man-
hair bleached white, stated
hattan and managed to get a
gullible businessman to give
"The wrtch hunts are over,
him $20,000 to start an occult and for one. doni Intend to

be burned at the stake."

bookstore. He spent all the
money on cocaine, electric
Replied Lea, "Anyorre who
has done any study of
guitars, a crystal ball and a
Satanism knows this is the
solid gold riding stick, then
went on to found his own high holy day of the Satanic

coven of witches while hold- church. We just thought that

ir>g the offica of President of

was a good time to come
the Eighth Street Block Asso- and for Christians to pray.”

ciation before being run out of

After the talkshow. Pastor
Bernal challenged Pryor to
town by a gang of skinheads.
come to the prayer rally to
In Woodstock, he served see for himself what Chris-
five months in prison on a tianity was all about. He
charge of reckless endenger- agreed
and entered the
ment after firing several Auditorium as a throng of
rounds from a loaded shot- angry GHOSTS and pagans
gun into the home of his new and child.
vrife withTexas televangelist Larry Lea, who often chanted outside, a 22-calibre revolver strap-
When the state of Texas refused to pay for preaches in military fatigues and passes out ped to his ankle in case he decided to kill
his extradition.Pryor was released from the dog tags to his "prayer warriors." On Hal- Larry Lea.
Ulster County J^l to begin a short-lived loween 1990 Lea brought 10,000 of his
career as a transvestite go-go dancer at the followers to San Francisco for a prayer rally Two days later Pryor converted to Chrle-
Pyramid. He next found employment as a to "save the Bay" from the devil. Pryor led tianityand was given an apartment by Lea
hundreds of pagans in a public curse and $1,000 a month living expenses. He
private detective and somehow traveled to
Central America to serve as against Lea and his followers. At the time, burned down his temple and destroyed his
a mercenary
soldier fighting the anti-terrorist forces. He Pryor stated "Larry Lea and other pastors weapons and litera-
vast collection of occult
and negative Christians may find Ihemselves ture In a public ceremony before hundreds
than moved In with a neurotic 64 year old
Invalid on E. 4th street named Frances, who. falling off their pulpits and breaking their of Christians. Pryor now livee In a golf

a legs, or getting ill, or losing money." course condo in San Rafael making
In suicidal ht, overdosed on a bottle of
$100,000 a year as the "wHch who swit-

firocuilna -
chad." On Hallowaan 1991, Pryor preached showed It with two Stȴmn Ockfo wft/t rva/ bfoo<f on /i/r titem.
toa throng of Chrietiana at Candleatick Park, other new NAZI
appearing with Larry Lea and Dick Bernal. and MONEY LOVE. In-
Without divorcing Nichole, he married dicating a new direc-
another woman who he immediately got tion: short, cute and
pregnant. nasty: these films fea-
ture sexy girls shooting
In an expose' on ABC's Nightline, Diane
guns and doing calist-
Sawyer informed the nation that Pryor had
henics. A more recent
paid no child support to his wife Nichole and
their two children, one of whom, Nicholas,
features Little Linda
was named after Nick Zedd. The Bay area
and Annabelle from the
pagans have vowed to assassinate Pryor if
Karen Black band hav-
he ever shows up in San Francisco again.
ing fake sex with film
Pryor expects to make a million next year
maker Charles Pinion
video "From Pagan to Pentecost"
selling his
in semi-drag.
and plans to finance a pagan bashing film
with Nick Zedd directing. Zedd has not yet Zedd. after writing
decided whether to accept. As a result of the and publishing his first

Nightline report. Lea's ministry suffered a book, BLEED, acted in

massive loss of revenue, forcing his daily the films NO SUCH

television program off the air. In the space of THING AS GRAVITY,
a year, Eric Pryor almost single handedly SHADOWS IN THE
destroyed one of the most powerful Chris- CITY. WE ARE NOT
tian fundraising programs In the nation with TO BLAME and
a major scandal, forcingit off the air due to WHAT ABOUT ME
lack of contributions. Hopefully he can do (still unreleased, co-
more damage to organized religion from starring Richard Hell,
he is killed by the pagarts.
within before Johnny Thunders.
Richard Edson and
Back in New York. Richard Kem comple-
Judy Came). Zedd
ted his first film In 3 1/2 years, X IS Y and
DnaiUna - 29
then premiered his new filmWAR IS MEN- cult of sea worshipers appears led by a know why," said Zedd. "His body is covered
STRUAL ENVY, PART ONE in the fail of human deity known as Shiva Scythe. Form- with scars. His name in Steven Oddo. He
1990, Starring rock star Kembra Pfahler and ing a telepathic alliance with the world went onstage with industrial noise and cut
pom star Annie Sprinkle, the film, a radical dolphin population, they bring about the hisface open with a razor blade while
departure for Zedd, takes place "In Novem- destruction of Christianity and Islam." screaming 1 hate youl' at the audience.”
ber 2092, following the death by radiation Oddo cuts the title of the film Into his chest
poisoning of 9/10lhs of the human race. A
The film also featured a newcomer, "Me
with a blade. At the Anthology
likes to mutilate himself in public. don't
screening of WAR IS MEN-
STRUAL ENVY, a man In the
audience faimed at the sight of
the real blood and had to be
carried out. In fact, every time the
film has been shown at least one
person in the audience has fain-
ted or started screaming hysteri-
cally. Zedd completed Part Two
at the end of 1991 and Part Three
Is planned for the end of *92.

Zedd recently appeared with

O.Q. Allln on the Oeraldo Rivera
show. In the audience were
Zedd'a former compatriots Kem
and Turner, both of whom he is
no longer speaking to. Sitting
between them was Jerry Cane
Rossi, a filmmaker who put on
convicted mass murderer's John
Wayne Oacy's first one man art

show in Boston. She also organ-

ized painter/exploding geek Joe
Coleman's last live performance
(at which he was an-ested for
attempted arson and animat
abuse for biting the heads off a
few mice). Rossi Is currently writ-
ing the first book on Cinema of
Transgression and K's publication
will hopefully signal the long
awaited critical acceptance that
has long eluded these celluloid

If any artist from the past

could be said to share a kirtdred
vision to these film makers, H
might be Viennese Actionist Otto
Muehl who once stated, "I make
films to provoke scandals, for
audiertcesthat are hidebound,
perverted by 'rtormalcy', mentally
stagnating and conformist. The
worldwide stupefaction of the
masses at the hands of artistic,
swine can be
religious, political
stopped only by the most brutal
of all available wea-
pons. Pornography is an appro-
priate means to cure our society
from its genital panic. All kinds of
revolt are welcome; only in this
manner will this Irtsarw society,
product of the fantasies of prime-
val madmen, finally collapse."

Orocullna - 30
With the mighty fait at power with the seemed to use these to his advantage . . . police and apparently leaving no trail for
religious televangllist in the last
tew years, a when the girt was heard screaming from the them to follow. In Kansas City. Missouri he
man ot Ood
doesn't necessarily generate basement it took two policemen to hold added yet one more perverted act to his
respect. But. In 1920's, a clean cut man
tMck Earle down. already bizarre doings after strangling a
. . .

hand was greeted warmly at

toting a bible In Mrs. Harpin and ravishing her body, he
Earle was now sent to the state penal
the door unsuspecting the wrath that

strangled her eight month old daughter and
farm where he Immediately eecaped. He was
awaited them. did the same.
caught and again escaped six months later,
Earle Leonard Nelson was born In 1697. where they found him standing in the rain As the bodies women were
of these
His mother died when he was young and he watching his cousin undress for bed, found stuffed under the beds they were
was taken in by his religious aunt. His Aunt through her bedroom window. trying to rent, the police search Intensified . .

Lillian was borderline fanatic and was truly .but to no avail. Earle must of felt the heat
taken by the boy. who she claimed would They decided a penal farm couldnl hold
and decided to run for the border, success-
him so they sent him to the state penitenti-
one day be a minister. And Earle lived up to Canada, where he started all
fully getting to
her expectations by reading the bible and arywhere he escaped again, and went on a
over again.
saying grace at every meal, even his nine year killing spree.
In Winnipeg. Earle boarded down at Mrs.
appearance exuded purity - down to his Nelson started going urvder the alias
clear blue eyes. boarding house. The landlady was very
Roger Wilson, and married a school teacher.
impressed with her new bible toting boarder.
Their life together was anything but joyous.
But, one day things were to change. Mrs. Hill lived, but unfortunately a young 16
Earle accused her of being a whore if she
While playing ball with a friend Earle chased year old girl disappeared and another
a ball and was struck by a trolley car which looked into the direction of arwther man, his
mother was found stuffed under her own
drug him for fifty feet across the cobbles- constant berating of her. In private and
bed. found by her husband when he knelt
public, caused her to have a breakdown and
tones before it could stop. Beaten and down to pray.
broken. Earle fought death for five days. put her in the hospital. But even In the
hospital she found no rest. Eerie showed up The Canadian police soon realized that
Although the doctors were concerned with
to begin loudly accusing her In her room America's problem had drifted over to them
the blows to his head, his Aunt announced
him recovered six weeks later. and then tore her sheets away and began to end they turned on the heat to try end find
have sex with her in the hospital bed. He this kllling/sex culprit. They went to check
Earle began to act strange. He would go was forcibly removed from the hospital. with Mrs Hill who claimed she hadnl rented
Into states of silence and then read his Bible any rooms to anyone strartge. but described
In his room, underscoring passages. He For the next six years Earle was on the
the man they were looking for. They went to
became move, with bible in hand and a clean
around his cousin and a
violent his room to a ghastly stench, where they
Christian appearance he went to places with
twisted would dart across Earle's
smile found the sixteen year old girl stuffed under
mouth for no apparent reason. When con- rooms for rent, looking for more than an
his bed. He had apparently been having sex
fronted by his aunt about his behavior he'd
empty bed.
with the corpse for three days after her
drop to his knee's for forgiveness and then His first victim was a Mrs. Newman, after demise.
babble over his Bible for hours, much like letting in to show him
her potential boarder
the televangllists did when caught at their the he strangled her «^h her own
A dragnet went out and the police
acts of Indiscretion. assumed he would head back towards the
necklace and then practiced necrophilia,
ravaging her corpse again and again.
boarder. Two policemen caught a man
Earle soon was peeping at his cousin casually walking twelve miles from the bor-
Racheal through the key hole. On his 2l8t Earle killed a total of four land ladies In der. He was calm and collect and went with
birthday he drug a neighbor girl down In the the San Francisco them for questioning without causing any
area, being sexually
basement and ripped off her clothes and active with the corpses, and then moved to trouble. They took him to a cell and took his
raped her. Although Earle was rather short, Portland, Oregon klllirtg two more. He con- shoes, and handcuffed him to the bars
he had large strong hands for his size and tinually moved, completely eluding the inside the small cell and then called the
DracuUna - St
, .

