Consumer Satisfaction

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Project Report submitted to


In partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of


Submitted by


Under the supervision of




MARCH 2021



This is to certify that the project report entitled “A STUDY ON CUSTOMER

CHRIST COLLEGE STUDENTS” is a bonafide record of project done by
ANJITH K.R, Reg. No. CCASBCM136, under my guidance and supervision
in partial fulfillment of the requirement for the award of the degree of
BACHELOR OF COMMERCE and it has not previously formed the basis for
any Degree, Diploma and Associateship or Fellowship.


Co-ordinator Project Guide

I, ANJITH K.R, hereby declare that the project work entitled “A STUDY ON
TO CHRIST COLLEGE STUDENTS” is a record of independent and bonafide
project work carried out by me under the supervision and guidance of Ms
RAKHI .S., Assistant Professor, Department of Commerce, Christ College,

The information and data given in the report is authentic to the best of my
knowledge. The report has not been previously submitted for the award of any
Degree, Diploma, Associateship or other similar title of any other university or

Place: Irinjalakuda ANJITH K. R

Date: CCASBCM136

I would like to take the opportunity to express my sincere gratitude to all

people who have helped me with sound advice and able guidance.

Above all, I express my eternal gratitude to the Lord Almighty under whose
divine guidance; I have been able to complete this work successfully.

I would like to express my sincere obligation to Rev.Dr. Jolly Andrews,

Principal-in-Charge, Christ college Irinjalakuda for providing various facilities.

I am thankful to Prof. K.J.Joseph, Co-ordinator of B.Com (Finance), for

providing proper help and encouragement in the preparation of this report.

I am thankful to Ms.Smitha Antony, Class teacher for her cordial support,

valuable information and guidance, which helped me in completing this task
through various stages.

I express my sincere gratitude to Ms. Rakhi. S, Assistant Professor, whose

guidance and support throughout the training period helped me to complete this
work successfully.

I would like to express my gratitude to all the faculties of the Department for
their interest and cooperation in this regard.

I extend my hearty gratitude to the librarian and other library staffs of my

college for their wholehearted cooperation.

I express my sincere thanks to my friends and family for their support in

completing this report successfully.







CHAPTER 3 13 – 18


CHAPTER 4 19 – 39

CHAPTER 5 40 – 42




4.1 Table shows the gender of the respondents 19

Table shows how often the respondents purchase a

4.2 20

4.3 Table shows where to prefer to buy smartphone 21

Table shows the factor influences the most while

4.4 22
purchasing a smart phone

Table shows that whether the respondents are

4.5 23
honor smartphone users.

Table shows satisfaction level on overall

4.6 24
performance on honor smartphone

Table shows the satisfaction level on the price

4.7 25
range on honor smartphone

4.8 Table shows the currently using smartphone brand 26

4.9 Table shows the durability on Honor smartphones. 27

Table shows that whether the respondents agree

4.10 28
that honor mobiles are user friendly

Table shows the factors affecting user friendly of

4.11 29
honor mobile phones.

Table shows the reason for choosing honor mobile

4.12 30

4.13 Table shows the awareness of honor mobiles 31

4.14 : Table shows previous mobile brand opinion. 32

Table shows comparison of other mobile brand
4.15 33
with honor

Table shows the price range preference while

4.16 34
purchasing mobile.

4.17 Table shows whether they face any problem 35

Table shows the problem faced by the honor

4.18 36

Table showing opinion about customer service of

4.19 37

Table showing the preference in next purchase

4.20 38

Table showing suggestion of improvement

4.21 39


4.1 Figure shows the gender of the respondents 19

Figure shows how often the respondents purchase a

4.2 20

4.3 Figure shows where to prefer to buy smartphone 21

Figure shows the factor influences the most while

4.4 22
purchasing a smart phone

Figure shows that whether the respondents are honor

4.5 23
smartphone users

Figure shows satisfaction level on overall

4.6 24
performance on honor smartphone

Figure shows the satisfaction level on the price range

4.7 25
on honor smartphone

4.8 Figure shows the currently using smartphones brand. 26

4.9 : Figure shows the durability on Honor smartphones 27

Figure shows that whether the respondents agree that

4.10 28
honor mobiles are user friendly

Figure shows that whether the respondents agree that

4.11 29
honor mobiles are user friendly

Table shows the reason for choosing honor mobile

4.12 30

4.13 Table shows the awareness of honor mobiles 31

4.14 Table shows previous mobile brand opinion 32

Table shows comparison of other mobile brand with

4.15 33

Table shows the price range preference while

4.16 34
purchasing mobile

Figure showing whether they face any problem

4.17 35

Figure showing problems faced by honor mobiles

4.18 36

Figure showing opinion about customer service of

4.19 honor 37

Figure showing preference in next purchase

4.20 38

Figure showing suggestion of improvement

4.21 39

1.1 Introduction

A mobile phone (also known as a cellular phone, cell phone and hand phone) is
a device that can make and receive telephone calls over a radio link while
moving around a wide geographic area. It does so by connecting to a cellular
network provided by a mobile phone operator, allowing access to public
telephone network. By contrast, a cordless telephone is used only within the
short range of a single, private base station. In addition to telephony, modern
mobile phones also support a wide variety of other services such as text
messaging, mms, email, internet access, short range wireless communication
(infrared, Bluetooth), business applications, gaming and photography. Mobile
phones that offer these and more general computing capabilities are referred to
as smart phones. Mobile communications have been around for longer than you
might think. Radiophones, for example, were first demonstrated around 1990
when Mr. Cho was created an invention allowing telephone communication to
be established via radio between the shore and the ships at sea used by the
navy. Hand held mobile radio communications devices have been around since

