J Hepato Biliary Pancreat - 2017 - Yokoe - Tokyo Guidelines 2018 Diagnostic Criteria and Severity Grading of Acute

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18686982, 2018, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbp.515 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [01/03/2023].

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J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54
DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.515


Tokyo Guidelines 2018: diagnostic criteria and severity grading of

acute cholecystitis (with videos)
Masamichi Yokoe  Jiro Hata  Tadahiro Takada  Steven M. Strasberg  Horacio J. Asbun  Go Wakabayashi 
Kazuto Kozaka  Itaru Endo  Daniel J. Deziel  Fumihiko Miura  Kohji Okamoto  Tsann-Long Hwang  Wayne
Shih-Wei Huang  Chen-Guo Ker  Miin-Fu Chen  Ho-Seong Han  Yoo-Seok Yoon  In-Seok Choi  Dong-Sup
Yoon  Yoshinori Noguchi  Satoru Shikata  Tomohiko Ukai  Ryota Higuchi  Toshifumi Gabata  Yasuhisa
Mori  Yukio Iwashita  Taizo Hibi  Palepu Jagannath  Eduard Jonas  Kui-Hin Liau  Christos Dervenis  Dirk
J. Gouma  Daniel Cherqui  Giulio Belli  O. James Garden  Mariano Eduardo Gimenez  Eduardo de
Santiba~nes  Kenji Suzuki  Akiko Umezawa  Avinash Nivritti Supe  Henry A. Pitt  Harjit Singh  Angus C. W.
Chan Wan Yee Lau  Anthony Yuen Bun Teoh  Goro Honda  Atsushi Sugioka  Koji Asai  Harumi Gomi 

Takao Itoi  Seiki Kiriyama  Masahiro Yoshida  Toshihiko Mayumi  Naoki Matsumura  Hiromi Tokumura 
Seigo Kitano  Koichi Hirata  Kazuo Inui  Yoshinobu Sumiyama  Masakazu Yamamoto

Published online: 9 January 2018

© 2018 Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery

The author’s affiliations are listed Abstract The Tokyo Guidelines 2013 (TG13) for acute cholangitis and cholecystitis
in the Appendix. were globally disseminated and various clinical studies about the management of acute
Correspondence to: Tadahiro cholecystitis were reported by many researchers and clinicians from all over the world.
Takada, Department of Surgery, The 1st edition of the Tokyo Guidelines 2007 (TG07) was revised in 2013. According
Teikyo University School of to that revision, the TG13 diagnostic criteria of acute cholecystitis provided better
Medicine, 2-11-1 Kaga, Itabashi-ku, specificity and higher diagnostic accuracy. Thorough our literature search about
Tokyo 173-8605, Japan
e-mail: [email protected] diagnostic criteria for acute cholecystitis, new and strong evidence that had been
released from 2013 to 2017 was not found with serious and important issues about
DOI: 10.1002/jhbp.515 using TG13 diagnostic criteria of acute cholecystitis. On the other hand, the TG13
severity grading for acute cholecystitis has been validated in numerous studies. As a
result of these reviews, the TG13 severity grading for acute cholecystitis was
significantly associated with parameters including 30-day overall mortality, length of
hospital stay, conversion rates to open surgery, and medical costs. In terms of severity
assessment, breakthrough and intensive literature for revising severity grading was not
reported. Consequently, TG13 diagnostic criteria and severity grading were judged
from numerous validation studies as useful indicators in clinical practice and adopted
as TG18/TG13 diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute cholecystitis without
any modification. Free full articles and mobile app of TG18 are available at: http://
www.jshbps.jp/modules/en/index.php?content_id=47. Related clinical questions and
references are also included.

Keywords Acute Cholecystitis Diagnosis Diagnostic imaging Guidelines


Severity of Illness Index


The Tokyo Guidelines 2013 (TG13) diagnostic criteria and severity grading of acute
cholecystitis [1] have become widely adopted in recent years, being used not only in
clinical practice but also in numerous research studies on this disease. These diagnostic
18686982, 2018, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbp.515 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [01/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
42 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54

