Agena Tecno Proposal
Agena Tecno Proposal
Agena Tecno Proposal
First and foremost, we would like to thanks for GOD; and then after we would like to give
thanks to our advisor of this project, We also thank our Agena construction industrial college
technology dean for his continuous comments in every steps of the project that he forwards. We
also would like to thank all the staff members of the Department of information communication
technology involved in the process as well as our teachers for working together in different projects
The developed system which is web based resident management system in agena town enables
the users to have a simple and efficient way of maintaining resident information. Achieving this
objective is difficult using a manual system since the information is scattered, redundant and
collecting relevant information may be time consuming. All these problems are solved using this
Due to its flexible nature towards change and capability of early delivery of a system, iterative
development methodology will be followed to realize this project. A wide range of tools, such as
PHP, JavaScript, html, CSS, atom text editor will be used in the project’s lifetime.
The document shows the detail study on resident management system every kebele in agena
town. Fact finding techniques like interview and documents analysis have been used to collect
information about the system. A new system is proposed and analyzed using object oriented
method like use case diagram, activity diagram and sequence diagram. A specification of the
new system is designed using deployment diagram, collaboration diagram and class diagram. A
detailed algorithm is also developed for each method identified in the class diagram. The design
part also incorporates database design at the back end and interface design at the front en
Table of Contents
1 INTRODUCTION...............................................................................................................................1
1.1 Introduction.................................................................................................................................1
1.2 Statement of the problem.............................................................................................................2
1.3 Objective of the project................................................................................................................3
1.3.1 General objective.................................................................................................................3
1.3.2 Specific objective.................................................................................................................3
1.4 Significance of the project...........................................................................................................3
1.5 Methodology................................................................................................................................4
1.5.1 Data collection methodology...............................................................................................4
1.5.2 System Analysis and Design Methodology..........................................................................5
1.5.3 Case Tools...........................................................................................................................5
1.6 Scope of the project.....................................................................................................................6
1.7 Feasibility Analysis.....................................................................................................................6
1.7.1 Operational feasibility..........................................................................................................6
1.7.2 Economic feasibility............................................................................................................7
1.7.3 Technical feasibility.............................................................................................................7
1.7.4 Organizational feasibility.....................................................................................................7
1.8 Overall cost estimation................................................................................................................7
1.8.1 Cost cash for materials.........................................................................................................7
1.9 1.12. Schedule..............................................................................................................................8
1.1 Introduction
Now days it is better to perform every activity using new technology in order to fulfill the need
of human being, Organization, Enterprise etc. As today’s world there are many organizations and
each organizations needs to be preferable, competitive and work on fastest way in order to satisfy
users interest etc. i.e. they should have facilitate their activities in computerized way.
Technology is spreading its wing in almost every walks of human life activities. Many
developing countries are in a good position to exploit the opportunity of technology revolution
and advance human development.
Today computer and other electronic device increasingly communicate and interact directly with
other devices over a variety of network such as internet. The internet provides individuals and
small business centers for the ability to communicate inexpensively. Hence, developing the
system using technology has great advantages for organizations; which is in our case agena town
web based portal residence management system. There is twenty sex (26) kebeles agena town
currently, the system is manual based; due to this the residents, every kebeles chairman and
managing staffs faces some problems. Because of this, we are initiating to develop our project on
Resident system in order to minimize the problem by using computerized system. Web Based
Resident Management is management system which performs all activities (i.e. Registration
New Residents, Give identification card to residents of the town in every kebeles, Renewed
identification card to residents and others related activities) online.
1.2 Statement of the problem
The number of population in the town is increasing due to both natural increase and rural to
urban migration. And there are a lot of problems happen around the existing system. Some of
which are problem of data collection, Poor registration and documentation, improper
management, difficult to preservation resident information and removal of record of resident,
Data storage integrity, the existing system does not create smooth work flow between staff of
every Kebeles. The system is costly; the system takes a lot of hard copies and other instruments
because of this there is high space coverage of data.
