22a Draft

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File No.


Guidelines for flling up of Check-List for removal from 22A(1) List in
respect of Government Lands assigned prior to 18.06.1954 in
Government Villages.

There are a Number of proposals being received for removal of certain

Government lands assigned prior to 18.06.1954 from the prohibitory properties
included in 22A(1) of Registration Act, 1908. In this regard it is important to
check whether the village is Government (Ryotwari) village, Estate village or
Inam village. If it is determined as Government village, the process needs
following checking process, which is described below.

Step 1:

The frst step is to check whether the land is Government land and the
assignment is prior to 18.06.1954 as per Original Revenue Records.


All the columns in Check List from 1 to 3 are self explanatory.

• Column No.4 is examination of the Re-Settlement Register (RSR) of the

Village. The RSR may be verifed fully, especially the date of preparation of
RSR may be noted.
• Column No.5 is verifcation of the entries of RSR in Classifcation Column,
Assessment Column, Pattadar Column and the Remarks Column and also
the entries relating to assignment, if any, may be carefully noted. It may
be noted that generally for all Government lands, entries in classifcation
column noted as ‘GP’ and entries in classifcation column and remarks
columns are critical. Doing a full analysis of RSR, the Concerned Ofcers
have to clearly note fndings from the RSR.
• Column No.6 is verifcation of 8-A register, FMB & Sub Division records
whether the subject land is sub-divided and the classifcation of the land
has been changed from UWD to AWD or Poramboke to AWD. If any,
occurred on the subject land, all the details should be noted date wise.
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• Column No.7 is verifcation of the entries in DKT Registers/Assignment

fles, Committee minutes if any to prove that whether the subject land is
assigned land and assignment was made prior to 18.06.1954. If any, above
occurred on the subject lands, all the details should be noted in his fndings
viz., DKT fle No., date of assignment, name of the Village & Mandal, Sy. No
& Extent, Name of the Assignee.
• Column No.8 is examination of 10-1 Account. 10-1 is to be verifed from the
Years between the year of RSR to 18.06.1954, note the particulars in which
year the name of the pattadar was recorded against the claimed Survey
number & extent.
• Column No.9 is verifcation of the Register of Holdings maintained by
Registration Department from the Year of RSR to 18.06.1954. It is also be
verifed for transactions on subject land if any, and fow of title in between
diferent persons.
• Column No.10 is verifcation of the adangals from date of RSR to
18.06.1954 for the entries made against the pattadar and enjoyer column
with Crop and Cist details and note the subsequent changes in pattadar

• Finally, after verifcation all the records as stated supra, the concerned
ofcer shall come to the fnding in Column No.11 whether the subject land
is Government land and it is assigned prior to 18.06.1954 as per the
Original records.

If it is concluded as Government land assigned prior to 18.06.1954,

then the Check list Part-B will be taken up.
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1 Name of the Applicant:
2 Name of the Village, Mandal & District:
3 Survey No & Extent Claimed:
4 Year of RSR:
5 Entries in RSR:
a) Total Extent in Survey No:

b) Classifcation

c) Assessment
(Rates per acre)
d) Number of patta or title-deed and name of registered holder
or Inamdar.
e) Remarks

f) entries relating to assignment if any;

i.e., date, proceedings No. etc.,
Findings from the RSR:

6 Entries in Field Measurement Book

Survey Sub-division Record:
a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

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c) Sub-division made:

d) Form 8-A register:

Findings from FMB & Survey Sub-division Record:

7 Entries in Assignment Files:

a) DKT fle No.

b) Particulars in DKT Register:

c) Proceedings of assignment committee:

Findings from Assignment Registers:

8 10-1 account (between year of RSR to 18.06.1954):

a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

Findings from 10-1 Account:

9 Register of Holdings maintained by Registration Department

(between year of RSR to 18.06.1954)
a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

d) Document Number:

Findings from Register of Holdings:

10 Adangals (between year of RSR to 18.06.1954):

a) Year of Entry:
b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

d) Khata Number:

Findings from Adangals:

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11 Final conclusions from PART-A1 on whether the land is classifed

as Government land and whether the assignment is prior to


Guidelines for flling up of Check-List for removal from 22A(1) List in

respect of Government Lands assigned prior to 18.06.1954
in Estate Villages.