criteria and severity gradings of acute cholecystitis constitute the work of revising TG18 can justly be said to be proceed-
guidelines produced on the basis of the consensus achieved ing on the basis of clinical data.
during discussions by global experts at the Tokyo Consensus In the Tokyo Guidelines Revision Committee, we
Meeting held in 2007, and the first version was published as searched for evidence published since TG13, and identified
Tokyo Guidelines 2007 (TG07) [2]. Based on studies that 216 articles related to the diagnostic criteria and severity grad-
have found the lifespan of guidelines to be around 5 years ing of acute cholecystitis, including 19 randomized controlled
[3], the Tokyo Guidelines Revision Committee revised the trials (RCTs). Work on revision began in 2016. Based on
TG07 guidelines in 2013. Validation of the TG07 diagnostic these articles, we found that when considering new evidence
criteria and severity grading of acute cholecystitis had identi- gathered on the TG13 diagnostic criteria and severity grading
fied two issues with the diagnostic criteria in particular: the of acute cholecystitis, such as validation studies, there was
use of two categories for deciding a definitive diagnosis led relatively little evidence concerning diagnostic criteria, with
to ambiguity in clinical practice, and criteria for suspected most validation studies instead being concerned with severity
diagnosis were not specified [4]. That validation study found grading [9–13]. Some studies found that severity grading
that the sensitivity and specificity of a definitive diagnosis plays a useful role in predicting vital prognosis [9], and others
according to TG07 were 84.9% and 50.0%, respectively, that the length of hospitalization and the laparotomy conver-
whereas Murphy’s sign was of 20.5% sensitivity and 87.5% sion rate were significantly higher in more severe cases [10].
specificity. The diagnostic accuracy of the TG07 diagnostic Other studies, however, found that severe cholecystitis may
criteria was thus significantly greater than that of Murphy’s be amenable to surgical treatment, even if percutaneous
sign (P = 1.31 9 10 10). However, the authors pointed out cholecystostomy is not always feasible and open cholecystec-
that further improvement was required in the specificity of tomy may be required [11, 12]. Endo et al. carried out multi-
the diagnostic criteria for definitive diagnosis. Rather than variate analysis of the Japan-Taiwan multicenter cohort study
changing the factors used for assessment, further considera- data and used the results to propose a new treatment strategy
tion of new diagnostic criteria led to the decision to change for Grade III in accordance with TG13 severity grading [14].
the criteria by designating the presence of local signs of Although the prognosis for acute cholecystitis is far from
inflammation and systemic signs of inflammation as indicat- poor, survival prognosis is still determined by severity grad-
ing a suspected diagnosis, and requiring confirmation by ing, and the discussion during the 2007 Tokyo Consensus
imaging findings in addition to these two factors for a defini- Meeting in which it was decided that acute cholecystitis
tive diagnosis. These new diagnostic criteria were validated patients with organ failure affecting survival should therefore
by a multicenter joint study of 451 patients with acute chole- be graded as Grade III (severe), is still a recent memory.
cystitis [5], which found that their use improved sensitivity In these present revisions, in light of the evidence
and specificity to 91.2% and 96.9%, respectively. On the accumulated so far, we report on our investigation of
basis of this result, the diagnostic criteria of TG13 were whether the diagnostic criteria and severity grading should
revised to reflect this new designation. At that point, no be changed for TG18, and if so how. We also provide
major problems with the use of the TG07 severity assessment new information on diagnostic imaging in relation to diag-
criteria in clinical practice had been reported and no new evi- nosis and severity grading.
dence was available; therefore, the severity assessment crite-
ria were adopted unchanged in TG13. However, Takada Q1. Is TG13 diagnostic criteria of acute cholecystitis
et al. expressed concern with the lack of evidence at the time recommended to use as TG18 diagnostic criteria?
that preparations for the publication of TG13 were completed [Foreground question (clinical question)]
[6]. A large-scale epidemiological survey of acute biliary
infection was therefore launched as a Japan-Taiwan Collabo-
The TG13 diagnostic criteria for acute cholecystitis
rative project: Defining the best practice of managing Acute
have high sensitivity and specificity and good
Cholangitis and Cholecystitis since September 2012. This
diagnostic yield; therefore, their use as the TG18
study gathered “big data” from over 7,000 cases. Data from
diagnostic criteria for acute cholecystitis is recom-
over 5,000 patients with acute cholecystitis in that study were
mended. (Recommendation 1, level C)
then used to describe patient characteristics, treatment status,
and the status of use of the TG13 diagnostic criteria and
severity grading in clinical practice, and this was published To date, no diagnostic criteria for acute cholecystitis
as a descriptive study [7]. A large-scale validation of the meriting that title have been established other than TG13
TG13 severity grading of acute cholecystitis was then carried [1]. However, studies of the diagnostic yield of the TG13
out on the basis of those results [8], providing evidence for diagnostic criteria are limited [5, 15, 16].
the current revisions. The inclusion of validation by “big Studies have found that diagnostic accuracy ranges
data” in revision work on guidelines is far from common, but from 94.0% [5] to 60.4% [15] if pathological samples are
18686982, 2018, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbp.515 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [01/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54 43