India's mobile phone industry is one of the fastest growing industries in the
world. Mobile phones in India were formally launched in august 1985. For the
first few years after the advent of mobiles, monthly subscriptions were added to
the tune of 0.05 to 0.1 million in India. Subsequently, the subscriber base stood
at 10.5m in December 2002. The Indian mobile phone industry has entered a
phase of boom due to many proactive measures taken by various licensors and

Honor is one of the fastest growing companies in mobile industry, is

introducing newer handsets with stunning applications every year. The
company aims in developing smarter devices to best satisfy the needs of the
customer. Honor is a leading global communications solutions provider with
long-term partnerships with operators around the world. Honor's products and
solutions is about wireless products (LTE/ HSPA/ WCDMA/ EDGE/

GPRS/GSM/NGN), applications and software (in, mobile data service, boss) as
well as terminals (UMTS/CDMA).Major products are designed based on
honor's ASIC chipset and utilize shared platforms to provide quality and cost-
effective products. Honors products and solutions are deployed in over 100
countries and serve 36 of the world's top operators. Honors R&D center's is
built in many countries.

The present line up of honor mobile phones which comes with excellent mobile
phones deals include the most beautiful technology mobile phones namely:
Honor 7X, Honor 6X, Honor 7S, Honor Holly plus, etc...the striking designs
and uncompromised features, functions and performances of honor mobile
phones will continue to rule the mobile phone industry around the world.

Honor technologies is a Chinese multinational networking and

telecommunications equipment and services company headquartered in
Shenzhen, Guangdong. It is a largest telecommunications equipment
manufacturer in the world, having overtaken Ericsson in 2012. Honor was
founded in 1987 by Ren Zhengfei, a former engineer in the people's liberation
army, at the time of its establishment.

Ren Zhengfei, a former director of the people's liberation army engineering

corporation, founded honor in 1957 in Shenzhen. During its first several years
the company's business model consisted mainly of reselling private branch
exchange (PBX), switches imported from Hong Kong. By 1990 the company
had approximately 500 R&D staff and began

1.2 Statement of problem

This research is pertaining to find out the customer satisfaction of honor mobile
phones. This study on customer satisfaction helps to know who the customers,
were, what they want, how they use react to the mobile, and also to gain
knowledge about the market factors influencing the customer to prefer this
brand and problems faced by on using this brand and so on. Day-by-Day,
competition has been increased more and more in telecommunication market.

Cell phone service providers must compete in order to remain profitable.
Mobile phone has now become the basic need of every person in their life.
Understanding of brand preference is essential aspect as it reflects the customer
choice, purchase of particular brand, performance, style and satisfaction of
customers. Along with the fundamental capabilities of mobile to make voice
call, video call, SMS and MMS, mobile phones have been repositioned as a
"new information medium". In other words, a mobile phone have extended list
of information processing functionalities such as managing personal time
schedule, accessing internet contents, editing documents, utilizing location-
awareness function and many other exciting applications. All these capabilities
are delivered through the software installed on the smart phone. It is stressing
that the ever increasing importance of mobile software and other mobile
contents are solicited by the prevalent of a mobile keeping in view of the

1.3 Scope of the study

The primary aim of the study is to examine the satisfaction levels of customers
towards the purchase of honor mobile phone. Suggestions have made to the
mobile manufacturing companies about innovative marketing strategies as per
the change in tastes and preferences of customers. On the basis of review of
different studies by the experts various studies has taken on satisfaction of
customers in mobile and comparative analysis have performed on the factors
(price, quality, style, look and brand) for the purchase of this mobile. This
study is beneficial in formulating marketing strategies to grab market share by
perceiving the customers attitude towards honor phone.

1.4 Objectives of the study

The main objective of this study is to find out the level of customer satisfaction
towards the purchase of honor mobile phone.

 To know about the awareness level of honor mobile phone among


 To know about the features providing service to customers
 To identify the strength of honor mobile in the market
 To identify the features of honor mobile phone
 To find out the factors affecting the purchase of honor mobile phone

1.5 Research design

A research design is the document of the study. This study focuses on customer
satisfaction of honor phone. A research design will typically include how data
is to be collected what instruments will be employed, how the instruments will
be used and intended means for analyzing data collected

1..5.1 Nature of study

The nature or design of a study defines the study type (descriptive), research
question, hypothesis, independent and dependent variables, experimental
design, and if applicable data collection methods and a statistical analysis plan.
Research design is the framework that has been created to seek answers to
research questions. Descriptive research is a study designed to depict the
participants in an accurate way. More simply put, descriptive research is all
about describing honor phone which take part in the study

1.5.2 Nature of data

Primary data and secondary data

1.5.3 of data Sources

In primary data, data were collected from students who are using honor mobile
phone. A series of questions were prepared and handed directly to the students
for answering the questionnaire.

Secondary data are collected from textbooks, URL sites, Shodhganga, and
other websites related to customer satisfaction. This type of data collection was
mainly used for study.

