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Oficinas Administrativas Toyota

HVAC Load Analysis


Ag Arquitectos

Prepared By:

Ag Arquitectos

jueves, 31 de enero de 2019

Chvac - Full Commercial HVAC Loads Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Elite Software Development Oficinas Administrativas Toyota
College Station, TX 77845 Page 2

Building Summary Loads

Building peaks in June at 4pm.
Bldg Load Area Sen %Tot Lat Sen Net %Net
Descriptions Quan Loss Loss Gain Gain Gain Gain
Roof 863 0 0.00 0 9,232 9,232 11.80
Wall 225 0 0.00 0 28,782 28,782 36.79
Glass 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Floor Slab 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Skin Loads 0 0.00 0 38,014 38,014 48.59
Lighting 4,801 0 0.00 0 2,881 2,881 3.68
Equipment 2,636 0 0.00 0 2,636 2,636 3.37
Pool Latent 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
People 15 0 0.00 2,655 3,330 5,985 7.65
Partition 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Cool. Pret. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Heat. Pret. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Cool. Vent. 220 0 0.00 6,199 2,626 8,825 11.28
Heat. Vent. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Cool. Infil. 210 0 0.00 5,987 2,457 8,444 10.79
Heat. Infil. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Draw-Thru Fan 0 0 0.00 0 812 812 1.04
Blow-Thru Fan 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Reserve Cap. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Reheat Cap. 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Supply Duct 0 0 0.00 0 7,161 7,161 9.15
Return Duct 0 0 0.00 0 3,471 3,471 4.44
Misc. Supply 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Misc. Return 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Building Totals 0 0.00 14,840 63,388 78,229 100.00

Building Sen %Tot Lat Sen Net %Net

Summary Loss Loss Gain Gain Gain Gain
Ventilation 0 0.00 6,199 2,626 8,825 11.28
Infiltration 0 0.00 5,987 2,457 8,444 10.79
Pretreated Air 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Room Loads 0 0.00 2,655 46,861 49,516 63.30
Plenum Loads 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00
Fan/Duct/Misc Loads 0 0.00 0 11,445 11,445 14.63
Building Totals 0 0.00 14,840 63,388 78,229 100.00

Check Figures
Total Building Supply Air (based on a 8° TD): 7,198 L/s
Total Building Vent. Air (3.06% of Supply): 220 L/s
Total Conditioned Air Space: 10 Sq.m
Supply Air Per Unit Area: 719.8245 L/s/Sq.m
Area Per Cooling Capacity: 0.1278 Sq.m/kW 0.4 Sq.m/Ton
Cooling Capacity Per Area: 7.8229 kW/Sq.m 2.2244 Tons/Sq.m
Heating Capacity Per Area: 0.00 Watts/Sq.m
Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 0.00 kW
Total Cooling With Outside Air: 78.23 kW 22.24 Tons

C:\Users\anall\OneDrive\Documentos\ejemplos memoria aire\CALCULO DE AIRE TOYOTA.CH8 jueves, 31 de enero de 2019, 11:17 a. m.

Chvac - Full Commercial HVAC Loads Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Elite Software Development Oficinas Administrativas Toyota
College Station, TX 77845 Page 3

Air Handler #2 - Oficinas Administrativas - Summary Loads

Rm Description Area Htg.Loss Sen.Gain Lat.Gain Htg.O.A. Clg.O.A.
No Room Peak Time People Htg.L/s Clg.L/s S.Exh Req.L/s Req.L/s
Volume L/s/Sqm L/s/Sqm W.Exh Act.L/s Act.L/s
10 0 49,317 8,642 1/m² Direct
1 Administrativas
15 0 7,198 0 0 220
4pm June
30 0.00 719.82 0 0 220

Room Peak Totals: 10 0 49,317 8,642

Total Rooms: 1 15 0 7,198 0 0 220
Unique Rooms: 1 30 0.00 719.82 0 0 220

C:\Users\anall\OneDrive\Documentos\ejemplos memoria aire\CALCULO DE AIRE TOYOTA.CH8 jueves, 31 de enero de 2019, 11:17 a. m.

