Human Anatomy KROK

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An ovarian tumor was A. Lateral umbilical Ligament, E
detected in a woman. ligament separate the
She is prescribed a B. Round ligament of ovary from the
surgery. What ligament the uterus uterus
should be severed by C. Broad ligament of
the surgeon to separate the uterus
the patient’s ovary D. Suspensory
from the uterus? ligament of the
ANSWER: E ovary
E. Proper ovarian
A 30-year-old man A. Peroneus longus Lifting of the A
with an incised wound muscle lateral side of the
on the plantar surface B. Flexor hallucis foot, what
of the left foot was longus muscle muscle is injured
brought to the C. Triceps muscle of
traumatology the calf
department. Lifting of D. Soleus muscle
the lateral side of the E. Soleus muscle
foot is limited. What
muscle is likely to be
functionally disturbed?
The dorsal root of the A. Loss of sensitivity The dorsal root A
spinal nerve of a test B. Loss of motor of the spinal
animal was severed. function nerve type,
What changes will C. Decreased muscle innervation area
occur in the tone
innervation area? D. Increased muscle
E. Loss of sensitivity
Parenchyma of an A. Intramural pseudounipolar D
organ is composed of ganglion n e u r o n s
pseudounipolar B. Sympathetic localized under
neurons localized ganglion the capsule of
under the capsule of C. Spinal cord connective tissue
connective tissue. D. Spinal ganglion
Central place belongs E. Nerve trunk
to nerve fibers. Name
this organ:

During an invasive A. Visceral surface of anterior border B

operation the surgeon liver of foramen of
needs to access the B. Hepatoduodenal Winslow
omental bursa of the ligament
peritoneal cavity via C. Greater omentum
the omental foramen D. Superior part of
(foramen of Winslow). duodenum
What anatomical E. Hepatorenal
structure makes up the ligament
anterior border of this
A patient with severe A. S p a t i u m the subclavian C
poisoning was brought interaponeuroticu vein is located
into intensive care m suprasternale in, the
unit. In the course of B. S p a t i u m topography
complex treatment, the retrosternocleindo
subclavian vein needs mastoideus
to be catheterized for C. S p a t i u m
m e d i c i n e interscalenum
administration. This D. T r i g o n u m
vein is located in the omotrapezoideum
following topographic E. S p a t i u m
structure: antescalenum
A patient with A. Facial l o w e r m o l a r, E
periodontitis of the B. Anterior cervical lymph nodes
lower molar came to C. Lateral cervical
the doctor. It was D. Submental
determined that the E. Submandibular
inflammatory process
spread to the lymph
nodes. What lymph
nodes were the first to
be affected by the
inflammatory process?
The surgeon noticed A. Cecum l y m p h o i d B
aggregated lymphoid B. Ileum nodules (Peyer’s
n o d u l e s ( P e y e r ’s C. Rectum patches)
patches) on the D. Jejunum
intestinal mucosa. E. Duodenum
What portion of the
intestine is it?

A 45-years old woman A. Abdominal, breast cancer, D

presents with breast cervical regional lymph
cancer. Metastases can B. A o r t i c , nodes
spread in this case to bronchomediastina
the following regional l
lymph nodes: C. Parasternal,
D. A x i l l a r y ,
A f t e r a n X - r a y A. Segmentun middle lobe of B
examination of the lingualare superius the right lung
tuberculosis clinic et inferius
p a t i e n t , h e w a s B. Segmentum
diagnosed with tumor laterale et
of the right lung. segmentum
During operation the mediale
surgeon removed the C. Segmentum
middle lobe of the apicale (superius)
patient’s right lung. et segmentum
This lobe includes: basale mediale
D. Segmentum basale
anterius et
A 35-year-old man A. Palmar interossei m i d d l e D
with a hand injury B. Dorsal interossei phalanges of
came to the C. Lumbrical muscles digits II-IV
traumatology D. Flexor digitorum cannot be flexed
d e p a r t m e n t . superficialis
Examination revealed E. Flexor digitorum
an incised wound on profundus
the palmar surface of
the left hand; middle
phalanges of digits II-
IV cannot be flexed.
What muscles are
An oncology patient is A. S u p e r i o r descending colon E
to undergo a surgery mesenteric artery m a i n b l o o d
on the descending B. Celiac trunk supply
colon. Name the main C. Splenic artery
source of blood supply D. Middle colic artery
to this organ: E. Inferior mesenteric

A patient presents with A. geniculi 1st neurons of the E

an inner ear B. ciliare auditory analyzer
inflammation. On C. vestibulare location
examination the doctor D. trigeminale
states that the 1 st E. spirale
neurons of the auditory
a n a l y z e r a ff e c t e d .
Where are these
neurons located?
A victim has received A. N. cutaneus brachii sensitivity E
a deep incised stab medialis innervation of
wound to the upper B. N. ulnaris the posterior
posterior surface of the C. N. musculocutaneus surface of the
shoulder. Extension of D. N. medianus shoulder and
elbow, hand, and digits E. N. radialis forearm
is impaired; skin
sensitivity of the
posterior surface of the
shoulder and forearm
is lost. What nerve is
damaged in this case?
A patient has a A. A gastrica dexter l i g . E
p a n c r e a t i c t u m o r. B. A gastrica sinister gastrocolicum,
During surgery it was C. A gastro-duodenalis vessel passing
accessed by making an D. A pancreatico- throughе this
opening thought the duodenalis superior ligament
lig. gastrocolicum, but E. A gasrtoomentalis
in the process a vessel dexter
passing throughе this
ligament was
damaged. As a result,
the surgeon had to stop
the bleeding from the
following vessel:

A 20-year-old female A. Optic chiasm peripheral vision, A

comes to the clinic B. Right optic tract bitemporal
after missing her last 2 C. Left optic nerve hemianopsia
periods. Her cycles are D. Right optic nerve
usually regular, E. Left optic tract
occurring at 28-30-day
interval with moderate
bleeding and some
abdominal discomfort.
She also complains of
diminishing peripheral
vision. Her doctor
reveals loss of vision
in the lateral halves of
both eyes.
Involvement of which
of the following
structures would you
most likely expert to
be the reason of
A 37-year-old A. Median nerve typing all A
female presents to the B. Radial nerve day ,nerve
clinic complaining of C. Musculocutaneous compression
severe pain in the left nerve
wrist and tingling D. Ulnar nerve
sensation in her left E. Axillary nerve
thumb, index finger,
and middle finger. The
pain started as an
occasional throb and
she could ignore it or
take ibuprofen but now
the pain is much worse
and wakes her up at
night. She works as a
typist and her pain
mostly increases after
typing all day. Her
right wrist and fingers
are fine. Nerve
conduction studies
reveal nerve
compression. Which of
the following nerves is

During the fetal period A. Pulmonary trunk and a r t e r i a l A

of the development in aorta (Botallo’s) duct
the vascular system of B. Right and left auricles
the fetus a large C. Aorta and inferior
arterial (Botallo’s) vena cava
duct is functioning D. Pulmonary trunk and
which converts into superior vena cava
lig. arteriosum after E. Aorta and superior
birth. What anatomical vena cava
formations does this
duct connect?
A young man felt A.latissimus dorsi r e d u c e d A
acute pain in the back B.levator scapulae pronation and
during active drawing C.romboideus major adduction
up on the horizontal D.trapezius functions
bar. Objectively: pain E.subscapularis
while moving upper
extremity, reduced
pronation and
adduction functions.
Sprain of what muscle
can be observed here?
A.latissimus dorsi
B.levator scapulae
C.romboideus major
A 60-year-old patient A. Main membrane of auditory analizer A
has reduced perception cochlea near the oval
of high-frequency window
sounds. What B. Main membrane of
structures’ disorder of cochlea near helicotrema
auditory analizer C. Eustachian tube
caused these changes? D. Muscles of middle ear
E. Tympanic membrane

When a patient with A. Postcentral girus distinguish A

traumatic impairment B. Occipital zone of the displacement of
of the brain was cortex an object on the
examined, it was C. Parietal zone of the skin.
discovered that he had cortex
stopped to distinguish D. Frontal central gurus
displacement of an E. Frontal zone
object on the skin.
What part of the brain
was damaged?

During examination of A. Tr. pyramidalis localization in A

a patient, there was B. Tr. frontothalamicus the knee and
found a neoplasm in C. Tr. thalamocorticalis frontal part of
the white substance of D.Tr. frontopontinus posterior crus of
cerebral hemispheres E . T r . internal capsule
with localization in the parietooccipitopontinus
knee and frontal part
of posterior crus of
internal capsule. Fibres
of what conductive
tract of the brain will
be disrupted?
A patient has tissue A. Popliteal artery ischemia below A
ischemia below the B. Peroneal artery the knee
knee joint C. Posterior tibial artery
accompanied with D. Anterior tibial artery
i n t e r m i t t e n t E. Proximal part of
claudication. What femoral artery
artery occlusion
should be suspected?
A. Popliteal artery
B. Peroneal artery
C. Posterior tibial
D. Anterior tibial
An 18-year-old patient A. Nasal limen b o u n d a r y A
came to the out-patient B. Nasal roller between the
department with the C. Nasal septa vestibule and
complaints of bleeding D.Choanes nasal cavity
trauma in the vestibule E.Nostrils
of his nose. On
examination: the
mechanical injury of
the mucous layer of
the vestibule without
continuation into nasal
cavity proper. What is
the boundary between
the vestibule and nasal
cavity proper?

A 50-year-old patient A. The cerebellum the occipital A

was injured on the B. The medulla r e g i o n ,
occipital region of the oblongata deregulation of
head. The closed skull C. The mindbrain walking and
trauma was diagnosed. D. The interbrain balance
She was taken to the E. The spinal cord
hospital. The medical
deregulation of
walking and balance,
trembling of arms.
What part of brain was
A patient has elbow A.Ulnar avulsion of A
joint trauma with B.Radial m e d i a l
avulsion of medial C.Musculocutaneous epico ndy le of
epicondyle of nerve humerus
humerus. What nerve D.Cardiac cutaneous
can be damaged in this nerve
trauma? E.Medial cutaneous
nerve of forearm
Microspecimen of red A.Sinusoidal red bone marrow A
bone marrow contains B.Fenestrational type of capillares
multiple capillares C.Somatical
through the walls of D.Visceral
which mature blood E.Lymphatic
cells penetrate into the
bloodstream. What
type of capillares are
A 54-year-old man A. Vena porta varicose veins in A
was admitted to the B. Aorta abdominalis the stomach and
hospital with C. Vena hepatica esophagus
complaints of pain in D. Vena cava superior
the right subcostal E. Vena cava inferior
region, vomiting with
blood. Objectively:
enlarged liver, varicose
veins in the stomach
and esophagus.
Disfunction of what
vessel is likely to have
taken place?

