Memoria Calculos 2
Memoria Calculos 2
Memoria Calculos 2
Ag Arquitectos
Prepared By:
Ag Arquitectos
Check Figures
Total Building Supply Air (based on a 8° TD): 7,198 L/s
Total Building Vent. Air (3.06% of Supply): 220 L/s
Total Conditioned Air Space: 10 Sq.m
Supply Air Per Unit Area: 719.8245 L/s/Sq.m
Area Per Cooling Capacity: 0.1278 Sq.m/kW 0.4 Sq.m/Ton
Cooling Capacity Per Area: 7.8229 kW/Sq.m 2.2244 Tons/Sq.m
Heating Capacity Per Area: 0.00 Watts/Sq.m
Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 0.00 kW
Total Cooling With Outside Air: 78.23 kW 22.24 Tons
Check Figures
Total Air Handler Supply Air (based on a 8° TD): 7,198 L/s
Total Air Handler Vent. Air (3.06% of Supply): 220 L/s
Total Conditioned Air Space: 10 Sq.m
Supply Air Per Unit Area: 719.8245 L/s/Sq.m
Area Per Cooling Capacity: 0.1278 Sq.m/kW 0.4 Sq.m/Ton
Cooling Capacity Per Area: 7.8229 kW/Sq.m 2.2244 Tons/Sq.m
Heating Capacity Per Area: 0.00 Watts/Sq.m
Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 0.00 kW
Total Cooling With Outside Air: 78.23 kW 22.24 Tons