There are a Number of proposals being received for removal of certain assigned
lands assigned prior to 18.06.1954 from the prohibitory properties included in
22A(1) of Registration Act, 1908. In this regard it is important to frst check
whether the village is Government (Ryotwari) village, Estate village or Inam
village. If it is determined as Estate village, the process needs following
checking process, which is described below.

Estate Village:

The Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Estates (Abolition and Conversion into
Ryotwari) Act, 1948 came into force w.e.f 19.04.1949 to provide for the repeal of
the permanent settlement and introduction of Ryotwari Settlement in the estates.
Under provisions of this Act all Zamins, Under tenure, Inam Estates were
abolished by the Government. In all the Estate Villages the Settlement operations
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were held mostly between the years from 1950 to 1970s, and some of the Estate
Villages are still pending for Settlement. Thus, in some cases, Settlement of
Estate villages were done prior to 18.06.1954, but mostly done after 18.06.1954.
On completion of settlement, Settlement Fair Adangal(SFA)/Fair Adangal(FA)/Fair
Land Register (FLR) were prepared.

Hence, the chance of issuing assignment prior to 18.06.1954 in the Estate

villages is comparatively less. However, if the assignment really made prior to
18.06.1954 in an Estate Village, then the fact of patta is likely to have been
recorded in SFA/FA/FLR entries as pattadar entries. However, if the Settlement
was done prior to 18.06.1954(say in 1951), there is possibility that assignment(D-
Patta) was done prior to 18.06.1954 but not recorded in SFA/FA/FLR.

Thus, if any one fles a petition before the concerned authority stating that the
assignment was made prior to 18.06.1954 in Estate villages and requesting to
delete the said land from the prohibited properties u/s.22-A(1), then a meticulous
examination of the records Manuscript Diglot Register(MDR) of the Estate village
and SFA/FA/FLR are required to be undertaken. Therefore, the concerned ofcer
has to furnish a detailed justifcation report, the details of the records verifed by
him, on which basis he recommended for proposed deletion. The two steps
checking enumerated below:

Step 1:

The frst step is to check whether the date of settlement is prior or after
18.06.1954, Whether the land is Government land and whether the assignment is
prior to 18.06.1954 as per Original Revenue Records.

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All the columns in Check List from 1 to 3 are self explanatory.

• Column No.4 is examination of the Settlement Fair Adangal (SFA)/ Fair

Adangal (FA)/Fair Land Register of the Village and other relevant records to
gather information from all records regarding date of Notifcation and
taking over of Estate Village by Government and date of Settlement
operations. The SFA/FA/FLR may be verifed fully, with regard to the date of
preparation of SFA/FA/FLR.
• Column No.5 is examination of the Notifcations issued under Section 3 &
22 of the A.P.(A.A.) Estate (Abolition and Conversion Into Ryotwari) Act,
1948. The concerned ofcer has to verify the Notifcations carefully;
especially the date of publication of Notifcation and land details with
Sy.No. wise published in the Notifcation may be noted.
• Column No.6 is to be flled in cases where the SFA/FA/FLR was prepared
prior to 18.06.1954. The entries in Classifcation Column, Assessment
Column, Pattadar Column and the Remarks Column and also the entries
relating to assignment, if any, may be carefully noted. It may be noted that
generally for all Government lands, entries in classifcation column noted
as ‘GP’ and entries in classifcation column and remarks column are
crucial. Doing a full analysis of SFA/FA/FLR, the concerned ofcer has to
clearly note fndings from the SFA/FA/FLR.
• Column No.7 is to be flled in cases where the SFA/FA/FLR was prepared
after 18.06.1954. Column No.7(i) is examination of the SFA/FA/FLR records.
The entries in Classifcation Column, Assessment Column, Pattadar Column
and the Remarks Column and also the entries relating to assignment if any
may be carefully noted. Doing a full analysis of SFA/FA/FLR, the concerned
ofcer has to clearly note fndings from the SFA/FA/FLR.
• Column No. 7(ii) is examination of the Manuscript Diglot Register(MDR) of
the Village. This is to be done carefully to check whether any assignment
done prior to 18.06.1954 and recorded in MDR. Doing a full analysis of
MDR, the concerned ofcer has to clearly note fndings from the MDR.
• Column No. 8 is examination of the 8-A register, FMB & Sub Division
records whether the subject land is sub-divided and the classifcation of the
land has been changed from UWD to AWD or Poramboke to AWD. If any,
occurred on the subject land, all the details should be noted date wise.
• Column No.9 is verifcation of the entries in DKT Registers/Assignment
fles, Committee minutes if any to prove that whether the subject land is
assigned land and assignment was made prior to 18.06.1954. If any, above
occurred on the subject lands, all the details should be noted in his fndings
viz., DKT fle No., date of assignment, name of the Village & Mandal, Sy. No
& Extent, Name of the Assignee.
• Column No. 10 is verifcation of 10-1 Account. The 10-1 is to be verifed
from the Years between the year of SFA/FA/FLR to 18.06.1954 (if
applicable), note the particulars in which year the name of the pattadar
was recorded against the claimed Survey number & extent.
• Column No. 11 is verifcation of the Register of Holdings maintained by
Registration Department Prior to 18.06.1954, if available. It is also be
verifed for transactions on subject land if any, and fow of title in between
diferent persons.
• Column No.12 is verifcation of the adangals from date of SFA/FA/FLR to
18.06.1954 (if applicable) for the entries made against the pattadar and
enjoyer column with Crop and Cist details and note the subsequent
changes in pattadar column.
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• Finally, after verifcation of all the records as stated supra, the concerned
ofcer shall come to the fnding in Column No.13 regarding the date when
SFA/FA/FLR was prepared for the Estate Village, whether the subject land
is Government land and whether it is assigned prior to 18.06.1954 as per
the Original records.

