Prospectus 2021
Prospectus 2021
Prospectus 2021
Established under the U ar Pradesh Private Universi es Act, 2019 (U.P. Act No. 12 of 2019)
Nurturing Tomorrow...
• Vision, Mission & Our Core Values 02
• A Manifesta on of the Legacy of United Group 03
• About United University 04
• Our Visionary Leaders
- From the Desk of Chancellor 06
- From the Desk of Vice Chancellor 07
- From the Desk of Vice Chairman 08
- From the Desk of Pro Vice Chancellor 09
• Why United ? 10
• Facul es – Courses & Curricula
- Faculty of Medicine 12
- Faculty of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences 14
- Faculty of Sciences 18
- Faculty of Agriculture and Allied Sciences 20
- Collabora on with IBM 22
- Faculty of Engineering and Technology 24
- About Business Analy cs 30
- Faculty of Commerce & Management 32
- Faculty of Computer Applica ons 34
- Faculty of Journalism & Mass Communica on 36
- Faculty of Arts 38
- Faculty of Law 40
• Inspiring State-of-the art Infrastructure 44
• Excellence in Research & Innova on 46
• Career Development Centre 47
• Aspira ons Fulfilled – Placements 48
• Global Opportuni es 50
• Courses and Eligibility 52
• Scholarships 55
• Experience us! 56
• To provide transforma ve educa on focused on deep FOR THEIR ‘CAREER’
explicit knowledge, interpersonal skills and AND ‘LIFE’.
A Manifestation of the
Comple ng 70 years of service, United Group dedicates itself to the vision of its
founder who started with Transport business in the year 1951. The Group
expanded its ac vi es in UP and Delhi by opening Automobile Dealerships, C&F
Agencies, Newspaper Publica on etc.
With a humble beginning in computer educa on, United Group has been able to
establish 9 Ins tu ons impar ng professional educa on through courses like
M.Tech, MBA, MCA, M.Pharm, B.Tech, BBA, BCA, and B.Pharm at Greater Noida
and Allahabad.
In 2015, United Group entered the field of Medical Science by establishing United
Diagnos cs, north India's premium centre for facili es like MRI, CT Scan,
Pathology, Ultrasound, X-Ray etc.
United Group has successfully entered the field of Medical Science in 2019
through the establishment of United Medicity, a 1000 bed hospital at Allahabad.
This ini a ve is very much in line towards fulfilling the vision of our Founder who
always believed in contribu ng towards the community.
I welcome you to this wholesome experience at contribution towards social and economic
United University - a youthful University for the growth.
A salubrious campus, the latest in technology,
It gives me immense pleasure to welcome you the best of curriculum and the expertise of
to the academic world of United University. I can academic stalwarts and industry veterans
assure you that you have made the right choice define the contours of United University.
of University as it provides an educational
environment that is conducive for grooming You would certainly find it rewarding as you
young men and women. In our attempt to be journey along with us into the realms of
the best and preferred source of learning, higher education. The journey does not end
United University imparts learning that focuses here as we intend to traverse the extra mile.
on empowering society we live in, with We endeavour to make United University a
competent and responsible professionals. global reference in the academia and the
This University is a belief envisioned for creating
better human beings, with roots embedded in I would like the students to experience the
strong academics and who are strong enough environment at United and be a part of
to survive the upheavals of the economies of the ‘holistic grooming’ process.
world. United strives to make far-reaching and
positive impact on the world through the I wish you all the best in your career and life.
education of our students and through our
pioneering research. As an integral part of this Mr. Girdhar Gopal Gulati
enterprise, the University also plans to
disseminate knowledge and encourage
l e a r n i n g a n d t h u s m a ke a s i g n i f i c a n t | 07
I welcome you all to United University, a The University offers you an intellectually
‘splendid Temple of Learning’. In this challenging and rewarding atmosphere. It
millennium, world is characterized by gives you the ability, self-confidence and the
technology and constant change. In order to desire to go on learning for the rest of your
survive and perform successfully in the modern life and to cope with new emerging and
day competitive environment, we have to challenging situations. We at United are
constantly adapt to innovation and be prepared firmly committed to excel in technical
to update knowledge and skills through education and research, and are fully aware of
continuous learning all the time. I would like to the challenges of the future. It is our endeavor
congratulate you on choosing United University to ensure that every student's needs and
as an Institution in developing your career and expectations are fulfilled, thus enhancing the
realizing your dreams. You are entering into the ability to acquire and apply knowledge. The
arena of higher education where the future is University aims at facilitating and promoting
full of opportunities. studies, technology and research for
achieving excellence in higher technical
At United University, we are dedicated to education.
produce professionals who have the optimum
mix of attitude, skill, culture and knowledge to I am sure that, this University would reach to
adapt themselves to the emerging trends with the highest rank in a short span of time in our
confidence and pursue their chosen professions state through our diligence, devotion and
with comfort. Education is about much more dedication.
than employability. It includes evolving with a
d i f f e r e n t v i e w, d e v e l o p i n g d i f f e r e n t Wishing you all the best…!
