Datasheet Red - DVR Rtl8211f-Cg c187932
Datasheet Red - DVR Rtl8211f-Cg c187932
Datasheet Red - DVR Rtl8211f-Cg c187932
(CONFIDENTIAL: Development Partners Only)
Rev. 1.4
17 November 2014
Track ID: JATR-8275-15
©2014 Realtek Semiconductor Corp. All rights reserved. No part of this document may be reproduced,
transmitted, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, or translated into any language in any form or by any
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could include technical inaccuracies or typographical errors.
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may have become available subsequent to the production of this guide.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver ii Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Revision Release Date Summary
1.0 2013/05/20 First release.
1.1 2014/04/09 Added RTL8211FD-CG, RTL8211FI-CG, and RTL8211FDI-CG data.
Corrected minor typing errors.
1.2 2014/07/09 Corrected minor typing errors.
Revised section 7.11.3 Change Page, page 20.
Revised section 7.14.1 Customized LED Function, page 27.
Revised section 7.17 PHY Reset (Hardware Reset), page 30.
Revised section 8 Register Descriptions, page 31.
Revised section 9 Regulators and Power Sequence, page 51.
Revised Table 57 Oscillator/External Clock Requirements, page 55.
Revised section 10.6.2 RGMII Timing Modes, page 58.
Revised section 12 Ordering Information, page 62.
1.3 2014/09/09 Corrected minor typing errors.
Revised section 3 System Applications, page 3.
Revised section 4 Block Diagram, page 5.
Revised section 6 Pin Descriptions, page 7.
Revised section 7.5 Interrupt, page 15.
Revised section 7.10 Green Ethernet (1000/100Mbps Mode Only), page 18.
Revised section 8 Register Descriptions, page 31.
Added section 8.3.24 MIICR (MII Control Register, Page 0xd08, Address 0x15), page 48.
1.4 2014/11/17 Revised section 7.14.1 Customized LED Function, page 27.
Revised section 8.3.17 PHYCR2 (PHY Specific Control Register 2, Page 0xa43, Address
0x19), page 45.
Revised section 8.3.24 MIICR (MII Control Register, Page 0xd08, Address 0x15), page
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver iii Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Table of Contents
1. GENERAL DESCRIPTION..............................................................................................................................................1
2. FEATURES.........................................................................................................................................................................2
3. SYSTEM APPLICATIONS...............................................................................................................................................3
3.1. APPLICATION DIAGRAM - RTL8211F(I) ......................................................................................................................3
3.2. APPLICATION DIAGRAM - RTL8211FD(I) ...................................................................................................................4
4. BLOCK DIAGRAM...........................................................................................................................................................5
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver iv Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
7.12. AUTO-NEGOTIATION ..................................................................................................................................................21
7.12.1. Auto-Negotiation Priority Resolution..............................................................................................................24
7.12.2. Auto-Negotiation Master/Slave Resolution .....................................................................................................24
7.12.3. Auto-Negotiation PAUSE/ASYMMETRIC PAUSE Resolution........................................................................25
7.13. CROSSOVER DETECTION AND AUTO-CORRECTION ....................................................................................................26
7.14. LED CONFIGURATION................................................................................................................................................27
7.14.1. Customized LED Function...............................................................................................................................27
7.14.2. EEE LED Function..........................................................................................................................................29
7.15. POLARITY CORRECTION .............................................................................................................................................29
7.16. POWER .......................................................................................................................................................................30
7.17. PHY RESET (HARDWARE RESET) ..............................................................................................................................30
8. REGISTER DESCRIPTIONS.........................................................................................................................................31
8.1. REGISTER MAPPING AND DEFINITIONS.......................................................................................................................31
8.2. MMD REGISTER MAPPING AND DEFINITIONS ............................................................................................................33
8.3. REGISTER TABLES ......................................................................................................................................................33
8.3.1. BMCR (Basic Mode Control Register, Address 0x00) .........................................................................................33
8.3.2. BMSR (Basic Mode Status Register, Address 0x01).............................................................................................34
8.3.3. PHYID1 (PHY Identifier Register 1, Address 0x02) ............................................................................................36
8.3.4. PHYID2 (PHY Identifier Register 2, Address 0x03) ............................................................................................36
8.3.5. ANAR (Auto-Negotiation Advertising Register, Address 0x04) ...........................................................................36
8.3.6. ANLPAR (Auto-Negotiation Link Partner Ability Register, Address 0x05) .........................................................37
8.3.7. ANER (Auto-Negotiation Expansion Register, Address 0x06) .............................................................................38
8.3.8. ANNPTR (Auto-Negotiation Next Page Transmit Register, Address 0x07) .........................................................39
8.3.9. ANNPRR (Auto-Negotiation Next Page Receive Register, Address 0x08) ...........................................................39
8.3.10. GBCR (1000Base-T Control Register, Address 0x09).....................................................................................40
8.3.11. GBSR (1000Base-T Status Register, Address 0x0A) .......................................................................................40
8.3.12. MACR (MMD Access Control Register, Address 0x0D) .................................................................................41
8.3.13. MAADR (MMD Access Address Data Register, Address 0x0E)......................................................................41
8.3.14. GBESR (1000Base-T Extended Status Register, Address 0x0F) .....................................................................42
8.3.15. INER (Interrupt Enable Register, Page 0xa42, Address 0x12) .......................................................................43
8.3.16. PHYCR1 (PHY Specific Control Register 1, Page 0xa43, Address 0x18).......................................................44
8.3.17. PHYCR2 (PHY Specific Control Register 2, Page 0xa43, Address 0x19).......................................................45
8.3.18. PHYSR (PHY Specific Status Register, Page 0xa43, Address 0x1A) ..............................................................45
8.3.19. INSR (Interrupt Status Register, Page 0xa43, Address 0x1D) ........................................................................46
8.3.20. PAGSR (Page Select Register, Page 0xa43, Address 0x1F) ...........................................................................47
8.3.21. PHYSCR (PHY Special Cofig Register, Page 0xa46, Address 0x14) ..............................................................47
8.3.22. LCR (LED Control Register, Page 0xd04, Address 0x10) ..............................................................................47
8.3.23. EEELCR (EEE LED Control Register, Page 0xd04, Address 0x11)...............................................................48
8.3.24. MIICR (MII Control Register, Page 0xd08, Address 0x15) ............................................................................48
8.3.25. INTBCR (INTB Pin Control Register, Page 0xd40, Address 0x16) ................................................................48
8.3.26. PC1R (PCS Control 1 Register, MMD Device 3, Address 0x00) ....................................................................48
8.3.27. PS1R (PCS Status1 Register, MMD Device 3, Address 0x01) ........................................................................49
8.3.28. EEECR (EEE Capability Register, MMD Device 3, Address 0x14)................................................................49
8.3.29. EEEWER (EEE Wake Error Register, MMD Device 3, Address 0x16) ..........................................................49