Personal file of every kebeles residence are lost or misplaced; because of data movement
throughout the process, Poor record keeping, the data handling and manipulation mechanism is
not secured or exposed to damage. And the other thing is that customer is not satisfied with the
service because of keeping long time to get service (queue). Therefore in order to solve those
problems we are going to develop the new automated system. The problems are described as
1.3 Objective of the project
1.3.1 General objective
The general objective of this project is to design and develop web based portal residence
management system for agena town.
1.5 Methodology
Our work runs from the starting point up to the end of the project within a systemically and a
methodological journey through problems to eradicate them or as much as possible to reduce
them and to get better things by exploring or formulating new modernism which will be
employed in the real world to solve that specific problem. This section describes the steps and
procedures that we should be followed when we perform the project activities. Interview
It is the direct communication with the respondents. A meeting of people faces to face, especially
for consultation. To get the basic information about the existing management system, the team
members should interview the chairman and other office employees of every kebeles in the town
about the activities they perform, and the problems associated with that environment. We have
used an interview to ask different bodies about the process of agena resident management
system. Some of the questions that we interviewed are like: Observation
Even if interview is very important to gather information, direct observation is simple and help
full to protect involuntary interviewee from lying and hiding important information. Our project
teams members have physically observe information that cannot maintain from the interview.
This is one method of gathering information which is done by directly observing the works of
some kebeles. Even if this method is the most reliable ways of gathering information most of the
employees were not voluntary as a result of place limitation as well as time to guide us at the
time. We observed the structure of some kebeles, the relationship of one kebele with other
kebeles and its own employee’s, and its staff members to know the work flow of the
PHP: We will use this server-side scripting language to create dynamic content that
interacts with databases.
HTML: -We use this Language to create Web pages and define the page layout and
elements within the page.
MYSQL: MYSQL is an open source relational database management system. It is based
on the structure query language; it is consistent fast performance, high reliability and uses
it as back end.
XAMPP SERVER: The apache is a freely available Web server that is distributed under
an "open source” license.
JAVASCRIPT: We used in the form of client-side JavaScript for the development of
dynamic website.
Micro soft word 2007, Microsoft word 2013 and Microsoft office power point 2007 all
of these are used to write the documentation and the power point presentation of the
project throughout the project lifecycle.
Notepad++, Atom we use this software to write the code of our project.
Microsoft office Visio 2010, EDraw max 7.9.0 and enterprise architecture we use this
software to draw the Gantt chart and all the UML diagram of the project respectively.
The web based resident record management system can give many services for residents such
as: Giving ID card for citizens, register house, Resident, and count house, register new candidate
and create account for them after accepting, provide clearances when someone wants to move to
another place by physically appeared and remotely by sending requests, residents can give
feedback (comment) and other actors can view each feedback(comment), updating and deleting
residents file, easily manage users, residents able to give requests and view there solution
quickly, generate in a systematic way daily, weekly, monthly and annual reports. Search and
retrieve resident’s information, easily post information efficiently.
There are many activities or tasks of existing system that we have not include in our project.
Like, the system does not work payment issue, the system does not work activities that has
interlinked with other organizations such as small enterprise, and building managers, the
developed system does not use languages other than English and geographically limited only to
agena Town.
1.7.2 Economic feasibility
The system to be developed is economically feasible and the benefit is outweigh (reduce) the
cost. Since this project already computerizes the existing system, by now the reduction of cost
for materials used in manual operation becomes beneficiary to the town.
Generally the system that we will develop, portal resident Management System will bring a
number of tangible and intangible benefits.
Item Quantity Unit cost per Item(in birr) Total cost in birr
Pen 2 10.00 40
Flash 1 230.00 230.00
Computer 1 30000 30000
2015 EC.
Oct 21,2015 Jan 30,2015 feb26,2015 Mar 30,2015 april 15,2015
Task Name
Dec 29, 2015 feb 25,2015 Mar 30,2015 april 14,2015 may 25,2015
1 Requirement
2 System
3 System
4 System
5 Operation