CH 7 - Financial Literacy Project
CH 7 - Financial Literacy Project
CH 7 - Financial Literacy Project
Goals: To synthesize the concepts learned about financial institutions and services, credit
options, store promotions, loans and savings.
Project Overview: For this project, you will be presenting whatever you learned by typing all
the information out and submitting this word document.
This project will be composed of five parts:
1) List out 10 frequently asked questions (FAQs) about financial institutions and find the
answer online. [10 marks]
2) Research into the advantages and disadvantages of two types of loans. A detailed
description and calculation of the loans should be included. [10 marks]
3) Research into the effects of two types of investments. A detailed description and
calculation of the investments should be included. [10 marks]
4) Bibliography [5 marks]
5) Reflections [5 marks]
* By completing all the sections of this project, you will receive 2% bonus mark to your grade.
Step 1: Start to plan
Brainstorm 10 questions that should be included in your FAQs. You can use the following
questions as guidelines:
Option 1 Option 2
What is the interest rate for this option? What is the interest rate for this option?
How long will it take for you to pay off the How long will it take for you to pay off the
loan given the monthly payment you loan given the monthly payment you
provided above? (Google online loan provided above? (Google online loan
calculator to help you with this calculation. calculator to help you with this calculation.
You must show how the calculations was You must show how the calculations was
done. You have the option to take a done. You have the option to take a
screenshot of the calculation with the screenshot of the calculation with the
website on it.) website on it.)
Option 1 Option 2
$1200 yearly deposit (or $100 monthly $1200 yearly deposit (or $100 monthly
deposit) invested for 20 years deposit) invested for 20 years
versus versus
$2400 yearly deposit (or $200 monthly $2400 yearly deposit (or $200 monthly
deposit) invested for 10 years deposit) invested for 10 years
Hint: Google future value calculator to help Hint: Google future value calculator to help
you with the calculation. The future value you with the calculation. The future value
calculator must allow you to input periodic calculator must allow you to input periodic
deposit amount into it. Again, you must show deposit amount into it. Again, you must show
how the calculations was done. how the calculations was done.
If students want to save money for the future, would they be better off investing a small
amount of money for a longer term, or a larger amount of money for a shorter term? Explain
your choice.
Step 4: Bibliography
Make sure your bibliography is complete. (If you want, you can do it according to APA style.)
Step 5: Reflections
1. Describe your feelings about working on this project. Did you enjoy it? How long
did it take you to complete it?
2. What was the hardest part about working on this project? Explain.
3. List some of the things you learned while working on this project.
5. What personal strengths did this project bring out in you? Elaborate.
6. If you had to do the project over again, what would you do differently? Explain.