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Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No.

2, Juni 2022



Andi Khairul Musyawir1, Servinus Moa Werong2

Hospital Administration Study Program, Universitas Megarezky Makassar, Indonesia


Received : May 5th, 2022

Background: Complaint handling is something that will
Revised : June 8th, 2022 be carry out by the company when there are complaints
Available online : June 23th, 2022 from the customers who are satisfied with the service
providers or after service failures. Good complaint
CORRESPONDENCE management as a strategy to improve service and
maintain good relationships with customers.
Objective: This study aims to discover the process of
Phone : 085256880091
Email : [email protected] implementation, supporting factors and inhibiting
factors of handling complaints in health services at the
KEYWORDS Inpatient Installation of the Makassar City General
Handling Complaints, Health Services. Method: This study used a qualitative approach method
that aims to find out more about the Overview of Patient
DOI: https://doi.org/10.24252/hmsj.v3i2.28762 Complaints Handling in Health Services at the Inpatient
Installation of the Makassar City General Hospital in
2021. It was conducted through in-depth interview and
observation techniques to informants consisting of the
Head of Public Relations, Nurses and Patients.
Result: The results showed that the complaint handling
process at the Makassar City Hospital was quite good,
This was seen from the facilities and infrastructure
provided as well as in following up on every incoming
complaint. The supporting factor is the existence of
SOP, complaint facilities and follow-up, while the
inhibiting factor is the number of employees in the field
of complaints is still lacking.
Suggestion: It is necessary to hold special training for
officers in handling complaints so that in the service of
patient complaints they can help improve the service
quality of Makassar City Hospital.

Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022

INTRODUCTION will convey the bad experience they received

Health services are the main and basic to 10-20 other people, or even some are silent
thing for everyone. So that each hospital has a and immediately switch to another hospital.
responsibility to provide health services in there are customers who complain, this is a
accordance with the needs of the community. good momentum because it provides an
Service can be said to be of high quality if it opportunity for organizations to carry
meets the five dimensions. Physical evidence outservice recovery.
is a tangible thing provided by the hospital by Complaint handling is something that
its patients, reliability is the hospital's ability the Company will do when there are
to provide the promised service, complaints from customers who are satisfied
responsiveness is the ability to help serve with the service providers or after service
patients well, guarantee is the patient's trust in failures. Good complaint management as a
the services they receive until they are free strategy to improve service and maintain good
from doubt. Empathy is a sense of giving relationships with customers. Effective
personal attention to patients (Wiguna, 2017). complaint manipulation affects not only
The emergence of complaints from customers, but will have a major influence on
patients or patients' families about health organizations to improve service quality,
services is a form of public disclosure including cost savings. The economy in
contained in the Indonesian Law Number 14 question is the organization's operational costs
of 2008 concerning the disclosure of public to solve problems such as errors, avoidable
information and the Ministerial Decree of the complaints, neglect, ineffective systems and
Minister of Administrative Reform Number poorly trained workers (R Nona Millan et al
63/MR. Pan/7/2003 concerning General 2019).
Guidelines for the implementation of public Complaints are a problem in all
services which reads that the public as countries which can be seen from the increase
supervisors of public implementation has the in patient complaints in the world, at the
right to report or complain about irregularities National Health Service (NHS) in the United
and weaknesses in the implementation of Kingdom (UK) in 2015-2016 there were
public services. 198,739 complaints and increased in the
Patients who are satisfied with the following year by 4.9% to 208,415
services provided by a hospital will continue complaints. . In 2017-2018 (HCHS) the total
to use these service products and will provide number of written complaints reports was
references to people they know. But it will be 113,989. The largest proportion is associated
a threat if patients are not satisfied with the with inpatient services, which is 32.7%, this
services provided by the hospital because they figure shows an increase from the previous

Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022

year which was 31.3% and complaints also services (Nugroho et al) including in handling
increased in the category of clinical treatment, customer complaints (Afidah, 2013).
behavior of medical personnel in providing Based on the description of the
services and communication in services. At background above, the researcher is very
Gloucestershire Hospitals 1031 complaints interested in researching the analysis
were received in 2017-2018 and an increase of Handling of Patient Complaints in Health
13% from the previous year, which was 913 Services at the Inpatient Installation of the
complaints. Makassar City General Hospital in 2021.
There are still many patient
complaints that occur in Indonesia, such as at
This type of research is a quantitative
Dr. Iskak Tulungagung Hospital in 2011 there
study with a cross sectional design, namely
were 399 complaints, but not all complaints
the researcher makes observations or
were confirmed by the hospital. Complaint
measurements on the dependent and
cases are also found in Masohi Hospital,
independent variables which are assessed one
where nurses do not supervise the inpatient
time (Silalahi & Atif, 2015). Using a
medication schedule for inpatients. Cases of
correlation approach, namely knowing the
other complaints such as the case of the
relationship between two variables
accuracy of the service schedule at Dr M
(Nursalam, 2015). This study was conducted
Djamil Hospital where the officer has not
to determine the effect of food intake on the
been committed to implementing the service
incidence of Diabetes Mellitus.
according to a predetermined schedule
Researchers used a qualitative
because the doctor doesn't come on time and
approach. A qualitative approach is used
wants to see the same doctor every time he
because the problems that arise in complaint
management place more emphasis on the
Research that has been conducted in
process. As stated by Denzin and Lincoln
several hospitals in Indonesia found that the
(2009), qualitative research implies more
causes of complaints that have an impact on
emphasis on process and meaning. This study
patient satisfaction are long waiting times
uses a phenomenological design where in-
(Dewi et al), doctors don't come on time
depth interviews are conducted to obtain
(Hastuti et al et al), incomplete facilities (Al-
information related to implementation,
Hamzani et al), hospitality lack of medical
supporting factors, and obstacles to handling
personnel (Al-Hamzani et al et al). The impact
complaints. This research was conducted in
of patient complaints makes hospital
the province of South Sulawesi, Makassar
managers have to be careful in providing
City to be precise, namely, Makassar City

Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022

Hospital. Informants in this study were the requires a process or steps to be

Head of Public Relations, nurses, and patients. followed up.
1. Process e. Follow Up
a. Understanding and Listening Based on the results of the interview, it
Based on the results of interviews, it is is known that not all complaints that
known that every complaint submitted come in are not immediately followed
by a patient or customer through the up but need a process but if the
suggestion box, sms or directly to the complaints that come in at that time can
officer, the complaint will be also be resolved, the officer will
immediately responded to by the immediately follow up.
officer by listening and taking notes 2. Supporting Factors
and then following up. a. SOP for Submitting Patient
b. Clarification Process and Perception Complaints
Equation Based on the results of interviews, it is
Based on the results of interviews, it is known that the Makassar City General
known that patients who complain are Hospital provides channels such as a
usually listened to and recorded what complaint room, suggestion box, or via
their complaints are, then the officers online media such as via SMS or
contact the related units whether there telephone, this can be used by patients
are complaints, then clarification is or service users if they want to report
made to the patients according to their on dissatisfaction with the service
complaints. received.
c. Explanation and Apology b. Ease of Accessing Patient
Based on the results of the interview, it Complaints
was found that the officer went directly Based on the results of interviews with
to the patient and clarified according to patients, it is known that patients can
the report after that, he apologized if directly write complaints through the
the service was not as expected. suggestion box and contact via
d. Solutions and Taking Action telephone number, and those
Based on the results of the interview, it complaints that are complained of by
is known that every complaint that patients are immediately responded to
comes in will be reported to the related and served.
units then it will be seen whether the
complaint needs to be followed up
immediately because every complaint

Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022

c. Staff Understanding in Following Up patients or the public in the form of a

on Patient Complaints complaint room, suggestion box.
The understanding of staff in following
up is known that the understanding of CONCLUSION
the staff at the Makassar City Hospital a. Process
is good because every complaint that 1) The process of handling patient
comes in by the staff or this officer complaints carried out by the Makassar
already understands how to follow up City Hospital Inpatient Installation,
every complaint that comes in. which starts with the process of
listening, understanding, taking notes,
3. Inhibiting Factors
clarification and equations of
a. The Availability of Complaints
perception, apology and explanation,
Management Budget
solutions and action and follow up.
Based on the results of the interview, it
2) The complaint handling process at the
was found that there was no special
Makassar City Hospital Inpatient
budget for the management of
Installation where the complaining
complaints in the special room for
patient can use 2 ways, either directly
patient complaints, while other
or indirectly.
informants stated that the budget
3) Patients who complain can go directly
already existed, only complaints or
to the complaint room, or through the
direct reports were allocated according
suggestion box, via SMS, WhatsApp,
to what the complaint was.
or direct telephone.
b. Availability of Human Resources in
4) Every complaint submitted is
Handling Complaints
immediately responded to by the
Based on the results of interviews, it is
officer and followed up.
known that HR personnel are available
5) In the complaint handling process,
and all officers can receive incoming
namely the Follow Up, that every
reports while in the PR department
complaint that comes in is not
itself there is 1 special staff to receive
immediately followed up, complaints
complaints reports.
that are categorized as requiring a large
c. Supporting Facilities Related to the
budget to be resolved require a process
Submission of Complaints by
to be followed up.
b. Supporting Factors
Based on the results of interviews, it is
1) Complaints Submission at the
known that the Makassar City Hospital
Makassar City Regional General
has prepared complaints facilities for
Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022

Hospital where patients can complain 2) Availability of human resources,

directly or indirectly, Makassar City especially in the complaints section
Hospital provides channels such as a (HUMAS), there is only 1 employee.
complaint room, suggestion box, or via
online media such as via sms or SUGGESTION
telephone, this is very easy patient to 1. Increase the number of employees, namely
submit a complaint. employees who work directly in the Public
2) The understanding of officers in Complaints Unit (HUMAS) room at the
following up on complaints at the Makassar City Hospital.
Makassar City Hospital is good, where 2. Necessary to hold special training for
every complaint that enters the officer officers in handling complaints so that they
understands and understands what will can service patient complaints so that they
be done. can help improve the service quality of
c. Inhibiting Factors Makassar City Hospital.
1) In Availability of the budget for the 3. Utilize it in every corner of the service in
management of complaints at the the Hospital and deliver announcements in
Makassar City Hospital there is no advance if there are customer services that
special budget but all of these are are in repair condition or cannot be used.
routine activities that are attached to 4. Maximizing the complaint complaint
their respective tupoksi or related fields service through existing electronic and
or units. social media media.

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