perspectives and opening your mind to the
enormous possibilities, and ultimately Mr. Satpal Gulati
emerging as a world class human resource. | 09
It is a matter of great pride and privilege for me Education is the greatest asset of human being.
to have been bestowed upon an important An educated person transforms his family and
responsibility that demands my next step of society at large. Technological development in
s e r v i c e c o n t r i b u t i o n s i n t e r m s of m y the recent decades has opened scope for any
comradeship and leadership. I welcome all individual to excel indifferent areas. The
those individuals who hold a passion and are
changing scenario at work place and skill up-
ready to blend it with the wisdom for a
gradation has led to new dimensions inteaching
combined journey of creating a kingdom of
learning environment. Continuous
opportunities and accomplishments!
improvement in the curriculum and focus on
United University is a new emerging University new pedagogy of academic delivery is the call of
with a long history of education, training and the day.
development. Indeed, ‘Holistic Education for
Human Transformation’ is somehow a novel and Lifelong learning is now expected from every
visionary approach on which United University individual in the organization. Employees are
claims to stand out with a difference. At United expected to contribute in the growth of
University, we aim to nurture and conserve organization. Training and Development has
three areas of focus – ‘Quality Education with become extremely impor tant for the
the assertion of experience and expertise’, organizations to remain in the front.
‘Finest Infrastructure with world-class labs &
facilities’ and ‘Research and Innovation in
United University has been established to meet
collaboration with corporate and industries’.
all these challenges. World class infra-structure,
As a Pro Vice Chancellor, I am confident that well-endowed library, state of art laboratories
global exposure and efforts to excel in the field and extremely qualified faculty members are
of higher education would act as a catalyst in taking giant steps towards providing high
the reinforcement of values and ethics that is quality education. Experiential learning, mini
inherent in the foundation of United Group. projects, presentations, live case studies etc. are
part of teaching pedagogy. We are committed
We look forward to welcoming you to the to provide you with the best education
United University! experience.
Prof. L M Srivastava
Prof. A.M. Agrawal
01 02
The University spread over 250
Academics acres is located at Rawatpur,
United imparts quality educa on at affordable and Jhalwa, Prayagraj. The campus
compe ve fee structure to the students. It has with its world-class learning
designed its courses and curriculum contemporary, environment is easily reachable at
relevant and cu ng-edge which will help a student a reasonable distance from the city
with plethora of career opportuni es. bus stand and sta on. One can
view route on Google map to
reach United University.
The pris ne beauty and sylvan surroundings
of the campus with its state-of-the-art
infrastructure creates an environment
conducive for higher educa on. The
campus is a reflec on of the University’s
vision to foster a commendable learning
environment by equipping all technological
aids along with the spirit of changing mes
and innova on. | 11
04 05
Industrial The core strength of United University lies
in its intellectual capital of highly
Collaborations accomplished faculty who are equipped
with experience and exper se in their
United University aims to get affiliated
field. A lot of research and explora on is
with all major cer fica on and
done to figure out useful and effec ve
accredita on socie es of India and
teaching and learning methods to prepare
abroad making all of its courses highly
graduates with great competence and
reliable and job oriented. As reflected
nurture their technical and professional
in its vision and mission, the University
temperament in a challenging and
con nues to build strong associa ons
contemporary diverse environment.
and affilia ons of United Group with
new Industry Leaders along with its
exis ng affilia ons such as Infoys, TCS,
Tata Steel, Wipro etc.
Campus life
Life at United University is enthralling as
the ac vi es are diverse and varied.
There are plenty of opportuni es to
make friends and build memories along
with the cultural exchange programmes.
The indoor and outdoor sports within
the state-of-the-art sports arena, mul -
cuisine food courts, and cultural events
provide students with an exci ng and
enriching experience.
07 08
Student-centric Career Success
A er ge ng specialized degrees, every
Environment student aims to get a good job with a
One of the goals of crea ng a student-centic handsome salary. At United, the Career
environment is to make learning joyful, Development Lab (CDL) helps to build
challenging and engaging and United makes essen al skills and a ributes for the
tremendous efforts by focusing on specific workplace, improve communica on,
learning outcomes for all courses and makes it nego a on, finance, entrepreneurship
more par cipatory for the students to gain and many more to demonstrate
transferable skills such as problem solving, student’s career readiness.
cri cal thinking and reflec ve thinking.
“As United has state-of-the-art facilities, the
University infrastructure is impressive. Getting
into United is like setting and managing your
career at once." | 13
Faculty of
Faculty of Medicine at United University works in collabora on with the United Ins tute of Medical Sciences and offers one of the most
reputed and respected career op ons in the Medical field – ‘Bachelor of Medicine’ and ‘Bachelor of Surgery’ that deals with medicines,
formula ons, diseases, diagnosis, treatment and preven on. Doctors carry out the most important job of serving humanity by ensuring
medicinal research; iden fying, trea ng and preven ng diseases through medicinal research. Although a career in medicine may imply
many other professions, the one of the Doctor is the most prominent and ideal career choice of all. Not only is medicine and surgery a
lucra ve career choice, it also brings along a posi on of reverence in the society.
