Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2022
Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2022
Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2022
3, September 2022
The Indonesian Journal of the Social Sciences
p-ISSN: 2338-8617/ e-ISSN: 2443-2067
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Jurnal Ilmiah Peuradeun
The Indonesian Journal of the Social Sciences
doi: 10.26811/peuradeun.v10i3.760
Received: Feb 02, 2022 Accepted: Aug 29, 2022 Published: Sep 30, 2022
Article Url: https://journal.scadindependent.org/index.php/jipeuradeun/article/view/760
In practical activities, it is necessary to have media that can provide multi-representation
explanations, namely macroscopic, microscopic and submicroscopic, especially in
qualitative analytical chemistry for group I and II cations. It takes an innovation of
practicum learning media that can explain multiple representations to prepare students
for practical activities well. An alternative solution is to use learning media as a virtual
laboratory. The objectives of this research and development were to develop a virtual
laboratory in qualitative chemical analysis practicum for group I and II cations based on
multiple representations with internet integration and describe the feasibility of a virtual
laboratory in the practicum of qualitative chemical analysis of group I and II cations based
on multiple representations with internet integrated. This research and development used
the R & D (research and development) method with a 4D (four-D) development model.
The results showed that media expert validation was 87.8% (very valid), and material
validation was 82.7% (very valid). The readability test results obtained percentage values
of 91.1% and 92.3% (Very Valid). The virtual laboratory explained multiple representations
that can help students in practical activities well.
Keywords: Virtual Laboratory; Cation I and II Analysis; Multiple Representations.
p-ISSN: 2338-8617 e-ISSN: 2443-2067 JIP-The Indonesian Journal of the Social Sciences {785
p-ISSN: 2338-8617
Vol. 10, No. 3, September 2022 e-ISSN: 2443-2067
A. Introduction
Chemistry studies the compositions, structures, properties,
changes in matter, and the energy that accompanies these changes (Purba,
2006). Chemistry is a branch of science with characteristics including
chemistry as a product (chemical knowledge in the form of facts, concepts,
principles, laws, theories, and scientists' findings) and chemistry as a
process with scientific work processes (Widarti et al., 2019). One of the
branches of chemistry is analytical chemistry which studies the qualitative
analysis of group I and II cations. Qualitative analysis studies the presence
of an element or compound in the sample.
The results of observations made on analytical chemistry teachers
at SMKN 7 Malang in 2020 revealed that qualitative analytical chemistry
is one of the problematic materials to teach. The results of research
conducted by Fathonah et al. (2015) reported that learning outcomes in
qualitative analytical chemistry tend to be low. The results of a needs
questionnaire distributed to 30 students of SMK Bhakti Mulia Wonogiri
showed that 53.33% of students stated that qualitative analysis material
was challenging to understand (Fathonah et al., 2015). The concepts
discussed in analytical chemistry are primarily abstract and involve
complex mathematical calculations (Fardani et al., 2017). Several
representations can help students to understand analytical chemistry well.
In chemistry, there are multiple representations, namely macroscopic,
submicroscopic, and symbolic (Nadi et al., 2016).
The existence of multiple representations of chemistry can help
students to understand chemistry as a whole, especially analytical
chemistry (Widarti et al., 2019). It is evidenced by research conducted by
Hasibuan & Sari (2018); Doyan et al. (2018), who said that the
understanding of multiple representations has a positive effect on learning,
especially in learning chemistry with abstract concepts (Hasibuan & Sari,
2018) and (Doyan et al., 2018). To provide a meaningful chemistry learning
experience, practicum activities are often chosen as a learning method
(Bortnik et al., 2017). Practicum is an activity that cannot be left behind in
chemistry learning, especially analytical chemistry.
B. Method
This research and development use the R&D (Research and
Development) method by adopting the 4-D (four D) development model
recommended by Thiagarajan (1974: 5). This research includes R&D
because it produces a product in the form of a virtual laboratory based on
multiple representations in analytical chemistry practicum material. The
stages of the Four-D model are the stage of defining, designing,
developing, and disseminating.
The product trial phase is carried out with content validation and
readability testing, as well as the implementation of the developed
product. It is an assessment or response from the validator to know the
feasibility of the product that has been developed. Content validation is
carried out by providing questionnaires/validation sheets to lecturers in
the chemistry department at the State University of Malang who are
experts in analytical chemistry and the field of learning media. In the
readability test, an assessment is carried out by students and students of
chemical analysis Vocational School.