Chvac - Full Commercial HVAC Loads Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Elite Software Development Oficinas Administrativas Toyota
College Station, TX 77845 Page 4

Air Handler #2 - Oficinas Administrativas - Total Load Summary

Air Handler Description: Oficinas Administrativas Constant Volume - Proportion
Supply Air Fan: Draw-Thru with program estimated horsepower of 1.01 kW
Fan Input: 0% motor and fan efficiency with 0 kPa across the fan
Sensible Heat Ratio: 0.87 --- This system occurs 1 time(s) in the building. ---
Air System Peak Time: 4pm in June.
Outdoor Conditions: Clg: 35° DB, 27° WB, 24.97 grams moisture per kg dry air
Indoor Conditions: Clg: 23° DB, 60% RH
Summer: Ventilation controls outside air, ----- Winter: Exhaust controls outside air.
Room Space sensible loss: 0 Watts
Infiltration sensible loss: 0 Watts 0 L/s
Outside Air sensible loss: 0 Watts 0 L/s
Supply Duct sensible loss: 0 Watts
Return Duct sensible loss: 0 Watts
Return Plenum sensible loss: 0 Watts
Total System sensible loss: 0 Watts
Heating Supply Air: 0 / (.809 X 1.21 X 0) = 0 L/s
Winter Vent Outside Air (0.0% of supply) = 0 L/s
Room space sensible gain: 46,861 Watts
Infiltration sensible gain: 2,457 Watts
Draw-thru fan sensible gain: 812 Watts
Supply duct sensible gain: 7,161 Watts
Reserve sensible gain: 0 Watts
Total sensible gain on supply side of coil: 57,291 Watts
Cooling Supply Air: 57,291 / (.809 X 1.23 X 8) = 7,198 L/s
Summer Vent Outside Air (3.1% of supply) = 220 L/s
Return duct sensible gain: 3,471 Watts
Return plenum sensible gain: 0 Watts
Outside air sensible gain: 2,626 Watts 220 L/s
Blow-thru fan sensible gain: 0 Watts
Total sensible gain on return side of coil: 6,098 Watts
Total sensible gain on air handling system: 63,388 Watts
Room space latent gain: 2,655 Watts
Infiltration latent gain: 5,987 Watts
Outside air latent gain: 6,199 Watts
Total latent gain on air handling system: 14,840 Watts
Total system sensible and latent gain: 78,229 Watts

Check Figures
Total Air Handler Supply Air (based on a 8° TD): 7,198 L/s
Total Air Handler Vent. Air (3.06% of Supply): 220 L/s
Total Conditioned Air Space: 10 Sq.m
Supply Air Per Unit Area: 719.8245 L/s/Sq.m
Area Per Cooling Capacity: 0.1278 Sq.m/kW 0.4 Sq.m/Ton
Cooling Capacity Per Area: 7.8229 kW/Sq.m 2.2244 Tons/Sq.m
Heating Capacity Per Area: 0.00 Watts/Sq.m
Total Heating Required With Outside Air: 0.00 kW
Total Cooling With Outside Air: 78.23 kW 22.24 Tons

C:\Users\anall\OneDrive\Documentos\ejemplos memoria aire\CALCULO DE AIRE TOYOTA.CH8 jueves, 31 de enero de 2019, 11:17 a. m.

