John Riggs - Psychic Pselections
John Riggs - Psychic Pselections
John Riggs - Psychic Pselections
John Riggs
Mentalism routines you’re gonna love
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
When I was five years old or so, I remember
watching the great Mystery Entertainers on
television -- magicians, mindreaders, psychics,
wizards, People Who Did Extraordinary Things --
MAGICKAL people. I was, in a word, enthralled.
I knew that I had found my path. I wanted to make
others feel what I was feeling: delight, wonderment,
awe. A feeling that the world was a magical,
miraculous place.
I've been a mystery entertainer for most of my
life. I've practiced, struggled to perfect my skills, learned to do things with
my hands, my mind, my body, my bodily FUNCTIONS even, that are
almost miraculous. I've shared these abilities with the world, professionally,
since around 1978 or so.
I'm going to be 44 this year. If I could travel back in time, and talk to
that wee lad sitting in front of that television, watching The Magical Land of
Alakazam, watching Dunninger and Kreskin read the minds of incredulous
audiences, that little boy already planning to set the world on fire with his
own magic, What would I tell him?
Would I say to him, “Look kid -- by the time you grow up the world
won't need magicians. They'll abandon magic for reason, for prepackaged
answers to life's riddles and dry, bottom-line rationality. You won't inspire
wonder. You won't change lives. You'll be a momentary diversion at a
cocktail party.
“And the problem is, you're sensitive; you CARE about what people
think. You're not arrogant or self-centered enough to say ‘screw
'em.’ People will say mean things, snide things; they'll blow you off, they
will treat your magic, your wonderful magic that took you years to perfect,
like a mildly-amusing joke. Oh, you'll make money; your peers will
recognize you, but you will fail utterly at your primary goal. And this failure
will haunt you.
Psychic Pselections
“Furthermore, you will live to see your beloved craft, whose secrets
you swore to protect with your life, sold on the internet to anyone with a
search engine and a credit card. Worse, self-styled guardians of public
morality, missionary-magicians, members of Skeptic cults, failed
entertainers, will expose the closely-guarded secrets of the mentalists on
public television at the drop of a dime.”
Would I go on to say to that child, who dreams of inspiring the world
to believe in magic, “Go on and follow through with your Plan B. Get your
PhD, get a job teaching at a college. You'll have a career, respect, a saucy
co-ed now and again to play with, and you can even have your beloved
magic as a hobby when you retire. That's the safe way. Believe me, kid, it
will hurt a whole lot less if you do that.”
If I could travel back in time, in a miraculous machine or even in
spirit, would I whisper all this to that child, that young boy sitting in rapt
attention, eyes aglow as he dreams of following in the footsteps of the Great
Mystery Entertainers?
Would I?
Psychic Pselections
Millennial Prediction
Psychic Pselections
The person stands up and the performer says, “I would like you to take
a deep breath and listen to me very carefully … ‘Mary had a little lamb …
its fleece was white as snow … and ever where that Mary went … the lamb
was SCARED to go. NOW! Give me a number between, oh, 120 and 200.
You can take your time; let the number float up into your mind. What’s the
first digit .. the second … the third … Write those down, my friend. Now,
point to another person.”
The second person stands up. “Listen to me carefully. ‘Rock a bye
baby, near the shore’s edge, when the tide comes, the baby will cringe.’
Now, give me any three-digit number greater than 200, since that was his
range. Take a deep breath; relax your mind, what’s the first digit … the
second … the third … thank you! Write those down!”
The nursery rhymes and bromides are little mind games I play, sort of
in a Hannibal Lechter manner, and is a bit creepy. The idea is that I’m
somehow causing an altered state of mind.
The performer holds the board perfectly still while the audience
participant records single digit numbers that the audience calls out. This is
continued until a six-digit number is constructed along the top edge of the
board, in red marker, entirely of single-digit numbers supplied by the
Once again, the performer calls attention to the clip. “Now we have to
see if this makes any sense.” He removes the folded card and hands it to the
helper, who opens it up.
“What’s on it?” the performer asks.
“A whole bunch of numbers,” the helper responds.
“Are they the same numbers we have up here?”
“Uh, no …”
“Let me see …”
The performer looks at the card and smiles. A light goes on in his
mind! “Ah, this is a math problem! This is a column of four, five-digit
numbers. I was trying to solve this last night and couldn’t figure it out. Let’s
see if we can make sense of this.” The card is clipped back to the board in
an open position, so that the helper can see the column of numbers.
Psychic Pselections
The performer hands the helper a black pen. “Please write these out
so that everyone can see them.”
The chap complies while the performer helpfully holds the board, and
the audience sees that there are indeed four five-digit numbers in a column.
