Effectof INMon FUEin Wheat Full Paper

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Effect of Integrated Nutrient Management on Fertilizer Use Efficiency in

Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under Irrigated Condition

Article · February 2020


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4 authors, including:

Tamim Fazily Anil Kumar Dhaka

Agriculture Faculty of Baghlan University CCS Haryana Agricultural University


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Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77

Effect of Integrated Nutrient

Management on Fertilizer Use Efficiency
in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under
Irrigated Condition
Tamim Fazily1; S.K. Thakral2; A.K. Dhaka3; M.K. Sharma4
Assistant Professor at Department of Agronomy, Agriculture Faculty of Baghlan University, Pulikumri-3601,
Baghlan, Afghanistan
E-mail: [email protected]
Chief Scientist, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana 125 004, India
Email: [email protected]
Assistant Professor, Department of Agronomy, Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana 125 004, India
Email: [email protected]
Professor and Head, Department of Soil Science, Agricultural University, Hisar, Haryana 125 004, India
Email: [email protected]

Abstract: A field experiment was conducted during 2017-18 and 2018-19 at Agronomy Research Farm, CCS
HAU Hisar to study the effect of integrated nutrient management on fertilizer use efficiency of wheat. The
experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications and ten treatments. During both
the years, the significantly highest agronomical nitrogen use efficiency, apparent recovery efficiency of
nitrogen, utilization efficiency of nitrogen, economic nutrient use efficiency and nutrient removal ratio of
wheat were recorded with application of 100% RDN. Application of 25% RDN + 75% N through FYM was
noted to have the significantly higher physiological nitrogen use efficiency and nutrient efficiency ratio,
being at par with application of 25% RDN + 75% N through vermicompost. The highest nutrient increment
efficiency of nitrogen and lowest agro-physiological nitrogen use efficiency was observed with application of
100% RDN + 25% N through vermicompost.
Keywords: Integrated nutrient management, nutrient use efficiency, wheat.

1. Introduction
Wheat is one of the most vital food grains in India, which is rich in vital ingredients such as proteins,
carbohydrates, and vitamins. It is the primary staple of millions of Indians across the country. Which stands in
second position next to rice, and contributes about 35% to the national food basket and accounts for 8.7% of
world’s wheat production and positioned just after Russia, USA, and China. India is the second largest
producer of wheat next to china, which produces about 99.7 million tons of wheat from an area of 29.6 million
hectare with an average productivity of 3371 kg ha -1 (Anonymous, 2018). Among plant nutrient nitrogen plays
a key role in growth, development and boosting productivity of wheat crop and leaves higher residue in soil
after harvest of the crop for soil fertility development. Wheat is generally grown under extensive cropping
system with higher use of inorganic especially nitrogenous fertilizers. Continuous use chemical fertilizer for
decades has increased the crops yield, but with passage of time the continuous use of large quantities of
chemical fertilizers has resulted loss of soil organic matter, deterioration of soil health, environmental pollution
and threatened the sustainable crop production. To ensure the sustainable wheat production with emphasis on
ecologically friendly inputs the integrated plant nutrient supply systems is one of the solutions. The basic
concept underlying the integrated plant nutrient supply system is the maintenance of soil fertility, sustaining
agricultural productivity and improving farmer’s profitability through judicious and efficient use of fertilizers,
organic manures and biofertilizers to the possible extent. Currently it is estimated that only 30-50% of applied

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Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77
nitrogen fertilizers and 45% of phosphorus fertilizers are used for crops (Ladha et al., 2005 and Ghosh et al.,
2015). However, the efficiency of nutrient use may be enhanced by the combined use of organic and inorganic
fertilizers (Kumar et al., 2014). The increase in cost of chemical fertilizer results that the resource poor farmers
cannot afford the high price of fertilizer, thus there is a need for complete or partial substitution of inorganic
fertilizers, by locally available organic sources for sustaining crop production (Acharya and Mandal, 2010;
Brahmachari et al., 2011and Yadav et al., 2013). Many long term experiments have been conducted in
different locations in India and revealed that application of all the needy nutrients through chemical fertilizers
have deleterious effect on soil health leading to unsustainable crop production (Jaga, 2013). Therefore, there is
a need to improve nutrient supply system in terms of integrated nutrient management involving the use of
chemical fertilizers in conjunction with organic manures. Considering the above facts, the two years
experiment (2017-18 and 2018-19) have been conducted to study the effect of integrated nutrient management
on fertilizer use efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under irrigated condition.