If it is concluded as Government land assigned prior to 18.06.1954,

then the Check list Part-B will be taken up.

1 Name of the Applicant:
2 Name of the Village, Mandal & District:
3 Survey No & Extent Claimed:
4 Year of SFA/FA/FLR:
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a. Date of Notifcation and taken over by the Government.

b. Date of Settlement operations completed in the village.
c. Date mentioned in the SFA/FA/FLR as date prepared.

5 Date of Notifcations :
a. u/s.3 of A.P. (A.A) Estate (Abolition and Conversion Into
b. u/s.22 of of A.P. (A.A) Estate

(Abolition and Conversion Into

Ryotwari) Act,1948

c. land details with Sy.No. wise

published in the Notifcation

Findings from the Notifcations

6 Entries in SFA/FA/FLR:
In case where SFA/FA/FLR prepared prior to 18.06.1954:

a) Total Extent in Survey No:

b) Classifcation

c) Assessment
(Rates per acre)
d) Number of patta or title-deed and name of registered holder or
e) Remarks

f)Entries relating to assignment if any ; i.e., date, proceedings No.

Findings from the SFA/FA/FLR

7 (i)in case where SFA/FA/FLR prepared after 18.06.1954:

a) Total Extent in Survey No:

b) Classifcation

c) Assessment
(Rates per acre)
d) Number of patta or title-deed
and name of registered holder or
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e) Remarks

f) Entries relating to assignment

if any ; i.e., date, proceedings
No. etc.,
Findings from the SFA/FA/FLR

(ii)Entries in MDR:

a) Total Extent in Survey No:

b) Classifcation

c) Assessment
(Rates per acre)
d) Number of patta or title-deed
and name of registered holder or
e) Remarks

f) Entries relating to assignment if any ; i.e., date, proceedings

No. etc.,
Findings from the MDR

8 Entries in Field Measurement Book

Survey Sub-division Record:
a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Sub-division made:

d) Form 8-A register:

Findings from FMB & Survey Sub-division Record:

9 Entries in Assignment Files:

a) DKT fle No.

b) Particulars in DKT Register:

c) Proceedings of assignment committee:

Findings from Assignment Register

10 10-1 account (between year of SFA/FA/FLR to 18.06.1954)(in case

a) Year of Entry:
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b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

Findings from 10-1 Account:

11 Register of Holdings maintained by Registration Department (Before

a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

d) Document Number:

Findings from Register of Holdings:

12 Adangals (between year of SFA/FA/FLR to 18.06.1954)(if applicable):

a) Year of Entry:
b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

d) Khata Number:

Findings from Adangals:

13 Final conclusions from PART-A2 on whether the date of Settlement

is prior or after18.06.1954; whether land is classifed as Government
land and whether the assignment is prior to 18.06.1954.
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Guidelines for flling up of Check-List for removal from 22A(1) List in
respect of Government Lands assigned prior to 18.06.1954
in Inam Villages.