“Now, let’s add them up,” says the performer, “And all of you out
there help me and make sure I don’t make any mistakes. Eight and five are
thirteen, and eight makes twenty-one, um, hmm … and two is twenty-three.
Write down the ‘3’ and carry the ‘2…’” About right now the audience
realizes that this matches the last digit in the predicted number (which,
you’ll recall, is written in red at the top of the board).
As each column is added and each number matches the red target
number, the performer becomes more and more excited. Audience reaction
builds. When it’s seen that all six digits match, it’s a beautiful moment!
In my opinion, this is the strongest version yet of this effect. All other
versions suffered — in my opinion – from one flaw or other. For example,
many versions required that you miscall the column of numbers, or that you
load the double-written paper into a wallet or envelope, or there lacked a
clear, definitive “I didn’t have anything to do with it” presentational motif.
Not to mention that tallying up numbers can be slow. But if you build
up the revelation of each digit as a separate dramatic entity, the energy
builds until you circle the last digit triumphantly and the audience can’t help
but be caught up in the excitement.
Notice that in this presentation, the performer can’t be doing anything:
his hands are in plain view holding the board. He can’t be up to anything
sneaky…can he?
There are four separate pieces of deception at work here:
• The mathematical principle that makes the trick work
• The Ostin Bulldog Clip
• Swami Writing
Psychic Pselections
• A secret pocket on
the back of the posterboard,
cleverly disguised as price
52, 135
These three numbers add up to 111,111. This is the secret that makes
the trick work. When the audience calls out numbers later, you will
mentally subtract ‘1’ from each digit and record them in order on the folded
card with your Swami writer. This will construct the necessary fourth five-
digit number. More on this fascinating principle later.
Fold the card so that the numbers are on the outside. I know that this
will drive you crazy, but neither the audience – nor the helper – will give a
hoot. When you insert the card into the pocket, the blank field will be
outermost, so you can Swami write on it.
(2) As you should know, the Ostin clip is a metal bulldog clip fitted
with a rubber band that slips around a piece of folded index card. When the
card is pulled out and the clip closed, it holds the card in place. When the
clip is opened, the card is pulled back into the clip. This setup is clipped to
the top of the board near the left (audience’s left) top edge. As an added
convincer, write one of your numbers on the fake card in your Ostin clip.
(3) You have to be proficient at Swami writing (often called Nail
writing or Thumbwriting) to perform this routine. Neophyte mentalists are
forever asking “What is the easiest nailwriter to use?” and “What is the
quickest way to learn nailwriting?” The answers are: “Find ONE Swami
writer and practice, practice, practice for about a year, and (2) “There is no
easy way, find one Swami writer and practice, practice, practice for about a
year.” It surprises me that fledgling mentalists think that such a
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
Figure 2:
Showing how you Swami write the numbers
onto the folded card in the Secret Pocket!
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52, 135
Psychic Pselections
And if you add these up, you will arrive at the audience’s number:
135, 468!
Now all that remains is to dump the Swami and switch out the dummy
card for the one with our sweet, sweet numbers … this turns out to be a
piece of cake every bit as sweet as the payoff.
Loosen the card from the pocket as much as you can without risking
the danger of it dropping out. Reach into your pocket with your right hand,
drop the Swami and remove the black pen. Pass it to the left hand and regrip
the board with your right hand. Work the folded card loose with your right
thumb and draw it toward a right fingerpalm position. With your left hand,
take the red pen from your helper and pass it to your right hand, which helps
hide the fingerpalmed card. Quickly drop the pen in your pocket, making it
obvious without saying so that you can’t be taking anything from the pocket.
Ask the participant to hold the board for a second as you open the clip
with your left hand. Your right hand comes up to meet the opening clip and
apparently removes the folded card. Actually, the Ostin clip sucks the fake
card into its jaws and the palmed card – with your numbers on it – comes
into view. Otherwise, your hands are fair and empty, and you should make
the most of this fact. Open the card, and reclip it on the board so that the
column of numbers is visible to your helper.
Now you, the ever-helpful Human Easel, regrip the board so that your
scribe can write the four five-digit numbers in a column for easy addition.
When the audience sees each row of figures add up to match the
number they created, it’s a beautiful and powerful moment!
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
The Hour of My
Grandfather’s Death
Psychic Pselections
stopping.” I approach an audience member near the center aisle and hand
him the watch. “Sir, tell everyone. What time did the watch stop?”
He says, “Three fifteen.”
At this point, there’s usually a very strong reaction. I go on to say,
“However, I don’t expect you to take my word for it.” I reach into my pocket
and remove a faded piece of paper. “I have my grandfather’s death
certificate. Sir, please read aloud the day and time of my grandfather’s
He reads aloud today’s date (twelve years ago, of course), and the
predicted time. Man is it strong!