Faculty of Medicine is ready with its four and a half years
full- me gradua on:
(Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery)
Faculty of
Nursing and Paramedical Sciences
The purpose of this course is to prepare knowledgeable mo vated and dedicated nurses with professionalism, discipline,
asser veness, and cri cal thinking skills ready to serve and fulfill the escalated needs of the diverse medical special es
already exis ng in the own campuses of United University and United Ins tute of Medical Sciences.
Through the offered programs, the Faculty of Nursing and Paramedical Sciences aims at producing competent nurses and
midwives assumed to extend preven ve, cura ve and healthcare services by playing various significant roles of medical
prac oner, teacher, supervisor and manager in clinical or public health system in United University, United Ins tute of
Medical Sciences and also beyond the boundaries.
Bachelor of Science in Nursing
(B. Sc. Nursing)
Career Prospects
The Nursing industry has been growing rapidly and the career
opportuni es in the field have been growing side by side. In India,
students who are successfully able to clear all subjects under the
B.Sc Nursing programme, are eligible for a career in the field of
nursing. However, pursuing a career is not the only way forward, as
graduates will also be able to pursue higher educa on and expand
their career op ons as well. Check out some of the career op ons
and job prospects available to you a er you complete the
• Nurses/Nursing Assistant
• Home Care Nurse /Ward Nurse
• Infec on Control Nurse/Nursing Tutor
• Nurse Manager/Nursing Assistant Supervisor
• Nursing Educator or Tutor
• Junior Psychiatric Nurse
ANM (Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery)
ANM or Auxiliary Nursing Midwifery is a two year cer ficate program in the field of
Nursing. Interested candidates can apply for ANM diploma a er passing their class
12 exam with Science or Arts stream. The course includes six-months of compulsory
internship. ANM is the most basic course which can be opted as a star ng step
towards making a career in the Nursing field.
ANM Nursing fresher have various choices a er
the comple on of the course. They can start their
career in nursing by joining as a Community
Health Worker, Home Nurse, Health Visitor, Basic
Health Worker & Rural Health Worker. Below are
the other job profiles in which ANM Nursing
cer ficate holders, a er gaining some experience,
in the field can expect to work as:
A er the successful comple on of the GNM diploma, the graduate is GNM NURSING CAREER OPTIONS
registered as an RNRM (Registered Nurse Registered Midwife) and is GNM Nursing fresher are competent enough to serve at various hospitals
designated as a Nurse. and organisa ons a er the comple on of the diploma. They can start
their career in nursing by joining as a Home Nurse, Health Visitor,
The diploma level programme aims to train the students as nurses and Community Health Worker, Basic Health Worker and Rural Health
help them develop skills to func on efficiently in a hospital environment Worker, Aanganwadi and ASHA worker. Below are the other job profiles
and can provide first aid, blood pressure monitoring, etc. along with in which ANM Nursing diploma holders, a er a aining substan ate
having skills to func on effec vely in a team, assis ng in research experience, in the field can expect to work as:
ac vi es.
• Forensic Nurse
• Legal Consul ng Nurse
• Community Health Nurse
• Teacher – Nursing School
• ICU Nurse
• Staff Nurse
• Cer fied Nursing Assistant
• Senior – Nurse Educator
• Home Care Nurse
• Health Care Nurse
"I envisage a novel approach of constant
learning and renewed passion while
I plan to do B.Sc. at United University" | 19
Faculty of
The basic aim of Faculty of Sciences is to impart educa on to the budding professional, in pursuit of academic excellence and be er
understanding of the concepts of Physics, Chemistry, Mathema cs and Computer Science, both in theore cal and prac cal terms, which
will enable them to apply these concepts to advancements in the fields of Science and Technology. With highly qualified and experienced
faculty members and research-oriented resources and lab facili es, the faculty of Sciences aims to induce a Scien fic and Research a tude
in the students. In all the offered programs, the visionary approach and individualized guidance by academicians promotes academic
performance, achievements and career development for all the enrolled scholars.