chief.The constable explained to his chief

that he thought he had the wrong man. this
man was too calm and collect for a person
under suspicion of some 20 murders, but
the chief swore his description fit the bill and
not to let him out of their sights until he got
down there to question him. By the time he
got off the phone and back to the cell, not

even fifteen minutes. Earle had picked the

lock on his handcuffs and the cell door, and
had escaped again.

A 500*man posse went in search of Earle

Nelson and scoured the countryside. Little
did they know he was asleep In a barn just a
block from the jail. He got up the next
morning and went to the train station and
proceeded to get on the train when dozens
of men apprehended him.

Canada held Nelson for murder and as

they dug his grave with their damning
testimor^y Nelson didn't display the slightest
emotion. He stared ahead with a smile
subtly on his lips. Even when his wife and
Aunt came to see him, he didn't utter a

He was found guilty and was sentenced

to hang on January 12, 1928. With the rope
around his neck Earle broke his silence, "I

am innocent. Istand innocent before Ood

and man. I forgive those who have wronged
me and ask forgiveness of those have I

injured. Ood have mercy!" The trap door

opened and Earle Leonard Nelson swung
Leonard f<hl9on (cantar).
freely, a man of God . ,

quality). The look at Teri Weigel took on an desen/es the honor (after all she's been in

BLOODy BOX... added dimension when you mentioned she

appeared in MARRIED WITH CHIL-
. . .
every other magazine published
the past few months).

DREN. Let us know you've arty further info

fascination insight into the world of ultra-low
on her appearance on the show . .
Miles Wood - London, England
budget film making from Ronnie Cramer; If
hismovies are as good as his articles then Tad disappointed you didn't find room
Mffaa startad a new zha caffad CHM.-
he must be some director. Concerning the for Sharon Stone pk In No 13. She's been
Rock Shock feature; Nie Roeg didn't dadhatad to dta tv aariae MARfJIED... WITH
n' the only visible attraction in so much low-
direct or have anything to do with THE grade product • tried sitting through the likes
CHUJf^. tf you would Oka to raca/yo a
copy aand an /ntarrmtionaf monay ordar or
SHOUT; hardly a 'classic' It was an oddity ofCOLD STEEL and SCISSORS? • as well
$5 eaah to: Mffaa \fftood, 2nd Hoor. 221
made In Britain in 1978 by Jerzy Skoll- as brightening up some elasay genre films
Ashmora ftoad. Ouaana f^rk, London W9
mowski (responsible for the brilliant DEEP (DEADLY BLESSING, TOTAL RECALL,
XJB, England
END among other European flicks of varied etc) artd appeared in PLAYBOY that she


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Dracutlna - 32

/ first got associated with Bret McCormkdt when Da\nd Wiitiams tabhkN, stories Included BABY BORN WITH FULL BEARD. BBC
toidme hh company, AMERICAN MANIAC, was going to distributa OF THE DEAD and I^LER VACUUM DESTROYS TOWN). THE
METAL NdR. a movie that i acted as camera man and editor on. ABOMINATION and OZC^IE: ATTACK OF THE f^DNEd
UnfistTunate^. as the no-budget video market dried up. and another MUTANTS. Bret graduated to b^ger hw-bu^et action pictures ifin
company he was working with to distribute the movies went ARMED FdtACTKNf and BLOOD CKf THE BADGE
bavikrupt. he decided to focus his ertergy toward producmg more
Stiii prosperk)g in an area where few survive Bret continues ft
moifiea msteadofd^rfi>ution.
produce action fiicks kar fire iow-budget enthusiasts. Probably wha.
Starting out wfih compietefy no-budget pictures ifice TABLOID! is most unique about Bret is his positive attitude and genuht
(a unique idea of capitalizing on bizarre headlines ^grocery store enthusiasm kar the no-budget fifins.

DRACULINA: You in Texas and

studied film growing that rapidly in Dallas, there would A lot of really big features shoot in Dallas
then CalHomia, what possessed you to be ample opportunity for me to get into because the prices are so low and the
return to Texas? feature film work. Anyway, knew didnlI I facilities are really state of the art, but those
want to live In L.A. and once was back, guys bring all their cast and crew from LA.
BRET McCORMICK: After graduated from

was sort of stuck here. So. chipped away at

I There are a lot of little independents doing
Brooke Semta Barbara, had the
Institute In I

itand finally got my first film produced In films In Dallas... projects STEALTH-
opportunity to stay on and work with a film
production there. My career pro-
bably would have been quite diflerent,
NINTH LIFE ... heard I last week that Glen
if I DRACULINA: Has Texas developed into a
Cobum. directed BLOOD-
the guy who
had made the decision to stay there. But, at big movie making area?
media was full ^ a lot of hype
that time, the
proclaiming Texas "the Third Coast" for the BM: A lot of films are made in Texas, but In Dallas after a few years in L.A. and is

film industry, etc. figured if the industry was

from what read, films are being made just
I getting ready to do an ultra low budget film

about everywhere In the country these days. noir thing. There's a lot of activity here. Most

OracuUna * //
of lt» real low budget stuff.

O: You went partners with a friend to make

your first three features, what happened to
your partnership after that?

BM; In 1985 I formed a corporation with a

guy named Matt Shaffen. We did three little
pictures together, TABLOIOI, THE ABO-
REDNECK MUTANTS. After a lot of ups
and downs. decided Matt andI were I

destined to travel separate roads, so I left

the corporation. We were broke, so in

payment for my stock, took worldwide I

rights to TABLOIDI Matt moved to LA. and

changed his name to Matt Devlen. under- I

stand he's doing a lot of work out there.

D: What sort of budgets did you work with

on your first three films?

BM: All of my budgets have been very low. I

rarely mention exact figures because see I

from experience that everybody lies about

what they spend on pictures. Everybody
from MGM to Fred den Ray says whatever
they think will look good In print, if I started
publishing my budgets. I'd probably have to
start lying about It too. See the films. If you
like them, great! If you don't like them, that's
okay too. What they cost should be irrele-

D: TABLOIDI was a catchy idea, were sales


BM: At the time. I felt TABLOIDI was a great

idea. But, we did it withlittie money and it

was our first feature, so we made a lot of

mistakes. When we began shopping It
around the big guys thought it looked too
cheap and the little guys didnl know what to
do virith ft. We got an offer from Troma,
which would accept If had H to do over

again. Since it wasn't a horror film or an

action film the little distributors didn't know
what to do with it. We had envisioned it as a
midnight movie fair, a little to the main-
stream side of John Waters, but the fact that
Itdidnl fall Into a readily identifiable genre
made a lot of people nervous. A lot of the
bigger guys, like MOM told us we should
develop it into a TV series.

O: What sorts of conditions were you work-

ing under as far as cast and crew went?

BM; We used people we knew for the crew.