1.6 Sample design

A sample design is a definite plan for a given population. It refers to the

techniques or procedure that would adopt in selecting the item for the samples,
and the samples were drawn from the entire population of the study.

1.6.1 Nature of population

The population of the study was the students of Christ College.

Irinjalakuda, have the age of 18-21 years, who are using honor mobile phones

1.6.2 Sample unit

Christ college UG students

1.6.3 Sampling method

The sampling method used in this study convenience sampling" method. In this
method, the sample units are chooses primary on the basic of the convenience
to the investigation.

1.6.4 Sample size

The sample size is limited to 50 students among CHRIST COLLEGE.

1.7 Tools for analysis

Simple percentage



1.8 Limitations of the study

The size of sample has been restricted. Only a sample of 50 students was taken
for the study.

As study is based on primary data, data collected through the questionnaire
filled on the basis of information supplied by the respondents. There is the
possibility that the information may not be true in some case

1.9 Chapterisation

Chapter 1:-Deals with introduction, statement of problem, scope.

Objectives , hypothesis, research design, sample design, tools for analysis

and limitations of the study.

Chapter 2:- Deals with review and literature of the study

Chapter 3:- Deals with industry profile and company profile of the study

Chapter 4:- Deals with data analysis and interpretation

Chapter 5:- Deals with findings, suggestions and conclusion of the study


2.1 Conceptual framework

Customer satisfaction has been a popular topic in marketing practice and

academic research since Cardozo's initial study of customer effort, expectations
and satisfaction. Despite many attempts of measure and explain customer
satisfaction, there still does not appears to be a consensus regarding its
definition. Customer satisfaction is typically defined as post consumption
evaluative judgment concerning a specific product of service. It is the result of
an evaluative process that contracts repurchase expectations with perceptions
of performance during and after the consumption on experience.

The definition of customer satisfaction has been widely debated as

organizations increasingly attempt to measure it. Customer satisfaction can be
experienced in a variety of situations and connected to both goods and services.
It is a highly personal assessment that is greatly affected by customer
expectations. Satisfaction also is based on Customers experience of both
contact with the organization (the "moment of truth" as it is called in business
literature) and personal outcomes.

Today, satisfying the customer is the highest priority of many global

companies, whereas recent literatures indicate that customer satisfaction is a
critical factor to achieve company long term success. In other words, it makes
the organizations more competitive and more successful. Furthermore, many
experts show that satisfying and keeping current customers are far less
expensive than constantly replacing those. Satisfy the customer not only saves
money and increases profit but also brings repetitive and new business.
Customer satisfaction has been commonly disputed as companies progressively
attempt to review it. It is a highly individual evaluation that is significantly
affected by customer expectations. Consider the fact today's customer face a
plenitude of products in every category. Customer will be having high and
raising expectation of quality and service. Therefore, it is not surprising that
today's winning companies are those succeed best in satisfying indeed
delighting their target customer.

The outcome felt by buyers who have expectation is the customer satisfaction.
Customers are satisfied when their expectation are met and delighted when
their expectations are exceeded. Satisfied customers remain loyal longer, buy
more, and are less sensitive and talk favorable about the company. From this it
is clear that the satisfied customer will be less sensitive towards the fluctuating
price and offensive marketing typically cost more than defensive marketing,
because it requires much effort and cost to induce satisfied customers to switch
away from their current suppliers. Satisfaction of the customer is an invaluable
asset for the modern organizations and provides unmatched competitive edge.
It helps I building long term relationships as well as brand equity. Increasing
customer satisfaction leads to higher future profitability and lower costs related
to defective goods or services, marketing analysis identifies customer
satisfaction as a key determinant in a customer's decision making relating to
keeping, or dropping a given product or service.

Customer satisfaction is addressed as a strategic business development tool. It

have a positive effect on an organizations profitability, satisfied customers
form the foundation of any successful business as customer satisfaction leads to
repeat purchase, brand loyalty, and positive word of mouth. Satisfied customers
are the most likely to share their experiences with other people to the order of
perhaps five or six people. Equally well, dissatisfied customers are more likely
to tell another ten people of their unfortunate experience.

In a competitive market place where businesses compete for customers,

customer satisfaction is seen as a key differentiator and increasingly has
become a key element of business strategy. "Within organizations, customer
satisfaction ratings can have powerful effects. They focus employees on the
importance of fulfilling customer's expectations. Furthermore, when these
ratings dip, they warn of problems that can affect sales and profitability....these
metrics quantify an important dynamic. When a brand has loyal customers, it
gains positive word of mouth marketing, which is both free and highly
effective". Therefore, it is essential for business to effectively manage customer

satisfaction. To be able to do this, the firms need reliable and representative
measures as satisfaction.

In researching satisfaction, firms generally ask customers whether their product

or service has not exceeded expectations. Thus, expectations are a key factor
behind satisfaction. When customers have high expectations and the reality
falls short, they will be disappointed and will likely rate their experience as less
the satisfying. For this reason, a luxur7 resort, for example, might receive a
lower satisfaction rating than a budget motel-even though its facilities and
service would be deemed superior in "absolute" terms. The importance of
customer satisfaction diminishes when a firm has increased bargaining power.

