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A Short Review On Photocatalytic Water Purification Study Using

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Materials Today: Proceedings 31 (2020) A117–A121

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A short review on photocatalytic water purification study using

magnetic beads detergent
Diyana Faziha Mohamad, Norzahir Sapawe ⇑
Universiti Kuala Lumpur Branch Campus Malaysian Institute of Chemical and Bioengineering Technology (UniKL MICET), Lot 1988 Vendor City, Taboh Naning, 78000 Alor
Gajah, Melaka, Malaysia

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The quality of water has been growing concerns amongst people as many rivers in Malaysia facing high
Received 27 December 2020 level water contamination problems with the rapid urbanization and industrialization. Water pollutants
Received in revised form 27 December 2020 is consists of the harmful compound founded in water or river significantly give an adverse effects to
Accepted 3 January 2021
humans, wildlife and ecosystems. Either in nature or synthetics, these pollutants are highly toxic, resist
Available online 19 February 2021
to degrade, semi-volatile, bio-accumulative, and mobile over considerable distances. The modification of
magnetic nanoparticles is prepared for them to improve their affinity and capability in degradation of
pollutants. Indeed it able to inhibit the aggregation of particles. By applying magnetic properties, these
Magnetic bead
Water pollutant
catalyst can be easily to regenerate and recycle by applying the external magnetic field to separate them.
Photocatalysis The magnetic bead detergents have been synthesized with a few modifications. The modification of mag-
Degradation netic beads significantly improves their pore size, mechanical strength, chemical stability, hydrophilicity,
Modification and bio-compatibility. Photocatalytic technique is promising a cure to solve a problem. Previous studies
shows that degradation of pollutant can achieved with variety of skills of modifications and methods.
Photocatalytic oxidation promising approaches towards water purification in which the AOPs technology
is applied in water purification from organic pollutant degradation which the radical act as oxidizing
agent for this studies. Activity of photocatalytic are highly depending on a parameter which play the role
in order to achieve of high removal of pollutant degradation. Previous studies are compared in contents to
analyse the best results of magnetic beads modification for water purification.
Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Con-
ference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology: Materials Science.

1. Introduction as well. As per the statistics, around 783 million of people suffering
from access to clean water world widely [2]. About 319 million
Water, i.e., H2O with 2 mol of hydrogen and 1 mol of oxygen is people in Sub-Saharan Africa have no access to safe drinking water;
essential in our daily life. Without water, there is no life exist on 443 million school days come-up with water-related disease in
earth. In fact, around 71% surface of earth enclosed by water; yearly [3]; 2.6 billion people lacking with sanitation thus con-
97% resides by oceans and 3% is by fresh water. From 3%, 68.7% tributes to 10% of global disease [4]. In fact, 80% of illnesses are
of fresh water is locked up in icecaps and glaciers and the remain- associated to bad sanitation conditions in emerging countries [5]
ing of fresh water is in the ground; 0.3% in fresh lakes and rivers and ½ of beds in world’s hospitals were occupied with people suf-
[1]. With the growing of the population day by day, the water fering with water-related disease [3] (Table 1).
availability per capita is declining as well, rise up the issues with It is clearly seen that the contaminated water gives severe
the challenge of limited amount of freshwater availability. How- impact to human health even if taken for long period, it may lead
ever, the major challenge with water pollution become a concern to cancer e.g. arsenic disease. There are two major sources of water
since it is not only affect the environment but to human health contamination which are direct sources (point sources) and indi-
rect sources (non-point sources). Basically, the direct sources orig-
inates from industries, treatment plants, refineries, factories, etc.
⇑ Corresponding author. meanwhile, indirect sources may contact to the body through a
E-mail address: norzahir@unikl.edu.my (N. Sapawe).

2214-7853/Ó 2019 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Selection and Peer-review under responsibility of the scientific committee of the 4th International Conference on Green Chemical Engineering and Technology: Materials
Diyana Faziha Mohamad and N. Sapawe Materials Today: Proceedings 31 (2020) A117–A121

Table 1
Various types of water-related illness.

