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Article · November 2021


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2 authors, including:

Rajpal Tyagi
Multanimal Modi College Modinagar Ghaziabad


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© 2021 JETIR November 2021, Volume 8, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)



*Punam Sadana and **Rajpal Tyagi

*Department of Chemistry,Maharaj Singh College, Saharanpur
**Department of Chemistry, M.M.College, Modinagar.

The studies was carried out on the absorption and accumulation of total heavy metals from nutrient
solution of Zn , Cd of sub group II B and Pb of sub group IIA of periodic table and polluted river water by
seeds of certain crop plants.ex. Brinjal, Tomato and Potato. Surface sterilized seeds of these crops were
soaked in the 15 ppm,30 ppm and 45 ppm nutrient solution of heavy metals of IlB and IIA group of periodic
table . ex . Zn,Cd and Pb as well as in 30% and 60% polluted river water . Simultaneously , a control set
was run with seeds soaked in distilled water to assess the absorption and accumulation of total heavy
metals in seeds . The seeds were sampled at 48 hrs, 96 hrs and 144 hrs. These soaked seeds were taken
out from the experiments at each proposed hour, washed with distilled water and recorded dry weight
material utilized for the quantitative estimation of total heavy metal content.

KEYWORDS : Heavy metals, Accumulation, Absorption, Vegetative Crops.

Due to mining,industrial processing, use of various chemicals in agriculture etc. has lead to regional and
global redistribution of metals in the environment creating pollution. The environmental concentrations
of metals are much greater today than these were hundred years ago. Metal ions are phytotoxic in excess
(Peterson1, 1978 ) Nieboer and Richardson2(1980) proposed that the term ‘heavy metals’ be abandoned
in favour of a classification which separates metal ions into class A (Oxygen seeking), Class B (Nitrogen/
Sulphur seeking ) and borderline ( or intermediate ). A survey of the co-ordination chemistry of metal ions
in biological system (mostly X-ray crystallographic data) demonstrates the potential for grouping metal

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© 2021 JETIR November 2021, Volume 8, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)

ions according to their binding preferences (i.e.whether they seek out O-,N- or S-containing ligands).This
classification is related to atomic properties and the solution chemistry of metal ions. A convenient
graphical display of the metals in each of the three categories is achieved by a plot of a covalent-bonding
index versus an ionic-bonding index. A review of the roles of metal ions in proposed classification for
interpreting the biochemical basis for metal-ion toxicity and ions in toxicity studies.
The sophisticated analytical techniques developed over the past decade for the measurement of trace
quantities of metal ions in biological tissues have provided biologist and chemists with powerful tools to
assess the impact of industrial man on world ecosystems. An ever-increasing number of publications
appear as the result of such studies and a great many include the term ‘heavy metals’ somewhere in the
title. This term has found its way in to standard texts (eg Mahler and Cordes 3, 1966; Ochiai4, 1977).The
effect of a metal ion will depend not only on the kind of target organism but on many other factors
including the conditions of administration , its availability and concentration and the mode and kinetics
of uptake . In our brief summary of metal ion biochemistry , it was demonstrated that the particular
binding centres in biomolecules , especially proteins and enzymes , satisfy the reactivity requirements of
class A , or borderline ion . The requisite ligand types , as well as the size and geometry of the site
presumably have been evolved to allow specific metals to occupy such binding centers . Occupation of
such sites by unsuitable metal ion , or the binding of metal ion to reactive sites not normally requiring
them , is often inhibitory . In this context Ochiai4 ( 1977 ) has divided the mechanisms of metal – ion
toxicity into the following three categories : ( 1 ) blocking of the essential biological functional groups of
biomolecules , ( 2 ) displacing the essential metal ion in biomolecules and ( 3 ) modifying the active
conformation of biomolecules . Thus , although metal ion toxicity is evidently complex , certain metal ion
consistently include greater damage than others . Hence , it is possible to establish toxicity sequences .
Heavy metals have played great roles in the genesis of present day civilization. In ancient time the wealth
of emperors and kings was attributed to the possession of metals like iron , gold, silver, copper etc. in
different forms. Still today, the dependence upon heavy metals has not decreased as these are very
commonly used in agriculture , medicine, engineering etc. The magnitude of the danger of environmental
pollution by heavy metals was probably for the first time realized with the Minamata disaster in Japan,
where thousands of people suffered with mercury poisoning, after consuming the fish caught in Minamata
bay. The bay got contaminated with mercury released from vinyl chloride plant between 1953 and 1960
( Smith and Smith5, 1975 ). Similarly, it was also reported in Japan in 1955 that cadmium caused Itai-Itai
Byo disease in human beings, mainly in women over forty. This was due to high level of cadmium in local
foodstuffs attributable to irrigation water from the soil heaps of an abandoned mine. Minamata raised its
ugly head once again, not in Japan this time, but in fishing communities of the Amazon rain forest (Pearce6,
1999 ).