8.3.30. EEEAR (EEE Advertisement Register, MMD Device 7, Address 0x3c) ..........................................................50
8.3.31. EEELPAR (EEE Link Partner Ability Register, MMD Device 7, Address 0x3d) ............................................50
9. REGULATORS AND POWER SEQUENCE................................................................................................................51
9.1. SWITCHING REGULATOR (RTL8211F(I) ONLY).........................................................................................................51
9.2. LOW-DROPOUT REGULATOR (RTL8211FD(I) ONLY) ...............................................................................................51
9.3. POWER SEQUENCE .....................................................................................................................................................52
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver v Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
10. CHARACTERISTICS.................................................................................................................................................54
10.1. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS.................................................................................................................................54
10.2. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS .................................................................................................................54
10.3. CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS ..........................................................................................................................................55
10.4. OSCILLATOR/EXTERNAL CLOCK REQUIREMENTS ......................................................................................................55
10.5. DC CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................................................56
10.6. AC CHARACTERISTICS ...............................................................................................................................................57
10.6.1. MDC/MDIO Timing ........................................................................................................................................57
10.6.2. RGMII Timing Modes......................................................................................................................................58
11. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS.................................................................................................................................61
11.1. MECHANICAL DIMENSIONS NOTES ............................................................................................................................61
12. ORDERING INFORMATION...................................................................................................................................62
List of Tables
TABLE 1. TRANSCEIVER INTERFACE ..............................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 2. CLOCK............................................................................................................................................................................7
TABLE 3. RGMII ...........................................................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 4. MANAGEMENT INTERFACE .............................................................................................................................................8
TABLE 5. RESET.............................................................................................................................................................................9
TABLE 6. MODE SELECTION (HARDWARE CONFIGURATION).........................................................................................................9
TABLE 7. LED DEFAULT SETTINGS .............................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 8. REGULATOR AND REFERENCE ......................................................................................................................................10
TABLE 9. POWER AND GROUND ...................................................................................................................................................11
TABLE 10. CONFIG PINS VS. CONFIGURATION REGISTER ............................................................................................................16
TABLE 11. CONFIGURATION REGISTER DEFINITIONS ....................................................................................................................16
TABLE 12. MANAGEMENT FRAME FORMAT ..................................................................................................................................19
TABLE 13. MANAGEMENT FRAME DESCRIPTION ...........................................................................................................................19
TABLE 14. 1000BASE-T BASE AND NEXT PAGE BIT ASSIGNMENTS ..............................................................................................22
TABLE 15. LED DEFAULT DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................................27
TABLE 16. LED REGISTER TABLE .................................................................................................................................................27
TABLE 17. LED CONFIGURATION TABLE – MODE A.....................................................................................................................28
TABLE 18. LED CONFIGURATION TABLE – MODE B.....................................................................................................................28
TABLE 19. REGISTER ACCESS TYPES ............................................................................................................................................31
TABLE 20. REGISTER MAPPING AND DEFINITIONS ........................................................................................................................31
TABLE 21. MMD REGISTER MAPPING AND DEFINITIONS..............................................................................................................33
TABLE 22. BMCR (BASIC MODE CONTROL REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X00) ......................................................................................33
TABLE 23. BMSR (BASIC MODE STATUS REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X01)..........................................................................................34
TABLE 24. PHYID1 (PHY IDENTIFIER REGISTER 1, ADDRESS 0X02) ...........................................................................................36
TABLE 25. PHYID2 (PHY IDENTIFIER REGISTER 2, ADDRESS 0X03) ...........................................................................................36
TABLE 26. ANAR (AUTO-NEGOTIATION ADVERTISING REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X04)....................................................................36
TABLE 27. ANLPAR (AUTO-NEGOTIATION LINK PARTNER ABILITY REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X05) ...............................................37
TABLE 28. ANER (AUTO-NEGOTIATION EXPANSION REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X06)........................................................................38
TABLE 29. ANNPTR (AUTO-NEGOTIATION NEXT PAGE TRANSMIT REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X07).................................................39
TABLE 30. ANNPRR (AUTO-NEGOTIATION NEXT PAGE RECEIVE REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X08) ...................................................39
TABLE 31. GBCR (1000BASE-T CONTROL REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X09) .......................................................................................40
TABLE 32. GBSR (1000BASE-T STATUS REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X0A)..........................................................................................40
TABLE 33. MACR (MMD ACCESS CONTROL REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X0D) ..................................................................................41
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver vi Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
TABLE 34. MAADR (MMD ACCESS ADDRESS DATA REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X0E) ......................................................................41
TABLE 35. GBESR (1000BASE-T EXTENDED STATUS REGISTER, ADDRESS 0X0F)......................................................................42
TABLE 36. INER (INTERRUPT ENABLE REGISTER, PAGE 0XA42, ADDRESS 0X12) ........................................................................43
TABLE 37. PHYCR1 (PHY SPECIFIC CONTROL REGISTER 1, PAGE 0XA43, ADDRESS 0X18)........................................................44
TABLE 38. PHYCR2 (PHY SPECIFIC CONTROL REGISTER 2, PAGE 0XA43, ADDRESS 0X19)........................................................45
TABLE 39. PHYSR (PHY SPECIFIC STATUS REGISTER, PAGE 0XA43, ADDRESS 0X1A) ...............................................................45
TABLE 40. INSR (INTERRUPT STATUS REGISTER, PAGE 0XA43, ADDRESS 0X1D) ........................................................................46
TABLE 41. PAGSR (PAGE SELECT REGISTER, PAGE 0XA43, ADDRESS 0X1F) ..............................................................................47
TABLE 42. PHYSCR (PHY SPECIFIC COFIG REGISTER, PAGE 0XA46, ADDRESS 0X14)................................................................47
