Pans Guide For New Pioneers (Final Download)

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First off, let me once again state that this is NOT a diary.

I have received a little flak

from a few less informed people lately, some of whom have decided a daily record
of one’s actions smacks of the kind of thing performed by perfumed pups who live in
castles and the like. Nothing could be further from the truth.
This is a record of my exploits, an account of the adventures and accomplishments
of Pan Dachshund. This is the chronicle of that which I have done and achieved, a record
from which young pups can read and learn.
Fortunately for the pups, they are getting this information from me, a shining
example of how to behave outside the walls of Pugmire.
I don’t want to sound dismissive. There are plenty of good dogs in Pugmire. In fact,
I got the idea for these journals from one of them, Princess Yosha Pug to be precise.
Yes, I know, it’s hard to believe that someone like me could have dealings with the
royal family of Pugmire. Man alone knows why they put up with me.
Truth be told, I’m not a huge fan of most of the royal families. Sure, they each have
their good members, who, when seen individually, are good dogs. It’s when they get
together and start legislating lives that things fall apart.
Princess Yosha Pug is one of the good ones. A little naive at times, perhaps, but her
heart is in the right place. Plus, I have a deep respect for anyone who is willing to go
outside of the walls to pursue a cause, rather than just send someone else after it and
hope for the best. She’s got the courage of a warrior when she needs it.
As I said, it was her idea that I start keeping these journals. Well, not maybe in so
many words, but as I recall the conversation, we were discussing her love of books and
“Do you really need to carry all of that with you?” I asked, pointing at her book
bag. The worked leather was bulging, the vines distorted and the Pug tail symbol in
the center stretched out by the scrolls and books it held. “It’s only going to slow you
“The information held in these documents is invaluable. It could save our lives.”
I sniffed, rather loudly. It was all for show. Books and the information they hold
fascinate me, but this isn’t the kind of thing a hunter necessarily brags about. It’s all
well and good to go to the Royal Library and get some background information from
Lancaster Pug, the Librarian. However, I might not be seen as quite so fierce if people
knew my love of the written word.
I remember being secretly proud of the fact that she didn’t ask anyone else to carry
her load. There were plenty of bigger dogs in the group who would have been happy to
share the burden, but she carried her own.
“All knowledge has the potential to save someone’s life,” she replied. “Just think of
everything that you have been through.”
At this point someone may or may not have said something about learning from my
mistakes. The conversation devolved from there.
Princess Yosha may not have actually told me to start recording my adventures, but
I think that was the gist of the conversation. It’s what I took away from it anyway.
So that’s what I’ve been doing. I’ve got a mess of these little books buried away in
various places. Each one records a specific enterprise. I try to present the material
as straightforward and unedited as possible. Potential pioneers of any age should be
able to find useful information herein!
Written by: Bill Bodden, Michael Cieslak,
Matthew Dawkins, Alan Gowing, and Tito Leati
Video Animation by: Ian Watson
Voiceover by: Drew “Profit” Backer of Au-
dioblivious Productions
Audio Editing by: Austin Beach
Developed by: Matthew Dawkins
Line Developer: Eddy Webb
Editor: Maria Cambone
Art Director: Michael Chaney
Creative Director: Richard Thomas
Interior Art: Pat Loboyko, Brian Syme, Jeff
Laubenstein, Claudio Pozas, Alida Saxon
Cover Art: Pat Loboyko

Special Thanks
To Andrew Grondin and Anton Adam, for
being the best of dogs.
To Alan Gowing for being the short order
cook we needed!

© 2018 Onyx Path Publishing. All rights reserved. References to other copy-
righted material in no way constitute a challenge to the respective copyright
holders of that material. “Pugmire” and all characters, names, places, and text
herein are copyrighted by Pugsteady, LLC and are produced in conjunction
with Onyx Path Publishing.
Based on the Open Game License, version 1.0a, by Wizards of the Coast. All
mechanics are declared Product Identity, unless covered by a different license.
All setting material, art, and trade dress are also declared Product Identity,
including the name “Pugmire,” world concepts, background, fiction, character
and location names, associated images, and the like.
Keep up to date with Onyx Path Publishing at and with Pugsteady at

4 Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers

An 1ntroduction 5. Crooks in Wooford 34
to Pan’s Guide 8 Scenario 34
What does this book contain? 8 Rules 36
How do I use this book? 9 River Crossing 37
What is Roleplaying?  10 6. Friendship and Poison 38
What IS Pugmire?  11 Scenario 38
Example of Play  12 Rules 40
How Do I Get Started?  16 Danger on the River 41
Step One: Find Players  16
7. Dangerous Crossing 42
Step Two: Find a Venue  17
Step Three: Read the Book  17 Scenario 42
Step Four: Acquire What Rules 44
You Will Need to Play  17 Obligations and Encounters 45
What Happens Next? 17
8. Tough and Sly 46
1. Prologue 18
Scenario 46
Scenario 18
Rules 48
Rules 20
Welcome to Mutt Town 49
Following the Pup 21
9. Rats of Mutt Town 50
2. 1ntroducing Pan Dachshund 22
Scenario 50
Scenario 22
Rules 52
Rules 24
Into the Fearful Forest 53
Tavern Talk 25
10. The Mystical Border 54
3. Approaching the River 26
Scenario 54
Scenario 26
Rules 56
Rules 27
Forest Travels 57
On the Road 29
11. Toward the Beacon 58
4. The Shilohs 30
Scenario 58
Scenario 30
Rules 60
Rules 32
Bandits 61
Sampson’s Tale 33

Table of Contents 5
12. Saint Akbash’s Testimony 62 Tricks and Spells Appendix 114
Scenario 62 Grip Pinscher 114
Rules 64 Simple Weapon Aptitude 114
Campsite 65 Martial Weapon Aptitude 114
Light Armor Aptitude 114
Testimony of Saint Akbash 66
Medium Armor Aptitude 114
13. Into the Site of Man 68 Heavy Armor Aptitude 114
Scenario 68 Shield Aptitude 114
Inspiring Word 114
Rules 70
Rank Has Its Privileges 114
Reaching the Straddle Strip 71 Speedy Runner 115
14. The Sealed Chamber 72 Joliet “Neenah” Corgi 115
Scenario 72 Simple Weapon Aptitude 115
Light Armor Aptitude 115
Rules 74
Focus Magic 115
Spanning the Gap 75 Friends in Low Places 115
15. The Ailurosphinx 76 Keen Observer 115
Scenario 76 Elemental Ray (Artisan Basic) 115
Magic Paw (Artisan Basic) 115
Rules 78 Smell Magic (Artisan Basic) 115
Nightly Visitor 79 Floating Disk (Artisan Level 1) 116
16. Facing Ast-Maat 80 Magic Missile (Artisan Level 1) 116
Trixie Corgi 116
Scenario 80
Simple Weapon Aptitude 116
Rules 82 Martial Weapon Aptitude 116
Spider Attack 83 Light Armor Aptitude 116
17. Epilogue 84 Medium Armor Aptitude 116
Shield Aptitude 116
Scenario 84
Archery 117
Rules 86 Respected by Strays 117
From Eight Legs to Six 87 Voracious Learner 117
The Road Home 88 Chopper Bulldog 117
Grip Pinscher  90 Simple Weapon Aptitude 117
Personality Traits 91 Light Armor Aptitude 117
Medium Armor Aptitude 117
Joliet “Neenah” Corgi  94
Shield Aptitude 117
Personality Traits 95 Acolyte of Man 117
Trixie Corgi  98 Brute Strength 117
Personality Traits 99 Prayers to Man 117
Chopper Bulldog  102 Bless/Bane (Shepherd Basic) 117
Personality Traits 103 Sacred Flame (Shepherd Basic) 118
Pippa Bichon  106 Spare the Dying (Shepherd Basic) 118
Personality Traits 107 Cure Wounds (Shepherd Level 1) 118
Louise Kuchi 110 Smell Poison and Disease
Personality Traits 111 (Shepherd Level 1) 118

6 Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers

Pippa Bichon 118 Martial Weapon Aptitude 119
Simple Weapon Aptitude 118 Light Armor Aptitude 119
Light Armor Aptitude 118 Shield Aptitude 119
Folk Hero 118 Odds and Ends 119
Hardy Constitution 118 Speedy Runner 119
Precise Attack 118 Unarmored Defense 119
Louise Kuchi 119 Open Game License v 1.0a 120
Simple Weapon Aptitude 119

Table of Contents 7
An 1ntroduction
to Pan’s Guide
From Pugmire to the Monarchies of Mau, in search of treasure for his kingdom, and answers
and everywhere between, tales emerge of enter- to mysteries plaguing the land. Pan was unsuccess-
prising young dogs seeking thrilling adventure, ful in his endeavor, but he returned with his jour-
the lure of mystery, and the glory that accompa- nal, which now passes into the hands of aspiring
nies the slaying of a great beast. Pan’s Guide for members of the Royal Pioneers, an organization
New Pioneers may be just what a young pup needs dedicated to Pugmire’s service. Players who take
to set them on the right path to renown. the role of dogs in this game inherit the journal,
Pugmire is a game of high adventure, mystery, and embark on a quest of their own. Maybe they
and companionship. In Pugmire’s world, human- will follow Pan’s path to even greater successes
kind has long-since disappeared, leaving only the than the eponymous dachshund.
descendants of uplifted creatures to act as the pro- What does this book contain?
tectors and builders of civilization. Perhaps by por-
ing through the past, retrieving forgotten relics, Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers is designed to
and harnessing the old masterworks of Man, the assist roleplayers both new and experienced,
dogs of Pugmire can elevate themselves further. and help a Guide in her first time running the
Pan’s Guide is a journal, first and foremost, de- Pugmire roleplaying game.
tailing an adventure undertaken by the legendary Following this introduction is an essay titled
(and infamous, in equal measure) Pan Dachshund. “What is Roleplaying?” The essay illuminates
The roguish Pan ventured into the Fearful Forest the subject of roleplaying games, and how to

8 Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers

Just search for "Pan's Guide Pugmire Videos" on YouTube, or find video #1 of the series on and play along to introduce yourself to the sys-
tem and world of Pugmire!

pate in them in a reader is new to the hobby, or Readers will not need to do any flicking
just wanting some fresh advice on a subject they back and forth between pages in this book. Pan’s
already know well. Guide for New Pioneers wants to put everything on
The bulk of Pan’s Guide is given over to an ex- display for each chapter, making a rules check as
tensive adventure. The characters in this tale will simple as scanning left to right.
take a journey ranging from the city of Pugmire Pan’s journal serves as both fiction for some-
to the depths of the Fearful Forest and beyond, one in need of a good story, and advice to the
placing starting level characters on an odyssey in- players’ characters, as they possess this journal
volving combat, mystery, diplomacy, and rescue. in-game. Therefore, the Guide has permission to
Concluding the adventure are six ready-to- print all journal pages to provide to the players all
play characters suitable for the campaign in this at once, or one at a time if she deems it more ap-
book, and future adventures of a Guide’s own propriate. Take note that Pan’s journey is slightly
creation. Accompanying them are all the Tricks different to that of the players in this scenario. In
and Spells the characters can use in this story, in some cases, his experiences will offer invaluable
an easy to print-and-play or reference format. advice, in others they may act as red herrings.

How do 1 use this book? How do I play Pan’s

YouTube Adventure?
The campaign in Pan’s Guide for New Pioneers is
Pan’s adventure, alluded to in journal entries
laid out in a distinctive, condensed way, designed
throughout this book, is an interactive story in its
specifically for ease of reference. Each new event
own right, accessible via videos on YouTube in a
in the campaign is described in full, allowing the
“choose your own adventure” format.
Guide to make a quick read of what’s in the vicin-
ity or up ahead, with the following section con- Just search for “Pan’s Guide Pugmire videos”
taining the rules required to resolve any conflicts on YouTube or Google, or check out https://
in the scenario. In the scenario text, the Guide to find vid-
will find text in italics that should be read aloud eo #1 in the adventure, and start from there!
to the players. Following the rules are pages from Playing through this mini-adventure will prep
Pan’s journal that may be read aloud or provided a group for some of the system and setting in the
to players, while the final section of each campaign world of Pugmire, and is recommend for every
chapter contains art, maps, and flavor text. roleplayer, new or experienced. Give it a go!

An Introduction to Pan's Guide 9

What is Roleplaying? 
To put it simply, roleplaying is an elaborate an adventure, in which the remaining players
game of let’s pretend. Each player does their best participate as their characters. This story can be
to act out their character in situations during the purchased from a store or over the internet, or it
game. Some people choose to run their character can be an adventure the Guide designed herself.
as extensions of themselves, and that’s perfectly Examples of stories include a quest to recover a
fine. Others try to breathe life into a charac- lost or stolen item of great value, a mission to
ter different from themselves, with challenging gather and report information, escorting import-
desires, motivation, and skills. While that’s more ant dogs through danger to safety, or slaying an
difficult than pretending the character is just like infamous beast. In the Pugmire core book, “The
you, it can be very rewarding and add to the fun Great Cat Conspiracy” acts as a sample story.
of the game. The best thing about roleplaying is This book also provides an adventure suitable for
everything is pretend. No one gets struck by an approximately three to six hours of play.
arrow in real life during a game — all the action Events will occur during the game, represent-
takes place in the players’ minds. Think of it as ing fun challenges. Simple acts such as opening
an interactive story: the Guide tells the players a door or picking up a sword do not require dice
what’s happening around their characters, and rolls. Other encounters — such as haggling over
the players decide what their characters will do.  the price of goods in the market, or shooting an
In a roleplaying game, one participant is enemy at distance with a bow and arrow — in-
the Guide. This person tells a story, also called corporate an element of chance, and do require

10 what is roleplaying?
dice rolls. Players roll dice to see whether their Remember that rolling dice should act as a
characters achieve success. The die or dice rolled feature to improve play with drama, luck, and
yield a result that the players compare to a target chance. If the players are having fun and getting
number the Guide announces. If the player roll into their characters, the story, and the Guide’s
meets or exceeds the target number (sometimes supporting cast and events, groups should con-
known as the difficulty), their character succeeds! sider leaving the dice rolling only until true mo-
If it falls below the number, the attempt fails. ments of tension. 
Characters with strengths in certain areas may be
able to modify their die roll, such as in a case
where a shepherd is called upon for her particu-
What 1S Pugmire? 
Pugmire is a game set far in the future of our
lar wisdom. A high Wisdom means the shepherd
world. In the past, humans used advanced sci-
— learned sages and philosophers among dogs —
ence to expedite the evolution of certain animals,
may benefit from a +1, +2, +3, or even +4 to a roll
including the dog ancestors of Pugmire. Whether
requiring her Wisdom. Skills at which characters
considered evolved or uplifted, they gained com-
are particularly competent or well-practiced also
parable intelligence to humans, walked upright
convey modifiers to die rolls.
on two legs naturally, and used paw-like hands
For some challenges, failing isn’t terrible. For with opposable thumbs to manage more tasks for
example, if your character haggles over price in their human masters.
a market — probably using a skill like Persuade,
At some point in the distant past something
or a trick such as Charming Discourse or Fast
happened to all the humans. The dogs don’t
Talk — and fails, the character will have to pay
know the cause — war, famine, plague, or some-
full price. A spectacularly bad failure — called a
thing else — but all humans left the planet. All
botch (rolling a 1 on a 20-sided die) — may mean
the dogs know for sure is that Man vanished, and
the merchant fooled your character into buying
some of their amazing relics were left behind. 
something else as well, and again at full price: per-
haps it was something the character didn’t need, The dogs and other intelligent animals car-
or it might have been a piece of junk not worth ried on as best they could. Their current level
the money. Success means the bargaining suc- of culture and technology closely resembles our
ceeded, and the character paid less than the orig- Earth from the Middle Ages: swords and spears
inal asking price. A spectacular success — called a are common weapons; travel overland is by foot,
triumph (rolling a 20 on a 20-sided die) — means wagon, or on horseback; and for dogs at least, reli-
the character may pay even less than she would gion focuses on the mysterious humans and their
with a simple success, or the merchant may have Code of Man, the chief rule of that code being,
thrown in something extra for free. “Be a Good Dog.” Some dogs have a more flexible
interpretation of what a “good dog” is than others,
The Guide will likely play the parts of all
so there exists some conflict between dogs. 
characters not played by the players. The protag-
onists will encounter these supporting cast mem- The remaining human relics are much like
bers during the game. The Guide may need to magic to the creatures of Pugmire. Figuring out
play the role of a shifty bandit, a dog in need of how these ancient devices work and what they
rescue, and even the roles of the monsters. do is a challenge, and using them wisely is the
next great difficulty. Shepherds from the Church
While being the Guide requires no acting
of Man and innovative artisans help to decipher
talent, it is helpful if the Guide keeps the same
these mystical devices and their uses, which can
things in mind as the players do about making
be a source of mystery and wonder for the players
their characters come alive. Doing so adds more
and their characters. They can also be sources
fun to the game. Consider what the grieving
of amusement when the players realize the great
mother wants, and how the highwaydog feels
magical oracle their characters need to consult
about her criminal profession. Even something as
is actually a computer running several familiar
simple as the Guide putting on a hat or adopting
types of programs. 
an accent can add a touch of life to a character. 

Example of Play 11
Example of Play 
Jessa, Katz, and Dawn play characters in a Pugmire game run for them by Robert, their Guide.
Jessa is playing the part of Trixie Corgi, Katz is playing Grip Pinscher, and Dawn is playing Neenah
Corgi. Trixie Corgi is a hunter — a scout and explorer, Grip Pinscher is a guardian — a warrior and
guide, and Neenah Corgi is an artisan — a crafter and magician. Robert announced that the group,
exploring in the wilderness, discovers something. 

Jessa: So, what do we see? 

Robert: You see several barrels loaded onto a

wagon. The wagon has no animals hitched to pull
it — it’s just parked in the middle of the road. There
appears to be no one else around. 

Katz: Grip Pinscher will walk up to the wagon to

get a closer look. 

Dawn: Neenah Foxhound will follow. 

Jessa: Trixie Corgi is going to stay behind to keep a

look-out for anything suspicious. 

Robert: Okay. As Grip and Neenah get closer to

the wagon, they need to make a Wisdom check to
spot anything amiss. The difficulty is 13.

Dawn: I roll a 15 for Neenah, adding her proficiency

bonus of +2 for having the Notice skill. My total is 17. 

12 What Is Roleplaying
Katz: Grip rolls an 11. He doesn’t have the Notice
skill, so he gets no further bonus. 

Robert: Neenah, you hear scratching coming from

inside one of the barrels. Neenah’s score was high
enough that she can tell which barrel it is, too. As the
two of you get closer to the wagon, you notice one
of the barrels is open at one end, and something is
moving around inside. 

Dawn: Neenah raises a paw to signal to the others.

Katz: Grip readies his sword and shield. 

Jessa: Trixie readies her bow. 

Dawn: Neenah prepares the Magic Missile spell

for casting. 

Robert: All right. As Neenah and Grip get closer

to the wagon, a head pops up out of the barrel.
It’s covered in grayish fur, lots of whiskers, and a
narrow, pink nose. A pair of beady, black eyes
fix on you, Neenah, and a squeaky voice asks,
“Looking for something?” Then, the animal puts two
fingers in its mouth, and a piercing whistle sounds.
Everyone roll for initiative. 

Example of Play 13
Dawn: Neenah rolls an 8. 

Jessa: Trixie got a 14. 

Katz: Grip rolls a 19! He’s ready for whatever

happens next! 

Robert: Out of the woods come several

creatures in weathered hunting clothes. They are
small — smaller than all of you, at least, and they
have the same features as the animal in the wagon. 

Jessa: Rats! 

Robert: Quite right. They are all rats, and the ones

pouring from the forest with intimidating shrieks
all have weapons drawn. Let’s roll initiative dice
for them: I have a 6, a 15, a 9, and an 11. Grip
Pinscher has the highest score, so he goes first, then
he gets to choose who acts next. 

Katz: Grip attacks the closest rat to him. 

Robert: That would be a scabrous rat with a

dagger in either hand, its nose trailing snot as it runs.

Katz: I roll a 12 for Grip. Adding in his proficiency

bonus of +2, Grip’s score is a 14. Does that hit? 

Robert: It does. Scabby is not wearing any armor.

Roll your damage. 

14 What Is Roleplaying
Katz: Okay, the damage from a longsword is 1d8,
plus Grip’s Strength modifier. I roll a 4! Grip also has
a Strength of 14, which should give him an extra +2
damage, so 6 points, total. 

Robert: A sword definitely benefits from extra

strength, so you’re correct, your bonus applies to
damage. Poor Scabby tumbles to the ground bleeding.
You can’t tell if he’s dead or only wounded. You get
to choose who acts next! 

Katz: I think Neenah should act now. 

Dawn: Whew! Neenah holds up her focus, launching

her Magic Missile spell at the nearest rat with a ranged
weapon — we need to take out their archers so they
have to get close to us, where we have an advantage.
I don’t need to roll to hit with Magic Missile, as it strikes
unerringly. I do need to roll damage, though! I want the
two glowing bolts to split between two attackers. 

Robert: Roll, starting with the damage against the

rat wielding a nasty slingshot. Damage for each of
the missiles is 1d4+1. 

Dawn: I roll a 1 on the first roll. With the +1 that makes 2

stamina points of damage to the rat with the sling. Second roll...
a 4. With the +1 that equals 5. So 5 total points of damage to
the second target. Trixie can follow my character’s turn!

Robert: You take down a rat just preparing

to draw a crossbow from his back! So, two
rats are down. Jessa, Dawn picked Trixie to go next. A rat with
jagged, overly long front teeth glowers at Trixie as he whispers
what sounds like the words of a spell. What will she do? 

What will Trixie do? Will the band of heroic dogs fight off the rats? Will they discover what was inside
the barrels? Was this a trap all along, and was it meant for our heroes, or for someone else? These kinds of
events make a journey from point A to point B exciting, dangerous, and rewarding. Perhaps the dogs will
discover treasure in the wagon, or clues to a greater danger up ahead. Maybe they’ll just rid the land of rat
banditry. A game can go many ways, and it’s up to the Guide and players to formulate the most fun game.

Example of Play 15
Some items are dangerous and destruc- How Do 1 Get Started? 
tive. There are rumors of animated suits of armor
guarding sacred places, and stories of strange de- You’ll need to find some people to play the
vices capable of generating intense temperatures game with you. The person with the most expe-
and environmental effects. On the other paw, rience playing tabletop roleplaying games should
there are tales of wondrous healing devices, and probably act as Guide, though if none of the
scrying relics that show visions from the distant group is experienced, the person most familiar
past. Learning what relics do and how they work with the rules should give it a try. Remember: this
is often worth the risk.  game is supposed to be fun for everyone. If you
There are numerous strange and unusu- can’t remember a rule exactly, do what makes the
al creatures in Pugmire. Some creatures have un- most sense to you, and look up the rule later. It’s
dergone mutations, such as giant ants and giant more important to keep the game moving than
spiders. Spirits of the dead and demons exist, to stop the game to spend valuable gaming time
particularly in the lonely places of the world. looking up rules. 
Pugmire can be a pretty dangerous place. Not Step One: Find Players 
all encounters are scary or dangerous, howev- You’ll need one person as Guide, and two
er: many can lead to new adventures and new or more as players. Three to six players and
discoveries no dog has ever experienced be- a Guide is probably the sweet spot for gaming
fore — the kind of discoveries that can bring a group size; the group is small enough that every-
dog fame and fortune enough to last the rest of one can be heard and get some time in the spot-
her life. Adventure and glory are there for the light, but not so small that the challenges have
taking for any dog brave enough to venture into to be scaled back. Start with friends and family
the unknown!

16 what is roleplaying?
first, as getting together for a game will be easier sheet. Players require dice, but they can share un-
to manage. If that doesn’t work, consider putting til everyone buys their own set. Typically, players
up a note at your local game store or searching will need a set of dice including one each of a
forums, such as on 4-sided, 6-sided, 8-sided, 10-sided, 12-sided, and to find online games. Many game two 20-sided dice. The 20-sided dice —  also called
stores have bulletin boards for people looking for "d20" for short — will be used most often, so those
players to join a game. Put up a post to advertise are most important. Sometimes players will have
that you’re looking to join a group or to add an- superstitions about their dice, such as not want-
other player or two to an existing group. Use an ing other people to use them and “use up all the
email address as your initial contact point. If you luck in the dice.” Respect other people's wishes
receive more interest than you can handle, don't about their own property! 
be afraid to tell that person that your game is full.   Most often, people will play games
Step Two: Find a Venue  like  Pugmire sitting around a table together,
but sometimes that isn’t possible. There are nu-
If playing at your home isn't a good idea, try merous ways to play even when not everyone is
playing the game at your local game store — if the even in the same city; they all require a computer,
store has play space — or possibly even your local tablet, or smart phone, and one of any number
public library, a pub function room, or village hall. of different software programs — Skype, Roll20,
Many civic buildings (and a lot of private drink- and Google Groups exist as examples, at time of
ing establishments) make private rooms available writing — so people can play together even when
for use, but it’s important to follow the rules of be- separated by thousands of miles. If all else fails,
havior for the building you use, and you may have simply type “Pugmire RPG online group” into a
to reserve the room in advance. This way you’re search engine, and see what happens.
gaming in a public place with other people around, Tabletop roleplaying games can last for hours
which is always good when meeting new players. — it all depends on the complexity of the story.
Step Three: Read the Book  Games can last for years at two to four hours, one
night a week. They can also be one-shots, lasting
Pugmire is a game with a core concept that’s
only a few hours and wrapping up the same day.
quick and easy to grasp, and rules to govern charac-
It all depends on what the players and the Guide
ter powers and limitations. Familiarizing yourself
want to happen. If the players enjoy the game,
with what's in the book is important. You don't
hopefully a single session will turn into a chron-
need to memorize every single word — just have a
icle — that’s when the characters have a series
good picture in your head of what things are like
of adventures. They finish one, sort out a few
when you enter the world of Pugmire. You'll need
things, then go off on another quest. 
to have a good handle on how the rules work, but
don't worry about knowing everything, especially What Happens Next?
the first time you play. The scenario in this book If you're the Guide, read through the adven-
outlines all the basic rules you need to know. ture part of this book and prepare for gameplay
Step Four: Acquire What with your players! If you're a player, please stop
You Will Need to Play  reading here: the adventure will soon begin, and
Each player will need a pencil, a sheet or reading ahead will spoil the fun and surprises in
two of scratch paper, and their filled-in character store!

What is Pugmire? 17
1. Prologue
Summer has just passed in Pugmire, but the days are still long and warm in the realm of good dogs!
Alas, they are not merry as they should be... During the spring, in fact, excessive flooding struck the
land due to overly abundant winter rains. The Mire — a historic swamp surrounding Pugmire, long
drained and dried — burst back into terrible life, the moisture level rising considerably. Thankfully it
did not affect the well protecting the kingdom’s capital. South of it, however, the overflowing water
caused remarkable damage on the west bank of the river, turning acres of farmlands into sloughs,
troubling farmers of all breeds.
On visiting the Plastic Quarter of Pugmire, you delve into the commercial heart of the kingdom,
pulsing with the hopes and worries of dozens of resident merchants, scores of wandering peddlers,
and hundreds of eager customers hailing from as far away as the Monarchies of Mau and other, less-
known lands. As the autumn market runs in the souq, the main plaza and the streets converging into it
are bright with colorful awnings and diverse stalls. Flags and wreaths of leaves festoon the interior of
the Southern Gate, but this display of abundance is not entirely truthful. Many local shops exhibit a thin
assortment of good with evidently high prices, and many poor dogs ask for charity from doorways and
alleys. As you stroll around, you overhear the crowd and their displeasure at the decrease in crops,
and the death of many farm animals.
On a wooden billboard near Southgate, where two bulldogs stand guard, a royal announcement
warns the dog population against rat bandits. These nefarious rodents have been taking advantage
of the flood to scavenge goods from abandoned farms. Apparently, the emboldened and greedy
rats have also been mugging dog travelers and stealing cattle in the lands between the river and the
South Road. The sign reads:
Citizens of Pugmire, fellow goods dogs, and honored guests of this city, an unusual
wave of rat banditry has been reported. They are said to be stealing food, mugging
travelers, and performing other illicit actions far beyond the flooded land west of
the river, where their crimes started not long ago. Please exercise great caution on
your purchases, and report any accident or anomaly to the authorities as soon as
Princess Yosha Pug
In the mud beneath the sign, you spot a clothbound journal marked with the sigil of Pan Dachshund.