ZINC Symbol Zn,Atomic Number 30,Atomic weight 65.38
Zinc is usually found in combined state although traces of metal in native state reported in the form of
organo – metallic compounds . Zinc is extracted from its ores by Reduction process and Electrolytic
process etc.
Compounds of Zinc
Zinc Oxide ZnO,Zinc Chloride ZnCl2H2O,Zinc Sulphate ZnSO2.7H2O
CADMIUM Symbol Cd,Atomic Number 48,Atomic Weight 112.4

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© 2021 JETIR November 2021, Volume 8, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)

Cadmium does not occcur free in nature . Most of the ores such as Calamine or Zinc Blender Contains
Cadmium . A mineral Greenockite ( CdS) is known but it is rare and has no importance of Cadmiferrous
Zinc , the first product of distillation contains most of the Cadmium partly as oxide,Cadmium oxide CdO
CadmiumChloride CdCl2,CadmiumCyanideCd(CN)2,Cadmium Sulphide CdS
Cadmium Sulphate CdSO4

LEAD Symbol Pb,Atomic Number 82,Atomic Weight 207.21

Lead is very rarely native in volcanic regions . Small quantities of lead occur in Swedon . The chief ore of
lead is Galena ( PbS ) . Ores of less importance are :
Cerrusite PbCO3,Anglesite PbSO4,Generkite PbO . PbSO4 Leadhillite3PbCO3.PbSO4 Compounds of Lead
Oxides of Lead Pb3O4.
Environmental pollution has become a serious problem at present.Emission , effluents and solid wastes
from industries have increased the level of contaminants in air , water and soil to hazardous extent in
many areas. Moreover , indiscriminate use of insecticides , herbicides , pesticides and other chemicals for
plant protection and allied purpose have also led to their accumulation to damaging concentration in the
organisms of upper trophic level .In the local area , effluents of certain industries are being discharged
into city sewage drain . This water is being used for irrigation purpose of crops in several adjoining
farms.Heavy metals have proved to be important pollutants , because of their non – biodegradable nature
. It has been demonstrated that important heavy metal pollutants are Cu , Zn , Pb , Cd , As , Sb , and Hg
etc . Effects of Pb,Cd and Hg on various biochemical processes have been reviewed by valle and Ulmer (
1972 ) . present investigation therefore was undertaken to study the absorption and uptake of 3 heavy
metals of II – B and II – A group of periodic table viz . Zn ,Cd and Pb with increasing atomic number and
atomic weight and also uptake of total heavy metals7,8,9 from polluted river waters In the following
sections some of the salient finding of Experimental materials and heavy metal distribution , accumulation
and uptake have been reviewed .


Studies were carried out on the absorptions and accumulation of heavy metal from the nutrient solution
of II-B Sub group particularly Zn , Cd and Pb ( Sub group II-A ) and also from the polluted river water by
various excised organic of some road side vegetable crops such as Brinjal,Tomato and Potato of
Solanaceae family.The estimation of total heavy metals, the digestion was done by concentrated nitric acid(Conc.
HNO3) an 60% perchloric acid(HClO4).Laterfrom the digest,in purified dithizone and estimated


Three heavy metals Zinc , Cadmium ( Sub group II B ) and lead ( Sub group II A ) are utilized in our
experimental work . Selection of these metals are based on previous trial work and also based on work of
various workers.In our expriment Nutrient concentrations used are 15 ppm , 30 ppm and 45 ppm .Polluted
water concentrations used are 30 per cent and 60 per cent .Side by side control distilled water socked
plant part set also kept running in the experiment .In our experiment following salts were taken to prepare
stock solution of these three metals .
Zn as ZnSO4.7H2O, Cd as CdCl2,Pb as PbSO4