2.2 Empirical Literature

K.E.Lommeruda and L.Sorgard (2003) in their study on "entering in

telecommunication: customer loyalty, price sensitivity and access prices" have
stated that telecommunication services are like undifferentiated products.
Therefore, customers are not price sensitive all the times and sometimes brand
loyalty takes a dominant part in brand preferences. This is because some
consumers are retained with old monopolists. They have pointed out that
substantive rule of price fairness and quality service with customer satisfaction
existing in the communication sector.

J.Pakola, M.Pietila and R.Svento (2003) in their article titled, "An investigation
of customer satisfaction in mobile phone markets in Finland" have indicated
that price and properties are the major influential factors affecting the purchase
of a new mobile phone, whereas audibility, price and friends are regarded as
the most important in choice of mobile phone operators. Customers have
certain amount of self-knowledge about telephone features, connection fee,
access cost, mobile-to-mobile phone rates, call rates and free calls which are
related to mobile phone purchasing respondents. He has stated that customers
with prior experience about a product can be able to predict their choices

relatively well but tend to overestimate the importance of a monthly access-fee,
mobile-to-mobile rates and connection fees.

Michael Draganska And Dipal Jain (2003) in their article titled, "consumer
preferences and product line pricing strategies: an empirical analysis" have
analyzed that India is having 752.19 million mobile subscribers and informant
mobile intelligence reports claim that in average minutes per user (AMPU) in
India is 25 to 30 minutes per day of active time on voice calls and almost is to
20 minutes per day of active time on messaging. As per there is an increase in
mobile subscribers and increasing in (AMPU) at the same time, there is a
decrease in average revenue per user (ARPU) who are planning to attract
mobile subscriber to their service with less affordable price.

Balasubramanian, Paterson and S.L.Jarven Poa (2002) in their article entitled,

"exploring the implications of M-convenience for markets and marketing" have
identified that the unique intrinsic attributes mentioned by end users are
unhindered time and space attributes of mobile phone. The extrinsic attributes
are divided as direct and indirect network. Direct network is the effect of size,
speed and capacity of network, whereas, indirect network is the effect
originating from information, transaction, or machine interactive services.

Bhave and Ashish (2002) in their article entitled, "customer satisfaction

measurement" have found that the opinion that customers perception towards
service and quality of a product determines the success of that product or
service in the market, with better understanding of customers perceptions, a
firm can determine the suitable actions to meet the needs of customers. Firms
can identify their own strengths, and weaknesses in comparison with their
competitors. Major attributes that influence customer satisfaction are product
quality, packaging, delivery commitments, price, responsiveness and ability to
resolve complaints and overall communication, accessibility and attitude
failing short creates dissatisfaction. Customer loyalty is an important strategic
objective for all organizations.

Robert C.Ford, Cherill P.Heaton and Stephen W.Brown (2001) in their article
titled "Delivering excellent service lessons from the best firm's" have stated
that many companies see investments in complaint handling as means of
increasing customer commitment and building customer loyalty. However,
firms are not well informed, on how to deal successfully with service failures
on the impact of complaint handling strategies. They have supported a quasi
"Brand equity" perspective whereas satisfaction with complaint handling has a
direct impact on trust and commitment, to a limited extent, on the effects of
poor complaint handling. Implications for managers and scholars have also
been discussed.

David M.Szymanski and David H.Henard (2001) in their study entitled "The
new marketing developing long-term interactive relationships" have said that
the growing number of academic studies on customer satisfaction and the
mixed findings they report complicate the efforts among managers and
academics to identify the antecedents to, and outcomes of business having
more against less-satisfied customers.

These mixed findings and the growing emphasis by managers on having

satisfied customers point to the value of empirically synthesizing the evidence
on customer satisfaction to assess current knowledge. To achieve this aim, the
authors conducted a meta-analysis of reported findings on customer
satisfaction. They have documents that equity and disconfirmation are most
strongly related to customer satisfaction on average.

Jonathan, Lee, Janghyuk, Lee, Lawrence and Feick (2001) in their article titled
"The impact of switching costs on the customer satisfaction-loyalty link:
mobile phone service in France" have analyzed that moderating role of
switching costs in the customer satisfaction-link and to identify customer
segments and to retain them. Thus the purposes of this paper are to examine to
moderating role of switching costs in the customer satisfaction-loyalty link and
to identify customer segments and then analyze the heterogeneity in the
satisfaction-link among different segments. An empirical example based on

mobile phone service market in France indicates support for moderating role of
switching costs. Managerial implications of results are discussed.

Assari and Karia (2000) in their paper titled "churn management towards
customer satisfaction; a case of cellular operations in Malaysia" have viewed
that customer satisfaction and customer service have been critical factors of the
cellular industry. Cellular service providers need to ensure about the
technology that provides customer service best in the industry. It is stated that
investment in people and in technology helps in providing best customer
service for today and for the future. One common ground that most carries and
customers agree on is that good customer service can have a key impact on
how a customer views firm's services and company.

Kennedy and Schneider (2000) states, that in the changing economy, know
ledges is as important as product/service which is becoming globally
standardized. Companies gain competitive advantage through constant
innovation: better targeting customers and additional service. Customer
satisfaction has been an important aspect for every organization due to constant
innovation in components or service.



3.1 Industry profile

March. 10, 1876 is considered. as a milestone making the advent of telephone.

The father of the first telephone was Alexander Graham Bell The rudimentary
machine can transmit voice has open a new era of development in the history of
communications, replacing the telegraph, 96' the handset called carry phone
which was considered to be first " mobile ' was released. however, this device
was very cumbersome to move because it weighed 4.5 kg (Randy, 2011).