Don't forget you can play through Pan's adventure via videos on YouTube in a "choose your
own adventure" format. These can act as tips for upcoming events in the story, or as basic guid-
ance on the system for this game.
Just search for "Pan's Guide Pugmire videos" on YouTube or Google, or check out https://

18 The Campaign
As the characters read the sign, the shorter and ask for Pan Dachshund, a friend of Princess
bulldog guard mutters his disapproval of the rat Yosha and the main recruiter of intrepid dogs.
bandits and her regret for not being assigned to The guards add that the characters are in for
hunting down those impudent scavengers. The luck, for the Royal Society of Pioneers is actively
other muscle-bound guard grunts that some de- looking for new recruits, most likely to investi-
vious cat must be masterminding the rat attacks, gate the rat menace. They are unlikely to find
no doubt about that. Then, in a slightly mocking someone who knows better about any tasks and
tone, the bulldogs ask the characters if they pos- rewards directly offered by Princess Yosha than
sess the guts and the ability to help the people of Pan Dachshund.
Pugmire. Striking a significant victory against the Now the characters must only walk a few
bandits would certainly earn them the favor of hundred yards from Southgate to the Pioneers to
Princess Yosha and maybe even a special reward find about an exciting adventuring opportunity
from her. The bulldogs tell the characters that all in the service of Pugmire!
they need to do is to go the Pioneer compound

1. Prologue 19
When the characters encounter the bulldog ful actions or negative environmental effects, the
guards in the introduction, the Guide may re- player rolls 2d20, and takes the lower of the two
quire a Charisma check to see if they convince results.
the guards to offer them more information. A roll of a 20 on a d20 is called a triumph.
Checks — and any rolls in Pugmire, for that Triumphs convey an even greater success than
matter — require players to roll a 20-sided die would be expected or required, such as a mer-
(d20) to obtain a score indicating their success or chant giving away an item for free rather than
failure at accomplishing the task. The player then accepting a haggled down price. A roll of 1 on a
adds their character’s appropriate modifier — in d20 is called a botch. A botch is the worst kind of
this case, the number next to their overall Charis- failure, such as a spear not just clattering against
ma ability — to the number rolled. a target’s armor, but splintering and breaking in
The difficulty to match or beat in this case half upon contact. It is up to the Guide to nar-
is 10 — after all, these guards aren’t very bright. rate the effects of triumphs and botches.
Example: Fred Basset is trying to get more In terms of the characters’ attempt to charm
information from the guards. He has a Charisma of the bulldogs, the additional information gleaned
15, which gives him a +2 to his Charisma check. He on a successful roll could be directions to the
rolls a 9, which normally would fail against a diffi- nearby Royal Society of Pioneers’ compound,
culty of 10, but because of his +2 bonus, his modified and the fact that they are actively recruiting pi-
score is an 11. As the number to meet or beat is 10, he oneers.
succeeds. The guards will now share more information Simply attempting a roll compels the guards
with Fred. to introduce themselves by name — the short
one’s name is Ludo, and her muscular compan-
If a character has an advantage (such as from
ion’s name is Risk. Giving small pieces of infor-
a trick like Puppy Dog Eyes), their player rolls two
mation as reward for dice rolling is a good way
d20s (2d20) when attempting any action. The
of encouraging experimentation with abilities,
player uses the higher of the two scores. If the
tricks, and fortune.
character is ever put at a disadvantage by harm-


The first thing the Guide needs to do is to set up a fortune bowl, and add two points to it. The
Guide should add fortune to the bowl whenever the group works as a team, or when players
portray their characters well. Tell the players they can choose to intentionally fail a task. Each
time they do this, the Guide should add a further fortune point to the bowl. All fortune goes to
the bowl.
Whenever a player is in a tight spot, they can ask the rest of the group if they can use a fortune
point from the bowl. If the group agrees, the fortune point goes from the bowl to the Guide. The
fortunate player rerolls any die, and chooses the higher result from the two rolls.

20 The Campaign
Following the Pup
I’m not a superstitious dog, but some things make the fur on my
neck stand on end. I’m not talking about the Unseen things that
bring the bark out of even the stoutest of us. I’m talking about
the petty things, seemingly mundane things. These are the things
that, when viewed separately, don’t seem like much, but when you
finally add them together they paint a pretty vivid picture.
I’ve learned to pay attention to things like this. If you don’t, you’ll
never grow old enough to have gray in your muzzle.
I first spotted the pup near the castle walls. He engaged one of the guards
in conversation, something about riches and a rat army. I could tell from the
way he dressed that he had no chance of getting in. He wore a stained and mud
splattered tunic. He was armed with a short sword and an unstrung bow. From
the way his battered leather satchel hung over his shoulder, you could tell it
was nearly empty.
This was not the dress of someone hoping to gain a royal audience. Some of us
can get away with looking like we just walked through the city gates, but those
individuals are rare.
I came across him again in Westwall. I don’t usually stroll through the Religious
Quarter, but I had been in the city for a few days now and I was starting to feel
antsy. Too much time behind the walls makes me long for a reason to get out and
get grass beneath my paws again.
He was milling around outside of the Royal Society of Pioneers. He was pacing,
but his eyes never left the door. Every once in a while, he would take a few steps
towards it, then lose his nerve and go back to pacing.
I leaned against a building and watched him for a while, a smile on my face. I
remember the first time I walked into the headquarters for the Royal Pioneers.
Of course, I had already made a name for myself by then, not as famous as I am
now, but still...
I had just about made up my mind to go over, bring the pup in, and introduce
him around when he decided on his own. He turned abruptly and stalked off. I
shrugged and, on a whim, followed him.
He headed south, into the souq. This was both the best and worst place to try
to tail someone. The hodgepodge way the vendors set up shop means there are
few straight paths, making it difficult to keep an eye on someone. However, the
merchants’ booths do offer great hiding places if the person you’re following
should turn around to see if she is being followed.
The pup I was shadowing never turned around to check his tail.
We weaved our way through the shopkeepers with their stalls and the dealers
with their rugs of exotic merchandise. I waved off offer after offer while the
merchants largely ignored my quarry.

1. Prologue 21
2. 1ntroducing
Pan Dachshund
As you walk toward the Pioneers’ compound, me guess. You are here to join the Society, yes?
bays and grunts of a few dogs greet you as they Now tell me, who gave you this idea?”
train for melee combat in one of the clustered
buildings. Past the entrance, as you walk through The characters can answer Pan’s question saying
the hall leading inside, you see a blacksmith and that they simply want to join following their own initia-
a warehouse-dog hard at work repairing and tive. This answer pleases the dachshund, and he proudly
storing adventuring gear and supplies. Finally, in says self-initiative is a very important quality in pioneers.
the inner courtyard, you see a grizzled dachshund
sitting at a small table, upon which rest a well- The characters can also say the guards directed
worn book, a quill, and an inkwell. The dog is them to the compound. In this case, Pan wrinkles
sharpening an arrowhead on a whetstone. As his nose and says the Society does not employ bulldog
he lowers his head to give a good lick to the barkers at the front door. He then asks in turn if the
whetstone, he notices you, stands, folds his arms, characters know the names of their military advisors.
and looks at you up and down. “Well, pups, let

22 The Campaign
In this case, knowing the name of one of the guards — ‘holy dogs’ were selling replicas of his divine symbol,
Ludo or Risk — elicits Pan’s praise for another excellent saying they would bring good luck in the search
quality pioneers possess: inquisitiveness. for the site. I went to look for this place myself, but I
couldn’t locate it. Now, I wonder if you can perform
Pan is brusque in dealing with would-be recruits, this investigation. I have three objectives for you:
but maintains a friendly attitude. He’s eager to wel- find out about the missing dogs, thoroughly map
come aspiring pioneers. He asks them to sit at the ta- your journey, and discover the Fabulous Fen, or
ble and writes their names in the Society’s register as proof of its existence. Achieving any of these feats
members-on-trial. Pan then explains their first task: will stand you in good stead.”

Pan puts away arrowhead and whetstone, The dachshund is willing to negotiate a mon-
and looks intently at you. “You came here to help etary reward to get dogs on board.
us against the rat bandits, perhaps, but I think Pan gives the characters a rough wilderness
they’re a nuisance more than anything else. What map he drafted to help them in their journey, and
really worries me, and Princess Yosha, is another
gives them permission to keep his journal, if they
problem. In the past weeks, many young dogs,
some of them inexperienced and ill-equipped, attempt to return it. He advises that it contains
went to explore the woods east of Mutt Town, useful information about their coming journey.
that rough frontier settlement east of the river. To begin, he says, they will need to walk
They set out to find a legendary site of Man, the along a path overlooking the west bank until they
Fabulous Fen, and never returned. reach a suitable spot to cross the river to Mutt
“This long-lost place is thought to be where Saint Town. Although the area is dangerous due to the
Akbash, a holy dog of yore, found the source of rat rampage, they will probably be able to find
his healing power. The spring flood impoverished hospitality in one of the dog farms undamaged
many of the dogs, so they went looking for the fen. by the flood. Pan says to be wary of the followers
They were desperate to find treasure to rebuild their of Saint Akbash, who have no genuine connec-
farms and pay their debts. Some self-styled followers tion to the Church of Man and might be well
of Saint Akbash sparked this rush. These so-called
conspiring with the rat bandits.
2. Introducing Pan Dachsund 23
Now is a good time for the Guide to encour-
age players to roleplay or talk like their characters.
Accents are not required, though some players find WHAT ARE SKILLS?
them useful to adopt for getting into their charac-
All characters possess skills on their charac-
ters. Guides might want to gently advise players that ter sheet. Unlike abilities, characters have
by playing their character, rather than themselves, skills or they do not. There is no grade of
they may encounter fun, unexpected scenes. expertise per skill. Instead, if a character
In this chapter, the characters meet Pan is attempting an action and has a skill that
might benefit the action, the player rolls her
Dachshund, legendary adventurer. If the charac- character’s proficiency bonus, detailed on
ters attempt to haggle reward money from Pan, her character sheet.
the Guide can introduce a Charisma check as in The bonus applies to any rolls involving
the Prologue section. Succeeding at this check skills on the player’s character sheet. Guides
means Pan takes a liking to the characters, and should encourage their players to become
will display generosity in his offer. familiar with their characters’ skills, as they
can make or break a challenge.
Fast-Talk, Charming Discourse, and Pup-
py Dog Eyes convey an advantage. To use these
tricks, the players roll 2d20 and take the higher Pan is included as an emergency aid for the play-
of the two rolls, as noted in the previous chapter. ers. He is bound to take an interest in what they do;
in fact, he might just follow them to help the group if
they get into too much trouble. Try to use him spar-
Defense: 13 (crested leather armor) ingly. The characters and their players should not
Stamina Points: 11 learn to rely on Pan’s intervention regularly. Besides,
Speed: 30/40 feet Pan is a busy dog — he has things to do! However,
Proficiency Bonus: +2 Pan’s journal is very useful: any time players consult
Abilities: Strength: +0 (10), Dexterity: +2 (15), the journal before giving up or asking for help, the
Constitution: +1 (13), Intelligence: +2 (14), Wisdom: Guide should consider adding one fortune to the
+2 (14), Charisma: -1 (8)
fortune bowl as a reward for using available resources.
Skills: Know Nature, Notice, Survive, Traverse
Attack: Bite (+2 melee, 1d4-1 piercing damage),
rapier (+4 melee, 1d8 piercing damage, finesse),
longbow (+4 ranged, 1d8 piercing damage)
The Guide should ask if any characters have Some characters have two speeds noted
the Know Religion or Know History skills. If so, the in their stat blocks. In Pan’s case, he has
Guide should prompt them to make skill checks to Speed: 30/40 feet. On two legs, the char-
pick up a potentially useful tidbit from Pan’s explana- acter uses the first figure. In one turn, Pan
tion of their mission. All of these skills are based on can move 30 feet if he remains upright. If
a character drops whatever happens to be
Intelligence, so any modifier from Intelligence adds in their front paws and falls to all fours, that
to the d20 roll. The difficulty is 10. character can use the second figure for
If any characters succeed, they may have heard speed. Pan can move 40 feet on all fours.
of the Fabulous Fen before in history lessons, Some creatures, such as spiders and ants, use
or come across Saint Akbash’s name in their re- all limbs at once, and will only have one figure
ligious studies. These aren’t crucial bits of infor- in their stat blocks. Dogs, rats, cats, and bad-
gers can travel at different speeds depending
mation, but calling out the possibility for checks on the number of legs they’re using.
helps make players more aware of the kinds of
things their characters’ skills and abilities do.

24 The Campaign
Tavern Talk
I wasn’t really surprised when the pup turned into the Hunter’s Haven. I was
starting to suspect I knew at least a little about what spurred him. The pup
stood in the doorway, one paw on the door. I leaned against the wall of the
building opposite and took a moment to size him up. Up to that point, I had
only glimpses and a general notion of my quarry.
He was a big brute of a mutt whose clothing had seen better days. He
wore the homespun clothing of a farmer, or at least someone who didn’t
spend a lot of time or plastic in town. He’d tucked a blade into his belt, less of
a short sword and more of a large carving knife from the look of the handle, and he grasped
what first appeared to be an unstrung bow tightly in his fist. But as I looked closer, I could see
that the bow wasn’t simply unstrung; the top third of it was snapped off.
Despite his size and build, he was barely old enough for his ears to stand on their own. I was
already moving toward him when he set his shoulders and pushed into the tavern.
“I’ve heard that a dog in need can sometimes get a meal on credit?” His voice was thin.
Underneath all that mud was a whole lot of youth. The bartender cocked an eyebrow at him.
“What kind of credit?” he asked. “Is there the promise of plastic in the future? If so, how
far into the future?”
“Not far. I just need time to get to the Fabulous Fen, but before I can go, I’ll need...”
By this time the bartender had turned his back on the would-be adventurer. I strode in behind
him and placed my arm over his shoulder.
“No need to worry about credit. The lad’s with me.”
The barkeep turned back, saw me standing beside the pup, and grunted. It wouldn’t do for him
to show how impressed he was in front of all the other patrons; it would be bad for business.
Still, I could see the admiration in his eyes.
I steered the sputtering pup towards my table. There are no designated areas inside the
Haven, at least not official ones. Still, the cats and rats tend to stick to their own when they’re
there, something we’re all grateful for. I’ve never had to challenge anyone for the spot I like
best. When people see me coming, they just get up and move on their own. There was no one
at the table at the time, but had there been, they would have gladly surrendered it to me. Or
perhaps they would have made room and stayed behind to hear me speak.
It’s one of the perks of being that rarity of rarities — an old hunter. Once word gets around that
you’ve taken on the Badger King and wear his teeth as trophies... well, it earns one respect.
I took my place behind the table, my back to a sturdy beam, the wall behind me, and clear sight
lines of the door, the bar, and the far corners of the room. I gestured to one of the open chairs.
The mutt stood there, mouth agape.
I gestured again, affirming and insistent. “Well, come on, pup, have a seat. You look as if
you’ve travelled far and need a lick of assistance.”
“Thank you for your courtesy,” he mumbled, then spent a moment fumbling between his
seat and his gear, looking for a way to sit comfortably with the blade in his belt. Finally, he
removed it and placed it on the floor next to his broken bow.
“I’m sorry for my rudeness,” apologized the earnest pup. “My Aunt taught me better than
that. I am Sampson Mutt.”
“Pleased to make your acquaintance. I am Pan Dachshund.”
Sampson offered a meek smile. “It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.”
“Of course it is,” I chortled, slapping the table and raising a paw to order a round for us both.
“Now, tell me what’s brought you so far from home.”

2. Introducing Pan Dachsund 25

3. Approaching
the River
After setting off from Pugmire in the early hours safety for the upcoming night. After another day
of a hazy morning, you walk several miles on the or so of walking along the path, the characters
South Road, which is empty as per usual after should reach the farm of Blum Shiloh, a brave
the arrival of so many traveling merchants in the farmer still holding her ground against the ban-
past days. The massive embankment on which dit menace, who can provide a safe shelter for the
the road runs protected it from the flood and night. After offering her directions and inquiring
shielded large expanses of enclosed paddies about the road ahead, Chewstick and her family
west of Pugmire, where industrious rice farmers wave goodbye and move on, following the road
are even now at work to wrap up the harvest from whence the adventurers came.
season. Near midday, a freezing wind rises
from the north and clouds roll in to darken the Your long walk proceeds in mist and drizzle as
sun. A light rain falls as you near the limit of the path runs along the top of a chain of steep
Pugmire’s wetlands. There, at the junction with slopes. Beyond the slopes, the swollen river
a path leading east, stands a two-horse wagon has flooded the squalid west bank, inundating
loaded with household goods. A family of a fields, uprooting bushes and trees, and partly
dozen traveling dogs have stopped for a meal collapsing buildings. At last, the rains subside
on their way and now busy themselves raising as the shadows of the trees grow longer and
a canopy over their packed goods. The dogs the setting orange sun dully sinks beyond the
notice you and seem anxious only for a moment horizon.
before one of them approaches with her paw
raised in welcome. The characters need to camp in the open for
their first night out. Staying on high grounds, as
The dog is a middle-aged farmer named Chewstick suggested, is the best thing to do. As
Chewstick Poodle, who decided to abandon her they rest in the late evening, however, a pack of
damaged farm and move her family to the safety rat bandits climbs the slopes from the lowlands
of Pugmire. Chewstick warns the characters of to attack them.
the hostile rats prowling along the river, nimbly
treading the mud and swimming in the shallow Ominous rustling sounds and muffled paw
waters. She heard that some of them, those least steps disturb your well-deserved rest. From the
savage from the bunch of barely uplifted rodents, leafy darkness around your camp, you glimpse
tried to find jobs with a notorious rat boss in several pairs of wild, malignant eyes. Then,
Mutt Town, but were turned down for their lazi- several rats, dressed in rags and menacing
ness. They resorted to banditry thereafter. sharpened sticks hasten out from the shadows
toward you. Their squeaky voices screech: “Go
Chewstick knows the most convenient way back whence you came, you wet-dog stinkers.
to the river and Mutt Town. She suggests the This land is ours now!”
dogs take the path branching off the South Road
to the east and follow it as it runs on a crest over- The rats are hungry cowards looking for easy
looking the flooded farmlands. Staying on high targets. They attack with impromptu, inaccurate
ground, the characters should be able to camp in projectiles, like rotten fruit, wooden planks from

26 The Campaign
broken boxes, and the occasional rock. They are, our heroes exhausts the rats in seconds. After
however, too weak and cowardly to put up a se- chasing the rats away, the characters can finally
rious aggression, and any offensive reaction from rest until dawn and a new day of adventure.

The wet, slippery conditions are not ideal for Using occasional hints and suggestions, the
travel, and these adverse conditions will cause Guide can help guide the players along the path
the loss of a stamina point from each character. to the most useful choices. Chewstick’s greeting
Guides should call for a Dexterity check, as and cordial conversation should reassure the
characters risk falling in the mud, particularly players of his friendly intent toward their char-
along the crest trails mentioned in this section. acters.
The difficulty to match or beat for this check is There are several useful pieces of informa-
10, and any Dexterity modifier will apply to the tion to be gleaned from Chewstick Poodle. By
roll. Characters are at a disadvantage on this roll, now, the players should understand that this is
so remember players need to roll 2d20 and keep a dangerous mission, and have their characters
the lowest result. Characters who succeed keep act appropriately. If the characters act friendly
their footing. Those who fail will be damp and towards Chewstick and his family, obtaining this
dirty for the rest of the day. The chill from this information requires no rolls. Otherwise, the
will wear away one additional Stamina point un- Guide should call for a Charisma check against a
til the character rests and recovers under cover. difficulty of 12.

3. Approaching the River 27

At night, the characters encounter a band and look for the attack section. Each weapon or
of ill-equipped rat bandits who attempt to steal attack type listed will state how much damage the
their goods. If the characters did not work out a attack deals. The Guide rolls the die type speci-
schedule among themselves to keep watch, let the fied, and then deducts the total from the target’s
rats make off with a few relatively unimportant stamina points.
items from the dogs’ rucksacks. It’s a good lesson Example: Fred Basset and Trixie Beagle battle
to the players that their characters need to pay four rats. Trixie’s player rolls the highest initiative
attention, but it’s important to not punish them with a 16, so she acts first. She attacks one of the
severely. rats but fails her roll. She may now do one thing, and
The number of rats the characters encounter at the end of her turn, she will automatically regain
is two more than the number of characters in the reaction to be ready for her next turn. Trixie picks Fred
party. So if there are three characters, they should to go next, in the hope that he can incapacitate one
face five hapless rat bandits. of the rats so there are fewer attackers. At this point,
Since this is the first combat in the story, ev- the Guide could interrupt by paying one token to the
eryone will need to roll for initiative. Every player fortune bowl to have one of the rats attack next instead
rolls 1d20, and adds their character’s Dexterity of Fred, but this is optional.
modifier to the number rolled. At this time, the Guides may wish to have the opponents call
Guide also rolls for the non-player characters’ ini- a truce and offer to leave in exchange for a bribe:
tiative. The character with the highest score acts money, tools, or weapons.
first, then their player chooses the character who
acts next, and so on until all parties involved in the PATHETIC RAT BANDITS
combat have either acted or fallen unconscious. Defense: 13 (patchwork leather armor)
A player or the Guide may choose to inter- Stamina Points: 4
rupt the elected initiative order, either by paying Speed: 10/30 feet
one fortune from the fortune bowl, or in the case Proficiency Bonus: +2
of the Guide, by adding one fortune to the bowl. Abilities: Strength: -1 (8), Dexterity: +2 (15), Con-
The character who interrupted now acts as if they stitution: +0 (10), Intelligence: -1 (8), Wisdom: -1 (8),
were next in line to take their turn, and when Charisma: +0 (10)
finished, that character chooses who goes next. Skills: Sneak
Well-timed use of an interrupt can help turn the Attack: Bite (-1 melee, 1d4-1 piercing damage)
tide of combat if things are going poorly. Darkvision: These rats can see without any light
at all. Characters using Darkvision in darkness can
An attack or other action simply requires the only see in black and white. They cannot see things
acting player to roll 1d20 and add the appropriate they wouldn’t be able to see in light, such as invisible
modifier on their character sheet to determine the characters.
result. Note that the dogs will be rolling against Distracting Attack: After a successful attack, in-
stead of doing damage, the rat can pick her target’s
a difficulty of 13 on attacks (the rats have a de- rucksack. The rat may take a single one-pawed item
fense rating of 13 due to their armor and Dexterity the target is not currently holding in his paws.
modifier). Attempts to intimidate will be against a
difficulty of 9 (10 + the rats’ Wisdom modifier of The rats are poorly armed and any threat will
-1). One successful blow will drive the rats away. drive them off. If the characters injure any rats,
The Guide should calculate damage from their comrades will carry them to safety as they
any rat attacks. To do this, check the rats’ stats retreat.

28 The Campaign
On the Road
“Not here,” the cautious pup sighed. “It’s not safe. There could be listening ears
Another long moment passed. Sampson’s muzzle twitched, a crease formed between
his eyes. He inhaled, sat up straight, and looked me in the eye. His face was set; he had
come to a difficult decision.
“I have reason to believe I can find the Fabulous Fen and the treasures held within. I’ll
tell you the rest, but only on the road to Wooford. Agree to join me and I’ll tell you all.”
I glared at him. “Dogs of my station are not used to dealing with ultimatums.”
That almost broke him. His eyes softened, but just for a moment. He steeled himself again, then shook his head.
“If you agree to accompany me, then you’ll need to know what we’ll face. You’ll get the whole story on the
road. If you don’t, I’d just be wasting your time and mine.”
I kept my face stoic, but cheered inwardly. This pup had moxie. “I am intrigued. Meet me at the South Gate
when the sun has risen.”
I made sure Sampson had the plastic to pay for a good night’s lodging, then bade him a good night. I left
with his promises of paying me back fivefold when we found the Fabulous Fen.
I retired to a room above the tavern. I penned a quick note to my Trustee with the Pioneers, stating I was
leaving for Mutt Town. In the morning, I would find someone to carry it to the castle for me.
At dawn, I found Sampson waiting inside the gate. The pup was practically bouncing at the sight of me.
Side-by-side, we fell into step and exited the city with the first group of travelers leaving by the South Gate.
This included a caravan which, having sold its goods in Pugmire, was returning home.
“We fear to cross the forest alone, hence the dogs we surround ourselves with.” Fawzi Chuckwalla strode
along the side of the rearmost wagon. His bright vermillion and purple robes matched the riot of colors that
made up the covers of the wagons in his train. As soon as the sun had risen above the treeline, he pushed back
his hood to bask in its wane light.
“The Fearful Forest has always had some modicum of danger,” I observed, making conversation. “What’s
changed to make you so wary now?”
Fawzi turned his yellow eyes towards me. “We have heard rumors of monsters, monsters the likes of which
even the bandits fear to face.”
I raised an eyebrow.
“Do not scoff, Pan Dachshund.”
“I beg your pardon,” I soothed. “I do not question what you have heard, nor do I question the existence of the
unexplainable. I have fought and killed many monsters myself.”
Fawzi Chuckwalla smiled. “Of this, we have heard. Your name is legendary along the paths we travel. We are
well met.” He nodded at me, then at Sampson who trailed a few paces behind.
“We would be grateful if you and your young squire would join our convoy. We could pay you well for your
“I thank you for the offer, but I fear our paths lie in a different direction.”
The lizard ducked his head. “We feared it would be so. Still, we had to ask. Safe travels to you and your
Fawzi picked up his pace, reached up to one of the carts and swung aboard. Sampson trotted up next to me.
“Did you find out anything interesting?”
I had told him to hang back so I could converse with the head of the caravan alone. Glad to learn that the
pup was a good dog, I obliged him by answering his question. “Just that in addition to the bandits, there are
apparently monsters to deal with.”
Eager Sampson bobbed his head so vigorously I thought he might knock out his own tooth.