Faculty of Sciences caters to the requirements of the
students by offering professional courses in the fields of
Applied Sciences and Technology. At present, the Faculty
of Sciences offers following courses:
The best part would be its lab curriculum blended with theory
curriculum and that too with an integrated corporate project so that
students' prac cal understanding comes real, handy and applicable in Career Prospects
real terms and situa ons. Every department of Faculty of Sciences will A degree in Physics/Chemistry/Mathema cs and Computer
have its own laboratories where students work with state-of-the-art Science does not train students for a specific job. Rather it will
machines under expert guidance from experienced and trained provide students with a wide range of skills for an easy entry
faculty members. to a plethora of careers with industrial giants in the field of
Energy, Nanotechnology, Space Research, Chemicals, Robo cs
Laboratories in special consideration: and Informa on Technologies, Core IT services, and Higher
• Advance Spectroscopic Research Laboratory Studies in India and abroad. Besides, students graduated from
• Quantum Physics Lab Faculty of Sciences would find lucra ve jobs in the following
• Nanotechnology Research Lab domains:
• Coordina on Chemistry Lab • Scien fic Research, Design and Development
• Applied Chemistry Research Lab • R & D Organiza ons
• Applied Physics Research Lab • Chemical Industries
• Diagnos c services • Pharmaceu cal Industries
• Object Oriented Programming Lab • Drugs & Medicines
• So ware System Lab • Space Sta ons
• Image Processing and Computer Vision Lab • Management Services and Compu ng
• Data Structures & Algorithms Lab • Accoun ng and Professional Services
• Opera ng Systems Lab • Banking-Investment and Retail
• Distributed Systems Lab • Opera onal and Sta s cal Research
• Advanced Programming Lab • Teaching
“Clean and Green Campuses of United with its holistic vision of
environment conservation, social and community development
has strengthened my career vision. Opting for Agricultural Sciences,
is one of the best decisions of my life” | 21
Faculty of
Agriculture and Allied Sciences
Faculty of Agriculture and Allied Sciences is another applied discipline of higher educa on that aims to focus on all those areas of Agriculture and
Natural Resources that need informa ve, forma ve, persuasive and holis c roles of humans blended with scien fic and technological research.
Courses offered under this faculty have been proved to be the largest decision-oriented and problem-solving courses that involve technological
interven on and its prac ce with Science and Human Capital addressing the desired changes and developments in the environment, health,
agriculture, home economics, small industries and energy. Faculty of Agriculture and Allied Sciences at United University encourages a proac ve
approach towards extension of rural development ac vi es.
B.Sc. Agriculture
M.Sc. Agriculture (Agronomy)
M.Sc. Agriculture (Horticulture)
Career Prospects
Careers in Agriculture make up one of the largest industries and
sources of long-term employment in the country supplying us with a
mul tude of food products and alterna ve energies, among many
other important resources for sustaining our country and
contribu on to the world economy.
Faculty of
Engineering & Technology
Covering three major streams of Engineering & Technology, the Faculty of Engineering & Technology at United aims to prepare computer
engineers who are essen ally a combina on of electrical engineers and computer science graduates and train them to develop hardware and
so ware systems for computers, communica on systems and other devices. Computer engineers would also be specialized for robo cs research.
While studying this course students will be taught how to write so ware codes, design different types of circuit boards and opera ng systems etc.
Students enrolling into electrical engineering courses would gain a deeper understanding about electrical networks, electrical energy distribu on
systems, computer fundamentals and electromagne c theory, as well as various devices. Electronics, Energy resources and Conversion,
Electromagne c Field Theory, Applied Instrumenta on, Microprocessors and peripheral devices are some of the subjects that this study touches
upon. An electrical engineer designs, develops and maintains the electrical control system to the required specifica ons and ensures reliability,
safety, sustainability, quality and economy. By applying the principles of Engineering, Physics and Material Science, the inspiring and intellectual
academic staff of Mechanical Engineering would involve the design and manufacture of mechanical systems for the students enrolled in
Mechanical Engineering courses.
Faculty of Engineering & Technology is ready with its varied full- me courses for the students
aspiring career paths in IT and core engineering sectors:
Engineering Diploma
Computer Science
Mechanical Engineering
Electrical Engineering
B. Tech - Computer Science [Honours] with
specialization in Data Science & Analytics
The specialized curriculum emphasizes upon the core concepts • Understand the fundamental concepts of Computer Science
of data science and data analy cs and involves a blend of math, with specialized engineering knowledge in the field of
sta s cal modeling, data interface, algorithm development, Informa on Technology and Security Analysis.
programming, machine learning and data technology • Perform Quan ta ve and Qualita ve risk assessment on the
management to analy cally solve complex problems. In a nut
iden fied risk
shell, it is a confluence of mathema cal ability, technical skills
• Design cyber security tools and security applica ons to create
and business acumen influencing business crea vity and values.
feasible engineering solu ons of risk management.
• Design and Integrate hardware and so ware systems in the
COURSE OUTCOMES areas of IOT, cloud compu ng, cyber security to carry out in-
• Learn and understand the knowledge contained in the data,
depth analysis of modern malware samples using Sta c and
segregate the useful data, design and develop the systems,
Dynamic analysis techniques
analyze and arrive at decisions for its implementa on.
• Implement theore cal knowledge in Data Analy cs se ng a
prac cal way.
• Use Industry best prac ces and prac cal projects to bring the
world-class best experience of Data Science & Analy cs in
• Become resourceful in the emerging tech industry by
becoming a part of the B. Tech. CSE with Data Science &
Analy cs.
B. Tech - B. Tech -
Electrical Engineering Mechanical Engineering
"I choose Business Analytics over the other specializations
as it follows my career idea of implementing automated
data analysis practices, tools and services in business for
what is happing now and improved decision-making for
the future.”