People from the local colleges. We had a big

Top: Tofy QlkJiOfo menaces Fran with a

cfaw hammer in HiGHWA Y TO HELL

Mkkfie: Bret and crew with mangled mutan

Bottom: Tim Buchanan and Richard Ferret
proudfy display a bhody grit hr Ikm

DracuUna - //
. .

casting sasslon at Adam Roarfce's Film HELL. So i called Fred up. At first he another picture. remember Fred saying,

Actor's Lab. the place where Lou Diamond mistook me for another film maker from "Just giveme something as good as, or
Phillips got all of his training. Lou was there. Texas. Roger Evans, the guy who did maybe a little better than HIGHWAY TO
We didn't like his attitude, though. A friend FOREVER EVIL. They had some sort of run HELL." MACON COUNTY WAR was
and former partner named Lon Bbcby was in over the phone and he was wondering definitely better than HIGHWAY TO HELL
managing a rock band at the time. He why I was calling him back. Anyway, I but the audio qualitywas the same. guees I

offered us their services to do the score. explained who was and what was up to I I Fred had trouble selling the picture, don't I

Another mistake ... the band was the New and he asked to see my films. sent him I know. He wouldn't speak to me for several
Bohemians and they were really hot a year some dubs by our next phone conversation, months after that. Then one day I called him
and a half later. If we had had Lou in the film he was asking me to do a picture for him. up and everything was fine. He said, 'You
and a score by the New Bohemians, the film know. MACON COUNTY WAR Is realty a
D: Fred once told me that you were hiring a
would probably be playing in Art houses nice little picture." was Just that the
think It

lot of sound
problems with MACON I

market had gone so soft for

ultra low budget films.
D: Your first solo effort was
HIGHWAY TO HELL, what 0: Your latest films look as If
was the story behind that they have fairly decent
one? budgets, how did you gat
involved with Action Inter-
BM; After hitting rock bottom
natlorral Pictures?
financially, was still deter-

mined to make as a pro- It BM: I owe my connection

ducer. had ideas which had
I I with A.I.P. to David DeCou-
been unable to Implement in teau. He called David Win-
my former partnership, money and suggested they use
saving techniques and stuff me. had met David Winters

like that.So went to Reel I atan American Film Market

Movies International, the com- when we were shopping
pany that had distributed TABLOIDI He had tried to
BLOODSUCKERS FROM get us to sign a contract on
OUTER SPACE . . . they had a napkin. That made me
also wanted TABLOID!... rwrvous. Shortly thereafter
anyway, I asked them what A.I.P. became quite success-
they would pay for an action ful and feel they are one of

film, sight unseen, to llcenae the survivor companies In

the foreign rights for ten the business of distributing
years. They gave me a really smaller pictures. had been I

low offer and I accepted. At trying to talk with David Win-

that point I was determined to ters for years, but he would
make the movie for half the not take my calls because
amourff they had offered. A lot he didn't know who was. All I

of my ideas worked out and Ittook was the call from

the film was good enough to David DeCouteau. By our
a lot of foreign markets.
sell In second conversation, we
The very first sale paid three were striking a deal. I'm very
times the budget. It was a grateful to David DeCouteau
positive experience for me. I for his assistance. As a result
felt like I was back on my feet of my contract wHh A.I,P. I've
as a film maker. gotten a lot of offers to do
much bigger films, including
D: How did you get hooked
some big budget westerns
up with Fred Olen Ray?
which are being funded by a
BM: After HIGHWAY TO HELL the people COUNTY WAR. He was stressing to me Japanese company. love westerns. THE I

at Reel Movies kept trying to put together how important was to properly budget it GOOD, THE BAD & THE UGLY is pro-
bigger action films for me to dp, but nothing your sound costs to get good qualr^ . .
bably my favorite film. I've seen maybe It

ever worked. They had a lot of really bad BM: assume Fred was talking to you in
thirty times.

markets and it was getting tougher to do the regards to your being a film maker yourself. The budgets on the pictures I'm doing for
real little pictures. Pre-sales were nothing
It's funny . . . Fred got really bent out of A.I.P.are still modest, but I'm getting the
and that's how they were trying to finance
shape fw several months after taking deli- opportunity to experiment with style and to
their films. I hung in with them for a while, MACON COUNTY WAR.
very of had told I improve my skills as a director. I'm a hell of
then eventually I got fed up.
him what was going to pay myself to do the
a producer. Nobody can put more produc-
Iwas reading an Issue of PSYCHOTRONIC picture and had told him how was going
tion value on screen, for the same dollars.
and there was a letter from some guy who to record the audio. It was the same way I But. that's strictly busirtess. It takes time to
had done a film for Fred and was bellyach- did n on HIGHWAY TO HELL. He offered grow as a director. Doing a film a year on a
ing about the low budget. I looked at the me a sum of money which was quite low . . tiny budget Is not the best way to go about
figures and realized they were substantially After I took what I needed to live on. their It. The A.I.P. contract enables me to do five

higher then what I'd spent on HIGHWAY TO wasn't much left, but I was eager to do films in just over a year. The rate at which

DrocuUfia - S5
. .

out with wardrobe and apacial effecte and

she edited ARMED FOR ACTION. It'll be
great to have her back In tront of the
Left BretMcCor- carrrere. She's amazing - after 15 years of

mfckponden Ms marriage and three children, she's still a

nextmcve, petite, hundred and five pound little

D: You are very involved with Texas film

making, how is your IT'S ONLY A MOVIE
video documentary coming, what sort of
namee are irwolved?
Behw: Bento
Jenningses Tody BM: ITS ONLY A MOVIE is a pet project of
mine. H's a documentary about horror filma
QOmofs, etrengies
pdson gusfd Torn which have been produced in Dallas . . .

Fegvt in HtQHWAY Everything from THE GIANT GILA MONS-


OUTER SPACE. IVe interviewed people like

S.F. Brownrigg LOOK IN THE

(NIGHTFRIQHT). Harry Preston (HONEY-
I'm learning. Improving has greatly accelera- BLUE THOMPSON: I really look forward to FLOWERS. INVASION OF THE SPACE
ted. the time when our three sons are older and VARMINTS). Tom Moore (MARK OF THE
In school, so I can be involved in some of WITCH. RETURN TO BOGGY CREEK) . .

D: Is Joe Estevez Emilio's relation?

as you can see. there are a 1^ of these
the film projects again. The early films were little

BM; Joe Estevez, who has worked with me a lot of fun and also a lot of hard work. horror films shot in Dallas. The names I've

onARMED FOR ACTION and BLOOD ON People just don't realize the amount of work mentioned are just the tip of the iceberg . .

THE BADGE, is Martin Sheen’s younger that goes into even a very low budget film. and we can't forget Larry Buchanan (ZON-
brother. expect to work with Joe again.
They sort of have the idea that you went out TAR, THING FROM VENUS, MARS
He's a good actor and a terrific person. We with your friends and shot it on a Saturday NEEDS WOMEN, ITS ALIVE, IN THE
share a lot of the same Interests Edgar . . .
afternoon. I'm very proud of what we did YEAR 2038) he's really the grandfather of
Cayce and metaphysical things. with those films and look fonvard to greater
all thislow budget horror film activity in
challenges in the future. Delias. Practically thefirst words out of Fred
D: Is working with "names" more difficult Olen Ray’s mouth, the first time I called him,
than working with locals? BM; Although Blue is busy caring for our were 'You're in Dallas, huh? Larry Buchanan
children, she is still very much Involved In ~ ' '

'a been Influenced In

BM: Working with names makes your little
picture more marketable. Sometimes the
names can be difficult personalty, but they
know the drill. You doni have to explain
basics to them. They hit their marks and
they can pop Into character at a moments

D: Why do you use the pseudonym Max


BM: I began using the name Max Raven in

stories I wrote in high school. I liked the

name because of It's strong, sinister sound
and because It was also a very probable
name. Of course Max mans the "ultimate"
connotation, as in short for maximum and

the Raven is associated with Death. Edgar

Allen Poe and things Gothic, so thougM I

what better pseudonym for a strange film


D: How doesyour wife (Blue Thompson)

feelabout your earlier prolects and the films
your doing now?

BM; Blue hasnl acted In one of my films


Orocullna - SB
O: Were you heavily Influenced by all the Anyway, a couple of years ago we did a yours or Brownie's?
people you interviewed? series there called ATTACK OF OALLAS
B-MOVIES. H was a thirteen-week series
BM: Brownie's gotten a lot of attention in the
BM: had grown up watching Larry
media, both here and in foreign countries In
with a different Dallas-produced movie each
Buchenan’e films and had seen Larry I
the past couple of years and out of that
Sunday night. The series was very well
HORROR HIGH and S.F. Brown-
Stouffer's attention grew his desire to do the sequel.
publicized, but the attendance was very
and I could remember the outrageous TV D: Last year you seemed enthusiastic to get
ads for POOR WHITE TRASH 2. I was very D: You have already written a sequel to no-budget videos and films out on your own
pleasantly surprised to learn thatall these Brownrigg's DON'T LOOK IN THE BASE- label. AMERICAN MANIAC, but it seemed
schlocky films had been done in Dallas. I MENT. are there any definite shooting no sooner than you started advertising you
was influenced by these men to the degree plans? what happened?

me films could be done very

that they taught
BM: worked on the AMERICAN MANIAC
cheaply and they could be done in Dallas.
BM: There is not a definite plan to shoot I

line ofvideo tapes for a year and a half with

D: For a couple of months you ran Texas yet. Brownie (S.F. Brownrlgg) continues to a great deal of enthusiasm. entered into an

horror movies at Deep Ellum's Video Bar, work on putting the deal together. would agreement with Raedon Entertainment to

was that just movies shown on a big screen release the films as a sort of sub-label. They
really like to see it happen. Brownie wants to
tv? Was It a success? spend some real money this time and so far. are now bankrupt. After a number of lesser
disappointments, that was the final straw.
the finances have eluded him. There's still
BM; The Video Bar was a very unique club. Being such a small company, had to make
some hope that New Line will get involved,

There were video monitors everywhere, big the decision to pour my limited resources
but I'm not holding my breath. I'm real
and small. The place has since closed ... in into production ventures or distribution. For
happy with the screenplay, though.
fact, the premiere screening of ARMED the time being. I've opted for being a
FOR ACTION was their last official event. D: Whose idea was it to do the remake. producer. I still dream of setting up a

Joe Estevez and Bret MeCormick &>hoto courtesy e^Adam Nunn).

Sracullna • 37
company, possibly a nonprofit co^ratlon,
little films which
to provide distribution for
would not otherwise be released.

D: Oo you feel there Is any hope for no

budget films and videos?