A 60-year-old patient A. Hepatopancreatic big papillary of A

fell ill with obturative ampulla the duodenal
jaundice as a result of B. Cystic duct
malignant tumour of C. Common hepatic duct
the big papillary of the D. Right hepatic duct
duodenal. Lumen of E. Left hepatic duct
what anatomical
structure is
compressed by
The ovary specimen A.Primary cubic-shaped A
contains a follicle, in B.Primordial follicle
which cubic-shaped C.Secondary
follicle epithelium D.Mature
cells are placed in 1-2 C.Atretic
layers, and scarlet
membrane is seen
around the ovocyte.
Name this follicle:
A child has inhaled a A. In the right main inhaled a button, A
button. Where is it bronchus b r o n c h u s
likely to be? B. In the left main anatomy
C. In the trachea
D. In the larynx
E. In the esophagus
A s a r e s u l t o f A.Cerebellum intention tremor, A
craniocerebral trauma B.Striatum dysmetry,
a patient reveals the C.Motor cortex adiadochokinesis
following symptoms: D.Pale sphere , dysarthria
i n t e n t i o n t r e m o r , E.Black substance
d y s m e t r y ,
dysarthria. What
structure of the brain is
A 45-year-old man A. Teres major muscle extension, A
applied to the trauma B. Subscapular muscle r eduction an d
station because of C. Teres minor muscle pronation
d o m e s t i c s h o u l d e r D. Infraspinous muscle functions of the
trauma. Objectively: E. Supraspinous muscle shoulder are
extension, reduction absent
and pronation
functions of the
shoulder are absent.
What muscle was

After a trauma a 44- A. Arcus palmaris P a l m b l o o d A

year-old patient had a profundus supply
rupture of left palm B. Arcus palmaris superf
muscle tendons and of icialis
the superficial blood C. Aa. digitales palmares
vessels. After communes
operation and removal D. Aa. metacarpeae
of the most part of the palmares
necrotically changed E.Aa. perf orantes
muscle tissue the
bloodstream was
normalized. What
vessels have helped to
restore the
A 60-year-old man felt A. Reticular formation felt asleep after A
asleep after cerebral B.Hippocampus c e r e b r a l
hemorrhage for a long C . N u c l e a r s o f t h e hemorrhage
time. Damage of what cerebral nerves
structure caused this D.Cortex of the large
state? hemispheres
A. Reticular formation E.Black substance
C.Nuclears of the
cerebral nerves
D.Cortex of the large
E.Black substance
In the specimen of one A. Minor bronchs has low A
of the parts of B.Trachea epithelium, well
respiratory system a C.Larynx developed
tubular organ was D.Major bronchs muscular tunic,
found. It has low E.Median bronchs glands and
epithelium, well cartilage are
developed muscular absent
tunic, glands and
cartilage are absent.
Name this organ:
A physician examined A.Hiatus saphenus inguinal hernia A
a patient and found B.Anulus f emoralis
inguinal hernia. C.Canalis adductorius
Through what D.Lacuna musculorum
anatomic formation E.Anulus inguinalis
does it penetrate into superf icialis
the skin?

A 40-year-old woman A. Spatium spinal cord A

was admitted to the subarachnoideum punction
infectious diseases B. Spatium subdurale
department with high C. Spatium epidurale
body temperature. D. Cavum trigeminale
Objectively: marked E. Cisterna
meningeal symptoms. cerebellomedullaris
A spinal cord punction posterior
was made. What
anatomic formation
was puncturated?
A. Spatium
B. Spatium subdurale
C. Spatium epidurale
D. Cavum trigeminale
E. Cisterna
Inflammatory process A.Parametrium m o d i f i e d A
of modified subserous B.Mesometrium subserous layer
layer around cervix of C.Myometrium around cervix of
the uterus caused an D.Endometrium the uterus
intensive pain E.Perimetrium
syndrome. In what
region of genitals does
the pathological
process take place?
An isolated cell of A. Sinoatrial node A
human heart B.Atrium
automatically C.Ventricle
generates excitation D.Atrioventricular node
impulses with E.His’ bundle
frequency 60 times pro
minute. What structure
does this cell belong

A patient with A. Pulmonary artery m u l t i p l e A

thrombophlebitis of embolism pulmonary
lower extremities had B. Pulmonary artery infarctions
got chest pains, blood thrombosis
spitting, growing C. Bronchial artery
respiratory failure that thrombosis
caused his death. D. Bronchial artery
Autopsy revealed embolism
multiple pulmonary E. Pulmonary venous
infarctions. What is the thrombosis
most probable reason
of their development?
A 60 y.o. patient has a A. Main membrane of high-frequency A
reduced percepti-on of cochlea near the oval sounds
high-frequency window
sounds. What B. Main membrane of
structures’ disorder of cochlea near helicotrema
auditory analizer C. Eustachian tube
caused these changes? D. Muscles of middle ear
E. Tympanic membrane
A patient with a stab A. Pregastrial bursa formation of A
wound of the anterior B. Omental bursa abdominal cavity
stomach wall is in C. Hepatic bursa
surgical care. What D. Left mesenteric sinus
formation of E. Right mesenteric sinus
abdominal cavity did
the stomach contents
get into?
A 2 y.o. child has A.Parathyroid glands concentration of A
convulsions as a result B.Hypophysis calcium
of lowered C.Adrenal cortex
concentration of D.Pineal gland
calcium ions in blood E.Thymus
plasma. It is caused by
reduced function of:

A teenager was A.Thymus t e e n a g e r A

irradiated with hi-gh B.Thyroid lymphoid system
radiation dose that C.Liver
resulted in serious D.Pancreas
damages of lymphoid E.Adrenal
system, lysis of many
Restoration of normal
hemogram is possible
due to the functioning
of the following gland:
An injured man has A.VI of a cervical A
bleeding from B.V vertebra
branches of carotid C.IV
artery. For a temporary D.III
arrest of bleeding it is E.II
necessary to press the
carotid artery to the
tubercle of a cervical
vertebra. Which
vertebra is it?
As a result of an A. M. tibialis anterior dorsal flexion of A
accident a patient has B. M. flexor digitorum foot is hindered
intense painfullness longus
and edema of the C. M. flexor hallucis
anterior crus surface; longus
dorsal flexion of foot D. M. peroneus longus
is hindered. Function E. M. peroneus brevis
of which crus muscle
is most likely to be
A patient who suffers A. Lingual artery To n g u e b l o o d A
from cancer of back of B. Dorsal lingual artery supply
tongue has an intense C. Deep lingual artery
bleeding as a result of D. Facial artery
affection of dorsal E. Ascending pharyngeal
lingual artery by the artery
tumour. What vessel
should be ligated to
stop bleeding?

As a result of spinal A.Spinothalamic pain and A

cord trauma a 33 y.o. B.Medial spinocortical temperature
man has a disturbed C . P o s t e r i o r sensitivity
pain and temperature spinocerebellar
sensitivity that is D.Lateral spinocortical
caused by damage of E . A n t e r i o r
the following tract: spinocerebellar
After a 2 y.o. child has A. Through the auditory Middle ear A
had flu, there appeared tube
complaints about ear B. Through f oramen
ache. A doctor jugularis
revealed hearing C. Through canalis
impairment and caroticus
inflammation of the D. Through atrium
middle ear. How did mastoideum
the infection penetrate E. Through canalis
into the middle ear? nasolacrimalis
A 40 y.o. woman was A. S p a t i u m A spinal cord A
admitted to the subarachnoideum punction was
infectious diseases B. Spatium subdurale made
department with high C. Spatium epidurale
body temperature. D. Cavum trigeminale
Objectively: evident E. Cisterna
meningeal symptoms. cerebellomedullaris
A spinal cord punction posterior
was made. What
anatomic formation
was punctured?
After resection of the A. Deep femoral artery artery that plays A
middle third of B.Superficial circumflex the main role of
femoral artery artery of hip bone femoral blood
obliterated by a C.Descending genicular supplying
thromb the lower artery
extremity is supplied D.Superficial epigastric
with blood due to the artery
surgical bypass. Name E.Deep external
an artery that plays the pudendal artery
main role in
reestablishment of
blood flow:

A patient’s knee joint A. Femoral nerve knee-jerk reflex A

doesn’t extend, there is B. Superior gluteal nerve
no knee-jerk reflex, C. Big fibular nerve
skin sensitivity of the D. Obturator nerve
anterior femoral E. Inferior gluteal nerve
surface is disturbed.
What nerve structures
are damaged?
As a result of damage A . Q u a d r i t u b e r c u l a r lost orientation A
to certain structures of bodies reflexes
brainstem an animal B. Medial nuclei of
lost orientation reticular formation
reflexes. What C. Red nuclei
structures were D. Vestibular nuclei
damaged? E. Black substance
A patient’s knee joint A. Femoral nerve knee-jerk reflex A
doesn’t extend, there is B. Superior gluteal nerve
no knee-jerk reflex, C. Big fibular nerve
skin sensitivity of the D. Obturator nerve
anterior femoral E. Inferior gluteal nerve
surface is disturbed.
What nerve structures
are damaged?
A. Femoral nerve
B. Superior gluteal
C. Big fibular nerve
D. Obturator nerve
E. Inferior gluteal
As a result of damage A. Quadritubercular B r a i n s t e m , A
to certain structures of bodies orientation
brainstem an animal B. Medial nuclei of reflexes
lost orientation reticular formation
reflexes. What C. Red nuclei
structures were D. Vestibular nuclei
damaged? E. Black substance
In course of an A. Bronchopulmonary tertiary bronchus A
o p e r a t i o n s u rg e o n segment accompanied by
removed a part of a B. Middle lobe branches of
lung that was C. Inferior lobe pulmonary artery
ventilated by a tertiary D. Superior lobe
bronchus accompanied E. Pulmonary lobule
by branches of
pulmonary artery and
other vessels. What
part of a lung was