Mobile phone was officially launched on April 3, 1973, named Motorola Dyna
Tac„ which was invented by Martin cooper. Motorola Dyna Tac had the same
shape as today's mobile phones, but it has a weight more than l kg. Since then,
the mobile phone development constantly evolved towards and has become
more compact then its ancestors ever were by increasing integrated and more
functional rather than merely texting and calling.

In 1991, the second generation (2G) cellular technology was launched„ A

finishing company when it was Radiolinja has the slogan "Finns can call
longer". This tagline implies a limit on the time of first-generation mobile
phone. The period since 2001 is the, 3G technology has prevailed. By the year
2009, the demand for mobile users is increasing and they require high quality
and high speed is a pre requisite for introduction of 4G technology, 4G has the
advantage of speed internet access as well as faster application of advanced

In 2008, it is estimated that there are just two people who own a mobile phone.
From 1990 to 2011, the number of mobile subscribers on a global scale
increased from 12A million to more than 6 billion subscribers. Not just
increase the number users mobile phone also witnessed a change in design and
functionality based , on advanced technology. I 73 is a high priced phone,
fewer features, HI, and. heavy,but by 2013 after 40 years, the phone was a lot
cheaper it is the equipment needed by anyone, small, lightweight, thin more
and more features.

G technologies represent a state of development between 2G and 3G and have
overcome the limited data and primarily voice-centered services of the 2G
networks. In the 1990s and early 2000s higher transmissions rates and always-
on connectivity were enabled by general packet radio services (GPRS). Data
transmissions speeds were now 10 times faster with 115 kb per second and
based on packets witching technology. Packets switching optimizes the use of
bandwidth available in a network and minimizes the time it takes for data to
travel across the network. The increased data transmission rates of 2.5G
compared to earlier systems help to transfer data such as mobile Internet

The first generation wireless technologies, also Known as 1G, were relatively
simple and used analogue signals. Mobile phone handsets based on 1G
technology were mainly used by government agencies and the military before
this technology came into general use in the business domain in 1 980s. The
systems in Europe and USA had in common that they provided coverage of a
very large area of using only one transmitter most, The coverage area of a most
was fairly large, Up to 150 km.

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the popularity of wireless communication
grew and increased the demand for network capacity, Together with the
disadvantages of analogue 1G system, this led to the development of second-
generation wireless system based on digital technology. Digital signals have
different transmission properties than analogue signals and use binary coding
using sequences of 0s and 1s to construct a signal's unique pattern. Digital
signals use digital samplers and codes to convert analogue voice data into
digital data.

Third generation mobile telephony (3G) is the successor to the 2G and 2.5G
systems. 3G improved previous systems by providing enhanced security and
encryption features, improvements in screen displays and the ability to handle
multimedia data, such a graphic and video streaming. 3G allows faster data
exchange with data transmissions rates Up to 1920 k bits per second, which

enables the support of greater voice and data customers. Support can be
provided for a wide variety of mobile equipments. 3G technologies were first
introduced in Japan in 2001 and spread to Europe and the USA in 2002, UMTS
(universal mobile telecommunication system) is the third generation mobile
phone technology mainly used in Europe and also in Japan.

GSM is an open non- proprietary and interoperable digital standard for cellular
mobile system operating in 900 and 1800 MHZ band. In 1986, a number of
different prototype systems put forward by companies and consortia from
different European countries were trial and led to the agreement of main
characteristics of new system. GSM is still in use to date by all European
countries and has been adopted in other continents, such as Africa and South
America. There are over 540 million GSM subscribers in Europe, plus another
18 million Europeans using 3 GSM networks, which are the 3G service
delivered over the evolved GSM core network.

If in the past, Smart phones hadn't had much distinguishable than the normal
telephone but since the I phone came out, the boundaries between feature
phone smart phone is becoming clearer nowadays. And thus, a series of smart
phone devices from any different manufactures have been created to compete
with I PHONE. Finally the results is something inevitable, to be able to
compete with the apple, some other manufactures have good sales like
Samsung, LG, Xiaomi, have to improve themselves which lead to a fiercely
race of upgrading hardware and software features.

Android, Ios, Window Phones, Black Berry Os are the Operating Systems
developed in phones. Android still dominated with 82.8 market share. Samsung
is still the greatest contributor with a lot of hit products such as Galaxy 56 And
S6 Edge . Howe ever it seems to be that Samsung is losing Customers to its
number one rival. Apple has experienced a significant t grow ' from 11.6% in
2014 to 13.9% in 2W 5 As for Windows Phone, they have able to get 0.1%
higher than the previous year. In addition frankly to say, things don't look to
go nicely for Microsoft since its market share dropped significantly from 3.4%

in 2013 to 2.5% in 2014. Blackberry seems to hasn't able to turn around its
fortune just yet. The company continued to decline its share globally. Over the
last 3 years, their shares have dropped more than 4%. Apparently, blackberry
will have a hard time to get back to its position.

The future generation of Smartphone was technology outbreaks, and has more
features, which attracts customers.

3.2 Company profile

Honor is a sub-brand belonging to networking and telecommunications

equipment and Services Company. Headquartered in Shenzhen, China, the
Honor Series of mobile computing devices include smart phone, tablets
computers and wearable technology. It was conceived in late 2011 and
established 2013. Since its inception, the Honor line of smart phone has helped
Huawei compete in budget online brands in China.

