Chap - 11 Level 1

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1 SOLUTIONS Level1 LI R-C Circuit at t =0 (Initial State) and t= (Final State) 41. () Justatter the switch is closed 20, Charge on capacitor = 0 Current in the circuit =22 5, 2 (il) After along time, when switch is closed, Current in the circuit Potential difference across capacitor =10V So, charge on capacitor =(3% 10") x10 0c 2. (i) Just after the switch is closed, Charge on capacitor = 0 and capacitor acts as a conducting wire, (i) After along time, when switch is closed. Current through branch containing capacitor = 0 =9i,= and the capacitor acts as open circuit. A 18 ce 2 3. When switch Sis open, 7 )* i ca oy al Ts F sa aT a 18 9=36) +4 9=36uC (i) When switch Sis closed, uF uF V_-Ve=2x3=6V ‘Charge on 6 uF capacitor=CV =C(V, ~V,) = (6uF) (12 V) =72uC Charge on 3HF capacitor = CV =ClV, ~V,) = (SHE) (6V) = 18yC 4, In steady state, both capacitors act as open circuit. 200) x ang 0 Using KVL, ~6+§-x)420-x)+1-4+2-x)=0 = 6i-5x=10 oO) + 4-i(t)-2x~x=2x=0 = i+sx=4 Ai) Solving Eas. (and (i), we get 2Aandx=0.4A V,-Vp=xit)=0.4V Ve-V, =20-2) -2« =20-04)-2(0.4)=2.4V ECV =C\(V, -V_)=(10KF)(0.4V)= AUC = CV = CV ~V_)=(5UFII2.4V) = 12 HC 12 R-C Series Circuit (Charging) 5. cvt-e™) > 126x10¢ _, 50x10" Rx10%10 =1x10" x21" =2ms 4mst=2¢ . Potential difference across resistor =8V = Potential difference across capacitor =12-8= 4 => q= charge on capacitor = C4) q=cvia-e"*) ( = ctay=cui2)|1-e (40%10"9)(6.85» 10" (o10%10") 5.410 F vie ®] =-e 4) =17V blectic field == 17 = 37 10" wm 7” dix Vou wo) =R° = i=2210 (id) Power delivered by batter =6.00%2.21=13.2W (ii) Power dissipated in heat =i7® =487W (iv) Rate at which energy stored in the capacitor is Increasing = Vi-FR =192-487 =8.37W Charge on capacitor in steady state = CV a=of1-e") 2. 1. 15. = t-423¢ = $1.23 9. Power delivered by battery =VI Power gets halved when current will get halved. os s deve Let charge on capacitor at ¢=tbe q. Applying KVL in the loop, a ve-4ainzo c . cea RC 5 dq_ce~a dt RC ja4 = Ot fat lenaae! Lig: = Atince-ag=2 ty Tayler alt= Fete = Wee = cE-q=(CE-Qle * = cE-(CE-Qle * 16. =(4x10"x60)) 1-@ OPT \ ) e})=20.75ye 20.75 2°72, = 10.37 uC i & = (24x10 91 Charge on each capacitor 1”. B Let charge on capacitor be q and current through it be xat Applying KVL, +e-IR—G=XIR=0 ) senin—an—4 Ai) c From Eqs. (i) and (i), we get ce-2q BRC 5 dq _Ce-24 13 R-C Circuit (Discharging) 18. a= ae © () Att=0;q=4,=60uC (i at (ay et =20045; 9=(60ue,€ 7 |-a.19 4 (iv) at sms a=tsna one \ 419. Att=0, charge on capacitor =cV 20x 10°4)/ 79 _ x10] \ Goa“) ‘After opening the switch, 200 uC 20. While battery is connected, t=RC=40% 10 x200x10"" =8s it a-cvl1-e ‘| \ AtE=165, q= (200 uF) (10.0 VI =2000(1~ e°")nc 20000 — 0.135) uC = 1730yC ‘After the battery has been replaced by a thick wire, oRC=8s att= 16sec, 4=(1700%10"4 € *) =(1730 nC) *) = (1730 uc) (0.135) = 233.55 pC 24. When electric field drops to one-third of its initial value, charge on capacitor will also drop to one-third of ‘the intial charge. a=ae * = r= 1 200 Sing 22, 5.0x(5.0 x10") Ops Heat dissipated = +, | 2xsxa07 jl =(40x10°*)(1— 22, a0 (0-2) 40-@ e ¢ hl — fn oo oa ¢ ¢ Let charge on the second capacitor be qat time t Applying KVL in the loop, Qa da, at 1 = tine-20% Tagline 2a

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