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June 2022
IAL Physics WPH13 01
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June 2022

Publications Code WPH13_01_2206_ER

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IAL Physics WPH13 01 2


The Pearson Edexcel International AS-level paper WPH13, Practical Skills in Physics I, is worth
50 marks and consists of four questions, which enables candidates of all abilities to apply
their knowledge and skills to a variety of styles of question.

Each question assesses the candidate’s knowledge and understanding of the skills developed
while completing practical investigations.

A candidate’s understanding of the 8 core practical tasks will be assessed by the WPH11 and
WPH12 papers. As such, the practical contexts met in the WPH13 paper will be less familiar
but are similar to practical investigations candidates may complete during their AS Physics
studies. The scenarios outlined will be related to content taught during the study of WPH11
and WPH12.

However, the focus of WPH13 is the assessment of the practical skills that the candidates
have developed during the completion of the required core practical tasks and other
experiments, as applied to the physics context described in the question.

3 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 1 (a-c)

This three-part calculation question tests the candidate's understanding of standard

measuring techniques and the ability to perform simple calculations. Most candidates
completed these calculations successfully.


The photographs show candidates the dimensions of multiple old coins.

Candidates should be well-practiced in the method of taking the total size of multiple objects
to calculate an average size. In this case, the average diameter and thickness of the coins.

Once these dimension are determined, the candidates can calculate the average volume
using standard maths equations.


Using the value of volume from (a) and the mass given in (b), candidates were asked to
perform a simple calculation.

Error carried forward was applied.

However, some candidates did not use the factor of 20 (applied the mass or the average


This question tests the candidate's ability to use percentage uncertainty to calculate the
range of uncertainty of a value.

Candidates then needed to make a statement, based on this range and the value calculated
in (b).

This example shows an ideal answer, with calculations that are well laid out.

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This example shows a clear calculation of the average diameter and

thickness, using all the coins shown in the photograph, so the first 2
marks are awarded.

To the right, there is a clearly laid out calculation of the volume of a

cylinder, using those average values, so the 3rd mark is awarded.

The correct answer is given, along with the appropriate unit, achieving
the final mark.


The average mass of a single coin is calculated – this alone does not
score marks.

Mass and volume are substituted into the density equation, so the 1st
mark is awarded.

The answer is within the accepted range and the appropriate unit is
given, so the 2nd mark is also awarded.


Although only one boundary of the range of uncertainty is needed for

the mark to be awarded, this candidate has calculated both, so the 1st
mark is awarded.

A clear statement is made, linking the value from (b) to this range and
a decision is made that the coins could be made from brass.

The conclusion mark is based on the value from (b) and the range
calculated, so it was possible to be awarded this mark for a statement
demonstrating the coins were not brass.

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Candidates should show all steps in their working.

Candidates should also be writing the appropriate unit for all

calculation answers.

7 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 1 (d)

The question informs candidates that the surface of the coins is uneven. This was meant to
guide candidates to consider using a displacement method to determine volume. However,
we did accept the correct use of a micrometer screw gauge or vernier caliper as an
acceptable alternative.

There was a clear issue with terminology. For example, the names of key pieces of equipment
such as measuring cylinder.

Since the concept of density and how it can be determined links to a significant proportion of
the WPH12 topic materials, it suggests that many candidates have not experienced the
practical to determine the volume and density of an irregular shaped object.

This example gives a good description of the displacement method to determine the volume
of an irregular shaped object.

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All the equipment used is named correctly and describes how it can be
used to determine an accurate value.

This candidate has noted the requirement to determine the average


It was common to see only a single coin used, which limited the
available mark to 2.

9 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Read the question carefully, your answer will need to meet all the
criteria to be awarded full marks.

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Question 2 (a)

This question tests a standard skill, the recall of how we calculate uncertainty of a single
value and how to calculate the percentage uncertainty. Both of these are found in Appendix
10 of the specification – Uncertainties and practical work.

This skill has been tested regularly in the past, so it should not be a surprise to candidates.

When using a protractor, the 0° line (the edge for this protractor) should be aligned with the
marked ray (or alternatively the flat edge of the block). So, we can assume there is zero
uncertainty for that value. Since a single angle is measured, the uncertainty in the angle
would be half the resolution (0.5°).

It is possible the protractor could be used in a way that the normal or rays were not aligned
to 0°, so the angle was determined by a difference in protractor measurements, so we did
accept an uncertainty of 1°, but for a maximum of 2 marks.

