Presentation 17
Presentation 17
Presentation 17
Submitted by:
Saher Shahbaz
Submitted to: Mam Rabia
Department: UIPT
Id :70137137
Rape" A Biggest Social Issue............
Rape is an act of forcefully having sex with someone against the will of such a person. This
cannot be encouraged in any civil society.The social stigma associated with rape across the globe
forces the victims to conceal rape assaults in order to save themselves from shame and public
Rape is a part of society. Rape is and always will be a social problem. Sexual assault is
defined as a sexual act performed without consent, the violation of one person by another. Rather
than an act of sexual gratification, rape is an angry and violent expression of the rapist’s desire
to dominate someone else (Ledra, 1986, pg. 1-2). Rape not only affects the victim, it also affects
family, friends and associates. It was not long ago that rape was not recognized as a real
problem. Today, however, society is conscious of this fact: that an individual has the right to
choose when to consent to sexual acts.
An individual may view a situation as dangerous that they would have deemed safe before the
rape. The fears that follow are dependent on the sort of situation in which the attack happened. A
victim does not want to put themselves at risk again for an attack. Women who have been raped
can experience depression. About one third to one-half of women will experience moderate to
severe depression. Symptoms include loss of appetite, low self-esteem and many more. The
severity of these symptoms may vary from day to day. Anxiety is another predominant response
to rape. Individuals may have difficulty relaxing or have a feeling of doom.
Some women may become extremely dependent and afraid of being alone. Anger usually
follows a period of overwhelming depression and anxiety. Anger be immobilizing, but when
properly focused, it can be a more functional and less self-destructive response than depression.
Guilt results when the blame is placed with the victim instead of where it should be, with the
perpetrator. While it can always be said that an individual may have done something to make
them more vulnerable to rape, it does not make the act of rape their fault. The perpetrator chose
to commit a crime.
The Causes And Effects Of Rape Culture In America
Many individuals might wonder, what is rape culture? “ Rape Culture is an environment in
which rape is prevalent and in which sexual violence against women is normalized and excused
in the media and popular culture. Rape culture is perpetuated through the use of misogynistic
language, the objectification of women’s bodies, and the glamorization of sexual violence,
thereby creating a society that disregards women’s rights and safety.” Most women limit their
behavior because of the existence of rape. (Marshall University)
Sexual Assault And Its Effects On Society
Sexual assault is something that can affect people emotionally, physically, psychosocially,
psychologically, and even spiritually. As often as it occurs in society, the effects that sexual
assault can have on an individual are all relatively similar. Sexual assault is any sort of
sexually-based action in which one or more participants have not given consent. Often times,
people refer to sexual assault as simply rape, however there are other dimensions to sexual
assault which can include unwanted kissing, groping, or touching of any form. Emotionally,
victims are conflicted about whether it is their own fault or if it the fault of the attacker. In
many instances, the victim will blame themselves for what has happened to them. Physically,
there is nearly always damage in the affected areas (vagina, anus, penis, breasts, etcetera) that
can lead to painful tissue damage. There is also the risk of pregnancy or STD’s that the victim
must be aware of.
Psychosocially, the victim becomes distant with everyone they were once close to. Their level of
trust declines dramatically, causing relationships with spouses, family, and close friends to
crumble. Since the victims tend to push their loved ones away, often without giving any sort of
reason, they can sometimes face isolation and a lack of support from those whom would usually
offer council. The psychological effects are tremendous as well. Victims of sexual assault will
often have severe anxiety, post-traumatic stress.
Rape has changed several of its victims lives. Many victims suffer from psychological and
physical issues. Many of the Psychological issues would include; PTSD, Depression, Flashbacks
of the event, Eating/Sleeping disorders' .
How To Stop Rape?