02.effectiveness of Student Math-Worksheets With A Picture-Based Approach of The STEM (#729745) - 1079556

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Journal for the Mathematics Education and

Teaching Practices, 1(2), 53-62, Dec 2020

e-ISSN: 2717-8587 youngwisepub.com
dergipark.org.tr/jmetp © 2020

Research Article

Effectiveness of student math-worksheets with a picture-based approach of the

Agus Pahrudin1, Suherman2, Achi Rinaldi3, Leni Artiani4 and Iip Sugiharta5
Faculty of Teacher and Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia

Article Info Abstract

Received: 30 March 2020 The integration of approaches between science, technology, engineering, and
Revised: 17 October 2020 mathematics (STEM) in education is one of the solutions to achieve learning
Accepted: 30 November 2020 objectives. By applying the STEM approach to Student Math-worksheets (SMw)
Available online: 15 Dec 2020 supported by picture models, it is expected to be an alternative source of learning that
Keywords: is more effective in guiding learning with supported pictures that help participants
Student Math-worksheet develop imagination and connect the lesson with the circumstances. This study aims
STEM to determine the effectiveness of the use of Student Math-worksheets with a picture-
Picture based STEM approach. The research method used is the percent N-Gain and t-test.
Learning As for the tests used in the form of pretest and posttest from the experimental class
and the control class, then analyzed the effectiveness test using percent N-Gain and
2717-8587 / © 2020 The Authors. the results will be analyzed by t-test and then continued with the Effect Size test to
Published by Young Wise Pub. Ltd. find out the effective/successful scale of the use of Student Math-worksheets. The
This is an open access article under result is that the Student Worksheets used is quite effective, and there are significant
the CC BY-NC-ND license differences in the effectiveness and analysis of high-scale effect size tests.

Pahrudin, A., Suherman, S., Rinaldi, A., Artiani, L., & Sugiharta, I. (2020). Effectiveness of student math-
worksheets with a picture-based approach to STEM. Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching
Practices, 1(2), 53-62.

STEM is an extension of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (Fisher, 2015). STEM is an essential issue
in the world of education today (Abdurrahman et al. 2019; Dare et al. 2018). STEM learning is project-based and
problem-based knowledge as a means to present meaningful and interdisciplinary learning experiences that can cover
two or more of the four main disciplines contained in STEM (Breiner et al. 2012). STEM is a learning approach
between two or more fields of science provided in STEM, between the fields of science contained in STEM also with
one or more other school subjects (Hernandez et al. 2014). STEM education is an approach to teach STEM content
from two or more STEM domains, which are bound by STEM practices in authentic contexts to link the subject in
enhancing student learning (Kelley & Knowles, 2016). A study showed that students who focus on STEM better
prepared for future career opportunities (Park et al. 2017), the goal in the STEM field is to strengthen teacher practice
in improving student achievement (Erdogan et al. 2016; Rany et al. 2020; Yasin et al., 2020). Students' perceptions
about the value of STEM education vary, depending on the learning environment, especially the affective aspects,
intellectual challenges, epistemological foundations, and academic freedom, many students feel that STEM education
prepares them for college (Mullet et al. 2018).

1 Corresponding Author: Dr. Agus Pahrudin, Faculty of Teacher and Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. E-mail:
[email protected], ORCID No: 0000 0002 2421 4463
2 Suherman, University of Szeged, Hungary. E-mail: [email protected], ORCID No: 0000 0002 1700 4177
3 Dr. Achi Rinaldi, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia, Mathematics Education Department, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected],

ORCID No: 0000 0002 1316 4106

4 Leni Artiani., Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia, Mathematics Education Department, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]
5 Iip Sughiarta, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia, Mathematics Education Department, Indonesia.. E-mail:
[email protected], ORCID No: 0000 0002 9591 8900
Pahrudin, Suherman, Rinaldi, Artiani, & Sugiharta Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1(2) (2020) 53-62