Chvac - Full Commercial HVAC Loads Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Elite Software Development Oficinas Administrativas Toyota
College Station, TX 77845 Page 5

Zone Detailed Loads (At Zone Peak Times)

Load Unit -SC- CLTD U.Fac Sen. Lat. Htg. Htg.
Description Quan CFAC SHGF -CLF- Gain Gain Mult. Loss
Room 1-Oficinas Administrativas - Air Handler 2 (Oficinas Administrativas), Zone 0 peaks (sensible) in
June at 4pm.
Roof-1-1-No.Clg-L 850 0.50 23.6 0.450 9,031 8.100 6,885
Roof-2-6-No.Clg-L 13 0.50 20.6 0.750 201 13.500 176
Wall-1-S-G-M 30 0.83 18.6 6.000 3,355 108.000 3,240
Wall-2-S-G-M 30 0.83 18.6 6.000 3,355 108.000 3,240
Wall-3-E-G-M 30 0.83 17.4 6.000 3,130 108.000 3,240
Wall-4-E-G-M 30 0.83 17.4 6.000 3,130 108.000 3,240
Wall-5-N-G-M 30 0.83 17.8 6.000 3,205 108.000 3,240
Wall-6-N-G-M 30 0.83 17.8 6.000 3,205 108.000 3,240
Wall-7-W-G-M 30 0.83 34.8 6.000 6,268 108.000 3,240
Wall-8-W-G-M 15 0.83 34.8 6.000 3,134 108.000 1,620
Lights-Prof=1 4,801 0.600 2,881
Equipment-Prof=4 2,636 1.000 2,636 0
People-Prof=2 15.0 1.000 3,330 2,655
Cool. Infil.Direct L/s 210 2,457 5,987
Heat. Infil.AC/hr 0 0.000 0
Sub-total 49,317 8,642 0
Safety factors: +0% +0% +0%
--------- --------- ---------
Total w/ safety factors: 49,317 8,642 0

C:\Users\anall\OneDrive\Documentos\ejemplos memoria aire\CALCULO DE AIRE TOYOTA.CH8 jueves, 31 de enero de 2019, 11:17 a. m.

Chvac - Full Commercial HVAC Loads Calculation Program Elite Software Development, Inc.
Elite Software Development Oficinas Administrativas Toyota
College Station, TX 77845 Page 6

Room Detailed Loads (At Room Peak Times)

Load Unit -SC- CLTD U.Fac Sen. Lat. Htg. Htg.
Description Quan CFAC SHGF -CLF- Gain Gain Mult. Loss
Room 1-Oficinas Administrativas peaks (sensible) in June at 4pm, Air Handler 2 (Oficinas
Administrativas), Zone 0, 1.0 x 10.0, Construction Type: 1 (Light)
Roof-1-1-No.Clg-L 850 0.50 23.6 0.450 9,031 8.100 6,885
Roof-2-6-No.Clg-L 13 0.50 20.6 0.750 201 13.500 176
Wall-1-S-G-M 30 0.83 18.6 6.000 3,355 108.000 3,240
Wall-2-S-G-M 30 0.83 18.6 6.000 3,355 108.000 3,240
Wall-3-E-G-M 30 0.83 17.4 6.000 3,130 108.000 3,240
Wall-4-E-G-M 30 0.83 17.4 6.000 3,130 108.000 3,240
Wall-5-N-G-M 30 0.83 17.8 6.000 3,205 108.000 3,240
Wall-6-N-G-M 30 0.83 17.8 6.000 3,205 108.000 3,240
Wall-7-W-G-M 30 0.83 34.8 6.000 6,268 108.000 3,240
Wall-8-W-G-M 15 0.83 34.8 6.000 3,134 108.000 1,620
Lights-Prof=1 4,801 0.600 2,881
Equipment-Prof=4 2,636 1.000 2,636 0
People-Prof=2 15.0 1.000 3,330 2,655
Cool. Infil.Direct L/s 210 2,457 5,987
Heat. Infil.AC/hr 0 0.000 0
Sub-total 49,317 8,642 0
Safety factors: +0% +0% +0%
--------- --------- ---------
Total w/ safety factors: 49,317 8,642 0

C:\Users\anall\OneDrive\Documentos\ejemplos memoria aire\CALCULO DE AIRE TOYOTA.CH8 jueves, 31 de enero de 2019, 11:17 a. m.

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