11 IAL Physics WPH13 01

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This example demonstrates the correct method for calculating the
percentage uncertainty for both angles.

Although correct use of significant figures was not tested in this

question, it would be acceptable to round these percentage
uncertainties to 1 significant figure.

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This example shows a correct calculation of percentage uncertainty,
but for the wrong uncertainty in the angles.

Ensure you are familiar with all keywords and techniques described in
Appendix 10 of the specification.

15 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 2 (b)

Q2(b) assesses the candidates ability to use the data from a typical practical. In this case, the
graph that demonstrates Snell's law.


Here candidates were asked to explain why the refractive index could be determined from
the graph shown.

Most candidates correctly applied Snell's law, as given in the equation list.

Some candidates then mistakenly stated n 1 was the refractive index of air, as they were
considering the practical where light is passing into a block.

Here the angle θ1 is inside the block, so material 2 is the air. Substituting n2 = 1 into the given
equation would lead to n sin θ1 = sin θ2

This could then be compared to y = mx + c or to the gradient = sin θ2 / sin θ1

However, those candidates who used n1 = 1, were awarded 1 mark if they successfully
argued that n = 1/gradient.

Candidates who referred to n = sin i / sin r (which is not the version of Snell's law described in
the specification), generally did not link i to θ1 or r to θ2, so were unsuccessful in their


Many candidates who were unsuccessful in (b)(i) still went on to correctly use the gradient to
determine the value for the refractive index.

We did allow for error carried forward where candidates argued in (b)(i) that n = 1/gradient.

This example was awarded full marks.

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Note the clear layout of the explanation, with all steps shown in a
logical progression.

The calculation shows all the values and working.

Take time to think about any explanation before you start to write.

Break down the marks, consider writing a rough plan on a blank space.

In this case what are the 3 key things you need to say, then write them
in a logical progression.

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Question 2 (c)

For this question, there was a clear split between candidates who had carried out this, or
similar, experiments and those who were repeating "standard" causes of error.

Here we have a good description of a cause of systematic error, the

normal line not being perpendicular to the flat surface or was not
straight. This is solved using a set square.

So, both marks (cause and method of reduction) were awarded.

It is common for some questions to have multiple parts to the

instruction. Make sure your answer covers all parts.

19 IAL Physics WPH13 01

This response scored 1 mark, as it described a zero error in terms of
zero of the protractor not being properly aligned.

However, the solution described seems to be more relevant to a

random error, such as parallax error.

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Here is another 2 mark example. This is clearly a candidate who has
carried out this, or a similar, experiment before.

The block moving is a common issue and taping it into position is a

sensible method to prevent the block moving.

Another would be to mark the block (eg draw around it).

21 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 3 (a)

Candidates should be well versed in determining the resistance of components using an

ammeter and voltmeter method. This is a common experiment met during study of the
WPH12 – Electric Circuits topic, and during the study of physics in earlier years.

Candidates should know the standard circuit symbols, including the symbol for an LDR. This
is taught in physics courses prior to AS-level.

However, it was common for the LDR symbol to be incorrect. In this case, we allowed 1 mark
for a circuit that could determine the resistance of the given component.

IAL Physics WPH13 01 22

Here is a typical circuit, where the LDR symbol was not used.

1 mark was awarded as the circuit would allow the candidate to

determine the resistance of the filament bulb shown.

Learn the standard circuit symbol, for basic components and for all
components listed in the specification.

23 IAL Physics WPH13 01

In this example, there is an LDR labelled (so we can ignore that the
symbol is an incorrectly drawn thermistor).

However, this circuit would determine the resistance of the filament

bulb, so only 1 mark was awarded.

Read the question carefully, so you follow all the instructions.

Here, candidates were asked to determine the resistance of the LDR,

not the light bulb.

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This example labelled the component as the LDR, although we did
accept the LDR symbol with or without the circle.

The voltmeter is correctly positioned to determine the resistance of

the LDR.

25 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 3 (b)

This question asked candidates to describe how to obtain accurate measurements.

However, many candidates incorrectly described the method to carry out the experiment. In
some cases, their answer did include how the measurements were obtained, so some marks
were still awarded.

This example goes beyond what is asked for in the question.

Fortunately, while describing the experiment method, the candidate
also covers the three marking points, so was awarded full marks.