3. Approaching the River 29

4. The Shilohs
The clear weather brings a whiff of fresh- Big Blum and her family are in severe distress
smelling air and a pleasant relief from humidity not only over the flood that decimated their live-
over the inundated land extending to your left as stock and destroyed their crops, but also over the
you walk southwest through the moors. Late in disappearance of their only son, Little Plum. The
the morning, the river and the dark woodlands young dog’s father, Birill, is especially worried
beyond become visible. The landscape, about her puppy.
however, is desolate, with no settlements in The damage of the flood forced the Shilohs
sight for miles. As the afternoon dwindles on, a
to borrow money from a rat boss named Trimbu.
descent in the trail brings you to the margin of
a large morass, which once was an expanse of Big Blum asked for just a small sum to buy food,
cultivated land. Farther ahead, beyond a cluster but in the following months, as she was unable
of deserted pens, a grassy knoll rises over its to raise adequate revenue, she fell behind with
muddy surroundings. At its peak, beside a well- the repayments. She’s since been harassed by
tended orchard of apple trees, stands a neat, Trimbu’s goons.
white farmhouse. As you make your way towards One day, Big Blum’s only son, a young dog
it, you hear the shout of a pitchfork-wielding, barely come of age, left the house to purchase
burly dog with a grizzled coat standing at the supplies in Wooford on behalf of his mother.
entrance: “Who goes there?”
Instead of returning home, however, Little Plum
The old dog is Big Blum Shiloh. Although had the supplies delivered to his family by a
her house safely stands on high ground, most of friendly rat named Puntail, and set out on a dan-
her assets were located near to the river, in flat- gerous journey to find enough treasure to repay
lands now awash with mud. The recent troubles his mother’s debt.
put a strain on her and her courtesy. Once dia- Puntail also brought a letter from the young
logue eases her suspicion, Big Blum gladly invites dog to his mother. In the letter, Little Plum
the characters into her house. said he had acquired an “Akbash talisman,” a
holy symbol of a dog-sage of old which was said
As twilight falls, you sit indoors at a large to bring good luck to anyone searching for the
table before a roaring fireplace to share a Fabulous Fen, the legendary treasure trove in
meal with Big Blum Shiloh, her husband Birill, the wilderness east of Mutt Town. Puntail told
their three daughters, and a few servants. The Big Blum how Little Plum received the talisman
meagerness of the supper fits the situation of
from two wandering followers of Akbash.
the household, although they strive to make you
feel welcome, offering you the best they have. Big Blum fears the worst for her dear son.
The only available drink besides rainwater is Perhaps the characters can help?
a strong tea, and Big Blum apologizes for not As they interact with the Shilohs, the char-
being able to offer beer. At the end of the meal, acters might notice that the youngest of Little
Birill bumps his wife with an elbow, urging her Plum’s sisters, a child named Pistilla, seems ea-
to talk to you about the family’s woes.
ger to talk to them but far too shy to initiate a

30 The Campaign
conversation. If spoken to kindly, she takes out strong aroma, in case they lost each other. Pistilla
of her smock a piece of cinnamon she received is willing to offer her cinnamon stick as a lucky
from Little Plum as a gift. Pistilla says that Little charm to a good dog expressing confidence in
Plum had two of those, and kept one so that he finding her brother.
and his sister could find each other following its

4. The Shilohs 31
The characters encounter Big Blum Shiloh and Deft players might also discover where Big
her family at their farm. They discover the best way Blum keeps her valuables and slip a few extra
to get to Mutt Town, and obtain a contact who can coins into her purse while no one is watching.
both help them cross the river and provide more in- For this action, the players must make a Dexterity
formation: Puntail the rat. They also find out about check. If any possess the Sneak skill, they can add
the missing Little Plum Shiloh and the charlatan the proficiency bonus on to their die roll, along
followers of Akbash who conned him into spend- with any Dexterity ability modifier. The diffi-
ing his family’s scant cash reserves to buy a worth- culty is 12 to slip the money into place without
less talisman. Little Plum is on the same mission as anyone noticing. If the characters fail, someone
the party members, and this gives them something notices their slipping money into the purse, and
else to keep in mind as they travel. the character must leave to avoid suspicion. On
There is a tiny moral quandary the play- a botch, the witness catches the character hold-
ers might consider: the Shiloh family is in dire ing the coin purse, and loudly suspects them of
straits, with barely enough food to survive and stealing from the family. In this case, the group
mounting debts to repay to a rat moneylender. receives orders to leave the house.
For their characters to refuse the family’s hospi- Pistilla is nervous about approaching the
tality would be insulting and rude, but it’s also group. To determine her intentions, the Guide
generosity the Shilohs can hardly afford. How should ask a character to make a Wisdom check
can the characters repay the family’s kindness? against a difficulty of 13. The Sense Motive skill
Will they even worry about it? Hunters in the would assist in this attempt. If approached, Pistil-
group might be able to bring back some wild la explains herself and hands over the cinnamon
game for the family’s table, or the characters stick. An Intelligence check against a difficulty
may decide to “forget” some items that the fam- of 14 tells the characters that cinnamon, as well
ily might be able to use or sell, such as torches, as being tasty, is a natural deterrent to bugs and
rope, or a few arrows. Money would be useful to may assist in keeping their campsite safe down
the family to help pay their debts, but the family the road. The skills Know Nature and Survive
is much too proud to take cash in exchange for are good examples of skills players can utilize to
hospitality they gave willingly. The Guide should modify their roll.
award fortune if players identify and cleverly nav-
igate this predicament.

32 The Campaign
Sampson’s Tale
We parted ways with the lizard caravan when we turned took the road to
Wooford. I had half expected another entreaty from Fawzi Chuckwalla to join
his group, but they simply rode on, not even turning to wave goodbye.
“All right,” I said, turning to Sampson. “We’ve got the road to ourselves
now. Tell me about this Fabulous Fen of yours.”
Despite being the only dogs visible in any direction, Sampson turned a full
360 degrees before speaking. “They say that rats control all of the crime along
the coastal regions. Gambling, money laundering, you name it.”
I kept my muzzle tightly shut. I had seen others use outsiders as scapegoats before. I suspected
the people furthering these rumors were actually the lowlife dogs committing the crimes the rats
were being accused of, but I said nothing.
“There are bandits in the Fearful Forest,” Sampson went on so low that I had to lean in further to hear him.
“I don’t know if they are rats, cats, or bad dogs, but I don’t dare use the symbol of Akbash on my own. Anything
I removed from the Fabulous Fen would be stripped from me before I reached the edge of the forest.”
I agreed with him there. There were horrible stories of the Fearful Forest. I had personally heard
tales of gangs of marauders harrying merchant convoys. There was also the ever-present threat of
mystic cats performing their necromantic deeds deep in the northern woods.
Still, I gave little credence to rumor and tall tales.
“Tell me more about the Fabulous Fen and how this trinket will allow you to find it. I’ve heard
no dog can discover its location. I’ve even heard it moves from one place to another to ensure its
isolation.” More ridiculous nonsense, but I wanted to draw Sampson out. He rose to the bait.
“No, the Fen’s location is static, just difficult to find. Almost impossible. Unless you have one of these.”
He reached into his pocket and pulled out a stone disk set with an ornamental gem and inscribed
with some sort of arrow. I leaned forward and sniffed. It was weird, but inert. I flicked at it, and
got no response.
“With this, a traveler of good heart who follows the teachings of Man can cross the wilderness
and discover the location of the Fabulous Fen. Once there, well, hopefully there would be enough
plastic to rebuild the docks and repair my family’s boats.
“At least, that’s what the rats say.
“There are two ways to the Fabulous Fen. One, the easier path, involves crossing a river of stone
constructed eons ago by Men. That way is guarded by a horrible beast that swoops down and eats
any dog who dares attempt to navigate it.”
His voice returned to a normal tone as he warmed up to the subject.
“The other, the path of the good dog, lies across a marsh or swamp. You have to prove your worth
to find the way, but will be rewarded if you are worthy.”
I let all this bounce around in my head as we walked. We passed farms, each looking more ragged
than the previous. Some families had salvaged some of their crops. Other fields sat moldering,
the plants’ root systems sitting in watery mud. A makeshift fence penned in what was probably a
small portion of the original livestock. Once bright houses were battered, paint peeling or obscured
by dirt and debris.
These were the people who would benefit most from any riches or magic items found in the
Fabulous Fen. I could make sure of that.
I nodded to Sampson. He nodded back.
No words were needed.

4. The Shilohs 33
5. Crooks in Wooford
standard states, is Saint Zaval Akbash. Bay and
After some hours of wet travel, you catch your
first glimpse of Wooford around the bend, as the Fos sell replicas of the saint’s talisman, supposed
river, now very close and still impressive with the to bring luck to anyone searching for the Fabu-
past rains, hums by in dubious placidity. Ahead lous Fen. Bay and Fos are also spies and touts for
of you sits a small village built on sturdy stilts. Trimbu, who makes beneficial use of their skills
These props spared most of the buildings from at befriending other dogs.n
the recent flood. The village moors have been The two greet the characters and tell them
destroyed. Only some of them seem to be under about Saint Akbash and the legend of the Fabu-
reconstruction, while most of the local boats rest lous Fen, promptly offering them a replica talis-
safely on the stilt platforms.
man in exchange for some bartered goods. Accord-
As the characters approach the village, a few ing to the legend, Saint Akbash first traveled to
dogs busy themselves with their rowboats and the Straddle Strip, a canyon in the forest, which
nets at the conclusion of their fishing day, and a acts as boundary between the material and the
big timber barge moves slowly away on the misty spiritual world. From there, he traveled until he
surface of the river. reached his goal, guided by a beacon of light. The
talismans are powerless items of superstition, but
After climbing a wood-paved ramp up to any spellcaster can recognize some resemblance to
the town proper, you emerge in a tiny square. true artifacts of Man in their shape, carved out of
Among huts perched on the stilts and dwindling pinewood.
stairway-like alleys, before a homely tavern, you When the characters question the crooks,
notice a couple of tall dogs dressed in habits
they readily acknowledge that they sold one of
sitting on a low, dry-stone wall. Next to them,
planted on the ground, is a standard painted their talismans to a young, brave dog named Lit-
with the frontal image of a benign-looking dog tle Plum Shiloh, who likely crossed the river a few
with a ring of light surrounding his head. Before weeks before to search for the Fabulous Fen. As
them rests a folding table with a heap of palm- they speak to the characters, feigning religious en-
sized wooden disks and a piggy-bank. The two thusiasm, Bay tends to grin between every single
dogs sport friendly smiles and eagerly greet sentence and Fos plays continuously with what
passers-by, who are gathering at the tavern for sounds like a bag of plastic coins under his habit.
a late afternoon meal. When someone walks Beside superstitious nonsense, the crooks re-
by, they show their standard with an ample
luctantly tell the characters the original talisman
gesture and say: “Find real treasure through
ancient wisdom! Let Saint Akbash guide you of Akbash is now the property of none other than
to the Fabulous Fen!” Trimbu, whom they call a “rat entrepreneur” in
Mutt Town. The characters can obtain this infor-
The two dogs are Bay Catalan and Fos Salu- mation through buying one of their replicas, or
ki. The first is an averagely built dog with small they can extort it with threats. If disgruntled, the
eyes and floppy bangs, while the second is tall, crooks prefer to talk their way out of the confron-
pale and skinny, with incredibly long hair. The tation, and depart. If pressed, they become hostile
icon-like painted, haloed dog, as a caption on the quickly, and are ready to fight with their walking

34 The Campaign
sticks. They can also count on some rogues from Little Plum’s message to his father, appears to
the nearby tavern to help them in case of trouble. support the characters vocally or to lend them
At some time during the encounter, Puntail, a paw in a brawl. The good rat then invites the
the good boat-rat from Wooford who delivered characters to his home.

5. Crooks in Wooford 35
The characters make their way to Wooford,
and here they encounter the charlatans selling fake
talismans of Saint Akbash. If the characters play Defense: 10
along, offering small donations of two or more plas- Stamina Points: 6
tic coins, the two crooks — Bay Catalan and Fos Sa- Speed: 30/40 feet
luki — will share some information with them, most Proficiency Bonus: +2
of which is either simply bogus or dangerously false. Abilities: Strength: +2 (15), Dexterity: +0 (10),
If one of the players purchases a fake talisman for Constitution: +2 (14), Intelligence: +1 (13), Wisdom:
+1 (12), Charisma: -1 (8)
ten coins, the two crooks will be downright friend-
ly, and will share everything they know. The hints Skills: Sneak, Survive
about the terrain to expect along the route are accu- Keen Observer: Bay gains an advantage on all
Wisdom checks involving hearing, sight, or smell.
rate and will be helpful, even if the characters don’t
Attack: Plain Walking Stick (+4 melee, 1d4+2
take the two hustlers’ advice on how to overcome bludgeoning)
these natural obstacles. To differentiate between
truth and falsehoods, players may make a Wisdom
check with a difficulty of 15. A character with the FOS SALUKI
Sense Motive skill can use it to add her proficiency Defense: 12
bonus to the roll. On a success, they’ll be able to Stamina Points: 5
sort the real details from the made-up ones. Speed: 35/50 feet
Should the characters decide to fight Fos Proficiency Bonus: +2
and Bay, they’re in for trouble. If the characters Abilities: Strength: +0 (10), Dexterity: +2 (15),
outnumber the two scoundrels, or if they get the Constitution: -1 (8), Intelligence: +1 (12), Wisdom:
upper hand quickly in combat, Fos and Bay will +1 (13), Charisma: +2 (14)
call for help, summoning Leeta Weimaraner and Skills: Bluff, Sneak
a few rats from a nearby tavern. If there are only Speedy Runner: Fos gets an advantage on all
Dexterity checks having to do with running or being
one or two protagonists involved, Fos and Bay involved in a chase. Also, the character’s speed is
will handle things themselves. Leeta brings one increased to 35 feet (or 50 feet while running on all
or more rats with her if needed. The total num- fours).
ber of opponents should ideally not exceed the Attack: Jeweled Mace (+2 melee, 1d6 bludgeoning)
number of aspirant pioneers. Leeta uses the same
statistics as Bay Catalan, though they are separate RAT ALLIES
Defense: 13 (scraps of metal armor)
These back-up thugs will join the fight in
Stamina Points: 4
1d4+1 rounds after being called. If things go bad-
ly for the crooks, Fos and Bay will flee, leaving Speed: 10/30 feet
any remaining colleagues to their fate. Proficiency Bonus: +2
Abilities: Strength: +1 (13), Dexterity: +2 (15),
The key detail in this section is that Trimbu Constitution: +2 (14), Intelligence: -1 (8), Wisdom:
the rat boss has the real Talisman of Akbash, and +1 (12), Charisma: +0 (10)
that Trimbu may be found in Mutt Town at the Skills: Sneak
Cheeserake. That the talisman might be for sale Attack: Bite (+1 melee, 1d4 piercing), Crooked
is also a key tidbit of information. The charac- Walking Stick (+1 melee, 1d4+1 bludgeoning)
ters need this information about the talisman; if These rats are more courageous than the ones the
they don’t sweet talk Fos and Bay, or beat it out characters met on the road; they will not run unless
two or more comrades are injured or unconscious.
of them, one of the two (probably Bay Catalan) These rats will leave the fallen behind in their flight to
will let it slip during the conversation, only to be safety.
elbowed in the ribs by Fos Saluki.

36 The Campaign
River Crossing
One of the benefits of traveling with someone whose family is in the business of
river transport is that one does not have to pay for river transport.
We were still a good distance from the docks when a cry rang out.
“Sampson! The prodigal has returned.”
A large dog hobbled out to greet us. He was an older, even more ragged version of
Sampson. The family resemblance was easy to see, but this dog had led a difficult,
dangerous life. The fur had never grown back over an ugly scar on the right side of his
neck, and he had a patch over the eye on that side. As he approached, I saw the limp, which he tried to hide.
“Uncle!” Sampson said, running to meet the dog. The two embraced, then turned to me.
“Uncle Winston, this is Pan Dachshund, the great adventurer. Pan, this is my Uncle Winston, the greatest
captain on either side of the river.”
“Winston Mutt,” the grizzled dog said, waving a paw at his nephew. “Please ignore the praise of the pup
here. It’s a pleasure to meet you, Pan Dachshund.” Although he remained turned towards his nephew, his
good eye kept straying to the string of badger teeth around my neck.
“Please, call me Pan,” I told Winston. “Always a pleasure to meet someone who has heard of me.”
We walked towards the docks. The river was higher than I had ever seen it. Some of the smaller, lighter
craft bobbed even with docks themselves. It was possible to step directly into them, rather than drop
down to reach them. Waves sloshed over the pier.
We wound our way through the crowds and street vendors. I could see a pair of malcontents working the
crowd. They seemed to be selling something, trinkets and salvation. I scowled and turned away.
I tried to stay in the middle of the walkway, where it was driest, but two dogs preceding me were used to
the water. They strode through it as if it wasn’t there, sending up small sprays every time they lifted a paw.
“We need to get over to Mutt Town as soon as we can,” Sampson explained. “I know that the river is
high, but...”
“If we wait for the river to go down you will be here for weeks. Besides,” Winston looked over his
shoulder at me, “what kind of river-dogs would we be if we made our esteemed guest wait?”
Recognizing an offer too good to refuse when I hear one, I beamed. It was all the confirmation the
grizzled mutt needed.
“Tovor! Stipple!” He roared, delighted. “We’ve got a fare!”
Two huge dogs appeared from nowhere. One must have had some mastiff in her line, dark brindle arms
extending the sleeveless shirt she wore. I couldn’t determine the lineage of the other dog. He was just a
massive bundle of muscle and fur.
The five of us – Sampson, his uncle, the two brutes, and I – made our way to the end of the dock. Three
crafts were moored there under a wooden banner reading, “Eight Paws Water Transport.” I cocked a curious
eyebrow at the sign.
Before I could ask, Winston proudly spoke up. “Sampson’s grandfather, my father, started this business
with his brother Eli. When I took over, I didn’t see a good reason to change a recognized name.”
He handed me an oiled leather bag.
“Place your weapons, provisions, and anything else that needs to stay dry in this. It’s bound to be a rough
I stripped off my goods and stored them in the bag. Winston took it back from me, tying the top with
an intricate knot. He folded a flap over the knot, covering the top quarter of the bag, and tied it into place.
Then, he lashed the whole thing to the bench of the flat-bottomed boat.
The two big dogs held the craft steady while we all climbed aboard. It pitched in the water as we
adjusted ourselves on the plain wooden benches. Then Winston cast off.

5. Crooks in Wooford 37
6. Friendship
and Poison
Walking toward the lowest huts of Wooford, by a sign of a siren-like creature with the head
barely spared by the flood, you encounter one and forequarters of a cat and the hindquarters
of the largest Pugmire rat communities. Most ending in fish tail. The place is already crowded,
of the rodents work as anglers, and the open and several waiters are huffing and puffing to
spaces between their humble dwellings are fulfill the orders at the tables.
often draped with moist nets left to dry after
long days of fishing. As you approach the huts, Puntail waves at his cousin and invites the
you see a bunch of rats working with cord characters to sit at one of the tables. After a few
and needle to repair a badly ripped net. They minutes, a puny-looking mongrel dog named
squeak loudly, blaming each other for letting Pirok comes to ask the characters about their
their boat come too close a surfacing rock or preferences among panfish, perch, pickerel, or
some kind of large-mawed river monstrosity. pike (or anything that swims and begins with a
With a broad smile, Puntail brings you to a “p”). The characters might notice Pirok was un-
humble cabin standing on a cluster of bandy
usually quick to volunteer as their waiter at the
stilts: “Welcome to the rat perch, good dogs!”
table, allegedly because she enjoys serving strang-
Puntail is a friendly rat willing to offer tea to ers and anyone who might have an interesting
anyone he thinks is a good dog, for he is always tale to share.
interested in the latest news from outside Woo- Pirok, who occasionally works at the grill
ford. He talks with the characters under the ve- as a hired paw, was pressed into crime by Trim-
randa of his cabin. He is also the rat who brought bu and infiltrated his rival’s restaurant to cause
Little Plum’s last message to his parents. trouble. Her affiliation makes her an accomplice
Puntail is very worried about Little Plum Shi- of Bay and Fos, and if the characters attacked or
loh, and regrets not having dissuaded the young snubbed the two con artists, the dog is keen to
dog from his reckless intent to explore the dan- exact revenge for her buddies. She is also eager
gerous woods east of Mutt Town. With minimal to gain status in his organization, and might de-
persuasion, Puntail offers his assistance to find cide to attempt to poison anyone he perceives
Little Plum and pull him out of any trouble. He as a threat to his boss. Pirok’s plan, in this case,
also gives the characters any information they would be to cook up a story in which she pre-
might have missed from Bay and Fos. At dusk, vented some dog snoopers from Pugmire from
Puntail invites the characters to share a meal in creating trouble for Trimbu’s business.
the nearby fish grill. The grill’s owner, Binko, is Pirok poisons their food as she takes the serv-
Puntail’s cousin and a much poorer but honest ing plates from the grill. To this end, she uses a
competitor of Trimbu. vial of zanabena, an herbal mixture extract that
is poisonous to dogs and which carries a slightly
Just after dark, most rats from the local bitter aftertaste of eggplant. The dog flees im-
community and some dogs gather under a mediately after his attack and leaves the village
gazebo where a team of rat chefs roast the to avoid apprehension. If the characters sense
best of the day’s catch on large coal beds fitted
trouble early and want to question her before she
with grills. The establishment is marked with

38 The Campaign
sneaks away, Pirok’s nerves win out and she bolts After dealing with the dog, the characters
away in panic. Pirok’s cowardice makes her an can retire for the night and prepare for the river
insignificant foe. The characters can easily over- crossing with Puntail.
power her, if they run fast enough.

6. Friendship and Poison 39

At the restaurant, players will need to make a
Wisdom check for each of their characters to see PIROK THE MUTT
Pirok the Mutt, hiding in a corner of the kitchen. Defense: 14
Any characters possessing the Notice skill may Stamina Points: 5
add their proficiency bonus to the die roll. The Speed: 35/50 feet
difficulty to match or beat is 13. Proficiency Bonus: +2
Perhaps they see Pirok stirring the food vig- Abilities: Strength: +0 (10), Dexterity: +2 (15),
orously, or sneaking shifty, sideways glances to- Constitution: +2 (14), Intelligence: +1 (13), Wisdom:
ward the dogs, always looking away quickly if they -1 (8), Charisma: +1 (12)
turn to regard her. Each character who succeeds Skills: Handle Animal, Know Culture, Sneak
is likely to notice something different. If they Speedy Runner: Pirok gets an advantage on all
Dexterity checks having to do with running or being
discuss what they’ve seen, it should be simple to involved in a chase. Also, the character’s speed is
realize Pirok is up to no good, and avoid eating. increased to 35 feet (or 50 feet while running on all
If this happens, be sure to reward the players by fours).
adding extra fortune to the bowl. Failure means Unarmored Defense: This dog can defend
the character does not notice anything unusual. himself without the need for bulky armor. If the dog
is without armor or only using a shield, his defense
Puntail will wonder aloud why Pirok is bring- is 10 + Constitution modifier + Dexterity modifier +
ing out their food when she isn’t a waiter. shield (if used).

If any characters eat the poisoned food, they will

PUNTAIL RAT need to make a Constitution check to avoid the worst
Defense: 13 (soft leather armor) effects. Players must roll a d20 and add any Constitu-
Stamina Points: 6 tion modifiers to the result. The difficulty to equal or
Speed: 10/30 feet beat to defeat the poison is 12. Since the goal was not
to kill but to sicken patrons, the poison incapacitates
Proficiency Bonus: +2
characters who fail for an entire day. They will vomit,
Abilities: Strength: +0 (10), Dexterity: +2 (15),
Constitution: +2 (14), Intelligence: +1 (13), Wisdom: sweat, and lay in bed feeling terrible.
+1 (12), Charisma: -1 (8) The zanabena poison will cost them 1d4+1 stamina
Skills: Know Nature, Notice, Sneak, Survive points, which they will be able to recover normally from
Trap Sense: This rat has an advantage when rest. Characters who fail the Constitution check acquire
avoiding traps. Further, he doubles his proficiency the Sickly condition. Having this condition means the
bonus on all checks to bypass a lock, trap, or similar
device that keeps him from his objective. The device character will have disadvantage on all attack rolls and
is broken on a success. ability checks until they are treated by a shepherd with
Attack: Bite (+2 melee, 1d4-1 piercing damage), the Lesser Restoration spell, or after a week of rest.
dagger (+2 melee, 1d4 piercing damage), sling (+4
ranged 1d4 bludgeoning damage) Those who succeed on the Constitution
check will feel unwell, but after losing only 1
If the characters wish to attack Pirok, he
stamina point will feel better.
will cower and beg for mercy at the first sign of
a weapon. He will confess everything, including If the characters decide to take Pirok along
who hired her and why. Binko, Puntail’s cous- as a servant, she will keep her mouth shut and
in, will be horrified at the attempt to poison his work reasonably well for them. If they offer her
guests, and will fire Pirok on the spot. any sort of reward at the end, she will be indebt-
ed, and will ask to stay on as their servant.
If they treat her poorly, Pirok will keep her eyes
open while in their employ. She will hope that any infor-
mation she can gather will serve as payment to Trimbu.

40 The Campaign
Danger on the River
Tovor and Stipple immediately began to row, pushing the craft upstream
in a fight against the current. It seemed simple: we just had to row north
to allow for the current, which wanted to sweep us south. Under normal
river conditions, we could arrive on the far bank right at Mutt Town.
Unfortunately, Wooford was south of Mutt Town. This made sense for
barges loaded with trade goods wanting to reach Pugmire, but it made
our crossing doubly difficult.
The other four sat at the four corners of the square barge, each paddling
with a long oar. They directed me to sit in the center, saying something about evening
out the weight. I suspected it was their polite way of permitting me to rest while they
worked. Although I suppose by now I’m accustomed to encountering awestruck dogs in my
travels, I wasn’t going to let them do all the work while I sat there.
“What can I do to help?”
We were nearing the center of the river, and I had to shout to be heard over the rushing
waves. I expected some resistance, but Winston just pointed at Sampson.
“Take his spot!” The older dog hollered. “Sampson, drop the tiller and see if you can steer
us around this!”
I stumbled over to Sampson’s corner. As I did, I looked ahead. The water, which had been
a deep blue at the dock, was a churning mix of black rapids with white caps. I took the oar
from Sampson. On my first stroke, the river almost snatched it from my paws. I could feel
the water trying to have its way with the oar, the boat, all of us.
I put my back and shoulders into it and rowed.
From my position in the back corner, I could see all the other crew members with just
a slight diversion of my eyes. I timed my strokes to coordinate with theirs. I suspected
I was not moving as much water as they were, especially the two brutes. At least I could
keep the craft from spinning in place.
Suddenly, a hole appeared in the water before us. The waves spun in a circular motion.
The whirlpool had the front of the barge and was trying to pull us in. For one sickening
moment, one side of the boat was in the water, the other hanging over the edge. I rowed,
my oar swinging through empty space.
We smashed back into the water. Spray flew over the side, sloshing over everything.
I saw Tovor, the long-haired mix, rake her paw through her fur to brush it back from her
eyes. Then she took her oar with both paws and rowed for all she was worth.
“Stroke!” Winston hollered. “Row as if your very lives depend on it, lads!”
I did not need anyone to tell me this. I gave it everything I had. My arms and shoulders
burned with the effort, but I kept time with the bigger dogs. A quick glance at Sampson
showed that he was getting the worst of it. He was totally soaked, alternating between
leaning hard on the tiller to push the boat in one direction and using it as an oar to keep
us from spinning back.
Those moments seemed like an eternity, but we passed the whirlpool into the relative
safe chop of the waves beyond. A few minutes more and the crew brought the sodden boat
to rest under a banner like the one on the Wooford bank. We bumped the dock lightly.
Stipple jumped up, rope in hand, and secured the vessel. He then offered a hand to each of
us as we climbed up. Tovor handed him the baggage while we pushed the water from our
clothes, our fur.