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© 2021 JETIR November 2021, Volume 8, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)

The city of Saharanpur is located at the latitude of 290 28’N and at the longitude of 770 33’E . It has 270.8
meters altitude above the sea level. A small stream named DHAMOLA passes through the main city and
carries all municipal waste etc which finally confluence with river Hindon near Tapri. The main roads run
to towns of Behat and Chakrota in the North , Mohand and Dehradun to North-East ; to Roorkee and
Hardwar in the East ; to Deoband and Muzaffarnagar in South – East ; to Rampur Maniharan and Delhi in
the South ; to Nakur and Gangoh in South – West to Sarsawa and Ambala in West and to Chilkana –
Sultanpur in North – West . Besides these main roads there are unmatelled roads join the city with Nagal
, Jhabrera and Jarodapanda Villages . It is by the side of these roads vegetable crops are grown which is
the subject of special observation and investigation in this study . These road side crop absorb the heavy
metals and other nutrient from the effluents which is thrown along road side ditches by the over crowded
industries running on almost all the main roads. The smoke and vehicles also create pollution.


Table1 show results with Brinjal seeds in the presence of higher doses of total heavy metal, there is
promotion in the amount of total heavy metal per gram dry weight in seed tissue. Thus, in seeds of Brinjal
soaked in 45 ppm solution of Zn, Cd and Pb total heavy metal content is 105.4%, 110.0% and 116.3% of
control respectively at 48, 96 and 144 hours of soaking. Similar type of promotion are observed in 60%
polluted river water concentration soaked seeds of Brinjal so the total heavy metal is 110.9%, 113.6% and
126.3% of control respectively at the same hours. Further, on unit weight basis, a decline in total heavy
metal absorption and accumulation recorded in 15 and 30 ppm solution of Zn, Cd and Pb and also in 30%
polluted river water concentration. Thus in 30 ppm solution soaked Brinjal seeds, total heavy metal
content is 105.4%, 109.05 % and 115.4% of control respectively at 48, 96 and 144 hours. Likewise, total
heavy metal content in Brinjal seeds soaked in 30% polluted river water are 108%, 113% and 122% of
control respectively at the same hours.

Likewise, Table 2 shows that in soaked Tomato seeds tissues a similar increase and
decrease in absorption and accumulation of total heavy metal noted. Thus, total heavy metal
content in 45 ppm solution of Zn, Cd and soaked seed tissue is 113.7% , 127.1% and 149.3% of
control respectively at 48, 96 and 144 hours. Similarly, in 30 ppm solution of Zn, Cd and Pb soaked
seeds tissue total heavy metal is 111.3%, 121.5% and 125.3% of control respectively at the same
hours. Results also indicate that the total heavy metal absorption and accumulation in tow
polluted river water concentration also shows increased absorption level in total heavy metal
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© 2021 JETIR November 2021, Volume 8, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)

level. Thus total heavy metal level in 30% polluted river water soaked Tomato seeds tissue is
110.75% 115.4% and 124.5% of the control respectively at same hours . Whereas, these values in
60% polluted river water soaked tomato seeds are 114.2%, 129.1% and 158.8% of the control
respectively at the same hours. These results further support that increase in the level of metal in
solution as well as in the level of metal in solution as well as in concentration of polluted river
water causes increase in total heavy metal of tomato tissues under laboratory conditions.

In the same manner table 3 shows that in potato seeds tissue a similar type of increased
rate of absorption and accumulation of total heavy metal take place. Thus, in 45 ppm solution
of Zn, Cd and Pb the total heavy metal content in potato seeds tissue is 118.7%, 146.4% and
150% of the control respectively at 48, 96 and 144 hours.Likewise, total heavy metal level in
potato seeds soaked in 30% polluted river water are 111,7%, 135.8% and 150.0% of the control
respectively, at 48, 96 and 144 hours. However, these parameters are 127.3%, 148.4% and
154.6% of the control respectively at the same hours in 60% polluted river water soaked potato

JETIR2111203 Journal of Emerging Technologies and Innovative Research (JETIR) c15
© 2021 JETIR November 2021, Volume 8, Issue 11 (ISSN-2349-5162)

The authors are grateful to the Principal, Maharaj Singh College, Saharanpur,for their encouragement
and co-operation.

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