8M: My own films are considered "no

budget" and they are being mai1<eted exten-
sively. so yes. there is hope. The market is
too broad to entirely exclude even the most
modest film.But, companies like Biockbus-
ter don't want them anymore, so it becomes
a matter of marketing strategy. guess It I

always has been.

O: You've been from one end of the process

if you were to start out today
to the other ...
with no money to make a feature, how would
you do it?

BM: would make contact with a distribution


company. Just like did with Reel Movies on


HIGHWAY TO HELL I'dfind out what they

warrted and how much they were willing to
pay. make the film to order, and I'd do it

for half of what they were paying me. There

is a catch, though. Distributors are less likely
to deal with someone who's never done a
picture. If you've done one film, no matter
how bad it is. then you have a certain
amount of credibility. Really, there's no way
to circumvent the mistake stage of the
process. Everyone makes mistakes along
the way. Both Fred Ray and David DeCou-
teau have shared some of their mistakes
with me. The difference, the deciding factor,
is you stay with It. You learn from your
mistakes and you succeed in spite of them. horor films, though. Maybe someday I'll did start a forest fire. It could get out of
have a chance to make some of them. THE The nearest
control very quickly. fire depart-
D: You've seemed to climb up the ladder, ABOMINATION and OZONE vrere a lot
. . . ment was twenty miles away.
do you see yourseH eventually shootirtg of fun to make. And as crude as they are. I'm
mainstream big-budgeted films? told they have qualities vrhich make them
We needed the shot and insisted on doing I

it. The director always gets his way. Weil, we

stand apart from other cheapie gore flicks.
BM: I'm curently receiving offers to do films burned about two and a half acres before
with budgets that seem really big to me at O: When working vrith explosloro and car the fire department arrived and saved the
this point in my career. All of my action films chases' did you have any unusual day. assumed that we would be fined

have had a sort of mainstream quality to experiences? heavily. Randy Moore was afraid he might
them. think that's something have going
lose his license, but the local fire chief just
for me. MACON COUNTY WAR for in- BM: love blowing things up! IVe developed
grinned and said, "I hope you boys'll think
made TV from the a good working relationship vrith Rartdy
stance. looks like a of film twice before you fire off another one of them
early seventies. There's nothing in the
Moore of Weaponmasters. He's the guy who
stories or direction that throws them Into that designed the ROBOCOP gun and did a lot
counterculture arena. Fred Ray seems to of effects for the films. He's also worked on O: you could say anything to someone

bounce back and forth from one to the the ABYSS and a lot of c<her well known thinking of a movie career today, what would

other. What films I'm doing five years from films. He's sort of the Robin Hood of special you tell them?
effects. He works on the big films for a lot of
now ... have no way of knowing. do
BM: That's a tough question ... believe I

anticipate greater opportunities. charKes to money, then he turns arourid and does stuff
you should 'lollow your bliss" as Joseph
break out of the low budget action mold. for ARMED FOR ACTION for almost no
Campbell put it. If that means becomirtg a
money. My films have a more expensive
fisherman, a doctor, a painter or a film
D: Which do you like best, horror or action? look, thanks to Randy.
Today, which one is the safer investment? maker. It's all the same. If It's what you want
Unusual experiences? On ARMED FOR most, then you'll uHlmately achieve It. It's
BM: I have a deep-seated love for horror ACTION we had a scene where this hitman been a difficult journey, especially working
films. Like Spielberg, Landis, Lucas and was supposed to fire a warning flare. We out of Dallas, but I've received help from a
Fred Olen Ray, my love for film makirrg grew needed the shot, but the flare was a Navy lot of people . Brownie Brownrigg, Fred
. .

out of my love for horror films. do action I

flare that bums forever, Randy tried artd Ray, David DeCouteau ... It's been a
filmsnow because they're a safer bet. Even tried to talk me out of shooting the flare off. challenge. It still is but, still look forward
. . . I

Fred Ray had me doirtg action films, not We were in farm country, the wind was to It every day.
horor. I'm always jotting down Ideas for blowing and everything was vary dry. If we

DraeuliM ' 38
t>y Oeile E^erce
When actors noted for psychotic roles of gibberish-muttering psycho's made these predictably, Ma own creation* do him in. but
come to mind, who stands out the most? otherwise dull films work. not without first communicating with him to
Vincent Price, for his ABOMINABLE OR. let him know hie days are numbered. They
Among Dillman's other horror roles are
PHIBES roles, Anthony Hopkins as Dr. form words on a wall by using their bodies
in the pattern of letters, similar to a perverse

who recalls his equally impressive perfor-

mances as the crazed ventriloquist in overacts with his full, psychotic glee.
MAGIC or as Bruno Haupmann In
It's funny to see how someone
so good at playing nut cases and
or Artthony Perkins as Norman
doing it for so long has managed to
Bates? To argue who was the best,
stay sane and respectable all these
is the best, or will be the best is as
years. While he may never land the
pointless as arguing over who was
part that makes him an immortal as
the world's greatest boxer. Marciano
Hopkins, Price, or Perkins did, he
or Alii Everyone has their own
still ranks as a truly Imposing psy-
opinion. Yet in spite of the hoopla
and praise for a few, a host of other
fine actors, who have given us role
after role of psychotic madmen,
slashers, and creeps, have gone Born in northern Spain and seen

unrecognized. This column is devo- in nearly 200 films ranging from bit

ted to offering profiles on just a few parts to starring roles, Victor Israel

of them. has, as one critic put H, "a face

which doesn't need makeup to
make him look crazy." Lika Boris
Karloff, however, he remains one of
Evw since his chilling role in
the kindest and most considerate of
COMPULSION, in which he played
individuals around, cropping up
a dramatized version of one of the
time and time again for a variety of
youthful killers in the Leopold-Loebb,
Spanish directors, most recently
murder case, Bradford Diilman has
Jose Ulloa and German Monzo.
made a career out of creative psy-
Israel, however, does not jump at
chotic roles. Once dubbed "The
every chance he gets to play a nut.
Laurence Olivier of B films," he has
His refusal to play a psychotic gar-
repeatedly made no bones about
dener role in HOWL OF THE
the number of parts he has had in
DEVIL, surprised director/star Paul
less than perfect films, justifying it
Naschy, whom he had beforehand
with, "I had six kids to feed." Fane of
worked with In NIGHT OF THE
B cinema might thus be thankful
Diilman spent so much time making
HOWLING BEAST. When Israel tur-
ned down over a money dispute,
children rather than studying scripts
(Naschy refused to pay Israel's
or watching football on tv (his other
demands), the part went to Chris
pass-time). for without him, scream
Huerta of the old spaghetti wes-
cinema would have missed some of lortg ways off from his more serious roles
terns. shrugged it off and was
its best psychotic roles. In recent years, he such as seen in THE WAY WE WERE. Still,
promptly used in a Jose Ulloa flick where he
hasn't slowed down either, playing a crazed out of ail of these, one should rto miss his
was able to slice throats with all his leering
commander of an underwater colony in the all-time classic, the Dr. Parmiter In BUG, a glory.. artd with his face ... he leers!!!
otherwise bad Roger Corman production of movie which reached cult classic status in
LOROS OF THE DEEP and as a hillbilly the 1970's, where he plays a Frankenstein Although not always cast as a basket
halfwit who kidnaps a boy. not to kill him as type doctor who creates monsters not out of case, Israel’s horror ftlms include MAGIC
viewers fist think,but to have a "friend". In dead body parts, but bugs, introducing into LONDON, THE SEA SERPENT,
THE MAN OUTSIDE. In both cases. Dill- the world a variety of mutant insects which WITCHES MOUNTAIN (particularly creepy
man's convincing, rambling personifications start fires and destroy things. In the end. as a crazed inn keeper). YOUNG DRA-
Sracullna - SP
CULA, and many, many more. While few Kinski also got to play one of his numerous but he is aged, sunken In, and beaten. Too
followers of the European genre via videoe, psycho roles, as Volonte's brother, a kill- bad he couldn't have kept his radical views
hare in America, recognize hie name, they crazy religious fanatic), the western film In check. While Iam as All-American as the
can certainly spot his face and In all pro- gave way to other Interests In Europe. next man, if not moreso, and oppose all
bability will continue to do so. In recent communism stands for. It Is still somewhat
months he played the Volonte continued to play the role of a
devil rather than a saddening to think of the parts this man may
nut, chillingly effective In
have missed, had he rrat been such a
OF A CmZEN ABOVE SUSPICION, where loudmouth. Thus, instead of an all time
QIAN MARIA VOLONTE: he plays a cop who kills a woman, simply to
great, he Joins the ever growing list of the
prove he can do It and even though he
Seen as the psychotic Ramon Ro)o In overlooked here.
leaves abundarKS behind in the tine of
FISTFUL OF DOLLARS and as the even condemning evidence, finally even confess- JOHN SAXON:
more crazed £1 Indio in FOR A FEW ing to the deed, his claims prove true. Police
DOLLARS MORE, Qian Maria Volonte see- The journeyman of horror/slashar films
friendsand corrupt politicians literally force
med destined to revolutionize westerns with and veteran actor, John Saxon, has been in
him to cover up his guilt, brush the event
his powerful portrayals of gunmen who were BO many films one loses count. The stocky,
under the carpet, and let him go free.
not cruel, but crazed. While possibly over- snarling little guy la equally at home playing
looked by fans of the splatter genre, his While the film won raves. It was also the a good guy. in things such as BLOOD
laughing, drug addicted Indio, fascinated by start of Volonte's downfall. A radical com- BEACH. BLACK CHRISTMAS, or the early
flashbacks and the chimes of a musical munist, the actor tried to use this film to NIGHTMARE ON ELM STREET series, or
pocket watch, brings chills galore even now. attack the present form of government in a villain, usually meeting an unpleasant end.
While he repeated his crazy cowboy as a Italy. He became a political hot potato and (Of particular note In this category Is
half-baked revolutionary In A BULLET FOR his star status dropped overnight. During the Argento's TENEBRAE, where Saxon is the
THE GENERAL (In which the late Klaus past few years, he has made a comeback. red herring, everyone is led to suspect as