2. Material and Methods

The field experiment was conducted at Agronomy Research Farm of CCS Haryana Agricultural
University, Hisar during Rabi season of 2017-18 and 2018-19 to study effect of integrated nutrient
management on fertilizer use efficiency in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under irrigated condition. The
experiment was laid out in randomized block design with three replications consisting of ten treatments viz.
T1.Control, T2.100% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through
farmyard manure, T3.100% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through
vermicompost, T4.75% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through
farmyard manure, T5.75% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through
vermicompost, T6.50% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+50% nitrogen through
farmyard manure, T7. 50% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+50% nitrogen through
vermicompost, T8.25% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer +75% nitrogen through
farmyard manure T9. 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer through inorganic
fertilizer+75% nitrogen through vermicompost and T10. 100% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer. The initial status of soil fertility was 172:17:270 kg NPK ha -1 and 0.44 percent organic
carbon. The fertilizers were used as recommended package of practice in all treatments except control. The
nutrient efficiencies were work out by using the following formulas given by Sarma (2018).
Agronomical nitrogen use efficiency (ANUE) = GYn-GY0 / Na
GYn = Grain yield with nitrogen
GY0 = Grain yield without nitrogen
Na = Nitrogen applied
Physiological nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE) = BYn – BY0 / NUn – NU0
BYn = Biological yield with nitrogen
BY0 = Biological yield without nitrogen
NUn = Nitrogen uptake with nitrogen
NU0 = Nitrogen uptake without nitrogen
Agro-physiological nitrogen use efficiency (APNUE) = GYn-GY0 / NUn – NU0
Apparent recovery efficiency of nitrogen (AREN) = NUn – NU0 / Na * 100%
Utilization efficiency of nitrogen (UEN) = BYn – BY0 / Na or PNUE * AREN
Nutrient efficiency ratio (NER) = BY/ NU
Nutrient increment efficiency of nitrogen (NIEN) = Yn – Yn-1 / Yn-1
Yn = Biological yield with Nn amount of nitrogen
Yn-1 = Biological yield with Nn-1 amount of nitrogen
Economic nitrogen use efficiency (ENUE) = Economic yield / Amount invested on the nutrient
Nitrogen removal ratio (NRR) = Nitrogen uptake by grain / Total nitrogen applied

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Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77
3. Results and Discussion
Agronomical nitrogen use efficiency (ANUE)
Agronomical nitrogen use efficiency is the additional grain yield produced due to application of
nitrogen over unfertilized control per unit of nitrogen applied. During both the years, the significantly higher
agronomical nitrogen efficiency (22.34 and 22.70 kg/kg) of wheat was recorded with application of 100%
recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer (T 10) over rest of the other treatments (table 1). This
increase might be due to rapid release of nutrient particularly nitrogen through chemical fertilizer during all
active growth stages of the wheat crop. This result is close to finding of Kaur et al. (2016) in wheat crop.

Physiological nitrogen use efficiency (PNUE)

Physiological nitrogen use efficiency is the additional biological yield produced by application of
nitrogen over unfertilized control per unit of additional nitrogen uptake over unfertilized control. Application
of 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+75% nitrogen through farmyard manure
(T8) had the significantly higher physiological nitrogen use efficiency(100.58 and 94.64 kg/kg) being at par
with application of 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer through inorganic
fertilizer+75% nitrogen through vermicompost (T 9) during consecutive years of the experiment (table 1). The
higher PNUE with T8 and T9 might be due to supply of macro and micro nutrient through contribution of 75
percent of nitrogen either through vermicompost or FYM. These results are in conformity with those reported
by Ashutosh et al. (2013) and Patel et a.l, (2017).

Agro-physiological nitrogen use efficiency (APNUE)

The additional grain or economic yield produced due to application of nitrogen over unfertilized
control per unit of additional nutrient uptake over unfertilized control treatment is called APNUE. It was
noticed that during both the years the highest APNUE (54.90 and 54.17 kg/kg) was observed with T 8 whereas
the minimum APNUE (48.70 and 46.54 kg/kg) was noticed with application of 100% recommended dose of
nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through vermicompost (T 3).