The company began its international expansion in 2014. In April 2014 n

launched the Honor 3C in Malaysia, and it entered the European market in
October 2014, with an announcement in Berlin. Its first flagship phone for
Europe was the "Honor 6 ", 20 million Honor phones were sold within the first
six months of2015, equal to the number sold in all of 2014. By June 2015, the
brand had expanded in to 74 countries, including European nations, India and

Honors Second flagship phone, "Honor 7", was released in 201). in October
2025, Honor announced its goal to double sales and profits, reaching S Billion
in profit, and announced plans to focus on India.

Honors V mall online store, which was previously available in china, launched
in Europe and the United Kingdom in 2015, enabling direct Purchases from the
manufacturer. In late 2015, Honor confirmed plans to expand the small phone
series and United States.

IM Brand debuted in United States in January 2016 at the consumer electronics
show with . Hunwei Honor 5X, The Phone was milli-14 available For online
purchase only but later available at select brick-and--mortar stores. In August
2016, recode reported that Honor has sold. 60 million Honor products,
generating over S8.4 Billion in revenue. Honor third flagship phone. Honors
8 Was also released in 2016.

In December 2016, honor Unveiled the Honor magic, which was launched on
the eve of the brand's third anniversary and includes artificial intelligence
software designed to provide "Intelligent interactive features "based on user
data. in January 2017, at the consumer electronics show 7g Honor announced
that the Honor 6X, which was previously available in China, would expand into
13 additional markets, including the United States. The Phone earned "Best. of
CES 2017" Awards from Several Technology Publications, including android
authorities, digital trends, slash gear and talk android. The Flagship Honor 8
Pro, Known as Honor V9 in China, launched in April 2017, Honors fourth
flagship phone, the Honor 9, was released in June 2017.and one million units
were shipped within the first month. in 2018, the XDA developers presented an
info-graphics, which proved that Honors product -Honor 10" has the best
charging rate through Huawei super charge. On September 5, Honor 8X and
Honor 8X MAX were released in the ancient Chinese city of X AN.

George Zhao serves as global president of the Honor brand, and Eva Wimmers
is the president of the brand in Europe.

As of 2016, Honor sells products primarily online via its own sites as well as
via online third- party retailers. Some Honor products are available to purchase
at stores in select markets. Honor is able to offer smart phones at lower prices
because the company saves money by operating online. initially, the company
only sold its smart phones online, directly from the company. The brand offers
flash sales in some markets, but not others. Honor has offered discounts for
joining the Honor Club".

Flagship series: - Honor (Huawei u8860), Honor 2 Honor 3 , Honor 6 (2014),
Honor 0 Plus ., Honor 7, etc „

Magic Series: - Magic (2016), Magic 2 (2018)

C Series: Honor 3C, Honor 4C, Honor SC, Honor 6C, Now r 7C

V Series: Honor V8, Honor V9, Honor View 10

1 Series: Honor 7i, Honor 9i

X series: Honor Xl, Honor 3X, Honor 4X, Honor 5X, Honor 6X, Honor 7X,
Honor 8X

A Series: Honor 7A

Lite series: Honor 8 LITE, Honor 9 LITE

Play series: Honor 4 play, Honor play

Note series: Honor note 8, Honor note 10

Holly series: Honor holly, Honor holly 2, Honor 2 pro, Honor 3

So„ honor, being one of the fastest growing companies in the mob industry, is
introducing newer handsets with stunning Applications every year. The
company aims in developing smarter devices to best safety the needs of
customers. The achievements made by HONOR CORP the past few years is
something impressive, Honor products are known for its innovation and elegant
design, which certainly meet the demand of the users.

Table 4.1: Table shows the gender of the respondents

Gender Frequency Percentage

Male 23 45%
Female 27 55%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents, 55% of them are female

45% of them are male.

Figure 4.1: Figure shows the gender of the respondents

Table 4.2: Table shows how often the respondents purchase a smartphone

Period Frequency Percentage

6 month- 1year 12 23%
1 year- 2 year 16 32%
2 year& Above 22 45%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents,45% of them purchases a smart
phone above 2 year,32% of the purchase in between 1 one and 2 year,23% of
them purchases in between 6 months and 1 year.

Figure 4.2: Figure shows how often the respondents purchase a


Table 4.3: Table shows where to prefer to buy smartphone

Responses Frequency Percentage

Company showroom 17 35%
Sub dealer 6 12%
Second hand seller 5 8%
Online purchase 22 45%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents,45% of them purchase from
online ,35% of them purchase from company showroom ,12% of them
purchase from sub dealer ,8% of them purchase from second hand dealer.

Figure 4.3: Figure shows where to prefer to buy smartphone

Table 4.4: Table shows the factor influencing the most while purchasing a
smart phone

Factors frequency Percentage

Price 12 24%
User friendly 19 39%
Battery backup 9 17%
Picture clarity 10 20%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents, 39% of them are influenced
by user friendly,24%of them are influenced by price,20% of them are
influenced by picture clarity,17% of them are influenced by battery backup.

Figure 4.4: Figure shows the factor influencing the most while
purchasing a smart phone

Table 4.5: Table shows that whether the respondents are honor
smartphone users.

Responses Frequency Percentage

Yes 47 96%
No 3 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents, 96% of them are honor
smartphone users, 4% of the are not honor users.