DracuUna - 40
th6 killer due to his past roles, only to be under-rated psychos. best In the business, in playing people off in
done In by the true killer, right in broad the head. By now, however, he seemed to
Quite honestly, he looks like a slimeball.
daylight, in total contrast to the bulk of have stepped from knock-off material or
especially when flashing that toothy, Martin
Argento's killings.) haven't seen his name
I minor characters, to major-league star, rec-
Lartdau type smile of his. His whimpering,
crop up lately, which has made me wonder If ognized by name and not just face. Yet in
whining voice grates on even the strongest
he's still among the living or gone to join spite of this, some of his beet work has been
nerves and when at his best, he can drive
great psychopath-actors from the past, such overlooked and under praised.
even the most hardened villain-fan up the
as Karloff, Lugosi, and Kirtski. In any case,

here's someone who deserves a lot of

wall. Seen early in his career, on tv shows BRICK BRONSKI:
such as THRILLER and the like, he was
recognition in the field, a man everyone A former wrestler, active in the NWA and
typecast early as an axe-wielding nut or
seems to knock a la Oillman, for hie taking WWF for a short time, but more predominate
kill-crazed whacko, a role he carried into
so many roles in bad films, but let's face It. it in Canada, under promotional efforts of Stu
numerous westerns during the 60'e shoot-
would be dull without him around. for one, I.
Hart, Bronski evidently turned from wrestling
find him to be one of the most loathsome
em-up craze, most notably In THE COW-
BOYS, as a nemesis to John Wayne, and In when he saw the chance to develop a film
screen villains around, when offered these career. While working for Troma Inc. might
parts and likewise, one of the best smirking
HANG EM HIGH as a member ^ the lynch
not be considered by some to be the be-ali
anti-heroes In good guy parts.
mob which tried to kill hero Clint East-
and end-all of cinema, by a long shot. It has
wood. Though a good guy for a change in
given him ample opportunity to work. Aside
BRUCE OERN: SILENT RUNNING, a futuristic sci-fi horror
from roles in THE CLASS OF NUKE EM
flick and a cop in THE LAUGHING POU-
remember an old. old article on Bruce

CEMAN. bent on finding a crazed killer who

HIGH I & II and some other projects, his
Dem which made an unusual note of how he likes to board buses and kill all the riders, he
best role to date remains the crazy thug,
supposedly had breakdowns on the set after Bughead, in SERGEANT KABULKIMAN.
was back to basket cases in most of the
playing scenes where he had to abuse NYPD. While the stains on hie teeth were
roles that followed. As the fanatical, bad-guy
children, for he supposedly had a young artificial, the tattoo work a part of studio
policeman in THE DRIVER, the off-the-wall
daughter who drowned In a swimming acci- makeup, and his haircut a product of Troma
veteran in COMING HOME, and the nutty
dent and such scenes bothered him more tech, his size alone was enough to make
vet in THE BURBS, somewhat of a tongue-
than anyone ever saw. If my memory is him look menacing, even without the extras.
in-cheek satire of his COMING HOME role,
corect, then this adds even more curiosity
he continued to prove himself one of the
He also proved himself to be a peycho, In
to one of the screen's best and most the truest form of the word, a leering,

Srocullna - 41
snarling damon'man at his bast, most malig- here. A few years back, his role as a crazed career continues to soar overseas. Look for
nant self. While upcoming projects repor- veteran in THE MOON IN AUGUST was as more from this men, who remains one of the
tedly may see Bronskl in a good guy's role, chilling as any ever turned In by the other many under-rated and overlooked In his
it Is his work as a villain, particularly a mentioned In this article. Tall, stoic, and many activHiea.
crazed one, which remains his strong point. rugged-lookjng, he forms a contrast to the
Otiws? There are of course many who
Hopefully In the future, he may land some raving roles of Dem or Dillman, making his
parts which allow him to win
could be included In this list, just as with the
fame a la portrayal of psychotics all the more convinc-
Hopkins, Perkins, end Price, Scream Queen, Spanish Directors, and oth-
in this some- ing because of a particular, icy indifference
what dubious category. he is able to exhibit on screen, which Is
ers ofa similar compositua nature, which I

probably closer to the truer characteristics of

have turrted out for DRACULINA in the
JOHN PHILIP LAW: genuine psychos than the stereotyped, past. Naturally, tor the lack of space, many
deservir>g actors have been left out. This list
Another overlooked actor who went from goofy image the screen often shows. Active
Is subjective at best, but does serve to give
excellent supporting cast roles in dramas more in theatre and stage productions In
at least partial recognition to a handful of
such as THE SERGEANT and DEATH America, or on the big screen via European
deserving, under-rated men who have chil-
RIDES A HORSE, to the role of the villain In roles, than with American film, he has
dwindled in popularity in USA a bit, while his
led people In the past and luck permit, will
various European films, too numerous to list
do so in the future.

Drocullna - 42

Long ago (1984), in a land not ao far
away (Akron. Ohio). I was watching tha
SACRE at a local drive-in vvith my high
achool buddy Bred Natharton and came up I

with tha Idea forwhat thought would be a I

pretty cool spoof of horror films. Tha ideas

sort of rumbled through my head until tha
summer of 1985. when armed with a ranted
video camera, Brad, my gIrlfrierKf (r>ow wife)
Jaml. and ventured out to put my Idea on

tape. The result was a 20 minute short that I


SACRE and the beginning of Insanity Pro-
ductions. The final result was an offbeat
funny video that looked pretty good (espe-
ciallysince we had rto clue of what we were
doing) but the audio was awful. In the years
after, we did some other short subjects, but I

always kept the idea to redo THE

back of my mind.

Then in December of 1991, I started to

work on the remake, soon to be called
2. decided to use some of the ideas from

the original short, but then expand and add

to It, to try for a final video In the 60-70
minute range.

The story reflects my love of old seven-

ties B drive-ln movies, Gimmicks, bad
effects, over acting • I tried to put together as
many assets of a good bad movie that I

could. As with the short projects, I put In

some continuity breaks to add to the campi-
ness • just to keep the viewers on their toes
and make this sort of an audience participa-
tion video. The rough story outline is some-
thing like this:

"The killer, Baggyface. comes back to

his old stomping grounds. Baggy Is the
electric saw obsessed psycho hidden
bshIrKf a brown paper bag and goggles.
Long thought dead. Baggy starts on a killing
spree. After finding his trusty saw, he dis-
patches the hero of the movie by ripping
open his stomach.

Baggy rents a garage to live In from

Draetillna - //
Marvin and lllsa. Marvin ia a wimpy nerd and productions in school and community thea- at all in some cases). It always seems to

lllsa is a professional wrestler. They doni ter.Sheriff McBooney is played by Biff St. work out that way when using volunteers.
seem to be too worried that Baggy always Nubbins, a long time Insanity Productions You learn to try and always have more
wears a paper bag on his head and goggles veteran. Baggyface is credited to Buzz Sawe people on the set than are really needed
on his eyes. More killings occur. (from the 1985 OHDM short), but was when working on no-budgel stuff - just to fill
played by four different people. The support- in if needed. Be sure to keep track of the
The local sheriff. Rufas McBooney is told ing cast is made up of family, friends, and ones that are enthusiastic and willing to do
by the town looney, Crazy Earnest, that HE curiosity seekers from the local area. anything to help (for future projects). The
has returned. The sheriff dismisses the part hate most (but has to be done very

warning until he receives a call from lllsa, The shoot itself was full of small set- well if you plan to succeed) Is scheduling
who discovered a body with hie arm cut off backs and distractions that seem to come Sometimes it seems impossible
the project.
(the arm became Baggy's lunch). McBooney up no matter how much planning ia dorte to get more than two people in the same
Investigates and realizes his worst nightmare beforehand. We came across everything that
place at the same time. It seems that spend I

- Baggyface has returned! More rrtore time playing phone tag

death and destruction takes than artything else.

place throughout the town.
An unexpected problem
McBooney calls FBI Agent cante up for the people playing
Fred Stariine (who worked on Baggyface. As you know.
the first case in 1985) to ask for Baggy wears a paper bag over
assistance. Using Starline’s his head and goggles over the

advice. McBooney sets out to bag. In the different chase/stalk

destroy Baggyface. scenes that we did, the goggles
were always fogging up. The
Marvin and lllsa go on a fogged up goggles, along with
picnic in the park, not knowing the fact that the bag limits the
the terror that they were about to performers vision, led to many
face. After playing some games ofthe Baggyface scenes being
and having a quiet lurKh, Marvin done almost 'blind' by the per-
goes to the car for some drinks forrrter.
- never to be seen alive again.
Baggy then goes after lllsa, and The locations were mostly
after a long chase and a wres- around my house. The picnic
tling match, lllsa Is killed by the scenes were dor>e at a local
saw. park. We tried to fir>d an out of
the way spot so no one would
Baggy comes face-to-face question our Intentions. The
with McBooney (dressed like local ranger came by one time,
Baggy with a bag and goggles) but fortunately we were able to
in a riveting climax that involves
ditch the bag and saw without
a picture of Tammy Bakkerl Is
being seen. The only thing I

the terror finally over . . . could could think of when he pulled

up was that seeing a guy with a
The story came together bag on his head chasing
quite quickly and ended up like
someone with a saw would not
a cross between TEXAS be easy to explain • especially
CHAINSAW and AIRPLANE. since we didn't get any permis-
sion to be there.
By February, I started to plan the
"big" shoot.
The most difficult shots for