Table 1: Agronomical nitrogen use efficiency, physiological nitrogen use efficiency and gro-
physiological nitrogen use efficiency as affected by integrated nutrient management

ANUE (kg/kg) PNUE (kg/kg) APNUE (kg/kg)

2017-18 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19
T2. 100% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer + 25% nitrogen through farmyard 18.20 18.63 84.90 79.71 49.35 47.54
T3.100 % recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer + 25% nitrogen through 18.77 19.28 83.53 77.56 48.70 46.54
T4. 75% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+ 25% nitrogen through farmyard 19.78 20.12 91.82 85.59 52.39 50.56
T5. 75% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+ 25% nitrogen through 20.65 21.08 90.23 84.28 51.84 50.15
T6. 50% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+ 50% nitrogen through farmyard 17.04 17.44 96.04 88.59 52.73 50.70
T7. 50% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+ 50% nitrogen through 18.10 18.57 94.85 87.20 52.52 50.64

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Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77
T8. 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic
14.27 14.59 100.58 94.64 54.90 54.17
fertilizer+75% nitrogen through farmyard manure
T9. 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+75% nitrogen through 15.23 15.57 99.15 92.50 54.57 53.01
T10.100% recommended dose of nitrogen through
22.34 22.70 87.06 81.71 50.19 48.50
inorganic fertilizer
C.D. 0.98 0.78 4.51 4.73 3.56 3.86
SE(m) 0.32 0.26 1.49 1.56 1.18 1.28

Apparent recovery efficiency of nitrogen (AREN)

The additional nitrogen uptake over unfertilized control per unit of nitrogen applied is called apparent
recovery efficiency of nitrogen (AREN). During both the years, the significantly higher apparent recovery
efficiency of nitrogen by wheat was recorded with T10 (table 2). This might be due to readily available form of
nitrogen supplied through chemical fertilizer to wheat crop. Yadav et al. (2018) stated that inorganic fertilizer
supply the nutrient directly and quickly for crop in available form, thereby increase AREN in wheat.

Utilization efficiency of nitrogen (UEN)

Utilization efficiency of nitrogen indicates the additional biological yield over unfertilized control per
unit of nitrogen applied. Among the treatments T10 had the significantly higher UEN (51.05 and 51.74 kg/kg)
during both the consecutive years, which might be due to sufficient availability of nitrogen through inorganic
fertilizer at all active growth and development stages of the wheat crop (Table 2). Hafiz et al. (2011) stated
recommended dose of NPK @ 150+115+60 kg ha-1 through inorganic fertilizer provides instant availability of
nutrients to wheat crop and results to better UEN.

Nutrient efficiency ratio (NER)

The total biomass produced per unit of nutrient uptake is called nutrient efficiency ratio (NER). T8
was noted to have the significantly higher nutrient efficiency ratio (106.19 and 103.70 kg/kg), being at par with
T9 during both the years (table 2). This might be due to bold role of organic manures, which supply the macro
and micro nutrient to crop for full exploration of its potential yield. Devi et al. (2013) stated that in wheat
production, micronutrients play a vital role for total biomass production. Micronutrients occupy a major
portion as they are essential for increasing the growth and yield attributes of plant and soil fertility. Thus,
judicious combinations of organics with chemical fertilizers besides improve the growth and yield of wheat, it
also helps to maintain soil productivity, increase the nutrient use efficiency.

Table 2: Apparent recovery efficiency of nitrogen, utilization efficiency of nitrogen and nutrient
efficiency ratio use efficiency as affected by integrated nutrient management
AREN (%) UEN (kg/kg) NER (kg/kg)
2017-18 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19
T1.Control 112.57 111.51
T2. 100% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+ 25% nitrogen through farmyard 37.41 39.64 41.83 42.54 93.90 90.49
T3.100 % recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer +25% nitrogen through 39.06 41.91 43.03 43.85 92.67 88.54
T4. 75% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through farmyard 38.38 40.22 45.86 46.18 99.54 95.92
T5. 75% recommended dose of nitrogen through
40.20 42.84 47.49 48.03 98.26 94.65
inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through vermicompost

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Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77