Business Analytics
in association with
Business Analy cs is a blend of skills, business intelligence,
data analy cs and technologies including programming skills
that u lizes a scien fic approach in data analysis, strategy
building and sta s cal analysis in order to make data-driven
business solu ons. Business analy cs helps companies analyze
data from a variety of sources. From cloud applica ons to
marke ng automa on and CRM so ware, it gives deep insight
about business performance giving the serving en ty a
compe ve edge. Students would be able to:
• Understand and demonstrate knowledge in specific areas of the business
as HR, Marke ng Finance, Digital Marke ng, Business analy cs, Data
Analy cs and Business Intelligence tools.
• Work on predic ve modeling, data modeling, data visualiza on and
prescrip ve analy cs and provide solu ons to complex business problems.
• Use advanced analy cs and sta s cs to find pa erns within datasets that
could predict trends in the future and access new insights about the
consumer and their behavior.
• Support decisions based on the latest informa on, sta s cal analysis, and
to arrive at informed decision-making via access to new insights about the
consumer behavior.
Career Prospects
In view of high demand in industry, this
BBA/MBA course specializa on in Business
Analy cs has been developed in associa on
with the IBM experts. It aims at developing
skilled professionals for the large scale
Faculty of
Commerce & Management
Faculty of Commerce & Management is a research-driven vision of United university that paves a way forward to academic excellence. At
United, the mul -faceted and scholarly faculty members have core industry background embedded with knowledge and experience to run
the programs focusing upon students’ prac cal managerial skills, analy cal skills, communica on skills and business skills. The uniqueness
of this faculty is its strategy and philosophy of impar ng commerce and business management principles for its applica on in industrial set
up via case studies, projects, presenta ons, industrial visits and interac on with industry experts. The curricula enriched with such
business prac ces, accoun ng and finance, business analysis, management, marke ng, human resource management effec ve
communica on and informa on technologies make the students prepared to explore opportuni es and careers on their own. Besides the
academic rigor of the program, there is a great emphasis on inculca ng a ributes like global thinking, decision making and personal
effec veness so that students not only achieve their goals in academics but also in their career and personal life.
Faculty of Commerce & Management caters to the
requirements of the students by offering career-oriented and
life-based professional courses in the fields of Commerce and
Management. At present, the Faculty of Commerce &
Management offers following courses:
with specialization in Marketing / Finance /
HR / IT / Operations Management / Family
Business / International Business /Business Analytics)
with specialization in Business Analytics in Career Prospects
association with Business Management is among those careers which are not
restricted by interna onal boundaries. Commerce graduates
BBA and Business analysts play a variety of roles in an organiza on.
with specialization in Marketing/Finance /HR/IT/ They are a part of business opera ons and work with
Family Business/International Business/ Informa on Technology to improve the quality of services
Business Analytics delivered and even assist in integra on and tes ng of new
solu ons.
with specialization in Business Analytics in They will get opportuni es to work in top notch MNCs. Even if
association with their family has a business of its own, they can build upon it
and take it higher.
The possible careers a er comple on of this course in
B.Com. (Honours) Commerce & Management and some of the industries that
have a high demand of business analysts are:
Faculty of
Computer Applications
Primary aim of Faculty of Computer Applica ons is to train and educate individuals who have keen interest and desired skills to be able to fulfill the
requirements of the IT industry. The curricula so designed represent a combina on of compu ng trends and latest technologies crea ng a fer le
ground for the cul va on and dissemina on of knowledge and skills for the future researchers, powerful academicians and innova ve IT Analysts.
with Specialization in Artificial Intelligence
in association with
Career Prospects
Career prospects a er BCA & MCA include job profiles such as:
• So ware Developer
• So ware Engineer
• So ware Consultant
• So ware Applica on Architect
• Hardware Engineer
• Computer System Analyst
• Database Administrator etc.
• Tech Jobs in IT companies for the roles of So ware Developer, IT
Analyst, Web Developer and Technical support.
• Career in Data Science and Data Analy cs
• Block Chain Developer
• Digital Marke ng Jobs – Short-term Courses a er BCA such as
Network Security, Digital Marke ng, E-commerce, etc.
• Career as a Cyber Security Specialist
• MS Abroad
Specializa ons like JAVA, Coding, Cloud Compu ng, Networking, etc.
become value addi ons for the students of this program which
ul mately make them prepared and ready to opt for any of the
above career op ons. Besides, a er BCA, students can also explore
further for Innova ve and Lucra ve Careers such as Ar ficial
Intelligence, Machine Learning, Data Security, Networking or
Hardware Courses, So ware Designing, Bioinforma cs, etc.
36 |
new | 37
Faculty of
Journalism & Mass Communication
Faculty of Journalism & Mass Communica on offers an integrated program leading to polishing inherent skills of an upcoming journalist that
could efficiently and effec vely spread informa on to large audiences through the various means of communica on. Na onal and
Interna onal level faculty with wide media exposure would help the students develop their skills such as:
• Inquisi ve nature • Inves ga ve mind • Alert demeanour
• Good communica on skills • Good command over languages • Confident
• Enthusiast • Pa ent • Ability to differen ate between fact and fic on
• Ability to adhere to dead • sensi vity to different views and life •Adap ve and tolerant of changing and difficult situa ons
• Interested to know about various fields such as poli cs, culture, religion, social and current affairs
the whole country through the gradua ng journalists of United
University. This includes various work areas like repor ng, wri ng,
edi ng, photographing, broadcas ng and repor ng world events,
trends, current affairs etc.