This breaks down into two effects. The time prediction effect is just a
framing for the Watch and Wear, Time Machine, or Perfect Time
watches. You’ll note I’ve incorporated a verbal subtlety in the hour
selection. I say that my grandfather died in the “wee hours of the morning.”
This almost always prompts a time between 4 – 6 AM.
If you begin with the hour hand in the 12 o’clock position, you have
plenty of time to let it spin to the called-for hour time while you’re asking
for the minute selection. Then you talk about the old party’s heart tapping
out while the minute hand is stepping into position.
By the way, until you develop skill with those watches, it’s easy to
overshoot the minute hand by a few tics. If you feel less than confident in
your ability to hit the mark every time, Hedge your bet by saying that you’ll
consider it remarkable if the audience participant can guess the time within
five minutes. This, of course, gives you an eleven-minute leeway.
The second effect involves the death certificate, a copy of which is
included for your use. Make as many copies as you like and age them by
soaking them in hot tea and laying them on towels in the sun to dry. Or use
light brown Kiwi shoe polish, or any other antiquing method favored by
Fill out the death certificate with your favorite family decedent (my
fictional grandpappy is Alphonse Saint-Germain). Use pencil or whatever
Psychic Pselections
medium matches your SWAMI GIMMICK. Fill out all the information,
including the date of the performance, but leave the hour and minute blank.
Fold the death certificate so that the blank hour and minute area will
be easily accessible to your nimble thumb when you remove it from your
pocket later. Fill in the hour and minute with your Swami Gimmick and
you’re all set for a bone-chilling climax.
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
word or thought to use as a target. There are far too many books and videos
on various presentational approaches to determine exactly WHAT you want
the participant to write for me to describe them. No doubt you have your
own favorite.
After the word is written, have the participant fold the paper into
fourths. Actually, it doesn’t matter how many times the paper is folded, as
you have lots of opportunity to get it into the “Pre-tear” condition when you
need it.
Retrieve the paper and from this point on, DO NOT LOOK AT IT.
Perform the following gambit: “I’d like you to visualize your thought
in big, bright letters, like neon chalk on a chalkboard . . . just like when you
were in school, standing before the classroom trying to solve a difficult
problem, or spelling a complicated word . . . I think I’m getting something …
is the second letter round?”
Actually, you have no idea about the word at this point, you’re just
creating the impression that you’re already connecting with their thoughts.
This also sets you up for the OOPS Maneuver.
If they agree that the second letter is round, try to guess the first letter.
I usually say, “And the second letter is ‘S?’”
All this time you fondle and crumple the billet. You don’t want it to
be pristine and special. It’s just a wad of paper. Don’t wad it too tightly;
just rumple it a little. This will help you later.
I keep guessing letters until I get a “No.” This sometimes happens on
the first letter, but you’d be surprised how many letters you can guess
sometimes, especially if the hidden info is a person’s name.
Anyway, as soon as you get a “No,” you look surprised and
embarrassed. Grin a little bit. Don’t overdo this. I use what actors call a
“silent script.” A silent script is what you think in your head in reaction to
what’s going on around you.
A silent script provides realistic reactions. In this case, my
silent script is, “OOPS. I screwed up!” I don’t say this out loud; I just think
Again, without looking at the paper, tear it up and hold the pieces in
Psychic Pselections
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Psychic Pselections
“Is the word you’re thinking of ‘tangerine?’” (Assuming that’s the word
they wrote down, of course). Close the book, along with the torn center, and
you’re clean.
In A Glass Obliquely
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
I like for the onstage participant to almost faint with astonishment, and
for this amazement to telegraph to the audience. I think that something like
the above would do it.
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
The Method:
There are a couple of points that make this a perfect crime. When the
participants open the envelope (or business card case) the drawing is still
buried in the middle, so it seems impossible that you peeked it. Yet, you and
I know that you had to.
But how?
First of all, inside the envelope you already have five or six cards that
your audience doesn't know about. If you’re using coin envelopes, you can
tuck in the flap and place the other cards that you will add to the stack
behind the flap. These cards will be added back to the stack later, when you
put the stack in the envelope. Don’t worry — nobody will notice the extra
To peek the drawing, you must control it second from the bottom of
the stack of cards. This is so much easier with a stack of business cards than
with a deck of cards that it’s child’s play. You can even do a classic pass and
nobody will see it, but I use the Hofzinser Pass. I’ll explain it for the
The drawing is placed in the stack, which is slightly spread. The
fingers of the right hand pull it under the stack a bit, then let it ride under the
stack as you close it. The drawing continues to ride beneath the stack and
ends up between the bottom card and the rest of the deck. Why beneath the
bottom card? I’ll tell you:
As soon as the stack is squared, you say, “ ...You can’t see through
these, can you? No, me neither, I don’t have X-Ray vision like Superman…”
and turn the stack over so they can see the bottom. This conveys a sense of
fairness and security; the drawing is really buried in the middle of the stack.