T6. 50% recommended dose of nitrogen through

inorganic fertilizer+50% nitrogen through farmyard 32.65 34.48 39.86 40.28 102.91 98.92
T7. 50% recommended dose of nitrogen through
34.97 36.94 42.19 42.59 101.90 97.63
inorganic fertilizer+50% nitrogen through vermicompost
T8. 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through
inorganic fertilizer+75% nitrogen through farmyard 26.27 27.08 33.65 33.91 106.19 103.70
T9. 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through
28.16 29.58 36.12 36.38 105.20 102.06
inorganic fertilizer+75% nitrogen through vermicompost
T10. 100% recommended dose of nitrogen through
45.23 47.22 51.05 51.74 95.61 92.25
inorganic fertilizer
C.D. 3.50 4.34 1.54 1.40 3.10 3.62
SE(m) 1.16 1.43 0.51 0.46 1.03 1.21

Nutrient increment efficiency of nitrogen (NIEN)

Nutrient increment efficiency is the additional grain or economic yield over the previous level of
nitrogen per unit of preceding level of grain. The highest nutrient increment efficiency of nitrogen (1.61 kg/kg
each during both years) was observed with T3 and the lowest (1.01 and 1.00 kg/kg) with T8 during both the
consecutive years. It was observed that additional 25% nitrogen through vermicompost with 100% chemical
fertilizer can improve the nutrient increment efficiency of nitrogen (table 3). Khan et al. (2006) studied the
effect of INM practices on yield and nitrogen nutrition of rice and observed that integrated use of urea with
organic sources has increased nutrient increment efficiency of nitrogen. Tabassum et al. (2010) reported that
repeated application of nitrogen fertilizer alone or with organic manures led to significant increase in total
nitrogen, hydrolysable nitrogen and non-hydrolysable nitrogen in both surface and subsurface soils as
compared to initial values.

Economic nitrogen use efficiency (ENUE)

The grain or economic yield produced per rupees of invested is called economic nitrogen use
efficiency (ENUE). During both the years, the significantly highest economic nitrogen use efficiency (7.23 and
7.34 kg/Rs.) was obtained with T10, whereas the lowest ENUE was achieved with treatment T9 (table 3).This
might be attributed to lower price of inorganic fertilizer and higher prices of organic manures especially
vermicompost along with their rapid and slow release and availability to wheat crop respectively. This finding
is in line with Verma et al. (2015).

Nitrogen removal ratio (NRR)

The ratio of nitrogen uptake by grain to nitrogen applied is called nitrogen removal ratio. Among the
treatments T10 had the significantly higher nitrogen removal ratio (0.69 and 0.72 kg/kg), whereas T 8 recorded
to have lowest NRR, during both the consecutive years (table 3). This might be due readily available form of
nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer which directly supplied the nitrogen in all active stages of the wheat crop
and increased the nitrogen removal ratio through increased nitrogen uptake by wheat. The lower NRR with T8
might be due to slower release of nitrogen through FYM. This finding is in accordance with Bhat (2013), who
reported that inorganic fertilizers supply nutrients to synchronize with the crop nutrient demand but organic
manures release the nutrient slowly and improve the soil properties at later stages. Similar results were
observed by Kumar et al (2008) and Sharma (2012).

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Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77

Table 3: Nutrient increment efficiency of nitrogen, economic nitrogen use efficiency and nitrogen
removal ratio as affected by integrated nutrient management
NIEN (kg/kg) ENUE (Rs/kg) NRR (kg/kg)
2017-18 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19 2017-18 2018-19


T2. 100% recommended dose of nitrogen

through inorganic fertilizer+ 25% 1.56 1.56 1.43 1.46 0.56 0.59
nitrogen through farmyard manure
T3.100 % recommended dose of nitrogen
through inorganic fertilizer +25% 1.61 1.61 0.67 0.68 0.58 0.61
nitrogen through vermicompost
T4. 75% recommended dose of nitrogen
through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen 1.37 1.36 1.65 1.66 0.62 0.65
through farmyard manure
T5. 75% recommended dose of nitrogen
1.42 1.41 0.68 0.69 0.64 0.67
through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen
through vermicompost
T6. 50% recommended dose of nitrogen
1.19 1.18 1.20 1.21 0.56 0.59
through inorganic fertilizer+50% nitrogen
through farmyard manure
T7. 50% recommended dose of nitrogen
1.26 1.25 0.40 0.40 0.59 0.61
through inorganic fertilizer+50% nitrogen
through vermicompost
T8. 25% recommended dose of nitrogen
1.01 1.00 1.07 1.08 0.50 0.51
through inorganic fertilizer+75% nitrogen
through farmyard manure
T9. 25% recommended dose of nitrogen
through inorganic fertilizer+75% nitrogen 1.08 1.07 0.27 0.27 0.52 0.54
through vermicompost
T10. 100% recommended dose of nitrogen 1.53 1.52 7.23 7.34 0.69 0.72
through inorganic fertilizer
C.D. 0.054 0.048 0.33 0.32 0.033 0.041