TABLE 43. LCR (LED CONTROL REGISTER, PAGE 0XD04, ADDRESS 0X10) .................................................................................47
TABLE 44. EEELCR (EEE LED CONTROL REGISTER, PAGE 0XD04, ADDRESS 0X11) .................................................................48
TABLE 45. MIICR (MII CONTROL REGISTER, PAGE 0XD08, ADDRESS 0X15)...............................................................................48
TABLE 46. INTBCR (INTB PIN CONTROL REGISTER, PAGE 0XD40, ADDRESS 0X16) ..................................................................48
TABLE 47. PC1R (PCS CONTROL 1 REGISTER, MMD DEVICE 3, ADDRESS 0X00)........................................................................48
TABLE 48. PS1R (PCS STATUS 1 REGISTER, MMD DEVICE 3, ADDRESS 0X01) ...........................................................................49
TABLE 49. EEECR (EEE CAPABILITY REGISTER, MMD DEVICE 3, ADDRESS 0X14) ...................................................................49
TABLE 50. EEEWER (EEE WAKE ERROR REGISTER, MMD DEVICE 3, ADDRESS 0X16).............................................................49
TABLE 51. EEEAR (EEE ADVERTISEMENT REGISTER, MMD DEVICE 7, ADDRESS 0X3C) ...........................................................50
TABLE 52. EEELPAR (EEE LINK PARTNER ABILITY REGISTER, MMD DEVICE 7, ADDRESS 0X3D)............................................50
TABLE 53. POWER SEQUENCE PARAMETERS .................................................................................................................................52
TABLE 54. ABSOLUTE MAXIMUM RATINGS ..................................................................................................................................54
TABLE 55. RECOMMENDED OPERATING CONDITIONS ...................................................................................................................54
TABLE 56. CRYSTAL REQUIREMENTS ............................................................................................................................................55
TABLE 57. OSCILLATOR/EXTERNAL CLOCK REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................55
TABLE 58. DC CHARACTERISTICS .................................................................................................................................................56
TABLE 59. MDC/MDIO MANAGEMENT TIMING PARAMETERS ....................................................................................................57
TABLE 60. RGMII TIMING PARAMETERS ......................................................................................................................................60
TABLE 61. ORDERING INFORMATION ............................................................................................................................................62
List of Figures
FIGURE 1. APPLICATION DIAGRAM – RTL8211F(I) ......................................................................................................................3
FIGURE 2. APPLICATION DIAGRAM - RTL8211FD(I) ....................................................................................................................4
FIGURE 3. BLOCK DIAGRAM ..........................................................................................................................................................5
FIGURE 4. PIN ASSIGNMENTS (40-PIN QFN) .................................................................................................................................6
FIGURE 5. LED AND LDO CONFIGURATION ................................................................................................................................17
FIGURE 6. MDC/MDIO READ TIMING ........................................................................................................................................20
FIGURE 7. MDC/MDIO WRITE TIMING.......................................................................................................................................20
FIGURE 8. EEE LED BEHAVIOR ..................................................................................................................................................29
FIGURE 9. PHY RESET TIMING ....................................................................................................................................................30
FIGURE 10. POWER SEQUENCE (I/O PAD POWER SOURCED FROM INTERNAL LDO)......................................................................52
FIGURE 11. POWER SEQUENCE (I/O PAD POWER SOURCED EXTERNALLY) ...................................................................................52
FIGURE 13. MDC/MDIO MANAGEMENT TIMING PARAMETERS ...................................................................................................57
FIGURE 14. RGMII TIMING MODES (FOR TXC) ...........................................................................................................................58
FIGURE 15. RGMII TIMING MODES (FOR RXC) ...........................................................................................................................59
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver vii Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
1. General Description
The Realtek RTL8211F-CG/RTL8211FD-CG/RTL8211FI-CG/RTL8211FDI-CG is a highly integrated
Ethernet transceiver that complies with 10Base-T, 100Base-TX, and 1000Base-T IEEE 802.3 standards. It
provides all the necessary physical layer functions to transmit and receive Ethernet packets over CAT.5
UTP cable. The RTL8211FI and RTL8211FDI are manufactured to industrial grade standards.
The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) uses state-of-the-art DSP technology and an Analog Front End (AFE) to
enable high-speed data transmission and reception over UTP cable. Functions such as Crossover Detection
& Auto-Correction, polarity correction, adaptive equalization, cross-talk cancellation, echo cancellation,
timing recovery, and error correction are implemented in the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) to provide
robust transmission and reception capabilities at 10Mbps, 100Mbps, or 1000Mbps.
Data transfer between MAC and PHY is via the Reduced Gigabit Media Independent Interface (RGMII) for
1000Base-T, 10Base-T, and 100Base-TX. The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) supports various RGMII
signaling voltages, including 3.3, 2.5, 1.8, and 1.5V.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 1 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
2. Features
1000Base-T IEEE 802.3ab Compliant Selectable 3.3/2.5/1.8/1.5V signaling for
100Base-TX IEEE 802.3u Compliant
Supports 25MHz external crystal or OSC
10Base-T IEEE 802.3 Compliant
Provides 125MHz clock source for MAC
Supports RGMII
Provides 3 network status LEDs
Supports IEEE 802.3az-2010 (Energy
Efficient Ethernet) Supports Link Down power saving
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 2 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
3. System Applications
DTV (Digital TV)
Game Console
Ethernet Hub
Ethernet Switch
In addition, the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) can be used in any embedded system with an Ethernet MAC
that needs a UTP physical connection.
*Note: 3.3/2.5/1.8/1.5V power here means I/O pad power sourced from external power, not from the
internal LDO.
Figure 1. Application Diagram – RTL8211F(I)
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 3 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
*Note: 3.3/2.5/1.8/1.5V power here means I/O pad power sourced from external power, not from the
internal LDO.
Figure 2. Application Diagram - RTL8211FD(I)
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 4 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
4. Block Diagram
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 5 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
5. Pin Assignments
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 6 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
6. Pin Descriptions
Some pins have multiple functions. Refer to the Pin Assignments figure on page 6 for a graphical
G: Ground
6.2. Clock
Table 2. Clock
Pin No. Pin Name Type Description
36 XTAL_IN I 25MHz Crystal Input.
Connect to GND if an external 25MHz oscillator drives XTAL_OUT/EXT_CLK.
37 XTAL_OUT/ O 25MHz Crystal Output.
EXT_CLK If a 25MHz oscillator is used, connect XTAL_OUT/EXT_CLK to the oscillator’s
output (see section 10.3, page 55 for clock source specifications).
35 CLKOUT O 125/25MHz Reference Clock Generated from Internal PLL.
This pin should be kept floating if this clock is not used by MAC.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 7 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
6.3. RGMII
Table 3. RGMII
Pin No. Pin Name Type Description
20 TXC I The transmit reference clock will be 125MHz, 25MHz, or 2.5MHz depending
on speed.
18 TXD0 I Transmit Data.
17 TXD1 I Data is transmitted from MAC to PHY via TXD[3:0].
16 TXD2 I
15 TXD3 I
19 TXCTL I Transmit Control Signal from the MAC.
27 RXC O/LI/PD The continuous receive reference clock will be 125MHz, 25MHz, or 2.5MHz,
and is derived from the received data stream.
25 RXD0 O/LI/PU Receive Data.
24 RXD1 O/LI/PD Data is transmitted from PHY to MAC via RXD[3:0].
26 RXCTL O/LI/PD Receive Control Signal to the MAC.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 8 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
6.5. Reset
Table 5. Reset
Pin No. Pin Name Type Description
12 PHYRSTB I/PU Hardware Reset. Active low.
For a complete PHY reset, this pin must be asserted low for at least 10ms.