The line about the lead plates is funny too.
Now to get the peek, you remove the bottom card and look at the
drawing! Toss the bottom card blank-side-up on the table and all eyes will
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follow it anyway. Get the envelope and put the cards in it, making sure that
the cards you place in the envelop coalesce correctly with the cards already
in there. Now, the drawing is buried again, and everything is clean.
Additional Comments
As I said earlier, you can do this with a symbol deck, but I like the
near-impromptu nature of a handful of cards. I’ve done it now and again in
my pocket and gotten away with it, though I wouldn’t want to make a
regular thing of it.
I promised you a no-sleight way to do this. It involves using the
principle of a long card. Basically, you have two sets of cards, one set
longer than the other. You add one of the long cards to the short stack every
time you want to do this routine, and this is the one upon which you have the
drawing made.. When it’s returned, you can place the stack aside for a
minute, pick it up later, and casually cut the drawing plus one other card to
the bottom. Finish as described before.
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
could use another balloon to fit in with the theme. I used to try it with the
same balloon, but the clip rattling around inside would sometimes (not
always) cause it to pop. Toss the balloon out and have the person who
catches it to stand.
Ask him or her, “What is your name please?” Write this down. “And
where would you like to go on your dream date?” Pretend to write this next
to their name, but actually write it in the blank data field of your prediction.
Have the balloon tossed to the second person, and ask them to stand.
“And what is your name?” Write this down, “And at what restaurant will
you be dining?” Once again, write this in your blank data field.
Have the balloon tossed to the third and final person. Ask for his or
her name, write it down then, “And with whom — and I mean with anyone in
the world — would you like to have this dream dinner?” Fill in your last
field, and fingerpalm the prediction. Hurry over to the participant who has
been clinging to the Amniotic Prediction this entire time, remove a pin, and
hand it to him.
“It’s time for the Blessed Event, the time for our Unborn Thought to
become born. Do the honors, Pop. I mean pop it!”
Now, get ready. Because check this out: when he pops the balloon, he
will wince away. He can’t help it. And as soon as he does, you reach in and
remove the folded paper from the clip.
At least, this is what you appear to do.
Actually, you pinch the clip open, the rubber band sucks the fake billet
into the clip, and you allow the fingerpalmed prediction to spring into view.
This happens, by the way, about the time the proud parent opens his eyes
All that remains to do is read aloud the names of the people who
volunteered the information and confirm the information they volunteered.
Have your participant read aloud the newly-birthed prediction, and voila —
you have created yet another miracle!
Oh, by the way, if I hear rumors of anyone passing a needle through
the balloon without pooping it before revealing the prediction, I swear said
miscreant will feel the wrath of my lash across his back …
Psychic Pselections
Pocket Q and A
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
When you write down your word at the beginning of the presentation,
you fold the business card and put the pen back in your pocket, taking the
folded card with it. You do this as you say, “Don’t peek!” The important
thing is not to make a move of it. Just fold the card, pretend to put it in the
left hand, retain it in the right hand, and put the pen away with the secretly
retained card. The left hand curls into a loose fist as though retaining the
As soon as the pen is replaced, your right hand goes into your right
trousers pocket, jauntily, prepared to Pocket Write. Of course, to do this
you have to have the proper set-up and skills, so I assume that you do so. If
not, buy my book PW: The Mentalist’s Secret Weapon and my DVD/book
lecture set Psecret Writing. (For those not familiar with marketing, the latter
plug is called an upsale).
Now, several things happen very quickly. As soon as the person calls
out the word they picture from the imaginary book, you pocket-write it,
remove the card and fold it into fourths. Next, you turn to your friend with a
grin of triumph and say, “YOU owe me lunch.” Remove your hand from
your pocket with the folded card fingerpalmed, and PRETEND to remove it
from your left hand, open it and show it to your friend. “What does it say?”
He nods, disgusted.
Then you show it to the elevator people. “What does it say?” They
should be amazed too. Leave them with your card and something to talk
If you’re working a booth at a trade show, by the way, don’t forget to
toss over your shoulder as you leave the elevator, “Oh yeah — come see us
at booth two at General Mindscrewery Techtonics!”
If you don’t want to do this with a friend or as a walk-on challenge,
you don’t have to. The handling works well just as a plain ol’ ordinary
Also, you could use a billet switch, like Sanky’s Paperclipped, etc.
But isn’t it more fun the way I just described, and cleaner too? There’s
nothing to dispose of at the end.
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
This routine has lots of room for comedy if played correctly. For
example, if performed for the RIGHT crowed, you could ask “And who
would you like to sleep WITH?” How you do it is simple. This uses a
checklist and a Swami Writer. This is part of my Multipad Routine that I
may release at a future date (and then again, maybe I wont,
bwhahahahahaha!), that I like to do early on in the show to establish rapport
with the audience and allow me to move around a bit.