THE BIQ SHOOT Sheriff^hBoonay and Beggy ^ce.

me are always the effects. They

1 try and shoot everything in

intended to you could Imagine from forgotten props, to take up a lot and usually more
of setup time
four days two weekends. As it turned out. it
- bad weather, to dead batteries, to people artgles need be covered. Also, working
look six days (five Sundays and a Saturday) not showing up on time or not at all. with only a money, some effects can

and was done throughout Aprii, May and Thankfully, we were able to work around the only be tried once and if you don't get It
June. problerTM. The only effects were the added
ill right, the effect may be gone. The major

two days of shooting (which didnl add to effects were a saw through the body, a cut
The casting was dona in March. Most of the budget). off hand and various facial lacerations. You
the actors had known from last year when
have got to be creative with no-budget
we tried todo a different project that never The biggest problem was with the We used old carpet padding, card-
materialized. We had four major parts -
weather. A lot of the story is done outside
board tubes, lots of duct tape, latex, and
Marvin, lllsa. Sheriff McBooney and Baggy- and it seemed that every day that we
soma hog guts and liver. No-budget effects
face. scheduled a shoot, was rainy and un-
can in no way be compared with the big
usually cold. We had to work between the
Marvin and lllsa were John
Playing budget stuff. The important thing is that they
drops many days, but fortunately we didnl
Dulles and Lomaine Lash. Both from the be effective within the story.
have any real all-day rains. Another problem
area, they have been Involved in local stage The whole was shot on 1/2 inch
was with people not showing up on time (or project

firocullna * 44
video with one camera. did all the editing If anyone out there has ever
wanted to videos.
with JVC equipment. The music used is
I try theirhand at no-budget video, give it a
''stock" music that had produced for me a
I shot. One warning - It's not as easy as get 3. Be involved in ell aspects. REMEM-

few years ago. Working with 1/2 inch VHS camera, point camera, make a movie. It BER; No one wants this more than you. Do It
you always seem to run into a few technical takes a lot of work, creativity, patience and all. Learn by doing, not watching.
glitches with the final edited master, Any guts.
4. Start small. It's rtot necessary to do a
small glitch Is magnified by each tape
you decided two-hour project right from the start. Do
generation. My final tapecame out okay, If enter the world of
"creative no-budget cinema," here's a few some shorts and make them as educational
although a few glitches came out in some
things I've found (I don't claim to be an foryou as a video maker as possible. Maybe
scene transitions. At this point you sort of
expert these are personal opinions); one can deal with story development, one
have to accept any small imperfections or, •

with effects and how to shoot them, and

by trying to fix them, you run the risk of
1. Keep things in perspective. Your another with continuity and structure. Take It
causing more harm than good ^ou also movie will not look like what you see at the one step at a time and be patient. Remem-
lose picture quality the more you play with local multiplex. Dont compare to
it big ber: Learn by doing.
budget movies. Dont get discouraged.
5. Be creative. A different type of story or
Now's the time to look at your tape and Avoid working with people
2. who are some offbeat antics can help compensate
learn from the mistakes you made and then
pro's and tell you “Well that's not how K'e for no-budget production values.
use this experience as a stepping stone to
done in Hollywood." REMEMBER: a) You're
make later projects easier and more enjoy- not InHollywood, b) It's your idea, c) They 6. Have fun, workhard, and beware. You
able. may become addicted to no-budget video
will be the first to take credit when it works,

d) there arent many rules for no-budget making.



(Money Orders payable PENETRATION FILMS Ltd. P.O.BOX
1589, NEW YORK, NY 10009
to James Hardina)

Srocutlna -
ZOMBIE COP Basically, If they could of put up a little the sleazy side and got some attractive
more money and wrecked those Junk cars temale interest, this wouldn't of been bad.
Starry M/chaet Kampar, Kan Jarosy. Sut as it stands it's an average movie with a
Jamaa R. Black uh Diractad J.R. Book-
little above average video production value.
wakar. Executive produced by David DeCoteau.
Two cops go to arrest some Haitian
Avaikbh for $9.$5 (jofus S3 sfi^^>k}g)
Voodoo Doctor, but one cop and the doc CMEMA H<ME VMJEO. 6323 Sekna
end up In a gun battle that takte both of
Avo. AffSa, HoAywood. CA 90036.
their lives, but not before the doc puts a
curse on the cop causing him to rise from THE WEIRDO
his grave. The Voodoo doctor also rises
Starrirtg Stovo BuH/rTgton, Joos/ea
from his grave and the zombie cop reunites
&rau». Writton ond dkocted by Andy MM-
with his live partner to attempt to track him
down. It seems the doctor has some world
domination plan and the zombie cop la out What even got me interested In this
to foil him as well as get his revenge. picture was the fact It was made by one of
the people that sparked me to start making
Shot on video in (^io this movie
movies, Andy Milligan. After seeing THE
succeeds in some areas artd fails miserably COMING THE
In others. For a shot-on-vldeo it's pretty well
done with good ^cture quality. The story
anyone could make a movlel
Idea lent bad and the acting Is average to
good. But, there is no female interest what- THE WEIRDO was one the last movies
soever. always thought no-budget produc-
I made by Milligan and the story revolves
tions were required to produce a little T&A, around Donny, a strange guy who lives in a
but this movie has none. It attempts to be little shack behind an old woman's house

more of an action picture but unfortunately that he helps out. Donny Isnl playing with a
doesnl have the budget to pull off the kind full deck and is continually gettirrg beat up
of ‘edge of your seat' action It wants to by these three hoods whenever they run into
produce. him.
they chased each other in, or took a walk on

Sraculltia - 4S
and I'll be the first In line when his biography Selma Ave #123, Hoffywood. CA
hits the stands. And as many stabs as I 90Q2S.
make at the poor guy, he still made around
30 movies, many of which were seen theatri-
cally. and for that I tip my hat. Andy Milligan, Starring Chris Tsakis. Mark Fueite,
rest in peace . .
Janice K
Johnson. Written
Christopher Frier.
and directed ^
SS.95 (pius S3 shining)
As'aiUibte for
from CINEMA HCMSE VmEO. 6SS3 Sofma Some high school thugs dunk the new
Aye *1Z3. Hollywood. CA 90CeS. Egyptian exchange student's head in the
ON THE TRAIL OF ED WOOD toiletwhich sparks off a bizarre act of
revenge when the Egyptian student kidnaps
Hosted by Conrad Brooks. the high school virgin and turns her Into a
mummy, The story basically involves the
This video documerttary caught my eye mummies revenge and a private dick trying
after I had Just finished the book NIGHT-
to find the kidnaped girl while the hoods get
MARE OF ECSTASY. I was looking for a
offed one by one.
little more Insight to the man and his bizarre
lifestyle. Unfortunately this video doesn't Shot in black and white super 6mm, this
deliver. Brook seems a little hazy In some of movie resembles a lost John Waters film
with It's 50's look and rock and roll music. A
TRAIL great idea in trying to bring back those great

teenage Werewolf and teenage Frankenstein
type movies, but for ms the movie ran a little
long. One gets tired of listening to all those
HOSTS) Acres
clever SO’s type cliches delivered by guys
who sound like they just came from an all

night Andrew Dice Clay concert.

Donny is sexually aware o( his surround-
ings and resorts to spying whenever he can. Lot’s of great cheezy effects to look at
but when he finds a crippled girl that likes and the mummy looks great. If we could of
him. he soon in love. The basis of this
is losta little dialog and had a little more
story revotvas around this romance and how mummy action this film would of been
people treat them. Donny soon takes It perfect, but even In It's present condition it's
personally and reacts in a violent way by still worth checking out.
killing. He kills the preacher and his wife for

their advice and soon Is put in touch with his

mom who tells him his father is actually her Available tor SI4.9S (plus $2 postage)
brother, that’s why he's so dumb. His alco- fmm: OHOST LSUB FE.MS, PO Box 3066,
holic mom has plans to sell Donny to a work Hoboken. New Jersey 07030.
farm In Mississippi for $1,500 but Donny
goes on the rampage and soon this Romeo
and Juliet (Milligan style] tale ends.

This movie runs pretty slow ar)d Milligan

never did get too good at focusing a
camera. But hate to talk ill about the dead.