All registers will be cleared after a hardware reset.
Note: See section 7.17, page 30 for more details.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 9 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Pin No. Pin Name Type Description
34 CFG_LDO1 O/LI/PD LDO Output Voltage Selection for the RGMII I/O Pad/
External Power Source Voltage Selection for the RGMII I/O Pad.
When pulling down CFG_EXT pin, CFG_LDO[1:0] represent LDO output
voltage setting for IO pad:
2’b00: Reserved.
2’b01: 2.5V.
2’b10: 1.8V.
2’b11: 1.5V.
When pulling up CFG_EXT pin, CFG_LDO[1:0] stand for input voltage
selection of the external power for IO pad:
2’b00: 3.3V.
2’b01: 2.5V.
2’b10: 1.8V.
2’b11: 1.5V.
Note: For more information, see section 7.8, Hardware Configuration, page 16.
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Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 11 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
7. Function Description
7.1. Transmitter
7.1.1. 1000Mbps Mode
The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I)’s PCS layer receives data bytes from the MAC through the RGMII
interface and performs generation of continuous code-groups through 4D-PAM5 coding technology. These
code groups are passed through a waveform-shaping filter to minimize EMI effect, and are transmitted onto
the 4-pair CAT.5 cable at 125MBaud/s through a D/A converter.
7.2. Receiver
7.2.1. 1000Mbps Mode
Input signals from the media first pass through the on-chip sophisticated hybrid circuit to subtract the
transmitted signal from the input signal for effective reduction of near-end echo. The received signal is
processed with state-of-the-art technology, such as adaptive equalization, BLW (Baseline Wander)
correction, cross-talk cancellation, echo cancellation, timing recovery, error correction, and 4D-PAM5
decoding. The 8-bit-wide data is recovered and is sent to the RGMII interface at a clock speed of 125MHz.
The Rx MAC retrieves the packet data from the receive RGMII interface and sends it to the Rx Buffer
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 12 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
To save power, when the system is in Low Power Idle mode, most of the circuits are disabled, however, the
transition time to/from Low Power Idle mode is kept small enough to be transparent to upper layer
protocols and applications.
EEE also specifies a negotiation method to enable link partners to determine whether EEE is supported.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 13 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Magic Packet Wake-up occurs only when the following conditions are met:
• The destination address of the received Magic Packet is acceptable to the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I),
e.g., a broadcast, multicast, or unicast packet addressed to the current RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I).
• The received Magic Packet does not contain a CRC error.
• The Magic Packet pattern matches; i.e., 6 * FFh + MISC (can be none) + 16 * DID (Destination ID) in
any part of a valid Ethernet packet.
A Wake-Up Frame event occurs only when the following conditions are met:
• The destination address of the received Wake-Up Frame is acceptable to the
RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I), e.g., a broadcast, multicast, or unicast address to the current
• The received Wake-Up Frame does not contain a CRC error.
• The 16-bit CRC2 of the received Wake-Up Frame matches the 16-bit CRC of the sample Wake-Up
Frame pattern given by the local machine’s OS. Or, the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) is configured to
allow direct packet wakeup, e.g., a broadcast, multicast, or unicast network packet. Non-specific
packets are also supported.
Note 1: The INTB and PMEB functions share the same pin (pin 31), and can be determined by Page 0xd40,
Reg.22, bit[5].
Note 2: 16-bit CRC: The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) supports eight long wakeup frames (covering 128
mask bytes from offset 0 to 127 of any incoming network packet). CRC16 polynomial=x16+x12+x5+1.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 14 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
7.5. Interrupt
The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) provides an active low interrupt output pin (INTB) based on change of
the PHY status. Every interrupt condition is represented by the read-only general interrupt status register
INSR (section 8.3.19 INSR (Interrupt Status Register, Page 0xa43, Address 0x1D), page 46).
The interrupts can be individually enabled or disabled by setting or clearing bits in the interrupt enable
register INER (section 8.3.15 INER (Interrupt Enable Register, Page 0xa42, Address 0x12), page 43).
When an enabled interrupt condition occurs, the interrupt pin is driven low, and the interrupts can be
self-cleared (INTB pin de-asserted) by reading the corresponding interrupt status registers through
MDC/MDIO interface.
Note 1: The interrupt of the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) is a level-triggered mechanism.
Note 2: The INTB and PMEB functions share the same pin (pin 31), and can be determined by Page 0xd40,
Reg.22, bit[5].
If PMEB mode is selected (Page 0xd40, Reg.22, bit[5] = 1), pin 31 becomes a fully functional PMEB pin.
Note that the interrupt function is disabled in this mode.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 15 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 16 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Configuration Description
CFG_LDO[1:0] LDO Output Voltage Selection for the RGMII I/O pad/
External Power Source Voltage Selection for the RGMII I/O pad.
When pulling down CFG_EXT pin, CFG_LDO[1:0] represent LDO output voltage setting for
the RGMII I/O pad: (via 4.7k-ohm to GND)
00: Reserved.
01: 2.5V
10: 1.8V
11: 1.5V
When pulling up CFG_EXT pin, CFG_LDO[1:0] stand for external power voltage selection for
the RGMII I/O pad: (via 4.7k-ohm to 3.3V)
00: 3.3V
01: 2.5V
10: 1.8V
11: 1.5V
For example, as Figure 5 (left-side) shows, if a given CFG_EXT/CFG_LDO[1:0] inputs are resistively
pulled high then the corresponding LED outputs will be configured as an active low driver. On the right
side, we can see that if a given CFG_EXT/CFG_LDO[1:0] inputs are resistively pulled low then the
corresponding output will be configured as an active high driver. The Hardware Configuration pins should
not be connected to GND or VCC directly, but must be pulled high or low through a resistor (e.g., 4.7KΩ).
If no LED indications are needed, the components of the LED path (LED+510Ω) can be removed.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 17 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Follow the register settings below to ENABLE Green Ethernet (Default is ‘Enabled’)
Write Register 31, Data=0x0a43
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 18 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
7.11.1. RGMII
Among the RGMII interface in 100Base-TX and 10Base-T modes, TXC and RXC sources are 25MHz and
2.5MHz respectively; while in 1000Base-T mode, TXC and RXC sources are 125MHz. TXC will always
be generated by the MAC and RXC will always be generated by the PHY. TXD[3:0] and RXD[3:0] signals
are used for data transitions on the rising and falling edge of the clock.
The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) can share the same MDIO line. In switch/router applications, each port
should be assigned a unique address during the hardware reset sequence, and it can only be addressed via
that unique PHY address. For detailed information on the management registers, see section 8 Register
Descriptions, page 31.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 19 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Name Description
TA Turnaround.