The checklist has a blank spot for writing in the person’s name, and
then it says
“likes to sleep on ___
When you get the person’s name, you write it down and pretend to
check off the appropriate box. I’ve reproduced my checklist on the next
page for you. It is in handwriting, so that it matches the information I write
down later.
Since only the person for whom you are doing the reading sees that it’s
a checkbox, most of the audience thinks you’re writing a detailed message.
The words in the illustration below that are not handwritten show the ones
you write in yourself. Or, you could write the whole sentence in but this
takes more time and gets boring after a while.
When they answer how they like to sleep, you check the appropriate
box and let them read it out loud.
The last couple of pages have an additional line that ask about
sleeping clothed or nude. The reason I don’t have this on the earlier pages is
Psychic Pselections
because I learned early on if I put these lines on the paper, the earlier
participants saw it and thought it was so funny they yelled it out loud and
laughed, spoiling the comedic punch at the end.
I hope you try this out if it fits your style. I’ve had fun with it in the
appropriate venue. I cannot stress that last sentence too hard, by the way.
Don’t do it for the Daughters of the American Confederacy Cotillion.
Psychic Pselections
The one at home? If one of the other two gets lost, I can call my wife
to overnight it to me. Worst case scenario, and I have NOTHING, I can find
a local Office Depot and get enough together for an hour of performance. I
keep a list of things I can knock together from scratch:
• Index cards
• Pencils (steal them from the hotel!)
• Envelopes (see above)
Exacto Knife
• Duct tape
• couple of books
• Sketch pad
• Glue stick
• Rubber bands
• Table napkins from the hotel
• Business card wallet to slit
• Paper bags
• A couple decks of cards (I know ... but we're talking
Psychic Pselections
ray Deck, from the Fred Kolb book Exciting Experiments in ESP. I could
also could mark the cards for a "Doodleology" presentation. A good fifteen
minutes or so right there.
Slit the business card wallet and use it for a design dupe. Books for,
well, a book test. Index cards, pencils, duct tape and table napkins for Q and
A. I've seen folders in hotels that would work well to perform Psi-Grafico!
A pocket writer constructed from cardboard, rubber bands and the glue
stick... also a stub of pencil. A few Statistical Forces for filler. Paper bag
and balls of colored paper for Kiritsuke, because my beautiful Charles
Gauchi Body Language setup is in limbo somewhere...
But wait -- I still have the Body Language gaffus, because I wear it all
the time! So I can add a small magnet to my list and load it in the colored
paper ball. Or maybe use borrowed dollar bills; four ones and a fifty.
Hell, now I have TOO MUCH material -- all I need is an hour's worth!
“Well, if you want to get paid you'd better take the stage after the
If necessity is the mother of invention, sheer panic and a car payment
is the mother-in-law. Richard Webster described a similar situation, and he
went into a Psychometry routine. Gordon Hoenir had an insert in Magic that
addressed the issue of what you do when your act disappears on you. I
decided to see what I could come up with, and cobbled together an act and it
played very well. It isn’t really all that hard to do.
So, perhaps here is a fruitful line of discussion ... many years have
passed since Bascom Jones asked the question: "What do YOU do when the
Psychic Pselections
Immaculate Impressions
Psychic Pselections
(II) Preshow
Approach a person with a clipboard with a piece of paper on it. “I
wonder if you could help me? I’m your entertainer tonight, and I’m trying
to get a feel for the audience before starting in.”
“Um, sure, I guess … what do I do.”
“Oh, no big deal. Later on, I’m going to have people think of things
and I’m going to TRY to tell them what they’re thinking. The operative word
here is try. Sometimes I get it, sometimes not. One of the things I try for is a
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word, and this is one of the more difficult ones, so I like to walk around a
little before the show and warm up a bit, like an athlete stretching. You
understand, don’t you?”
“Sure. What do I do?”
“Well, we’ll start with something easy.” Hand him or her the board
and a pen, and turn your back. “Please write down something I couldn’t
know, something personal, like your Astrological sign. Okay? Now,
imagine a little red ball coming out and bouncing among the letters at
random, mixing them up in your mind, um humm, I see an “R” is there an
“R” there?”
Basically, you go into Ray Grismer’s What’s My Sign to determine the
person’s Astrological Sign. This is an idea of Dr. Charles (Cicardi) Scott’s
that convinces them that you can perform mental feats and softens up any
suspicions they may have about the clipboard — not that they’ll have any if
you use one of mine, of course!