There are a Number of proposals being received for removal of certain assigned
lands assigned prior to 18.06.1954 from the prohibitory properties included in
22A(1) of Registration Act, 1908. In this regard it is important to frst check
whether the village is Government (Ryotwari) village, Estate village or Inam
village. If it is determined as Inam village, the process needs two step checking
process, which is described below:


In case of Inam Villages, the Andhra Pradesh (Andhra Area) Inams (Abolition and
Conversion into Ryotwari) Act, 1956 came into force w.e.f 14.12.1956 “to Abolish
and Convert Inam lands into Ryotwari lands”. In all the Inam Villages the
Settlement operations were held mostly between the years from 14.12.1956 to
1970s. Hence, the chance of issuing assignment prior to 18.06.1954 in the Inam
villages is rare. If the assignment really made prior to 18.06.1954 in an Inam
Village, then the fact of Patta is likely to have been recorded in Inam Fair
Register(IFR) / Inam A & B Registers prepared at the time of Settlement.

If any one fles a petition before the concerned authority stating that the
assignment was made prior to 18.06.1954 in Inam village and requesting to
delete the said land from the prohibited properties u/s.22-A(1), then a meticulous
examination of the records Inam Fair Register(IFR) / Inam A & B Registers and
District Gazette Publication Notifcation regarding Inams are required. Therefore,
the concerned ofcer has to furnish a detailed justifcation report, the details of
the records verifed by him, on which basis he recommended for proposed
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Step 1:

The frst step is to check whether the land is Government land/ Communal
Poramboke land and the assignment is prior to 18.06.1954 as per Original
Revenue Records.


All the columns in Check List from 1 to 3 are self explanatory.

• Column No.4 is examination of the Inam Fair Register (IFR)/Inam A & B

Registers and other relevant District Gazette records of the Village to
determine the date of notifcation and taking over of the Inam Village by
Government & the dates/ period of Settlement operations. The IFR/Inam A
& B Registers may be verifed fully, with regard to the date of preparation
of IFR/Inam A & B Registers.
• Column No.5 is examination of the entries in Classifcation Column,
Assessment Column, Pattadar Column and the Remarks Column and also
the entries relating to assignment, if any, may be carefully noted. It may
be noted that generally for all Government lands, entries in classifcation
column noted as ‘Poramboke’ and the entries in classifcation column and
remarks columns are critical Government lands are also notifed in District
Gazettes. Doing a full analysis of IFR/Inam A & B Registers, District
Gazettes etc., the Concerned Ofcers have to clearly note fndings from
the IFR/Inam A & B Registers.
• Column No. 6 is examination of the District Gazette Notifcations published
under Section 3(3) & 12(3) of A.P.(A.A.) Inams (Abolition and Conversion
Into Ryotwari) Act, 1956, whether a particular land is Government land/
Inam land and whether such land is in ryotwari, zamindari or inam village
and whether such land is held by any institution and whether the rates of
assessment have been fxed. Doing a full analysis of the District Gazette
Notifcations, the concerned ofcer has to clearly note fndings.
• Column No.7 is examination of the 8-A register, FMB & Sub Division records
whether the subject land is sub-divided and the classifcation of the land
has been transferred from UWD to AWD or Poramboke to AWD. If any,
occurred on the subject land, all the details should be noted date wise.
• Column No.8 is verifcation of the entries in DKT Registers/Assignment
fles, Committee minutes if any to prove that whether the subject land is
assigned land and assignment was made prior to 18.06.1954. If any, above
occurred on the subject lands, all the details should be noted in his fndings
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viz., DKT fle No., date of assignment, name of the Village & Mandal, Sy. No
& Extent, Name of the Assignee.
• Column No.9 is verifcation of the Register of Holdings maintained by
Registration Department Prior to 18.06.1954 if available. It is also be
verifed for transactions on subject land if any, and fow of title in between
diferent persons.