Presently, Faculty of Journalism & Mass Communica on is ready
to offer one course:
Career Prospects
Graduates of Journalism & Mass Communica on courses will work
in a variety of fields in tradi onal news media and publishing,
adver sing, public rela ons and research ins tutes. Journalism is for
people who are ready to explore various opportuni es 24/7,
without the constraints of cultural upbringing, gender, and are also
ready to go beyond geographical boundaries. Following are the
various job profiles offered to graduates in mass communica on:
• Journalist/News reporter
• Public Rela ons Officer
• Content Writer
• Adver sing/PR/MR/Event Management, Print Media i.e.
Newspaper, Magazine etc.
• Electronic Media i.e. Television, Radio etc., Publishing House,
Internet Research, Content Wri ng Agencies
• Fashion Photographer
• Producer
• Radio Jockey/ RJ
"Opting for Faculty of Arts at United makes sense
as it beautifully combines the human sense
with its aesthetic sense and technological essence” | 39
Faculty of
Faculty of Arts envisages a knowledge base crea on and composi on with an interdisciplinary research addressing the core skills of students
such as oral and wri en communica on along with the cri cal thinking, reasoning, problem solving and analy cal skills. The research-
oriented academic environment covers frui ul compa bility of the course plans with voca ons in respec ve fields. Students studying
Economics would be trained on the areas of management, microeconomics, macroeconomics, labour rela ons, public finance, industrial
economics, environmental economics, accoun ng, banking, financial risk management, econometrics, interna onal economics etc. A knack
for numbers and figures is all one needs to pursue an educa on and a career in this field.
Faculty of Arts is ready with its two 3-year full me gradua on
courses spread across 6 semesters:
BA - English (Honours)
BA - Economics (Honours)
Career Prospects
A degree in English opens up many opportuni es in the fields of
media and journalism, publishing industry, teaching & research,
adver sing & marke ng, HR/Administra on jobs in public and
private sectors, hospitality industry, translators world, technical
wri ng, content development, civil services. Some of the job
profiles would include:
• Teacher
• Policy Analyst Writer
• Editor / Publisher or Researcher
• Communicator / Public Rela ons Officer
• Speech Writer / Travel-Writer / Blogger or Reviewer
• Arts Administrator
• Content Developer/ Manager, etc
Faculty of
Law is a career stream that candidates pursue at undergraduate (UG), postgraduate (PG) or doctorate (PhD) level to prac ce the legal
profession in India. Law as a career is very popular among students in India. Scope of law as a career is immense in India. These days, law
graduates do not just opt to get dressed in black and white apparels and head to court but also make their presence feel in corporate houses,
law firms, law agencies, administra ve services.
To make a career in law at the UG level, aspirants can pursue five-year dura on Integrated LLB courses such as BA LLB, BBA LLB. Candidates
can also opt to pursue a three year LLB course a er comple ng their gradua on as well as masters with LLM&LLM(Exec).
Faculty of law is ready with its varied full me courses for the
students aspiring career paths in its different branches.
BA LLB 5 Years
BA LLB (Hons) 5 Years
BBA LLB 5 Years
LLB 3 Years
LLM 1 Year
LLM (Exec) 1 & Half Years
Moot Court
A moot court is a replica of real court proceedings. The purpose of
moot court compe on is to make students aware of the court
proceedings related to disputes between par es. The moo ng
presents a hypothe cal case and both teams are required to research
it and represent their arguments. Moo ng is basically an earnest
a empt to Create, witness and take part in a court proceeding and
an exercise to learn the court cra s. In a moot court, an appropriate
scenario based on actual courtroom is created for the students to have
a real-life experience.
Moot court is a co-curricular ac vity at many law schools. Par cipants
take part in simulated court or arbitra on proceedings, usually
involved in dra ing memorials and par cipa ng in oral argument. In
most countries, the phrase "moot court" may be shortened to simply
"moot" or "moo ng". Par cipants are either referred to as "mooters"
or, less conven onally, "moo es".
The prac ce of having moot courts is considered necessary because of
mul ple reasons. We have listed some of which below –
1. It helps students to engage and understand legal issues
2. It helps students analyze legal topics and work on its research
3. Students learn to work in teams and learn from their teammates
4. Students can demonstrate their advocacy skills and legal skills
5. Students can improve their confidence and speaking skills
6. Students can learn from your peers and develop your deba ng
7. Moo ng is intellectually rewarding and s mula ng for budding
Bachelor of Arts and Bachelor of Legislative Law (BA LLB)
To de-over the space between legal theory and praxis an exhaus ve knowledge of the social
sciences is vital. The program, B.A. LL.B. (Bachelor of ARTS LLB) is customized with the
objec ve of developing a new cadre of legal professionals through a comprehensive and
contemporary knowledge. In this course the law subjects are studied in conjunc on with
social- science subjects like English, Poli cal Science, Sociology, and Economics. A high
success rate has been evidenced that this compendium not only indoctrinates a professional
competence among the students but at the same me it provides the most suitable package
to march ahead even for the judicial services.