Once you’ve determined their Astrological sign, you say, “That was
excellent, I think we can move on to something much more difficult. Why
don’t you either draw a simple picture or write down a word. It can be
anything you like. I’ll give you absolutely no restrictions. But make it clear
and legible, so everyone can see it. That way you won’t have to leave your
seat and come to the stage.” This plays on the psychological reluctance of
most people to leave the herd and be singled out with you on the platform.
Of course, you now have all the time in the world to collect the written
data and use it as you see fit during your show.
(III) Preshow
Screw a cuphook in the wall and hang a clipboard with a
housekeeping list on it. The list has a bunch of tasks listed, such as: collect
tablecloths, place dishes, order placemats, set up wet bar, vacuum hallway
Handle the setup as in the first example. When someone asks you to
read their mind, have him or her remove the clipboard, turn the
housekeeping list over, and write or draw something. Either take the
clipboard back (We’d better replace that before they think we’re stealing
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it!”) or have them do it. Either way, open it and read it, and leave it on the
wall for the rest of the evening. Or not, it’s up to you. This works
beautifully with instant-access boards like my Brown Hornet.
Psychic Pselections
Performance (I):
Your setup is simple: a Brown Hornet or similar device with a single
piece of paper clipped to it, and three envelopes. You also need a case to
work from or some other screen, such as a pile of books on a table, to place
the clipboard behind to get your peek later.
Draw an “x” near the bottom inch or so of the paper and hand the
clipboard, three envelopes, and a pen to an audience member (henceforth
called the Judge) and ask her to hand the clipboard and pen to anyone in the
audience. “Sir would you please think of something that I couldn’t possibly
know, something I couldn’t possibly find out through internet research or by
asking anyone in this room — for example, is there any way I could possibly
know the name of your best friend in the first grade?”
He will agree there would not.
“Excellent, then please write that down, near the ‘x,’ and tear the strip
off. Fold it up — don’t let anyone especially me, see it, and place it into the
envelope the Judge will hand you. Please seal it carefully, and hold it to the
light to make sure it is completely opaque.”
He complies, and you continue.
“Now, write the number ‘1’ on it and hand it to the Judge please.
Thank you; everyone give him a big hand!”
Instruct the Judge to hand the clipboard and pen to a second audience
“Ma’am, please imagine a large dictionary, maroon cover,
unabridged. Millions of words, and it is flipping pages past your eyes, faster
and faster! Suddenly it stops, and then your eyes scan the page, and you
focus on a single word. Please write that word near the bottom of the paper,
tear the strip off and seal it in the envelope the Judge will give you. DO
not — repeat, DO NOT — let anyone see it, especially me. Hold it to the
light, make sure you cannot see through it. Thank you, now write the
number ‘2’ on it and hand it to the Judge. Everyone give her a big hand!”
Instruct the Judge to do the following:
“My dear, you’ve done an excellent job. Now, please do this: on the
remaining piece of paper, make a simple drawing; it can be anything you
Psychic Pselections
like. When you’re finished, fold it up, put it in the last envelope, seal it,
write the number ‘3’ on it. And come up here please. Everyone give her a
big hand.”
Now, when she comes on stage she’ll try to hand you the clipboard,
DO NOT take it. Wave her toward the case or table as you talk to the
audience. You want to establish a complete disconnection between you and
the clipboard in the audience’s minds as much as possible. Ideally, she’ll
place it in the case for you. Worse case scenario, she’ll place it on the table
near the case. No big deal.
Turn and face the audience. “What I am about to do is extremely
difficult. I’m going to try to establish a telepathic connection with three
people, one at a time. This is the human equivalent of receiving three
television stations at once and attempting to make sense of it. I cannot
promise that I’ll get all three.” Smile. “That’s why I use three — so that I’ll
get at least ONE.”
Point to the two participants still in the audience. “Would you two
please stand?”
Now, go over to your case and get your sketchpad. If your clipboard
is in your case, open it up and read all three pieces of information. The first
piece is at the bottom, second in the middle, and the drawing , well, you can
figure it out.
If the clipboard is on the table, pick it up and put it away in your case,
opening it and reading it.
Pardon me a minute; Bwhahahahahahahahaha! I just had to do that….
Okay, back to the show. You now know all three pieces of info, and
there’s your Judge standing thee with all three pieces of info sealed away in
impervious envelopes! Ask her to hand you Envelope Number One. Fondle
it, cares it, gaze in a psychic manner at Audience Participant Number One,
sigh, act troubled, then write the name of the childhood friend on the pad
and hold it against your chest.
Hand the envelope back to the Judge and have her open it, remove the
slip, but not to read it aloud yet. Ask Audience Participant Number One,
“Please now, for the first time, tell everyone the name of your childhood
Psychic Pselections
“You want me to tell you?
“Yes, or send it to us via e-mail.”
You slowly turn your pad around, and there is the name NORBERT.