6. Friendship and Poison 41

7. Dangerous
The sun is still low at the horizon when you rat’s eyes grow wide with fear. A sudden tide
board Puntail’s flat-bottomed boat to continue makes the boat jolt, as the speed of the water
your journey eastward. The boat sways gently in increases dramatically due to an unexpected
the water as the rat ties your baggage securely flood current. “On the paddle, quick!” the rat
in the middle and covers it with an oil-soaked squeaks. “Give your all or we’ll be in trouble!”
cloth. After checking that everything is ready, the
rat brings a long steering oar and a few paddles The characters must help Puntail with their
from a nearby shed. He drops the paddles into muscles, for the rat is doing all the necessary
the boat, stands at the aft, and grabs the steering skilled work at the steering oar. Overcoming the
oar firmly with two paws, waiting for you to take current is no easy task. Getting back to a safe
a seat. Then, with a wry smile and self-assured course is going to be a matter of vigor, persever-
glance at the expanse of water ahead, he deftly ance, and sheer luck, as raging waters, natural
swings the oar over his head and plunges it deeply hazards, and even a river monster threaten to
into the water, jamming it in the river bed and
capsize Puntail’s boat.
giving a powerful stroke to set the boat off shore.
He starts singing a squeaky rat maritime shanty. When they finally reach the east bank, the
• Creak-squeak, creak-squeak, characters can travel the course of a tributary
• You old wooden board. stream and reach the bustling frontier settlement
of Mutt Town.
• As long as you don’t break,
• We’ll be staying aboard. After following a tributary up the river for
a few miles, your boat glides placidly in the
Mutt Town is slightly upstream in compar- small port of Mutt Town, where a couple of
ison with Wooford. To cut the current diago- large barges and several smaller boats leave
nally and navigate directly toward the intended little space for mooring your own. Spared from
destination, Puntail needs the characters at the the floods thanks to its protected position and
paddles most of the time, although he manages clever construction, the port is very active due
to keep the boat on shallow, slow-moving waters to the local lumber industry, which supplies the
without difficulty. Near the middle of the swol- urban centers of Pugmire with quality timber and
firewood. Puntail deftly maneuvers to dock at
len river, however, a powerful current suddenly
the main pier, located at the foot of the terraced
mounts upstream and runs over the boat, mak- slope on which the dwellings rise.
ing it sway and drift toward deeper, more danger-
ous waters. Nobody comes to greet the character at the docks.
A patrol of the local militia, made up of diversely
With the rising sun on your right, you feel
equipped, tough-looking mutts, just takes a casual look
a chilly breeze rising from the north. Daylight
dissipates the morning mist, making the opposite at their boat before moving forward on their route.
bank of the river clearly visible, and Puntail grins Puntail secures the boat and tells the characters they
at the sight of your destination. His jolliness must ascend the slope to find Trimbu’s residence. The
lasts just a few seconds, though, for the hum rat intends to spend the next week in Mutt Town,
of the river turns into a low roar, and the working as a hired paw to split and stack firewood for

42 The Campaign
the upcoming winter. He offers to bring the characters Only a rat stevedore resting near the timber barges
back on their return and wishes them good luck. knows the young dog persuaded a couple of his
colleagues to follow him in some kind of adven-
Asking around if someone has seen Little
ture in the Fearful Forest.
Plum Shiloh does not produce appreciable results.

7. Dangerous Crossing 43
Puntail loads up the characters and their gear Once the group achieve three successes, they
onto his boat, ties down the equipment securely, clear the rapids and reach the opposite bank.
and he and the characters shove off toward the If any players roll a 20 they achieve a triumph,
far shore. The river is fast-moving and its banks which counts as two successes towards the over-
are swollen; recent storms upriver have made the all total. If any players roll a 1, they botch, and
normally quiet water into a series of small but can no longer row as they lose an oar or strain a
powerful rapids. The river crossing here isn’t muscle.
easy, but the bank on both sides is low and easy
Example: Fred and Trixie are rowing on round
to climb, and it’s the closest such spot to Mutt
one. The first round, Fred’s player rolls a 17, and Trix-
Town. Puntail steers the raft, but the characters
ie’s rolls a 9. One success, so an event will occur. On
must help out by doing the rowing. There are
round two, Fred’s player rolls with a 6, and Trixie rolls
four oars in the boat.
a 20. Trixie’s triumph gives them another two success-
Each character rowing must make Strength es, resulting in a total of three.
checks. The difficulty is 15. The party need to
For each round in which the characters have
achieve three successes between them, and Pun-
not achieved three full successes, roll 1d4 and
tail can contribute if the party is a small one.
check the table below to see what happens:

1 The boat bounces off a submerged rock. One random character takes 1d4-1 bludgeon-
ing damage.
2 A giant catfish lunges (with a melee modifier of +3), trying to take a bite out of the boat,
an oar, or a character. Each player makes a Dexterity saving throw for their character.
The catfish attacks one of the dogs who fails their save, or damages the boat if they all
succeed. If the catfish succeeds in its attack, it will deliver 1d6 bludgeoning damage to a
character, grab an oar and make off with it, or deal damage to the boat. Characters with-
out oars cannot help row, so one fewer player is able to roll for successes. Likewise, if the
boat takes three bites, it will sink and the characters will need to make Constitution checks
against a difficulty of 16 (the Traverse skill can modify the roll) to reach the other shore.
Failure on an attempt at swimming inflicts 1d4 bludgeoning damage.
3 The boat narrowly escapes sinking into a whirlpool. All players must make Dexterity sav-
ing throws. The difficulty is 15 to avoid being thrown into the water. If they fail their saving
throw, they plunge into the water and will end up a mile downstream, coughing, spitting
up water, and incurring 1d4 bludgeoning damage at the hands of the river, the rocks,
and everything else in the flooded river’s water. This would be an ideal time to spend a
fortune to re-roll a failed Dexterity saving throw. Swimming requires Constitution checks
against a difficulty of 16 (the Traverse skill can modify the roll).
4 The rudder breaks on a submerged rock. Puntail can no longer steer the boat. The players
now need to achieve four rowing successes instead of three to successfully cross the
flood-swollen river. This event can only occur once. Subsequent rolls of 4 result in option 2
taking place instead.

44 The Campaign
Obligations and Encounters
I was pleased to find that while I looked and felt like a drowned whelp, my weapons and
everything else in Winston’s bag were bone dry. I pulled out a pouch, reached inside, and
pushed a few pieces of plastic into the river master’s paw.
Or at least, I tried to.
“No sir, I cannot take payment for the crossing. I know what you intend to do, and it will
benefit not just our family, but all families along the river.”
I wondered what Sampson had told his uncle.
“I insist. The skill with which you delivered us in safety is to be commended. Your crew deserves
much more than I can repay. Please take this paltry sum as a small measure of my gratitude.”
Uncle Winston looked away. He brought a paw to his face, possibly to wipe away a tear. I could be very persuasive
at times. Hanging around with royals had improved my natural gift of the gab as well.
Winston took the offered plastic, shook my paw, and nodded. Once again, he was the consummate businessdog.
“Man watch over you, Pan Dachshund.”
I smiled and replied in kind.
“And you and yours.”
As I turned to leave, Winston pulled his nephew aside. I walked a few paces away, to give them privacy, but
cocked an ear to hear their conversation. Their voices were low, but I could guess the topic. Winston wanted
Sampson to stay, Sampson’s eyes were on the road beyond. I heard the phrase “We must all choose our own paths,”
before I stepped further away.
Winston embraced his nephew and strode away without a backwards glance. It took Sampson a long time to
walk over to where I stood.
“Where are we going?” Sampson asked, his voice rising a notch.
“I want to see these rats that you spoke of. It seems like that would be the best place to start.”
“You... you want to go into the Cheeserake?”
I chuffed at the name. The sign was a garish thing, colors jumping out at passers-by. I did not have a chance to
take another look at it before a barrel-like shadow fell over us.
Standing in the doorway was a huge badger looking us up and down. He was at least twice my height, and cut a
menacing figure. I grinned, my fangs showing.
“Shove off,” he grunted. “We don’t need you lot getting our seats wet.”
“Ah good sir, that is precisely why we would like to enter. We need some food and a warm place to dry off.”
The badger crossed his arms, using the opportunity to flex his muscles. I wondered if he was the strong but slow
type, or the strong and much more troublesome type. “I said, shove off.”
I raised myself up to my full height, one hand resting on the hilt of my rapier. “Do you know who I am?”
He stared pointedly at the string of badger teeth around my neck.
“I’ve a good idea I do.” His tone was deeper and foreboding. It sounded like he was gargling ground rocks.
“Then you know I can make it worth your while.”
He tensed when I reached into a pouch with my left paw, my right remaining on the rapier. I drew out a pawful of
plastic, not bothering to count it. I had to go up on my tiptoes, but I could place it on the shelf created by his folded
arms. He glanced down. “Fine, but the drowned mutt stays outside.”
“The mutt comes with me,” I replied, adding a little more coin. That bag was becoming alarmingly light.
Sampson’s Fen better be filled with the stuff.
The badger glared at me, then stepped aside.
“Only long enough to dry off. Then scram.”
“Thank you, gracious sir.” I tried but failed to keep the sarcasm out of my voice.

7. Dangerous Crossing 45
8. Tough and Sly

As you walk into Mutt Town, you find its intruder by the scruff of the neck. He brings his
buildings rise along a promenade and a central boot up into the poor dog’s behind, who ends
street, forming a rough T shape. The central street face down in a gutter and slinks away down
ascends a slope, running from a larger, lower the street, muttering curses.
square near the port to a smaller, higher one.
The town hall and a chapel of Man dominate The badger bouncer is Barsuc Da Musta,
the larger square. Along the central street are Trimbu’s elite bodyguard. Since his master set-
several shops, where carpenters, blacksmiths, tled into Mutt Town, Barsuc gladly took the role
butchers, and tanners are hard at work. The of chief door guard, hoping to extort as many
smaller square is also the strongpoint of the plastic coins as possible from visitors eager to
settlement’s defensive palisade. There, beside get in and willing to pay for it. He asks insidi-
an old observation tower and the wooden ous and provocative questions to make newcom-
cabins of the town’s lumber workers and militia,
ers uncomfortable and press them into paying a
is a compound with a pitched roof of red tiles
and three ornate chimneys. bribe. Barsuc was expelled from Pugmire due to
his criminal tendencies, and is particularly sus-
The compound in the smaller square of picious of posh-looking dogs who ought to want
Mutt Town is the Cheeserake, a restaurant, inn, anything but to eat and gamble at such a seedy
and casino run by Trimbu. The rat boss founded site.
his establishment only a year before, refurbish- After dealing with Barsuc Da Musta or oth-
ing a decrepit dog stronghold named Fort Hell- erwise entering the compound (slipping into a
hound. The Cheeserake is a major attraction window or sliding down a coal chute, for exam-
within the otherwise humdrum settlement. The ple), the characters find themselves in the laby-
establishment, however, has a strict admission rinthine environment of a former fort dungeon.
policy toward strangers, and does not welcome Although none of Trimbu’s employees seem to
the indigent. pay too much attention to them, they are quick-
ly detected and accosted by the establishment’s
Made up of a cluster of buildings built on host.
ancient stone foundations, the Cheeserake is
reminiscent of a fortress. The only entrance The ground floor of the compound, although
is clearly marked by a sign painted in red, well decorated and upholstered, is a maze
black, and yellow, which depicts a diabolical of narrow corridors and small rooms. Barred
dog plunging a big fork into a vat of boiling windows provide dim illumination, and the smell
fondue. A few rat orderlies and a mighty-looking of cooking food permeates the corridors. As
badger bouncer dressed in black chained you seek to find your way, you spot two large
armor guard the door. As you observe the eyes peering at you from the shadows behind
entrance, an unassuming dog tries to sneak in a curtained arcade. The eyes squint in interest
without attracting too much attention, but the and evaluation, then the curtain opens. An agile,
badger immediately takes notice and grabs the white-furred, female cat, dressed in silk and

46 The Campaign
trinkets, comes forth to meet you. She chuckles tities, suave Lazibi uses her magical Bracelet of
artfully. “Meow, good dogs! Are you looking Trusting to pry forth information about the char-
for something? I’m Lazibi, the head waitress to acters’ true intentions. Lazibi offers to take the
master Trimbu. I can take you to him, if you wish.” characters directly to her boss to prevent further
trouble. As she guides the characters, though, she
Besides her mundane, professional role, Lazi-
leads them through a narrow corridor populated
bi is a special advisor to Trimbu, endowed with
with rat pickpockets.
minor magical powers. As she asks for their iden-

8. Tough and Sly 47

Fighting with Barsuc is a bad idea; he is a tough op- to trust her completely (see Bracelet of Trusting descrip-
ponent, though he doesn’t fight to the death. Instead, tion below). Any attempts to notice the pickpockets with
the players should try to talk their way in, convincing a Wisdom roll (at a difficulty of 15) are done at a disad-
him that they are here to eat or gamble, or offer him vantage. The characters are so distracted by Lazibi, it’s
plastic coins as a bribe, of which he will require more difficult for them to notice the subtle paws of the rats
than a few. To talk their way in, they will need to make carefully lifting items from their belts and pockets.
Charisma checks at difficulty 15, using the Persuade Players who role-play themselves failing to
skill if they have it. If they succeed, Barsuc lets them notice items being stolen from them should earn
in, but he’ll make sure someone keeps an eye on them. a fortune for the fortune bowl.
Another option is to slip past Barsuc while he’s Lazibi casually leads the characters along the
distracted by making a Dexterity check at a difficulty of corridor, looking back over her shoulder periodically
14. The Sneak skill can modify the roll. Failure means to make sure the characters are still following. If a
Barsuc caught them in the act, and forces them to leave. character starts a fight with one of the pickpockets,
A botch means Barsuc physically kicks them out of the the rat will immediately dart through a door at the
building, and won’t consider letting them in again. back of the alcove, throwing the bolt to lock it behind
them. They will take what goods they’ve acquired to
the counting room, where they evaluate the value of
their collection of stolen goods.
Defense: 14 (black chain shirt) If anyone does notice the pickpockets, Lazibi calls
Stamina Points: 20 off the rest of the thieves with a pre-arranged signal.
Speed: 30/40 feet
Proficiency Bonus: +2 LAZIBI, CAT HOSTESS
Abilities: Strength: +4 (18), Dexterity: +1 (12),
Constitution: +4 (18), Intelligence: +1 (12), Wisdom: Defense: 13
+0 (11), Charisma: +1 (12) Stamina Points: 20
Skills: Intimidate Speed: 40/60 feet
Darkvision: This character can see without any Proficiency Bonus: +2
light at all. Characters using Darkvision in darkness
can only see in black and white. They cannot see Abilities: Strength: +2 (14), Dexterity: +3 (16),
things they wouldn’t be able to see in light, such as Constitution: +1 (12), Intelligence: +1 (13), Wisdom:
invisible characters. +0 (11), Charisma: +2 (14)
Attack: Greatclub (+6 melee, 1d8+4 bludgeoning Skills: Persuade, Sneak
damage) Darkvision: Lazibi can see without any light at all.
Vicious: As a bonus action, this badger can move Characters using Darkvision in darkness can only
up to his speed toward a hostile creature that he see in black and white. They cannot see things they
sees. (Bonus actions are just that: a bonus that can wouldn’t be able to see in light, such as invisible
be taken under specific circumstances. Every charac- characters.
ter has one bonus action, but bonus actions are only Items: Bracelet of Trusting
used for specific abilities that call for them, such as The Bracelet of Trusting convinces all within a ten-foot
Vicious, in this case.) radius that the wearer can be trusted with even the most
The characters find themselves in a large, open sensitive, secret information. The affected characters must
room filled with tables where all sorts of gambling games make a Wisdom check against a difficulty of 15 to keep
from blathering on to the wearer about everything they
are being played. Lazibi approaches, offering to lead know. On a success, a character may remain silent, con-
them to Trimbu. She passes through a curtain into a cor- sidering what and how much to reveal. On a triumph,
ridor lined with tapestries. The tapestries cover alcoves, the effect of the bracelet breaks for that character. On
a botch, the character acquires the Charmed condition
disguising the presence of a half-dozen rat pick-pockets for 2d4 days, and is unable to attack or deceive Lazibi.
who attempt to lift items of value from the characters as Lazibi gains an advantage on any attempt to charm that
they follow Lazibi in a magic-induced daze. Lazibi wears individual. Players who role-play this trust well should
earn fortune for the bowl.
a magical bracelet that causes all within a ten-foot radius
48 The Campaign
Welcome to Mutt Town
The Cheeserake was a maze. We threaded our way through crowds, examining doors and hallways
as we passed. We ended up in a combination bar and casino. It was a depressing place with poor
lighting and no windows to let in sunlight or to allow gamblers to estimate the time of day.
“I would like a pot of ale and two bowls,” I told the hostess.
“Will you be joining us for some games? Perhaps a room for the night?”
I felt a tickle between my ears. I shook my head to clear it.
“Perhaps. Let’s see how the evening goes.”
She led me to the bar. A rat in black slacks, white shirt, and sleeve garters nodded.
“Lazibi?” On the bartender’s lips, her name was a question.
“Some ale for my new friend. Two bowls. On the house.”
The rat nodded and went off to fetch the ale.
“Thank you,” I said. “That’s very generous treatment of a stranger.”
“Oh, a stranger is only a friend who you haven’t met.” Her lashes fluttered. My stomach roiled. “Now that we’re friends,
why don’t you tell me your name?”
I normally jump at the chance to introduce myself. Naturally, most people recognize me on sight, but there are still those
who do not make the immediate connection. This time, however, I felt that same feeling in my skull, the tickle turning into
a maddening itch.
“Just a traveler passing through your fine town.”
“Passing through to where?” Lazibi purred.
The itch again. The only way to scratch it was to answer her question.
My skin grew cold and my fur stood on end. I narrowed my eyes and stared at the cat.
Magic. Necromancy.
“Passing through to points beyond,” I replied, my voice as cold as the snow.
Her lip curled, one fang exposed. Her eyes narrowed to match mine. The itch turned into a cold spike driven directly into
my brain. I braced myself.
She hissed under her breath and spun away just as the rat returned with a pitcher of ale and two earthenware bowls. He
stared, dumbfounded, at Lazibi’s retreating back and twitching tail.
I took the drinks and tipped him in thanks.
Sampson secured a small spot for us along a shelf running the length of the far wall. Backless stools ran its length. I set
the drinks on the scarred wooden surface, pulled out a stool with one paw, and sat, my back to the wall, eyes on the room.
Sampson poured us each a drink. I took it with a murmur of thanks. A ring of dogs occupied the table closest to us. They
gambled on the results of dice thrown by a rat dressed like the bartender. There were four dice, rough cubes cut from the
bone of some animal.
“What do you think our chances are of finding the Fabulous Fen?” Sampson asked.
“To be honest,” I said, my eyes never leaving the gamblers, “I don’t know. Many have tried before without success.”
“But we have the disk.”
A Pomeranian with matted fur made a small wager and won a moderate sum on the result. The rat stole a quick glance at
the far end of the room. A rat, fat both in girth and immodest dress, made a circling motion with one finger.
I gulped down my ale. Sampson refilled it without asking.
“There seem to be a lot of those disks for sale on the street. We may have a lot of competition for the prize.”
The Pom bet and won again. Another glance, another circular motion.
“So there are no guarantees.” Sampson sounded dejected. I stole a quick glance at my companion. He sat hunched over, head
bowed. I patted him on the shoulder.
“Fortune favors a bold dog, and I feel like our luck may be turning.”
“Someone’s luck is definitely turning.”
I spun to see the badger from the door stalking towards me. The rat from the throne at the end of the room was pointing
at me. “Barsuc!”
“Already on it, boss.”
The badger strode over, an unnecessary trio of rat goons flanking him. I stumbled over to the croupier, grabbed his
shoulders, pivoted, and tossed him into the oncoming ruffians.
“Let’s go!”

8. Tough and Sly 49

9. Rats of
Mutt Town
Guided by Lazibi, you soon emerge into an Trimbu is already evaluating the protag-
expansive basement hall, where amber-colored onists as potential business partners. If ques-
glass lamps tinge an atmosphere infused with tioned about the rat bandits, Trimbu denies
pungent notes of citrus and cloves. Thick carpets any direct involvement with them. Trimbu’s
with elaborate designs cover the floor, on statement, in this case, is one of the subjec-
which several low tables with seating cushions tive truths. He feels the savage rats on the west
are spaced evenly. A motley crowd of patrons bank of the river are too lowly and disorga-
occupy the tables, gambling with cards and dice. nized to be worthy of the status of accomplices
A half dozen rat flunkeys and maids take care
in his plans. He also says there is no ongoing
of cleanliness, service, and security. In a corner
opposite the entrance, seated on a high chair under relationship between him and any crooks sell-
a polychrome skylight, a richly dressed, wizened ing fake artifacts to dupes, although he once
rat with a small snout and very large ears sips wine allowed Bay and Fos to make a plaster cast
from a chalice and exchanges comments with two of the Talisman of Akbash in his possession.
chunky dogs dressed in fur coats and hats. Dealing skillfully with Trimbu, the characters
can persuade the old rat to show them the ar-
The important-looking rat is Trimbu. He tifact, and then to form a partnership aimed
is talking business with two local timber mer- at finding the Fabulous Fen and recovering its
chants. Trimbu and his closest associates live off treasures. At any time during the conversation,
the arduous work of many of their lesser brethren the rat boss can summon a servant to show the
in the establishment above and elsewhere in the talisman to the characters.
kingdom of Pugmire.


The real Talisman of Akbash is a disk made of very hard, grey plastic. One of its faces is com-
pletely flat, while the other features the triangular relief of an arrowhead pointing at a bead of
dull crystal set near the board. The main difference between replica and original is the circular
groove inscribing the arrow. Like in the replicas, the groove in the original features a needle and
is inscribed with Man-writing. In the original only, the needle spins within the plastic shell, point-
ing to the magnetic north. With this magnetic compass and homing device, anyone crossing the
Straddle Strip can reach the Fabulous Fen with relative ease.
The talisman is an artifact the function of which was to guide the inhabitants of a Man-made
haven back home in a remote past. This haven, an underground city, had been built to protect
Man for unknown reasons. The talisman receives a magical signal from the haven, but it must be
near enough to the hidden sanctuary to detect it. If the characters bring the talisman beyond the
Straddle Strip, hold it level, and try to “read” it, the “bead” on it lights up faintly. The light glows
more intensely when the arrow on the disk points toward the haven. When held level and aligned
with the goal, the Talisman also emits a ping sound, which increases as the user gets nearer.

50 The Campaign
At Trimbu’s command, a hooded rat earns his confidence, especially if they are trust-
approaches his seat, holding a valuable wood worthy dogs hailing from Pugmire, providing he
casket with great deference. The hooded rat gets something in return. It is, after all, in his
opens the lid of the casket and offers it to his best financial interest to see the local economy
master, stooping deeply. Trimbu smirks and puts restored. But any deal with Trimbu will undoubt-
his paw inside to grab its precious content, a
edly be weighted in his favor. He did not become
palm-sized, disk-shaped artifact of Man. The
rat stands up and raises the artifact over his a criminal boss by practicing charity.
head, bathing it in the multicolored radiance If they make a deal, the rats offer the char-
of the skylight above. “The original talisman acters a cheap place to sleep in Trimbu’s com-
of Akbash,” he squeaks triumphantly. “And it pound and some provisions for their upcoming
is mine!” trip in the wilderness. If the deal fails, Trimbu’s
flunkeys unceremoniously oust the characters
Despite his ostentatious pride in owning the from the Cheeserake’s front door, where Barsuc
talisman, Trimbu is willing to lend it to anyone Da Musta sardonically wishes them good luck.
searching for the Fabulous Fen’s treasures who

9. Rats of Mutt Town 51

Trimbu and his associates are eating, drink- Trimbu holds the real Talisman of Akbash,
ing, and gambling in a brick-lined basement hall. and for the right price he will lend it to the char-
The hall is large enough to easily accommodate a acters in exchange for a hefty cut of whatever they
hundred souls, and there are currently about sixty find in the Fen. Characters can attempt to negoti-
individuals here, including bodyguards, assistants, ate using the Charming Discourse trick or using
hangers-on, and sycophants, most of them visibly the Bluff or Persuade skills on a Charisma check
armed. At the far end of the hall, Trimbu sits in a against a difficulty of 13 (Trimbu’s Wisdom).
large, throne-like chair on a raised platform. The Not having these skills means the character at-
table in front of him is heavily laden with food. tempting to negotiate has disadvantage: Trimbu
is an old hand at bargaining, and he’s very good
at it. He will not drop his cut below 40% of the
TRIMBU take, regardless of how successful the characters
Defense: 12 (bear hide armor) are at bargaining (unless he is Charmed).
Stamina Points: 10 If any of the characters had trouble with Barsuc
Speed: 10 feet or had any of their possessions stolen by the pick-
Proficiency Bonus: +2 pockets in the curtained corridor outside, and they
Abilities: Strength: +0 (10), Dexterity: +1 (12), mention either of these events to Trimbu, he claims
Constitution: +2 (14), Intelligence: +3 (16), Wisdom: he will “see to it that things are fixed.”
+1 (13), Charisma: -1 (9)
If, at any point, the characters refer to Big Blum
Skills: Bluff, Intimidate, Know Culture, Notice, Sense
Motive Shiloh’s debt, an angry frown overtakes Trimbu’s
Darkvision: Trimbu can see without any light at affable expression and he clams up. On a successful
all. Characters using Darkvision in darkness can only Charisma check against a difficulty of 16, he speaks
see in black and white. They cannot see things they his mind. A Persuade or Intimidate skill may mod-
wouldn’t be able to see in light, such as invisible ify the result on the player’s die roll. The rat im-
mediately calls Big Blum a shrewd old mutt, who
Precise Attack: Once per turn, this character can
add 1d6 to a melee attack damage roll if he has probably keeps a bag of plastic coins in the mattress,
advantage for any reason, or if an ally of the charac- cries misery, and exploits the protection of Pugmire
ter is within five feet of the target. This character can to dodge her debts. The characters should under-
also make a Dexterity check (difficulty is 10 + the
highest Wisdom modifier of all active opponents) as stand that pushing this matter is risky, for the cheer-
an action to avoid a target’s attention. If successful, ful Trimbu angers when his outstanding claims are
he gains an advantage on his next melee attack roll. mentioned. The rat does not admit to sending his
Weapons: Dagger (melee +2, 1d4 piercing boys to solicit payment from the Shilohs, and only
damage) says he made an honest offer to buy his debtor’s
Trimbu is only interested in making mon- farm for a fair price.
ey; with money comes power and control, so he
If informed of Little Plum’s initiative and the
takes care of the money first, and lets the oth-
danger he faces in the Fearful Forest, expresses
er things follow as they will. Trimbu carries his
doubt about his debtor’s honesty, and mutters
authority slyly, like a rat who knows how to get
that he could well have given that timewasting
water during a drought.
young dog a job in his restaurant to help with his
father’s situation.

52 The Campaign
Into the Fearful Forest
We spent the night at the house of Sampson’s father. I woke early, but apparently not as
early as the family. I found myself alone in the cottage, the members of the household
up and about their business. In the kitchen, I found a covered plate of breakfast, a
small bag of dried meat, and a note. The worn, stained paper was weighted down by
Sampson’s guidance disk. I transcribed the writing from it as follows:
Pan Dachshund,
Thank you for believing in my quest. In my brief time with you I have found you are a
good and honorable dog. I also believe I may be a hindrance to you on your quest. I apologize
for abandoning you in this way, but I feel I would be more useful here, doing my job with my family, despite
my willingness to adventure with you.
Although you have no obligation to continue to pursue the Fabulous Fen, I suspect now that you have its
scent, nothing will stop you from reaching it. Towards this end, I have left the artifact I purchased. Please
use it in good health.
Man be with you,
Sampson Mutt
A stray tear may have obscured my vision for a moment. After wiping it away, I noted there were directions
towards the rumored location of the Fen, including a sketch of the way out of town. I found my pen and
journal, removed a page from the back, and wrote my response over a hasty breakfast.
Sampson Mutt,
Thank you for your kind words. I question whether they apply in my case, but you, sir, ARE a good and noble
dog. I applaud your devotion to your family. Should there ever come a time when you find yourself willing to
join the Pioneers, I would be proud to sponsor you.
I paused here, feeling that there should be more, but not knowing what to say. I finally decided on:
May Man shine on you and your family.
Your friend,
Pan Dachshund
I left the note next to the dish and started away. At the last moment, I turned back and grabbed the disk,
more as a way of indicating that I was continuing with the quest than anything else.
I started tramping into the woods with the hope that the fog would burn off quickly. Normally a walk
in the woods would have put a spring into my step and made me hold my tail held high. However, talk of
marauding rats, monsters, and the grey, muddy landscape itself was enough to make me wary.
The Fearful Forest is foreboding to begin with. A massive wooded area, it is full of twisting paths that
can easily lead a good dog astray. It is also rife with bandits, and every pup hears the stories of trees
whispering to the unwary, possibly even moving to alter the paths themselves.
I don’t know that I believe in talking trees, but I do have a healthy dislike for the necromantic cats and
their eldritch acts. I’ll take a stand-up fight against a monster over an encounter with a slew of spell-
casting cats any day.
I trudged towards the woods, trying to follow Sampson’s vague directions. Soon the streets became dirt
paths, and the houses more ramshackle with larger, wilder gaps between them. Finally, I passed the last
settlement and was truly out in the wilderness. All too soon I began passing the first trees. Small saplings
gave way to copses, then to the forest itself.
The trees gathered the fog, held it between themselves thick as tangled wool, and blocked any easy line
of sight into the area beyond. I sniffed the air, the murk doing little to hide the smell of green growth, leaf
rot, and decay.
I smiled, despite myself. The way ahead seemed dismal, but it still felt like returning home to me.
I glanced up at the patchwork sun peeking through the thickening canopy one last time, chose the path that
seemed to head in my preferred direction, and stepped into the Fearful Forest.