The quality of modern life depends on innovation and development in the STEM discipline (Huda et al. 2019;
Park et al. 2017). Educational policies in many countries have emphasized the importance of STEM (Apple, 2017),
STEM education can be described as a large-scale education reform aimed at targeting teaching and learning (Isabelle
& Valle, 2015). Knowledge and application of STEM can be assessed based on the skills demonstrated. The skills
shown are beneficial for understanding how the curriculum can prepare students to become workers (Petrun Sayers
et al. 2020). STEM education has many potential benefits for individuals and the nation as a whole (Barakabitze et al.,
2019). In general, the STEM initiative has two main interconnection objectives, at the national level, the STEM
initiative seeks to increase groups that meet the workers' requirements that the nation should need to remain
economically competitive in the global market. At the individual level, the STEM initiative aims to produce citizens
who can do financially secure jobs in the ever-increasing world of technology (Syazali et al. 2019).
STEM education can increase the independence of students because it is vital to introduce young people to the
STEM topic to motivate and encourage them to pursue STEM subjects in each class (Kanematsu & Barry, 2016).
Four STEM branches; science, technology, engineering, and mathematics are the leading academic sciences of all
students; especially science and mathematics (Bell et al. 2017). In mathematics, using the STEM concept will make
students more often apply the material in everyday life so they will get used to solve mathematical problems in daily
life by thinking scientifically, using technology to obtain various information. Data processing with ability techniques,
Mathematical learning patterns with the STEM approach emphasize the principles of practice, wherein each student's
learning is always facilitated to practice so that they get an unforgettable learning experience (Milaturrahmah et al.
STEM needs to be studied in college studies in educational development (Sagala et al. 2019), to find out STEM's
participation in efforts to influence change, it must be critically contemplated and broaden scientific approaches to
studying STEM (Means et al., 2018; Suherman et al., 2018), expanding cooperation in STEM is recommended to
deepen understanding of recruitment, retention, progress and attendance issues (Metcalf et al. 2018). The progress of
information and communication technology is significant for STEM education because it can increase the
independence of students by learning on their initiative. Therefore it will provide opportunities in realizing STEM
goals and effectiveness (Kanematsu & Barry, 2016). An in-depth understanding of STEM education for students helps
inform future curriculum design, program evaluation, and education policy (Mullet et al. 2018), as in the basic
framework of the 2013 curriculum structure at the junior high school/madrasa level aimed at creating a generation of
Indonesians who have life skills as individuals who are faithful, productive, creative, innovative and competent and
able to contribute to the life of society, nation, state and world civilization. This provides a platform for the
development and implementation of STEM education.
A study shows that alternatives in learning can use picture media based on Islamic values (Aini et al. 2019). The
use of picture media can deepen the explanation in abstract mathematics lessons. The selection in the use of
appropriate learning models can stimulate the growth of students' enjoyment of an experience, foster and increase
motivation in working on assignments, making it easier for students to understand the lesson to enable participants'
students to achieve better learning outcomes. One model that can be used is picture based. The picture-based learning
model can support students to learn well and be more active in following the learning process in the classroom (Surya
& Putri, 2017). The picture learning model is a learning method that is applied in learning using pictures that are paired
or sorted to become a logical sequence of images (Petrun Sayers et al. 2020).
To improve the skills of prospective teachers requires an exclusive strategy so that students who will teach in the
future also have excellent skills (Pahrudin et al. 2019; Suherman et al. 2020; Syazali et al. 2019). Strategies that focus
on improving teaching practices provide the highest potential for improving learning outcomes (Barakabitze et al.
2019; Weintrop et al. 2016). Increasing STEM persistence needs to focus on strategies related to academic adjustment
(Dika & D’Amico, 2016; Gansemer-Topf et al. 2017). STEM school culture looks stable and uniform across schools
and model types. However, the kind of model seems to affect the amount of time students spend in school (Tofel-
Grehl & Callahan, 2014). In addition to the type of model, the completeness of the learning tools available also
dramatically influences. Many learning tools, one of which is the student worksheet (Latifah, 2016). Student
worksheets are printed materials in the form of sheets of paper that contain articles, summaries, and instructions on
the implementation of tasks done by students referring to the essential competencies that must be achieved
(Nurfadilah Mahmud & Amin, 2019). Integration with the STEM approach applied in student worksheet with the