used as the gold standard. In the former study, the sensi- Although systematic reviews of the value of PCT for
tivity and specificity of the diagnostic criteria for acute the diagnosis and severity grading of sepsis have been
cholecystitis were 91.2% and 96.9%, compared with published [18, 19], a meta-analysis has found that incon-
83.1% and 37.5% in the latter study. sistencies in study design mean that it is not helpful in
However, the latter study found that neutrophil count was distinguishing between sepsis and non-sepsis [20]. There
the only independent predictor of acute cholecystitis for has been only a single clinical study limited to patients
which a significant difference was evident on the basis of with acute cholecystitis: this study found that it was corre-
multivariate analysis [15]. The use of neutrophil count alone lated with the TG13 severity grading classification [21].
for the definitive diagnosis of acute cholecystitis is unrealis- A number of studies that have collected cases of patients
tic. The World Society of Emergency Surgery guidelines for with acute cholangitis have reported that PCT is correlated
acute calculous cholecystitis, which are restricted to chole- with severity [22–24]. At this point, there is insufficient evi-
cystitis due to calculi, recommend the combined use of clini- dence to investigate the value of PCT measurement in acute
cal, laboratory, and imaging findings for diagnosis, without cholecystitis, and as more evidence must be gathered in
designating new diagnostic criteria [16]. The TG13 diagnos- order for this to be assessed, this issue is therefore desig-
tic criteria for acute cholecystitis constitute exactly this com- nated as a question for future research.
bination, and we considered that they share the same concept
for the designation of diagnostic criteria. A Japanese study of Q3. Is ultrasonography (US) recommended for diag-
the association between diagnostic criteria and factors such nosing acute cholecystitis? [Foreground question (clini-
as length of hospitalization and medical costs found statisti- cal question)]
cally significant differences between definitive and suspected
diagnoses [17], demonstrating the effectiveness of these diag-
Although the diagnostic criteria for the diagnosis
nostic criteria. In light of the results of such validation stud-
of acute cholecystitis by US and its diagnostic yield
ies, we considered that there are no major problems with the
vary in different studies, its low invasiveness, wide-
TG13 diagnostic criteria for acute cholecystitis, and recom-
spread availability, ease of use, and cost-effective-
mend that they be used unchanged as the TG18/TG13 diag-
ness make it recommended as the first-choice
nostic criteria (Table 1).
imaging method for the morphological diagnosis of
Table 1 TG18/TG13 diagnostic criteria for acute cholecystitis acute cholecystitis. (Recommendation 1, level C)
A. Local signs of inflammation etc.
(1) Murphy’s sign, (2) RUQ mass/pain/tenderness
B. Systemic signs of inflammation etc. The use of US in acute cholecystitis has been well
(1) Fever, (2) elevated CRP, (3) elevated WBC count reported, and its ease of use and non-invasive modality
C. Imaging findings have been described in case series studies [15, 25–28].
Imaging findings characteristic of acute cholecystitis However, the diagnostic yield described in those articles
Suspected diagnosis: one item in A + one item in B varies according to the device, assessment criteria, and
Definite diagnosis: one item in A + one item in B + C diagnostic criteria used in each of the studies, all of which
Cited from Yokoe et al. [5]
were of small numbers of patients in single institutions.
The TG13 diagnostic criteria of acute cholecystitis was judged from
All studies that have compared the diagnostic yield of
numerous validation studies as useful indicators in clinical practice hepatobiliary scintigraphy (HIDA scanning) with that of
and adopted as TG18 diagnostic criteria without any modification US have found that the diagnostic yield is higher for
Acute hepatitis, other acute abdominal diseases, and chronic chole- HIDA scanning [26, 27], but diagnostic imaging with US
cystitis should be excluded is nevertheless recommended in three newly proposed
CRP C-reactive protein, RUQ right upper abdominal quadrant, WBC guidelines despite its limited diagnostic yield [16, 29, 30].
white blood cell
US is comparatively inexpensive compared with modali-
ties such as computed tomography (CT) and magnetic reso-
Q2. Is procalcitonin measurement useful for diagnos- nance imaging (MRI), and its non-invasive nature and
ing and severity grading of acute cholecystitis? [Future comparatively high diagnostic yield make it the best option
research question] for the diagnostic imaging of acute cholecystitis [31, 32]: its
rate of use in clinical practice is reported to be 61.3% [7].
Few studies have addressed procalcitonin (PCT) in A meta-analysis comparing methods of diagnostic
acute cholecystitis, and at present its value cannot imaging for acute cholecystitis reported that US has 81%
be assessed. (Level C) sensitivity (95% CI: 0.75–0.87) and 83% specificity (95%
CI: 0.74–0.89) [33] (Fig. 1).
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44 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54

Fig. 1 Forest plot. Paired forest plot of

summary estimates for sensitivity and
specificity. The overall summary
estimates of sensitivity and specificity
for cholescintigraphy, ultrasonography,
and magnetic resonance imaging
(MRI) are plotted in pairs. Error
bars = calculated 95% CIs. (Cited from
Kiewiet et al. [33])

Fig. 2 Typical ultrasound images of

acute cholecystitis. (a) Pericholecystic
fluid. Pericholecystic fluid is
demonstrated to the left side of the
gallbladder. Gallstones and debris are
also seen in the gallbladder. (b) An
intraluminal flap seen in a gangrenous
cholecystitis. A linear echogenic line
representing the intraluminal flap is

(a) (b)

According to the TG13 diagnostic criteria for acute literature relevant to the color Doppler sonography, we
cholecystitis, diagnostic imaging findings are required for were unable to identify any articles concerning the diagno-
a definitive diagnosis, and US is the recommended method sis of acute cholecystitis. None of the literature stated the
of diagnostic imaging (Fig. 2, Video S1). type of device or device settings used (Doppler gain, high-
pass filter, Doppler frequency, or speed range) or described
Q4. Is color or power Doppler sonography useful for diag- patient characteristics (such as body wall thickness), and
nosing acute cholecystitis? [Future research question] evaluation was subjective and qualitative in all cases.
Potential problems include performance bias, detection bias,
and inaccuracy. Thus, the use of color Doppler sonography
No recent studies have found that color or power
for assessment is risky. Insufficient evidence is available to
Doppler sonography is useful for diagnosing acute
consider its value as it cannot be assessed until further evi-
cholecystitis. In terms of the underlying principles,
dence has been gathered. This is regarded as a question for
the evaluation of blood flow by Doppler sonogra-
future research (Fig. 3).
phy is strongly affected by factors such as device
performance and the patient’s body type, which
Q5. Is MRI/magnetic resonance cholangiopancreato-
makes quantification difficult, and the designation
graphy (MRCP) useful for diagnosing acute cholecysti-
of standard levels for use in diagnosis is therefore
tis? [Foreground question (clinical question)]
inappropriate. (Level D)