9. Rats of Mutt Town 53

10. The Mystical
After leaving Mutt Town, you take a forest trail the long grass. By mid-morning, after climbing
heading east and winding slightly to south. You to the top of a hill, a gap between the trees
leave at the same time as a friendly group of allows you to glimpse your destination: a canyon
loggers and hunters, who often use the trail, and extending perpendicular to your direction of
walk on a well maintained and marked course travel a few miles ahead.
for a few miles. After leaving your occasional
company behind, you carry on the winding The characters reach the Straddle Strip after
way. You pass by a few deforested clearings about five hours of marching, when the trail breaks
and several timber deposits before traversing out of the wood and disappears into the vegetation.
two wooden bridges built across brooks flowing
into the river basin. As you walk away from Mutt Emerging from the woods, you find yourself
Town, the traces of civilization fade away until before a huge rift descending into a range
the trail becomes little more than a furrow in of rocky terrain, stretching as far as the eye

54 The Campaign
can see to your right and to your left. At its The holes are giant ant tunnels, and are all
uppermost height, the width of the canyon connected to a subterranean hive. They are im-
varies greatly, from very narrow points to huge practical to all, to say the least; indeed, only the
gaps several dozen meters wide. Below, the smallest of dogs might have any real hope to pen-
terrains sinks into a gloomy abyss, occasionally etrate them. Nevertheless, they present a great
swept by a howling wind.
danger to anyone lingering for too long within
Unless the characters want to circumvent the the canyon.
Straddle Strip, which is going to take three days of Though the legend of Saint Akbash claims
travel, they must cross the canyon. This can be done otherwise, there is no ritual method of crossing
only by climbing down and back up, which seems the canyon base. A lucky character who spends
to be the way to go according to the Saint Akbash some time searching the ruined road might find
legend that the crooked rats in Wooford told. a torn piece of attractive red-colored plastic stuck
in a layer of sandstone, amounting for several
At the bottom of the canyon, which is 30 to coins’ worth of raw plastic.
50 feet deep, lie the remains of a broken road
Once the characters are on the other side of
of Man. The surfacing parts of the road are now
blackened, cracked, and barely recognizable, the Straddle Strip, the Talisman of Akbash picks
although the characters can occasionally spot up the signal that can lead our heroes to their
fragments of enameled metal and rocks painted destination. Using the compass and reading the
with fading lines of white, yellow, and blue. direction of the light from two distant points of
Where the road still lies underground, the soil the Straddle Strip can even allow an artisan dog
is soft and boggy. Here and there, the canyon to make a triangulation and determine their ap-
walls are pierced by ominous-looking holes, a proximate distance to the goal. This calculation
few feet in diameter, which could easily lead reveals a distance of roughly two days of travel
to the lair of some beast. on foot.

10. The Mystical Border 55

If the characters descend to the bottom of Once they see how tough a single Giant Ant is,
the canyon, they will meet the most dangerous they will start to work on an escape plan when the
foe they’ve faced so far: Giant Ants. These ants second shows up.
are on patrol foraging for food, and engage in If, on the other hand, the characters jump
carrying food back to their nest. There are two across or use rope to get over a narrow spot in the
Giant Ants in this patrol, both workers (drones). canyon (successful Wisdom checks at difficulty
Ants communicate with each other using 13 to find the best place to cross, with Notice
pheromones, a near instantaneous form of contact skill modifying the die roll result), they will un-
that utilizes airborne chemical signals. When one doubtedly spot the dangerous Giant Ants forag-
ant engages in a fight, it will immediately give off ing around the canyon floor. If the Guide feels
pheromones calling for help. The second ant will the ants aren’t trying to be secretive, the charac-
respond to this call for help three combat rounds ters can see them without rolling any dice.
after the first ant is attacked. If combat goes badly
for the characters — and it might; giant ants are
tough — the best course of action would be to run GIANT WORKER (DRONE) ANT
away. The ants are busy with their own tasks, and Defense: 12 (chitinous exoskeleton)
if the attack breaks off or if they are left alone, they Stamina Points: 20
will continue with what they were doing. Speed: 30 feet (climb 20 feet)
Any characters captured by the ants will be Proficiency Bonus: +2
taken away to their nest. Abilities: Strength: +3 (16), Dexterity: +0 (10),
This is a highly dangerous encounter. It’s Constitution: +2 (15), Intelligence: -5 (1), Wisdom:
+1 (13), Charisma: +0 (11)
important for the players to learn that some en-
Skills: Traverse
counters are better to avoid. The topic of scale is
Darkvision: This ant can see without any light at
important here, too: one ant is more than a match all. Characters using Darkvision in darkness can only
for one character, even if that character is a tough see in black and white. They cannot see things they
fighter. If the Guide is running this game for less wouldn’t be able to see in light, such as invisible
than three characters, it might be prudent to have characters.
the ants ignore the characters altogether — they are Attacks: Bite (+3 melee, 2d4+3 piercing)
already carrying something back to their nest and Grab: To use this ability, a Giant Ant must do dam-
age with its bite attack. A Giant Ant may choose to
don’t really have the time or interest to investigate inflict the Immobile condition at the time it hits with a
the characters. Three characters could probably bite.
tackle a single worker ant, but two workers at the Acid Sting: A Giant Ant has a stinger and an ac-
same time would be a challenge for a party of five id-producing gland in its abdomen. If it successfully
or six characters. Guides should use their best makes an opponent Immobile, it can attempt to sting
each round as a +3 melee attack. A hit with the sting
judgement in dealing with this encounter. If the attack deals 1d4+3 points of acid damage.
characters insist on fighting, allow them to do so.

56 The Campaign
Forest Travels
To say the light was dim inside the Fearful Forest would be to
insult darkness. It wasn’t the darkness of full night, but the
darkness of a barely lit room on the lower levels of a ship.
There was illumination, but it was high above and diffuse. The
foliage reached across the sky, the trees grasping each other and
blanketing the sunlight away. Clammy, dense mist swallowed me
whole, obscuring even my own feet. I was tempted to close my eyes
and rely on my sense of smell, but I worried that this would not protect me from
stray, low-hanging branches.
The last thing I wanted to do was walk muzzle first into a tree limb.
There was nothing for it but to press on.
After an hour of walking, the path split again. I did not see the fork so much as
felt it with my feet. My left paw was slightly than my right, and I felt soft loam
where there had been hard-packed soil. Straining my eyes, I could just make out a
tree directly in my way. Investigating the fork on all fours, I discovered that the
path I followed veered off to the left, climbing slightly to disappear behind the
old elm before me. To the right, a small, sandy trail slipped into the woods, diving
down into the murk. A lesser woodsman would have missed it altogether, even in
bright daylight. It was only my years of experience in the wild that revealed it to
The left leading path seemed better travelled. I turned to the right. If the Fabulous
Fen had been along the established route, it would have already been found by
whomever was using the road with such frequency. My goal was someplace hidden
and secret. I suspected that the trail to the right would either peter out quickly, or
double back to the main walkway.
Either way, it was headed in the general direction I wanted. I might as well follow
it for as long as I could.
After only few steps along the new route, I began a precipitous descent. My legs
burned as I struggled to make my way, sometimes taking to all fours once more.
Fortunately, there were plenty of places where tree roots crossed the path, forming
makeshift footholds and keeping the soil from eroding, preventing the way from
becoming a treacherous, natural slide.
Each step down brought me further into the clammy, claustrophobic miasma. Even
I had a tough time pushing on.
The path bottomed out, widening into a clearing. I couldn’t see the path any longer
and wondered if this was where it finally gave out. I crept along the edge, staying
well inside the tree line. I didn’t see anything, but something wasn’t right. The
fog played with the way sound carried, heightening my anxiety. My own careful
footfalls seemed loud. Other sounds, like those of squirrels running up tree trunks
and distant birdsong, remained muffled and difficult to pinpoint.
All at once, I stopped, placing one hand against a sturdy oak tree to steady myself.
Somewhere, I did not know where, I could hear two dogs locked in conversation.

10. The Mystical Border 57

11. Toward
the Beacon
The difficult march toward the Fabulous Fen the right direction. One is the trail of Little Plum’s
brings you to an area of marshy terrain, as the party, whose tracks are still fresh on the ground,
forest turns slowly to a swamp. You stumble the other is the genuine Talisman of Akbash.
across a pond, and hear some rustling and Shortly before midday, when the talisman’s ping
the sound of something splashing about in the is already quite loud, a random character picks up
water. This region of humid, pristine wilderness a faint but very distinctive aroma of cinnamon. To
teems with wildlife. Finding a trail or any clue check out this unusual trail, which seems to run
about the direction to take, however, seems a along Little Plum’s tracks, our heroes need to devi-
daunting endeavor. ate slightly from a direct path to the Fabulous Fen.
The characters may wander the bogs aimlessly, Following the smell of the cinnamon, you arrive
unless they possess one of two possible ways to find in a clearing where a bonfire burned within a

58 The Campaign
circle of stones. Around it remain the traces At sunset, the characters must camp out for
of an abandoned bush camp: three heaps of the night ahead. In the dead of night, any guard-
leaves used as beds, torn blankets, an upturned ing dog is startled by a sudden light, and any
pot, some scattered bowls and cups. Signs of sleeping dog awakens with a fur-raising sense of
a struggle are abundant: heavy paw prints, supernatural terror.
stomped grass, and an arrow newly planted in
the trunk of a tree. Several wet packs and bags, At some distance, in the deep darkness under
torn open and slashed, slump near the cold, the trees, a ghostly light floats in the air. The
extinguished bonfire. As you look around, you will-o’-the-wisp is no brighter than the pale, sickly
stumble in a cluster of smelly, sticky filaments. moon shining above. The light wavers slightly
and its orb grows, its energy flowing through
The characters have found the last camp set your eyes and into your brain. You hear a soft
up by Plum Shiloh and his party before giant hum from inside your head. A low, limpid female
spiders attacked and captured them. The arach- voice, delicate and chilly as the night breeze,
nids paralyzed and tied their victims with their echoes in your mind... “Dogs!”
webs. Among the destroyed bags, the characters
can find a backpack left intact by the spiders. The apparition lingers for just a few mo-
The spared backpack belonged to Little Plum, ments, but the eerie situation and the specter’s
and contains, among other things, a stick of telepathic effect is disturbing indeed. The char-
cinnamon like the one the characters may have acters may be shaken, and experience a lingering
received by Pistilla Shiloh. The smell of cinna- sense of fear. After the disappearance of the light
mon repelled the spiders. The tracks left by the and voice, silence and darkness envelope the for-
spiders as they dragged away their victims are evi- est once more.
dent, and any dog can easily follow them, though The apparition was Ast-Maat, a wicked crea-
they may struggle to identify what creatures could ture of the time of Man now haunting the Fabu-
make such prints. The tracks head in the direc- lous Fen. When morning finally arrives, the au-
tion shown by the Talisman of Akbash, and lead tumnal chill has intensified, and our heroes need
directly to the Fabulous Fen. an extra dose of courage to continue.

10. The Mystical Border 59

This uncharted part of the Fearful Forest is rough-
ly the point at which Pan’s recorded journey ends. If
the characters haven’t been mapping their path until
this point, a successful Intelligence check against a dif-
ficulty of 12 allows the Guide to prompt them to do
so, reminding them of their additional objectives. Popular folklore in the Kingdom of Pug-
As they venture further into the forest, a light mire tells of Gustav Doberman, the dog
who took on the Coven of Spiders: a
on the Talisman starts glowing. A “ping” noise terrifying cabal of uplifted arachnids who,
issues quietly from the Talisman. At about this these days, live only in legend. The coven
same time, characters making a successful Wis- enslaved a legion of dogs, grooming them
dom check against a difficulty of 13 pick up the as a perpetual food supply, before Gustav
familiar scent of other dogs, and of the Shiloh made his way to their Priestess and slew
family. The Search and Survive skills may con- her, freeing his friends and family.
tribute to modify any die roll made to accomplish How did Gustav get so close to the
this task. If they succeed, they find the remains well-guarded Priestess? Cinnamon. The
spiders dared not approach the intrepid
of a campsite. Strands of webbing are all around, Doberman as around his neck, hanging
on the ground and hanging from the trees above. from his paws, his ears, his jaw, hung
Characters find the adhesive webbing when it smoldering cinnamon sticks. This gas
clings to their faces, feet, or the backs of their attack disorientated and confused the
hands. Describe this material as a sudden, mys- spiders to such a degree that Gustav was
able to walk directly to the Priestess and
terious discovery to achieve an alarming effect. impale her cold heart.
The scattered camp is abandoned: items are To this day, all good dogs know a spider
damaged by wildlife, the fire burned out long ago, hates cinnamon.
and any some fabric items — bed rolls, shoes, cloth-
ing — are soggy from recent rains, and probably
moldy to boot. A few items are still salvageable, in- deterrent properties cinnamon possesses against
cluding a short sword, some arrows in a quiver, and insects, including ants and spiders.
several torches. A successful Wisdom check against Deep in the night, the characters awaken as
a difficulty of 12 (in which the Search or Survive a chill creeps up each of their spines. Nearby, a
skills will improve the die roll) reveals drag marks in ghostly light bobs slowly to and fro. On closer
the soil, long and deep enough to be made by the inspection, the characters can see it is a human-
limp bodies of young dogs. This successful check oid figure with a glowing head. The characters
also allows characters to discover oddly-shaped in- feel a strange buzzing sensation in their minds,
dentations on either side of the drag marks. These but it passes quickly, and the ghostly figure winks
tracks were left by the giant spiders themselves. out after only a few minutes, disappearing from
There are at least two. Knowing this should keep view. Characters will again need to make a Wis-
the characters on edge for most of the night — and dom check at a difficulty of 15 after this event
will force each of them to make a Wisdom saving or acquire the Scared condition, which lasts un-
throw against a difficulty of 13. Characters who fail til dawn or until the condition is removed. Any
this check acquire the Scared condition until dawn, characters already Scared that night will not ac-
or until the condition is removed. Scared characters quire further complications from the second ter-
will not willingly stay in the camp area. rifying event.
The stick of cinnamon found in the remains Between this and concerns about spiders at-
of camp compels an Intelligence check against a tacking in the night, the characters all sleep bad-
difficulty of 14 (the Know Culture skill will im- ly; none recover any lost stamina points from the
prove the die roll). Success reveals the legendary previous day’s adventuring.

60 The Campaign
“I’m telling you, Bay. We didn’t leave anything of any value behind.”
The voice was low, gruff, and coming from somewhere to my left. It sounded
like the speakers were near the center of the clearing. I was thankful I had
listened to my intuition and not walked blindly into an encounter with two
unknown dogs in the depths of the woods. There was a chance that they were
good dogs, but what would a good dog be doing out in the middle of the Fearful
Forest? Anyone with business in the wild that led them far from the trade paths
(myself excluded, of course) was bound to be bad news.
I crouched down behind my oak and strained my ears to listen.
“I don’t even know if we’re in the right place. This stupid fog is impossible. I thought
you said it would be gone by midday.”
The other dog practically whined these words. I recognized that voice. It took me a few
wags, but then I got it. It was one of the shills from Wooford. How had they gotten to the
other side of the river?
From my vantage point, I could see nothing but indistinct shapes. There were only two
forms that I could make out, both roughly the same size. From the clanking and creaking I
surmised that they were wearing some sort of makeshift armor.
The ground was littered with last year’s leaves. The recent rains had left them soft
and mushy. This muffled any move I made, but it also filled my nose with smell of rot. I
couldn’t make nose or tail of the two in the clearing. This probably meant my own smell
was masked, so I did not complain.
“I don’t control the weather, you know —” He continued to speak, but was too distant
to hear. The pair continued to snipe at each other, the tones telling the story despite the
fact I could not hear the words.
I moved quietly through the underbrush, trying to get a better position.
“Here it is!” The other one moved quickly to his friend’s side.
“Nice find, Fos.” There was a pause. “They really did a number on them, didn’t it?”
“Hopefully they were too quick to worry about trivial things like goods and plastic.” I
could hear the smile in his voice.
They appeared to be sorting through something on the ground, something which covered
a fair amount of space near the center of the clearing. I edged my way through the trees,
counting on the fog and the greens of my cloak and tunic to provide adequate camouflage.
“Here, lift up this side of the tent while I dig inside.”
There was more noise, the sounds of cloth being pulled apart. Someone was rummaging
around in whatever was on the ground.
“I think I found something,” Bay exclaimed, his voice pitched even higher in his
The silence was shattered by a loud snap.
I froze in place, my paw bisecting the only dry branch in the whole area.
“Who’s there?” demanded the gruff voice.
I cursed my rotten luck: I was discovered just as their reinforcements arrived. I slung the bow
off my back and fired a quick volley of three arrows, one after another, over the two dogs’ heads.

10. The Mystical Border 61

12. Saint Akbash’s
12a. Your journey takes you to a region of climb the scarp and clear some of the vegetation
wooded marsh where only the rustle of leaves and soil, they discover a multi-colored, variegated
and the occasional screech of swamp birds plastic dome buried in the ground. The plastic
break what seems to be the silence of centuries. dome covers a cylindrical room extending 20
As you tread an expanse of black, peaty ground, feet underground (see 13a). The characters can
you notice an odd glistening in the shrubbery
carve a hole in the two-inches-thick plastic shell
under a clump of green alder trees. Looking
closely, you find a dog-made path paved with to crawl through.
mossy, wet flagstones ascending from the fen. 12c. A few feet off the path, the stone
The steep path climbs for a few yards, then forks foundations of an old cottage barely surface
in two directions. The way to the right climbs from the thick grass carpeting the slope. A
sharply toward the top of the mound, while the pair of partially bare trees overshadow the
other proceeds on a gentler slope on the left. structure. On the foundation stones, timber has
rotten almost beyond recognition, and only the
Whether they used the Talisman or followed
masonry structure of an oven still stands above
the tracks of Little Plum’s captors, the characters knee level. A pavement of engraved terracotta
reach the place where Zaval Akbash found the tiles is sometimes apparent among tufts of
source of his miraculous power. After taking the weeds, fallen leaves, scattered roof tiles, and
stone-paved path, built by the Saint’s followers the cruder flooring of run-down animal pens.
centuries in the past, they find the Talisman’s
signal points to the right slope (12b), while the Even a casual search in the ruined cottage
tracks of Little Plum’s captors head to the nearby allows the characters to pick up a faint but entic-
ruins (12c and then 12d). ing scent of spiced bacon. Following this scent,
a magical essence sprinkled by Akbash, the char-
12b: The steep path ends in a flat lay-by right acters can find a sealed vase hidden in a recess
before a low scarp, which encircles the top of under a tile of the pavement. As they search for
the fen like a jagged, crumbling crown. Rust- the vase, however, spiders launch an attack!
colored formations of ferrous ore intersperse
the band of bare rock, which make a sharp The vase contains a rolled papyrus written
contrast with the peaty soil. On the lay-by squats by Saint Akbash before leaving his retreat and re-
a crude stone altar carved with the symbol of turning to the world.
an arrowhead pointing up toward a solar disk.
12d: The path proceeds up to a wall of
The followers of Akbash erected the altar uneven rock and plunges into a roughly hewn
where the talisman’s signal was the strongest. tunnel. This tunnel, still paved with flagstones,
The symbol carved on it resembles the design of descends into an almost completely dark space,
the top face of the artifact itself. Here the charac- from which issues a mildew-scented breeze. No
noise comes from the end of the tunnel, where
ters notice that, over the scarp behind the altar,
an archway is fitted with a massive, rusty steel
the dirt and vegetation conceal an odd, hemi- door stuck in a completely open position.
spherical bulge in the ground. If the character

62 The Campaign
Akbash’s followers excavated the tunnel with once was enclosed in two massive, hatch-like met-
crude tools. At the bottom of the hewn passage, al doors, now blocked and unusable. The tunnel
which descends about 10 feet from the base of leads to an underground vestibule (13b).
the scarp outside, is a 15-foot-long tunnel that

12. Saint Akbash's Testimony 63

The characters must make Wisdom checks drag it back to the cave. If any characters pre-
against a difficulty of 12 to follow the Talisman’s vent it from leaving through attacks, the spider
signal. The Survive skill modifies any die roll in drops its intended prey and flees back to the
this endeavor. Only a botch will send them in cave. The spiders avoid any characters carrying
the wrong direction, into thick woodland infest- Pistilla Shiloh’s sticks of cinnamon. With a suc-
ed with spiders. As they get closer to the Fen, the cessful Intelligence check against a difficulty of
pinging sound gradually increases in tempo. 11, characters carrying cinnamon m will realize
With a successful Wisdom roll against a diffi- this is the case.
culty of 13, the characters will realize the ground The party should face one spider for every
behind the altar feels slightly springy. Digging two dogs in the group.
around will uncover a multi-colored plastic dome
roughly nine feet in diameter set in hard stone.
The plastic is cracked and has several large holes. PARALYSIS SPIDER
Characters could exploit these holes as a way in Defense: 13 (chitinous exoskeleton)
and keep the plastic as coin, but will need rope Stamina Points: 14
and a Dexterity roll against a difficulty of 15 to Speed: 40 feet (climb 20 feet)
reach the floor of the upper room without injury. Proficiency Bonus: +2
Once thoroughly excavated, the dome will Abilities: Strength: +2 (14), Dexterity: +1 (13),
reveal a door beneath it set into the stone wall. Constitution: +1 (12), Intelligence: -3 (4), Wisdom:
Digging out the door takes time, and the Guide +0 (10), Charisma: -1 (8)
should judge whether a surprise spider attack Skills: Balance, Sneak
may be prudent. Inside the dome is a small room Speedy Runner: The spider with this trick gets
an advantage on all Dexterity checks having to do
with a copper cage suspended from the ceiling with running or being involved in a chase. Also, the
by wires. On the floor next to the wall is a metal character’s speed is increased to 40 feet.
trapdoor, which opens to reveal a metal ladder Attacks: Bite (+2 melee, 1d6+2 piercing damage
leading down. + venom)
If the characters instead decide to follow the If injured to 4 or fewer stamina points, a spider will
retreat into its cave, allowing its victim to escape.
path to the partially collapsed stone cottage, each When in its safe place, the spider has a defense of
character must make a Wisdom saving throw. The 18 and only its front side is vulnerable.
difficulty is 11. Any characters who fail trip and Paralyzing Venom
slip over the loose flagstones. This obstacle causes Any bitten character must make a Constitution saving
1d4-1 bludgeoning damage, causing sprains. It is throw each round, against a difficulty of 14. Each
apparent the flagstones are so higgledy-piggledy turn the character fails, she loses 2 points of Dexteri-
ty. When Dexterity reaches 0, she gains the Para-
due to the sealed clay vase buried poorly beneath. lyzed condition, unable to move, speak, or succeed
Inside the vase is a papyrus scroll detailing Saint on any Strength or Dexterity savings throws. Any
Akbash’s life here in the Fabulous Fen. It is a relic attacks against a paralyzed dog have an advan-
tage, and if they hit, count as a triumph. The paralysis
of significant value to the Church of Man, whose remains until a few minutes after combat resolves.
leaders would pay handsomely for it. After recovering from paralysis, any character who
As the characters examine the vase and its takes damage from a spider bite must make a Consti-
contents, one or more large spiders creep up be- tution saving throw against a difficulty of 16. Failure
means the character gains the Sickly condition,
hind them from the nearby cave and attack. The putting them at a disadvantage on all ability checks
intent of these spiders is to paralyze a victim and and attack rolls until fully rested.

64 The Campaign
“This way, boys!” I shouted in my loudest, most authoritative voice.
“Bandits! Dogs, to me!”
I grabbed the offending branch and winged it into the woods behind
me. It struck a tree and knocked free another branch, which let out an
impressive crash when it hit the ground.
“Run for it!” Fos shouted. “It’s the militia from Mutt Town!”
“What would the militia be doing out in the middle of the woods?”
“Probably looking for the owners of that gear. Why don’t you stay and ask them?”
I grinned as the bandits ran off. I didn’t spend time congratulating myself over my
victory. They would be back as soon as they realized that they were not being pursued by
a batch of Mutt Town’s finest. I had to make myself scarce.
I sprinted down to the center of the clearing. It took me a minute to identify what I was
looking at. It finally dawned on me that the shreds of cloth, scattered pile of wood, and
the other couple of items I saw lying about were the remains of a campsite. It must have
been a large one, definitely for more than one or two people. I picked up an item or two,
gave each a sniff, then dropped it back on the ground.
Bending low, my keen nose inches above the forest floor, I looked for tracks. Something
– or a group of somethings – had entered this clearing and dragged away whomever was
using it as a campground. A flurry of pawprints encircled a fire pit holding at least one
night’s worth of ashes. Beyond that, all tracks were obscured by the drag marks.
What was most distressing was that, despite different points of origin, the drag marks
all headed into the forest in the same direction.
The direction of the Fabulous Fen, if I had my bearings right.
I took one more moment to explore the tent the original two bandits had been rifling
though. There were a few pieces of dried meat wrapped in a scrap of leather. I added this
to my pouch. Food might be hard to come by. If I ever met the people who owned these
tents, I would gladly repay them, but they weren’t using it now.
Sitting in the dirt, not far from where I stood, was one of those disk things that had
been for sale back in Mutt Town. So, the campers had been searching for the Fabulous Fen
as well. I picked it up and examined it as best I could.
As far as I could tell from my cursory glance, it was identical to the ones from Mutt
Town: a smooth disk, the spinning arrow, the crystal or whatever embedded near the edge.
I tossed it idly in my paw, thinking, before finally shoving it into one of my many pouches.
Worst-case scenario, it was a useless piece of junk that didn’t weigh all that much and
would not slow me down. Best-case scenario, it might help me find the Fen.
If nothing else, maybe I could use it to barter with the bandits, should they catch up to
With that thought, I sprinted off as quickly as I dared. As soon as I was out of the
clearing, the way began to rise again. There were no paths cut through the woods here,
just the occasional game trail. I ran on, climbing steadily. The run was tiring, but I felt
I heard no one following me. My ruse had worked. If anyone did try to sneak up on me, I
would have the advantage of the high ground.