Neurological A. Middle cerebral artery temporal gyrus A

examination of a 65 B. Anterior cerebral blood supply
y.o. patient revealed a artery
haemorrhage within C. Posterior cerebral
the superior temporal artery
gyrus. In the blood D. Anterior
supply area of which communicating artery
artery is it? E. Basilar artery
An isolated cell of A. Sinoatrial node impulses with A
human heart B.Atrium frequency 60
automatically C.Ventricle times per minute
generates excitation D.Atrioventricular node
impulses with E.His’ bundle
frequency 60 times pro
minute. What heart
structure was this cell
obtained from?
A 70 y.o. man has cut A. V.emissaria mastoidea a r e a of A
an abscess off in the B.V.v.labyrinthi mammiform
area of mammiform C.V.v.tympanicae process
process during D.V.f acialis
shaving. Two days E.V.v.auriculares
later he was admitted
to the hospital with
inflammation of
arachnoid membranes.
How did the infection
penetrate into the
cavity of skull?
A patient got a A.n.abducens right side A
craniocerebral trauma B.n.f acialis convergent
that resulted in right C.n.trigeminus strabismus
side convergent D.n.trochlearis
strabismus. Damage of E.n.aculomotorius
which craniocerebral
nerve caused such

In case of a A. Ligamentum wound tract went A

penetrating wound of hepatogastricum above the lesser
the anterior abdominal B. Ligamentum curvature of
wall the wound tract gastrocolicum stomach
went above the lesser C. Ligamentum
curvature of stomach. hepatoduoduodenale
What peritoneum D. Ligamentum
formation is most hepatorenale
likely to be injured? E. Ligamentum
triangulare sinistrum
In course of A. Sinister colic descending A
laparotomy a surgeon B. Median colic c o l o n ,
revealed gangrenous C. Dexter colic thrombosis of the
lesion of descending D.Ileocolic artery
colon. It was caused E.Superior mesenteric
by thrombosis of the artery
following artery:
A. Sinister colic
B. Median colic
C. Dexter colic
E.Superior mesenteric
Inflammation of the A.Posterior otitis media , A
tympanic cavity B.Anterior inflammation of
(purulent otitis media) C.Medial mammillary
was complicated by D.Lateral process
inflammation of E.Superior
mammillary process
sockets. What wall of
tympanic cavity did
the pus penetrate into
the sockets through?

A woman underwent A. Uterine and ovarian ( t u b a l ) A

an operation on B. Superior cystic and pregnancy
account of extrauterine ovarian
(tubal) pregnancy. In C. Inferior cystic and
course of the operation ovarian
the surgeon should D. Uterine and superior
ligate the branches of cystic
the following arteries: E. Uterine and inferior

A 35 year old man A.Superficial finger m i d d l e A

with a trauma of his flexor phalanxes of II–
left hand was admitted B.Profound finger flexor V fingers don’t
to the traumatology C.Lumbrical muscles bend
d e p a r t m e n t . D.Palmar interosseous
Objectively: cut muscles
wound of palmar E.Dorsal interosseous
surface of left hand; muscles
middle phalanxes of
II–V fingers don’t
bend. What muscles
are damaged?
A patient was admitted A.Ileum M e c k e l ’ s A
to the surgical B.Duodenum diverticulum
department with C.Jejunum
s u s p e c t e d D.Caecum
inflammation of E.Colon ascendens
Meckel’s diverticulum.
What part of bowels
should be examined in
order to discover the
diverticulum in course
of an operation?
E.Colon ascendens
A 35 year old A . S u p e r i o r n a s a l loss of sense of A
patient applied t o a turbinate smell, olfactory
doctor with complaints B . M e d i a n n a s a l receptors
about having intense turbinate
rhinitis and loss of C. Inferior nasal
sense of smell for a turbinate
week. Objectively: D. Common nasal
nasal cavity contains a meatus
lot of mucus that E. Vestibule of nose
covers mucous
membrane and blocks
olfactory receptors. In
what part of nasal
cavity are these
receptors situated?

A patient with A. Ductus hepaticus c o m m o n b i l e A

cholelithiasis fell ill communis et ductus duct
with mechanic cysticus
jaundice. Examination B. Ductus hepaticus
revealed that the stone dexter et sinister
was in the common C. Ductus hepaticus
bile duct. What bile- dexter et ductus cysti-cus
excreting ducts make D. Ductus hepaticus
up the obturated duct? sinister et ductus cysticus
E. Ductus hepaticus
communis et ductus
The cerebrospinal A. LIII-LIV lumbal puncture A
fluid is being exami- B. LII-LIII
ned for the purpose of C. LI-LII
diffrential meningitis D. ThXII-LI
diagnostics. At what E. -
site is the lumbal
puncture safe?
A woman suffering A. Axillary nerve pain in her A
from osteochondrosis B. Subscapular nerve h u m e r a l
felt acute pain in her C. Dorsal scapular nerve articulation
humeral articulation D. Subclavicular nerve
that became stronger E. Throracodorsal nerve
when she abducted her
s h o u l d e r. T h e s e
symptoms might be
caused by damage of
the following nerve:
A patient has a deep A. Triceps muscle of arm posterior surface A
cut wound on the B. Biceps muscle of arm of his shoulder
posterior surface of his C. Anconeus muscle
shoulder in its middle D. Brachial muscle
third. What muscle E. Coracobrachial
might be injured? muscle
While performing an A.axillaris fascicles of A
operation in the area of B.vertebralis brachial plexus
axillary crease a C.transversa colli
surgeon has to define D.profunda brachii
an arterial vessel E.subscapularis
surrounded by
fascicles of brachial
plexus. What artery is

A patient complains of A.Vestibulocochlear dizziness and A

dizziness and hearing B.Trigeminus hearing loss
loss. What nerve is C.Sublingual
damaged? D.Vagus

A man with an injury A. M.trapezius dorsal area of the A

of the dorsal area of B . neck
his neck was admitted M.sternocleidomastoid
to the resuscitation C. M.latissimus dorsi
department. What D. M.rhomboideus minor
muscle occupies this E. M.scalenus anterior
While palpating A.Parasternal inferior medial A
mammary gland of a B.Posterior mediastinal quadrant
patient a doctor C.Profound lateral
revealed an induration cervical
in form of a node in D.Bronchopulmonary
the inferior medial E.Superior diaphragmal
quadrant. Metastases
may extend to the
following lymph
B . P o s t e r i o r
C.Profound lateral
While performing an A. Funiculus spermaticus inguinal canal A
inguinal canal B. Urarchus operation
operation on account C. Lig. teres uteri
of hernia a surgeon D. Lig. inguinalе
damaged the canal’s E. -
contents. What exactly
was damaged?
In course of a small A.Ureter ligate an ovarian A
pelvis operation it B.Uterine tube artery
became necessary to C.Round ligament of
ligate an ovarian uterus
artery. What formation D.Internal iliac vein
may be accidentally E.Urethra
ligated together with

A patient with a knife A. Greater psoas muscle left lumbal part A

wound in the left B. Iliac muscle
lumbal part was C. Erector muscle of
delivered to the spine
emergency hospital. In D. Abdominal internal
course of operation a oblique muscle
surgeon found that E. Abdominal external
internal organs were oblique muscle
not damaged but the
knife injured one of
muscles of renal
pelvis. What muscle is
A man with a stab A.N.axillaris unable to draw A
wound in the area of B.N.medianus his arm aside
quadrilateral foramen C.N.radialis from his body
applied to a doctor. D.N.ulnaris
Examination revealed E.N.subclavius
that the patient was
unable to draw his arm
aside from his body.
What nerve is most
probably damaged?
Examination of a 2- A. Aorta and pulmonary nonclos ure of A
year-old child revealed trunk ductus arteriosus
p h y s i c a l B. Pulmonary trunk and
developmental lag, the pulmonary veins
child often has C. Superior cava and
pneumonias. The child aorta
was diagnosed with D. Superior cava and
nonclosure of ductus pulmonary trunk
a r t e r i o s u s . E. Aorta and pulmonary
Haemodynamics veins
disorder was caused by
t h e
intercommunication of
the following vessels:

It is necessary to take A.Yellow Diagnostic A

the cerebrospinal fluid B.Iliolumbar puncture
from a patient with C.Anterior longitudinal
s u s p e c t e d D.Posterior longitudinal
inflammation of brain E.Intertransverse
tunics. Diagnostic
puncture was
performed between the
arches of the lumbar
vertebras. During the
puncture the needle
went through the
following ligament:
A patient complains A. V. saphena parva one side of the A
about edemata of legs, B. V. saphena magna lateral condyle
skin cyanosis, small C. V. femoralis
ulcers on one side of D. V. profunda femoris
the lateral condyle. E. V. iliaca externa
Examination revealed
a swelling, enlarged
veins, formation of
nodes. The
pathological process
has started in the
following vein:
A patient has a A. Lingual artery tongue back A
massive haemorrhage B. Dorsal lingual artery blood supply
caused by damage of C. Deep artery of tongue
the dorsal lingual D. Facial artery
artery by cancer of E. Ascending pharyngeal
tongue back. What artery
vessel should be
ligated for the
haemorrhage arrest?

18-year-old man was A. a. carotis externa et a. medial eye angle A

delivered to the carotis interna
hospital after a road B. a. carotis externa et a.
accident. Examination subclavia
at the traumatological C. a. carotis interna et a.
department revealed subclavia
multiple injuries of D. a. subclavia et a.
soft tissues of face in ophthalmica
the region of the E. a. carotis interna et a.
medial eye angle. The ophthalmica
injuries caused
massive haemorrhage.
What arterial
anastomosis might
have been damaged in
this region?
While examining the A. Papillae vallatae papillae on the A
oral cavity a B. Papillae fungiformes border of the
stomatologist revealed C. Papillae foliatae median and
inflammation of D. Papillae filiformes posterior third
papillae on the border E. Papillae conicae
of the median and
posterior third of the
back of tongue. What
papillae are inflamed?
A 35-year-old patient A. Superior nasal concha o l f a c t o r y A
complains about B. Median nasal concha receptors
having severe rhinitis C. Inferior nasal concha
and loss of sense of D. Common nasal
smell for a week. meatus
Objectively: the nasal E. Vestibule of nose
cavity contains a lot of
mucus covering the
mucous membrane and
blocking olfactory
receptors. In what
region of the nasal
cavity are these
receptors located?