You repeat this procedure for the second Audience Participant,
extracting the random word from the recesses of their gray matter. If your
afraid you’ll get a brain cramp and forget the second word, use a dry erase
board and go back to your case and get an eraser for your board to get a
second look.
So now it’s down to you and the Judge, whom, you remember, drew a
picture. Have her tuck her envelope away somewhere and hand her a
sketchpad or dry erase board (and a marker, if you want to add a visual
element to the final revelation). This also gives you a third chance to peek,
if you have a really short attention span. Stand back-to-back with her and
draw simultaneously, both revealing that you drew the same image! Ta-
Now, please take a look at what the audience has left to reconstruct.
Sure, you handled the envelopes — you want to do so, by the way; if you
don’t, the audience won’t have anything to focus their suspicions upon, and
you want them to suspect the poor, innocent envelopes that have absolutely
no secrets to reveal, heh heh. But the envelopes are completely opaque, and
the last one wasn’t even opened. So how did you get that information?
You couldn’t have used the One-ahead. And believe me, friends,
people know all about that trick. It’s been exposed a lot, by Militant
Magicians protecting the world against Those Like Us who used deception
to convince the unwary that we have supernatural powers.
Don’t even worry about the clipboard being suspected. You never
even touched it.
What does that leave?
Mind reading.
Psychic Pselections
Performance (II)
This uses either the Skeeter, Baby Hornet or any smaller impression
device. The small Post-it note board Bob Cassidy sells could be used as
Stick a Post-it Note on the board and hand it to a person with the
request that they write or draw something. Say, “Now, remove the thought,
fold it up really small, and take it out of the room. Hide it somewhere on
your person where I couldn’t possibly find it.”
Of course, this gives you all the time in the world to peek the info.
Performance (III)
The following idea came out of an idea session with Ford Kross. Do
the same as above, but have the person hide the folded drawing anywhere in
the room while you’re not looking. While they hide the note, you have all
the time you need to peek the impression.
Now, when the person is finished hiding the note, you have them grip
your wrist and you use Contact Mind Reading (CMR) to first find the hidden
scrap of paper, then you can reveal the secret thought!
There you have it. These are my pet routines with the “Bugboards.” I
hope you like them.
Psychic Pselections
Psychic Pselections
the capacity of an entertainer, and what they want is beyond the scope of
why you are there. If you’re qualified to do so, and if it’s part of your
practice, hand them your card and encourage them to make an appointment
with you.
Remember, you are not hired to be a counselor, you’re hired to
entertain. If you keep people waiting while you counsel someone, you’re
stepping outside of the role for which you’ve been hired to perform. Be
tactful but firm.
Now, here’s the funny thing: although I do get a lot of referrals from
parties and public events, ninety percent of the time, those people who are so
anxious to talk to me with these urgent issues will never call me! They’re
just after a free reading.
The above scenario doesn’t apply, of course, if you’re hired as a
personal advisor at a psychic party. In a typical entertainment scenario,
however, I’m hired for a three-to-four hour stint and I keep the readings to
seven minute intervals. If you’re doing fifteen to thirty minute readings, you
can go into personal issues all you want.
What about those stubborn sitters, the ones who keep asking questions
and refuse to budge when their time is up? The singlemost effective trick I
came up with to pressure them to move on is to reverse our seating. In
other words, I sit with my back to the line, so that the sitter gets to look at
the line of impatient people waiting for their turn!
This takes all the pressure off of me and places it on them. Ha ha ha!
Between this, the angry beeping of the timer, and me standing and saying
“Thank you, our time is up,” they get the hint.
Many times your shift is almost over and you still have a lot of people
to read. I bring out a stack of numbered cards and pass them out. Usually,
I’ll do this at the last hour of my shift, and ask the people to explain to
anyone walking over than the numbers mean that these are the last people
for whom I’ll do readings.
It doesn’t stop hopeful people from waiting anyway, looking at me
with puppy-dog eyes while I pack up to leave, but it at least gives me an out
if I don’t feel like doing a few extra at the end of the night.
Another strategy I’ve been doing for a couple of years, when I get to
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the end of the shift is to do group readings. In other words, I’ll break the
line into groups of four, do a mini lecture on palm reading for each small
group, and let them read their own palm.
Any good book on palmistry can give you info on this, or I explain
how to do this in my book Psychic Soirees. Another approach, if you read
Tarot, is to have the four people draw cards and do a one card read for each
I also recommend Gypsies go Roving, a book by Sheila Lyons and
Mark Sherman, which is available from many dealers of mentalism supplies.
This book explains a system of walk-around group palmistry that works
quite well with the above approach.
Psychic Pselections
Pselected Psychometry
Over the years, I’ve done a lot of thinking and
performances of Annemann’s Pseudo Psychometry, and
I’ve come up with a lot of different ways to do it —
many of which I’ve detailed in the pages of my books.