Figure 4.5: Figure shows that whether the respondents are honor
smartphone users.

Table 4.6: Table shows satisfaction level on overall performance on honor

Satisfaction level Frequency Percentage

Strong satisfied 12 25%
satisfied 18 37%
Neutral 13 27%
Dissatisfied 5 7%
Strongly dissatisfied 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents ,37% of them are satisfied with
the level on overall performance on honor smartphone,27% of them are
neutral,25% of them are strongly satisfied,7% of them are dissatisfied,4% of
them are strongly dissatisfied.

Figure 4.6: Figure shows satisfaction level on overall performance on

honor smartphone

Table 4.7: Table shows the satisfaction level on the price range on honor

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 45 91%
No 5 9%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among that among the respondents, 91% of them are
satisfied on the price range of honor mobile phone and 9% dissatisfied on price
range on honor smartphone.

Figure 4.7: Figure shows the satisfaction level on the price range on honor

Table 4.8: Table shows the currently using smartphone brand.

Response Frequency Percentage

Samsung 9 18%
Honor 26 53%
Vivo 7 14%
redmi 8 15%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents,53% of them are currently
using honor smartphone ,18% of them are currently using Samsung,15% of
them are currently using redmi,14 % of them are currently using

Figure 4.8: Figure shows the currently using smartphones brand.

Table 4.9: Table shows the durability on Honor smartphones.

Response Frequency Percentage

Strongly agree 13 26%
Agree 21 42%
Neutral 14 28%
Disagree 2 3%
Strongly disagree 0 0%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents ,42% of them agree that honor
smartphones are durable,28% of them are neutral ,26% of them strongly agree
,3% of them disagree that honor smartphones disagree.

Figure 4.9: Figure shows the durability on Honor smartphones.

Table 4.10: Table shows that whether the respondents agree that honor
mobiles are user friendly.

Response Frequency percentage

Yes 45 91%
No 5 9%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that out of 50 respondents, 91% of them agree that honor
phones are user friendly, and 9% of them disagree.

Figure 4.10: Figure shows that whether the respondents agree that honor
mobiles are user friendly

Table 4.11: Table shows the factors affecting user friendly of honor
mobile phones.

Response Frequency Percentage

Privacy 14 21%
Connectivity 17 37%
Portability 9 19%
Security 10 23%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents,37% of them reveals that
connectivity, 23% of them reveals that security, 21% of them reveals that
privacy,19% of them reveals that portability.

Figure 4.11: Figure shows that whether the respondents agree that honor
mobiles are user friendly.

Table 4.12: Table shows the reason for choosing honor mobile phone.

Response Frequency Percentage

Due to price 14 29%
Due to quality 20 41%
Due to design 16 30%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents,41% of them are influenced
due to quality, 30% of them are satisfied due to design,29% of them are
influenced due to price.

Figure 4.12: Table shows the reason for choosing honor mobile phone.

Table 4.13: Table shows the awareness of honor mobiles.

Response Frequency Percentage

Television 13 26%
Media 12 24%
Advertisement 18 36%
Friends 7 14%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents, The awareness of honor
mobiles, 46 % Television, 29% media, 35% advertisement, 7% friends

Figure 4.13: Table shows the awareness of honor mobiles.

Table 4.14: Table shows previous mobile brand opinion.

Response Frequency Percentage

Good 26 51%
Average 22 43%
Bad 1 3%
Worst 1 3%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that out of 50 respondents,51% of students says it was

Good,43% students said it is average, 3% of students says it was bad, and 3%
says it is worst.

Figure 4.14: Table shows previous mobile brand opinion.

Table 4.15: Table shows comparison of other mobile brand with honor.

Response Frequency Percentage

Faster processor 18 36%
Better battery back up 16 32%
Good camera 10 20%
None of these 6 12%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that out of 50 respondents, above the data we can see fast
processor is the best feature of honor mobiles. Then better battery backup and
good camera. These qualities attract the buyers to honor mobiles.

Figure 4.15: Table shows comparison of other mobile brand with honor.

Table 4.16: Table shows the price range preference while purchasing

Response Frequency Percentage

Below 10000 3 5%
10000-20000 32 62%
20000-40000 7 15%
40000 Above 8 18%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that out of 50 respondents, most of them preferred 10000-
20000 price range phones . Honor is most suitable for such customers since
they produce affordable phones.

Table 4.16: Table shows the price range preference while purchasing

Table 4.17: Table shows whether they face any problem.

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 40 80
No 10 20
Total 50 100
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that out of 50 respondents, There is certain problem faced
by many consumers of honor mobiles. About 80% say that they face problems
while using honor mobiles.

Figure 4.17:Figure showing whether they face any problem.

Table 4.18: Table shows the problem faced by the honor mobiles.

Response Frequency Percentage

Heating 18 33%
Hang 10 20%
Poor camera 10 20%
Insufficient storage 12 27%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents,33% says that heating is the
problem faced by honor phone,20% says that hang , 27% says that insufficient
storage, 20% says that poor connection is the problem faced by honor mobiles.

Figure 4.18: Figure showing problems faced by honor mobiles.

Table 4.19: Table showing opinion about customer service of honor

Response Frequency Percentage

Good 23 46%
Average 25 50%
Bad 0 0%
None of these 2 4%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that among the respondents ,50% of them says that
customer service is average,46% of them says that customer service is good,4%
says that none of these, none of them says as bad.