A man suffering from A.Iliohypogastric sensitivity of A

osteochondrosis got B.Sciatic skin in the
acute pain in the C.Obturator hypogastric
abdominal muscles D.Femoral region
(lateral and anterior). E.Genitofemoral
During objective
examination a
p h y s i c i a n
increased pain
sensitivity of skin in
the hypogastric region.
This pain might be
caused by affection of
After a craniocerebral A. G y r u s apraxia A
trauma a pati-ent lost supramarginalis
the ability to execute B. Gyrus angularis
learned purposeful C. Gyrus paracentralis
movements (apraxia). D. Gyrus lingualis
The injury is most E. Gyrus
likely localized in the parahippocampalis
following region of the
cerebral cortex:
After a trauma a A. m. triceps brachii lost ability of A
patient lost ability of B. m. subscapularis elbow extension
elbow extension. This C. m. teres major
might have been D. m. infraspinatus
caused by dysfunction E. m. levator scapulae
of the following main
A man with an injury A. m. trapezius nuchal region A
in the nuchal region B. m.
(regio nuchae) was sternocleidomastoid
admitted to the C. m. latissimus dorsi
resuscitation D. m. rhomboideus
department. What minor
muscle occupies this E. m. scalenus anterior
A patient has lost skin A. Medial brachial lost skin A
sensitivity in the cutaneous nerve sensitivity in the
region of the medial B. Medial antebrachial region of the
surface of his shoulder. cutaneous nerve medial surface of
This is the result of C. Radial nerve his shoulder
dysfunction of the D. Ulnar nerve
following nerve: E. Axillary nerve

An injured person was A. Colon descendens lateral region of A

delivered to the B. Colon ascendens abdomen
hospital with a C. Colon transverses
penetrating wound in D.Caecum
the left lateral region E.Rectum
of abdomen. What part
of the large intestine is
most likely damaged?
A. Colon descendens
B. Colon ascendens
C. Colon transverses
A man with a stab A. n. axillaris region of the A
wound in the region of B. n. medianus quadrilateral
the quadrilateral C. n. radialis f o r a m e n ,
foramen consulted a D. n. ulnaris couldn’t abduct
doctor about it. E. n. subclavius his arm
Examination revealed
that the injured
couldn’t abduct his
arm from the body.
What nerve is most
likely damaged?
After a road accident a A. n. ulnaris m e d i a l A
driver was delivered to B. n. radialis epico ndy le of
the hospital with an C. n. axillaris humerus
injury of the medial D. n. muscolocutaneus
epicondyle of E. n. medianus
humerus. What nerve
might be damaged in
this case?
Inflammation of the A.Posterior inflammation of A
tympanic cavity B.Anterior mammillary
(purulent otitis media) C.Medial process, wall of
was complicated by D.Lateral tympanic cavity
inflammation of E.Superior
mammillary process
sockets. What wall of
tympanic cavity did
the pus penetrate into
the sockets through?

In course of A. Sinister colic lesion of A

laparotomy a surgeon B. Median colic descending colon
revealed gangrenous C. Dexter colic
lesion of descending D. Ileocolic
colon. It was caused E. Superior mesenteric
by thrombosis of the artery
following artery:
A patient caught a cold A. Facial facial expression A
after which there B. Vagus disorder
appeared facial C. Trigeminus
expression disorder. D. Glossopharyngeal
He cannot close his E. Infraorbital
eyes, raise his
eyebrows, bare his
teeth. What nerve is
A. Facial
B. Vagus
C. Trigeminus
D. Glossopharyngeal
E. Infraorbital
A 70 year old female A.Obturator fracture of left A
patient was diagnosed B.Femoral femoral neck
with fracture of left C.External iliac
femoral neck D.Inferior gluteal
accompanied by E.Internal pudendal
disruption of ligament
of head of femur. The
branch of the
following artery is
A patient complained A. Interosseous muscles unable to adduct A
about being unable to B. Lumbrical muscles and abduct
adduct and abduct C.Breviflexors of fingers fingers,
fingers in the D.Long flexors of fingers
metacarpophalangeal E.Extensors
articulations towards
and away from the 3rd
finger. Which muscles’
function is impaired?

A patient has A. Digitus minimus c o m m o n A

difficulties with hand B.Pollex synovial sheath
m o v e m e n t . C.Digitus medius of flexor muscles
Examination revealed D.Index
inflammation of E.Digitus anularis
common synovial
sheath of flexor
muscles. It is known
from the patient’s
anamnesis that he got
a stab wound of finger
a week ago. Which
finger was most
A patient complains A. Pars superior initial part of A
about impaired B. Pars inferior duodenum
evacuatory function of C. Pars descendens
stomach (long-term D. Pars ascendens
retention of food in E. Flexura duodeni
stomach). Examination inferior
revealed a tumour of
initial part of
duodenum. Specify
localization of the
A patient with A. Ductus hepaticus common bile A
cholelithiasis fell ill communis et ductus duct
with mechanic cysticus
jaundice. Examination B. Ductus hepaticus
revealed that the stone dexter et sinister
was in the common C. Ductus hepaticus
bile duct. What bile- dexter et ductus cysticus
excreting ducts make D. Ductus hepaticus
up the obturated duct? sinister et ductus cysticus
E. Ductus hepaticus
communis et ductus
Examination of a A. Colon sigmoideum i n f e r i o r A
patient with impaired B.Ileum mesenteric
blood coagulation C.Caecum a r t e r y, b o w e l
revealed thrombosis of D.Colon transversum segment
a branch of inferior E.Colon ascendens
m e s e n t e r i c a r t e r y.
What bowel segment
is damaged?

Examination of a A. Tonsilla palatina between palatine A

patient revealed B. Tonsilla pharyngealis arches
hypertrophy and C. Tonsilla tubaria
inflammation of D. Tonsilla lingualis
lymphoid tissue, E.-
edema of mucous
membrane between
palatine arches (acute
tonsillitis). What tonsil
is normally situated in
this area?
A patient was admitted A. Transverse fascia posterior wall of A
to the surgical B . A p o n e u r o s i s o f inguinal canal
department with abdominal external
inguinal hernia. oblique muscle
During the operation C. Inguinal ligament
the surgeon performs D. Loose inferior edge of
plastic surgery on transverse abdominal
posterior wall of muscle
inguinal canal. What E. Peritoneum
structure forms this
A patient got a trauma A. Inferior part of dysfunction of A
that caused precentral gyrus motor cen tr es
dysfunction of motor B. Superior part of regulating
centres regulating precentral gyrus activity of head
activity of head C. Supramarginal gyrus muscles
muscles. In what parts D. Superior parietal
of cerebral cortex is lobule
the respective centre E. Angular gyrus
normally localized?
A patient was A. Tr. cortico-nuclearis paralysis of A
diagnosed with B. Tr. cortico-spinalis facial and
paralysis of facial and C. Tr. cortico-thalamicus masticatory
masticatory muscles. D. Tr. cortico-fronto- muscles
The haematoma is pontinus
inside the genu of E. Tr. cortico-temporo-
internal capsule. What parieto-occipito-pontinus
conduction tract is
A patient was A . L a r g e l i p s o f bartholinitis A
diagnosed with pudendum
bartholinitis B. Small lips of
(inflammation of pudendum
greater vulvovaginal C.Clitoris
glands). In which D.Vagina
organ of urogenital E.Uterus
system are these
glands localized?

U l t r a s o n i c A. Recurrent laryngeal area of aortic A

examination of a B.Diaphragmatic arch
patient revealed C.Superior laryngeal
aneurism in the area of D.Mandibular
aortic arch that caused E.Sublingual
alteration of vocal
function of larynx.
What nerve was
Brain tomography A.Midbrain region of red A
revealed a tumour in B.Medulla oblongata nucleus
the region of red C.Cerebellum
nucleus. What part of D.Interbrain
brain isdamaged? E.Pons cerebelli

After a trauma of the A. n. Medianus d i f f i c u l t A

upper third of the B. n. Musculocutaneus pronation,
anterior forearm C. n. Ulnaris weakening of
surface a patient D. n. cutaneus palmar flexor,
presents with difficult antebrachii medialis altered skin
pronation, weakening E. n. Radialis sensitivity of 1-3
of palmar flexor fingers
muscles and altered
skin sensitivity of 1-3
fingers. Which nerve is
A victim of an A. A.facialis anterior to the A
accident has bleeding B. A.carotis interna mandibular angle
from the soft tissues C. A.temporalis
anterior to the superficialis
mandibular angle. D. A.alveolaris inferior
Which vessel should E. A.lingvalis
be ligated for the
bleeding arrest?
A 38-year-old patient A. Long flexor muscle of thenar eminence, A
came to a thumb distal phalanx of
traumatology centre B. Short flexor muscle of the I finger
and complained about thumb cannot be flexed
an injury of his right C. Short abductor muscle
hand. Objectively: the of thumb
patient has a cut D. Opposer muscle of
wound in the region of thumb
the thenar eminence on E. Abductor muscle of
the right hand; distal thumb
phalanx of the I finger
cannot be flexed. What
muscle was injured?

An 18-year-old man A. a. carotis externa et a. tissues of face in A

was delivered to the carotis interna the region of the
hospital after a road B. a. carotis externa et a. medial eye angle
accident. Examination Subclavian
at the traumatological C. a. carotis interna et a.
department revealed subclavia
multiple injuries of D. a. subclavia et a.
soft tissues of face in Ophthalmica
the region of the E. a. carotis interna et a.
medial eye angle. The Ophthalmica
injuries caused
massive haemorrhage.
What arterial
anastomosis might
have been damaged in
this region?
A surgeon has to find A . H e p a t o d u o d e n a l common hepatic A
the common hepatic ligament duct is located:
duct during the B. Hepatogastric
operative intervention ligament
on account of C. Hepatorenal ligament
concrements in the gall D. Round ligament of
ducts. The common liver
hepatic duct is located E. Venous ligament
between the leaves of:
A 75-year-old-female A. Left half of both eyes tumor in area of A
patient with retina the left optic
complaints of visual B. Right half of both tract
impairment has been eyes retina
delivered to the C. Left and right halves
ophthalmologic of the left eye retina
department. Objective D. Left and right halves
examination revealed a of the right eye retina
brain tumor in area of E. Left and right halves
the left optic tract. The of both eyes retina
patient has a visual
field defect in the
following area:
While examining the A. Papillae vallatae papillae on the A
oral cavity a B. Papillae fungiformes border of the
stomatologist revealed C. Papillae foliatae median and
inflammation of D. Papillae filiformes posterior third of
papillae on the border E. Papillae conicae the back of
of the median and tongue
posterior third of the
back of tongue. What
papillae are inflamed?

A weightlifter has a A. In the region of aortic t h o r a c i c A

disruption of thoracic hiatus lymphatic duct
lymphatic duct as a B. In the region of
result of lifting a lumbosacral plexus
weight. Choose the C. In the posterior
most likely site of mediastinum
injury: D. In the region of
venous angle
E. In the region of neck

A woman suffering A. Axillary nerve acute pain when A

from osteochondrosis B. Subscapular nerve abduct her
has acute pain in her C. Dorsal scapular nerve shoulder
humeral articulation D. Subclavicular nerve
that gets worse when E. Thoracodorsal nerve
she tries to abduct her
s h o u l d e r. T h e s e
symptoms might be
caused by damage of
the following nerve:
Pyeloureterography X- A. Embryonal minor calyces A
ray photo showed a B. Fetal only
renal pelvis with minor C. Mature
calyces only (major D. Ampullar
calyces were absent). E. –
What form of urinary
tracts of a kidney was
A patient has been A. Anterior longitudinal considerable A
diagnosed with a ligament increase in
compression fracture B. Posterior longitudinal curvature of the
of a lumbar vertebra. ligament lumbar lordosis
As a result he has a C. Yellow ligament
considerable increase D. Iliolumbar ligament
in curvature of the E. Interspinous ligament
lumbar lordosis.
Which ligament
damage can induce
such changes in the
spine curvature?