12. Saint Akbash's Testimony 65

Testimony of Saint Akbash
From Akbash, the servant of Man and brother to all good dogs, to
those who are beloved in Man and obedient to His Code, mercy unto
you, a loving stroke, and nourishment be fulfilled.
I wrote this testimony to make sure that what I smelled, saw,
and heard in this most holy place called the Fabulous Fen is not
forgotten, should I fail to return to the blessed community of the
dawning Church of Man.
It was by Providence that I found my talisman in the Fearful
Forest, pursuing my righteous quest to fetch what was left behind.
As I walked along the Straddle Strip with my followers, we received a
vision, then a beacon of light guided us here.
This place was the seat of a city of Man, and casual digging in the
area granted us plenty of scrap metal and plastic. Here, we found a
vault still bathed in humane light, and a source of holy elixir.
The vault was also the resting place of Ast-Maat, an angel of Man.
Ast-Maat had slept for centuries in the aftermath of the great cata-
clysm that ended the world of Man, plunging the world into a terrible
age of cold and darkness.
The angel was a healer, and had the uncanny power to command
the loyalty of Mios, a mysterious cat spirit. In the remote past, she
conceived a reincarnation for Man, shaping her thoughts in new bodies
that allowed man to delay their disappearance. She also assumed this
form, and went to sleep to remain on earth and share with us faithful
dogs the essence of her admirable work in the emerging warmer, re-
newed world.
Ast-Maat became our guide, kindly imparting her knowledge upon
us and making us stronger as shepherds. After a while, though, she
plunged into a deep melancholy, which urged her to seek the home of
Mios, her cat spirit, which allegedly lay in some faraway land. Ast-
Maat grew dreamy and apart, as she remembered something in her past
that brought her great grief.
Sometimes, to our considerable consternation, she evinced a cold,
unsettling anger and reproached us even for our most trivial trespass-
es. In this distressing situation, we greatly feared that Mios, an in-
eluctably treacherous cat, had taken control of our angel and turned
her against us.
Before we could do anything but worry, Ast-Maat departed, leaving
us in sadness.
We patiently waited for her to return, but she never did. I wrote
this memory when we decided to leave this place as well, to spend our
last years among good dogs and to use our healing powers to help in
the foundation of the Kingdom of Pugmire.
All this happened as I report it. To the only Man, our Lord and
Provider, be health and opulence, our love and devotion, now and always,
for ever and ever.
Akbash the Shepherd

66 The Campaign
13. Into the Site
of Man
ing heavy damage on the metal box and/or the
13a. A iridescent, technicolor, dome-shaped
chandelier effectively stops the signal’s broadcast.
ceiling 15 feet in diameter covers a 20-foot-high
cylindrical room akin to a subterranean grain 13b: The perfectly even floor of this
silo. The room is divided vertically by a 15-foot- underground chamber is laden with dust
high mezzanine made of metal grating. In the and debris. The room, furnished with ancient
middle of the curved ceiling space, supported cupboards, tables, and chairs, is in complete
by a slender pylon and by a ring of tie rods, is disarray. It looks like pillagers sacked the room
a marvelous chandelier made of pure copper, in the remote past and unintelligent beasts
only superficially marred with splotches of green frequented it for a long time thereafter. A curtain
corrosion. A ladder connects the mezzanine of enormous, interlocking webs draped across
with the main floor, where a massive metal the northern part of the room limits visibility and
box, tarnished by age, stands upright against likely poses an obstacle to movement. A passage
the curved wall. Near the top of the otherwise in the southern wall leads to a subterranean
inert box, a luminous bead pulses slowly and area bathed in dim, natural light.
silently with a red light.
Once inside the vestibule, the characters will
The only way the characters can enter this need to light torches to see anything at all. The
room from outside is by breaking through its massive metal doors at both ends of the 15-feet
plastic, hemispherical ceiling, or by digging out corridor leading into it have completely corroded
the door fitted in it. The circular room is oth- hinges and can no longer close. Cobwebs festoon
erwise connected to a larger, rectangular room the space immediately beyond the inner door.
(13b) accessible through the tunnel entrance
(12d). Two metal, hatch-like doors, now badly Two desks and two chairs furnish the south
rusted and blocked in an open position, once part of the room, and two cupboards the north.
sealed the passage between this room and the rest The desks are fitted with various Man-era appli-
of the complex. ances, seemingly smashed and cracked open a
long time ago. Likewise, the cupboards contain
The only active relic in the room is the source only ragged remains of ancient clothes, some of
of the Talisman’s signal. The metal box emits a them made from very thin, pliable plastic, fitted
pulse synchronized with the Talisman’s ping, and with metal ornaments.
the copper chandelier amplifies and broadcasts
it in the surrounding region, as a skilled artisan The webs in the northern part of the room
can infer with some reasoning. Beside this func- hinder the speed and combat ability of anyone
tion, the red light on the metal box has no other traversing the area. A semi-intelligent giant spider,
effect. When the characters arrive, the range of an eight-legged arachnid monstrosity the size of a
the signal only extends to the Straddle Strip be- dog, guards this area. It lies in ambush near the
cause the dome is almost completely covered by entrance, ready to jump over intruders as they try
a layer of soil and vegetation. Freeing the dome to make their way through the webs. Setting the
from obstruction to access it without perforation webs on fire can damage the spider and clear the
increases the signal’s range to Mutt Town. Inflict- way, although the smoke produced will make the
air inside the chamber irrespirable for some time.

68 The Campaign
If the characters are cautious and arrive here spider altogether is extremely difficult. The spi-
from the beacon room (13a), they can bypass the der has been influenced by Ast-Maat’s telepathy,
webbed area, although surprising or avoiding the and implicitly obeys her destructive will.

13. Into the Site of Man 69

Descending the ladder requires a Dexterity to cover part of the wearer’s shoulders, chest, and
check against a difficulty of 12, since the ladder back. The enclosed helmet is opaque but for a
is rusty, the bolts anchoring it to the wall are old, transparent plastic plate set in the face.
and the masonry is crumbling. Success means Characters may try on any of these items.
the ladder holds; failure means the character The fabric of the undergarments will disintegrate
slips and falls the remaining distance to the bot- as it unfolds. The gloves and jumpsuits will crack
tom, causing 1d4-1 stamina points of bludgeon- and splinter when worn, useless and decrepit.
ing damage. A botch means the ladder pulls free The helmets have survived the ravages of time.
from the wall, crashing to the floor below. Every- Characters can still wear them as originally in-
one on the ladder when it falls incurs 1d6 points tended. These, at least, will be interesting relics,
of bludgeoning damage. useful for further study. While too hot to wear
A spider crouches in the vestibule above the in the summer, they would keep biting flies and
north doorway, hidden from view from that di- mosquitos away from the face effectively and con-
rection but plainly visible from the center of the fer a +1 armor bonus to defense.
room and from the entryway leading back to the
beacon room. It will project sticky webbing on
any character passing beneath it, before descend- WEBSPINNER SPIDER
ing to eat. Defense: 13 (chitinous exoskeleton)
The desk drawers contain dust as well, and Stamina Points: 12
a few pieces of paper in varying sizes. Picking up Speed: 30 feet (climb 30 feet)
one or more of the ancient, fragile sheets will Proficiency Bonus: +2
cause the paper to crumble into fragments. A Abilities: Strength: +2 (14), Dexterity: +2 (14),
box of thin, wooden sticks sits in the central desk Constitution: +1 (12), Intelligence: -3 (4), Wisdom:
drawer, each with a sharp point at one end and +0 (10), Charisma: -1 (8)
a thin metal tube capping the other end, with Skills: Balance, Sneak
pinkish dust spilling from the open end of the Attacks: Bite (+2 melee, 1d4+1 piercing damage
+ venom)
metal cap. Next to this box is a small plastic ob-
If injured to 3 or fewer stamina points, a spider
ject with a metal piece inside, and a clear cap. retreats to a small shelter built from webbing to recov-
The cap is full of small, crumbled particles resem- er, allowing its intended victim to escape. When in its
bling wood shavings. On an Intelligence check safe place, the spider has a defense of 18 and only
against a difficulty of 14, the characters recognize its front side is vulnerable.
the sticks and clear plastic box as relics of Man. Webbing
If a character becomes tangled in the spider’s web-
The cupboards contain ancient clothing: bing, she must make either a Strength or a Dexterity
gloves, one-piece yellow jumpsuits including saving throw against a difficulty of 15. Failure makes
built-in shoes, now stiff and crackling with age, the character incapable of any limb movement. A
and lightweight, close-fitting garments in gray. character may keep trying to break free, though
the difficulty increases by 1 on each attempt as the
On top of a cupboard rest two plastic helmets. character becomes increasingly entangled.
Fabric hangs from the lower edge of each, meant

70 The Campaign
Reaching the Straddle Strip
The woods were devoid of the shouts and stamping feet of vengeance-
seeking bandits: no crashing through the trees, no war cries. Good –
I was not being followed. I slowed my pace, still keeping an ear
cocked for sounds of pursuit.
I followed a game trail, not a straight or steady path, but one
which cut a clear way through the thickets. It continued to climb. The
grade wasn’t so obvious that you could see it rising, but it was steep
enough that you felt it in your legs. I followed the route easily, only having to duck
below the occasional tree branch or step over a downed log.
The path branched off a few times. Each time but one, I kept to the one that climbed
higher. That time, I let my natural curiosity have the better of me. I followed one of
the lower branches for about a half an hour before coming across signs of large insect
activity. There were multiple tracks crisscrossing over each other, each with the tell-
tale double pincer marks of ants. Sickly trees, their bases stripped of bark to a spot
over my head, bordered the area.
I retreated up the path and took the higher fork. The last thing I wanted to do was
disturb a nest of ants the size of ponies. Two or three I could handle without a problem,
more with luck and surprise on my side. Taking on a whole hill alone? Foolhardy.
I am far too fond of my own coat to attempt something like that.
After more uphill slogging, I finally reached the crest of hill. Once more, the path
opened; however, this time it did not spread out to a circular clearing. Instead, the trees
gradually thinned out until they stopped altogether. A short distance further, the path
ended. In fact, it was not just the path that ended, but the whole side of the forest.
I stood at the top of a rather precipitous drop. I could only assume that this was the
Straddle Strip that Sampson had spoken of. I stood for a while, looking down into the
gloom. The sun had long since passed it highest point. Its beams were choking among
the tree tops on the far side of the gorge. Soon there would be little light in the area.
None of the light made it too far into the crevice itself.
I was hesitant to start down when the light would be failing soon. It didn’t seem too
bad a climb, from what I could see. Still, a turned paw would mean a huge delay, and a
broken leg while exploring alone could mean death.
I roamed the edge for quite a while. I had just about decided to risk the climb down
and set up camp when the light failed, when I came across a stroke of luck. A huge
tree, its base showing the scorch marks of a lightning strike, spanned most of the gap.
The tree itself, a giant fir, was devoid of branches for most of its length. The only
greenery remaining was at the tip, which rested on the other side of the gorge.
I examined the place where it had split from the roots. Bows of fibrous wood, most
thicker than my arm and some thicker than my whole body, connected the trunk to
the stump. I hauled myself up onto the tree and bounced a few times. It seemed to be
secured by the bits still attached to the trunk.
I sat for a long moment, trying not to think about why this huge tree was in one of
the thinner areas of the forest. How long had it spanned the gap? Had it fallen recently,
or would age cause it to splinter to dust if too much weight was placed upon it?
There was only one way to find out.

13. Into the Site of Man 71

14. The Sealed
14a: This large room, dimly lit by a natural inside?” Whatever the characters say, in thought
source, underwent a wave of destruction in or woof, Ast-Maat giggles benevolently and opens
the distant past. A tremendous impact from the door telekinetically for them, although she
outside breached the east wall near the ceiling, does not follow up on any questions.
opening a sizeable gap to the open sky. The
structural collapse filled the eastern part of 14b: A soft, turquoise light from the ceiling
the room with rubble, and the explosive force illuminates this room, steeped in pristine
blew fragments of rock and metal everywhere technological artifacts. Several display cases
else. Opposite the gap, in defiance of the ruin fitted with crystal shutters, most of which are
around it, soft, blue light from a wall-mounted open and empty, fill shelving units lining the
lamp bathes a tarnished but intact door on walls. The west wall ahead is fitted with a
the western wall. The floor sinks into a railing- huge, built-in apparatus, which almost fills a
bordered dry basin, almost filled by sediment vertical surface 15 feet wide and 10 feet high.
and rubble. A flight of stairs descends into the The apparatus looks inert, except for a central
basin and disappears in the damp wreckage. obsidian mirror, which sporadically flashes with
A pale scattering of bones tops the dark and a blue light. On the floor before this marvel,
uneven mass. lies a white capsule of metal and plastic akin
to a sarcophagus.
The basin, now filled by five to ten feet of de-
bris under the edge, was once a stairwell leading Although most of the shelving units are emp-
to a vast underground complex. It has long been ty, some contain a few vials of magical healing
used by spiders as a dumping space for the bones fluids, the same potions and curative salves for
of their prey, and so the bones of many kinds of which Saint Akbash was famous. The sarcoph-
creatures rest in the pit, dogs included. The door agus connects to the wall and is immovable. A
on the west wall, sealed shut and exceptionally dog examining it (especially a shepherd) can infer
resistant to breaking attempts, leads to the vault that the original purpose of the sarcophagus was
(14b) mentioned in Akbash’s papyrus. A pulpit not to bury the dead, but to protect and heal a
stands beside the door, about four feet tall, and living being lying inside it. At some point in the
presents a horizontal depression on the top, with- past, however, the apparatus on the wall was pro-
in which the Talisman of Akbash fits perfectly. gressively (and disturbingly) altered to cater for
The characters can use the depression as a lock to a mechanical, “dead” body, akin to an animated
open the door with the talisman. When this hap- armor and pertinent to artisan magic. If a living,
pens, the characters hear the otherworldly voice intelligent being touches the obsidian mirror on
of Ast-Maat saying: “You made it to my place, lit- the wall, the flashing light takes the form of an
tle doggies.” unevolved feline body, spinning on a dark back-
ground, and the only intelligible text on the top
Without the talisman, the characters are out
left reads “Mios.” Then, a sequence of magically
of luck. After a few frustrated attempts or when
animated images shows the feline as it is dismem-
they are about to leave, however, they hear Ast-
bered. A jumbled edit displaying random limbs,
Maat in their mind just the same: “Are you just
a brain, and the spinning feline body appear
going to whine, puppies? Or do you want to come
72 The Campaign
before the projection abruptly cuts off. The se- The surviving healing fluids left by Akbash
quence plays only once, and there is no other way for future visitors of the chamber are an import-
to manipulate the obsidian mirror. ant treasure of the adventure.

14. The Sealed Chamber 73

If the players are having trouble realizing the losing all stamina points. The jar contains seven
talisman needs to be inserted in the indentation, doses. Gradient marks on the jar indicate dosage,
have them each make an Intelligence check at a but nothing on, in, or near the jar explains what
difficulty of 10 to receive a hint regarding what the lines represent.
to do. Shepherds or artisans studying the sarcoph-
Numerous plastic and glass artifacts lay agus and making a successful Intelligence roll
around the room. Most of the glass pieces have (Know Arcana or Know Religion assist) against
cracked with age, and are useless. Many of the a high difficulty of 17 discover the object was
plastic pieces are still intact, if not usable. The meant to house and preserve a living body. A sec-
characters find strange plastic tubes with plung- ond successful check at difficulty of 12 will reveal
ers fitted to one end and a sharp, metal needle the device was reset to accommodate a non-liv-
at the other in abundance. They are too small ing, mechanical body instead. It is currently emp-
and too clumsy to be useful as weapons, but may ty, although it appears to be emitting power via
fetch a couple of coins each back in Mutt Town an unseen transmission.
or Pugmire itself. Glowing and beeping panels in this room
Inside the sealed room, the characters discov- spit sparks when handled, dealing 1d4-2 points
er an empty sarcophagus of white plastic. Sever- of lightning damage to anyone manipulating
al glass display cases line the walls of this room; them. These panels have different effects, and
most are empty, but two contain a few small jars the Guide should be creative. Some may alter the
and bottles. Each container has indecipherable lighting, others the temperature, one may even
writing on a small label: a shepherd or an artisan trigger a refrain of classical music through un-
studying this label with a successful Intelligence seen speakers. A security code locks the panel on
check against a difficulty of 14 could determine the sarcophagus, which characters may interfere
that the draught “heals the injured” but nothing with on a successful Intelligence roll (Know Ar-
more specific than that. The Know Arcana skill cana modifies the roll) against a difficulty of 17.
modifies the die roll attempting to interpret this If successfully deactivated or damaged, a brief, ro-
writing. botic screech fills the air. The characters’ actions
Each of the containers holds a dose of elixir harm Ast-Maat, preventing her from using her
which heals 1d8+3 stamina points for an injured telepathy and mind control tricks for an hour.
character. Drinking a partial dose has no effect: Finally, in a translucent, upright case, a spin-
for the potion to work, a single individual must ning hologram depicts Ast-Maat’s armored body.
imbibe the entire contents. There are eleven dos- A series of glowing buttons protrude from its pro-
es of this elixir in this room. jector base. If all buttons are depressed, the holo-
A squat jar of some nasty smelling goo sits gram changes from green to red, and the spirit’s
within another display case. With a successful In- immunity to piercing weapons disappears until
telligence check (Know Arcana or Heal skills will the hologram automatically reboots an hour lat-
assist) against a difficulty of 16, the characters can er. A successful Intelligence roll against a difficul-
discern that its contents are a pep salve, which ty of 18 informs the characters that this device is
removes all exhaustion, the Sickly condition, and more than a light projector.
will allow a dog to go on for another round after

74 The Campaign
Spanning the Gap
“Fortune favors the bold,” I said as I stood on the tree. “The Hand of Man protects
those who risk all.”
I spat, then started walking.
“And shortcuts save time.”
This last was not an actual saying. In fact, I was fairly certain my grandfather
used to say “Shortcuts add time to any trip,” but I pushed the thought out of my
The trick to walking over long drops is, of course, to never look down. Unfortunately, I was born a
curious pup. My parents said I always had my nose in the air, ever looking for new scents. This trait
has grown stronger, not weaker, as I’ve aged. Now, even with white on my muzzle, I’m still the same
curious pup, sniffing the air and looking for innovative ways to get into trouble.
Naturally, I looked down.
Peering down from my tenuous perch, I could see the bottom of the gorge far below. A ribbon of
uniform black stone seemed to cut among the rocks. Was this the less favorable route Sampson
had spoken of? I looked over either side of the tree, but could see no sign of the monster that was
supposed to dwell there.
If that was indeed the “easy path,” then somewhere to my right, beyond what I could see, would be
the boggy path of the good dog. I crept along the fallen tree trunk, a smile on my face. If good dogs
took the difficult path through the swamp and the lazy dog would be set upon by the dreaded Turmack,
what happened to the dog who avoided the situation altogether by crossing above the Strip?
There was a loud crack sound behind me. The tree dropped a bit, then resettled.
I had to ask.
The closer I got to the other side, the further towards the treetop I climbed. By now, the trunk
had narrowed significantly. It still seemed sturdy, but it was so much thinner. I was forced to walk
slowly, one paw in front of the other. I tested each step carefully before shifting my full weight.
Soon, my tree bridge dipped lower with each step. Then it bounced underfoot and swayed in a gust
of wind.
I reached the tree’s top before I reached the far side. The needles that I passed on the sparse
branches were brown, an indication of how long the dry wood had lain across the gorge. Each step
caused more needles to cascade into the depths below. Dried sap clung to my paws, and the branches
snagged at my coat and clothing.
The tree shifted again. I was still a good distance from the other side, but there was no way
that I was going to make the entire crossing. I picked a landing zone on the far side that was most
of the way up the crevasse and that was devoid of large debris. With a steadying breath, I took
two bounding steps and leapt from the trunk. The entire thing twisted to the right underfoot as I
jumped over towards the left side.
For a sickening moment, my heart leapt into my throat. Then, I hit the grassy patch I had aimed
for and rolled clear until I was face-first in a small bush. My bridge swayed in the slight breeze,
but held steady. Quite satisfied with myself, if a little disappointed that no one was there to see
my old bones achieve such a feat, I used the bush to lever myself into a standing position. The side
of the gorge where I had landed was steep, but not steep enough to keep me from scrambling up
to my destination: the other side. I reached the top and looked around. As on the other side of the
crevice, there was a clearing, then a few small trees, then the larger trees took over. Several game
paths threaded their way into the woods.
One of them would lead me to the Fabulous Fen.

14. The Sealed Chamber 75

15. The Ailurosphinx

15a: A tall, thickset idol of a cat-like being, 15b. This old cell, filled with dust and giant
lying upright and statuesque on its stomach, webs, is accessible through a half-open, rusted
dominates the eastern part of this chamber. gate. Near the entrance, ancient animals
The idol, a stylized feline monster, features stacked the remains of some leather goods,
stubby limbs folded under its body, a slim, long since shriveled and dried beyond use. At
whip-like tail, and a large head with oversized the edge of the shadows cast by bars and silk
eyes and protruding, rounded ears. The crystal filaments alike lies a busted web cocoon the
eyes, broken through in places and marred by size of a dog. More cocoons, some broken
dreadful, web-shaped cracks, reveal a hollow and others intact, wait in darkness in the back
interior. Against the north wall, to the right of of the room.
the idol, stands a high, multi-layered shelving
unit. On the shelves and the floor around the The spider in the vestibule (13b) keeps its
idol sit several boxes of precious plastic, most web-wrapped paralyzed victims and monstrous
of which are opened and upturned. A steel eggs in this area. Inside the four intact cocoons
grate with its gate ajar separates the room from near the south wall are a dead rat, who died of as-
a dark recess in the south wall. The west part phyxiation, Little Plum Shiloh, who miraculous-
of the rooms opens to a 15-feet-wide hallway, ly survived the spider’s poison, starvation, and
from which some natural light seeps in. confinement, and two of Little Plum’s compan-
This room is an abandoned religious shrine, ions. Near the dead rat, on a bed of webs covered
dominated by an 8-foot-tall, 15-feet-long effigy by a silky blanket, the characters may find four
of the feline demon imagined by Ast-Maat, the palm-sized spider eggs.
Ailurosphinx. The idol is indeed hollow, and a If the protagonists threaten the eggs or free
dog brave enough to confront its terrible pres- Little Plum Shiloh, who is still half-paralyzed by
ence might even crawl inside it through one of the arachnid venom, the spider’s young, which
its broken eyes. In the cramped interior remain are hiding in the mass of webs at the end of the
tattered, rusted seats, fitted with pliable plastic blind hallway (15c), form a swarm and rush in to
straps used to tie sacrificial victims inside the stop them. If the characters defeat the spiders,
idol’s metal shell. An artisan will notice the inte- they can rescue the young dog and his friends.
rior of the idol was meant to be heated up, and a Little Plum is terribly tired and frightened, but
shepherd will remember the frightening myth of one of the remedies found in the sealed chamber
a demonic cult that threw sacrificial victims into can put him, or one of his friends, immediately
a metal idol heated with fire. back on their hind legs to fight, if the characters
The plastic containers near the idol, al- need extra paws against the enemy.
though valuable, are now empty and dispersed. In the room, partially hidden by a busted
They were probably receptacles for offerings that cocoon, is an open plastic box and an artifact
were pillaged in distant past. The barred area weapon. Both items were dropped carelessly long
south of the room (15b) was a holding cell for ago, and happened by chance to fall next to each
sacrifices, and cultists entered the shrine via the other.
blind hallway.

76 The Campaign
15c. This long hallway ends in a cave in, This area is the lair of smaller spiders, which
though a rough, dark gap big enough for patient awaiting a victim to crawl into the gap in
a dog to pass through upright leads farther the wall. The spiders rush to defend their eggs
underground. The explosion-ravaged area is and food, if the characters investigate the barred
filled by rubble and draped with giant webs. area near the Ailurosphinx. The plastic con-
The dried husks of oversized flies and the bones
tainers in this hallway contain packets of flares,
of burrowing animals festoon the threads drawn
across the gap, ominously dangling in the air which would sell at a high price back in Pugmire.
current. Several discarded Man-created plastic After exploring the site and rescuing Little
containers protrude from beneath the heavy Plum, the characters are confronted by their scar-
rubble. iest enemy yet, the twisted angel of Man known
as Ast-Maat.

15. The Ailurosphinx 77

The characters detect a familiar scent in this Plum calls out weakly, directing the charac-
room: that of the Shilohs. Inside a barred area ters to a small, dust-covered plastic box on the
with an open gate rest imprisoned, web-covered floor. It is roughly rectangular, made of black
figures. One is a dead rat, desiccated and dry. plastic, and slightly heavy. Two metal prongs pro-
The others are the missing Little Plum Shiloh trude from one end, and its top features a small
and his two travelling companions. They are button. The pup offers to explain how to use it to
starving, thirsty, and woozy from spider-venom, defeat Ast-Maat if the characters help him escape.
but alive. Once freed, Plum advises the characters to
As the characters approach to free Plum and use the box against Ast-Maat if she comes back.
the other dogs, a swarm of small spiders drop out The players may not know the name mentioned
of the thick webbing on the ceiling of the barred in the Testament of Saint Akbash, but when
area and attack. Spiders of a similar type hide in Plum describes her, they will recognize the
the dark gap concluding hallway 15c, and will strange, glowing entity that frightened them at
emerge to attack if any dogs are foolish enough Plum’s abandoned camp. Plum will tell them to
to climb inside their hiding place. Cinnamon is touch Ast-Maat with the prongs while holding
a highly effective repellant, and will immediately down the button, and that doing so successfully
drive the swarm into hiding for as long as the will disrupt her suit’s power supply for a time. He
spice is in the open in the room. explains that, while he was imprisoned by the spi-
der, Ast-Maat accidentally touched herself with it
and she dropped to the floor for nearly an hour
SPIDER SWARM before she began to move again. When she fell,
Defense: 12 (small size) she dropped the box, and it has remained on the
Stamina Points: 14 floor in this room since then.
Speed: 40 feet (climb 40 feet) The plastic box is a relic of Man with only
Proficiency Bonus: +2 four charges of energy remaining. A successful
Abilities: Strength: +0 (10), Dexterity: +1 (13), touch attack using the activated box will use one
Constitution: +1 (12), Intelligence: -3 (4), Wisdom: charge and disrupts Ast-Maat’s suit for one hour,
+0 (10), Charisma: -1 (8) forcing her to dissipate. She will still harass the
Skills: Balance, Sneak party as a disembodied voice. The attack will first
Speedy Runner: The spiders with this trick get require a Dexterity or Wisdom check against a
an advantage on all Dexterity checks having to do
with running or being involved in a chase. Also, the difficulty of 15 to use it properly. A failed attack
swarm’s speed is increased to 40 feet. with the relic does not use up one of the charges,
Attacks: Bite (+0 melee, 1d4-1 piercing damage) but a botch does.
Mass Attack If the characters ever use the relic to attack
The spider swarm attacks as a group, collectively a non-supernatural character — a rat, a dog, or
dealing damage to the target. Each attack represents a badger, for example — a success results in the
dozens of the little stinkers biting simultaneously.
Their stats reflect the abilities of the group rather than target acquiring the Paralyzed condition, which
those of one individual. When the spider swarm has prevents them from moving, speaking, taking ac-
4 or fewer stamina points remaining, its members tions of any kind, or reacting. They automatically
retreat into hiding. fail Strength and Dexterity saving throws, and
Any character taking six or more points of damage attack rolls against them have an advantage. Any
from the swarm must make a Constitution check
against a difficulty of 12 or acquire the Sickly attack that hits counts as a triumph. This condi-
condition for several hours or until the condition is tion persists for 3d4 combat rounds.
removed. The condition makes all attack rolls and
ability checks take place at a disadvantage.