This is a 2-bit-time spacing between the register address and the data field of a frame to avoid contention
during a read transaction. For a read transaction, both the STA and the PHY remain in a high-impedance state
for the first bit time of the turnaround. The PHY drives a zero bit during the second bit time of the turnaround
of a read transaction.
DATA Data. These are the 16 bits of data.
IDLE Idle Condition.
Not truly part of the management frame. This is a high impedance state. Electrically, the PHY’s pull-up
resistor will pull the MDIO line to a logical ‘1’.
1...1 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 z
Pre Start Write PHY Address Reg. Address Turn Reg. Data
OP Idle
0x01 0x00(BMCR) Around 0x 1340
3. Write Register 31 Data = 0x0000 or 0xa42 (switch back to IEEE Standard Registers)
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 20 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
2. Write the desired address value to the MMD’s address register (Register 14).
3. Write Function field to 01 (data mode; no post increment) and DEVAD field to the same device address
for the desired MMD (Register 13).
7.12. Auto-Negotiation
Auto-Negotiation is a mechanism to determine the fastest connection between two link partners. For copper
media applications, it was introduced in IEEE 802.3u for Ethernet and Fast Ethernet, and then in
IEEE 802.3ab to address extended functions for Gigabit Ethernet. It performs the following:
• Auto-Negotiation Priority Resolution
• Auto-Negotiation Master/Slave Resolution
• Auto-Negotiation PAUSE/ASYMMETRIC PAUSE Resolution
• Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction Resolution
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 21 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
• Restart auto-negotiation (register 0.9)
• Transition from power down to power up (register 0.11)
• Entering the link fail state
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 22 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Bit Name Bit Description Register Location
U13 MP Message Page. -
1: Indicates to its link partner that this is a message page, not an
unformatted page.
U12 Ack2 Acknowledge 2. -
1: Indicates to its link partner that the device has the ability to
comply with the message.
U11 T Toggle. -
Used by the NWay arbitration function to ensure synchronization
with its link partner during Next Page exchange.
U[10:5] - Reserved. Transmit as 0 -
U4 - 1000Base-T Half Duplex. -
1: Half duplex 0: No half duplex
U3 - 1000Base-T Full Duplex. -
1: Full duplex 0: No full duplex
U2 - 1000Base-T Port Type Bit. Register 9.10 (GBCR)
1: Multi-port device 0: Single-port device Table 31, page 40.
U1 - 1000Base-T Master-Slave Manual Configuration Value. Register 9.11 (GBCR)
1: Master 0: Slave Table 31, page 40.
This bit is ignored if bit 9.12=0
U0 - 1000Base-T Master-Slave Manual Configuration Enable. Register 9.12 (GBCR)
1: Manual Configuration Enable Table 31, page 40.
This bit is intended to be used for manual selection in
Master-Slave mode, and is to be used in conjunction with bit 9.11
PAGE 2 (Unformatted Next Page)
U15 NP Next Page. -
1: Indicates that Next Pages follow
0: Indicates that no Next Pages follow
U14 Ack Acknowledge. -
1: Indicates that a device has successfully received its link
partner’s Link Code Word (LCW)
U13 MP Message Page. -
1: Indicates to its link partner that this is a message page, not an
unformatted page
U12 Ack2 Acknowledge 2. -
1: Indicates to its link partner that the device has the ability to
comply with the message
U11 T Toggle. -
Used by the NWay arbitration function to ensure synchronization
with its link partner during Next Page exchange.
U[10:0] - 1000Base-T Master-Slave Seed Bit[10:0] Master-Slave
Seed Value SB[10:0]
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 23 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
To advertise 1000Base-T capability, both link partners, sharing the same link medium, should engage in
Next Page (1000Base-T Message Page, Unformatted Page 1, and Unformatted Page 2) exchange.
Auto-negotiation ensures that the highest priority protocol will be selected as the link speed based on the
following priorities advertised through the Link Code Word (LCW) exchange. Refer to IEEE 802.3 Clause
28 for detailed information.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 24 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
• Where there are two stations with the same configuration, the one with higher Master-Slave seed
SB[10:0] in the unformatted page 2 shall become Master.
• Master-Slave configuration process resolution:
Successful: Bit 10.15 Master-Slave Configuration Fault is set to logical 0, and bit 10.14 is set to
logical 1 for Master resolution, or set to logical 0 for Slave resolution.
Unsuccessful: Auto-Negotiation restarts.
Fault Detect: Bit 10.15 is set to logical 1 to indicate that a configuration fault has been detected.
Auto-Negotiation restarts automatically. This happens when both stations are set to manual
Master mode or manual Slave mode, or after seven attempts to configure the Master-Slave
relationship through the seed method has failed.
PAUSE/ASYMMETRIC PAUSE capability can be configured by setting the ANAR bits 10 and 11 (Table
26, page 36). Link partner PAUSE capabilities can be determined from ANLPAR bits 10 and 11 (Table 27,
page 37). A PHY layer device such as the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) is not directly involved in PAUSE
resolution, but simply advertises and reports PAUSE capabilities during the Auto-Negotiation process. The
MAC is responsible for final PAUSE/ASYMMETRIC PAUSE resolution after a link is established, and is
responsible for correct flow control actions thereafter.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 25 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction is not a part of the Auto-Negotiation process, but it utilizes the
process to exchange the MDI/MDI Crossover configuration. If the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) is
configured to only operate in 100Base-TX or only in 10Base-T mode, then Auto-Negotiation is disabled
only if the Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction function is also disabled. If Crossover Detection &
Auto-Correction are enabled, then Auto-Negotiation is enabled and the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I)
advertises only 100Base-TX mode or 10Base-T mode. If the speed of operation is configured manually and
Auto-Negotiation is still enabled because the Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction function is enabled,
then the duplex advertised is as follows:
1. If set to half duplex, then only half duplex is advertised.
2. If set to full duplex, then both full and half duplex are advertised.
If the user wishes to advertise only full duplex at a particular speed with the Crossover Detection &
Auto-Correction function enabled, then Auto-Negotiation should be enabled (register 0.12) with the
appropriate advertising capabilities set in registers 4 or 9. The Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction
function may be enabled/disable by setting (Page 0xa43, Reg 24, bit[9:8]) manually, see section 8.3.16,
page 44.
After initial configuration following a hardware reset, Auto-Negotiation can be enabled and disabled via
register 0.12, speed via registers 0.13, 0.6, and duplex via register 0.8. The abilities that are advertised can
be changed via registers 4 and 9. Changes to registers 0.12, 0.13, 0.6, and 0.8 do not take effect unless at
least one of the following events occurs:
• Software reset (register 0.15)
• Restart of Auto-Negotiation (register 0.9)
• Transition from power-down to power-up (register 0.11)
Registers 4 and 9 are internally latched once each time Auto-Negotiation enters the ABILITY DETECT
state in the arbitration state machine (IEEE 802.3). Hence a write into register 4 or 9 has no effect once the
RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) begins to transmit Fast Link Pulses.