A doctor asked a A. Abdominal muscles muscles contract A

patient to breath out B. External intercostal d u r i n g
fully after taking a muscles exhalation
normal breath. What C. Diaphragm
muscles contract D. Trapezius muscles
during such E. Pectoral muscles
An animal has an A. Vestibulospinal increased tonus A
increased tonus of B. Medial corticospinal of extensor
extensor muscles. This C. Reticulospinal m u s c l e s ,
the result of intensified D. Rubrospinal descending
i n f o r m a t i o n E. Lateral corticospinal pathways
transmission to the
motoneurons of the
spinal cord through the
following descending
A victim with a head A. Medial membranous temporal region, A
trauma in the temporal artery e p i d u r a l
region has been B. Medial cerebral artery hematoma
diagnosed with C. Superficial temporal
epidural hematoma. artery
What artery is most D. Anterior membranous
likely to be damaged? artery
E. Posterior auricular
A patient consulted a A. Glossopharyngeal loss of taste A
doctor about loss of B. Vagus nerve sensitivity on the
taste sensitivity on the C. Facial nerve tongue root
tongue root. The D. Superlaryngeal nerve
doctor revealed that it E. Trigeminal nerve
is caused by nerve
affection. Which nerve
is it?
Which muscle A. Isometric holding (but not A
contraction will be B. Isotonic moving)
observed in the upper C. Auxotonic
extremity during D. Concentric
holding (but not E. Excentric
moving) a load in a
certain position?

An older woman has A. Femoral neck right hip joint, A

been hospitalised for B. Shaft of femur appered after a
acute pain and edema C. Condyle of femur fall
of the right hip joint D. Pubic bone
that appered after a E. Ischial bone
fall. Objectively: the
hip is adduced
inwards, hip joint
movements are
impaired. The patient
is most likely to have a
fracture of the
following bone or
While performing an A. Funiculus spermaticus inguinal canal A
inguinal canal B. Urarchus contents
operation on account C. Lig. teres uteri
of hernia a surgeon D. Lig. Inguinalе
damaged the canal’s E. –
contents. What exactly
was damaged?
A patient consulted a A. Vestibulocochlear imbalance A
doctor about a nerve
sensation of imbalance B. Trigeminal nerve
which appeared after a C. Facial nerve
trauma. Which nerve is D. Intermediate nerve
damaged? E. Vagus nerve
Surgical approach to A. Jugular venous arch interaponeurotic A
the thyroid gland from B. External jugular vein s u p r a s t e r n a l
the transverse (collar) C. Subclavicular vein space
approach involves D. Inferior thyroid
opening of arthery
interaponeurotic E. Superior thyroid
suprasternal space. arthery
What anatomic
structure localized in
this space is dangerous
to be damaged?
An injured person was A. Colon descendens lateral region of A
delivered to the B. Colon ascendens abdomen
hospital with a C. Colon transverses
penetrating wound in D. Caecum
the left lateral region E. Rectum
of abdomen. What part
of the large intestine is
most likely damaged?

A patient has a A. Mental frontal third of A

rightsided fracture in B. Inferior labial mandible
the region of the C. Lingual
frontal third of D. Facial
mandible accompanied E. Palatine
by a haematoma in the
region of chin. It is
caused by the injury of
the following artery:
As a result of a cold a A. Trigeminus abnormal pain A
patient has the B. Sublingual and temperature
abnormal pain and C. Accessory sensitivity of the
temperature sensitivity D. Vagus frontal 2/3 of his
of the frontal 2/3 of his E. Glossopharyngeal tongue
tongue. Which nerve
must have been
A 60 year old patient A. Main cochlea high-frequency A
has impaired membrane near the oval sounds
perception of high- window
frequency sounds. B. Main cochlea
These changes were membrane near the
caused by damage of helicotrema
the following auditory C. Eustachian tube
analyzer structures: D. Middle ear muscles
E. Tympanic membrane
After a trauma of soft A. N.ulnaris medial condyle A
tissues in the region of B. N.musculocutaneu of humerus
the posterior sorface of C. N.dorsalis scapularis
medial condyle of D. N.subscapularis
humerus a patient has E. N.radialis
got a skin prickle of
medial forearm
surface. Which of the
listed nerves is located
in the affected region?
A boy has fallen down A. M.deltoideus abduct his arm A
from a tree. Now he B. M.tricepts brachii into horizontal
finds it difficult to C. M.anconeus position
abduct his arm into D. M.coracobrachialis
horizontal position. E. M.supinator
Which muscle is most
likely to be injured?

The patient with A. Superior vena cava venous trunk, A

thymoma (thymus B. External jugular vein thymoma
gland tumour) has C. Clavicular vein
cyanosis, extention of D. Internal jugular vein
subcutaneous venous E. Frontal jugular vein
net and edema of the
soft tissues of face,
neck, upper part of the
trunk and upper
extremities. What
venous trunk is
pressed with tumour?
A surgeon has to find A . H e p a t o d u o d e n a l common hepatic A
the common hepatic ligament duct is located
duct during the B. Hepatogastric
operative intervention ligament
on account of C. Hepatorenal ligament
concrements in the gall D. Round ligament of
ducts. The common liver
hepatic duct is located E. Venous ligament
A patient complains A. Pars superior initial part of A
about impaired B. Pars inferior duodenum
evacuatory function of C. Pars descendens
stomach (long-term D. Pars ascendens
retention of food in E. Flexura duodeni
stomach). Examination inferior
revealed a tumour of
initial part of
duodenum. Specify
localization of the
In course of an A. Bronchopulmonary ventilated by a A
o p e r a t i o n s u rg e o n segment tertiary bronchus
removed a part of a B. Middle lobe accompanied by
lung that was C. Inferior lobe branches of
ventilated by a tertiary D. Superior lobe pulmonary artery
bronchus accompanied E. Pulmonary lobule
by branches of
pulmonary artery and
other vessels. What
part of a lung was

P r e v e n t i v e A. Mammary gland metastatic origin, A

examination of a B . S u b m a n d i b u l a r breast cancer
patient revealed an salivary gland
enlarged lymph node C. Lung
of metastatic origin on D. Stomach
the medial wall of the E. Thyroid gland
left axillary crease.
Specify the most likely
localization of the
primary tumour:
A doctor asked a A. Abdominal muscles breath out fully A
patient to breath out B. External intercostal
fully after taking a muscles
normal breath. What C. Diaphragm
muscles contract D. Trapezius muscles
during such E. Pectoral muscles
In order to prevent A. Lingual artery Pirogov’s A
massive haemorrhage B. Superior thyroid triangle
in the region of oral artery
cavity floor it is C. Facial artery
required to ligate an D. Ascending pharyngeal
artery which is located artery
w i t h i n P i r o g o v ’s E. Maxillary artery
triangle. What artery is
A man with a stab A. n. Axillaris couldn’t abduct A
wound in the region of B. n. Medianus his arm from the
the quadrilateral C. n. Radialis body
foramen consulted a D. n. Ulnaris
doctor about it. E. n. Subclavius
Examination revealed
that the injured
couldn’t abduct his
arm from the body.
What nerve is most
likely damaged?
As a result of an injury A. Musculus triceps cannot extend his A
a patient cannot extend brachii forearm
his forearm at the B. Musculus
elbow. This may cause infraspinatus
abnormal functioning C. Musculus levator
of the following scapulae
muscle: D. Musculus teres major
E. Musculus

A casualty has a A. Medial malleolus inner surface of A

fracture in the region B. Lower third of the the left ankle
of the inner surface of fibula
the left ankle. What is C.Astragalus
the most likely site for D.Lateral malleolus
the fracture? E.Calcaneus
A patient consulted a A.Axillary unable to abduct A
doctor about being B.Radial his right arm,
unable to abduct his C.Ulnar atrophy of the
right arm after a past D.Median deltoid muscle
trauma. Examination E.Suprascapular
revealed that the
passive movements
were not limited. The
patient was found to
have the atrophy of the
deltoid muscle. What
nerve is damaged?
After a trauma of the A. n. medianus d i f f i c u l t A
upper third of the B. n. musculocutaneus pronation,
anterior forearm a C. n. ulnaris weakening of
patient exhibits D. n. cutaneus palmar flexor
difficult pronation, antebrachii medialis muscles and
weakening of palmar E. n. radialis impaired skin
flexor muscles and sensitivity of 1-3
impaired skin fingers
sensitivity of 1-3
fingers. Which nerve
has been damaged?
After the diagnostic A.Esophagus lymphatic A
tests a 40-year-old B.Trachea vessels drain
male has been referred C.Left main bronchus directly into the
for the lymphography D.Heart thoracic duct
of the thoracic cavity. E.Pericardium
The surgeon revealed
that the tumor had
a ff e c t e d a n o rg a n
whose lymphatic
vessels drain directly
into the thoracic duct.
Specify this organ:

For the direct injection A. V. umbilicalis round ligament A

of medications into the B. A. umbilicalis of liver
liver surgeons use the C. Ductus venosus
round ligament of D. V. porta
liver. This E. A. hepatica propria
manipulation involves
bougienage (lumen
dilatation) of the
following vessel:
Examination of a A. V. cordis magna a n t e r i o r A
patient with ischemic B. V. cordis media interventricular
heart disease revealed C. V. cordis parva sulcus
the impaired venous D. V. posterior ventriculi
blood flow in the sinistri
territory of the cardiac E. V. obliqua atrii sinistri
vein running in the
a n t e r i o r
interventricular sulcus
of heart. What vein is
As a result of an injury A. Cruciate ligaments drawer sign A
of the knee joint a B. Arcuate popliteal
patient shows a drawer ligaments
sign, that is the C. Oblique popliteal
anterior and posterior ligament
displacement of the D. Interosseous
tibia relative to the membrane
femur. What ligaments E. Collateral ligaments
are damaged?
T h e n e u r o s u rg i c a l A. Round foramen second branch of A
department has B. Lacerated foramen the trigeminal
admitted a 54-year-old C. Oval foramen nerve
male complaining of D. Spinous foramen
no sensitivity in the E. Superior orbital
lower eyelid skin, fissure
lateral surface of nose,
upper lip. On
examination the
physician revealed the
inflammation of the
second branch of the
trigeminal nerve. This
branch comes out of
the skull through the
following foramen:

A male with a lesion of A.Cerebellum balance disorder A

one of the CNS parts B.Black substance
has asthenia, muscular C.Reticular formation
dystonia, balance D.Red nuclei
disorder. Which CNS E.Vestibular nuclei
part has been affected?

