Makalah Bahasa Inggris Anita
Makalah Bahasa Inggris Anita
Makalah Bahasa Inggris Anita
Why did I write a paper on the effect of applying FITONUTRION liquid organic
fertilizer on the growth and yield of cucumber (Cucumis sativus L.) plants?
My reason is because the advantages of liquid organic fertilizer are that the
nutrients contained in it are more easily absorbed by plants. Liquid organic fertilizer is a
solution resulting from the decomposition of organic materials derived from plant
residues, animal and human feces which contain more than one element of nutrients.
can significantly increase growth (number of branches), amount of production and
quality of fruit (grade/size of fruit). Applying liquid organic fertilizer can also increase
the nutrient content of soil and plants.
Cultivation of cucumbers ranks fourth after chilies, long beans and shallots. Of
the types of commercial vegetables produced in Indonesia, the demand for
cucumbers tends to continue to increase in line with population growth, increased
living standards, education levels, public awareness about the importance of
nutritional value, but especially cucumber production. Hybrid cucumbers in
Indonesia are currently still very low because hybrid cucumbers are only grown as a
side crop. Cucumber is a vegetable commodity whose adaptation is quite wide so
that it is widely cultivated by farmers in the lowlands to the highlands. Cucumbers
can be cultivated in paddy fields or dry land and in the lowlands, there are many
Nationally, the productivity of cucumber yields from 2016 to 2018 is still low,
namely between 30 and 45 tons per hectare, even though the potential for hybrid
cucumber production can reach 60 tons/ha. The low productivity of cucumber plants
in Indonesia can also be caused by several factors including climate factors, farming
techniques such as selecting varieties, tillage, fertilization, irrigation, and the
presence of pests and diseases (Wijaya, 2018).
Fertilizer is a material that is added to meet the needs of plants or to meet the
needs of nutrients needed by plants so they can produce well. Fertilizer material can
be organic or non-organic (mineral). Fertilizer is different from supplements.
Definition of Liquid Organic Fertilizer is organic fertilizer whose origin is from
plants which are then immersed for a certain period of time after being composted.
As for improving the chemical, physical and biological soil. Organic fertilizers are
broken down by organisms into humus. The function of humus is as a source of
energy and food for soil microorganisms in providing plant nutrients (Soil Research
Institute, 2005).
Kingdom : Plantac
Division: Spermatophyta
Class : Dicotyledonae
Order: Cucurbitales
Family: Cucurbitaceae
Genus: Cucumis
a. root
Cucumber has a taproot and root hairs, but the root penetration is relatively
shallow, that is, at a depth of about 30 cm to 60 cm, cucumber plants really need
enough water. Cucumber is an annual plant that is climbing by means of a wet
stem. The length or height of the plant can reach 50 cm to 250 cm and branches that
grow on the side of the petiole (Rukmana, 1994).
b. Leaf
Cucumber leaves are round with multiple sharp and serrated leaf tips, very fine
hairs, have pinnate and branched veins and the leaf position is upright. Cucumbers
are single leaf, the shape, size and depth of the leaf grooves vary. Cucumber
flowers are perfect flowers. They are trumpet-shaped and 2 to 3 cm long. They
consist of flower stalks and stamens. The flower petals are 5 pieces, green and
slender in shape located at the bottom of the base of the flower. The flower crown
consists of 5 to 6, the fruit is bright yellow and round in shape, and is a perfect
flower (Cahyono, 2003).
c. Fruit
Young cucumber fruit is green, dark green, light green and whitish green to
white, depending on the cultivar. While old cucumber fruit is brown, scaly dark
brown, and dark yellow. The diameter of the cucumber fruit is between 12 and 25
cm (Sumpena, 2001).
d. Seed
Cucumber seeds, white, cream, oval and flat. Cucumber seeds are covered with
mucus which sticks to each other in the spaces where the seeds are arranged and
there are very many of them. The seeds can be used for propagation or breeding
(Cahyono, 2003).
1. Soil
Cucumber Basically almost all types of soil used for agricultural land,
suitable for obtaining high production and good quality Cucumber plants require
fertile soil, loose, containing lots of humus, not stagnant and pH ranging from 6
to 7 However, cucumbers are still tolerant of pliable soil. up to 5.5 as the
minimum limit and 7.5 as the maximum limit. If the pll of soil is less than 5.5,
there will be disturbances in the absorption of nutrients by the roots so that plant
growth will be disrupted, whereas in soils that are too acidic, cucumber plants
will suffer from chlorosis. Soil that is rich in organic matter is very good for the
growth of cucumber plants, because soil that is rich in organic matter has a high
level of soil fertility (Rukmana, 1994).
Tillage by hoeing will affect the physical properties of the soil which
functions to improve the pore space formed between the soil particles. In
addition to a place for circulation, the pores of processed soil will facilitate the
movement of plant roots in absorbing nutrients more easily and allowing plants
to thrive (Hanafiah, 2004).
2. Climate
Liquid Organic Fertilizer can be made from several types of organic waste,
namely new vegetable waste, stale vegetable waste, rice waste, fish waste, chicken, egg
shells, fruit waste such as grapes, orange peels, apples and others. Wet organic matter
such as fruit and vegetable waste is an excellent raw material for Liquid Organic
Fertilizer because apart from being easy to decompose, this material is also rich in
nutrients needed by plants. The higher the cellulose content of organic matter.
The nutritional value of cucumber is quite good because this fruit vegetable is a source
of vitamins and minerals in nutritional content.
Due to climatic factors, farming techniques such as selecting varieties, bombarding the
soil, fertilizing, irrigation, as well as the presence of pests and diseases.
Humus functions as a source of energy and food for soil microorganisms in providing
plant nutrients.
Liquid organic fertilizer can be made from several types of organic waste, namely new
vegetable waste, stale vegetable waste, leftover rice, fish, chicken, egg shells, fruit
waste such as grapes, orange peels, apples, etc.
9. What is liquid organic fertilizer?
Because liquid organic fertilizers have binding ingredients, the fertilizer solution that is
applied to the surface of the soil can be directly used by plants.
3. Do the conditions for growing plants not affect the soil and
4. Are the cucumber seeds creamy, oval in shape and are the
cucumber seeds covered with mucus?
Sumpena, 2001. The nutritional value and content contained in cucumbers and
cucumbers represent the gourd family.