(Milligan died of AIDS in 1991) so will say I

that this is one of the best Milligan films I've

his recollections, and your sharing mostly
seen, although it doesn’t have much com-
his point of view, which may not be truly
petition. But will say one thing about the
accurate. (Although the books no better
Milligan special effects, love themi They're I
since it is simply quotes from several people
crude, but for some reason they always who knew him, and sometimes gets contrac-
work. There's a decapitation scene in this tive).
movie that's great, quickly followed up by a
pitch fork through the neck, then a guy gets .You do get to look at the outside of
his throat slit and both hands cut off.And Wood's last apartment, a dive In Hollywood,
like all Milligan movies this violence comes but can only recommend this video to Ed

In a sudden burst, as if In every movie he Wood completlsts. If your interested In learn-

must throw It Into overkill the last few ing more about the man who did PLAN
OR GLENDA, or how he sat around In
The film ertds on a sad note, as they women's clothes writing porno books, get
ponder why people cent accept someone the book. If you're not completely depressed

who’s a little different one has to wonder

. . .
by this pour souls washed up life, get the
if Milligan wasn't writing this movie about his video they you'll be ready to load the gun.
own life.

Available tor S9.9S (plus S3 post^e/

always found
I've Milligan interesting from CfNEMA HOME VIDEO. 6223
firocuUna ~ 47
THE ORBITRONS cemetery with him the next day. another guy gets pissed on, zombies eat
guts . From the same guy who made I
. .

Starring: Diva Haasa. Lawrence Talbot. The two are attacked by the zombies. As WAS A TEENAGE MUMMY, this black and
Written and directed by Christt^^ber G. Frier. our hero is strangled the zombie pukes an white super 8mm flick also reminds one of
assortment of garbage into his face. His early John Waters.
Our tale starts with our hero taking a friend Is strangled by another dead guys
piss and reminiscing about the first time he intestines. About the only negative thing have I

masturbated, which happen to be in a against the movie are the Irtcredibly long
cemetery. So. every year for the past 15 Our hero (okay forgot his name) gets
motorcycle scenea. Every time this guy gets
years, our hero returns to the cemetery to loose and ortto the space ship when our evil on his bike he drives forever. But It you scan
relive his past and masturbate with the female commander strips him, shackles him through the road tripe, there's enough weird
tombstones. After shooting his load this time and then injects his penis with a syringe and shit to keep you Interested.
he see's a space ship In which a busty then herself with the same needle (the
female is In charge who raises the dead to ultimate unsafe alien sex). She soon gives Available for $14.95 (plus $2 postt^)
help her conquer the world. Our hero runs birth to . well, see the movie.
. .
from: GHOST LMB FK.MS. PO Box 9066.
and tells the cops but they don't believe him Hoboken, New Jersey 07090.
Lot's of strange stuff here. Walking dead,
so he gets a friend to come back to the
a guy nailed to a cross (who takes a shit).

Classified ads only .20 per word. Deadline for #f5 is January 15. 1993. Wrife
or. display ad rates.
Of space, - more! $1 for excellent gruesome catalog.
sf nee fiction, figures, TV, etc. Free Foxx Entertainment Enterprises, 327 W.
CE fog. John Green, 1821 Jacaranda, W Laguna, Tempe, AZ 85282.
CA 92633,
SEX MAGIC! Occult video Magazine, ALL POSTERS ARE $7.50 EACH PLUS $2.50 POSTAGE
Erotic dancers, ritual worship, masked AND HANDLING. PLEASE LIST ALTERNATES:
demons. Original soundtrack. One hour HOVIE/lfOVIE ‘78 • CORVETTE SUMMER ‘78 • GOOD
video: $19.95 + $1.50 P/H. also
need volunteer video contributions for '77 - MIDNIGHT EXPRESS 78 - INTERNA‘nONAL
the next volume.To order tape or send VELVET ‘78 • DELTA FORCE 2 ‘90 - LOST AND
submissions remit to; VOYAGE, 41 Sut- ACE ‘83 - WAR GAMES ‘83 - HOUSE CALLS 78 - THE
ter, #1309-FI, San Francisco, 94104.
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nude, spanking! High quality! Catalog AFFAIR ‘84 • EYES OF LAURA MARS 78 - COBRA ’86
$5.00. Preview tape (4 hours) $30.00! ACTION JACKSON ‘87 ‘THE BIG FIX ‘78 - THE BAD
MAX, 117 West Harrison Buiiding, Sixth NEWS BEARS 78 - BREAKINC ‘TRAININC *79 -
Floor, Suite M-385, Chicago, !L 60606, ‘79 - OH COD 77 - CALIFORNIA SUITE ‘78 - WEIRD

attn: Lisa. SCIENCE ‘85 - THANK COD ITS FRIDAY ‘78 - THE
FAN CLUB. Rare Gein, Leatherface and THE GREAT CHEFS OF EUROPE 79.
corpse merchandise. All fully licensed! Send to: STEVE VOCE. 15452 COLDENWEST A-39,
Uncut videos, custom movie props and
Brocullfia - 4$
ACTION-ADVEhmjRE VAMPVRE (im EaK CoaK scNody vwvka lidd
AUEN PfBVATE EVE (t99C) OwMy lo^ action dra atHiMl VENUS amkP (1 960 Bbod. gora. TAA «)d stK) - . — - (197?) Supar-ehmad
BAD QIRLS OORMrrORY(1 987) Diraclad ty rm Kraidl TAAI WBRDO, THE (1 990 CuR dkaelor Andy M«gw dkaoW SAVAGE MMATES (1990 Leva and lavag^
BEASTEB (19911 Spsca cnaluns aSKk bd««f
BIONDS (1909) Si^-dwrgtd robotic Ma braM
WOODCHIPPER HAS8ACIK (1990 SltoSorHrklKrarMocksrl
ZOMBIE (1960 The Lucto Futt Ww
goraM david
SCHOOLGIRLS (1970 W^ and jigd^KI

CAT IN THE CME {197Q Stamne Sybil Ovi^ & ht*l NonM KIMBIE CO^I 981) Copt ml voodoir
COLE AIST1CE (1 989) Ravwie*. TticM^ ZDHBI E UKE (1 97? Lots «f nudb ml goat
ZOMBIE RAMPAGE (1992) Ahwd Thi^ ml Si haB
ARCH OF TRIUMPH (1 977) Adhony Hopklm stord
CNAZ^i 97^ Oocar wimar Jack Pabnca (Ural
BEYOND OBBESSION (197?) Tom Barangar Kml
OESENT SNOW (1989) MvanlurainlhtOiwIWMaNorVif
DAUGHTER OF DEATH (1960 Sybi Odining (In'
DROO ( 1 967]ChiMay acMi acbontrl SHOCKUMENTARIES DEAD LUCKY 11981] A amdar A a sadudrMd
GAIC OF SURVIVAL (1 989) Supor-Amm arM action RcM AFRICA: BLOOD A QUTB(I9P) Poeutor Knckunantaryl DEADLY COMRANIGn Il860) Tony Parktoi sisrd
(MEAT ALUOATOR tHE (1 9^Stanir]g Barbm BacN
R^ME AFFAIR, THE (199?^ IMton
HEU. SQUAD |i97^Lolaababaa.lotaaaclionl BEULU008I:THENANDNOW(I8»I) PmOCENT, THE (1979) JarWFer O'NsB Kml
HOaVWOOD HEARTBREAK (1989) Brolan dtMn«l CaT PEOPLE (1 990 NmI dooHiranb*^ KEHEK|I97?] May WOronov A David Hadiiort Mrl
HOLLYWOOD VICE SQUAD It 906) Atoning Ronny CM DEATH M HOU.YwSoqi199a Doe on slm’ dadhK MOUNT^N F{mQ98t) Badiwoodi ihrMan
JOURNEY TO THE CENTER OF TIME (1967) MONOOCANBIigea 7hatf“‘*-‘— MQHT PORTER, THE (197*) ChaWla R^ngl
KARATE CORS (1909) C^hia Rolhtocfc atwal HONDO CANE 2 (1^ Tha rahn d Ira ahodoiinnlaryl RUNNNO bJ« (1894 Acl^pKkad spy ulrlton
UQHT AT THE OF THE WORLD (1977) KM OougM HONDO VOLBtCEM 909 Jitz. vonl they avK stop? TRACK 29 (1907) Tharasi RuaatB
MAXMUMIMPACT(199Z)R«v»ngahaana»namal MONSTERS AND MAMAliS (1990 BrMia StovantotW
MEWIGHTCOR (1969) Slara Moigvr FaircMd& Midwl Yortd ON THE TRAA OF CO WOOD (1981) Corrad Brooks hodd
PUNK VACAT1ON(1909) Punkara wraak hawd SHOCK eWEHA VOL ONE (1990 Hoelad by Brinka Stovar»l WESTERNS
REDNECK COUNTY FEVER (199? MoonsHna«Hllin-|unl
RESCUE FORCE (1989) Mktta aaat actionaifl
ROeOMAN(l97^AKA Hfie’
SHOCK ewEMA VOL TTm (1991) ^
SHOCK CMEMA VOL TWO (1990 Poputor Sanaa coninusK
ml eioodl
A BUUET FROM GOO (1972) aica Gorfs Gu>!
BLOOD CITYJ1979 Hot BmKaml
a lia. Sayml TTia UrI
SHOCKING AFRICA (1970 lnlhakait«endSnadtivAfn> DEAD AIM (1973 He’s aning K yod

SKS KID, THE (1991) Super-duperauperi»roflkN SMATRA (1991) An unauthoroad biographyl DEAD HAira HAW (1970 R's out for yod
13TH MISSION. THE (196a Kl ba thair hat nMonl
TRESPASSES (1989) Lou D^ral PMIpt atml
(1 975 H dnl^rt