• Finally, after verifcation all the records as stated supra, the concerned
ofcer shall come to the fnding in Column No.10 regarding the date when
IFR/ Inam A & B Register was prepared for the Inam Village, whether the
subject land is Government land/Communal Poramboke land and whether
it is assigned prior to 18.06.1954 as per the Original records.

If it is concluded as Government land/Communal Poramboke land

assigned prior to 18.06.1954, then the Check list Part-B will be taken

1 Name of the Applicant:
2 Name of the Village,
Mandal & District:
3 Survey No & Extent
4 Year of IFR/Inam A & B Registers:

a. Date of Notifcation and taken over by

the Government.
b. Date of Settlement operations
completed in the village.
c. Date of IFR & Date of Inam A Register,
Date of Inam B Register.

5 Entries in IFR/Inam A & B Registers:

a) Total Extent in Survey
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b) Classifcation

c) Assessment
(Rates per acre)
d) Number of patta or title
-deed and name of
registered holder or
e) Remarks

f) Entries relating to assignment if any ;

i.e., date, Inams Commissioner
proceedings No. etc.,
Findings from the IFR/Inam A & B Registers:

6 Details of the District Gazette Notifcation

i. u/s. 3(3) of A.P.(A.A) Inams
(Abolition & Conversion Into
Ryotwari)Act, 1956.
a. T.D. No.

b. Total extent in Sy.No.

c. Classifcation

d. remarks

e. Date of publication

ii. u/s.12(3) of A.P.(A.A) Inams

(Abolition & Conversion Into
Ryotwari)Act, 1956.

Findings from the Notifcations:

7 Entries in Field Measurement Book

Survey Sub-division Record:
a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Sub-division made:

d) Form 8-A register:

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Findings from FMB & Survey Sub-division Record:

8 Entries in Assignment Files:

a) DKT fle No.

b) Particulars in DKT Register:

c) Proceedings of assignment committee:

Findings from Assignment Registers:

9 Register of Holdings maintained by

Registration Department (prior to 18.06.1954)
(if applicable)
a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

d) Document Number:

Findings from Register of Holdings:

10 Final conclusions from PART-A3 on whether the

land is classifed as Government land /Communal
Poramboke land and whether the assignment is prior to
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On determination that it is Government land assigned prior to 18.06.1954, then

the continuous title fow of property from the original assignee to the present
applicant has to be fnalized as per the Original Revenue Records.


• After determined the subject land as Government land assigned prior to

18.06.1954, the concerned authorities should verify the 10-1 account from
18.06.1954 to up to date, as available and note his fndings in Column No.1
in which year the name of any pattadar was enrolled against the claimed
Survey number & extent.
• Column No.2 is verifcation of the ROR 1B Registers whether the name of
the claimant or his predecessors have been recorded in respect of subject
land by way of inheritance/gift/sadabinama/purchase/DKT.
• Column No. 3 is verifcation of the Register of Holdings/ Encumbrances
Certifcate maintained by Registration Department from 18.06.1954 to till
date. It is also be verifed for transactions on subject land if any, and fow
of title in between diferent persons.
• Column No. 4 is verifcation of the entries made at adangals with Khata
number, pattadar name and enjoyers name and mode of enjoyment for
evaluating the continuous possession of the applicant and his predecessors
over the subject land from the original assignee to the present applicant
and note fndings accordingly.
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• Column No. 5 is verifcation of the receipts of the water tax/property