SE(m) 0.018 0.016 0.11 0.11 0.011 0.014

4. Conclusion
Application of 100% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer brought out the
significantly highest agronomical nitrogen use efficiency, apparent recovery efficiency of nitrogen, utilization
efficiency of nitrogen, economic nutrient use efficiency and nutrient removal ratio in wheat during both the
years of the study. The significantly highest physiological nitrogen use efficiency and nutrient efficiency ratio
were obtained by application of 25% recommended dose of nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+75% nitrogen
through farmyard manure vermicompost during both the years. Application of 100% recommended dose of
nitrogen through inorganic fertilizer+25% nitrogen through vermicompost had the highest nutrient increment
efficiency of nitrogen but the lowest agro-physiological nitrogen use efficiency during both the years of the

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Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77

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Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
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Brief bibliography of the author

Name Tamim Fazily

F/Name Fazul Ahmad
Date of Birth 02/11/1987
Place of Birth Baghlan, Afghanistan
Occupation Assistant professor at Department of
Agronomy, Agriculture Faculty of
Baghlan univesity
PhD Agronomy, CCSHU, Hisar, India Final year student
M.Sc Agronomy, UAS, Dharwad, India 27/07/218
B.Sc Plant science Agriculture Faculty of December 2006
Baghlan, University

Co-curricular activities : Attended 10 National and two International conference, seven training programmes
and two workshops abroad of my country.
List of Publications
 One abstract entitled ―Effects of integrated nutrient management on yield attributes and yield of wheat
(Triticum aestivum L.) under irrigated condition‖ published in Golden Jubilee International Conference.
Organized by Directorate of Research CCS Haryana Agricultural University on Nov-6-2019.
 One abstract entitled ―Response of late sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to organics‖ published in
International Symposium: A need for sustainable Agriculture. Organized by Directorate of Research CCS
Haryana Agricultural University on Feb-2-2019.
 Ainullah Habibi, Tamim Fazily and Abdul Hasib Halimi (2019). Varietal response of wheat to water stress
condition of Baghlan province, Afghanistan. SSRG International Journal of Agriculture and
Environmental Science. 6(3): 43-46.
 Ainullah Habibi and Tamim Fazily (2020). Effect of sowing dates on growth, yield attributes and yield of
four wheat varieties. International Journal of Research and Development. 5(1): 57-59.
 Mohammad Wasim1, V.S. Mor2, Vikram Singh3, Tamim Fazily and Hemender (2020). Morphological
Quantitative Characterization of Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) Genotypes under Normal and Late Sown
Conditions. International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology. 7 (1): 1-8.
 Osmani Mohammad Hakim and Tamim Fazily (2020). Comparison of adaptation assessment of four local
spring varieties in Kabul climatic condition. EPRA International Journal of Research and Development. 5

© 2020, IJAAST All Rights Reserved, www.ijaast.com 8

Fazily et al, International Journal of Advances in Agricultural Science and Technology,
Vol.7 Issue.2, February-2020, pg. 1-9 ISSN: 2348-1358
Impact Factor: 6.057
NAAS Rating: 3.77
 Tamim Fazily, S.K. Thakral, A.K. Dhaka and M.K. Sharma (2020). Evaluation of yield and economics of
wheat under integrated nutrient management. International Journal of Research and Development in
Technology. 13(1): 49-53.
 Tamim Fazily and CS Hunshal (2019). Response of late sown wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) to organics.
International Journal of Advanced Research and Development. 55-57.
 Tamim Fazily and Muhammad Alem Alemi (2019). Effect of different doses of nitrogen and phosphorus
on growth and yield potato (Solanum tuberosum L.). International Journal of Advance Research, Ideas
and Innovations in Technology. 5(1): 105-107.
 Tamim Fazily and C.S. Hunshal (2019). Effect of Organic Manures on Yield and Economics of Late Sown
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 Tamim Fazily and Ainullah Habibi (2019). Performance of wheat varieties under different dates of sowing
under irrigated condition of Baghlan province, Afghanistan. International Journal of Emerging
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