Types of Sources Example References

Water borne Human or animal waste Cholera, [6]
typhoid, and
Water washed Lack of clean water for Skin and eye [7]
washing infections
Water based Organism developed in Schistosomiasis [8]
water and the become
Water-related Mosquitoes breed in water Malaria and [9]
insect dengue

number of process, e.g., the used of fertilizers and pesticides in

Fig. 1. Schematic illustration of the coercivity-size relations of small particles.
agricultural field, where the chemicals permeates down to the
groundwater then contaminate the water.
Numerous of technologies were applied to treat these com- particles obligate zeroes coercivity and have no hysteresis.
pounds i.e. adsorption, biotechnology, catalysis, etc. [10–18]. How- Nanoparticles become magnetized with the existence of an exter-
ever, they suffer with incomplete removal, expensive of chemical nal magnet, nevertheless it reverts to a nonmagnetic state once
reagent, high treatment cost, long time-consuming, etc. As an the external magnet is discarded. This eludes an ‘active’ behavior
alternative to these problems, a development of new adsorbents of the particles when there is no applied field. The crystalline mate-
and technologies have been investigated and recently the advance- rials that exhibit ferromagnetism are Fe, Co, or Ni. However, ferrite
ment in magnetic bead and nanotechnologies promising a lot of oxide-magnetite is widely used as superparamagnetic nanoparti-
potential especially in water purification process. The advantages cles in numerous biological applications as it is utmost magnetic
of nanoparticles properties in magnetic beads possess high reactive compared to others minerals on earth [21–23].
capacity due to their large surface area. They can be functionalized
with various chemical groups to increase their affinity/selectivity
towards a given compound. 3. Application of magnetic materials for water purification

The application of magnetic materials for water purification

2. Magnetic nanoparticles behavior gained a lot of interest nowadays. Basically these magnetic materi-
als composed of magnetic core of iron oxides, carbon materials, etc.
The magnetic field is produced by the movement of particles, Recently, research related to nanomaterials widely investigated
i.e., electrons, holes, and ions (positive and negative ions) that have with different shapes, morphologies, forms such as metal enclosing
both mass and electrical charges. A magnetic dipole is created by a nanoparticles, carbonaceous nanomaterials, zeolites, dendrimers,
spinning electric-charged particles, so-called Magneton. Magneton carbon nanotubes, nanofibers have been cast-off for water cleaning
is associated with groups of ferromagnetic materials. The exchange
process [24]. However, problem related to these nanomaterials
forces cause all magnetons are aligned in the same direction and arises especially for separation of solid materials from aqueous
this situation refers to a volume of ferromagnetic material that
water as these materials is nano in particle size. To overcome these
called as magnetic domain or Weiss domain. The concept of problems, the using of magnetic nanomaterials is apply as it can
domain is applied to distinguish ferromagnetism from paramag-
increase the efficiency in magnetic filtration of solid from aqueous
netism. The domain structure of a ferromagnetic material determi- liquid [25]. The magnetic sorbents based on Fe oxides is applied for
nes the size dependence of its magnetic behavior. Lower than the
solid liquid separation as the magnetic fields is more selective and
critical value of ferromagnetic material’s size, it’s come to be a sin- more efficient compared to centrifugation or filtration [25]. Here
gle domain. Theoretically, if the particles smaller than certain crit-
are sort of the magnetic nano-adsorbents advantages for water
ical size, the lowest state free energy of ferromagnetic particles will purification which are they are small in size, thus have a high sur-
become uniform magnetization otherwise non-uniform for larger face to volume ratio, the separation of solid liquid by magnetic sep-
particles. It’s referred as single domain particles for the former; aration is selective, faster than centrifugation and filtration
multi-domain particles for the latter [19,20]. The theory of mag- techniques, reusability, greater biocompability and magnetic
netic domain said that few factors will affect the critical size of sin- separation.
gle domain, i.e. magnetic saturation value, crystal anisotropy
strength and exchange forces, wall energy of surface, and particle
shape. Hysteresis loop designated to elucidate the ferromagnetic 4. Photocatalysis technology for water purification
material’s reaction by applying field which is characterized based
on remanence and coercivity parameters. The ‘‘thickness” of the Photocatalysis is one of favorable advance processes (AOPs)
curve is correlated to the latter. The coercivity of fine particles is which rottenly applied in degradation of organic pollutants due
described as a single property and intensely size-dependent. Previ- to their properties such as high efficiency, simplicity in their pro-
ous studies founded that the coercivity rises to a maximum level cess, good reproducibility, and easy handling [26] In 1980s, AOPs
and then declines to zero as the particle size is reduced as shown have been proposed drinking water purification. It is also known
in Fig. 1. For single-domain, coercivity becomes zero as the particle as oxidation process with the creation of hydroxyl radical (OH )
size drops below a critical diameter and it is stated to be super- in various kind of pollutant degradation i.e. organic and inorganic
paramagnetic. Superparamagnetism is strongly affected by ther- compounds. According to Prihod’ko & Soboleva, (2013) [27], photo-
mal effects where the thermal fluctuations spontaneously catalytic oxidation promising approaches towards water purifica-
demagnetize a formerly saturated assembly. For that reason, these tion. The AOPs technology is applied in water purification from
Diyana Faziha Mohamad and N. Sapawe Materials Today: Proceedings 31 (2020) A117–A121

Table 2
Previous studies for water purification by magnetic beads.

