Accounting Standards LAQ
Accounting Standards LAQ
Accounting Standards LAQ
Financial statements have incredible importance for both internal and external stakeholders. They
basically are a report card for the company. So it is important that they are regulated and do not
report misleading information. And the Accounting Standards (AS) provide us with a framework for
this regulation. Let us take a look.
Accounting Standards (AS) are basic policy documents. Their main aim is to ensure transparency,
reliability, consistency, and comparability of the financial statements. They do so by standardizing
accounting policies and principles of a nation/economy. So the transactions of all companies will be
recorded in a similar manner if they follow these accounting standards.
These Accounting Standards (AS) are issued by an accounting body or a regulatory board or
sometimes by the government directly. In India, the Indian Accounting Standards are issued by the
Institute of Chartered Accountants of India (ICAI).
Accounting Standards mainly deal with four major issues of accounting, namely
Accounting is often considered the language of business, as it communicates to others the financial
position of the company. And like every language has certain syntax and grammar rules the same is
true here. These rules in the case of accounting are the Accounting Standards (AS). They are the
framework of rules and regulations for accounting and reporting in a country. Let us see the main
objectives of forming these standards.
The main aim is to improve the reliability of financial statements. Now because the financial
statements have to be made following the standards the users can rely on them. They know that not
conforming to these standards can have serious consequences for the companies.
Then there is comparability. Following these standards will allow for inter-firm and intra-firm
comparisons. This allows us to check the progress of the firm and its position in the market.
It also looks to provide one set of accounting policies that include the necessary disclosure
requirements and the valuation methods of various financial transactions.
Accounting Standards are the ruling authority in the world of accounting. It makes sure that the
information provided to potential investors is not misleading in any way. Let us take a look at the
benefits of AS.
Accounting Standards provides rules for standard treatment and recording of transactions. They
even have a standard format for financial statements. These are steps in achieving uniformity in
accounting methods.
There are many stakeholders of a company and they rely on the financial statements for their
information. Many of these stakeholders base their decisions on the data provided by these financial
statements. Then there are also potential investors who make their investment decisions based on
such financial statements.
So it is essential these statements present a true and fair picture of the financial situation of the
company. The Accounting Standards (AS) ensure this. They make sure the statements are reliable
and trustworthy.
Accounting Standards (AS) lay down the accounting principles and methodologies that all entities
must follow. One outcome of this is that the management of an entity cannot manipulate with
financial data. Following these standards is not optional, it is compulsory.
So these standards make it difficult for the management to misrepresent any financial information. It
even makes it harder for them to commit any frauds.
4] Assists Auditors
Now the accounting standards lay down all the accounting policies, rules, regulations, etc in a
written format. These policies have to be followed. So if an auditor checks that the policies have
been correctly followed he can be assured that the financial statements are true and fair.
5] Comparability
This is another major objective of accounting standards. Since all entities of the country follow the
same set of standards their financial accounts become comparable to some extent. The users of the
financial statements can analyze and compare the financial performances of various companies
before taking any decisions.
Also, two statements of the same company from different years can be compared. This will show the
growth curve of the company to the users.
The accounting standards help measure the performance of the management of an entity. It can
help measure the management’s ability to increase profitability, maintain the solvency of the firm,
and other such important financial duties of the management.
Management also must wisely choose their accounting policies. Constant changes in the accounting
policies lead to confusion for the user of these financial statements. Also, the principle of
consistency and comparability are lost.
There are a few limitations of Accounting Standards as well. The regulatory bodies keep updating the
standards to restrict these limitations.
There are alternatives for certain accounting treatments or valuations. Like for example, stocks can
be valued by LIFO, FIFO, weighted average method, etc. So choosing between these alternatives is a
tough decision for the management. The AS does not provide guidelines for the appropriate choice.
2] Restricted Scope
Accounting Standards cannot override the laws or the statutes. They have to be framed within the
confines of the laws prevailing at the time. That can limit their scope to provide the best policies for
the situation.