28762-Article Text-86068-3-10-20220623
28762-Article Text-86068-3-10-20220623
28762-Article Text-86068-3-10-20220623
2, Juni 2022
Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022
Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022
year which was 31.3% and complaints also services (Nugroho et al) including in handling
increased in the category of clinical treatment, customer complaints (Afidah, 2013).
behavior of medical personnel in providing Based on the description of the
services and communication in services. At background above, the researcher is very
Gloucestershire Hospitals 1031 complaints interested in researching the analysis
were received in 2017-2018 and an increase of Handling of Patient Complaints in Health
13% from the previous year, which was 913 Services at the Inpatient Installation of the
complaints. Makassar City General Hospital in 2021.
There are still many patient
complaints that occur in Indonesia, such as at
This type of research is a quantitative
Dr. Iskak Tulungagung Hospital in 2011 there
study with a cross sectional design, namely
were 399 complaints, but not all complaints
the researcher makes observations or
were confirmed by the hospital. Complaint
measurements on the dependent and
cases are also found in Masohi Hospital,
independent variables which are assessed one
where nurses do not supervise the inpatient
time (Silalahi & Atif, 2015). Using a
medication schedule for inpatients. Cases of
correlation approach, namely knowing the
other complaints such as the case of the
relationship between two variables
accuracy of the service schedule at Dr M
(Nursalam, 2015). This study was conducted
Djamil Hospital where the officer has not
to determine the effect of food intake on the
been committed to implementing the service
incidence of Diabetes Mellitus.
according to a predetermined schedule
Researchers used a qualitative
because the doctor doesn't come on time and
approach. A qualitative approach is used
wants to see the same doctor every time he
because the problems that arise in complaint
management place more emphasis on the
Research that has been conducted in
process. As stated by Denzin and Lincoln
several hospitals in Indonesia found that the
(2009), qualitative research implies more
causes of complaints that have an impact on
emphasis on process and meaning. This study
patient satisfaction are long waiting times
uses a phenomenological design where in-
(Dewi et al), doctors don't come on time
depth interviews are conducted to obtain
(Hastuti et al et al), incomplete facilities (Al-
information related to implementation,
Hamzani et al), hospitality lack of medical
supporting factors, and obstacles to handling
personnel (Al-Hamzani et al et al). The impact
complaints. This research was conducted in
of patient complaints makes hospital
the province of South Sulawesi, Makassar
managers have to be careful in providing
City to be precise, namely, Makassar City
Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022
Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022
Hospital Management Studies Journal (Homes Journal), Volume 3 No. 2, Juni 2022