Ethics - The Good Life

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A Moral Life is a Good Life

(Socrates and Plato)

THE GOOD LIFE This concept of good life was suggested
by Socrates and Plato.

In this concept, one who has a good life

is someone who possesses and
practices most of the important virtues
Class Discussion: Question such as kindness, courage, loyalty and
What is a ‘good life’? generosity.

Examining, reflecting, and questioning

the nature of things is important to
THE GOOD LIFE have a good life.

The answer to the question ‘What is a Servitude to others is important.

good life?’ varies through time, and
among different cultures, schools of Also, one must control his or her
philosophy and individuals. passions and desires through reason in
order to have a good life.

The Fulfilled Life is a Good

Life (Aristotle)
However, there are three dominant For someone to have a good life, he or
ideas on what good life is: she:
1. Must be morally virtuous.
1. The Moral Life (Socrates and 2. Have a good health and long
Plato) life;
2. The Fulfilled Life (Aristotle) 3. Should be prosperous;
3. The Life of Pleasure (Epicurus) 4. Must have good friends;
5. Should respect others;
6. Must have good luck; and
7. Must use his or her talents,
abilities and capacities.
The Three Aspects of Good
 The Life of Pleasure is a Life
Good Life (Epicurus) Disregarding the hedonistic
approach, a good life is the integration
of these three aspects: self-mastery,
This concept was suggested by contemplation and learning and
Epicurus. servitude to society.

This concept states that life is worth

living because of pleasures.

The view that pleasures will lead to

good life is known as hedonism.

Epicurus recognized all kinds of Ethics and Ethical

pleasures such as wealth, sexual Standards
pleasures and fame.
Now that we have an understanding
“What is Good Life?”
However, Epicurus also believed
that one should not lose The next question is:
himself/herself to pleasures.
“How should I live?”
Ethics answers this question.
1. This will diminish one’s
pleasures in the long run; Ethics can be defined as the system of
2. There are other more important moral principles concerned with what is
pleasures to consider such as good for one’s self and society. It
friendship and education; addresses the following dilemmas:
3. Everyone should live a virtuous
life. A. How to live a good life
B. Rights and Responsibilities
C. The language of right and wrong
D. What is good and bad
Living an ethical life is a unique The Role of Ethics in
characteristic of humans. This is Innovation
because only humans have the ability
to reason out and be rational.
What do you think is the role of ethics in
innovation? Is it really important?
Ethics provides a framework for
answering complex questions, allowing
humans to act based on moral First, let us understand what innovation is.

1. Divergence
Ethical dilemmas are inevitable. We Innovation seeks to change the
encounter them in our daily lives. It is status quo. It aims to generate new
ideas, concepts and methods, hence,
very important that our actions and
diverging from the current and
decisions are based on moral principles.
common. In this way, problems and
concerns can be solved using new and
different approaches.

 Will I tell my mom that I got low

grades in some of my subjects?

2. Curiosity
 Is it okay to eat in an expensive
According to Aristotle, curiosity
restaurant while others are allows us to search for our intellectual
starving? virtues. Curiosity drives us to explore
and examine things and ultimately
enables us to gain new knowledge.
 Will I tell my friend that his or Innovation starts from curiosity.
her partner is cheating even
though I know that I will hurt
him or her.
3. Multi-disciplinary Innovation is a shared
To come up with an innovative responsibility between the innovator
solution, a multi-disciplinary approach and the community. The innovator’s
should be used. A multi-disciplinary intent for his innovation should be for
approach provides a deeper and more the common good of the community.
holistic discourse about the problem On the other hand, the community
and potential solutions. This made should use the innovation in a
possible through teams composed of responsible manner.
people with diverse backgrounds and

What is the difference between

technology and innovation?

 Innovation is a human-centered
4. Resilience perspective and process. It is the
Innovation is usually the end generation of new ideas, concepts
product of many experiments. or methods in order to solve
Innovators need resilience to continue problems.
processing and testing ideas despite
many previous failures.  Technology is a possible product of
innovation. Technology is also
important in the development of

 The term innovation is more

encompassing than technology.
5. Effect to People
Innovators should consider the Innovation should not just consider the
effect of their innovation to people. technological or economic gains. It should
After all, innovations are intended to be ethical too. Innovation affects people
benefit the end-users, and the end- and the many aspects of life, like health,
users are the ultimate judge if the politics, communication and justice
innovation is useful and relevant to system. Hence, innovation should be done
them. within the ethical framework.

6. Shared Responsibility
Ethical innovations are those that are
humanistic, participatory, and sustainable.
 Humanistic – the innovation should
be human-centered which means
that it should be relevant to
 Participatory – the design of the
innovation was done with the
people, not just for the people.
 Sustainable – the innovation could
sustain for a long time considering
social, economical, political and
environmental aspects.

The Good Life, innovation



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