IAL Physics WPH13 01 26

This response also goes a little beyond the scope of the question that
was asked (by describing the need to "take 6 sets of measurements").

However, all three marking points are clearly met.

Read the question carefully, so you do not spend excessive time on

details that are not needed or relevant.

27 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 3 (c)

During their study of the WPH12 Waves topic, candidates should learn that the intensity of a
light source reduces by an inverse squared relationship, as I = P/A and the area A is the
surface area of a sphere.

So, here candidates were expected to sketch an inverse squared relationship, a downwards
curve with decreasing gradient that is asymptotic along both the x and y axes.

It is clear from both Q3(c) and Q3(d) that many candidates were not aware of this

This example clearly shows an inverse squared relationship, so scores

2 marks.

IAL Physics WPH13 01 28

This candidate clearly understands intensity reduces with an inverse
squared relationship but does not realise that this means intensity at 0
distance would be infinite, which is based on the equation that
candidates are expected to know.

29 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 3 (d)

As discussed in Q3(c), candidates were generally not aware that the area to be used was the
surface area of a sphere.

The need for candidates to know the equation for the surface area of a sphere is identified in
Appendix 6 of the specification – Maths skills and exemplifications.

In a few cases, some candidates who did know the area was the surface area of a sphere did
misinterpret d as the diameter of the sphere, not the distance from the filament bulb (hence,
the radius of the sphere). In this case, we did allow the first 2 marking points.

Candidates who calculated an area, but not the surface area of a sphere, could still be
awarded the 2nd marking point for substituting an area quantity into I = P / A.

This example shows a fully described and correct answer, with the
appropriate unit.

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In this example, the candidate has calculated the area of a circle. As
such, only the 2nd mark is awarded.

31 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Here the candidate has incorrectly assumed the radius is half the given
d value.

However, the first 2 marks can still be awarded, as this is a calculation

of the surface area of a sphere using a value determined from the
question, which is then substituted into I = P / A.

Double check what quantities (letters) stand for. Do not assume, as

many of the letters we use for quantities are repeated (eg P is used for
power and lens power, two very different quantities).

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Question 3 (e)

Q3(e) was asked as two parts, to limit the lists of answers we have seen in previous series of

However, it was marked as a whole.

Most candidates struggled to identify a control variable that was relevant to the question (or
specific enough to be worth credit).

Many candidates named variables given earlier in the question that were clearly being
changed, distance being a common example.

Very few candidates gave the most suitable control variable, background light level,
suggesting limited practical experience of working with LDRs.

Despite the specification stating that candidates should be able to analyse potential divider
circuits containing LDRs, it is clear that many candidates had only done so in a theoretical

This example scored full marks.

There is a clear example of a control variable, and a statement for how

this can be controlled.

33 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Another good example.

Many of the answers seen were too vague, eg power, voltage, current.

Without knowing more detail, eg current in the bulb, current could

refer to the current in the LDR, which would be expected to change
with LDR resistance.

Make sure that answers are specific to the question asked on the exam
you are completing.

Avoid generic answers – learning from past exams is an important part

of revision. However, in an exam you still need to answer the question
that is asked, not an answer from the past.

IAL Physics WPH13 01 34

Question 4 (a)

As the ball changes direction as it moves down the ramp, this question cannot be answered
using the equations of linear motion.

As such, many of the attempts to answer this question did not succeed.

Some candidates did understand that conservation of energy can be used to explain this, but
in many cases they did not complete their explanation.

The question asked why the speed would be the same, not the kinetic energy.

35 IAL Physics WPH13 01

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This example clearly links the change of the gravitational potential
energy store to the change in the kinetic energy store.

But it goes further to demonstrate the link between speed and

position on the ramp by stating that all the other quantities are
constant, so v must be constant.

When demonstrating the relationship between two quantities, make

sure you detail any other quantities that remain constant.

37 IAL Physics WPH13 01

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This answer does link the change in the gravitation potential energy
store to the change in the kinetic energy store. However, it does not
then justify the speed being the same each time.

This answer then tried to argue distance, friction and acceleration are
the same. We allowed 1 mark for this argument, for the final mark, if it
was supported by equations.

This example shows an answer that was not planned before writing.
The argument presented changes several times.

Consider your explanation before you start to write.

A minute spent thinking about a 3 mark answer, before writing, will be

a more effective use of time than starting and then changing the
direction of thinking many times in the same answer.

39 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 4 (b)

The command word "criticise" is defined as "look at the merits and/or faults of the
information presented".