78 The Campaign
Nightly Visitor
The day took its toll on me, despite my prime physical physique. As I settled into camp for
the night, I placed my weapons within easy reach, rolled my cloak into a makeshift pillow,
wrapped myself in my bedroll, and closed my eyes. I was asleep within a few wags.
I woke in the middle of the night. My rapier was in my paw before my eyes were
completely open. The fur at the rough of my neck was standing on end. I stared into the
darkness, trying to determine what had woken me.
Off to my left, a ghostly voice rent the darkness. It spoke but a single word, but it chilled
the marrow in my bones.
The voice sounded feminine, but cold. I felt that same itch inside my head, only a thousand times stronger.
“Dog... follow.”
Just ahead, in between two trees, was a pale light. It shimmered, green, then yellow, then a cold blue. I found
myself moving towards it, my paws betraying me.
“Follow,” the whispery voice intoned again. I watched the light. Was it a thin dog? It moved through the trees,
floating rather than stepping. It glided between the branches, not ducking, not making any adjustments for
anything on the ground.
I reached for the tree I’d slept under and was astounded to find it was a long way behind me. I had been walking
towards the strange light without any realization. I turned and staggered back to my sleeping place. The pressure
in my head increased.
My rapier was still on the ground where it had slipped from my insensate paw. I grasped it, stared at it, and
tried to focus on it, not the voice compelling me to step away, to follow.
Once again, I found myself away from my kit, my sword gone. I was further along this time, walking blindly.
This time, as free will returned to me, I ran, flinging myself towards my bow and arrows only a few inches away.
I pulled an arrow from the quiver and, by accident, ran its razor-sharp edge along the pad of my paw.
The pain was cleansing. The fuzziness in my mind slipped away. The voice lowered to a whisper. I concentrated on
that thin line of pain, the warm blood spilling on to the ground. I could shut out the voice. I squeezed my eyes shut.
Time passed. I don’t know how much. When I was finally sure that the apparition was gone, I relaxed a little. I
pulled a length of cord from my bag and looped it around my arm. The paw had stopped bleeding and had settled
in to a dull throb.
I tied myself to one of the tree branches to ensure that I did not follow the lights, should they return.
I slept poorly and awoke stiff and sore from sleeping bound and upright, my back against the tree. Now I itched
all over. My paw still throbbed from where I had slit it. Breakfast was a quick thing. Soon, I was on my feet and
looking for signs of my encounter.
None of the branches were broken. The leaves and other ground detritus were undisturbed. There were no scents,
no track nor trace, nothing to indicate that I had received a visitor the previous night. Had it all been a dream, a
I flexed my sore paw. Dream or hallucination, it had been a very convincing one. I chuffed, then walked off in the
direction the lights had taken. This path seemed no better or worse than any of the others.
I don’t know how long it took for me to notice the silence. No birds chirped, no small animals scuttled. I had been
striding along, deep inside my own head like a rookie pup on his first outing.
I stopped. I stood perfectly still. The fur at my neck was standing on end, my body reacting to the danger that
my conscious self had yet to recognize.
To those who read this journal, remember: listen to all your senses. Don’t just trust what you smell, hear, and
see. If something feels wrong to you, it probably is. A dog’s sense of preservation is a highly tuned instrument
designed to keep one from danger. Listen to that voice that tells you to be scared.
It just might save your life.
Something crashed through the woods, charging towards me.
I wondered if I had listened a little too late.

15. The Ailurosphinx 79

16. Facing Ast-Maat

You marvel at the frightening, fascinating tically advanced technology that allowed her to
site you have explored, wondering how many survive in an artificial body.
other, great things of Man might still lie hidden The process that made Ast-Maat nearly im-
in the Fabulous Fen. It’s then that you hear a mortal, a subversion of the natural cycle of life
female voice in your head. “Bad, bad dogs! You and death, took a heavy toll on her mind. The
stole the repast of the mighty Ailurosphinx! You episode that turned her derangement into mur-
spited my Mios!” After a long, resonant moment derous madness was the demise of Mios, her
of absolute silence, a single pulse of greenish
feline companion, which underwent the same
light assumes a humanoid shape before your
eyes. The mystical figure of Ast-Maat, with her transformation she did, but which but did not
regal headpiece and luminous face, steps into survive it. Ast-Maat now keeps the feline’s body
the material world. Elegant Ast-Maat caresses in a pet carrier she never leaves unattended.
a basket-like box she carries with her left hand, Now, the former angel of Man passionately hates
then rises her right hand in a peremptory gesture, all flesh-bodied, living beings. Her guilt-wracked
her pupil-less eyes flashing with anger and her mind has turned her beloved feline Mios turned
thirst for vengeance. into a divinized monster hungry for sacrifices,
the Ailurosphinx. Occasionally, she will stop at-
The final battle with Ast-Maat happens at tacking to recite some of this history.
any time after the characters find and rescue Lit-
The party’s intrusion, which prevented the
tle Plum Shiloh, or whenever the Guide deems
sacrifice of Plum, sealed the fate of our heroes, un-
appropriate, most likely as the characters prepare
less they can best Ast-Maat one way or the other.
to leave the site.
Physically, Ast-Maat is an animated armor,
Ast-Maat appears as a graceful animated suit
but her greatest powers are those of her mind.
of armor with no tail or muzzle, and a full helmet
She can use telepathy offensively, projecting flash-
covering her head. She has a completely artificial
es of light, phantom roars, and stunning waves in
body, made of metal and plastic, which now con-
the minds of her opponents, or invoking the ter-
tains her organic brain, as well as her mind and
rifying, hellcat-like shadow of the Ailurosphinx.
memory. After assuming her current form, Ast-
Ast-Maat attacks produce a supernatural sense
Maat’s need for mundane nourishment ceased.
of fright, which can accelerate a dog’s heartbeat,
She began drawing energy from a magical stellar
possibly to the point of stopping it.
bead set into the armor that comprises her chest.
The visor of her helmet is transparent and lumi- Ast-Maat parleys with the characters only to
nous, and shows only a hazy, expressionless shad- play cat-and-mouse, as her intention is to add
ow of a face. them to the pile of sacrifices to the Ailurosphinx.
Her telepathic whispers, suave and death-cold,
Ast-Maat appears to phase in from nothing-
are often cryptic and always disquieting. They
ness, but is using a short-range teleport power,
may be total nonsense, or they may allude to
which was part of the survival gear of her magical
events happened at the site that were not record-
protective suit. Her limited telepathy and teleki-
ed in Akbash’s papyrus. The Guide can keep
nesis are also available to her due to the fantas-

80 The Campaign
things uncertain and let the players guess what If Ast-Maat is defeated in physical combat,
really happened. her visor cracks, issuing a puff of chilly mist and
The characters can either destroy Ast-Maat the painful, human-like moan of someone made
or flee, a decision that should not be penalized in the image of Man. From the pectoral of Ast-
in any way for she is very powerful and dangerous Maat, the characters can remove the stellar bead,
for inexperienced good dogs. Her physical weak which a skilled artisan can turn into a nearly
spot is a web-like crack on the visor of her head- unlimited source of energy for most artifacts of
piece, which can break easily if hit with a called Man. In her pet carrier, the characters find the
shot. Also, she is likely to be distracted by an at- dead, artificial body of Mios, as it appeared in the
tack that knocks her pet carrier off her hand. obsidian mirror of the sealed chamber.

16. Facing Ast-Maat 81

As Ast-Maat appears, characters should feel AST-MAAT
a deep sense of foreboding, and with good rea-
Defense: 16 (armor)
son: not only is she the toughest creature they
have ever encountered, she’s also ancient, incom- Stamina Points: 36
prehensible, and unwilling to see reason. They Speed: 20 feet
automatically recognize her as the same glowing Proficiency Bonus: +2
individual they saw in the forest. Abilities: Strength: +5 (20), Dexterity: +0 (10),
Constitution: +5 (20), Intelligence: +1 (14), Wisdom:
Ast-Maat is a human spirit contained in a -3 (5), Charisma: -3 (4)
highly-advanced piece of technology. As such, Attacks: Slam (+5 melee, 1d6+5 bludgeoning
she is immune to damage from piercing and damage)
slashing attacks, unless the dogs use the device Darkvision: Ast-Maat can see without any light
Plum pointed out in the previous chapter. Blud- at all. Characters using Darkvision in darkness can
only see in black and white. They cannot see things
geoning works normally, but Ast-Maat has more they wouldn’t be able to see in light, such as invisible
stamina than most dogs. She’s tough to defeat characters.
using conventional attacks. Dread: As a single action, Ast-Maat can project a
If players take Plum’s advice and use the black mental image of a character’s worst fears into the
mind of a single character within 30 feet of her.
plastic box to stun Ast-Maat, they have succeeded The target must succeed at a Wisdom saving throw
in quelling the spirit – for now. Ast-Maat will re- against a difficulty of 12 or drop what they are
cover her full strength after roughly an hour, and holding and become scared, moving away from Ast-
Maat each turn until either a minute passes, or until
will seek vengeance on any living dogs in the area. Ast-Maat loses sight of the character. Each round
If the dogs are gone when Ast-Maat recovers, she the dread infests the character’s mind, they lose 1d4
will put them out of her mind and begin to search stamina points through psychic damage.
for new offerings to the Ailurosphinx. Telepathy: As a full round action, Ast-Maat can
tap into the mind of any intelligent being and commu-
nicate with them in their language. Most of what
she says are mere ravings, though she occasionally
A DIFFICULT COMBAT seeds in lore from the Age of Man. Her mental pres-
ence causes the Sickly condition and erodes 1d4
Intelligence per turn, unless the character succeeds
Ast-Maat is a terrifying foe for new pio- at a Wisdom saving throw against a difficulty of 12.
neers, which is why the adventure provides Any eroded Intelligence can only be recovered with
several methods by which to weaken her, a Lesser Restoration (or higher) spell, or by removing
including the sarcophagus control panel, the Sickly condition.
the hologram, and Plum’s black box. If the Mind Control: Ast-Maat can spend a turn target-
Guide feels generous, she can also make ing a victim with this power. The victim must make a
the cat basket at Ast-Maat’s side a weak Wisdom saving throw. If he scores 12 or higher, noth-
spot. After characters destroy it, Ast-Maat ing happens. If he scores less, he gains the Charmed
may dissipate forever. Or perhaps, if the condition, and cannot attack Ast-Maat or target her
with harmful abilities or effects. The character will
Guide feels the dogs need a challenge, perceive Ast-Maat’s words and actions in the most
harming the basket sends Ast-Maat into a favorable way, but an opposed Charisma check
frenzy of violence. (in which both characters roll Charisma checks and
This is the final battle, so Guides should use the highest wins) is necessary to convince a dog to
their best judgement to make it as thrilling do anything he wouldn’t ordinarily do. Charmed
creatures do not obey suicidal or obviously harmful
as possible! orders. If Ast-Maat takes any threatening action
towards a Charmed dog, the condition ends.
Limited Teleport: Ast-Maat can dissipate over
the course of a turn, and reappear elsewhere on
the subsequent turn. Ast-Maat’s teleportation has a
range of 60 feet. Character next to Ast-Maat do not
get attacks of opportunity.

82 The Campaign
Spider Attack
I barely had time to ready myself before the monster was upon me. A spider the size
of a pony rushed out of the trees. Its furry limbs churned the earth as it bore down on
me. My paws worked in a blur as I shot two arrows into its path. Its armored back
deflected the first, but the second found a home in one of the beast’s many eyes.
It screamed, its whole body quavering for a moment. I had hurt it.
But I also made it mad. If only I had fire! If only I had some damnable cinnamon!
Either one of those would have sent the spider tearing into the distance.
I loosed one more arrow as I retreated. Then I dropped the bow and pulled steel.
The thing was on me in a wag. Its breath was fetid, reeking of old blood. The forelimbs swung about my
head, trying to grasp me while its mandibles clicked and rent the air. I parried the blows of its hairy arms,
my own arm shaking with effort each time I connected with the thing.
I feinted and thrust, looking for an opening. The skin on its back was nigh impenetrable, tough hide under
dense fur. Its arms were similarly shielded, but my blows were doing them damage. My blade sliced through
the air, down towards the spider’s face. It brought up an arm. The rapier sliced into it, sticking for a moment.
I dragged it back, freeing a gout of stinking, dark ichor.
The spider backed off for a moment, more cautious thanks to my assault. We regarded each other, each
looking for an opening.
I dodged to its side with the one arrow-blinded eye. It shuffled to track my blade as I spun and thrust in
again, landing a blow just below the creature’s head. Something popped, a sickening sound like cracking a
boiled bone at the joint to find the marrow within. White, foul smelling venom poured forth from its injury.
The spider rose again, spinneret firing silk in all directions. One strand found my leg, and I was trapped
for two wags.
Just long enough for the spider to momentarily seize me.
It buried its mandible in my leg. I felt my skin and muscle tear. The pain ignited my limb with a fiery
pulse. In horror, I watched as the jaws worked and something in the spider’s neck pulsed again and again.
With each pulse, more of its white goop squirted into the air.
I brought the point of my blade down, slashing not at the beast, but at the sticky silk holding me trapped.
It parted cleanly. Suddenly free, I fell back, scrambling to get out of the way of the gnashing fangs.
I stabbed upward, my blade sliding between the beast’s jaws and down its gullet. It didn’t like that. I leapt
back, away from its gurgling, screeching maw. Then it was gone, bounding into the forest, badly wounded.
I stood to pursue and immediately fell back to the ground. My leg – oh, my leg. Blood flowed freely from
my wounds, but my leg bled the worst. But as I examined my injuries, neither wooziness nor nausea overcame
me; the injury I dealt the spider moments before its bite seemed to have prevented it from poisoning me.
I grabbed my fallen pack and retrieved my spare tunic. I tore it into strips, binding the leg and staunching
the crimson flow. I cast about for something to keep my tourniquet in place, my gaze finally resting on the
It turns out that the silk of giant spiders is a very useful item to have around. I used it to fasten the
bandage to my leg, then to stop the bleeding from the scrapes caused by my crawling around during the fight.
It even came in handy when I used a bent branch to create a splint.
I found another sturdy tree limb and created a crutch, using some more of the tunic and a bit of the silk to
pad the portion which went under my arm.
There was nothing for it. No matter how badly I wanted to continue, I had sustained too much damage to
go on. I had to return to Mutt Town to get professional care. There was always the chance that a little of the
venom had entered my system. I was worried, too, about the possibility of the wound becoming gangrenous.
Many a Pioneer has lost a limb to an untreated wound.
Head down, tail between my legs, I started the agonizing trek back the way I had come.

16. Facing Ast-Maat 83

17. Epilogue
You did it! You survived an incredible earned treasure to a worthy cause, the Guide may
adventure, earned new friends and remarkable reward them with an immediate level advance-
treasures, and re-discovered a sacred place ment.
where Man trod the earth millennia before your After returning across the now-calm river
birth. Whatever the final outcome, you surely with the help of Puntail and saying goodbye to
have become more rugged and experienced their rat friend in Wooford, the characters can
dogs, more prepared to face any challenge
finally receive some happiness and glory at the
the future has in store for you.
Shiloh farm, where rumors of their success have
The characters defeated or evaded Ast-Maat, preceded them.
and their adventure concludes. The return jour-
The sun high in the sky when you finally see
ney to Mutt Town is uneventful, for the disap- Shiloh farm in a tepid autumn midday. A small
pearance of Ast-Maat seems to have relieved the crowd waits for you in the middle of the path.
wilderness of its unseen nocturnal terrors. If the You are greeted not only by the Shilohs, but also
characters did not rescue Little Plum, they still by their jubilant and curious neighbors, a few
have a big story to tell Pan Dachshund, although soldiers from Pugmire, and other townsfolk you
their success is not complete. have never met before. The old Shiloh stands
On the other hand, if the characters achieved before everyone, her grizzled figure slightly
their main goal rescuing Little Plum Shiloh, it’s bent forward by anxiety and anticipation. As
you approach the crowd and the old dog spies
time for the Guide to wrap up the story in a nice
you, she straightens himself up. She leads the
way. crowd in your direction with a broad smile, arms
Once back in Mutt Town, the charac- open in welcome. Little Plum seems to shy away,
ters must decide whether to respect their pact but just for an instant. The sight of his overjoyed
with Trimbu or to sneak away without giving the parents and sisters spurs him forward, and he
rat boss his dues for lending them the Talisman trots to meet them all.
of Akbash. If asked for his opinion, Little Plum
advises the characters to pay Trimbu to avoid his Big Blum Shiloh embraces her son long and
ratty vengeance, if not out of moral integrity. Af- heartily, as Birill and his sisters cry from joy. All
ter all, the pup suggests, it would be in character the neighbors shake paws with the young Shiloh
for the boss to exact his dues from his family, or and his wayward friends, and many good dogs
from their neighbors. congratulate the characters for their heroism.
Pan Dachshund is also there to congratulate
The characters must also decide whether to them and award them full membership in the
use part of their gains to repay Big Blum Shiloh’s Royal Society of Pioneers. If the Guide feels it
debt, and whether to help some destitute dogs is suitable, Princess Yosha Pug herself might also
west of the river, perhaps paying a tithe to the have traveled to the Shiloh farm, after learning of
Church of Man. If the characters rescued Little the family’s misfortunes and of a brave group of
Plum, achieved a full victory against Ast-Maat, heroes trying to set things straight.
and liberally donate a large part of their hard-

84 The Campaign
If the characters relieved Big Blum from her quest over and over for them to recite the tales of
debt, the old Shiloh offers them hospitality for a their adventure. A few mercantile friends of Big
few days and hosts a big barbecue, happily run- Blum attend, and eagerly appraise any treasure
ning through her scant supplies. The Shilohs the party liberated from Ast-Maat.
invite all their neighbors and gather a fresh com- Will our heroes retire now, their first adven-
munity of good, hopeful dogs. During the party, ture enough for one lifetime? Or maybe they’ll
between dances and munchies, the revelers heap tread the perilous and glorious path of pioneers?
praise and attention upon the characters, and re- Man only knows… 

17. Epilogue 85
No die rolling should be necessary in the be interested in exploring this site further, and
final scene of this adventure. The characters would need the real Talisman to make that pos-
should be free to act however they wish at this sible. Might the characters act to broker a deal,
point, as they have completed a grand adventure. possibly letting them keep more of their own loot
If they completed the majority of their objectives: in exchange? Likewise, there is still the question
rescuing Little Plum, mapping the region, and of dividing the loot from this adventure. Trimbu
exploring the Fen, the Guide should consider expects his cut, and fair is fair. He loaned them
allowing them to increase their levels using the the use of the Talisman, and in the end, it was
details in the Pugmire core rulebook. invaluable to the characters, helping them to col-
When the characters return to Mutt Town, lect a number of healing relics they would not
Puntail Rat dances with joy if he sees Little Plum have found otherwise. Suffice to say, each of the
Shiloh and his friends returned alive. The Shi- characters now has stories to tell, a large amount
lohs too celebrate Little Plum’s return, and will of coins, and full membership in the Royal Soci-
shower the characters with praise and what mea- ety of Pioneers.
ger hospitality they can afford to offer. Will the The discussion of the secrets in the Fabulous
characters consider buying off Big Blum Shiloh’s Fen, and the ceremony to welcome them official-
debt with Trimbu? ly as pioneers, should be played or narrated as
The characters must decide how to best deal much as the Guide sees fit.
with Trimbu. Surely, officials of the Church of Congratulations! The players (and their dil-
Man would be interested to know how he came igent Guide!) will soon be ready to embark on
to acquire such a potent, fascinating relic of Man new adventures!
as the Talisman of Akbash. The Church would

86 The Campaign
From Eight Legs to Six
The route back was relatively uneventful, but took much longer. I had to stop
and rest often, taking care of my injured leg. Despite this, I reached the spot
where I had rested the night before. The only prints I saw were my own.
I kept walking.
As the day dragged on into night, I ate on the way, pressing on. The path was
relatively even and I recognized more and more landmarks. It was only when it
became too dark to see anything at all that I stopped for the night. I rolled
myself in my bedroll, as before. Instead of a pillow, I used my cloak to elevate my
injured limb.
Sleep never came fully. My leg throbbed with every heartbeat. I dozed on and off and was back on
my paws before the sun had fully risen. I couldn’t be sure if the knots in my stomach were the slow
onset of spider venom or my own anxiety, but I forced myself to graze on a few nuts and berries
that I found along the path.
The sun passed its zenith before I reached the gorge. The tree was still there, an unstable bridge. I
tested it as before and it seemed to hold. I decided that I had to force myself to eat before continuing.
I choked down the last of the dry meat, washing it down with water from my canteen. I was about
to try and stand when I heard a disturbing chittering below me. A giant ant was making its way up
the side of the crevice.
I flattened myself against the fallen tree, peering out from between the dead foliage. Just when
I thought the thing hadn’t noticed me, it turned. Head held high, antennae twitching, it started up
the slope.
It was heading straight for me.
I leapt up onto my bridge, the fallen tree. It lurched and tilted, forcing me to skitter along
sideways. As soon as it was stable, I sprinted across as fast as I could. My make-shift crutch had
fallen from my grasp, so I dropped to all fours and limped across the tree. Despite the danger, I
couldn’t help but glance back.
The ant had caught my scent and slipped onto the log behind me. It was moving carefully, but much
faster than I. There was no way I would make it to the other side before it reached me. One glance
at the snapping pincers told me that it was not worth it to try to flee in my sorry, injured state.
I sat and pulled my bow. My first arrow flew high, but the second caught the ant near the base of
its right antenna. Then I was up and moving again. Another glance back revealed that the coast was
clear. Before I could slow, the tree I was running on began to sway. Cracks and pops echoed from the
end I was moving towards. The tree was going to split off from the trunk from my weight.
That didn’t make sense. It had held me the first time I came across. Granted, it shifted a bit, but
not enough to threaten its security. Why was it giving way now?
More weight, it was being stressed by more weight.
I dropped to my belly and peered under the trunk. Three ants scuttled their way towards me,
moving just as fast upside down as they would have right side up. The nearest ant had closed half
the distance to me. The shaft of my arrow stood out from its head like a third antenna.
I bolted for the far end of my bridge to safety.
My leg was on fire by the time I reached it, but I made it across. The fibers holding the tree in
place had splintered further. I drew my rapier and, in wild desperation, began to hack at them with
its entirely inappropriate blade. They were almost completely severed when the clicking sound of
approaching ants reached me. I flung the sword aside and heaved against the sturdy tree. The few
remaining bits of wood tore and the log shifted. Another mighty push and the bridge went tumbling
The ants screamed as the tree fell, at first straight down, then bouncing along the sides of the

17. Epilogue 87
The Road Home
I walked the rest of the day, through the night, and most of the next
day. Along the way, I found a new crutch branch to aid me. My spider
bite re-opened while I fled the ants, but the blood ran clear and
red. To my intense relief, there appear to be no sign of infection or
When the sounds of the forest started to give way to the sounds of
the river’s chop, I almost wept. I staggered out of the woods and hauled
myself into Mutt Town.
This was not the hero’s return I envisioned.
Not knowing where to go, I walked to the docks and straight to Eight Paws Water
A moment passed, then a huge dog exited the small building.
“I’m sorry,” he started in a voice so low it was almost a growl. “We’re not making
any more crossings today. The river is too…”
He stopped when he saw me.
“Pan Dachshund,” he cried out.
“The one and only,” I groaned. Safe at last, my body gave way and I passed into
I woke in an unfamiliar bed. My injured leg was bound tightly in fresh bandages. My
other cuts and scrapes had been tended to as well. I was starving.
“Anyone home?” My voice came out like a bullfrog’s croak, and my throat felt as if I
had been eating sand.
“Well, hello,” replied a gruff voice. “We were beginning to worry.”
Sampson’s Uncle Winston pushed the door open with his back, and he entered carrying
a tray of fruit, bread, and a large pitcher that I hoped contained water. There was also
a bowl with steam leaking out from under the cover.
I sat up eagerly. He set the tray across my lap, taking care to avoid the top of the
bandaged portion of my leg.
“Start with a bit of water,” he said. “Make sure that stays down. Then move on to the
broth. You’ve been out for a long time.”
I forced myself not to gulp down the water. The first sips were liquid heaven pouring
down my throat.
“How long?”
“Have you been gone or asleep?”
“Three days.”
I shook my head in amazement. Three days lost?

88 The Campaign
Winston related how Tovor brought me first to a shepherd, then to Winston’s house
to recuperate. I had vague memories of an antiseptic smell, but the rest was new to
Though I was curious about his continued watchfulness over me now, Winston sat
with me while I slowly worked my way through everything on the tray before he would
relate any more business to me.
“There is something I need to talk to you about.”
There it was. “I apologize for intruding on your life this way. I will do everything in
my power to repay you.”
Winston waved a paw.
“Think nothing of it. I get to tell people that the great Pan Dachshund stayed in my
house. What other payment could I need?”
“You can tell them that the great Pan Dachshund is in your debt and considers you a
good friend.”
The older dog smiled at this, then his face became serious again. He reached into a
pocket and pulled out a folded envelope. I recognized the royal sigil at once.
I tore it open and read:

Dearest Pan,
I hope this missive finds you with all speed. My family needs your
immediate assistance with a matter of gravest import. Please return
to Pugmire at your earliest opportunity.
Princess Yosha Pug

I read the note a second time, then crumpled it in my paw. I was out gallivanting
around, and then lying insensate while I was needed elsewhere.
“I need to get to Pugmire.”
Winston smiled.
“I think that we can arrange that.”

The Road Home 89

Grip Pinscher 
History: Grip was born to a martial family, He has an easy way with members of his reg-
and has enthusiastically clung to that tradition. iment – or whatever group he’s with – and once
His family includes several famous military heroes he’s at ease with his companions, he is good com-
of Pugmire, and they’ve spared neither expense pany, joking, singing, and laughing to keep spirits
nor connections to make sure Grip was well-pre- high. Grip is firmly loyal to the chain of command,
pared to be the warrior he so obviously wants to and respects those in higher authority than him-
be. He attended the best schools and trained un- self. Grip doesn’t talk about the matter, but he has
der the most skilled combat teachers, and while a deep hatred of cats in general and necromancers
he is smart, his schooling in other areas of study in particular. As long as it doesn’t interfere in any
leaves much to be desired. He spent his summers way with a mission, he will go out of his way to
as a mercenary hired by reputable employers, make life difficult for any cats he en-
and learned much about rough-and-ready field counters. Grip has one other person-
combat from these experiences.   ality quirk: he regularly paints
Roleplay Tips: Grip enjoys a good or draws his symbol – a line
fight. Trouble has always found him, ever drawing of his helmet – as
since he was a pup. He made a careful study graffi- ti on trees, walls, and
of weapons and tactics over the years, and rocks, to mark
prides himself on being an excellent swords- his passing.
man. He’s always looking to tangle with
someone, even if it’s only a good-natured
wrestling match. Grip is unfortunately
a bad loser, and will pester any friend
who happens to beat him for a re-
match – and he’ll keep this up
until he finally wins. Even his
friends find him overbear-
ing at times.

90 ready made characters

Description: Mostly black with rust red ears, providing good protection for his snout and up-
muzzle, and paws, Grip is handsome and knows right ears. 
it. He wears a prominent scar on his right cheek
proudly, and is rarely far from his longsword Personality Traits
and chain shirt. His ears are cropped and tail Ideal: What is most important to me is van-
docked in the classic style, though not all dogs ap- quishing the undead, spawned by the Monarchies
prove of such ancient fashion choices. His helmet of Mau’s necromancers.
is always on whenever he is engaged in a mission, Bond: I am inspired by my bond to Fang Pin-
except when he sleeps. It is a custom-made and scher, my family’s oldest Matriarch. 
a century-old family heirloom, shaped and worked
Flaw: I love to let people know where I’ve
to look very much like his own head while still
been by marking my symbol on surfaces. 

Grip Pinscher 91
Simple Weapon Aptitude
Martial Weapon Aptitude
Medium Armor Aptitude
Heavy Armor Aptitude SPELLS
Shield Aptitude
Inspiring Word
Rank Has Its Privileges
Speedy Runner

Grip was born to a martial family, and has
enthusiastically clung to that tradition. His
family includes several famous military heroes of
Pugmire, and they‛ve spared neither expense
nor connections to make sure Grip was well-
prepared to be the warrior he so obviously wants
to be. He attended the best schools and trained
under the most skilled combat teachers, and
while he is smart, his schooling in other areas of
study leaves much to be desired. He spent his
summers as a mercenary hired by reputable
employers, and learned much about rough-and-
ready field combat from these experiences.
Joliet “Neenah” Corgi 
History: Joliet has been in trouble since the day she was born. She spent time in jail for theft of arti-
facts, and has since moved on and changed her name to “Neenah” to stay ahead of the law. Her parents
still keep in touch and love their pup, but they don’t have high hopes for their miscreant offspring. She
has gone so far as to cultivate contacts in the Monarchies of Mau; the cats are always interested in the
items she finds, and have found
Neenah useful on more than
one occasion. The
cats occasional-
ly provide this
friendly dog
with ancient
texts on magic
and myth, both
of which she
voraciously con-
Roleplay Tips: Man’s
ancient magic fascinates Neenah.
Its staggering value to certain indi-
viduals impresses her even more. She will
not lift an item that will obviously be missed;
she’s learned many lessons in her time, and she’s no
fool. She will, however, make off with any small relics
she can easily pocket without arousing any suspicion.
She has the contacts to sell these, and the money she
earns helps her find more items legitimately. Neenah
has a bad temper and it can frequently get the best of
her, but she’s trying to keep it under control. When
around the city guard she keeps quiet, and never
discusses her own business with anyone
she wouldn’t trust with her
life – which is very few indi-

94 ready made characters

Description:  Neenah has a white coat with Personality Traits
medium brown and black patches on her back
Ideal: What is most important to me is form-
and tail. Her head is brown. She typically wears
ing agreements with other creatures.
practical traveling clothes when on the road, and
dons her light armor only when she fears she may Bond: I am inspired by my bond to my family.
need it. She seems stand-offish at first, mainly Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t keep my
because she’s cautious around strangers. She has anger from getting the best of me.
more than a few secrets to protect, so that caution
serves her well. 