Pahrudin, Suherman, Rinaldi, Artiani, & Sugiharta Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1(2) (2020) 53-62

picture model is expected to produce a good student worksheet that can be used as one of the teaching materials used
by teachers in delivering teaching material.
Related to the results of observations, obtained information regarding the relationship of the availability of
components of learning tools used in the school include: students are still challenging to understand the material, no
student worksheet (SW) functions as a learning companion for students. Student worksheet learning media is a critical
teaching material in the learning process. The existence of student worksheets as teaching material is beneficial for
students in understanding the material, so it is necessary to do innovation to have readiness in developing mathematics
teaching material in the form of the student worksheet. So researchers provide a solution that is by developing student
worksheets with a picture-based STEM approach.
A study showed that SW was feasible and effective to use, at the practical level SW was in the perfect category, at
the level of effectiveness student worksheet obtained sig <0.05 proving a significant difference between the
experimental and control classes included in both types (Husna & Mulyani, 2018; Wagiran et al. 2019).
Problem of Study
STEM is collaborative problem-solving which requires any student to apply an integrated knowledge. STEM is claimed
to affect students’ achievement but yet is not declared “why” and “how” its effect in higher thinking skills (Shanta &
Wells, 2020). Some previous research report that the developed students’ worksheets effective in increasing literacy
based on STEM (Sulistiyowati et al. 2018), can improving of in critical and creative thinking (Yulianti et al. 2020), and
effective to increasing problem solving (Taub et al. 2018). Based on the previous study, it can be underlined that there
is an existing gap, namely to find the effect of student math-worksheets with a picture-based approach on STEM.
This study aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of Student Math-worksheets with a picture-based STEM

Research Model
This study produced student worksheet with a picture-based STEM approach. With the development phase using the
ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The data analysis technique used
is descriptive quantitative to process the data from the validator's assessment, students and teacher responses, and
effectiveness tests. Whereas in processing data in the form of comments, suggestions, and improvements from the
validator as well as a description of the feasibility of the research use descriptive qualitative research.
STEM-based approach to picture on rectangular and triangle VII grade material of SMw implemented. To the
implementing this product, regards to the 60 students in junior high school. The research uses two group subject,
including experimental class using STEM approach to Student Math-worksheets (SMw) supported by picture models
and the control class using the method in class as curriculum.
Data Collection Tools
Instruments utilized in this learning activity enclosed the information, lesson plans, student worksheets, as well as
test items. The effectiveness of math-worksheets with a picture was developed and given in the teaching process.
Data Analysis
The method used in this study uses the analysis of percent N-Gain and T-test followed by the analysis of effect size
test, the percent N-Gain analysis aims to determine the effectiveness of the use of student worksheet and the t-test is
used to find out whether there are significant differences in efficiency. In contrast, the analysis of the effect test size
aims to see the scale of effectiveness of the use of the student worksheet. The following table will display the percent
N-Gain criteria and effect size criteria
Table 1.
N-Gain Effectiveness Category (Hake, 1999)
Percentage (%) Category (C)
𝐶 < 40 Ineffective
40 ≤ 𝐶 < 55 Less effective
55 ≤ 𝐶 < 75 Quite effective

Pahrudin, Suherman, Rinaldi, Artiani, & Sugiharta Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1(2) (2020) 53-62

𝐶 ≥75 Effective

Table 2.
Criteria for Interpretation of Cohen's d Values (Peng & Chen, 2014)
Cohen’s standard Effect Size Percentile standing Percent of nonoverlap
2.0 97.7 81.1%
1.9 97.1 79.4%
1.8 96.4 77.4%
1.7 95.5 75.4%
1.6 94.5 73.1%
1.5 93.3 70.7%
High 1.4 91.9 68.1%
1.3 90 65.3%
1.2 88 62.2%
1.1 86 58.9%
1.0 84 55.4%
0.9 82 51.6%
0.8 79 47.4%
0.7 76 43.0%
Medium 0.6 73 38.2%
0.5 69 33.0%
0.4 66 27.4%
Low 0.3 62 21.3%
0.2 58 14.7%
0.1 54 7.7%
0.0 50 0%
This study produced student worksheet with a picture-based STEM approach. With the development phase using the
ADDIE model (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, and Evaluation). The data analysis technique used
is descriptive quantitative to process the data from the validator's assessment, students and teacher responses, and
effectiveness tests. Whereas in processing data in the form of comments, suggestions, and improvements from the
validator as well as a description of the feasibility of the research use descriptive qualitative research. It can be seen
examples of student math-worksheet at appendix 1.