Register 7 is treated in a similar manner as 4 and 9 during additional Next Page exchanges. Once the
RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) completes Auto-Negotiation, it updates the various statuses in registers 1, 5,
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 26 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
6, and 10. The speed, duplex, page received, and Auto-Negotiation completed statuses are also available in
Page 0xa43, Reg 26 and 29 (Reg 29 is valid after enabling the interrupts in Page 0xa42, Reg 18).
The LED pins can be customized from Page 0xd04 Register 16. To change the register page, see note
(below) and Table 16 LED Register Table. Two LED configuration modes are provided by the
RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I), each with 16 configuration types (see Table 17 LED Configuration Table –
Mode A, and Table 18 LED Configuration Table – Mode B, page 28). To switch between these two modes,
set Page 0xd04, Reg 16, bit[15] to 0 (Mode A) or 1 (Mode B).
Note: To switch to Page 0xd04, set Register 31 Data=0x0d04 (set page). After LED setting, switch back to
the PHY’s IEEE Standard Registers, i.e. Page 0 or Page 0xa42 (Register 31 Data = 0 or 0xa42).
Table 16. LED Register Table
LINK Speed Active (Tx/Rx)
10Mbps 100Mbps 1000Mbps
LED0 Reg16 Bit0 Reg16 Bit1 Reg16 Bit3 Reg16 Bit4
LED1 Reg16 Bit5 Reg16 Bit6 Reg16 Bit8 Reg16 Bit9
LED2 Reg16 Bit10 Reg16 Bit11 Reg16 Bit13 Reg16 Bit14
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 27 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 28 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
EEE Active mode: LED fast and slow blinking (on packet transmitting and receiving).
In 10Base-T mode, polarity errors are corrected based on the detection of validly spaced link pulses. The
detection begins during the MDI crossover detection phase and locks when the 10Base-T link is up. The
polarity becomes unlocked when the link is down.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 29 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
7.16. Power
A voltage regulator is implemented to generate operating power (switching regulator for the RTL8211F(I);
LDO for the RTL8211FD(I)). The system vendor needs to supply a 3.3V, 1A steady power source. The
RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) converts the 3.3V steady power source to 1.0V via a switching
The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) implements an option for the RGMII power pins. The standard I/O
voltage of the RGMII interface is 3.3V, with support for 2.5/1.8/1.5V to lower EMI. The 2.5/1.8/1.5V
power source for RGMII is supplied from an internal LDO or from an external power source.
* Note: Refer to Note 6 in section 9.3, page 52, and the RTL8211F_Series_Power_Sequence_App_Note for
more detailed information.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 30 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
8. Register Descriptions
8.1. Register Mapping and Definitions
Table 19. Register Access Types
Type Description
LH Latch high. If the status is high, this field is set to ‘1’ and remains set.
RC Read-cleared. The register field is cleared after read.
RO Read only.
RW Read and Write
SC Self-cleared. Writing a ‘1’ to this register field causes the function to be activated immediately, and then the
field will be automatically cleared to’0’ .
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 31 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Page Offset Access Name Description
0xd04 17 RW EEELCR EEE LED Control Register.
0xd08 21 RW MIICR MII Control Register
0xd40 22 RW INTBCR INTB Pin Control Register.
Note 1: To access the IEEE Standard Registers 0 to 15, the Page Select Register (PAGSR, Register 31) should be set as ‘0’
or ‘0xa42’(default value).
Note 2: For example, to switch to Page 0xd04, set Register 31 Data=0x0d04 (change to Page 0xd04). After LED setting,
switch back to the PHY’s IEEE Standard Registers, i.e. Page 0 or Page 0xa42 (Register 31 Data = 0 or 0xa42).
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 32 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 33 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Bit Name Type Default Description
0.10 Isolate RW 0 Isolate.
1: RGMII interface is isolated; the serial management interface (MDC,
MDIO) is still active. When this bit is asserted, the
RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) ignores TXD[3:0], and TXCTL inputs,
and presents a high impedance on RXC, RXCTL, RXD[3:0].
0: Normal operation
0.9 Restart_AN RW, SC 0 Restart Auto-Negotiation.
1: Restart Auto-Negotiation
0: Normal operation
0.8 Duplex RW 0 Duplex Mode.
1: Full Duplex operation
0: Half Duplex operation
This bit is valid only in force mode, i.e., NWay is disabled.
0.7 Collision Test RW 0 Collision Test.
1: Collision test enabled
0: Normal operation
0.6 Speed[1] RW 1 Speed Select Bit 1.
Refer to bit 0.13.
0.5 Uni-directional RW 0 Uni-Directional Enable
enable 1: Enable packet transmit without respect to linkok status
0: Packet transmit permitted when link is established
0.4:0 RSVD RO 00000 Reserved.
Note 1: Changes to Registers 0.12, 0.13, 0.6, and 0.8 do not take effect unless at least one of the following events occurs:
Software reset (0.15) is asserted, Restart_AN (0.9) is asserted, or PWD(0.11) transitions from power-down to normal
Note 2: When the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) is switched from power down to normal operation, a software reset and
restart auto-negotiation is performed, even if bits Reset (0.15) and Restart_AN (0.9) are not set by the user.
Note 3: Auto-Negotiation is enabled when speed is set to 1000Base-T. Crossover Detection & Auto-Correction takes
precedence over Auto-Negotiation disable (0.12=0). If ANE is disabled, speed and duplex capabilities are advertised by
0.13, 0.6, and 0.8. Otherwise, register 4, bit[8:5] and register 9, bit[9:8] take effect.
Note 4: Auto-Negotiation automatically restarts after hardware or software reset regardless of whether or not the restart bit
(0.9) is set.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 34 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Bit Name Type Default Description
1.13 100Base-TX (half) RO 1 100Base-TX Half Duplex Capability.
1: Device is able to perform 100Base-TX in half duplex mode
0: Device is not able to perform 100Base-TX in half duplex mode
1.12 10Base-T (full) RO 1 10Base-T Full Duplex Capability.
1: Device is able to perform 10Base-T in full duplex mode.
0: Device is not able to perform 10Base-T in full duplex mode.
1.11 10Base-T (half) RO 1 10Base-T Half Duplex Capability.
1: Device is able to perform 10Base-T in half duplex mode
0: Device is not able to perform 10Base-T in half duplex mode
1.10 10Base-T2 (full) RO 0 10Base-T2 Full Duplex Capability.
The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) does not support 10Base-T2
mode and this bit should always be 0.
1.9 10Base-T2 (half) RO 0 10Base-T2 Half Duplex Capability.
The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) does not support 10Base-T2
mode. This bit should always be 0.
1.8 1000Base-T RO 1 1000Base-T Extended Status Register.