The validator carries out product expert validation. Validator
criteria for lecturers are as follows: Experience in guiding practicum
activities, especially analytical chemistry practicum, master all analytical
P = Percentage of eligibility or validity
= Total score of validator answers
i = Total score of the highest answer
activities. The product developed is divided into two parts: the teacher
account and the student account. The teacher's account contains several
menus in the form of profiles, consultations, class admins, access permissions,
questions, and data admins. There are five menus in the student account: the
profile, consultation, glossary, material, and v-lab.The results of the development
of virtual laboratory application products are described as follows.
a. Teacher Account
On the teacher account, there are five menus. The initial screen for
logging in to the teacher account is shown in Figure 2. The five menus in
the teacher account are described as follows.
First, the profile menu contains the teacher's data, and there are two
sub-menus, namely the logout menu to exit the account and the change
password menu. The profile menu display is shown in Figure 3.
Third, the class admin menu. Through this class admin menu, the
teacher can find the number of students in the class along with the attendance
list of students at each meeting and create several new classes if the teacher
holds several classes to teach. The class admin menu display is shown in
Figure 5.
Fourth, the admin menu of questions and data. In this menu, the
teacher can provide a test of students' knowledge skills in the form of a
pretest and post-test. Teachers can create and give questions as they wish. In
this menu, teachers can also correct the results of student assignments and
directly provide scores which will later be sent to each student's account. The
admin menu display of questions and data is shown in Figure 6.
Fifth, access the permission menu. In this menu, the teacher can grant
permission to several student account features, such as v-lab, pretest/ post-
b. Student Account
On the student account, there are five menus, namely menu. The
initial screen for logging in to the student account is shown in Figure 8. The
five menus on the student account are described as follows.
Figure 11: Display of tools and materials Figure 12: Display of the experimental
Figure 13: Display of observation data Figure 14: Display of practical simulation
Figure 15: Submicroscopic menu display Figure 16: Discussion menu display
The second is the profile menu. This menu contains student self-data,
and eight sub-menus will be described as follows. 1) Attendance menu, used as a
sign of attendance or a sign that is participating in learning activities. 2) Change
the password menu, to change the password. 3) Logout menu, to log out of the
account. 4 and 5) Pretest and post-test menu, students can do pretest and post-
test to test understanding before and after experimenting. 6) Value data menu,
through this feature, students can find out information about the data on the
value of the work they have done, such as pretest, post-test assignments,
practicum reports, and practicum journals. 7) In The menu of observation data
results, students can determine whether the teacher has received the data from
practical observations. 8) Menu upload practicum report, students can collect the
results of the practicum report from the teacher by uploading a file in pdf format.
The profile menu display is shown in Figure 17.
Figure 18: Consultation menu display Figure 19: Chat menu display
Figure 20: Consultation menu display Figure 22: Chat menu display
Fifth, students can access this menu as a source of knowledge or
reading resources related to group I and II cation analysis experiments. The
display of the material menu is shown in Figure 22.
2. Discussion
This application developed in addition to helping practicum
activities can also help the administrative system in practicum activities.
The presence of this developed virtual laboratory will later be able to fill the
gaps in the natural laboratory; in other words, the developed laboratory
becomes a supporter and complement to activities in a natural laboratory.
Many of the benefits of developing this virtual laboratory are conveyed by
several researchers as follows. Virtual laboratories have been proven to
develop science process skills and improve students' understanding and
memory in the experimental process (Darby-white et al., 2019) (Peffer et al.,
2015). The virtual laboratory is also used as an additional medium for
Students can choose the appropriate solvent or reagent for use. The
following limitation is that the developed virtual laboratory application can
only be used on the Android smartphone and computer/ laptop system
and cannot be used on IOS systems such as the iPhone. The developed
virtual laboratory application also cannot be accessed in offline mode.
D. Conclusion
This virtual laboratory media was developed to understand multiple
representations in qualitative analysis practicum activities for group I and II
cations. This developed product can help students understand a concept in
the experiments carried out. According to experts, the research results on the
development of virtual laboratory media stated that they were very valid or
feasible to use, with percentage values of 87.8% and 82.7%. The results of
trials by teachers and students also stated that the virtual laboratory media
developed was very valid or feasible, with percentage values of 91,1% and
92.3%, respectively. The developed laboratory media products are helpful
and can support practical activities.
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