Furthermore, in the attractiveness response test results obtained by small group trials with a percentage value of
73.75% in new criteria. Field trial results got an amount with a percentage of 75.88% in exciting approaches, and the
results of the trial response of subject teachers with a rate of 75.45% in interesting criteria, this trial was conducted by
researchers by giving questions about pretest and posttest to students in the experimental class and the control class,
the table below is the result of calculating the n-gain percent criteria for the student worksheet product.
Table 3.
Experiment and Control Group Pretest and Posttest Values
Group Mean Median Variance Minimum Maximum
Experiment 62.80 66.67 417.10 28.57 94.44
Control 30.95 31.03 50.17 15.38 44.44
The table above shows the average value of the experimental class is 62.80% included in the category of quite
effective/quite useful, and the average cost of the control class is 30.95% included in the ineffective/ineffective
category, based on the n-gain effectiveness category criteria according to table 1.
The basic concept of the t-test or independent sample t-test of the n-gain results to test a significant difference as
Is part of the parametric statistical analysis used to check whether there are differences in the average scores
(scores) of two unpaired data groups
The type of data used in this test is interval or ratio scale data.
Data are typically distributed and homogeneous (not an absolute requirement) (Lisdiani et al. 2019).
Pahrudin, Suherman, Rinaldi, Artiani, & Sugiharta Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1(2) (2020) 53-62

The basis for a normality test decision is if the value of sig. > 0.05, then the data is normally distributed and if the
value of sig. <0.05, then the data are not normally distributed. The normality test must adjust to the number of samples
(N), the use of the Shapiro Wilk normality test if the number of the two classes is less than 50, conversely, if the
number of samples is more than 50, then the normality test will refer to the sig value. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test.
(Sahid Raharjo. 2017).
Tabel 4.
Tests of Normality
Kolmogorov-Smirnova Shapiro-Wilk
Statistic Df Sig. Statistic Df Sig.
Experiment .126 31 .200* .936 31 .063
Control .131 29 .200* .961 29 .346

The table below shows the data are normally distributed because of the value of sig. > 0.05 which is 0.20. Thus
the independent t-test can be continued because it meets the requirements.
Table 5.
Independent Samples Test
Levene's Test for Equality of Variances t-test for Equality of Means
95% Confidence Interval
Sig. (2- Mean Std. Error of the Difference
F Sig. T Df
tailed) Difference Difference
Lower Upper
variances 43.469 .000 7.957 58 .000 31.84262 4.00187 23.83201 39.85323
Percent Equal
8.172 37.545 .000 31.84262 3.89674 23.95095 39.73429

Next, to find out whether there are differences in the effectiveness of the experimental class and control class
research results are significant or not, how to interpret the independent sample test table. Based on table 5, the value
of sig. The Levene's Test for Equality of Variance is 0,000 <0.05, it can be concluded that the n-gain percent data
variance for the experimental class and the control class is not homogeneous. Thus the independent t-test for the n-
gain score is guided by the sig value. contained in the Equal variances not assumed table, based on the independent
sample test table, the sig value is known. (2-tailed) is 0,000. based on decision making if the value of sig. (2 tailed)
<0.05 then there is a significant difference between the experimental class and the control class and vice versa if the
value of sig. (2-tailed)> there is no significant difference. Thus it can be concluded that there is a significant difference
in effectiveness between the experimental class and the control class.
Table 6.
Group Statistics
Class N Mean Std. Deviation Std. Error Mean
Experiment 31 62.7972 20.42287 3.66806
Control 29 30.9546 7.08295 1.31527

Then the influence of applying the Student Worksheet with the picture-based STEM approach will be seen. The
table above is a demographic group from the t-test to calculate the effect size using Cohen's formula. The results of
the group statistics in the experiment class had highest than control class. It is clear that mean on the experiment class
was 62.7972 while the control class was 30.9546.

Pahrudin, Suherman, Rinaldi, Artiani, & Sugiharta Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1(2) (2020) 53-62