Career prospects in BA LLB
A lawyer can find their employment in private and government sector organiza ons. Central
jobs are also available for lawyers. A lawyer can also work as a legal advisor and legal counselor
to their company or any related organiza on in India.
Infrastructure facili es include naturally lit spacious
classrooms with audio-visual facility with OHPs & PA
systems, ergonomically designed benches with theatre type
set-up, well equipped laboratories, Wi-Fi facility, white
boards, so boards, demonstra on area etc.
The University has good collec on of encyclopedias,
reference books, text books related to the courses being run
in the university and journals to fulfill informa on needs of
faculty, students and research scholars. It is a well
established modern library catering to the informa on
needs of the academic community.
A moot court is a replica of real court proceedings. The
purpose of moot court compe ons is to make students
aware of the court proceedings related to disputes between
par es. The moo ng presents a hypothe cal case and both
teams are required to research it and represent their
arguments. Moo ng is basically an earnest a empt to create,
witness and take part in a court proceeding and an exercise to
hear the court cra s. In a moot court, an appropriate scenario
based on actual courtroom is created for the students to have
a real-life experience.
At United the canteen is quite spacious offering to hold a
decent capacity of people serving nutri ous and
mouthwatering delicacies at a pocket friendly price.
Excellence in
Research &
United University is a drive to Research & Innovation!
Moving beyond the boundaries of Knowledge & Concept……
United University focuses its strong emphasis on synergy between teaching and interdisciplinary
research, further moving beyond the boundaries leading to creative construction, applied
research, and innovation.
The University’s research mission is to be at the forefront in understanding and identifying the
societal needs for the creative expressions, extensions and outcomes in terms of knowledge and
applications both, setting the core research agenda for various University programs ranging from
fundamental to advanced applied research.
Placement in the industry with the right alignment of career with interest, competency, job/role,
brand and package is the most cri cal goal of professional educa on. Career planning and career
advancement of the students are the prime agenda of the University and to achieve this, con nuous
learning and skill enhancement need to be done via professional training and guidance.
The pace of change is only accelera ng and this means that these young minds will find many ways
to influence the future and be er the lives of millions. Amid this accelera ng pace of change we
ensure that the young minds find the right knowledge, right environment, to think, dream and plan
with the apt prepara on to follow their chosen career path and to achieve their dreams.
Saiyam Srivastava
19 LAC
Per Annum
Career Profile
Saiyam Srivastava
Saiyam, graduated from
B.Tech. and is now a
Software Engineer at
Aditi Verma
Intel, 14 lakh CTC
14 LAC
Per Annum
Career Profile
The advising and career coaching inspired by academic advisors, technology specialists, digital
Aditi, graduated from
marke ng advisors, and business solu on providers help students to discover their technical B.Tech. and is now a
skills, analy cal skills, self-confidence and their career plan from the day they start the Software Engineer at
University. Intel
At United Group, we aspire to offer more than just India-based educational experience.
United Group has academic collaboration with various International Universities/
Institutions, which has provided an umbrella for internationality, innovation, integration,
information, technology and industrial partnership to all the bright souls of the group.
University through its robust network aims to offer you the opportunity to go global and to
develop transferable skills that strengthen your future career. Employers also acknowledge
that spending time abroad as a part of study/work/placement brings maturity, builds self-
awareness and self-confidence, develops a global perspective, improves language and
communication skills and facilitates adaptability to the new environments and challenges. | 51
Global Opportunities
Crea ng Employable Graduates
Our long history of working closely with our global partners ensures our degrees meet employers’ needs. A degree is important for ge ng a
great job, but employers look for much more than a degree when choosing graduates to employ. Gaining experience and developing skills
whilst studying and during vaca on periods give students a compe ve edge. We are dedicated to making our students more employable and
crea ng global graduates through our degrees. University provides opportuni es for all students, which include:
• Study and work abroad op ons
If your degree scheme allows, you may have the opportunity to spend a year or semester at a partner ins tu on or gain interna onal
experience through a work placement.
• Summer and short programmes:
We also offer a variety of summer or short programmes, many of which are open to students of all disciplines.
Our collabora on with Asian Ins tute of Technology (AIT), Bangkok, Thailand and Missouri University, Columbia, USA provides a global
exposure and an interna onal exchange pla orm for the students, faculty members with joint research projects, joint cultural
programs/projects and joint conferences. United is ready to extend and enhance interna onal partnerships and MoUs for a close coopera on
and coordina on of concerted efforts concerning training, exchange of experts and scholars, joint conferences and many more joint endeavors.
Se ng another milestone, United University, Prayagraj signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) and Students Exchange Agreement
with Universitas Gadjah Mada (UGM) of Indonesia and Buriram Rajabhat University, Kingdom of Thailand for academic excellence.