MRI/MRCP is useful for diagnosing acute chole-

A study of the use of color Doppler sonography in acute cystitis. It is recommended if abdominal US does
cholecystitis found that although it was useful for the diag- not provide a definitive diagnosis. (Recommenda-
nosis of gallbladder adhesions, it was not predictive of the tion 2, level B)
degree of surgical difficulty [34]. In our search of the
18686982, 2018, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbp.515 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [01/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54 45

(a) (b)

Fig. 3 Typical ultrasound images of acute cholecystitis. (a) Color Doppler images of acute cholecystitis. Increased intraluminal blood flow is
demonstrated. However, it is not always easy to estimate the intraluminal flow since the sensitivity of color Doppler imaging is influenced by
several factors such as the settings of the filter, velocity range, frequency of the ultrasound beam, the patients’ constitutions, and the limita-
tions of the equipment. (b) Superb Microvascular Imaging of acute cholecystitis. Superb Microvascular imaging, which is more sensitive than
the conventional color Doppler in the detection of blood flow, shows the increased intraluminal flow of the gallbladder in a patient with acute
cholecystitis. Still, the same problem as described in the figure legend of (a) remains so it is difficult to make use of these Doppler imagings
as an objective method for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis

Abdominal US should be the first method of diagnostic and another study also found that abnormal signals in
imaging used for acute cholecystitis. However, as a causa- fatty tissue around the gallbladder on MRI T2-weighted
tive stone in the gallbladder or bile duct may not always imaging had higher specificity compared with CT findings
be clearly identifiable on abdominal US and the diagnosis [41] (Fig. 5). MRCP enables the anatomy of the biliary
of gangrenous cholecystitis may be difficult [35], it is also tract to be visualized without the use of a contrast agent,
recommended that contrast-enhanced CT or MRI be per- and is thus extremely useful. Although MRI/MRCP is
formed if required [36, 37]. expensive [16] compared with abdominal US, which is
The generally accepted imaging findings of acute generally the lowest-cost method of imaging, its diagnos-
cholecystitis are thickening of the gallbladder wall tic yield is somewhat better than that of abdominal US,
(≥4 mm), enlargement of the gallbladder (long axis and its use is therefore recommended when abdominal US
≥8 cm, short axis ≥4 cm), gallstones or retained debris, does not provide a definitive diagnosis. It is noteworthy
fluid accumulation around the gallbladder, and linear that the image quality of MRI/MRCP may be deteriorated
shadows in the fatty tissue around the gallbladder [38]. due to a patient with acute abdominal pain who may not
A 2012 meta-analysis of the MRI diagnosis of acute be able to hold his/her breath or keep his/her at rest.
cholecystitis indicated the value of MRI/MRCP as shown
in Figure 1, with the diagnostic yield of MRI for acute Q6. Is TG13 severity grading of acute cholecystitis rec-
cholecystitis providing 85% sensitivity (95% CI: 0.66– ommended to use as TG18 severity grading? [Fore-
0.95) and 81% specificity (95% CI: 0.69–0.90) [33]. ground question (clinical question)]
However, that meta-analysis was based on three cohort
studies and a cross-sectional study performed around the Grade III (severe) acute cholecystitis in the TG13
turn of the millennium, and the fact that contrast-enhanced severity grading of acute cholecystitis causes systemic
MRI and MRCP were not yet in use at that point must be symptoms due to organ damage and affects survival
taken into account. Even non-contrast MRI/MRCP pro- prognosis. The TG13 severity grading of acute chole-
vides good visualization of thickening of the gallbladder cystitis is recommended for use as the TG18 severity
wall, fluid retention around the gallbladder wall, and grading of acute cholecystitis as a useful indicator
enlargement of the gallbladder, and one study has found from the perspective of predicting prognosis, among
that it is not inferior to contrast-enhanced MRI [39]. The others. (Recommendation 1, level C)
anatomy of the biliary system is easy to assess on MRCP
(by the visualization of accessory hepatic ducts and the
common bile duct), making it useful for preoperative (Addendum: Although moderate acute cholecystitis does
investigation. In terms of differentiation from chronic not result in organ damage, this is still a risk, and as serious
cholecystitis, thickening of the gallbladder wall and dense local complications may also arise, assessment using this
staining of the gallbladder bed in the early phase of con- severity grading may also be used to predict this risk.
trast-enhanced MRI have been found to have 92% speci- Serum total bilirubin level is required to measure in order to
ficity for the diagnosis of acute cholecystitis [40] (Fig. 4), judge predictive factor of acute cholecystitis on flowchart.)
18686982, 2018, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbp.515 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [01/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
46 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54

