Clase 5future Going To Raúl Alberto Cruz Lopez

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3 “S
“Going to” se usa para expresar planes a futuro. La fórmula para construir
oraciones afirmativas usando going to en forma afirmativa es como sigue:

Subject+ “to be” + (“going to”) + (verb) + (object )+ ( place ) + ( time )


I a
You are
He is
She is going to eat pizza in the restaurant tomorrow
It is
We are
You are
They are

expresiones de tiempo para el futuro:

tomorrow (mañana)
today (hoy)
tonight (esta noche)
next week (la próxima semana)
next weekend (el próximo fin de semana)
next month (el próximo mes)
next Sunday (el próximo Domingo)
next year (el próximo año)
the day after tomorrow (pasado mañana)
in two weeks (dentro de 2 semanas)

En lugar de usar un pronombre personal puedes usar nombres de personas o

miembros de la familia cuando construyas oraciones.


Subject+ to be + going to + verb + (object )+ ( place ) + time *


María is going to walk the dog in the park tonight

María va a pasear el perro en el parque esta noche

My brother is going to paint the chairs in the yard tomorrow

Mi hermano va a pintar las sillas en el patio mañana

Jenny and Sue are going to shop for clothes in SEARS next Sunday
Jenny y Sue van a comprar ropa en SEARS el próximo domingo

Negative statements with “going to”

Para hacer oraciones negativas solo incluye la palabra “not” después del verbo
ser o estar (to be):

Subject +Verb to be +not +going to +verb (object ) + ( place ) + time *


I am
You are
He is
She is
It is not going to study mathematics in the library tomorrow
We are
You are
They are
Generalmente en las oraciones negativas se contrae el “not” con el verbo “to
be” :

I am not
You aren’t
He isn’t
She isn’t going to study mathematics in the library tomorrow
It isn’t
We aren’t
You aren’t
They aren’t
isn’t = is + not aren’t = are + not

Activity 1.-Ordena las palabras para hacer oraciones afirmativas y negativas

1.- lay / soccer / my / tomorrow / isn’t / father / going to

My father isn’t going to tomorrow lay soccer

2.- Laura / organize / party / going to / is / a / tonight

Laura is going to organize party a toninght

3.- watch / going to / Sue and Tom / a movie / today / are /

Sue and tom are going ton watch a movie today

4.- visit / Nicole / going to / her parents / isn’t / next weekend

Nicole isn’t going ti her parents visit next weekend

5.- Pepe and Toño / going to / aren’t / travel / next Summer

Pepe and toño aren´t going to travel next summer

6.- going to / buy / this year / my parent’s / aren´t / a new car

My parent’s aren´t going to buy a new car this year

7.- the market / going to / my mother / this afternoon / is / go

My mother is going to go the market this afternoon

8.- fix / my car / going to / next Saturday / my boyfriend / is

My boyfriend is going to fix my car next Saturday
Questions ????????? with “going to”
Hay dos tipos de preguntas:
1.- yes/no questions
2.- “wh” questions

1.-Yes/ no questions ( la respuesta de estas preguntas siempre es “Sí” o “


Verb to be +subject +going to +verb +(object )+ ( place ) +time

am I I am I’m
are you you are you aren´t
is he he is he isn’t

is she going to drive the car in the highway tonight? Yes, she is No, she isn’t

is it it is it isn’t
are we we are we aren’t
are you you are you aren’t
are they they are they aren´t
2.- Wh questions ( la respuestas de esta pregunta varía de acuerdo a lo que
se pregunta

Wh question +Verb to be + subject + going to + verb+


What are you going to play? Basketball

(qué, cuál)

What time is he going to play? at 10:00 a.m

(a qué hora)

Where are we going to play? At the park


When are you going to play? next Monday


Who are they going to play with? With friends

Activity 2.- Completa la conversación con la pregunta adecuada puede
ser una pregunta
“yes/no” o una pregunta “wh”

1.- A: You going to travel very soon?

B: yes, I am going to travel very soon

2.- A: you going to go on vacation?

B: next summer, probably

3.- A: you going to travel europe?

B: I am going to travel to Europe.

4.- A: who are you going to with?

B: with my sister and my friend Susan

5.- A: where will you stay?

B: We are going to stay in Hostels. They are cheaper than Hotels.

6.- A: where will they go?

B: We are going to visit museums, art galleries, churches and famous landmarks.

7.- A: hoy will they be transported?

B: No, we are not going to rent a car. We are going to use
public transportation
Activity 3. Elige la palabra correcta de la siguiente lista para completer las
oraciones. Usa la forma correcta del “going to”.

hang / wear / practice / get / ask / visit / write clean / study /

exchange / quit / take / give / fix ex.

1. My house is very dirty. I goin to clean it tomorrow.

2. Miriam is going to a party next Saturday. She going to wear her new red dress.

3. Robert bought a new painting at the art show. He going to quit it over the sofa
in his living room.

4. The hockey championship is next month. The boys going to practice every night
next week.

5. Jack hates his job. He going to quit next week.

6. We have a math exam in three days. We going to studay very hard for
the next few days.

7. It’s very cold and rainy outside now. I going to take a nice, hot bath as
soon as I get home from this soccer game.

8. Ellie has a hair appointment for this afternoon. She going to ask her hair cut
and colored.

9. I had a flat tire on my car yesterday. My husband going to fix it later


10. It’s our parents’ anniversary tomorrow. We going to give them a gift
certificate to a beautiful new restaurant.

11. Sue got a sweater from her mother-in-law for her birthday. It didn’t fit, so she
going to
it for a larger size.

12. Sam just got his driver’s license. He going to visit his father to let him borrow
the car next weekend.

13. Their grandmother is in the hospital. They going to visit her next weekend.
Extra class activities:
Tarea: Pregunta a tus familiares y amigos sus planes para el próximo fin de
semana y escribe las oraciones en inglés.

1 . My uncle is going fishing this weekend.

2.- My cousin will take his motorcycle to be repaired.

3.- My mother will make tamales

4.- My best friend will sell food at an expo

5.- My aunt will do shopping for her home

6.- My nephew will not parade

7.- My cousin will have a long bus trip

8.- My friend is dropping out of college.

9.- My girlfriend will take care of my cousin's son

10.- My younger sister will parade on Sunday

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