Joliet Corgi 95
Simple Weapon Aptitude
Light Armor Aptitude 3
Friends in Low Places
Keen Observer SPELLS
Elemental Ray
Magic Paw
Smell Magic
Floating Disk
Magic Missile

Joliet has been in trouble since the day she was born. She spent

time in jail for theft of artifacts, and has since moved on and

changed her name to "Neenah" to stay ahead of the law. Her

parents still keep in touch and love their pup, but they don't have

high hopes for their miscreant offspring. She has gone so far as to

cultivate contacts in the Monarchies of Mau; the cats are always

interested in the items she finds, and have found Neenah useful

on more than one occasion. The cats occasionally provide this

friendly dog with ancient texts on magic and myth, both of which
she voraciously consumes.
Trixie Corgi 
History: Trixie discovered her innate skill at hunting and tracking late in her childhood. Many
in the Corgi family turned to raising cattle and military careers,
but those paths held no interest for the middle Corgi pup. Her
natural affinity developed as she practiced, and soon she could
find anything or anyone in the wild – escaped prisoners, wild
game, even monsters – as well as the best hunters around. Then
one night, something horrible and Unseen,
attacked her party of hunters. Details are
sketchy, but Trixie was the only one to
escape, and she was badly injured.
Ever since then she’s been plagued
by nightmares – some worse than
others – and is still terrified of
darkened buildings. 
Roleplay Tips: Trixie will bor-
row books from anyone willing to
lend them. She reads quickly,
and always returns books
promptly. Beyond her gener-
al thirst for knowledge, Trix-
ie also seeks information to
try to identify the creatures
that attacked her and her
comrades. She reasons that if she
can identify them, she can figure out
a way to kill them, and will take her
revenge for the deaths of so many
of her friends. 

98 ready made characters

Description: Trixie is a dark Corgi, predom- Personality Traits
inantly black or chocolate brown, with a white
Ideal: What is most important to me is cata-
belly, neck, and legs, and light brown flanks and
loguing wild creatures and their weaknesses.
shoulders. She’s tall for a Corgi, though still short
compared to a large breed. She typically wears a Bond: My desire to avenge those who suc-
hunting smock and trousers, and her light armor cumbed to violent deaths inspires me.
fits comfortably under the smock. Trixie’s eyes al- Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t get over my
ways sparkle when she’s happy or amused, and her fear of demons.
good humor means they sparkle often. 

Trixie Corgi 99
Simple Weapon Aptitude
Martial Weapon Aptitude
Medium Armor Aptitude
Shield Aptitude SPELLS
Respected by Strays
Voracious Learner

Trixie discovered her innate skill at hunting and tracking late in her

childhood. Many in the Corgi family turned to raising cattle and

military careers, but those paths held no interest for the middle

Corgi pup. Her natural affinity developed as she practiced, and soon

she could find anything or anyone in the wild – escaped prisoners,

wild game, even monsters – as well as the best hunters around. Then

one night, something horrible and Unseen, attacked her party of

hunters. Details are sketchy, but Trixie was the only one to escape,

and she was badly injured. Ever since then she‛s been plagued by
nightmares – some worse than others – and is still terrified of

darkened buildings.
Chopper Bulldog 
History: Chopper was trained in the Church’s service since childhood. Only recently graduated
from acolyte to shepherd, he still has much to learn and knows it. Chopper is eager to continue his
education on matters both spiritual and mysterious. He
salivates at the thought of a good conundrum.
Chopper’s decision to remain with the
Church did not impress his down-to-earth
family, but they’ve yet to loudly object to
his calling. If he ever threatens the good
Bulldog name, they may tug on his leash. 
Roleplay Tips: Chopper is a true be-
liever, and while he occasionally finds
things that don’t blend with his re-
ligion, he doesn’t let them bother
him too
he files
them away
in his journal
for later consid-
eration. Chopper
is not a dog prone
to aggression; he
has incredible pa-
tience and is very
slow to anger. This
does not mean that he w i l l
not resort to violence if the need
arises; it simply takes Chopper longer than
most to lose his temper.  
Chopper is anxious to make a good
impression and bring the Word
of Man to the wider world.
The few artifacts of Man he’s
handled intrigue him greatly, cul-
tivating his desire to learn more
about these fabulous, magical

102 ready made characters

Description: Chopper is brindled with a Personality Traits
white head and large, white patches across his
Ideal: What is most important to me is dis-
legs. He has a barrel chest and big, thick arms, but
covering the secrets of the Old Ones.
his legs are spindly-looking by comparison. Chop-
per is stronger than he looks, but calls on great Bond: I am inspired by my bond to the
reserves in times of need. He wears his shepherd’s Church of Man.
robe proudly, and only resorts to putting on his Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t see anyone
chainmail and bowl-shaped metal helmet if com- come to lasting harm.
bat is pending. 

Chopper Bulldog 103

Simple Weapon Aptitude
Light Armor Aptitude 3
Shield Aptitude
Acolyte of Man SPELLS
Brute Strength Bless/Bane
Prayers to Man Sacred Flame
Spare the Dying
Cure Wounds
Smell Poison and Disease

Chopper was trained in the Church‛s service since
childhood. Only recently graduated from acolyte
to shepherd, he still has much to learn and knows
it. Chopper is eager to continue his education on
matters both spiritual and mysterious. He salivates
at the thought of a good conundrum. Chopper‛s
decision to remain with the Church did not
impress his down-to-earth family, but they've
yet to loudly object to his calling. If he ever
threatens the good Bulldog name, they may tug
on his leash.
Pippa Bichon 
 History: Pippa came from a large litter and a poor family. Her
parents and siblings had a hard time keeping everyone fed, but
such was the way of the common dog. All members of the
family worked to bring in enough plastic coins to keep
the roof over their heads. Food is important to Pippa,
and meal breaks are al-
most sacred to her. She
doesn’t like to share her
food unless offered some by
others first, and seeing it wasted
by someone else is enough to drive
her to snap in anger.
Roleplay Tips: Pippa
is charming and good look-
ing. She knows this, and
makes the most of her charm
to open doors and keep the
right dogs on her side. She’s
careful not to abuse those rela-
tionships, but she calls on them
when she needs to. Pippa is also in-
credibly curious — if it’s something
new, she must know about it, and the
sooner the better. Pippa is a master of
the ambush, and has used this mode of
attack very successfully as a ratter. Pippa cares
little for abstract concepts like the Code of
Man; the Code doesn’t keep food on the ta-
ble, or coins in your purse. Success is all that
counts, and Pippa will fight dirty to ensure
that she wins. 

106 ready made characters

Description: Pippa keeps her snow-white fur Personality Traits
as clean as possible. She wears light armor any
Ideal: What is most important to me is keep-
time when engaged in “business,” but otherwise
ing the coin coming in. 
wears a simple tunic with many hidden pockets on
the inside of the garment. Pippa’s curly hair needs Bond: I am inspired by my bond to the poor. 
trimming from time to time, and if she doesn’t Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t resist my
keep up with this grooming, her vision becomes insatiable curiosity.
impaired by her curly coat. Pippa typically carries
a small crossbow when armed, and has a shorts-
word belted at her side on those occasions. 

Pippa Bichon 107

Simple Weapon Aptitude
Light Armor Aptitude
Hardy Constitution
Precise Attack SPELLS

Pippa came from a large litter and a poor family. Her parents and

siblings had a hard time keeping everyone fed, but such was the

way of the common dog. All members of the family worked to bring

in enough plastic coins to keep the roof over their heads. Food is

important to Pippa, and meal breaks are almost sacred to her. She

doesn't like to share her food unless offered some by others first,

and seeing it wasted by someone else is enough to drive her to snap

snap in anger.

Louise Kuchi
 History: The daughter of a well-known merchant family from Pugmire, Louise was not the first
pup, nor the second or even the third. As a result, she was unlikely to inherit much of the family busi-
ness, but found she had an aptitude for fighting. Her family saw this budding talent as inauspicious.
Despite their discouragement, Louise worked for some time as a caravan guard protecting the family’s
goods from bandits, and has distinguished herself on several occasions. Ultimately, she felt her skills
were most useful in the wild, where she’s honed her talents to a razor’s edge. She enjoys not having
connections to tie her down, but is happy to hire on as a guard or mercenary to earn some cash to buy
what little she needs.
Roleplay Tips: Louise has an aggressive combat style, but
she’s not above using her family’s famous puppy dog eyes
to get information, or to secure greater comfort for
herself. While she hates seeing those she’s grown
attached to come to harm, that regret stops when
it comes to
her enemies.
Except for a
few times on the
road, Louise has
never known want
or desperate hunger,
but these few brush-
es with starvation give
her some perspective on
what’s important to her.
Louise is basically an optimist,
but also has a pragmatic side that prevents
her from getting into too much trouble. She
sees the Church of Man as a valuable institu-
tion and a good moral compass, but her
personal code of ethics is flexible
when the need arises.

110 ready made characters

A fierce combatant and a loyal friend, Louise ite color is a deep, royal purple, and some of her
feels Pugmire is where she wants to settle down clothing is made from this color fabric. The color
when her fighting days are over. She has her eye is rarely noticeable unless she’s had time to clean
on a handsome young artisan in Pugmire, and one her garments. She wears patched clothing, saving
day she hopes to raise a litter of pups with him — if her money for things she can’t find or make her-
he’ll have her with her reputation as a Stray. self.
Description: Tall and well-muscled, Louise Personality Traits
carries a longbow she purchased with her first
payment from caravan guard duties. She must Ideal: What is most important to me is being
constantly groom herself to keep the gunk from free.
matting the fur around her eyes, but her vision is Bond: I am inspired by my bond to my unre-
otherwise keen and her dark eyes are clear. Her quited love.
coat is a uniform gray, and she tends to keep her Flaw: No matter what, I just can’t see anyone
hair cut as short as is practical. She wears her come to undeserved harm.
shield on her back when it is not in use. Her favor-

Pippa Bichon 111

Simple Weapon Aptitude
Martial Weapon Aptitude
Shield Aptitude
Odds and Ends SPELLS
Speedy Runner
Unarmored Defense

The daughter of a well-known merchant family from Pugmire,

Louise was not the first pup, nor the second or even the third.

As a result, she was unlikely to inherit much of the family

business, but found she had an aptitude for fighting. Her

family saw this budding talent as inauspicious. Despite their

discouragement, Louise worked for some time as a caravan

guard protecting the family‛s goods from bandits, and has

distinguished herself on several occasions. Ultimately, she felt her

skills were most useful in the wild, where she's honed her talents
to a razor's edge. She enjoys not having connections to tie her

down, but is happy to hire on as a guard or mercenary to earn

some cash to buy what little she needs.

Tricks and
Spells Appendix
If you are playing Pugmire with only one amples of medium armor include hide armor, a
copy of the core rulebook, this short appendix is chain shirt, scale mail, and half plate mail.
here to help. Rather than pass the book back and
Heavy Armor Aptitude
forth to reference the tricks and spells characters
possess, all the ones in this chronicle are provid- The dog with this trick can wear heavy armor
ed here, and can be printed multiple times. effectively, giving her a defense of 16 (no Dex-
terity modifier is added). Further, the dog’s two-
Grip Pinscher legged and four-legged speeds are reduced by five
feet, and her Dexterity checks (not attack rolls)
Simple Weapon Aptitude are at a disadvantage. Examples of heavy armor
Anyone can use a simple weapon, but dogs include ring mail, chain mail, splint mail, and
with this trick can add their proficiency bonus to plate mail.
attack rolls when using any simple weapon. This Shield Aptitude
includes clubs, daggers, darts, handaxes, javelins,
maces, quarterstaves, shortbows, sickles, slings, The dog with this trick can use a shield effec-
small crossbows, spears, and unarmed punches, tively, giving her +2 to her defense. However, she
kicks, and bites. only has one free paw and cannot use weapons
or objects with the “two-pawed” quality. Further,
Martial Weapon Aptitude the shield offers no benefit against attacks that
Using martial weapons requires training and the user cannot actively defend against (such
dedication — a dog without this trick always at- as attacks from behind or spell effects that go
tack with such weapons at a disadvantage. Dogs around corners).
with this trick, however, can use martial weapons Inspiring Word
well, and can add their proficiency bonus to at-
tack rolls using them. This includes battleaxes, Using leadership and strength of personality,
crossbows, flails, glaives, greatswords, greataxes, the guardian encourages allies to keep fighting.
halberds, lances, longbows, longswords, rapiers, If the ally is within 60 feet and can see or
scimitars, shortswords, tridents, war picks, war- hear the guardian, she can use a bonus action
hammers, and whips. and speak something encouraging, allowing that
ally to immediately use a stamina die to regain
Light Armor Aptitude stamina points or spell slots. This can be used a
The dog with this trick can wear light armor number of times equal to the guardian’s Charis-
effectively, giving her a defense of 11 + her Dex- ma modifier before the dog needs to sleep.
terity modifier. Examples of light armor include
Rank Has Its Privileges
padded armor, leather armor, and studded leath-
er armor. Whether or not the dog is active in the roy-
al guard, city guard, military, or similar organi-
Medium Armor Aptitude zation, soldiers loyal to that group recognize the
The dog with this trick can wear medium ar- dog’s authority and rank. The dog can gain access
mor effectively, giving her a defense of 13 + her to friendly comrades-in-arms, as well as gather
Dexterity modifier. Further, the dog’s Dexterity common information and rumors from among
checks (not attack rolls) are at a disadvantage. Ex- the rank and file (not secret military plans, for

114 tricks and spell appendix

example). If the player spends fortune, she can Friends in Low Places
declare that a previously unknown non-player
The dog has some (generally) reliable and
character soldier is an old friend or companion
trustworthy contacts amongst criminals. She can
on good terms with the dog.
get information from such characters, unless
Speedy Runner the act of passing on information would endan-
The runner with this trick gets an advantage ger them. If the player spends fortune, she can
on all Dexterity checks having to do with run- declare that a previously unknown non-player
ning or being involved in a chase. Also, the char- character criminal is one of her contacts on good
acter’s speed is increased to 35 feet (or 50 feet terms with the dog.
while running on all fours). Keen Observer
The herder with this trick gains an advantage
Joliet “Neenah” on all Wisdom checks involving hearing, sight,
Corgi or smell.

Simple Weapon Aptitude Elemental Ray

(Artisan Basic)
Anyone can use a simple weapon, but dogs
with this trick can add their proficiency bonus to Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instantaneous
attack rolls when using any simple weapon. This
includes clubs, daggers, darts, handaxes, javelins, When choosing this spell, an artisan choos-
maces, quarterstaves, shortbows, sickles, slings, es the damage type for the spell: heat, cold, or
small crossbows, spears, and unarmed punches, lightning.
kicks, and bites. A beam of colored light streaks toward a
Light Armor Aptitude character within range (red for heat, white for
cold, and blue for lightning). Make a ranged spell
The dog with this trick can wear light armor attack against the target. On a hit, it takes 1d8
effectively, giving her a defense of 11 + her Dexterity damage of the chosen damage type.
modifier. Examples of light armor include padded
armor, leather armor, and studded leather armor. Magic Paw (Artisan Basic)
Focus Magic Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 minute
The artisan starts with a masterwork focus —
a strange, intricate device from the ages of Man You point your focus at an object and can lift
that doesn’t do anything obvious. By taking this and move the object from a distance with a ghost-
trick, the dog has become spiritually attuned to ly paw. You can use your action to control the
the focus, and can draw and channel arcane en- magic paw. You can use the paw to manipulate
ergy through it. In effect, the dog uses the focus an object, open an unlocked door or container,
to cast spells. stow or retrieve an item from an open container,
or pour the contents out of a vial. You can move
This focus is powered by the artisan’s life the paw up to 30 feet each time you use it.
force and, once attuned, is uniquely tied to the
artisan — another dog cannot use it, and another The paw can’t attack, activate masterwork
artisan with a similar focus might find that it al- artifacts, or carry heavy objects.
lows her to create different effects. Smell Magic (Artisan Basic)
Upon taking this trick, the artisan learns Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self
three basic spells that can always be used by Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes
the focus (Elemental Ray, Mage Paw, and Smell
For the duration, you smell the presence of
Magic). In addition, the artisan can choose two
magic, the Unseen, and characters under Unseen
first-level spells. All references to “spellcasting
influence within 30 feet of you. If you sense mag-
ability” are references to Intelligence.

Joliet "Neenah" Corgi 115

ic in this way, you can use your action to smell a
faint odor around any visible character or object Trixie Corgi
in the area that bears magic. This spell cannot be Simple Weapon Aptitude
used if the spellcaster is Anosmic.
Anyone can use a simple weapon, but dogs
Floating Disk (Artisan Level 1) with this trick can add their proficiency bonus to
attack rolls when using any simple weapon. This
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Duration: 1 hour includes clubs, daggers, darts, handaxes, javelins,
maces, quarterstaves, shortbows, sickles, slings,
This spell creates a circular, horizontal small crossbows, spears, and unarmed punches,
plane of force, three feet in diameter and one kicks, and bites.
inch thick, that floats three feet above the
ground in an unoccupied space of your choice Martial Weapon Aptitude
that you can see within range. The disk remains Using martial weapons requires training and
for the duration, and can hold up to the weight dedication — a dog without this trick always at-
of three dogs. If more weight is placed on it, the tack with such weapons at a disadvantage. Dogs
spell ends, and everything on the disk falls to with this trick, however, can use martial weapons
the ground. well, and can add their proficiency bonus to at-
The disk is immobile while you are within tack rolls using them. This includes battleaxes,
20 feet of it. If you move more than 20 feet away crossbows, flails, glaives, greatswords, greataxes,
from it, the disk follows you so that it remains halberds, lances, longbows, longswords, rapiers,
within 20 feet of you. It can move across uneven scimitars, shortswords, tridents, war picks, war-
terrain, up or down stairs, slopes, and the like, hammers, and whips.
but it can’t cross an elevation change of 10 feet Light Armor Aptitude
or more. For example, the disk can’t move across
a 10-foot-deep pit, nor could it leave such a pit if The dog with this trick can wear light armor
it was created at the bottom. effectively, giving her a defense of 11 + her Dex-
terity modifier. Examples of light armor include
If you move more than 100 feet from the disk
padded armor, leather armor, and studded leath-
(typically because it can’t move around an obsta-
er armor.
cle to follow you), the spell ends.
Medium Armor Aptitude
Magic Missile (Artisan Level 1)
The dog with this trick can wear medium ar-
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 120 feet
Duration: Instantaneous mor effectively, giving her a defense of 13 + her
Dexterity modifier. Further, the dog’s Dexterity
Three missiles of magical energy dart forth checks (not attack rolls) are at a disadvantage. Ex-
from your focus and strike their target. Each one amples of medium armor include hide armor, a
deals 1d4 + 1 points of force damage. The missile chain shirt, scale mail, and half plate mail.
strikes unerringly, even if the target is in melee
combat or has less than total cover or total con- Shield Aptitude
cealment. Specific parts of a character can’t be The dog with this trick can use a shield effec-
singled out. Inanimate objects are not damaged tively, giving her +2 to her defense. However, she
by the spell. only has one free paw and cannot use weapons
You can have the missiles strike a single char- or objects with the “two-pawed” quality. Further,
acter or several characters. Each missile can strike the shield offers no benefit against attacks that
only one character. You must designate targets the user cannot actively defend against (such
before you roll damage. as attacks from behind or spell effects that go
around corners).

116 tricks and spell appendix

Archery Shield Aptitude
Some callings are particularly experienced The dog with this trick can use a shield effec-
with ranged weapons, becoming very accurate tively, giving her +2 to her defense. However, she
with them. only has one free paw and cannot use weapons or
Once this trick is taken, the dog gains +2 to objects with the “two-pawed” quality. Further, the
all attack rolls with ranged weapons. shield offers no benefit against attacks that the user
cannot actively defend against (such as attacks from
Respected by Strays behind or spell effects that go around corners).
The dog is well known by strays and other
Acolyte of Man
free dogs. If he meets them in his travels, they
generally treat him with respect and offer him The dog and her companions can receive
(and his companions) a night of hospitality, if care and healing at any temple of the Church
they don’t bring anything dangerous to the camp. of Man, if the help isn’t dangerous and doesn’t
If the player spends fortune, he can declare that cause problems for the shepherds there. The
a previously unknown non-player character stray character might have ties to a specific church,
or free dog is an old friend. and may even have a room there. If the player
spends fortune, she can declare that a previously
Voracious Learner unknown non-player character of the Church of
The pointer with this trick gains an advan- Man is an old friend.
tage on Intelligence checks involving something
Brute Strength
the dog might have read or heard about in the
past. It does not apply to situations that are new The worker with this trick gains an advan-
to the pointer’s experience. tage on Strength checks involving lifting or pull-
ing something.
Chopper Bulldog Prayers to Man
Simple Weapon Aptitude Shepherds pray to Man, giving them access
to incredible feats of magic. These prayers are
Anyone can use a simple weapon, but dogs
powered by the shepherd’s life force. New prayers
with this trick can add their proficiency bonus to
are learned either from extensive study within
attack rolls when using any simple weapon. This
the Church of Man, or through intense medita-
includes clubs, daggers, darts, handaxes, javelins,
tion and communion with Man.
maces, quarterstaves, shortbows, sickles, slings,
small crossbows, spears, and unarmed punches, Upon taking this trick, the shepherd learns
kicks, and bites. three basic spells that can always be used through
the shepherd’s faith (Bless/Bane, Sacred Flame,
Light Armor Aptitude and Spare the Dying). In addition, the shepherd
The dog with this trick can wear light armor can choose two first-level spells. All references to
effectively, giving her a defense of 11 + her Dex- “spellcasting ability” are references to Wisdom.
terity modifier. Examples of light armor include
Bless/Bane (Shepherd Basic)
padded armor, leather armor, and studded leath-
er armor. Casting Time: 1 action Range: 30 feet
Duration: Concentration, up to 1 minute
Medium Armor Aptitude
Choose up to three characters you can see
The dog with this trick can wear medium ar- within range and one effect: Bless or bane. All
mor effectively, giving her a defense of 13 + her targets are affected by the same effect. On the
Dexterity modifier. Further, the dog’s Dexterity target’s next attack, ability, or saving throw roll
checks (not attack rolls) are at a disadvantage. Ex- before the spell ends, the target can roll a d4 and
amples of medium armor include hide armor, a add (Bless) or subtract (Bane) the number rolled
chain shirt, scale mail, and half plate mail. to the roll.

Chopper Bulldog 117

Sacred Flame (Shepherd Basic)
Pippa Bichon
Casting Time: 1 action Range: 60 feet
Duration: Instantaneous Simple Weapon Aptitude
Radiance erupts from a character or object Anyone can use a simple weapon, but dogs
that you can see within range. Characters must with this trick can add their proficiency bonus to
succeed on a Constitution saving throw or take attack rolls when using any simple weapon. This
1d8 radiant damage. includes clubs, daggers, darts, handaxes, javelins,
maces, quarterstaves, shortbows, sickles, slings,
In addition, objects hit by the spell shed
small crossbows, spears, and unarmed punches,
bright light in a 20-foot radius, which will stay
kicks, and bites.
illuminated if the caster concentrates (up to one
minute). If you target an object held or worn by a Light Armor Aptitude
hostile character, that character must succeed on The dog with this trick can wear light armor
a Dexterity saving throw to avoid the spell. effectively, giving her a defense of 11 + her Dex-
Spare the Dying (Shepherd Basic) terity modifier. Examples of light armor include
padded armor, leather armor, and studded leath-
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch er armor.
Duration: Instantaneous
You can touch a living character that has 0 Folk Hero
stamina points. The character becomes stable The dog is well known among common
and has 1 stamina point. folk, and easily fits in with them. He can easily
find somewhere to rest or hide among such folk,
Cure Wounds (Shepherd Level 1)
and they will attempt to shield him from pursu-
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Touch ers if their lives aren’t threatened. If the player
Duration: Instantaneous spends fortune, he can declare that a previously
When laying your paw upon a living charac- unknown non-player character commoner is an
ter, you channel positive energy that restores 1d8 old friend or relative on good terms with the dog.
stamina points + your spellcasting ability modifi- Hardy Constitution
er. An additional 1d8 is rolled for every addition-
al spell slot used when casting Cure Wounds. No The fettle with this trick can add 1d4 to all
stamina dice are expended. Constitution saving throws.

Smell Poison and Disease Precise Attack

(Shepherd Level 1) Most ratters aren’t honorable fighters. They
Casting Time: 1 action Range: Self know that doing the most damage is all that mat-
Duration: Concentration, up to 10 minutes ters. Once per turn, the ratter can add 1d6 to the
damage roll if she has advantage for any reason,
For the duration, you can smell the presence
or if an ally of the ratter is within five feet of the
and location of poisons, venomous characters,
and diseases within 30 feet of you. You also iden-
tify the kind of poison, venomous character, or In addition, the ratter can make a Dexteri-
disease in each case. This spell cannot be used if ty check (difficulty is 10 + the highest Wisdom
the spellcaster is Anosmic. modifier of all active opponents) as an action to
hide in the shadows or otherwise avoid a target’s
attention. If successful, she gains an advantage
on her next melee attack roll.

118 tricks and spell appendix

Louise Kuchi only has one free paw and cannot use weapons
or objects with the “two-pawed” quality. Further,
Simple Weapon Aptitude the shield offers no benefit against attacks that
the user cannot actively defend against (such
Anyone can use a simple weapon, but dogs
as attacks from behind or spell effects that go
with this trick can add their proficiency bonus to
around corners).
attack rolls when using any simple weapon. This
includes clubs, daggers, darts, handaxes, javelins, Odds and Ends
maces, quarterstaves, shortbows, sickles, slings, The dog has a penchant for packing just the
small crossbows, spears, and unarmed punches, right thing, and has an advantage when making a
kicks, and bites. Wisdom check to see if he has a particular piece
Martial Weapon Aptitude of equipment. If the player spends fortune, he
can declare that a previously unknown non-play-
Using martial weapons requires training and
er character is a past customer or merchant on
dedication — a dog without this trick always at-
good terms with the dog.
tack with such weapons at a disadvantage. Dogs
with this trick, however, can use martial weapons Speedy Runner
well, and can add their proficiency bonus to at- The runner with this trick gets an advantage
tack rolls using them. This includes battleaxes, on all Dexterity checks having to do with run-
crossbows, flails, glaives, greatswords, greataxes, ning or being involved in a chase. Also, the char-
halberds, lances, longbows, longswords, rapiers, acter’s speed is increased to 35 feet (or 50 feet
scimitars, shortswords, tridents, war picks, war- while running on all fours).
hammers, and whips.
Unarmored Defense
Light Armor Aptitude
The stray can defend himself without the
The dog with this trick can wear light armor need for bulky armor.
effectively, giving her a defense of 11 + her Dex-
terity modifier. Examples of light armor include Once this trick is taken, and if the stray is
padded armor, leather armor, and studded leath- without armor or only uses a shield, his defense
er armor. is 10 + Constitution modifier + Dexterity modifi-
er + shield (if used).
Shield Aptitude
The dog with this trick can use a shield effec-
tively, giving her +2 to her defense. However, she

Louise Kuchi 119

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