NOW, rAT VWataml 6i^ ,

wNi a vangawwal
YOUNO FLYERS. THE (19U) In tradition ol FMoTCkama/ T&A
GUNS OF DIABLO (1970) Pm awayl
HONKYTONK COWBOY (1980) Whtopad Waatord
(PI«BM Blgn that you are 10 or oMerl) HOT LEAD (1 983 aka Aiiici? The HMI
AnER DARK (ISO Lotsa wippars. Maa ndadnaad AON COWMY (197^ Ha‘a gd nervet of atoal
COMEDIES BODY, THE (1971) Nude bodaa atlord KID VeiGEANCE It 977) Od tot ravarrgal
BIMBOS B.C. (1992) Brand-naw birAoJaatl
BUT (igSQRobad tNrdy atoral CAPTIVE WOHOi (1 960 The oiM LAST SUNDOWN, Vw (t 97?) Tha vary Ml
CAPTIVE WOMEN 2 (1973 The saqual to the orkM HAN FROM NOWHERE. THE (197S Chit tot bbod
CHCaOXbl (1992) Mbhala Bauar guaat-atval
OALACTIC QIQOLO (1967) Ruth Coina alwal
CAPTIVE WOMEN 3 (t^ aka. Snwd Si«ad MARSHALL THE (1972 Fnm VkdnK
MBSOURI TRAVBL^ (1 956) Old Waatand
DEADLY PASSION (i^ Pwaiorto ear ba dtadyl
OALAXY OF THE DINOSAURS (1 989 Awaaoma anknabeN EWUNUELLf n AFiaCA(1977) aka StoatenmatuaW PBrOL-PACKIN* COWBOY (1 960) Ha'i padani
OETTINQ LUCKY (I98ffi TAA oomady with norvNop taugW
EMUANUELLE'SOiUlOHTiR (1977) YKaidhtr aagK RAGE AT DAWN (1963 (todk old Waataml
HUMANOIDS FROM ATIANTIS (1992) RMn 9. nvva o7ri ROUGH RIDER (1962) aka 4dtt>«HMSMan(
ROCK N ROLL MOBSTER QIRli (1992) Brand-nawl SHOOT F«ST(197()) aka Smnur» HWnbrf
HOT SWEAT (1976) WlrKaWK SUNDOWNERS, THE (1953 Ok) Waataml
UNEXPLAINEO UUGHTER (1990) Storing Dim ligi^ TEXAS INFLAME (1973 R^Wtttoml
LOAN A LOVa 1 977] SiMia and Ktm Mkal

HORROR MAS m CHANS 119^ Ona matV

MY FAVORITE BUiliR (tSM Farim Mlad
LMOER CAUFORNIA STARS (1946) Aneiinl Waataml
ALCHEMBT, THE (1 96^ DHacM by Clwtaa Bandl NUDE AEROBICS (t 983 How-to video rrudiy?l
AN AMERICAN SCREAM (1963 Slackia DannaSatanl
BLACK CRYSTAL. THE (1981) ScNochy occul drSerl
BLOOD ISLAND (197^ Staring Oiivar IWI and Cml Lyrdayt
BODY PARTS (l99Q()a«JalrlpparaanlinngupalanlghleluH


CLICK: THE CALENOAfi GIRL Kia^(l990| Oick. yotTradsM
CURSE OF THE QUEERWOLF (1969) Cull Supaf-6mmclaaaid
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OEAOQIMS [19M Rodi n' roll ^icka gat naked and dial
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All titles are new VHS» SP mode
EDGAR ALlJUt POEB MADHOUSE (1992) APnaw MholoM factory-sealed
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hmc Tideo cassettesi No illegal dnbst
GHOST OF FLETCHER RIDGE (1986) Gaorga C. Scolt’saenI
Joa Franklin stara.Ua^InNmJataayl
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send orders to: CINEMA HOME VIDEO
KAIMTS (1977) Camnon MIctal and Aldo Ray atari
7095 Hollywood Blvd. #104-710, Hollywood, CA. 90028
HELLBENT (1 A bit hr IM on 6« road to nmol or call (113) 461-1221 • VISA aad 3AsterCai^ acc^ed!
HBa SPA (1981) H'a oxactly whM t aouniN Beal
HKSHWAYTO (19911 Medt In Tam
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1*^ ??^'* **** **^ *•"** ^ l**» 1 0 ihys to da* balora
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C.0,D.% OvaraaaaSIS.OOtorlhalitiilam
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' vdara In U.S. lunda only. CKitomla raaidanta add6.2S% aatoa

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NNQOOM OF tW VAMI^ (19^) Awatoma vwnralidd
LOVE BITES (1969) Qay-thamad vampira flidd
number and siirr Myou m 18 yam d aga or oUar.
1/1 S/92. Dealer irtquiriaa walcomal Plaeaa krckida your phone

MAO DEATH, THE (19^ Famly pata become rabd kiiaral

(1 The honor classic (Sana barf bagt)!
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MARK OF THE DE\nL PART 3 (1 96?) Yal another chaplart
MAPITAS MONSTER, THE (197^ cUic Krlccky norrwl
MURDER WEAPON (19^ Lnriaa OuifFey gats naked arid kdal
NKWr OF HORROR (1960 Made to Bakimora ihlocki
PIECES (1960 Paul L Srralh stvs! The edu<»tional film of ttie year! When the girls get together in
REAMMATOR ACADEMY (1 992) Readto'. wrilin' & ra«>im«fi1
RETURN OF THE FAMAY HAN (1 990 In trsfllion d SMpMfiarr
the hot tub, they discussme finer points of the ancient and
ROBOT NMJA (1 96^ Burt Ward wtd Umaa Ouiglay sti?^ honorable professionof Scream Queening! Starring Brinke
SHE-WOLF (1 9M Hd bate by day. wolf chick by raghS Steves, Monique Gabrielle, Kelli Maroney, Michelle ^uer and
SUSHDANCE (1990) Babas dvKS and OK sIMMi Roxanne l^ohanl ONLYS24.95l(phs^piat}
SPUTTER FARM (1992) AH-naoflcralaslI

Dimadlmm - 49
come in when cani even pick up
I guess the real motivation behind cable

FI30M TtiE eLT. ^ ABC. CBS or NBC. It's just as far

away . maybe should try and
. . I
is the reception hal My picture Is fuzzy

most of the time. On the rare occasion

. .

see the light - we all know God is something comes on that actually want to I

make dupea and eall them, wrth little to no television anyway, that's where the power is. see, the son of bitch goes blank three-
trouble whatsoever. quarters of the way through It. Sun spotsi
Okay, so now have to pay for my cable,
Give me a break . .

While I'm poirrting our criminal activities. it comes in two packages, your basic
- this Is

I'llblow the whistle on myself as well. After all the channels you could receive for free If Whew . . . Alright, sorry for the bitch fast.

moving last year was rearranging the living

you lived 20 miles west instead of in The whole point of this insane editorial was
room furniture and then connected the tv to bum-fuck Egypt. Or you get the BIG basic • to try and compel people who purchase
a coaxial thought led to an antenna in the
I which is all the channels loaded with com- tapes, to buy sealed originals. And for us
attic. To my surprise it was connected into mercials artd reruns of rerurks. Isn't it great no-budgel video makers, please don't dupe
basic cablel And sometimes, out of the blue, that you have to pay for commercial tv. I us to death. Most guys putting out these
three movie channels would pop in. thought that was what the commercials were no-budget epics arent looking to make big
for • to pay for the stationi What kind of dollars, most are looking to just break even
Well, needless to say. eat down to
or make enough to possibly make another

system is this? They don't even have com-

watch my new discovery. It's funny. If had
one. And if you hear of a movie that sounds

mercials, they have tv shows that ARE

to pay for this It would of cost me over $20 a great, don't bum a copy off your friend,
commercials designed to look like talk
month, but sat here watching H for free end
break down and buy the movie and let the

shows. Has anyone actually made a million

still felt ripped off! lent it sad that one has

buying real estate? Does anyone's car look maker of the video reap the rewards of a
to pay to watch tv shows that we already
freshly painted after using a bottle of wax? successful video.
seen 50 times over when were kids, for free!
I know I've seen every episode of LEAVE IT The real reason behind cable was the Unless you've been living under a rock,
TO BEAVER at least 10 times each, shit • It movie channels maybe ten years ago,
. . .
you've had to notice a major decrease in
has to be pushing a Guinness Book Record but now? They show movies that you could video prices. The no-budget stuff is really
by nowl of rented six months before at the local pretty cheap and most videos are under $20
video store. The only thing new on these bucks anymore. So, give the guys a break •
My bogus treasure was eventually lost, made and patronize your video makers. Just think
things are their movies exclusively for
and when found didn't even have a
what these Individuals would be up to if they

the channel (which you can rent In the video

antenna in the attic was forced to start I
couldn't make movies anymore shudder to
store six months after their shovm) or their (I

paying for cable. live in an area where even


"comedy" specials. These comediarts are think!).

the best antenna doesn't pick up dick. You
getting old don't you think ... can onty
get the littie local station about 20 miles

(lani It amazing how I come up with this

take so many "plane" Jokes, or "dentist" ready to
away and you get some religious channel big speech just before I'm getting
jokes ... think I've already heard every
God what perfect
that always comes even if you
in live in make another movie, -

version of every kind joke there can be.

Alaska. How in the hell does this station timing. Look for the "making of' WAKE THE
DEAD in the next issue . .

Full color DRACULINA 8 x 10
only $5.00 (post paid). Send to;

DrocuUiia - 50
Dmadlna - 5i

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