Fig. 4 Typical magnetic resonance

imaging (MRI) of acute cholecystitis
comparing contrast-enhanced computed
tomography (CT). Man in 40s with
acute cholecystitis due to gallstones.
Dynamic contrast-enhanced MRI and
CT are shown. Early phase (a) and
portal venous phase (b) of contrast-
enhanced MRI. Early phase (c) and
portal venous phase (d) of contrast-
enhanced CT. Numerous signal voids
are visible in the gallbladder (a,
arrowhead which indicates the
(a) (b)
gallstones). Clear contrast enhancement
of the gallbladder wall is evident (b,
arrows). This contrast enhancement of
the wall is more clearly visualized on
MRI compared with contrast-enhanced
CT, and gallstone visualization is also
better on MRI than on CT. To identify
gallstone, T2 weighted MRI is also
helpful (image is not shown)

(c) (d)

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 5 Typical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP) of acute cholecystitis. Man in
70s with acute cholecystitis due to gallstones. MRI T2 weighted image (ssfse: single shot fast spin echo) (a), diffusion weighted image (b),
and MRCP (c). On T2 weighted image of MRI (a), a hypointense gallstone (a, arrowhead) is visible in the gallbladder. The gallbladder is
enlarged, with thickening of the wall (a, arrow). On diffusion weighted image of MRI (b), thickening of the gallbladder wall (b, arrows) is
clearly evident. The deposition of debris is visualized as a hyperintensity (b, *) at the neck of the gallbladder. On 2D MRCP image (40 mm
slice thickness) (c), the aberrant posterior hepatic duct (c, arrow) is clearly visualize. The asterisk indicates the neck of the gallbladder

Grade III (severe) acute cholecystitis in the TG13 mortality rate for acute cholecystitis is only around 1% [7,
severity grading of acute cholecystitis is described as 42], and some studies, including case series studies, have
acute cholecystitis associated with organ system dysfunc- also failed to find any association between severity grade
tion, which in some circumstances may require treatment and prognosis [12, 43]. Nevertheless, logistic regression
in an intensive care unit [1]. Severe acute cholecystitis is analysis of the prediction of prognosis for acute cholecys-
thus a condition that affects vital prognosis. However, the titis has shown that TG13 severity grading is a factor in
18686982, 2018, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbp.515 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [01/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54 47

predicting mortality on admission [9]. In a case series Complications are also significantly more common for
study of over 5,000 patients, the prognosis for Grade III patients at higher severity grades [44] (Table 5).
patients was also significantly worse than for Grades I A study of intraoperative bile duct injury also found
and II [8] (Table 2). that complications occurred significantly more often in
The TG13 severity grading is thus well regarded as a higher-grade cases [47]. Postoperative pathological find-
factor predicting vital prognosis. Studies have also found ings of gangrenous cholecystitis and emphysematous
that the length of hospital stay increases significantly for cholecystitis have been found to be more severe in
patients at higher grades according to the TG13 severity higher-grade cases [13]. The only study of medical costs
grading [10–13, 17, 44] (Table 3). so far performed is a Japanese study that found that medi-
Conversion from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open cal costs are significantly higher in higher-grade cases
surgery has also been found to be significantly more [17].
likely for patients at higher TG13 severity grades [10–13, A German study has proposed a new preoperative scor-
45] (Table 4). ing system for acute cholecystitis [48]. This consists of
In a study in the USA, multivariate analysis showed eight factors identified as independent risk factors by mul-
that TG13 severity grade was an independent predictor of tivariate analysis: sex, age, body mass index (BMI), Amer-
both length of hospital stay and conversion to open sur- ican Society of Anesthesiologists (ASA) score, recurrent
gery [10]. colic, gallbladder wall thickness, white blood cell count
(WBC), and C-reactive protein (CRP) level. These factors
are scored according to a scoring system with a maximum
Table 2 Relationship between severity and 30-day overall mortal- of 9 points, with a score of 7 points or more designated as
itya severe (Grade III). This scoring system has been found to
Severity grading be correlated with operating time, ICU admission, and
length of hospital stay, but is not associated with compli-
Grade I Grade II Grade III P-value
n = 1,339 n = 1,702 n = 680
cations or conversion rate. An Italian group has also
reported diagnostic criteria for severe cholecystitis in
30-day mortality 15 (1.1%) 13 (0.8%) 37 (5.4%) <0.001 which gangrenous cholecystitis and phlegmonous chole-
Cited from Yokoe et al. [8] cystitis are designated as severe, consisting of four factors:

Table 3 Length of hospital stay

References Year n Grade I Grade II Grade III P-value

Cheng [44] 2014 103 7.3  3.5 9.2  3.9 15.2  8.5 <0.05
Kamalapurkara [11] 2014 84 5 (4–8) 12 (8–16) <0.001
Wrighta [10] 2015 445 3 (1–16) 4 (1–33) 7 (1–60) <0.001
Ambeb [13] 2015 138 6.0  2.7 7.8  3.3 10.4  6.1 0.02
Amirthalingamc [12] 2016 149 4.46 (2–14) 6.24 (1–41) 9.31 (3–21) <0.001
Hayasaki [17] 2016 171 4.3  2.5 11.0  11.6 20.8  13.5 <0.001
Data are presented as mean days  SD
Median (range)
Postoperative length of hospital stay
Median (interquartile range)