No Adsorbent Parameters Pollutant Reference

1 Magnetic alginate beads pH: not significant Organic dyes [47]
Dosage: 6.6 g/20 mL
Initial concentration: 1 mmol/L
Adsorption capacity: 37.73 mg/g
2 Magnetic silica coated iron carbide/alginate beads pH: 3–4 Cu(ll) [48]
Dosage: 0.41 g/L
Initial concentration: 200 mg/L
Adsorption capacity: 37.73 mg/g
3 Magnetic Fe3O4@chitosan carbon microbeads pH: 9–11 Doxycycline [49]
Dosage: -
Initial concentration: 20 mg/L
Adsorption capacity: -
4 Magnetic chitosan composite beads pH: 5 Cu(ll) [50]
Dosage: -
Initial concentration: -
Adsorption capacity: 121.9 mg/g
5 Magnetic alginate hybrid beads pH: 5 Cr(VI) [51]
Dosage: 0.1 g/L
Initial concentration: 100 mg/L
Adsorption capacity: 14.29 mg/g
6 Potassium copper hexacyanoferrate embedded magnetic hydrogel bead pH: 3–11 Cs+ [52]
Dosage: -
Initial concentration: 1 ppm
Adsorption capacity: 69.2 mg/g
7 Laccase encapsulated in core–shell magnetic copper alginate beads pH: - Synthetic pollutant [53]
Dosage: -
Initial concentration: -
Adsorption capacity: -
8 Magnetic alginate beads pH: 7 Pb(ll) [54]
Dosage: 10 g
9Initial concentration: 400 mg/L
Adsorption capacity: 50 mg/g
9 Porous-Magnetic Chitosan Beads pH: 6.5 Cd2+ [55]
Dosage: 0.1 g/100 mL
Initial concentration: 13.5 mg/L
Adsorption capacity: 518 mg/g
10 Magnetic micro bead pH: - Contaminants in wastewater [56]
Dosage: -
Initial concentration: -
Adsorption capacity: -
11 Magnetic alginate-chitosangelbeads pH: 2.8 Lanthanum ions [57]
Dosage: -
Initial concentration: 0.4 mmol/L
Adsorption capacity: 97.1 mg/g

organic pollutant degradation which the radical act as oxidizing of oxidizing agents such as H2O2 and O3, the irradiation sources
agent for this studies. The degradation by AOPs agent will covert light such as ultraviolet light or ultrasound, and catalyst such as
these pollutants to a smaller or uncontaminated substituents at Fe2+. Principally, UV-based mechanism of AOPs is introduced via
the end of process, this posing a decisive elucidation for water photons with existing of catalyst or oxidants which lead to reac-
purification [28]. tions of OH , H2O, and O2 at the surface of catalyst. Tang
Various technology of AOPs have been discovered and been (2003) [46] stated that the hydroxyl radicals is formed from the
applied in water purification i.e. radiation, electrochemical oxida- holes and electrons, meanwhile additional of ion OH is from the
tion, Fenton-based reaction, photolysis, and photocatalysis [29– effect of UV irradiation of of H2O2 or O3 as oxidants plus, e.g.,
45]. The study by Deng & Zhou (2015) [26], showed that the radical one molecule of H2O2 that undergoes cleaved phase by UV irradia-
of hydroxyl act as utmost reactive agent in water purification with tion will generate two ions of OH and if the wavelength is beneath
oxidation potential between 2.8 V, pH 0 and 1.95 V, pH 14. Sev- than 242 nm, OH ion may also generate by photolysis of water
eral pathways explained how the hydroxyl radical attacked the (H2O).
organic pollutants in wastewater which are hydrogen abstraction,
radical combination, radical addition, and electron transfer. In
AOPs system, reaction with pollutants produced a carbon-centred
5. Previous studies
radical (R or R—OH) in the existent of O2. The carbon-centred rad-
ical chain can transform into organic peroxyl radical (ROO ) as
Nanoscience is one of the essential element in modern science
well. Commonly, radical is accompanied with formation of H2O2
as nanotechnology is a beginning pathway to create a significant
throughout the process in the existent of super oxide (O2 ). Both
advance in science life and healthcare for all scientist, engineers,
chain act as a chief towards chemical degradation to mineralize
chemists, and physicians who working at molecular and cellular
all the organic compound present in wastewater.
levels. Nanoparticles offers a lot of interest due to its properties
According to Huang et al. (1993) [28], radical that formed from
behaviors such as unique size and their physiochemical posses-
hydroxyl have a short lifespan which just been done in situ pro-
sions. In recent years, numerous researchers give more attention
duced throughout application via diverse approaches including a
in synthesizing a different types of magnetic nanoparticles for
Diyana Faziha Mohamad and N. Sapawe Materials Today: Proceedings 31 (2020) A117–A121

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