After a car accident a A. A. brachialis anteromedial A

23-year-old male B. A. radialis region of
presented to the C. A. axillaris shoulder
hospital with a cut D. A. subscapularis
wound of the E. A. profunda brachii
anteromedial region of
shoulder and arterial
bleeding. Which artery
was damaged?
During the operation A. Pars descendens m u c o u s A
on the small intestine duodeni membrane with a
the surgeon revealed B. Pars horizontalis s i n g l e
an area of the mucous duodeni longitudinal fold
membrane with a C. Pars ascendens among the
single longitudinal duodeni circular folds
fold among the D.jejunum
circular folds. Which E.Distal ileum
portion of the small
intestine is this
structure typical for?
As a result of a A. Posterior central decreased skin A
craniocerebral injury a gyrus sensitivity
patient has decreased B. Occipital region
skin sensitivity. What C. Cingulate gyrus
area of the cerebral D. Frontal cortex
cortex may be E. Anterior central gyrus
A histological A. Crystalline lens b i c o n v e x A
specimen of the B. Vitreous body structure
eyeball shows a C. Ciliary body
biconvex structure D.Cornea
connected to the E.Sclera
ciliary body by the
fibers of the Zinn’s
zonule and covered
with a transparent
capsule. Name this

A patient complains of A. Colon ascendens right lateral A

pain in the right lateral B. Colon transversum abdomen
abdomen. Palpation C. Colon descendens
revealed a dense, D. Colon sigmoideum
immobile, tumor-like E.Caecum
formation. A tumor is
likely to be found in
the following part of
the digestive tube:

A surgeon examined A.Stomach syntopy of the A

the patient and found B.Liver left kidney
the injury of the upper C.Small intestine
third of the kidney. D.Transverse colon
Considering the E.Descending colon
syntopy of the left
kidney, the intactness
of the following organ
should be checked at
the same time:
An animal has an A.Vestibulospinal increased tonus A
increased tonus of B.Medial corticospinal of extensor
extensor muscles. This C.Reticulospinal muscles
is the result of D.Rubrospinal
enhanced information E.Lateral corticospinal
transmission to the
motoneurons of the
spinal cord through the
following descending
A specimen of a A.Liver hexagonal A
parenchymal organ B.Pancreas l o b u l e s
shows poorly C.Thymus surrounding a
delineated hexagonal D.Spleen central vein
lobules surrounding a E.Thyroid
central vein, and the
interlobular connective
tissue contains
embedded triads (an
0artery, a vein and an
excretory duct). What
organ is it?

After resection of the A. Deep femoral artery Femur blood A

middle third of the B . S u p e r f i c i a l i l i a c supply
femoral artery circumflex artery
obliterated by a C.Descending genicular
thrombus the limb is artery
supplied with blood D.Superficial epigastric
through the bypasses. artery
What artery plays the E.External pudendal
main part in the artery
restoration of the
blood flow?
A casualty with an A. Medial membranous e p i d u r a l A
injury of the temporal artery hematoma
region has been B. Medial cerebral artery
diagnosed with C.Superficial temporal
epidural hematoma. artery
Which of the arteries D.Anterior membranous
is most likely to be artery
damaged? E.Posterior auricular
When examining a A. Left principal bronchus which A
patient, the doctor B. Right principal borders on the
revealed a tumor of the C. Right upper lobar aorta
bronchus which D. Left upper lobar
borders on the aorta. E. Middle lobar
Which bronchus is
A patient complains A. Cerebral cortex structures of the A
that at the bare B.Cerebellum CNS are
mention of the tragic C.Lateral hypothalamic responsible for
events that once nuclei t h e s e
occurred in his life he D.Specific thalamic cardiorespiratory
e x p e r i e n c e s nuclei reactions
tachycardia, dyspnea E.Quadrigemina of
and an abrupt rise in mesencephalon
blood pressure. What
structures of the CNS
are responsible for
these cardiorespiratory
reactions in this

While examining foot A. A. dorsalis pedis examining foot A

blood supply a doctor B. A. tibialis anterior blood supply
checks the pulsation of C. A. tarsea medialis
a large artery running D. A. tarsea lateralis
in the separate fibrous E. A. fibularis
channel in front of
articulatio talocruralis
between the tendons of
long extensor muscles
of hallux and toes.
What artery is it?
A 42-year-old male A. Palmar interosseous unable to flex the A
with a lesion of the muscles II and V fingers
ulnar nerve is unable B. Dorsal interosseous to the midline
to flex the II and V muscle
fingers to the midline. C.Fidicinales
Whi-ch muscle D.Short palmar muscle
function is impaired in E.Abductor muscle of
this case? little finger

A comminuted fracture A. Long head of m. i n f r a g l e n o i d A

of infraglenoid triceps brachii tubercle
tubercle caused by B. Long head of m.
shoulder joint injury biceps brachii
has been detected C. Medial head of m.
during X-ray triceps brachii
examination of a D. Lateral head of m.
patient. What muscle triceps brachii
tendon attached at this E. Short head of m.
site has been biceps brachii
After a craniocerebral A. Postcentral gyrus unable to A
injury a patient is B. Occipital lobe recognize objects
unable to recognize C. Temporal lobe by touch
objects by touch. What D. Precentral gyrus
part of brain has been E.Cerebellum
As a result of a A. Posterior central skin sensitivity A
craniocerebral injury, a gyrus
patient has decreased B. Occipital region
skin sensitivity. What C. Cingulate gyrus
area of the cerebral D. Frontal cortex
cortex is likely to be E. Anterior central gyrus

As a result of a A. Tractus rubrospinalis spontaneous A

continuous chronic B. Tractus corticospinalis motions and a
e n c e p h a l o p a t h y, a C. Tractus disorder of torso
patient has developed corticonuclearis muscle tone
spontaneous motions D. Tractus
and a disorder of torso spinothalamicus
muscle tone. These are E. Tractus tectospinalis
the symptoms of the
disorder of the
following conduction
A 40-year-old patient A. Bursa omentalis posterior wall of A
has ulcer perforation in B. Bursa praegastrica stomach
the posterior wall of C. Right lateral channel
stomach. What (canalis lateralis dexter)
anatomical structure D. Left lateral channel
where blood and (canalis lateralis sinister)
stomach content leak E. Bursa hepatica
Angiocardiography of A.Ramus circumflexus vessel located in A
a 60-year-old male B . R a m u s the left coronary
patient revealed interventricularis sulcus of the
constriction of a vessel posterior heart
located in the left C.A. coronaria dextra
coronary sulcus of the D.V.cordis parva
heart. What is the E . R a m u s
pathological vessel interventricularis anterior
A female patient has A. Stapedius muscle H e a r i n g A
facial neuritis that has B. Anterior auricular impairment
caused mimetic muscle
paralysis and hearing C. Superior auricular
impairment. Hearing muscle
impairment results D. Posterior auricular
from the paralysis of muscle
the following muscle: E. Nasal muscle
A. Stapedius muscle
B. Anterior auricular
C. Superior auricular
D. Posterior auricular
E. Nasal muscle

A patient complains of A. Colon ascendens pain in the right A

pain in the right lateral B. Colon transversum lateral abdomen
abdomen. Palpation C. Colon descendens
revealed a dense, D. Colon sigmoideum
immobile, tumor-like E.Caecum
formation. A tumor is
likely to be found in
the following part of
the digestive tube:

The receptors under A.Olfactory transfer of A

study provide transfer B.Tactile information ,with
of information to the C.Gustatory out thalamic
cortex without D.Visual involvement
thalamic involvement. E.Auditory
Specify these
During an animal A. Reticular formation deep prolonged A
experiment, surgical B. Basal ganglion sleep
damage of certain C. Red nuclei
brain structures has D.Hippocampus
caused deep prolonged E.Cerebral cortex
sleep. What structure
is most likely to cause
such condition, if
A patient complains of A. Linea terminalis region between A
acute pain attacks in B. Linea semilunaris its abdominal
the right lumbar C. Linea arcuata and pelvic
region. During D. Linea transversa segments
examination the E. Linea inguinalis
nephrolithic obturation
of the right ureter in
the region between its
abdominal and pelvic
segments has been
detected. What
anatomical boundary
exists between those
two segments?

As a result of past A. Closure of right C S F C , r i g h t A

encephalitis, a male interventricular foramen lateral ventricle
patient has developed B. Closure of left
an increase in interventricular foramen
cerebrospinal fluid C. Atresia of tubus
pressure in the right medullaris
lateral ventricle. What D. Atresia of sylvian
can be the cause of this aqueduct
condition? E. Atresia of the fourth
ventricle foramina

A male patient A.Supraorbital second branch of A

complains of skin B.Lacerum trigeminal nerve
insensitivity of inferior C.Superior orbital fissure
eyelid, external lateral D.Spinosum
surface of nose and E.Oval
upper lip. A doctor in
the course of
examination has
revealed inflammation
of the second branch
of trigeminal nerve.
What cranial foramen
does this branch go
X-ray examination of a A.Sternal tumor in the A
patient allowed to B.Inferior mediastinum superior lobe of
diagnose a tumor in C.Anterior mediastinum the right lung
the superior lobe of the D.Axillary
right lung. There is a E.Deep lateral cervical
probability of
metastases spread to
the following lymph
A patient with A.5 inferior lobe of A
suspected tumor of B.6 the left lung,
lung had been C.4 segments
admitted to the D.3
o n c o l o g i c a l E.2
d e p a r t m e n t .
Examination revealed
localised pathology in
the inferior lobe of the
left lung. How many
segments does this
lobe have?