Table 4 Conversion rate from laparoscopic cholecystectomy to open surgery

References Year n Grade I Grade II Grade III P-value

Asai [45] 2014 225 7/105 (6.7%) 22/119 (18.5%) 0/1 (0%) 0.0279
Kamalapurkar [11] 2014 84 1/60 (1.7%) 4/24 (16.7%) 0.006
Wright [10] 2015 445 7/92 (7.0%) 31/121 (25.6%) 9/26 (34.6%) 0.001
Ambe [13] 2015 138 5/79 (6.3%) 5/33 (15.2%) 9/26 (34.6%) 0.001
Amirthalingam [12] 2016 149 2/84 (2.4%) 6/49 (12.2%) 0/16 (0%) 0.03
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48 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54

Table 5 Complications (morbidities)

References Year n Grade I Grade II Grade III P-value

Cheng [44] 2014 103 3/31 (9.7%) 7/25 (28.0%) 9/20 (45.0%) <0.05
Wright [10] 2015 445 4/137 (2.9%) 6/191 (3.1%) 13/117 (11.1%) 0.003
Ambe [13] 2015 138 7/79 (8.9%) 5/33 (15.2%) 12/26 (46.2%) 0.01

Table 6 Survival analysis of 30-day mortality in patients with Grade III ACa
Survivor (n = 591) Non-survivor (n = 20) Univariate P-value Multivariate P-value Odds ratio (95% CI)

Charlson comorbidity index

0 0–5 304 7 0.148 0.380
1 ≥6 287 13
0 477 9 <0.01 <0.01 6.470 (2.446–17.110)
1 + 114 11
0 518 12 <0.01 <0.01 4.346 (1.640–11.515)
1 + 73 8
0 528 13 <0.01 <0.01 5.843 (2.052–16.635)
1 + 63 7
Cited from Endo et al. [14]

fever >38°C, distention of gallbladder, wall edema, and cholecystitis on flowchart, serum total bilirubin level is
preoperative adverse events [49]. The authors found that required to measure [50].
when two or more factors were positive this system had The assessment criteria used in the TG13 severity grad-
54.9% sensitivity (95% CI: 44.1–65.2) and 81.2% speci- ing for acute cholecystitis have been validated in numer-
ficity (95% CI: 75.4–85.9), and when three or more factors ous studies, are significantly associated with parameters
were positive it had 15.9% sensitivity (95% CI: 9.5–25.3) including vital prognosis, length of hospital stay, conver-
and 98.6% specificity (95% CI: 95.9–99.5). Neither of the sion to open surgery, and medical costs, and are useful
two newly proposed guidelines indicate criteria for severity indicators in clinical practice. Their use as the TG18/
grading [16, 29]. Studies have found that surgery for TG13 severity assessment criteria is therefore recom-
patients classed as Grade III according to the TG13 sever- mended (Table 7).
ity grading is feasible even if percutaneous cholecystec-
tomy is not always performed, with conversion or subtotal Q7. What method of diagnostic imaging is recom-
cholecystectomy also possible procedures [11, 12]. The mended for diagnosing gangrenous cholecystitis?
TG13 severity grading cannot be used to assess surgical [Foreground question (clinical question)]
difficulty. If a set of severity grading criteria including
such an element of surgical difficulty were to be produced
Contrast-enhanced CT or contrast-enhanced MRI
in future, a large-scale validation study taking account of a
is recommended for diagnosing gangrenous chole-
large number of factors would be required. Rather than
cystitis. (Recommendation 2, level C)
changing the Grade III assessment criteria, it may be possi-
ble to subdivide Grade III cases to enable safe surgery and
select the appropriate treatment strategy. On this point, Gangrenous cholecystitis exhibits specific findings on
Endo et al. used multivariate analysis to investigate predic- dynamic CT, including irregular thickening of the gall-
tive factors in Grade III cases, and showed that factors bladder wall, poor contrast enhancement of the gallbladder
including jaundice, neurological dysfunction, and respira- wall (interrupted rim sign), increased density of fatty tis-
tory dysfunction were associated with vital prognosis [14] sue around the gallbladder, gas in the gallbladder lumen
(Table 6). In order to judge predictive factors of acute or wall, membranous structures within the lumen
18686982, 2018, 1, Downloaded from https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/jhbp.515 by Nat Prov Indonesia, Wiley Online Library on [01/03/2023]. See the Terms and Conditions (https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/terms-and-conditions) on Wiley Online Library for rules of use; OA articles are governed by the applicable Creative Commons License
J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54 49

Table 7 TG18/TG13 severity grading for acute cholecystitis

Grade III (severe) acute cholecystitis
“Grade III” acute cholecystitis is associated with dysfunction of any one of the following organs/systems:
1. Cardiovascular dysfunction: hypotension requiring treatment with dopamine ≥5 lg/kg per min, or any dose of norepinephrine
2. Neurological dysfunction: decreased level of consciousness
3. Respiratory dysfunction: PaO2/FiO2 ratio <300
4. Renal dysfunction: oliguria, creatinine >2.0 mg/dl
5. Hepatic dysfunction: PT-INR >1.5
6. Hematological dysfunction: platelet count <100,000/mm3
Grade II (moderate) acute cholecystitis
“Grade II” acute cholecystitis is associated with any one of the following conditions:
1. Elevated WBC count (>18,000/mm3)
2. Palpable tender mass in the right upper abdominal quadrant
3. Duration of complaints >72 ha
4. Marked local inflammation (gangrenous cholecystitis, pericholecystic abscess, hepatic abscess, biliary peritonitis, emphysematous
Grade I (mild) acute cholecystitis
“Grade I” acute cholecystitis does not meet the criteria of “Grade III” or “Grade II” acute cholecystitis. It can also be defined as acute
cholecystitis in a healthy patient with no organ dysfunction and mild inflammatory changes in the gallbladder, making cholecystectomy a
safe and low-risk operative procedure
Cited from Yokoe et al. [5]: the TG13 severity assessment criteria of acute cholecystitis was judged from numerous validation studies as use-
ful indicators in clinical practice and adopted as TG18severity assessment criteria without any modification. To judge predictive factors of
acute cholecystitis on flowchart in Grade III, serum total bilirubin level is required to measure.
Laparoscopic surgery should be performed within 96 h of the onset of acute cholecystitis