Extended Status 1: Device supports Extended Status Register 0x0F (15)
0: Device does not support Extended Status Register 0x0F
This register is read-only and is always set to 1.
1.7 Uni-directional RO 1 Uni-directional ability.
ability 1: PHY able to transmit from RGMII without linkok
0: PHY not able to transmit from RGMII without linkok
1.6 Preamble RO 0 Preamble Suppression Capability.
Suppression The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) default will not accept
MDC/MDIO transactions with preamble suppressed.
1.5 Auto-Negotiation RO 0 Auto-Negotiation Complete.
Complete 1: Auto-Negotiation process complete, and contents of registers
5, 6, 8, and 10 are valid
0: Auto-Negotiation process not complete
1.4 Remote Fault RC, LH 0 Remote Fault.
1: Remote fault condition detected (cleared on read or by reset).
Indication or notification of remote fault from Link Partner
0: No remote fault condition detected
1.3 Auto-Negotiation RO 1 Auto Configured Link.
Ability 1: Device is able to perform Auto-Negotiation
0: Device is not able to perform Auto-Negotiation
1.2 Link Status RO 0 Link Status.
1: Linked
0: Not Linked
This register indicates whether the link was lost since the last read.
For the current link status, either read this register twice or read
Page 0xa43 Reg 26, bit[2] Link (Real Time).
1.1 Jabber Detect RC, LH 0 Jabber Detect.
1: Jabber condition detected
0: No Jabber occurred
1.0 Extended Capability RO 1 1: Extended register capabilities, always 1
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 35 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 36 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Bit Name Type Default Description
4.5 10Base-T (Half) RW 1 1: Advertise support of 10Base-TX half-duplex mode
0: Not advertised
4.4:0 Selector Field RO 00001 Indicates the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) supports IEEE 802.3
Note 1: The setting of Register 4 has no effect unless NWay is restarted or the link goes down, i.e., software reset (0.15) is
asserted, Restart_AN (0.9) is asserted, or PWD (0.11) transitions from power down to normal operation.
Note 2: If 1000Base-T is advertised, then the required next pages are automatically transmitted. Register 4.15 should be set
to 0 if no additional next pages are needed.
Note: Register 5 is not valid until the Auto-Negotiation complete bit 1.5 indicates completed.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 37 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 38 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 39 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 40 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Bit Name Type Default Description
10.11 Link Partner 1000Base-T RO 0 Link Partner 1000Base-T Full Duplex Capability.
Full Duplex Capability 1: Link Partner is capable of 1000Base-T full duplex
0: Link Partner is not capable of 1000Base-T full duplex
10.10 Link Partner 1000Base-T RO 0 Link Partner 1000Base-T Half Duplex Capability.
Half Duplex Capability 1: Link Partner is capable of 1000Base-T half duplex
0: Link Partner is not capable of 1000Base-T half duplex
10.9:8 RSVD RO 00 Reserved.
10.7:0 Idle Error Count RO, RC 0x00 MSB of Idle Error Counter.
The counter stops automatically when it reaches 0xff.
Note 1: Values set in register 10.11:10 are not valid until register 6.1 is set to 1.
Note 2: Register 10 is not valid until the Auto-Negotiation complete bit 1.5 indicates completed.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 41 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 42 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 43 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Bit Name Type Default Description
18.0 Auto-Negotiation Error Interrupt RW 0 1: Interrupt Enable 0: Interrupt Disable
Setting this bit to 0 only disables the
auto-negotiation error interrupt event in the INTB
Page 0xa43, Reg29 Bit[0] always reflects the
auto-negotiation error interrupt behavior.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 44 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
8.3.18. PHYSR (PHY Specific Status Register, Page 0xa43, Address 0x1A)
Table 39. PHYSR (PHY Specific Status Register, Page 0xa43, Address 0x1A)
Bit Name Type Default Description
26.15 RSVD RO 0 Reserved.
26.14 ALDPS State RO 0 Link Down Power Saving Mode.
1: Reflects local device entered Link Down Power Saving Mode,
i.e., cable not plugged in (reflected after 3 sec).
0: With cable plugged in
26.13 MDI Plug RO 0 MDI Status.
1: Plugged 0: Unplugged
26.12 NWay Enable RO 1 Auto-Negotiation (NWay) Status.
1: Enable 0: Disable
26.11 Master Mode RO 0 Device is in Master/Slave Mode.
1: Master mode 0: Slave mode
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 45 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Bit Name Type Default Description
26.10:9 RSVD RO 00 Reserved.
26.8 EEE capability RO 0 1: Both local and link-partner have EEE capability of current speed
26.7 Rxflow Enable RO 0 Rx Flow Control.
1: Enable 0: Disable
26.6 Txflow Enable RO 0 Tx Flow Control.
1: Enable 0: Disable
26.5:4 Speed RO 00 Link Speed.
11: Reserved 10: 1000Mbps
01: 100Mbps 00: 10Mbps
26.3 Duplex RO 0 Full/Half Duplex Mode.
1: Full duplex 0: Half duplex
26.2 Link (Real Time) RO 0 Real Time Link Status.
1: Link OK 0: Link not OK
26.1 MDI Crossover RO 1 MDI/MDI Crossover Status.
Status 1: MDI 0: MDI Crossover
26.0 Jabber (Real Time) RO 0 Real Time Jabber Indication.
1: Jabber Indication 0: No Jabber Indication
Note 1: Bit 26.11 valid only when in Giga mode.
Note 2: Bit 26.8 assert at 10M speed when local device is EEE capable.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 46 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
8.3.21. PHYSCR (PHY Special Cofig Register, Page 0xa46, Address 0x14)
Table 42. PHYSCR (PHY Specific Cofig Register, Page 0xa46, Address 0x14)
Bit Name Type Default Description
20.15:2 RSVD RO 0 Reserved.
20.1 PHY Special Config RW 0 1: Write 1 to indicate the special PHY parameter configuration
Done has been done.
20.0 RSVD RO 0 Reserved.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 47 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
8.3.23. EEELCR (EEE LED Control Register, Page 0xd04, Address 0x11)
Table 44. EEELCR (EEE LED Control Register, Page 0xd04, Address 0x11)
Bit Name Type Default Description
17.15:4 RSVD RO 0 Reserved.
17.3 LED2 EEE Enable RW 1 1: Enable EEE LED indication of LED2.
17.2 LED1 EEE Enable RW 1 1: Enable EEE LED indication of LED1.
17.1 LED0 EEE Enable RW 1 1: Enable EEE LED indication of LED0.
17.0 RSVD RO 0 Reserved.
8.3.25. INTBCR (INTB Pin Control Register, Page 0xd40, Address 0x16)
Table 46. INTBCR (INTB Pin Control Register, Page 0xd40, Address 0x16)
Bit Name Type Default Description
22.15:6 RSVD RO 0 Reserved.