As a result of an A. Axons of motor anterior spinal A

injury, the integrity of neurons cord root
the anterior spinal cord B. Motor neuron
root was broken. dendrites
Specify the neurons C. Axons of sensory
and their processes neurons
that had been D. Dendrites of sensory
damaged: neurons
E. Dendrites of
In course of invasive A.Duodenojejunal origin of the A
abdominal surgery, a flexure mesenteric root
surgeon has to locate B.Right flexure of colon
the origin of the C.Left flexure of colon
mesenteric root. D.Sigmoid colon
Where it is normally E.Right mesenteric sinus
As a result of a road A. S2 − S4 u r i n a r y A
accident a 37-year-old B.Th1 − T h5 incontinence
female victim C.L1 − L2
developed urinary D.Th2 − T h5
incontinence. What E.Th1 − L1
segments of the spinal
cord had been
There are cortical and A. Adrenal gland cortical and A
medullary substances B. Thyroid gland medullary
separated by C. Pituitary gland substances,
connective tissue layer D.Epiphysis parenchyma cells
in the endocrine gland E.Hypothalamus make up three
specimen. Parenchyma zones
cells make up three
zones in cortical
substance, with
rounded masses in the
superficial zone,
parallel chords in the
middle one, reticular
structure of cell chords
in the deep one. What
gland is it?

During a surgery for A.Lig.inguinale femoral trigone A

femoral hernia a B.Arcus iliopectineus
surgeon operates C.Lig.lacunare
within the boundaries D.Lig. pectinale
of femoral trigone. E.Fascia lata
What structure makes
up its upper margin?

A 19-year-old victim A. Investing layer of t h e t r a p e z i u s A

has been delivered to cervical fascia muscle
the casualty B. Muscular part of the
department with a cut pretacheal layer of
wound of the trapezius cervical fascia
muscle. Which of the C. Visceral part of the
cervical fasciae forms pretracheal layer of
a sheath for this cervical fascia
muscle? D. Prevertebral layer of
cervical fascia
E. Carotid sheath of
cervical fascia

A 29-year-old male A. V. jugularis externa vessel found A

with a knife wound of B. V. jugularis anterior along the lateral
neck presents with C. A. carotis externa edge of the
bleeding. During the D. A. carotis interna sternocleidomast
initial d-bridement of E. V. jugularis interna oid muscle
the wound the surgeon
revealed the injury of a
vessel found along the
lateral edge of the
muscle. Specify this
A patient has been A. V. portae hepatis Veins dilatation A
found to have a B. V. cava superior around the navel
marked dilatation of C. V. cava inferior
saphenous veins in the D . V. m e s e n t e r i c a
region of anterior inferior
abdominal wall around E . V. m e s e n t e r i c a
the navel. This is superior
symptomatic of
pressure increase in
the following vessel:

A laboratory A. Inferior colliculi of lost the orienting A

experiment on a dog corpora quadrigemina response to
was used to study B. Superior colliculi of auditory signals
central parts of corpora quadrigemina
auditory system. One C. Substantia nigra
of the mesencephalon D. Reticular formation
structures was nuclei
destroyed. The dog has E. Red nucleus
lost the orienting
response to auditory
signals. What structure
was destroyed?
Doctors make mostly A. Lobe apexes converge mammary gland A
radial incisions during towards nipples surgery, radial
mammary gland B. Lobe bases radiate incisions
surgery. What from nipples
particulars of C. Transversal position
a n a t o m i c a l of gland lobes
organization make D. Vertical position of
such surgical gland lobes
technique preferable? E.-

A surgeon has to find A . H e p a t o d u o d e n a l common hepatic A

the common hepatic ligament duct
duct during operative B. Hepatogastric
intervention for ligament
treatment of C. Hepatorenal ligament
concrements in the gall D. Round ligament of
ducts. The common liver
hepatic duct is located E. Venous ligament
between the leaves of:
As a result of a A. Tractus rubrospinalis spontaneous A
continuous chronic B. Tractus corticospinalis motions and
encephalopathy a C. Tractus disorder of torso
patient has developed corticonuclearis muscle tone
spontaneous motions D. Tractus
and disorder of torso spinothalamicus
muscle tone. These are E. Tractus tectospinalis
the symptoms of the
disorder of the
following conduction

Angiocardiography of A.Ramus circumflexus vessel located in A

a 60-year-old man B . R a m u s the left coronary
revealed constriction i n t e r v e n t r i c u l a r i s sulcus
of the vessel located in posterior
the left coronary C.A. coronaria dextra
sulcus of his heart. D.V. cordis parva
Name this pathological E . R a m u s
vessel: interventricularis anterior
When playing a child A.Thymus o rg a n l o c a t e d A
received a hit to the B.Thyroid gland behind the
presternum region. As C.Heart presternum
a result of this trauma D.Pericardium
an organ located E.Larynx
behind the presternum
was damaged. Name
this organ:
A doctor examined a A.Tonsils that peripheral A
patient, studied the B.Thymus immunogenetics
blood analyses, and C.Kidneys organs
reached a conclusion, D.Red bone marrow
that peripheral E.Yellow bone marrow
organs are affected.
What organs are the
most likely to be
A doctor asked a A. Abdominal muscles deep exhalation A
patient to make a deep B. External intercostal
exhalation after a muscles
normal inhalation. C. Diaphragm
What muscles contract D. Trapezius muscles
during such E. Pectoral muscles
A patient had a trauma A . I n f e r i o r p a r t o f activity of head A
that caused precentral gyrus muscles
dysfunction of motor B. Superior part of
centers regulating precentral gyrus
activity of head C. Supramarginal gyrus
muscles. In what parts D. Superior parietal
of cerebral cortex can lobule
the respective center E. Angular gyrus
normally be located?

During a surgery for A. Lig. inguinale femoral trigone A

femoral hernia a B. Arcus iliopectineus upper margin
surgeon operates C. Lig. lacunare
within the boundaries D. Lig. pectinale
of femoral trigone. E. Fascia lata
What structure makes
up its upper margin?

An obstetrician- A. Distantia cristarum distance between A

gynecologist measures B. D i s t a n t i a the two iliac
pelvis size of a throchanterica crests
pregnant woman. A C. Distantia spinarum
caliper was used to D. Conjugata vera
measure the distance E. Conjugata anatomica
between the two iliac
crests. What
measurement of large
pelvis was made?
During appendectomy A. A. Ileocolica a. appendicularis A
a patient had the a. B. A. colica dextra
appendicularis ligated. C. A. colica media
This vessel branches D. A. sigmoidea
from the following E. A. mesenterica
artery: inferior
A patient has a tumor A. Ganglion ciliare p u p i l A
of the eyesocket B. N. nasociliaris constriction,
tissues behind the C. N. lacrimalis disruption of
eyeball. Disruption of D. N. opticus accomodation
accomodation and E. N. Trochlearis
pupil constriction is
observed. What
anatomical structure is
A patient has damaged A. Fasciculus gracilis d i s r u p t e d A
spinal cord white B. Tr. spinothalamicus proprioceptive
matter in the middle lateralis sensibility of the
area of the posterior C. Tr. spinocerebellaris lower limb joints
white column, anterior and muscles
d i s r u p t e d D. Tr. spinocerebellaris
proprioceptive posterior
sensibility of the lower E. Fasciculus cuneatus
limb joints and
muscles. What fibers

Parkinson’s disease is A. Substantia nigra P a r k i n s o n ’s A

caused by disruption B. Globus pallidus disease
of dopamine synthesis. C. Corpora quadrigemina
What brain structure D. Red nucleus
synthesizes this E.Hypothalamus
A patient with A. Truncus coeliacus the upper A
suspected necrosis of B . A . m e s e n t e r i c a abdominal cavity
the upper abdominal inferior organs
cavity organs was C. A. mesenterica
delivered to a surgical superior
department. This D. A. iliaca communis
condition is associated E. A. Renalis
with acute circulatory
disturbance of the
following vessel:
During surgery A. Round ligament of the Liver, ligament A
performed in liver
abdominal cavity a B. Falciform ligament of
surgeon located the liver
ligament of liver C. Coronary ligament of
stretching from the liver
anterior abdominal D. Venous ligament of
wall (navel) to inferior the liver
surface of liver. What E. Triangular ligament of
ligament is it? the liver

During examination of A.9 a n t e r i o r A

a patient a doctor B.8 abdominal wall
should use anatomical C.6 into regions
division of anterior D.5
abdominal wall into E.4
regions for more
precise diagnostics.
How many such
regions can abdomen
are divided into?
A 2-year-old child A.Parathyroid glands calcium ions A
e x p e r i e n c e d B. Hypophysis concentration in
convulsions because of C.Adrenal cortex the blood plasma
lowering calcium ions D. Pineal gland
concentration in the E. Thymus
blood plasma.
Function of what
structure is decreased.

During the fetal period A. Pulmonary trunk and a r t e r i a l A

of the development in aorta (Botallo’s) duct
the vascular system of B. Right and left auricle
the fetus a large C. Aorta and inferior
arterial (Botallo’s) vena cava
duct is functioning D. Pulmonary trunk and
which converts into superior vena cava
lig.arteriosum after E. Aorta and superior
birth. What anatomical vena cava
formations does this
duct connect?

A young man felt A. М.latissimus dorsi upper extremity, A

sharp pain in the back B. М.levator scapulae limited pronation
during active C. М.romboideus major and adduction
tightening on the D. М.trapezius functions
horizontal bar. E. М.subscapularis
Objectively: pain
while moving upper
e x t r e m i t y, l i m i t e d
pronation and
adduction functions.
Sprain of what muscle
can be observed here?
During histological A. Pyloric part small amount of A
examination of the B. Fundus of stomach pariental cells
stomach it was found C.Cardia
out that glands D.Body of stomach
contained very small E.-
amount of pariental
cells or they were
totally absent. Mucose
membrane of what part
of the stomach was
A 55-year-old patient A. Adduction of femur medial group of A
was hospitalized in B. Abduction of femur femoral muscles
result of the trauma of C. Flexion of femur
the medial group of D. Extension of femur
femoral muscles. What E. Supination of femur
kind of movements is
the patient unable to

During the endoscopy A. Descendent part papilla of the A

the inflammation of a B. Ascendant part duodenum
major papilla of the C. Bulb
duodenum and the D. Upper horizontal part
disturbances of bile E. Lower horizontal part
secretion were found.
In which part of
duodenum were the
problems found?
A 18-year-old patient A. Nasal limen b o u n d a r y A
came to the out-patient B. Nasal roller between the
department with the C. Nasal septa vestibule and
complaints of bleeding D. Choanes nasal cavity
trauma in the vestibule E. Nostrils
of his nose. On
examination: the
mechanical injures of
the mucous layer of
the vestibule without
continuation into nasal
cavity proper. What is
the boundary between
the vestibule and nasal
cavity proper?
A 32-year-old patient A. The labia major Bartholin’s A
has been diagnosed B. The labia minor glands
with bartholinitis C. The clitoris
(inflammation of D. The vagina
Bartholin’s glands ). In E. The uterus
what part of the female
urogenital system are
the Bartholin’s glands
A 50 year-old patient A. The middle cerebral l a t e r a l A
had hemorrhage of the artery hemispheres
brain and was taken to B. The anterior cerebral surfaces blood
the hospital. The place artery supply
of hemorrhage was C. The posterior cerebral
revealed on the lateral artery
hemispheres surfaces D. The anterior
during the medical communicating artery
examination. What E. The posterior
artety was injured? communicating artery