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 6 Typical computed tomography (CT) images of gangrenous cholecystitis. Woman in her 70s with gangrenous cholecystitis (acute acal-
culous cholecystitis). Dynamic contrast-enhanced CT (a, plain; b, early phase; c, equilibrium phase). Enlargement of the gallbladder, thicken-
ing of the gallbladder wall, and edematous lesions beneath the gallbladder serosa are evident on plain CT (arrows). On contrast-enhanced CT
(b,c), irregularity of the gallbladder wall and the partial lack of contrast enhancement can be seen (arrows) as the characteristic appearance of
gangrenous cholecystitis. Transient early-phase staining of the hepatic parenchyma (b) and edematous changes to the hepatoduodenal ligament
(c, arrowhead) are also apparent, suggesting the spread of inflammation

(intraluminal flap or intraluminal membrane), and peri- yield of abdominal US. A retrospective image analysis
gallbladder abscess [51] (Fig. 6). These signs of irregular- study of patients diagnosed with acute cholecystitis also
ity or rupture of the gallbladder wall are often underesti- found that a combination of the perfusion defect of the
mated on abdominal US [35], and studies have found that gallbladder wall and no identifiable calculi had 92% diag-
the presence of the interrupted rim sign on contrast- nostic accuracy, 88.2% sensitivity, and 100% specificity
enhanced CT has 73% sensitivity and 95% negative pre- for the diagnosis of acute gangrenous cholecystitis [52].
dictive value [38] and that the appearance of intraluminal Gangrenous cholecystitis is classed as moderate (Grade
membranous structures on contrast-enhanced MRI has II) acute cholecystitis according to the TG13 severity
80% diagnostic accuracy [52], exceeding the diagnostic grading, and is a serious condition that may cause organ
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50 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54



(b) (c) (d)

Fig. 7 Typical computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings of gangrenous cholecystitis. Man in
his 80s with emphysematous cholecystitis. Chest X-ray (a, inset picture is a magnification of the squared area), plain CT (b), dynamic con-
trast-enhanced CT: early phase (c), equilibrium phase (d). On chest X-ray, abnormal gas is apparent in the right upper abdomen. Gas is pre-
sent both within the gallbladder lumen (ai, *) and the gallbladder wall (ai, arrows). On plain CT, gas is evident both within the gallbladder
wall and the gallbladder lumen. Contrast enhancement is apparent in the wall at the neck of the gallbladder (arrowhead). Inflammation has
spread beneath the duodenal mucosa, and an abscess is also present (*)

damage if its diagnosis is delayed. Abdominal US is gen-

erally the lowest-cost method of imaging, and contrast- CT is recommended for diagnosing emphysema-
enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced MRI are expensive tous cholecystitis. (Recommendation 2, level D)
tests [53]. However, the diagnostic yield of contrast-
enhanced CT and contrast-enhanced MRI is better than Emphysematous cholecystitis is an inflammation
that of abdominal US for gangrenous cholecystitis, and caused by aerogenic bacteria, and has a high perforation
the use of one of these methods is particularly recom- rate. It causes potentially fatal complications including
mended for patients with suspected gangrenous cholecysti- intra-abdominal abscess, generalized peritonitis, gas gan-
tis (Videos S2, S3). grene of the abdominal wall, and sepsis; its clinical
course is often extremely rapid. In TG13 it is classed as
Q8. What method of diagnostic imaging is recom- moderate acute cholecystitis (so-called “marked local
mended for diagnosing emphysematous cholecystitis? inflammation”) [1]. An accurate assessment of the pres-
[Foreground question (clinical question)] ence of gas within the gallbladder wall is important for
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J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54 51