This type of question has appeared in multiple previous WPH13 and WPH03 papers, so
candidates should be well practiced in answering this.

In this example we have presented several faults, and most candidates suggested at least 1
that was relevant.

IAL Physics WPH13 01 40

This example is awarded the first mark for clearly identifying H as not
being recorded to a consistent number of decimal places.

As the data produces a graph with minimal random error, the points
are close to the line, suggesting repeats would not be necessary.

We allowed the idea of "no repeats" as at this stage, the candidates

have not yet plotted the graph.

Measurements should be recorded to the same number of decimal

places as the resolution of the measuring device used.

Answers to calculations should be rounded to match the least number

of significant figures in the original values.

This is why the mark scheme refers to decimal places, as these are all
measured values.

41 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Question 4 (c)

Every WPH13 exam has included a question where a graph is plotted, using given or
calculated data, and an analysis of the graph gradient (or sometime y-axis intercept)
produces a value for a constant in a given equation.

Here, candidates needed to calculate the values of D2. As D values were recorded to 2
significant figures, D2 should also be rounded to 2 significant figures.

As usual, candidates are told which quantities to plot on the x and y-axes and are given a full
page of graph paper.

This time, candidates were given an equation and told this was equal to the gradient, as the
use of y = mx + c to identify a quantity related to the gradient was tested earlier in the paper.

As such, candidates generally performed better on this question than in the past.

However, the usual issues with drawing graphs still appeared, including:

incorrectly shown or missing units in axis labels.

unsuitable scales.
plots that are too large to be accurate to within 1 mm.
lines of best fit that are unbalanced.

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In previous reports, the examples have included common issues.

This example shows the standard we expect of a graph drawn and

gradient calculated:

calculated data is correctly rounded to match the number of

significant figures of the original values

axis labels, including the unit preceded by /

scales increasing in sensible increments on the 2cm lines (0.1 and
0.2 in this case)
plots all within 1mm of the correct position
a well-balanced and straight line of best fit, with points above and
below the line at similar distances along the length
a gradient calculated using over half the line drawn

Take your time on the graph.

This 50 mark exam give you 80 minutes.

If we assume the general rule of "1 mark per minute" then WPH13 has
the same 10 minutes of extra "checking" time as WPH11 and WPH12,
plus an extra 20 minutes of time to plot the graph.

As plotting the graph alone is usually worth 6 marks (and 5 marks at a

minimum) and the following gradient calculation is usually worth 3
marks, these questions alone could be worth 1 or 2 grades.

Therefore, it is worth practicing plotting graphs and calculating

gradients, as part of your revision.

I have included this next example to show how small errors build up to a significant drop in
the mark.

The drop of 5 marks from (c)(i) and (c)(ii) would be equivalent to a whole grade.

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There are several simple errors here – reducing the mark by 3:

the candidate has correctly calculated D2, but not squared the unit.
So, even though this candidate has formatted the axis labels
correctly (eg used /), that mark is not awarded.
all the plots are at least 2 mm wide (one small square), as such none
of the plots can be checked for accuracy to within 1 mm.


the line of best fit is not shown to pass through the origin. The
candidate has ignored the instructions that the gradient is equal to
the equation given and to use the graph. The candidate has gone
back to the equation presented at the start of Q4(b) and used a pair
of values from the table. So, the only mark that can be awarded is
for the value being within the acceptable range.

IAL Physics WPH13 01 52

Paper Summary

Based on their performance on this paper, candidates should:

practice past papers. In this paper, there were questions that would be familiar to
candidates who have revised using the earlier series of WPH03 and WPH13 papers, but
some performances would suggest those candidates were unfamiliar with the standard
practical skills outlined in the specification for Unit 3. Candidates who have not developed
their skills during practical work in lessons would therefore be at a disadvantage.
avoid generic statements. At all ability levels, there were some questions which candidates
answered with generic and pre-learned responses, rather than being specific to the
particular scenario as described in the question. Question 2(c) would be an example of
this, where candidates gave generic causes of error, rather than those likely to occur when
measuring an angle using a protractor.
learn basic definitions and understand their meaning. Standard command words (such as
"describe", "determine" and "comment on") proved a challenge to candidates at the lower
end of the ability range.

53 IAL Physics WPH13 01

Grade boundaries

Grade boundaries for this, and all other papers, can be found on the website on this link:


IAL Physics WPH13 01 54

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