tax/OTC/Electricity connection/bore well paid by the applicant or his
predecessors or any structures viz., Shed, Hut etc., to prove the physical
possession of the applicant over the subject land.
• Column No. 6 is relating to issue of notices at village level calling
objections, if any and conduct enquiry and note fndings of the enquiry.
• Col No. 7 is relating to conduct of the panchanama with neighbouring ryots
to know the physical possession of the land and possessor of the land and
note the fndings thereof.
• Column No. 8 is relating to conduct of local enquiry to fnd out any disputes
on subject land or any court litigations pending if any. The present stage of
such litigations should be noted at Column No.8.
• Column No.9 is examination of the subject land, whether it was
resumed/re-assigned earlier any time on the following grounds: a) violation
of conditions of assignment b) under A.P. Assigned Lands(POT) Act, 1977 c)
for public purpose viz., 4(1)© Notifcations and also verify that no
encroachments recorded in the 4-C Register of Village Accounts. If any,
above occurred on the subject lands after 18.06.1954, all the details
should be noted in his fndings.
• Column No.10 is examination of subject land, whether it is not resumed
under Revenue Recovery Act/ Auctioned by Banks/PACS. It is also not
taken up by way of Donation (Gift deed or relinquishment deed) in favour
of Government or any other institution.
• Column No. 11 is verifcation of Land Acquisition records, whether the land
was acquired previously for any public purpose by the Government duly
verifying notifcations/award etc., or whether any declaration was made on
the subject land under ceiling surplus to confrm that the land not vested
with the Government.
• Column No.12 is verifcation of the continuous title fow of the property to
the present applicant viz., purchase/gift/mortgage/ inheritance/ partition
etc., and be noted the fndings.

• Finally, while indicating the title fow and physical possession on the
subject land relating to the applicant, concerned ofcer has to submit his
recommendations & relevant documents to the District Collector either for
approval or rejection as per GOs and Memos issued in this regard from
time to time.
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1 10-1 account (from 18.06.1954 to up to date,
as available):
a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

Findings from 10-1 Account:

2 Record of Rights/Pattadar Pass Book:

a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

d) Khata Number:

Findings from Record of Rights:

3 Register of Holdings/ Encumbrances

Certifcate maintained by Registration
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Department (from 18.06.1954 to till date)

a) Year of Entry:

b) Survey No, Extent:

c) Name of the individual:

d) Document Number:

Findings from Register of Holdings:

4 Names of pattadars and enjoyers as per Adangals from 18.06.1954

to till date:
Sl.No. Fasli Sy.No Extent Khata Pattadar Name of the Made of
No. name Enjoyer enjoyment

Findings from Adangals:

5 Whether the applicant/Predecessors are in continuous possession of the

If so, what are the documentary evidences submitted in support of his claim:
a. Receipts:

(Water Tax/Property Tax/OTC/

Agricultural Bore well/electricity bill)
Findings from documents produced:
6 Whether public notice is issued for calling
objections; if any.
a)Objection received, if any on the subject
b) Date of hearing

Findings from enquiry:

7 Panchanama from neighboring ryots: YES/NO

Ground position:
(Vacant/Standing crop/ long tenure standing
crop/ Structures)
Findings from documents produced:
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8 Whether any Court cases including Revenue courts are fled on this land, If
yes :

a) Case Number

b) Main dispute in the case

c) Interim orders, if any

d) Stage of the case, if pending

e) Final order, if any

f) Remarks

Findings from Court Cases:

9 Whether the land was resumed earlier any

time on the following grounds ;
a) violation of conditions:

b) under A.P. Assigned Lands (POT) Act, 1977

c) for public purpose viz., 4(1)© Notifcation :

d) Revenue Recovery Act;

if so notices showing the land details;

e) Auctioned by Banks, PACS;

if so notices showing the land details;

f) Land was taken up by way of Donation

(Gift deed or relinquishment deed):
Findings on Resumption of land:

10 Whether the land was acquired for any

a) Land Acquisition notifcation showing
land details;

b) Land Acquisition Award showing land


Findings from land acquisition:

File No.REV02-22021/30/2021-ASSMT-II-CCLA

11 Whether the land was declared under:

a)Ceiling on Agricultural Holdings
Act, 1973; if so details of
b)Urban Land Ceiling Act, 1976:
if so details of declaration;
Findings on Land Ceiling:

Continuous Title Flow to the Present Applicant from the Year of

12 RSR/FLR/SFA/FA /INAM A & B Registers to till date trough
Succession / Registered deeds/others:
Document number Mode of Sy. Extent Name of Name of Remarks
& dated. Acquisition( No. the the
Succession Executan Claiman
deed/Partitio t t
n deed/Will
deed /Gift
deed/ Sale
deed etc.,)

Findings from the title fow:

Final Recommendations of Tahsildar/RDO/


14 Remarks:

Neerabh Kumar Prasad

Chief Commissioner of Land Administration.

File No.REV02-22021/30/2021-ASSMT-II-CCLA

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