Discussion and Conclusion

The use of the effect size test is to measure how effective the improvement of a study is. So if the n gain test has been
done and indicated an increase/effective, then to measure how significant the increase is, use the effect size test
(Cohen et al. 2009). From the calculation of the effect size above, the results obtained are 2.09, according to the criteria
table of effect size score 2.09> 2.0, the conclusion is the effectiveness of the use of the Student Worksheet with a
picture-based STEM approach obtains a high effectiveness scale.
Student Math-worksheet is material after knowing the results of the above calculation has passed valid criteria in
terms of format, language, technical, and content (Nurfadilah Mahmud et al. 2019) because STEM education can
increase student independence by learning on their initiative. Therefore it will provide opportunities in realizing STEM
goals and effectiveness (Kanematsu & Barry, 2016). A study supporting problem-based learning is a useful alternative
for developing student learning skills in mathematics (Aini et al. 2019). such as the results of the validity of the Student
Worksheets with very decent and exciting criteria, and the use of the Student Worksheets makes students independent
and more skilled in learning and able to think more critically in solving mathematical problems.
Statistical meta-analysis techniques estimate the average impact of increasing STEM learning on student
achievement in mathematics. As for strengthening the STEM teacher workforce skills that lead to an increase in
student learning in mathematics (Stohlmann et al. 2011). STEM education as an integration of science, technology,
engineering, and mathematics with instruction involving students in projects, real-life problems, and collaboration,
explicitly aims for students to learn how to approach everyday life with analytical thinking skills and enthusiasm for
study (Ashdown & Bernard, 2012), statement of an analysis which states that applications that utilize information and
communication technology can support learning in 21st-century science (Rahayu et al. 2019). as in this study involving
students in the practice of working on projects in the student worksheet by linking material to the STEM field.
This study also applies picture-based learning, which can make students more active in education, make students
productive, creative, innovative, and able to interact in learning, and can create learning activities that provide
excitement for students through sorting logical operations (Purwani et al. 2018). The application that using this
picture-based Student Math-worksheet makes it easy for students to associate images with real situations makes them
more creative and innovative and creates a pleasant and more active learning atmosphere so that the learning process
in class runs well.
Based on the results of research conducted by researchers, student math-worksheet with the STEM-based
approach to Picture on rectangular and triangle VII grade material of SMP, is quite effective in use. The t-test results
showed that there were significant differences, and the effect size test showed that the effectiveness of the use of
student worksheet in the study was large scale. The researcher suggests that in future studies for using student
worksheet that is accompanied by a learning process so that it affects the learning outcomes of students and research
results will be more effective.

Based on the above conclusions, the authors suggest that the use student math-worksheets with a picture-based
approach to STEM in the teaching and learning. This research can be followed by further research combining to
different model.

The authors are very grateful to the Research Community of the Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung
Indonesia for the collaboration research. The data of this research is provided by the State Junior High School in
Lampung Province Indonesia.

Pahrudin, Suherman, Rinaldi, Artiani, & Sugiharta Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1(2) (2020) 53-62

Biodata of the Authors

Dr. Agus Pahrudin is lecturer at the Faculty of Teacher and Training, Universitas Islam Negeri
Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. His research focuses on Curriculum Development and Teaching
and Learning Strategies. Affiliation: Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam
Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected] Phone:
(+62)81377651056 Scopus ID: 57208306437 WoS ID : -

Suherman was born in Lampung, Indonesia. He is a lecturer in the Mathematics Education

Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan, Lampung. His research focuses on
mathematics education, ethnomathematics, learning and teaching. Affiliation: Mathematics
Education Department, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia. Then, He is
Ph.D. student at the Doctoral School of Education, University of Szeged, Hungary. E-mail:
[email protected], [email protected] Phone: (+62)85669722714 Scopus ID:
57208307368 WoS ID : -
Dr. Achi Rinaldi is Associate Professor in Mathemtaics Education, Faculty of Education and
Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia. His interesting
research include Student learning in physics, Science teaching based on Statistics, Mathematics,
Applied Mathematics. Affiliation: Mathematics Education Department, Faculty of Education and
Teacher Training, Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia. E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: (+62)8998707730 Scopus ID: 57209826173 WoS ID : -
Leni Artiani was born in Lampung, Indonesia. She holds S.Pd. (Bachelor of Education) on
Mathematics Education in Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia (2020).
Affiliation: Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. E-mail:
[email protected] Phone: (+62)89520126302 Scopus ID: - WoS ID : -

Iip Sugiharta is a lecturer in the, Faculty of Education and Teacher Training, Universitas Islam
Negeri Raden Intan, Lampung, Indonesia. Affiliation: Faculty of Education and Teacher Training,
Universitas Islam Negeri Raden Intan Lampung, Indonesia. E-mail: [email protected]
Phone: (+62)81395517612 Scopus ID: 57199210251 WoS ID : -

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Pahrudin, Suherman, Rinaldi, Artiani, & Sugiharta Journal for the Mathematics Education and Teaching Practices 1(2) (2020) 53-62

Appendix 1.
Examples of Student Math-worksheet


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