Figure 4.19: Figure showing opinion about customer service of honor

Table 4.20: Table showing the preference in next purchase

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 36 70%
No 14 30%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data
From the table it is clear that honor is successful in meeting the customer
satisfaction. Since majority of the respondents wishes to choose honor for their
next purchase.

Figure 4.20: Figure showing preference in next purchase

Table 4.21: Table showing suggestion of improvement

Response Frequency Percentage

Yes 30 60%
No 20 40%
Total 50 100%
Source: Primary data

Above table shows that out of 50 respondents, In the data reflected that there
are needs for improvement in honor mobiles. And the honor is continuously
bringing chances in their new mobiles as well considering the customers

Figure 4.21: Figure showing suggestion of improvement


❖ In this study, it finds that the majority of respondents (55%) are female

and(45% )are male.

❖ Among the respondents, 100% of them are smartphone users .

❖ Most of the respondents (45%)of them prefer to buy smart phone in

online purchase

❖ The major factors that influence in the purchase of mobile phone is the

user friendly and price.

❖ Most of the respondents are honor mobile users

❖ Among the respondents, the major reason for choosing Honor mobile

are quality

❖ About 48% of the respondents says that they faced certain problems

while using honor mobiles.

❖ Heating is the main problm of the honor mobiles

❖ From the responses it’s clear that the consumer service of honor mobile

is effective and satisfied to the users.

❖ Fast processor of the honor mobiles have good reviews

❖ Majority of the respondents are using honor as their second purchase.

❖ 56% of the respondents said that there is no suggestion for improvement

❖ The overall rate shows 3 out of 5 for the honor phones .It shows good



❖ Since most of the customer’s complaints about the problem of exces

heatingof the phone and hanging, it will be good if honor takes

necessary steps to deal with it.

❖ Consumers consider price as an important factor while purchasing

mobile, so it is advisable that the company should maintain a good

pricing strategy.

❖ The companies have to make improvement in the camera and

processors, since it attracts many more customers to honor mobiles.

❖ It would be better if honor mobiles provide latest features and update the

phones to the customers.

❖ Companies have to increase the awareness level in buyers in through

advertisement and shopkeepers. It will get more market share.

❖ Price is the one of the factors which influenced the purchase of the

product in most of the cases and hence the product should be reasonably


From the study, it is revealed that most of the college students are using
mobile phone to access the web, download apps, videos and for wireless
Synchronization with other devices. Because of they would expect to get
information via mobile. The company needs to give more advertisement
frequently through various media to increase the sales and to reduce the
switching over to other brands. The company should give more offers which
fulfill the needs of customers. honor has adopted some new features to attract

the customers. But there is no effective implementation for such featurs . If
done effectively, the honor mobile will be the best satisfy than other mobiles.

Mobile industry has become one of the most intense industry in the world and
with that the competitions between brands and companies are getting fiercer
than ever. Other brand mobiles adopt new technology in new mobile phones.
So, honor company should have to bring out more features which will
accomplish the satisfactions of the customer.


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Gerson,R.F.,(1993), Measuring customer satisfaction . Menlo park,



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Customer Orientation and Staff Service-Oriented on Quality of Service, Customer
Satisfaction and Loyalty in Hyperstar Stores”. 5(3), pp.1837-1841.

Edvardsson, B., Johnson, M., Gustafsson, A. and Strandvik, T., 2000. The effects
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Quality Management, 11(7), pp.917-927.




Male ()



How often do you purchase a smart phone?

o 6 months -1year
o 1year-2year
o 2year and above

From where do you prefer to buy a smart phone?

o Company showroom
o Sub dealer
o Second hand seller
o Online purchase

Which factor influence the most while purchasing a smart phone

o Price
o User friendly
o Battery backup
o Picture clarity

Do you have an honor mobile phone?

o Yes
o No

Are you satisfied the overall performance of your honor phone

o Strongly satisfied
o Satisfied
o Natural
o Dissatisfied
o Strongly dissatisfied
Are you satisfied with the price range of the honor phone?

o Yes
o No

Which model are you currently using?

o Samsung
o Honor
o Vivo
o Redmi

Honor mobiles phone are durable

o Strongly agree
o Agree
o Natural
o Disagree
o Strongly disagree

Honor mobile is user friendly

o Yes
o No

If yes what is the reason

o Privacy
o Connectivity
o Portability
o Security

Why do you choose honor mobile phone?

o Due to price
o Due to quality
o Due to design

How do you know about honor phone?

o Television
o Media
o Advertisement

What is your opinion about your previous brand when you used other than
o Good
o Average
o Bad
o Worst

While comparing with the previous brand, what features of honor attract you
the most?

o Faster processor
o Battery backup
o Good camera
o None of these

What is the price range do you prefer while purchasing a honor phone

o Below 10000
o 10000-20000
o 20000-40000
o 40000 above

While using honor mobiles do you faced any problems

o Yes
o No

If yes what are the problem faced while using honor mobile

o Heating
o Hang
o Poor camera
o Insufficient storage

What is the opinion about customer service of honor?

o Good
o Average
o Bad
o None of these

Do you prefer honor in your next purchase

o Yes
o No
22. Do you have any suggestion to improve honor mobile phone?

o Yes
o No

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