A 30-year-old patient A. The mandible’s edge facial artery A

was hospitalized due B. The mental process
to bleeding of the C . T h e m a n d i b l e ’s
facial artery. What branch
place on the face has D. The nose’s back
to be pressed to stop E. The molar bone
A 19 year-old patient A. The ileocolic artery a p p e n d i x A
was diagnosed with B. The colica dextra vermiformis
appendicitis and was C. The colica media blood supply
hospitalized. The D. The colica sinistra
surgical operation on E. The iliac
ablating appendix
vermiformis is to be
performed. What
artery must be fixed to
stop bleeding during
the surgical operation?
An old woman was A. The neck of the thigh e d e m a i n t h e A
hospitalized with acute B. The body of the thigh right hip
pain, edema in the bone
right hip joint; the C. Condyle of the thigh
movements in the joint D. Pubic bone
are limited. Which E. Ischial bone
bone or part of it was
A 45-year-old man fell A. Knee-cap anterior surface A
on the right knee and B. Neck of the thigh of the knee joint
felt the acute pain in bone
the joint. On C.Left epicondyle of the
examination: severe thigh
edema on the anterior D.Right epicondyle of
surface of the knee the thigh
joint. Crunching E. Head of the thigh bone
sounds are heard while
moving the joint.
Which bone is
During the operation A.The head of the thigh hip joint A
on the hip joint of a 5- B.Perpendicular of the
year-old child his acetabule
ligament was damaged C.Iliofemoral
which caused D.Pubofemoral
bleeding. What E. Ischiofemoral
ligament was

A 6-year-old child fell A. Membrane soft tissues A

on the cutting object B.Suture between tibia
and traumatized soft C.Ligament and fibula
tissues between tibia D.Fontanel
and fibula. What kind E. Gomphosis
of bone connection
was injured?
Usually the A. Aponeurosis of biceps c u b i t a l f o s s a , A
intravenous injection muscle intravenous
is done into median B. Tendon of the triceps injection
cubital vein because it muscle
is slightly movable due C. Brachial muscle
to fixation by the soft D. Brachioradial muscle
tissues. What does it E. Anconeus muscle
fix in the cubital
A histological A.Adrenal gland chromaffinocytes A
spacemen presents B. Kidney
parenchymal organ, C.Lymph node
which has cortex and D.Thymus
medulla. Cortex E. Thyroid
consists of
epitheliocytes bars
with blood capillaries
between them; the bars
form three zones.
Medulla consists of
chromaffinocytes and
venous sinusoids.
Which organ has these
A patient complains of A. Prostate d i f f i c u l t A
frequent and difficult B.Testicles urination
urination. Imperfection C.Bulb-uretic glands
of what formation can D.Testicle adnexa
cause it? E. Sperm bubbles

A 45-year-old man A. Teres major no extension, A

with domestic apper B. Subscapular adduction or
arm injuiry came to C. Teres minor pronation
the trauma unit. The D. Subspinous functions of the
objective data are: E. Supraspinous arm
there are no extension,
adduction or pronation
functions of the arm.
What muscle damage
caused this condition?

A patient has disturbed A. Ramus marginalis anterior papillary A

blood supply to the B. R a m u s muscle
anterior papillary interventricularis
muscle of the left posterior
ventricle. What cardiac C. R a m u s
artery supplies this interventricularis
muscle with blood? anterior
D. A. coronaria dextra
E. R a m u s
A traumatology unit A. N . nerve that passes A
has received patient musculocutaneus through the
with a wrist trauma B. N. axillaris carpal tunnel
a n d a c l i n i c a l C. N. medianas
presentation of the D. N. ulnaris
damage to the nerve E. N. radialis
that passes through the
carpal tunnel. Name
A l a b o r a t o r y A. Superior colliculi lost the orienting A
experiment on a dog of corpora response to
was used to study quadrigemina auditory signals
c e n t r a l p a r t s o f B. Red nucleus
auditory system. One C. Inferior colliculi of
of the mesencephalon c o r p o r a
structures was quadrigemina
destroyed. The dog has D. R e t i c u l a r
lost the orienting formation nuclei
response to auditory E. Substantia nigra
signals. What structure
A patient presents with A. A. tibialis anterior vessels of the A
dilated blood vessels B. A. tibialis anterior medial
of the anterior medial posterior surface of the
surface of the lower C. V poplitea lower leg
leg. This condition D. V saphena parva
r e s u l t e d f r o m t h e E. V saphena magna
dilation of the
following blood
An oncology patient is A. Celiac trunk descending colon A
to undergo a surgery B. Middle colic artery blood supply
on the descending C. Superior mesenteric
colon. Name the main artery
source of blood supply D. Splenic artery
to this organ: E. Inferior mesenteric

After a trauma the man A. N. musculocutaneus lost skin A

has lost skin sensitivity B. N. ulnaris sensitivity on the
on the lateral surface C. N. axillaris lateral surface of
of his forearm. What D. N. radialis his forearm
nerve of the brachial E. N. medianus
plexus provides
sensitivity of the
affected area?
During surgery A. Falciform ligament of ligament of liver A
performed in the liver
abdominal cavitv a B. Triangular ligament
surgeon located the of the liver
ligament of liver C. Venous ligament of
stretching from the the liver
anterior abdominal D. Round ligament of
wall (navel) to the the liver
inferior surface of E. Coronary ligament of
liver. What ligament is the liver
A patient complains of A. Duodenum A
pain in the upper B. Jejunum
umbilical region. On C. Transverse colon
palpation there is a D. Sigmoid colon
mobile painful E. Ileum
intestine. What
intestine is being
palpated by the
A 64-year-old woman A. Cerebellum fine motor A
presents with disturbed B. Thalamus function, tremor
fine motor function of C. Red nuclei
her fingers, marked D. Substantia nigra
muscle rigidity, and E. Reticular formation
tremor. The
neurologist diagnosed
her with Parkinson’s
disease. What brain
structures are damaged
resulting in this

During intensive A. Muscles sources for the A

physical exertion, one B. Brain working muscles
the energy sources for C. Stomach
the working muscles is D. Lungs
glucose produced as E. Liver
the result of
gluconeogenesis. This
process is the most
intensive in the
following organ:
Histological specimen A. Red bone marrow the nodules are A
shows organ B. Lymph node located diffusely
parenchyma to consist C. Thymus and have a
of lymphoid tissue that D. Spleen central artery
forms lymph nodules; E. Tonsil
the nodules are located
diffusely and have a
central artery. What
anatomical structure
has such
The patient presents A. N. facialis dexter smoothed out A
with smoothed out B. N. abduceus nasolabial fold,
nasolabial fold, dilated dexter dilated right
right palpebral fissure C. N . p a l p e b r a l
(it cannot be closed glossopharyngeus fissure ,difficulti
when squinting, sinister es during
because the eyelids D. N. vagus dexter speaking and
would not close), there E. N . t r i g e m i n u s eating
are difficulties during dexter
speaking and eating
(food gets stuck
between the cheek and
teeth). What nerve is
damaged in this case?
A patient complains of A.Transverse colon upper umbilical A
pain in the upper B.Jejunum region
umbilical region. On C.Duodenum
palpation there is a D.Ileum
mobile painful E.Sigmoid colon
intestine. What
intestine is being
palpated by the

Autopsy of the body of A. Pulmonary arteries thromboembolis A

a person, who died B. Portal vein m
after an abdominal C. Left ventricle of
s u r g e r y, r e v e a l e d the heart
numerous thrombi in D. Brain
the veins of the lesser E. Lower limb veins
p e l v i s . C l i n i c a l l y,
syndrome was
registered. Where
should the pathologist
search for
A patient with an A. Femoral nerve lost the ability to A
injury of the greater B. I l i o h y p o g a s t r i c extend the lower
psoas muscle was nerve leg at the knee
delivered to the C. Ilioinguinal nerve joint
traumatology center. D. G e n i t o f e m o r a l
The patient has lost the nerve
E. Obturator nerve
ability to extend the
lower leg at the knee
joint. What nerve is
damaged in this case?
A 45-year-old woman A. A x i l l a r y , regional lymph A
has breast cancer. parasternal nodes
Metastases can spread B. A b d o m i n a l ,
in this case to the cervical
following regional C. C e r v i c a l ,
lymph nodes: parasternal
D. P a r a s t e r n a l ,
A 50-year-old man A. lD e e p c e r v i c a l laryngeal tumor, A
complains of hoarse lymph nodes regional lymph
voice and difficult B. Retropharyngeal nodes
b r e a t h i n g . lymph nodes
Examination detected C. S u b m a n d i b u l a r
a laryngeal tumor in lymph nodes
D. Submental lymph
the region of the vocal
cords. In this case E. S u p e r f i c i a l
metastases can spread cervical lymph
to the following nodes
regional lymph nodes:

After a spinal trauma A. Fasciculus gracilis s e n s o r y A

the patient has lost (Goll column) conduction
proprioceptive B. T r . spino- pathway
sensitivity in the lower thalamicus
half of the body and in lateralis
the lower limbs. What C. T r . spino-
sensory conduction
pathway was likely D. F a s c i c u l u s
damaged, leading to cuneatus (Burdach
the loss of sensitivity? column)
E. T r . spino-
A patient suffers from A. Sinus cavernosus venous sinus A
the eye muscle B. Sinus transversus
paralysis, there are C. Sinus sagittalis
pupillary disturbances superior
and pain along the D. S i n u s p e t r o s u s
trigeminal nerve. superior
E. Sinus occipitalis
Aneurysm (dilation) of
a certain venous sinus
can be suspected.
Name this venous
During a surgery for A. Truncus coeliacus supplies the A
s p l e e n i n j u r y, t h e B. A . h e p a t i c a spleen with
surgeon needs to propria blood
isolate an artery that C. A . h e p a t i c a
supplies the spleen communis
with blood. What D. A .
branch of the arterial
E. A. gastrica sinistra
vessel is it?
Due to a cerebral A. Superior temporal a disturbed A
hemorrhage, the gyrus s p e e c h
patient developed a B. Inferior frontal perception
disturbed speech gyrus
perception (sensory C. Superior frontal
aphasia). What brain gyrus
D. Inferior temporal
structure is likely to be
damaged in this case? E. Posterior central

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