I’ve also benefited from listening to the experiences of
other performers who have performed the effect for many
audiences under many different circumstances.
I’ve arrived at some conclusions over the years that many
mentalists may disagree with, but since this is my book, I’m including them
here anyway, along with a really powerful handling of the effect.
First of all, I think it’s a mistake to return the objects to the owners.
Yes, I know that this is the premise of the effect, but bear with me on this.
When you work for a modern corporate audience, comprised of members
who are, for the most part, totally unaware of New-Age theory, here is what
they see:
Sorry, but that’s the reality of life. If your experience is different, then
you’re performing for different audiences than I have (and many of my
professional colleagues, for that matter). However, the situation isn’t
hopeless. The problem lies in the relentless repetition of the effect.
Pseudo Psychometry, as it’s normally performed, doesn’t build. It
lacks dynamic growth. It’s up to us to give it a dramatic structure that (a)
hides the simple method and (b) creates an air of mystery.
And of course, I wouldn’t bring this up if I haven’t already solved
these problems!
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First, you’ll need containers for the objects that will allow you to tell
apart either by sight or touch. I won’t describe such containers, since there
are so many on the market and in the literature that to do so would be
redundant (and these books of mine aren’t meant to be primers).
So I’ll assume that you’re capable of assembling five suitable
drawstring bags, that you can tell apart either by visual inspection or sense
of touch, but to the audience seem absolutely identical in every way.
Now, select five audience members and ask them to place personal
objects in the bags, draw the strings and hand them to another audience
member who will mix them up and hand them to you.
The purpose of the bags, you explain to the rest of the audience, is to
prevent the personal energy of the objects from becoming commingled.
“Because what I’m going to do is touch each object and give each person a
detailed psychometric reading, based on the energy signature of that
particular person. If the object becomes contaminated with the energy of
another person, it will adversely affect the reading.”
Take the bags and look over your five audience members. For the
sake of this example, and to get my point across, we will select two people,
a slightly overweight woman with large, warm eyes and a tall, neatly-
dressed gentleman with a conservative haircut. As you feel the bags, locate
these two person’s bags and set them aside on your table. Basically, you
want to save them for the end.
Set aside two more bags, then open the remaining bag. Since you
know who the object belongs to, you can give a very accurate cold reading.
Depending on your reading skills (and if you perform this effect, you should
be as good as possible) you can describe the person’s traits to a “T.” What
you are going for is a personality portrait so accurate that audience members
will be able to identify the person.
Now, DO NOT RETURN THE ITEM. Ask, “Who does this belong
to?” The person raises their hand, and you give it back.. Ask them, “How
close was I?” and get them to respond. Restrain your ego. Don’t show off
at this point. You’re going to blow them away later, believe me.
Send the first person back to his or her seat accompanied by a round of
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Remove the second object, and warn the remaining subjects not to
show any sign or give you any clues. “Some people try to help me, but
please resist the urge.”
Repeat the exact procedure with the second person.
Now, on the third person we’re going to give the audience their first
“what-the-hell” experience. After you complete the reading, you turn
around walk down the line of people, stop directly in front of the person
whom the object belongs to, and say, “Something about this object just says
YOU. I KNOW this is yours, isn’t it?”
Think about this for a minute. You performed two very accurate
readings (hopefully) and the audience is used to that. They’ve assumed that
you’re going to do three more. Now, suddenly, you took it up a notch. You
did something, well — psychic.
Let’s do some more.
Remember, you cherry-picked the last two people. I used two extreme
examples for illustration purposes; as you gain experience you’ll find you
can work more subtly. However, this will serve to illustrate the principle.
Pick up the last two bags, but do not open them. Hold the woman’s
bag in your left hand (for example) and the man’s in your right. Say, “The
object on my left resonates to a person who is warm and caring,
compassionate, probably has a great tenderness for animals and children.
His or her empathy is strong; I can see this person listening to the problems
of anybody.
“The object in my right hand vibrates to someone who is logical and
very sensitive to detail, I would say a perfectionist. I see him or her working
off a list or an agenda a lot of the time. Very practical, thinks before acting,
probably doesn’t always believe in this kind of thing but perhaps can be
open to it if there is a logical explanation.”
Approach the two people. “Sir, which one of these do you FEEL is
yours? And you madam?”
Let them select. Have them open the bags and remove their own
objects! Which, if you performed the readings correctly, they will.
Psychic Pselections
John Riggs
April 15, 2004
Psychic Pselections
My Books
Heavy Mental deals with strong presentations of Psychic
and Psychic reading techniques.
Psychic Psingularities. More cool ideas than you can shake a stick at.
With additional idea by Jack Dean, C.L. Borde, and Sal Francino.
Psychic Pselections