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Server Core Configuration

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Server Core Configuration

Window Server 2012 Core is easily configured using over 2,300 PowerShell cmdlets as well as any of the
common command prompt tools. In addition, you can use Sconfig as a simple way to configure the OS
without complex PowerShell or command prompt tools.

I generally configure initial single core installations with the Sconfig tool. However, the commands you
see below are great for command-line addicts as well as script incorporation and are here for your
reference. The Microsoft document for Windows Server 2008 still applies to Win12:

Finally, most server core administration is done remotely. The following Microsoft article is written for
Windows Server 2008 but still applies to Win12: http://cbt.gg/LF1pSN. Better yet, check out the free
ebook Secrets of PowerShell Remoting by Don Jones and Tobias Weltner http://powershellbooks.com/.

Networking properties are still mostly configured with the Netsh command. Here is an excellent article
on many of those commands: http://cbt.gg/PxUX5g. This article shows many firewall commands that can
be executed http://cbt.gg/MhOFmU.

Configure IP Properties
 Identify the interface Index and Name of the network adapters by typing:

netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces

 Enter a static IP address as follows:

Netsh interface ipv4 set address name=< > source=static

address=<IpAddress> mask=<SNMask> gateway=<GatewayAddress>

Note: “name=” refers to the network index number discovered in the previous instruction. You
could have also entered name=”local area connection”

 Confirm correct settings with ipconfig /all

 Set the DNS server IP address as follows:

Netsh interface ipv4 add dnsserver name=< >

address=<DNSIpAddress> index=1

Note: “index=1” refers to the position of the added DNS server.

In this case, it would make it the primary DNS server.
Rename the Computer and join to a domain
 Identify the existing name of the computer by typing either:


 Rename the computer by using the following command:

netdom renamecomputer %computername%

/newname:<NewName>/userd:<UserName> /passwordd:<Password>
(Note the two “d” in “password”)

 Join to a domain:

netdom join %computername% /domain:<Domain> /UserD:<Username>

/PasswordD:* /reboot:0

 Enable remote administration through the firewall:

Netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group=“remote administration”

new enable=yes


netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off

(The latter disables the firewall entirely and is only

recommended in a troubleshooting or initial configuration
environment where other protections or isolation are in place.)

Create a User Account and Join to a Group

 Create the account

Net User <Name> /add *

(The “*” prompts for a password)

 Join to a group

Net LocalGroup <GroupName> /add <UserName>

 Confirm the account

Net User <UserName>

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