the diagnosis of emphysematous cholecystitis, but in We also would like to express our deep gratitude to the Japanese
abdominal US it is very often difficult to distinguish Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery for the Article
Processing Managing Office of the Tokyo Guidelines 2018 for
between intramural gas, which appears hyperechoic, and preparing this publication. We appreciate all secretariats of the
porcelain gallbladder. As gas is sometimes found to be Japanese Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery for their
present within the gallbladder lumen after biliary surgery technical support.
or sphincterotomy, distinguishing between intraluminal
and intramural gas is important, but this may be diffi- Conflict of interest Anthony Yuen Bun Teoh has received
cult to diagnose correctly on abdominal US. Gas consultant fees from Boston Scientific Corporation, USA, Cook
appears clearly hypodense on CT (usually near the Medical, USA, and Taewoong Medical, Korea. Goro Honda has
1,000 HU), making detection extremely easy [36, 51]. received honoraria from Johnson and Johnson and Medtronic.
Intramural gas is often present also in gangrenous chole-
cystitis [38, 52].
Contrast-enhanced CT should be considered for the Appendix: author’s affiliations
evaluation of complications such as intraperitoneal abscess
and peritonitis. Gas appears as a signal void on MRI [54], Masamichi Yokoe and Yoshinori Noguchi, Department of
however this modality is inferior to CT in terms of spatial General Internal Medicine, Japanese Red Cross Nagoya
resolution for the detection of minute amounts of gas. Daini Hospital, Aichi, Japan; Jiro Hata, Department of
Plain CT is thus the most useful method for diagnosing Endoscopy and Ultrasound, Kawasaki Medical School,
emphysematous cholecystitis (Fig. 7). Okayama, Japan; Tadahiro Takada and Fumihiko Miura,
Department of Surgery, Teikyo University School of Med-
icine, Tokyo, Japan; Steven M. Strasberg, Section of
Results of discussion about the diagnostic criteria and Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Surgery, Washington University
severity grading for acute cholecystitis at the public School of Medicine in St. Louis, St. Louis, MO, USA;
hearing Horacio J. Asbun, Department of Surgery, Mayo Clinic
College of Medicine, Jacksonville, FL, USA; Go Wak-
In A-PHPBA at Yokohama Congress Center on 9 June abayashi, Department of Surgery, Ageo Central General
2017, a public hearing was held and various opinions Hospital, Saitama, Japan; Kazuto Kozaka, Department of
were gathered about this topic. It was decided that TG13 Radiology, Kanazawa University Graduate School of
diagnostic criteria and severity grading would be adopted Medical Sciences, Ishikawa, Japan; Itaru Endo, Depart-
to TG18 without any modification by final vote (Fig. 8). ment of Gastroenterological Surgery, Yokohama City
University Graduate School of Medicine, Kanagawa,
Japan; Daniel J. Deziel, Department of Surgery, Rush
University Medical Center, Chicago, IL, USA; Kohji Oka-
moto, Department of Surgery, Center for Gastroenterology
10.7% and Liver Disease, Kitakyushu City Yahata Hospital,
Fukuoka, Japan; Tsann-Long Hwang and Miin-Fu Chen,
Division of General Surgery, Linkou Chang Gung Memo-
Yes rial Hospital, Taoyuan, Taiwan; Wayne Shih-Wei Huang,
Department of Surgery, Show Chwan Memorial Hospital,
Changhua, Taiwan; Chen-Guo Ker, Department of Sur-
89.3% No gery, Yuan’s General Hospital, Kaohsiung, Taiwan; Ho-
Seong Han and Yoo-Seok Yoon, Department of Surgery,
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul
National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea;
In-Seok Choi, Department of Surgery, Konyang Univer-
sity Hospital, Daejeon, Korea; Dong-Sup Yoon, Depart-
Fig. 8 Public hearing final voting outcome
ment of Surgery, Yonsei University Gangnam Severance
Hospital, Seoul, Korea; Satoru Shikata, Director, Mie Pre-
fectural Ichishi Hospital, Mie, Japan; Tomohiko Ukai,
Acknowledgments We express our deep gratitude to the Japanese Department of Family Medicine, Mie Prefectural Ichishi
Society of Hepato-Biliary-Pancreatic Surgery, the Japanese Society
Hospital, Mie, Japan; Ryota Higuchi and Masakazu
of Abdominal Emergency Medicine, the Japanese Society of
Surgical Infection, and the Japan Biliary Association, for their Yamamoto, Department of Surgery, Institute of Gastroen-
substantial support and guidance in the preparation of this article. terology, Tokyo Women’s Medical University, Tokyo,
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52 J Hepatobiliary Pancreat Sci (2018) 25:41–54

Japan; Toshifumi Gabata, Director, Kanazawa University Kiriyama, Department of Gastroenterology, Ogaki Munici-
Hospital, Ishikawa, Japan; Yasuhisa Mori, Department of pal Hospital, Gifu, Japan; Masahiro Yoshida, Department
Surgery and Oncology, Graduate School of Medical of Hemodialysis and Surgery, Ichikawa Hospital, Interna-
Sciences, Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan; Yukio Iwa- tional University of Health and Welfare, Chiba and
shita, Department of Gastroenterological and Pediatric Department of EBM and Guidelines, Japan Council for
Surgery, Oita University Faculty of Medicine, Oita, Japan; Quality Health Care, Tokyo, Japan; Toshihiko Mayumi,
Taizo Hibi, Department of Surgery, Keio University Department of Emergency Medicine, School of Medicine,
School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan; Palepu Jagannath, University of Occupational and Environmental Health,
Department of Surgical Oncology, Lilavati Hospital and Fukuoka, Japan; Naoki Matsumura and Hiromi Tokumura,
Research Centre, Mumbai, India; Eduard Jonas, Surgical Department of Surgery, Tohoku Rosai Hospital, Miyagi,
Gastroenterology/Hepatopancreatobiliary Unit, University Japan; Seigo Kitano, President, Oita University, Oita,
of Cape Town and Groote Schuur Hospital, Cape Town, Japan; Koichi Hirata, Department of Surgery, JR Sapporo
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