MoUs with
Indonesia Thailand
Go Further...Go Global…
10+2 class passed with Science (PCB) & English Core/English Elec ve from
recognized board under AISSCE / CBSE / ICSE / SSCE / HSCE
1. M.B.B.S. 5 yrs.
or other equivalent Board with valid NEET Score
(Admission allo ed through DGME, U.P. Counselling Only)
3. MBA
with specializa on in Business Analy cs in Gradua on score should be at least 45%.
2 yrs. (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category)
associa on with
4. BBA
(with dual specializa on in Marke ng/Finance/ Passed Class XII or equivalent with minimum 45% marks in aggregate
HR/IT/Family Business/Interna onal Business/ 3 yrs. (40% marks in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category)
Business Analy cs)
5. BBA
with specializa on in Business Analy cs in Passed Class XII or equivalent with minimum 45% marks in aggregate (40%
associa on with 3 yrs. marks in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category)
Passed Class XII or equivalent with minimum 45% Marks (Any Stream)
6. B.Com. (Honours) 3 yrs.
(40% marks in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category)
Passed 10+2 examina on with Physics and Mathema cs as compulsory
20. B.Sc. (Honours) - Physics 3 yrs. subjects along with one of the Chemistry/ Biotechnology/ Biology/
Technical Voca onal subject/ Computer Science/ Informa on Technology/
Informa cs Prac ces/Agriculture/ Engineering Graphics/ Business Studies.
Obtained at least 45% marks (40% marks in case of candidates belonging
21. B.Sc. (Honours) - Mathema cs 3 yrs. to SC & ST category) in the above subjects taken together.
24. BCA
Passed Class XII (Any Stream) with Minimum 45 % Marks. 40% marks
with specializa on in Ar ficial Intelligence in
associa on with
3 yrs. in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category
Passed Class XII or equivalent with minimum 45% Marks (Any Stream)(40%
25. BA Honours - Economics 3 yrs. marks in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category)
Passed Class XII or equivalent with minimum 45% Marks (Any Stream)(40%
26. BA Honours - English 3 yrs. marks in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category)
Passed Class XII or equivalent with minimum 45% Marks (Any Stream)
28. BA LLB (Hons) (Integrated Course) 5 yrs. (42% for OBC category, 40% marks in case of candidates belonging to
SC & ST category)
Gradua on with minimum 45% Marks (Any Stream) (42% for OBC category,
30. LLB 3 yrs. 40% marks in case of candidates belonging to SC & ST category)
31. LLM 1 yrs. Applicant must have 3 years Law Degree or 5 Years Integrated Law Degree
from any recognised University with minimum 50% (45% marks in case
of candidates belonging to SC & ST category). Further a candidate will
1 yr have to appear for the University’s law Admission test for admission
32. LLM (Execu ve) 6 mo- in postgraduate programme.
10+2 class passed with Science (PCB) & English Core/English Elec ve
with aggregate of 45% marks from recognized board under
37. B.Sc. Nursing 4 yrs. AISSCE/CBSE/ICSE/SSCE/HSCE or other equivalent Board. Students
appearing in 10+2 examina on in Science conducted by Na onal
Ins tute of Open School with 45% marks.
• 10+2 with English and must have obtained a minimum of 40% at the
qualifying examina on and English individually for any recognized
board. Candidates are also eligible from State Open School
recognized Candidates are also eligible from State Open School
recognized by State Government and Na onal Ins tute of Open
School (NIOS) recognized by Central Government. However Science
38. GNM 3.5 yrs. is preferable.
• 10+2 with English having 40% of marks in voca onal ANM course
from the school recognized by Indian Nursing council.
MBA Merit Scholarship B.Tech Merit Scholarship
Gradua on Marks Scholarship Amount 10 + 2 Marks Scholarship Amount
85% and above 30000 90% and above 30000
75 – 84.9% 20000 85.1 – 89.9% 20000
65 – 74.9% 10000 75 – 85% 10000
Gradua on Marks Scholarship Amount *The scholarship will con nue throughout the dura on
85% and above 15000 of course subject to student maintaining his/her
75 – 84.9% 10000 percentage marks in the respec ve course as per norms
65 – 74.9% 5000 and not ge ng any backlog throughout his/her studies.
Commenced with a vision to empower students with the
fervor to learn and excel, United University offers
inspira onal academia to foster the students to lead the
professional world. United University offer a diversity of
choices, courses and opportuni es to help students in
today’s world and establish a career of their choice. If you
want to take the first step in transforming your life then
there is no be er place to do this than United. You can
apply for admission at United via both online and offline
We take pride in achieving 100% ragging free session. Ragging is a punishable offence. Indulging in any
form of ragging may lead to imprisonment or rustication. Ragging is prohibited as per the decision of the
supreme court of Indian writ petition no. (c) 656/1998.
Admissions @ United
United University grants admission as per the prescribed eligibility norms.
United University
Rawatpur, Jhalwa, (Near IIIT), Prayagraj - 211012
Corporate Office:
United Tower
53 Leader Road, Prayagraj - 211003
Rawatpur, Jhalwa (Near IIIT),
Prayagraj - 211012, U.P.
Ph.: 6390166660