22.5 INTB/PMEB Selection RW 0 Pin 31 of the RTL8211F(D)(I) functions as:
22.4:0 RSVD RO 0 Reserved.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 48 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 49 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 50 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Use an X5R/X7R low-ESR ceramic capacitor as the output capacitor for switching regulator stability.
Note: Refer to the RTL8211F Series Layout Guide for detailed description.
Use an X5R/X7R low-ESR ceramic capacitor, with capacitance of at least 0.1uF, to enhance the stability of
output voltage. The bypass capacitors should be placed as close as possible to power pins (AVDD10 and
DVDD10) for adequate filtering.
The regulator 1.0V output pin (LDO_OUT) should be connected only to DVDD10 and AVDD10 pins (do
not provide this power source to other devices).
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 51 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Figure 10. Power Sequence (I/O Pad Power Sourced from Internal LDO)
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 52 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Symbol Description Min Typical Max Units
Rt5** Reserved for Specific Parameter Configuration - - 100 ms
Rt6 External I/O Pad Power Ready Time after 3.3V 0 - 5 ms
Note 1: The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) does not support fast 3.3V rising. The 3.3V rise time should be controlled over
* A 3.3V rise time between 0.1ms to 0.5ms is conditionally permitted only if the system 3.3V power budget is sufficient to
ensure that 3.3V Overcurrent Protection (OCP) will NOT be triggered during the power-on procedure. If the rise time is
less than 0.1ms, it will induce a peak voltage in DVDD33 which may cause permanent damage to the regulator.
Note 2: If there is any action that involves consecutive ON/OFF toggling of the switching-regulator source (3.3V), the
design must make sure the OFF state of both the switching-regulator source (3.3V) and output (1.0V) reach 0V, and the time
period between the consecutive ON/OFF toggling action must be longer than 100ms.
Note 3: When using an external oscillator or clock source, on stopping the clock source the RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I)
must also be powered off.
Note 4: The RTL8211F(I)/RTL8211FD(I) use the integrated LDO to generate the 2.5V, 1.8V/1.5V voltages for the I/O pad,
the I/O pad voltage can be selected by using the CONFIG pins CFG_LDO[1:0]. Moreover, external power source for the
I/O pad is also supported, please refer to the setting of CFG_EXT and CFG_LDO[1:0] pins (section 7.8 Hardware
Configuration, page 16).
Note 5: When using an external power source for the I/O pad, the power should rise simultaneously or slightly later than
3.3V power, i.e. T4 ≧ T3 in Figure 11.
Furthermore, there are two kinds of timing specifications to supply the external power, respectively:
Ready time of the external power should be within 5ms after 3.3V is ready. See CASE(I) in Figure 11,
page 52.
PHYRSTB should be kept low until the external power is ready. See CASE(II) in Figure 11, page 52.
Note that for this case, there is no constraint on the ‘max’ value of Rt6.
Violation of these timing constraints may lead to errors.
Note 6: Rt5 is a reserved window for some PHY special parameter configurations with 100ms duration. The parameters, if
needed, can be provided by Realtek. At the point of T2, i.e. the end of this configuration window, all the PHY registers can be
accessed through MDIO
** Currently there is no special configuration needed for the RTL8211F(D)(I); the Rt5 can be skipped by setting
Page 0xa46, Reg. 20, bit[1]=1 (PHY Special Config Done) at the point of T2’. The ‘PHY Register Accessible Interrupt’ will
then trigger accordingly, which indicates the PHY registers can be accessed by MDIO.
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10. Characteristics
10.1. Absolute Maximum Ratings
WARNING: Absolute maximum ratings are limits beyond which permanent damage may be caused to the
device, or device reliability will be affected. All voltages are specified reference to GND unless otherwise
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 54 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 55 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
10.5. DC Characteristics
Table 58. DC Characteristics
Symbol Parameter Conditions Minimum Typical Maximum Units
VDD33, AVDD33 3.3V Supply Voltage - 2.97 3.3 3.63 V
1. MDIO (Table 4,
page 8)
2.5V RGMII Supply Voltage - 2.25 2.5 2.75 V
(Table 3, page 8)
1. MDIO (Table 4,
page 8)
1.8V RGMII Supply Voltage - 1.62V 1.8V 1.98V V
(Table 3, page 8)
1. MDIO (Table 4,
page 8)
1.5V RGMII Supply Voltage - 1.5V 1.56V 1.62V V
(Table 3, page 8)
1.0V Supply Voltage - 0.95 1.0 1.05 V
Voh (3.3V) Minimum High Level Output Voltage - 2.4 - VDD33 + 0.3 V
Voh (2.5V) Minimum High Level Output Voltage - 2.0 - VDD25 + 0.3 V
Voh (1.8V) Minimum High Level Output Voltage - 0.9*VDD18 - VDD18 + 0.3 V
Voh (1.5V) Minimum High Level Output Voltage - 0.9*VDD15 - VDD15 + 0.3 V
Vol (3.3V) Maximum Low Level Output Voltage - -0.3 - 0.4 V
Vol (2.5V) Maximum Low Level Output Voltage - -0.3 - 0.4 V
Vol (1.8V) Maximum Low Level Output Voltage - -0.3 - 0.1*VDD18 V
Vol (1.5V) Maximum Low Level Output Voltage - -0.3 - 0.1*VDD15 V
Vih (3.3V) Minimum High Level Input Voltage - 2.0 - - V
Vil (3.3V) Maximum Low Level Input Voltage - - - 0.8 V
Vih (2.5V) Minimum High Level Input Voltage - 1.7 - - V
Vil (2.5V) Maximum Low Level Input Voltage - - - 0.7 V
Vih (1.8V) Minimum High Level Input Voltage - 1.2 - - V
Vil (1.8V) Maximum Low Level Input Voltage - - - 0.5 V
Vih (1.5V) Minimum High Level Input Voltage - 1.0 - - V
Vil (1.5V) Maximum Low Level Input Voltage - - - 0.3 V
Iin Input Current 0 - 0.5 µA
or GND
Note: Pins not mentioned above remain at 3.3V.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 56 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
10.6. AC Characteristics
10.6.1. MDC/MDIO Timing
Figure 12. MDC/MDIO Setup, Hold Time, and Valid from MDC Rising Edge Time Definitions
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 57 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Figure 14 shows the effect of adding an additional delay to TXC via the PC board (upper side) or by
transmitter internally (lower side) when in RGMII mode.
Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 58 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
Figure 15 shows the effect of adding an additional delay to RXC via the PC board (upper side) or by
transmitter internally (lower side) when in RGMII mode.
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Integrated 10/100/1000M Ethernet Precision Transceiver 60 Track ID: JATR-8275-15 Rev. 1.4
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